Poke for Lunch
#1 of Vore
Heyo! Uploading my first vore story to SF!
I was particularly hungry today - a crazy snow storm had hit last night and the road leading up to Mercator City had not been cleared, and all of my customers had cancelled their appointments today. I'd only had a cup of tea and a McMuffin on the way to work and I wish I'd taken up their two for one offer.
Pity, as the first client I would have had was a lucious Pine Marten that I'd savoured for over a dozen times now, and I wanted to be at my cleanest for them. Pity.
After idling around in my room for half a day, I was ravenous, and I'd almost started to drool every time I saw a shadow pass in front of the window.
Noon arrived and I draped my signature green scarf around my neck, then headed out to Poke's. Poke's has only been in town for just over two months, and served, like their name, Poke. I love fish, and the idea of a large variety of fish layered atop a bed of rice was heavenly.
Poke's was a short ten minute walk away, and with the heavy snow still falling, not many people were out. I only saw people with thick pelts like mine, and those who absolutely had to brave the weather, bundled under several layers of clothing.
Poke's was pretty empty when I arrived. Surprising, as I usually had to wait 15 minutes just for take-out. I'd never sat down here as it was always packed. No today though, and it would be nice to sit down for a proper meal instead of eating out of a paper tub.
I'd already known what I'd be ordering - their Max Combo Set, featuring tuna, salmon and octopus atop a bed of coconut rice, with a small portion of avocados and fresh seaweed. Dried seaweed flakes and roasted ginger slices are piled on top, and there would usually be some soy sauce for dipping, and even mayo if one so chooses.
My stomach growled really loudly just as I approached the counter. The boss of the place was a tall wolf with a paunch. Yellow eyes shone against his fur that must have been dipped in the varying shades of autumn. A bright yellow Poke branded bandanna was tied loosely around his neck. He grinned as I stepped up.
"The Max Combo set please," I said, and pulled out my torc from under my scarf to make payment.
The wolf raised an eyebrow as he recognized what it was - one of the safety devices worn by and issued to Preds. He leaned in and asked in a dusky voice, "Would you like to try our new menu? It's designed for... hungry preds."
I'd already envisioned myself slurping down a bunch of salmon and tuna, so I shook my head. "Maybe another time."
The wolf reached up to his bandana and lifted a side. A torc. So he was a registered pred as well. "We just got our new vore licences a few weeks ago and we're adjusting our new menu. I dare say it'd appeal to you more than our poke. What say you?"
Intrigued, I thought why not and said, "Ok, I'll give it a go."
The wolf gave me an appreciative nod and tapped a few buttons on their tablet. He then pulled out what looked like one of those rectangular buzzers that informed you when to pick up your food and replied, "First door to the right, upstairs. Tap this against the ordering tablet."
He handed me the device and pointed me towards the stairs leading up. "You'll be one of our first few taste testers and I think you'll like what we got on offer." he said, patting his ample belly. "The room is secure as well, so no one will walk in."
Intrigued, I took the device, gave him a nod and headed up the stairs.
I'd never visited the upper level of Poke - with the place usually busy I'd never had a chance to. The upper level had similar furniture as the ground floor, with rectangular tables setup for 2 or 4 seats. The lighting was slightly dimmer, with large windows up front providing a great view of the opposite street and mountains beyond. Large fake plants providing a false sense of privacy between the tables. Only a few guests were dotted around the place.
Five doors were at the back, marked "Private". I pulled on the first door and it opened easily. I entered what looked like a small private dining area for perhaps 4 guests. An empty wall stood across from the entrance, but the two side walls had several abstract pieces of art. A tablet stood smartly at attention on the table, its screen proudly displaying the shop's logo. Curious, I picked up the tablet, and inadvertently touched the "buzzer" against the tablet.
Two short beeps sounded from the tablet, and the screen flashed the following words: "Please present Predator ID". Smaller letters at the bottom continued: "Door will be automatically locked upon ID confirmation"
Curiouser and curiouser! I activated my torc and brought the tablet to it. Another beep sounded, and the lock of the door SNICKED shut. A round green button labelled "Door Open" lit up nearby.
