Bounty Thumper

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#354 of Commissions

Commission for 8AM!

Mahiri's on the hunt! Pintra can't hide from the intergalactic criminal turned bounty hunter. She's got her sights set on him in a backwater station, and she's ready to drag him off to earn the money on his head. Unless they can work something out first.

Contains: Noncon-to-con, intersex on trans male sex, bondage, impregnation, and more!

Pintra was far from safe, but at the very least, he could take a break to enjoy a meal in some dusty, backwater space station. He'd shaken off the deadliest and angriest of his pursuers, as far as he could tell. Sitting away from the chattering crowds and digging into the prefab noodles he'd bought with what remained of his credits, the cat finally permitted himself a sigh. He didn't have to keep his head on a swivel every single second in a place like that. His past and his crimes were over a dozen jumps away, and nobody knew who he was in that sea of faces, all ignoring him. He could breathe.

A single breath was all he got before he was facedown in his soup. One good zap to the spine with a concealed stunning device was all it took. He was consciously aware of the brief threat of drowning in hot broth before his assailant pulled him up and into her arms. His head rested against a cozy, tightly confined bust beneath the jumpsuit of yet another bounty hunter, and nobody so much as batted an eye when she dragged his mostly limp body right out of the canteen and down the hall towards the sleeping quarters. They'd seen worse around that grimy station. It was probably refreshing that she bothered to use non-lethal means.

Not that Pintra felt much better about it. His body ached all over, tingling oddly from the electricity coursing through it. She didn't exactly handle him with care, either. It wasn't until they were through the sliding door hidden away in one of the rented sleeping chambers that she actually revealed herself. He wasn't sure if it was better or worse that he didn't know her face. The leopardess wore a pleased smile and a dangerous gleam in her eye. He knew he was in danger, but just how much did she know, exactly?

"Hardly believed it with my own eyes. Ran a scan just to be sure,'" she said as she roughly lugged his helpless body onto the small bed. "There you are, in the flesh. The most wanted man in - well, some region, anyway. Nobody puts a bounty on your head like that if you haven't done something to earn it."

The feeling was starting to come back to his fingers and toes, but she was quick to get those secured in some disabling shackles before he could fully recover. The constant little zaps those bindings emitted kept him numb from the wrists and ankles down. He grit his teeth and glared at her, and in time, he changed his mind about not recognizing her. While they had never met in person, he knew her by reputation. She was a criminal, a scoundrel, a thief, and no doubt had a bounty near as large as his own.

"Mahiri, is it?" he finally managed to say once the stun wore off. "Since when did you hunt bounties?"

"Since the incident." She chuckled to herself. "Turns out I'm nearly as good at it as I am at pinching stuff. And you, you were just irresistible, sitting there without a care in the world. Most of these lowlifes might not have recognized you, but unlucky you, here I am."

Pintra scanned her up and down. She didn't seem to be obviously armed, though the stunner had been craftily concealed on her otherwise mundane jumpsuit. The second thing he noticed was just how tightly that suit hugged her everywhere. He could see the perked nips of those particularly plump breasts, the highlights of all her shapely curves and angles, and one very imposing bulge she was quite blatantly showing off. Darting his gaze over and over the outline of her balls and sheath alike reminded him of the other problem he'd been dealing with ever since he got himself out of immediate danger. For all his other worries, he'd been contending with deep, aching heat, and her presence wasn't making it any better.

She caught his gaze. He saw the little twitch of a smirk at the corner of her mouth, followed by a showing stroke down her sides as she looked him over. Of course he felt something. A spark of rising desire warmed him between the thighs, accelerated his pulse, turned his breathing a little more shaky and uncertain. Then there came her steady purrs, that powerful big cat rumble put to use for seductive purposes, sending a shudder up his spine.

"I could call you in any moment now. I've got you, you know. But first. Why don't we have a little interrogation session? I know you must be keeping secrets of your own. Perhaps we can work something out."

Setting a knee down on the edge of that creaky, cheap bed, she began to lean over his prone body as he struggled uselessly against the restraints. Overtaking his form with her own softer, heavier one left him gritting his teeth and turning his head away. His lips were sealed. Whatever she wanted to hear, he wasn't giving her a thing. Even if she blanketed over him, sharing her warmth with his own. He could feel her own hefty breasts pressed to his chest, and her bulge against his thigh. The longer she lingered close to him, the wetter he got.

