I'll Take Her

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#353 of Commissions

Commission for MirandaArqayla!

Those three words are all it takes to seal Bobbi's fate. Sure, people might dance around it, pretend they're uncertain, but that gator has made up his mind. He's going to eat that promising college student, because he wants to. And he's going to fuck her first, too. Right in front of everyone, including her parents. Nobody's going to stop him.

Contains: Casual fatal vore, public fucking/exhibitionism, size difference, digestion/disposal and more.

Nothing ever happened at these dinner parties. Bobbi would have been content being bored to tears and making awkward conversation with all of her parents' friends, but she had to go and get herself top honours in her graduating class. The price for success was enduring her parents boasting about her to anyone who would listen. It was always so embarrassing, if flattering. Not much longer, and she was going to be pulling up roots and taking off on her own after getting accepted into one of the top colleges in the whole country, a fact her parents weren't about to let anyone forget.

"Very exclusive, they only take I think twenty students a year from all over ... " her dad said to anyone who would listen.

Her mom was every bit as enthusiastic, carrying on the thought right where her dad left off. "And 90 per cent of graduates go on to top level careers in their chosen field of study!"

The response was unanimous, if obligatory. Everyone put in their polite praise.


"Good work."

"You must be very proud."

"Smart girl."

"It really wasn't that big a deal," she eventually said, but her attempt at objecting fell on deaf ears.


"Not everyone could accomplish what you did."

"Not to mention all those volunteer hours!"

"You're a credit to your community! Too bad we're going to lose you soon!"

Bobbi felt the urge to roll her eyes at it all, but she had to admit it tickled her a little. Everyone was being very nice, and she had worked hard to achieve so highly. It was time to finally relax after a very busy year. Everyone understood that, which was why even her parents didn't make a fuss about her dressing down for the occasion in a pair of shorts and a crop top. She sat with her big feet up, stretched out by the snack table, nibbling away like the bunny she was. Everyone else was too polite to touch all those tasty treats much, so she had her lay of the land.

It wasn't until the appearance of one of the larger guests that Bobbi found herself roused from her boredom. She knew Samuel mainly by his last name of Hargreaves, and that was about the extent of her knowledge about the big old gator. He'd been around the neighbourhood seemingly forever and didn't much intimidate her despite towering over her and everyone else there. At first she thought he was just coming to pinch some of the munchies that had been laid out to spoil everyone's appetites before the big meal, but he stopped not far from her and instead gave her a lingering look.

"Hmmm. Very impressive. I think I'll take her," he said.

Nobody seemed to notice what he said at first. Bobbi gave him a funny look and moved on, until there was a sudden break in the conversation. Things got weirdly hushed and people took to murmuring so as not to talk over her dad when he finally responded to that statement.

"You'll ... take her? Oh, but she's not ..."

"I don't know about that exactly," her mom continued. "This doesn't really seem like the right moment!"

Bobbi narrowed her eyes and scanned over her parents as they exchanged flustered glances with each other.

"Um? What exactly are we talking about?"

Her parents didn't answer. They were shuffling about, hopping a bit on the spot, speaking more quickly than usual.

"It's just that, well, that's not exactly what we had in mind for this gathering tonight, maybe on another occasion when we're not celebrating ..." said her mom.

Her dad raised his hands indecisively. "Not that we're saying no, exactly. More of a, well, let's talk about this and perhaps we can figure out a good time in the future?"

That was her dad then her mom again. They carried on like one mind, chattering away as Samuel patiently waited for them to finish. The gator was still looming above her the whole time, speaking in a deep voice when it was her turn.

"Not asking you to just give her away, of course. I'll pay a fair price for your trouble."

She found herself looking him up and down in a different light as the scene played out. When he stood up straight, she saw the heft to his form, the scaly bulk that was a lot more impressive up close. She kind of wanted to touch it. What if she just laid her hands on his gut right then and there, in front of everyone? How'd he get that big, anyway? She had her suspicions, but she doubted that was really it. She would have known about that, right?