Looking back at the tablet, it displayed only one option "Taster" with a price alongside it - a quarter of the price of the Max Combo. What exactly were they serving? Given it was just the price of a cup of coffee, I activated my torc's payment function, and tapped it on the screen.
The payment went through in moments, and the text "You will be served shortly!" briefly lit up the screen, before it once again displayed the Poke logo.
A buzz sounded from the wall at the back of the room, and a cunningly hidden panel slid open. Inside it sat a round metal tray with 3 metallic spheres atop several neatly folded hand towels. The spheres were one half a deep red, the other white with a touch of cream. A narrow black band separated the two halves, with a hinge on one side, and a white button on the opposite side.
"What are these?" I mused, taking the tray from the hidden cubby hole. Each ball had a sticker attached, indicating the "Date Caught" and "Size". All the balls had similar dates from yesterday, and all had "Small" indicated as their size. Circular stickers also covered each button, each with a yellow warning triangle, and text that read, "Push before swallowing. 20 second delay."
Several shiny square packets with Poke branding were neatly arranged behind the spheres, their circular rolled up contents distinctive through the packaging.
... What kind of lunch would require me to wrap my meat, so to say?
I placed the tray on the table. From what I gathered, I was meant to push the button before swallowing the balls. I'd eaten prey far larger than these balls but regurgitating smaller objects was a pain. But being the curious cat I was, I removed the stickers (I'll have you know I keep my stomach very clean!), pushed the buttons and swallowed all three balls in quick succession.
These spheres were small compared to my usual clientele, but the smooth cool textures were quite a different (dare I say enjoyable) experience. Each of them made a small bulge as they travelled down my throat, and I let gravity pull them into my depths.
I felt the first sphere enter my stomach, a distinctly hard object unlike my usual softer furred clients. Being pretty ravenous at the moment, I could feel my stomach clench and grind on the sphere as it made its way down to the acid at the bottom.
The two other spheres entered shortly after, and I could just hear their metallic shells clinking against each other when I heard a much louder click.
My stomach burst outwards without warning, and a heavy weight dragged my belly downwards. I put my paws around my belly to lift it up, and I could feel something very warm inside my tummy. It started moving, I could feel them pushing against my belly, grinding their paws deep into my innards.
Live prey?
What are these spheres?!
Two more clicks went off, and my belly bulged out further. I gasped. The additional weight was far too much for me to keep upright, so before I planted my face into the carpet, I twisted to the side as I fell, tipping the table.
I landed on my side on the carpet, and the prey in my stomach started to kick and struggle. Their motions inside me were pushing many of my buttons and my tip emerged from the warm embrace of my sheath. I reached one paw out to steady myself while I slapped my belly in an attempt to quell the party in my belly.
It only made the prey struggle even more.
Within seconds, I was fully erect, and my length was pressed deep against the soft underside of my belly. My paws roved over my belly as I panted, and I pushed both paws into the rambling mass. Whatever it was pushed back. The prey inside were trying their best to do _something_ in my belly to escape, but their motions were only pushing me more and more towards release. Already, I felt my balls start to churn and tighten up, and my shaft twitched as this new experience brought me to climax far earlier than usual.
Even so, one portion of my snep brain was shouting - "Don't mess up your fur!!!"
I gritted my teeth and fought through the haze of digestion. I reached out to one of the packets on the floor and tore off one edge with a claw. Somehow, I managed to slip the condom on while a rodeo went on in my stomach.
With the condom fitted, I set my carnal side free and pushed my rod deep into the underside of my belly while the struggles of the prey inside me only served to knead my meat. I reached one paw to grope my jewels while my other paw started to stroke my hardness against the moving underside of my belly. I could feel the multitude of barbs flatten against my hardness as I moved my paw up and down my length, each tiny barb releasing pure hits of dopamine, a welcome complement to the forceful struggles of the prey.