"A fair price?" Bobbi's mom tilted her head to the side.

"Mmhmm." Samuel nodded. "Something reasonable. You'll be saving a great deal of money on college expenses, after all."

Though he spoke politely, there was a rumble rising in his chest that demonstrated the full, impressive extent of a gator's voice. Wiggling his nose, Bobbi's father spoke a little more softly.

"I suppose ... you're quite set on this, aren't you?"

Such a statement earned a surprised look from his wife, but she sealed her lips and nodded in understanding after a moment of consideration.

"I am." The gator nodded again. "That's why I want to make it a fair trade. I won't just snap her up without your permission."

Once again there was much humming and murmuring among Bobbi's parents. She couldn't help but notice the total lack of say she was getting in the whole thing. Supposedly, she was an adult who could make her own decisions, yet there her parents stood, debating whether they were going to give the okay to a family friend to buy her up. Rather than complain, she just kept glancing up at the gator who desired her. Him, of all people? She never thought he even looked at her like that. The notion that he could have just picked her up and devoured her on the spot right in front of everyone was making her feel a certain something she hadn't before.

There was plenty of further discussion until her parents finally turned back to him. He was patient.

"Well ... we suppose that's a fair offer," her mom finally said.

"Really?" Bobbi sputtered at that conclusion. "That's it? I don't get a say?"

"Well, if he's already made up his mind, then it's not really for you to say anymore ..." her dad said, trailing off.

"I didn't realize I was just a piece of meat to be bartered off!" Bobbi actually laughed at the absurdity of it all.

Her father threw up his hands. "Well, he's clearly already made up his mind, so really there's not much anyone ..."

"Oh really? You couldn't even ask me?"

"Let's not make a big scene, Bobbi," her mother said.

"A big scene? For this?"

Her cheeks were getting hot, and that wasn't all that was getting heated. She was shocked, confused, frustrated, and yet her body was having a weird reaction to it all. Why did it feel good to be talked about like she was nothing more than meat? She found herself squirming in her chair when the thought was simply too much for her. Her shorts were getting wet. Those panties weren't holding back the flood. She should have been offering more to the negotiations, but finding words was getting difficult. It was impossible to hold still any longer. She had to rock back and forth just to deal with the tingling urge between her thighs, and all the rubbing of fabric against her glazed pussy wasn't helping.

"We wouldn't want to deny a guest." Her father nodded, drawing a deep breath.

At first she thought it was a sigh, but the shaky sound escaping his lips revealed how he really felt. She couldn't help but notice he was outright bulging as he spoke. Her cheeks went hot. She quickly looked away of course, but knowing that her parents felt that way about selling her off to a hungry gator - she was confused, surprised, and most of all turned on by the whole thing no matter how much she shouldn't have been.

"Very good. We will talk about the specifics when I'm done with her, of course. I don't want to take up any more of your evening."

"Of ... of course!" Her dad was stammering.

"In the meantime, don't mind me while I make use of her. It'd be a shame to put her away without at least one good fuck."

"What," was Bobbi's blunt response to that.

The harshness of that word coming from the polite gator's mouth made Bobbi jump a little. Nobody else seemed surprised to hear it. Maybe they knew a side of him she'd never seen, one she'd never expected. His grip was firm on her shoulders, helping her up out of her chair. She found her legs surprisingly shaky beneath her when she actually tried to stand. Nervous, and something else. He made sure to support her on the short walk towards the side of the dining table. The place settings weren't out yet, but there was plenty to rattle around in the meantime when she found herself getting bent over it, no matter how many eyes were upon her.

"Hey ..." she said at first, objecting more softly.

"Have you been with someone as big as me before?" Samuel asked her, then chuckled. "Most people haven't, I suppose, but I thought I'd ask anyway."

"I actually .... " Bobbi stopped herself to think about it. "You're not really going to ..."


He didn't pay much mind to her protests. Though she didn't elaborate further, Samuel just nodded his head, casually tugging at the hem of her shorts. He slowly worked to reveal the folds of an utterly drenched bunny pussy that had never had anything in it aside from a toy. It wasn't that nobody ever wanted to fuck her. She'd just been too busy. Sometimes it was studying, other times it was putting too much time into the many volunteer programs she worked at to worry about getting a date. That was the kind of thing she told herself she'd finally deal with when she got to college, but it looked like it was going to be dealt with for her.

"Figured as much. Doesn't change a thing for me."

Though she was already blazing, she blushed all the harder when he so easily saw through her waffling. Wasn't it supposed to be a big deal to be her first? He didn't seem to make much of it. He kept working until he had her shorts down to her ankles, and her cute bunny butt on full display. She squirmed uncomfortably, sometimes glancing to the side to see who was looking. Plenty of people were, even if they were pretending they weren't. She couldn't meet their gaze for long, as if ashamed of just how curvy she was. Samuel wasn't done stripping her yet though, and on he went, pulling her top up over her head until her tits were bouncing about in her bra. They remained every bit as ample and perky when he unfastened that and let it fall from her too. She was totally exposed. Her giggle wasn't out of amusement, but sheer embarrassment.

"Are you really going to fuck me right in front of everyone like this?" She whispered, as if it was too scandalous to say. "Are they just going to let you?"

"Yup, I am. And it looks like they will, doesn't it? Can't imagine anyone wanting to interrupt their dinner theatre."

When she was fully naked, completely stripped down to her bare white fur right in front of just about everyone her parents knew, not to mention her parents themselves, she grimaced. They could all see how wet she was. She tried to turn her hips away and hide her pussy from sight, but they could probably smell the lust coming off of her, despite everything. Her body was betraying her. Anger and awkwardness couldn't quell that fire tingling away inside of her. Every time she looked and saw someone staring at her, someone she definitely shouldn't have been naked in front of, she quickly glanced somewhere else, and felt another pang of arousal.

She didn't even know she could get that horny. There were juices running down the inside of her thighs, dripping audibly to the floor as she clenched and contracted on nothing at all. Every touch, every time he grabbed her and handled her in the way he did, treating her with such a lack of care, that was doing something to her. It got even better when the old gator surprised her with a harsh spank to that juicy ass that left her crying out - a sound that soon lowered into a smooth, needy moan.

The smack and resulting sound out of the bunny's lips was loud enough that she made old Mrs. Johnson from down the road gasp and startle. The skunk woman had been Bobbi's teacher over a decade ago, She cleared her throat and turned back to the conversation at hand after that little break in her concentration, but not without casting the occasional side glance to the lewd scene going on right across the room.

People were still making small talk all around them even as that gator unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Pulling out a hefty cock didn't change the tone in the room, but it certainly sent a strange sensation down her spine. People weren't doing a single thing about the old fellow bending over that promising young prospect in front of everyone. Bobbi could hardly hold still when she glanced back and saw him fondling that stiffening, solid gator cock, with that rounded bulge near the base like a knot, resting atop a pair of impressively plump, scaled balls.

"Ohhhh, fuck that's huge ..." she said, biting the corner of her lip with her bunny teeth. "I don't think ... you probably shouldn't ..."

Samuel nodded. It was simply a fact. "Don't worry too much about it."

That was funny coming from him, considering what she was pretty sure was going to happen when he was done with her. She tried not to think about that. Maybe if she kept it from her mind, it wasn't really going to happen. None of it really made sense to her, but she still gave a little whimpery sound when he outright slapped that big fat cock against one of her asscheeks. She found herself panting for breath despite the lack of exertion as she inched it towards her pulsing sex. The way she was gripping on nothing in particular, flexing with lust and need, she could have milked anyone dry in seconds, she felt.

She was all primed and ready for him, with a perfectly soaked pussy on full offer. It wasn't exactly the circumstances she imagined for losing her virginity, but she was too horny to care. She needed him so bad. It was enough to nearly make her scream when his cock so much as caught slightly against her pussy lips. The gator brushed across them well enough to get his dick a little wetter, but he otherwise ignored that offer. Instead, he found his spot snug between her juicy cheeks, and pushed up firmly against a tight, unyielding bunny hole.