Mere moments later, I felt a muscle twinge deep between my orbs. It was time to make a choice.
With my brain addled, I continued to stroke my length, whilst my other paw caressed my throbbing balls. I burped, a sign that the prey were starting to melt down. The prey realised that they were almost done and attempted one final struggle to escape.
Their final spasms sent me over the edge.
I ground my teeth together in an attempt to stay silent as my rod jerked out thick ropes of cum. I felt my balls were being squeezed out from the inside as I continued to pump up the condom, far more than I usually do. So much so, I could feel the muscles responsible for ejaculation start to tingle and complain about how much they were being overused.
A short time later, the torrent let up and I started to recover from the carnal haze and I began to enjoy the afterglow. The motions of my belly were starting to slow as my stomach fluids did their magic. No longer was my belly distended by the prey trying to push at different areas, it now looked like I'd eaten a very large watermelon. Whole.
With my rod slowly softening and retracting, I reached down and pulled the condom off, and used a towel lying beside me to clean up. I opened my maw wide, and burped, letting out the bulk of the gases in my belly. Contented, I lapsed into a deep sleep.
A knock on the door roused me from my stupor. "Sir, are you awake?" came a voice. It was the owner. I shook my head and stood up, making sure I was properly sheathed as I waddled to the door. I have no idea how long I was asleep, but it wasn't too long as my belly had only gone down a bit. I hit the green button, and pushed my head tentatively through the unlocked door.
I noticed the lights were turned down, and a rope cordoned off the staircase. The boss wolf stood a courteous distance away, with no other customers in sight. He grinned as I made my way over. I think he had eaten one of those spheres as he sported a very rotund belly.
"Well what do you think of our latest menu? Filling?" he asked.
I patted my gut and inadvertently burped. "Very much so. What were those spheres? And what was it I ate?"
The wolf shook his head and said, "That's proprietary, unfortunately. But what you ate was from a region in the Koku Peninsula that is overpopulated by several species, and they are actually having a severe impact on several ecological niches. I thought that using them as food for preds, alongside a unique way of consumption might prove profitable."
I nodded and said, "I think it was very well done. I'm certainly very full, and the... items that came with the meal are really well thought out."
"Glad to hear you enjoyed it!" said the wolf. "I've been testing various menus with several preds and this combination of species appears to be the best tasting."
We chatted a bit more about my experience but I was probably late returning to work - even though it was unlikely to have any clients - and gave my thanks and made my farewells.
After leaving the office for the day, I detoured on my way home to "Clean and Clear", a small pred stomach cleaning service. Most of the staff were smaller lithe folk like ferrets, and the wolf had struck up a contract service with them to remove the spheres from preds.
I'd already digested the lunch and my belly had returned to its usual chubby size, so the smaller sized ferrets were ideal for the job. I'd visit them at least twice a week due to my line of work so we knew what to expect from each other.
One of the ferrets was on standby when I arrived, and after explaining what I needed, was led to one of the many small rooms inside. There was not much of a preamble as almost all of the ferrets who'd worked here had cleaned my innards many times, so I just sat back and opened my mouth wide. The ferret pushed a small ladder over beside me, attached a rope to their belt and gingerly stepped feet first into my maw. I swallowed, making sure my upper (sharper) fangs were as far back as possible.
The lithe form of the ferret was a welcome weight in my empty gut, but this was business and not mealtime. I felt them move around inside, using a scrubber to clean the walls of my stomach. I was a tiny bit aroused by this but having a rope lodged in my throat took that wind out of my ship. Minutes later, I felt a small tug on the rope, and I relaxed my oesophagus. A tiny whine filled my ears as the rope retracted, and I felt very empty as the ferret emerged, followed by the three spheres. Upon exiting my maw, the ferret made leave to the anti acid baths with the spheres.
Given that this service was part of what the wolf had planned, I did not have to pay for anything, and made my way home to prepare my own dinner.. That was a delightful lunch, and I absolutely need to have a meal at Poke again very soon!