"What ... hey!"

Bobbi gasped and shook her head, parting her lips to protest. She couldn't get a single word more than that out her mouth. Instead, there was the extended, head-turning wail of the virgin bunny getting a big fat gator cock shoved up her ass. It left her squirming, struggling just to stay on her feet as he pushed deeper and deeper. Her scrambling for purchase and support left her knocking things off the table, sending them clattering or crashing to the floor. Soon, nearly every pair of eyes in the house was on her and her getting her cute bunny butt fucked by the neighbourhood gator.

"Prefer it this way. I can go deeper," was all the explanation he provided. No apologies.

For as casually as he spoke, he was stiff as hell, throbbing inside of her before he gave so much as a single thrust. He took his time, taking his position with his hands clutching her by the hips, framing that gorgeous booty. Her academic skills weren't the only gifts she had. One good hump and she was already jiggling like mad for him, tits bouncing up near her face, ass wobbling on impact with the gator's hips. It might not have been exactly what she wanted, but the driving lust pulsing inside of her, and the feeling of getting violated right in front of nearly everyone who knew her, that made her pussy clench up on nothing in particular.

It only got better the faster he went. She couldn't hold back, no matter how much of a whore she must have sounded like, wailing and moaning out in front of everyone. Maybe she didn't have to be the good girl all the time. She felt as if she was ready to collapse at any moment, just getting thrown around by his weighty thrusts, and by his belly-bulging cock driving into her. His tight grip on her kept her from falling over, even if she had no idea how to move, how to work with him. She just stood there, barely balanced on her toes, getting taken.

For an old guy, there was still plenty of strength in that scaly body. For anyone, really. The steady thud of every stroke sent her body shaking, sent the table skidding slowly across the room as she braced herself against it. Whenever she thought she couldn't take anymore, he gave it to her a little harder, then a little harder still, humping her at a steady pace while he huffed and rumbled in her ear. Or was that his belly?

Getting that vigorous meant swinging his gut into her again and again, letting her feel the thump of his heavy middle against her back just as thoroughly as her hips against her soft ass. He left her sprawled out and shaking beneath his weight, testing the strength of that table beneath her. It held up well enough to let her stay there, completely bent over in front of everyone. Her parents kept looking over, as if pretending to be just checking on her, but they weren't doing a very good job of concealing just how much the sight was working them up. They were outright rubbing against each other in time, carrying on awkward conversations with their guests like nothing particularly unusual was happening. They definitely weren't coming over to help.

The rising growl in Samuel's chest and throat eventually grew to a full bellow once he really got going. He thumped that bunny butt numb and left Bobbi grasping the edges of the table, her eyes shut tight as she took it all in. Getting her ass fucked that hard felt incredible, but it wasn't the kind of thing that pushed her over the edge into orgasm. She was still absolutely drenched, and only getting wetter the longer the gator had his way with her, but she wasn't anywhere near finished by the time he bottomed out inside her and dumped his load inside her virgin ass.

She was surprised at just how hot it actually was. And how much. Either that old gator was pent up, or she greatly underestimated just how much cum one guy could produce. She got her ass flooded with fresh gator spunk until her belly was starting to feel heavy and bloated. His cock was extra rigid all throughout the process, pumping hard, shooting deep, but he eventually slipped back out of her sloppy, creamed hole and instead directed the rest of his load all over the bunny's back. She simply remained where she was, getting jizzed all over in front of everyone, letting the rivers of cream trickle and trail over her sides until they dripped right off the edges of the table.

Only when she was an utter mess did he finally stop. He kept his grip on her for the very last spurts, trickling down until he finally started to soften a little. Clearing his throat, he let her go, but she didn't move right away. She was left to soak and steam, smelling like cum, creampied asshole on display for anyone who happened to see her from that angle. A wiggle of her soft tail came with her finally opening her mouth to speak, panting out her words.

"Hah ... hahhh ... ohh ... mister Hargreaves ... did you have to make such a mess ... "

The panting, steaming, dripping wreck that was Bobbi, all stretched out across the dinner table, hardly resembled the honours student her parents were so proud of. She couldn't help but grit her teeth, thinking about how she must have looked, just standing there all covered in gator cum. Her eyes quickly darted around the gathering, just to make a mental note of who was looking at her, and how ashamed she should have felt, when she wasn't scrunching them shut out of lustful strain at least. She was still so damn horny. Surely he wasn't done with her yet. She patiently waited while Samuel took some time catching his breath, at least until his belly audibly rumbled.

That sound cut through the subdued conversation, turning the heads of Bobbi's parents once again. This time they didn't even bother to conceal their attention or turn back to what they were doing. Conservation partners got ignored as they continued blatantly grounding on each other, alternatively licking or biting their lips. Their eyes were fixated on the gator, who looked at them right back and gave a satisfied grin. Despite his casual, subdued tone, his voice had a way of ringing out over the crowd, as if just to make sure everybody heard it.

"Hmmf. Not bad. Needs more experience to be a real good fuck, but don't think she'll be getting that, I'm afraid. You don't mind, of course."

It wasn't really a question and it didn't need an answer either. Samuel reached down to take the bunny by the ears, wrapping a single one of his hands around them to use as a handle. He stood her up and let her drip there, shown off like a piece of fresh meat, sweating and naked before the eyes of everyone her family knew. She was getting shown off in front of everyone who'd just watched her get fucked by the dirty old dad gator. Her eyes were wide with the worry of what was coming next - and a strange sense of dawning contentment at the realization she had no control whatsoever over her fate. No responsibilities, no obligations, just being a piece of meat to satisfy Samuel's whims.

Samuel turned her by the shoulders to face him. She gazed up at him from in front of that big, grumbly gut. He still had a good hold of her, and he held tight, looking her up and down a few more times just to confirm she was as tasty as she looked - and that he could swallow her without any trouble. A quick nod to himself was all the warning Bobbi got. He picked her up under the shoulders, letting her feet wiggle in the air as he clutched her, and brought her up to his jaws.

Opening wide to give her the full look at his big, toothy gator maw stretching open for her left her transfixed. Her eyes were wide, partly fearful, partly just fascinated with how impressive they were. She managed one last glance back at those looking on. Nobody was interfering. He'd made his decision. Soon, she found her vision framed by his teeth, her face pressed firmly to his tongue, and the surprising heat that came with being inside a reptile's mouth. He slathered her and tasted her face, not minding in the slightest that there lingered some of his own mess clinging to her fur. There was no sense being prudish when it was all going to end up inside of him.

Bobbi moved in curious ways as she was ingested by the gator. She wriggled a little, testing his grip on her. He wasn't letting go. She squirmed against his gut as her naked body slipped along that naked-scaled swell. His hunger resonated out to her. She could tell how much he wanted her, and that was precisely what left her so utterly drenched, aching as her face pushed back towards his open gullet. Getting fucked nice and hard over the table just worked her up all the more. She knew there was supposed to be some kind of survival instinct kicking in at any moment, but she wanted nothing more in the world than to cum. Wriggling onto his tongue to make sure he slurped her as deeply as possible on the way in, she quivered between the thighs in anticipation of letting him taste just how turned on she was.

He didn't gulp so much as he just shoved her away, tossing his head back now and then to shake a little more of her down his bulging gullet. She made for an impressive shape swelling out beneath the flexible scales, all accumulated in a squirming bundle before he shifted his grip down to her cottontailed ass to get more leverage. Digging his fingers in deep that bouncy bunny booty made her gasp out, but any attempt at moaning was deeply muffled by the layers that kept her voice from the outside world.

Samuel eventually changed his stance, stepping back to use the wall for support just so he could pick the bunny up even higher. She wasn't heavy, but he was an old gator. There was no snapping her up in a single bite for him anymore, but he made it work. Eventually, he had her by the hips with her feet pointing right up into the air, skimming dangerously near the spinning ceiling fan. They soon descended along with the rest of her when he gave another hungry shake, tossing more of her shapely form down his throat until her pussy settled right atop his tongue.

The cry she gave was audible even to the other guests. It echoed up from inside Samuel's slick throat just to let everyone know how good it felt to get even just one lick across her trembling pussy lips. He didn't even have to do anything. Simply gliding along his inflexible tongue on the way down was enough to make her cum, hard. She squirted loudly enough for others to hear, splashing juices through the air and right down onto the table just to further dissuade anyone from choosing to eat there.

Samuel held her twitching self in his jaws a while longer, letting her writhe and flail about in pleasure. The feeling of vanishing inside of him, right in front of everyone who was supposed to care, kept her quivering and contract even long after she was done squirting. She didn't have much farther to go. He held her in place until she squirmed just a little less, and then he gave a great toss of his head once more, whipping her legs into the air until her paws briefly bumped against the wall behind him. That was all the momentum he needed to send her plunging down in one last, wet slide.

She made such a thud at the bottom of his belly that would have made smaller men collapse on spot. Samuel held his ground and withstood that heavy impact without flinching. Straightening up helped him to really show off that enormous, vaguely moving weight in his gut. Cradling it in both hands so he could lift and drop it a few times along with a hefty slosh and wobble alike, Stirring up that much activity was bound to get the juices flowing, and a great rumbling bubbled up from within him like a cauldron, until it spilled forth in a blatant, powerful blast of hot air to announce he was done his meal.


Plenty of heads turned his way as the seconds ticked by all throughout that belch. He didn't mind the attention. Patting his gut a few times made it jiggle all the more. Beneath the heavy layers of scales and fat, it was impossible to tell if the bunny inside was still moving. Samuel wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and then just chuckled at all the attention.

"Phew. Excuse me. Don't mind me, just going to find myself a nice spot to settle down."

There was no getting his shirt back down over his bulging middle, but he put his cock away and pulled his pants back up, at least. After that, he poured himself a drink and knocked half of it back to splash down on his prey before he wobbled off to a nearby recliner. His heft was a little much for the poor thing when he thumped down into it, but it held up with a little groaning. A deep rub to his belly while it loudly worked, grumbling and gurgling away kept the activity going. It was on full display for everyone to see. And hear.

Bobbi's parents were about as close to being indecent as they could be without quite crossing the line. Her father had his bulge nestled right against her mother's thigh, and the two of them had their hands all over each other, grasping, grabbing, squeezing every asset, even slipping a few gropes down each other's pants. Mom was soaked enough that the scent of her own arousal was turning heads too. Dad was grunting and puffing, trying not to outright moan when his wife squeezed him right where he needed it. Their voices were more or less in unison when they finally gave into their mutual need.

"Excuse us."

That was all the explanation they were going to give. It wasn't exactly the most polite thing to do when hosting a party, but neither was fucking and eating the host's daughter in front of everyone. They took to rushing back to their bedroom together, hand in hand, so they could work out all that pent up desire that came with watching the gator make a meal out of her. At least in private they were free from the prying eyes of anyone who might have judged them for being that horny about watching their precious, intelligent, kind daughter get swallowed whole. They were just going to have to use that energy to make another.

That suited Samuel just fine. He kicked up the footrest and wiggled himself into a nice nook in the comfy chair beneath him. Stretched out like that with his belly that full, he didn't take long to drift off. The gathering continued as before as he napped right there in the midst of it, undisturbed by anything. Not that the chatter was quite so lovely as before with the distracting glorps sounding up from the gator's loudly churning gut. He was digesting Bobbi right in front of everyone, and that was how it was going to stay until the evening wound down and everyone cleared out without ever seeing their hosts reemerge from their bedroom. Only one of their guests ever got any dinner.

A meerkat woman who'd been looking at him the whole time couldn't help but creep over when she was almost certain he was asleep. It was hard to tell for sure with his eyes open like that. She just had to see that bulging gut for herself, sticking out the bottom of his shirt like that. It was making so much noise. Sloshing, gurgling, rumbling, hissing, sometimes it sounded like the gator himself. She had to touch it. Carefully working to keep from waking him, she finally laid a single hand right atop the swollen gator belly digesting that prized student.

"Help you with something?"

She yelped when he spoke so suddenly.

"Oh! I, well. My apologies. I was just wondering. Is she still moving in there?"

Samuel's response was to let out another hefty belch. The meerkat startled at the sound, and the bluntness of her reaction. She stood staring at him a little longer, awaiting an actual answer, but none came. It took her a while to remember how her legs worked so she could shuffle off and back to the party, glancing back now and then. Samuel shrugged his shoulders and settled back down into the chair without a word.

Nobody made any attempt to wake him up, nor further disturbed him. His quick nap turned into a full night's sleep in the living room, and all through the night his stomach was hard at work converting all that pretty bunny into gator fat. For all the potential she might have had, she digested like anyone else. A night spent inside the gator meant she was as good as gone, but for the extra fat packed onto Samuel's middle. He wore her on his fat, scaly form by the time he awoke, early in the morning.

A heavy yawn and a stretch preceded him slowly rising from that chair. He wasn't surprised to find he'd slept the whole night away. With that big-titted bunny in his belly, he was bound to slow down a little. He wasn't quite the relentless predator he was in his younger days, but he still knew how to digest a pretty girl nice and smoothly. A glance around and a quick listen revealed total stillness in the house of the bunnies. Maybe they'd gone off to work already like it was any other day, or maybe they hadn't even awoken yet. Where normally he might have excused himself without a word, he had something to take care of.

Lumbering about on heavy reptilian feet that fell just a little more loudly with his added weight, he dragged his tail along the floor as he searched for a bathroom. He couldn't help but frown a little when he actually found it. Those were some facilities equipped for bunnies, not a big gator like him. It was going to have to do. He wasn't going to wait until he got home when he had that much weight backed up in him after digesting his way through the pretty bunny all night long.

Even just settling his scaly ass down on the porcelain was a tentative process. It felt for a moment like the whole thing was going to collapse under his weight, but it held up. He didn't wait any longer. With a preliminary flush to be certain, he huffed, briefly hissed, and then started pushing out a long, solidly packed load of gator shit that used to be Bobbi the pretty bunny, all ready for the elite college that had accepted her. He rumbled as he squeezed her out, just because it was so satisfying to dump all that extra weight and relieve himself, not because it was anything too special.

When one flush ended, he awaited the sound of the tank refilling fully to hit the lever again. More and more former bunny swirled down into the pipes, all strewn with flecks of mostly pulverized bone and clumps of hair or fur alike. His body might not have been quite what it used to be, but it still did some effective work on all that bunny meat. She made her way through his system through the night, and now she was starting to clog up the toilet in her very own family's home. All that flushing wasn't keeping up anymore.

Samuel just shrugged and slowly rose up from that throne, leaving behind a mount of former bunny that stacked right up beyond the bowl. He held her in for just a few seconds and settled onto the edge of the bathtub. That was a little better than just doing it right there on the floor, he figured. Though after several minutes more of grunting and pushing, it didn't exactly feel like a favour.

A good supply of used paper topped the pile when he was done, and Samuel rose to depart after washing his hands. He didn't give much of a glance back at all the carnage. That was for someone else to deal with. The only consideration he gave it was making a mental note to send along some extra money for any expenses involved with fixing up the ruined bathroom. They were still saving plenty of money in the long run, in his mind. Even if it meant a bright, talented leader of a young bunny was going to be forever jiggling on an old gator's gut and hips. Samuel felt it was a fair trade to him as he stepped out to walk himself back home, leaving the bunny's home behind.