Eventually, she took in a deep breath and flashed him a bright grin. He flinched away from the sight of all her fangs so close to his face. The rumbles she was putting out grew all the deeper, all the more overpowering. They didn't relent, especially once she started rubbing herself against his leg, crudely humping at her captive.

"I thought I caught that scent. I know a cat in heat when I smell one. All that time on the run hasn't left you any time for yourself, has it Pintra?"

She traced her fingers down his sides until she got to his hips, where she squeezed. He flinched, maybe even whimpered. Part of him was glaring at her with anger. How dare she? He was much more dangerous than he appeared. His reputation should have told her that. Though he probably didn't seem like it to her, so easily caught off guard and subdued, and now getting wet for his captor. She squeezed his thigh even harder and softly laughed at his squirmy reaction.

"Let's find out for sure."

Her simple phrase left him in a state of mild panic. Not because he feared for his life, but because if she was about to do what he thought she was going to do, there was no coming back. She grasped him by the belt and easily removed it from his waist. Then she unzipped his top and pulled it off of him, right over the small but effective electronic shackles. From there, she easily peeled his bottoms easily peeled away from his body with her every tug. She tucked her fingers into his undergarments just to pull them away right along with the rest of his clothing, slowly revealing an utterly drenched pussy. Her eyes lit up at the sight. She made sure he could hear her licking her chops.

"Mmmm. Such a delicious treat. I don't get to fuck many boys in heat. You might be well on your way to earning a full pardon from the Court of Mahiri."

She leaned in close, tauntingly rubbing one single digit over the folds of that aching slit. Being a man didn't make the heats Pintra delved into any less intense. He was pulsing under her slightest touch, putting out an excess of juices to coat her finger so she could seductively slurp them right off in front of him. The sight made him grit his teeth, flustered to the point of quivering, but he kept his lips sealed tightly to keep from moaning for her. He wasn't about to give her that satisfaction so easily.

"That taste, mmm. If it's a breeding you need, I won't disappoint you, Pintra. But you're going to have to earn it first."

"I won't be telling you anything," he said, as firmly as he could in his position and state.

"Telling me? Oh, you misunderstand. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth unless you're calling my name. I've got something else in mind."

She climbed back on top of him, straddling his waist, laying down that hefty bulge right atop his belly. Framing his head between her knees let her slowly scoot forth until she could settle those tightly-outlined balls right atop his muzzle. Snuggling down deep and grinding, she made him huff the musk that escaped through the fabric if he wanted to breathe. He resisted at first, but desperation eventually had him gasping between her thighs, taking in the scent of a big cat getting more and more worked up by his attention, no matter how much he didn't want to give it.

"Hey, there's a good boy. I've been needing some attention too. I've got my choice of scoundrels around here, but none of them do much for me. Not like you."

Bouncing atop his face a few times, teabagging him, she left him sputtering and gasping. She wasn't gentle, either. Those concealed nuts came thudding down with a solid smack into his muzzle, and her satisfied rumbles emanated all throughout the room. Of all the dangers he'd outran to get there, and there he was, sniffing the balls of a notorious thief on a backwater station. Struggling didn't do him a single lick of good. She smothered him for as long as she liked, grinding that bulge deep against his lips and nose, and only rose up to let him breathe when her sheath had filled out to remain comfortably clothed any longer.

She rose and left him panting and scowling alike. His expression just made her laugh to herself. Cupping her bulge, then working to free it by unzipping her whole jumpsuit at once didn't exactly make for an elaborate striptease. She was more just trying to get naked as fast as possible. He soon got a good look at precisely how much she wore beneath that suit - which was to say, nothing at all. Her sheath dropped and swelled, revealing a shiny black cock sliding out of it. That and her absolutely enormous, gravity-defying tits told him she'd had some kind of work done, or made some sort of deal with the monstrosities in the dark sectors. It only occurred to him after several seconds of staring that he'd been looking over her bare, spotty body without so much as blinking.

With her hands behind her head, she swung her hips at him just to tease him further. He hated the way it made him wetly pulse. He was clenching up tight, absolutely quivering inside with the thought of getting that fat cat cock deep within him. It kept getting bigger. Swelling up to fill both her hands, it throbbed between her fingers as she jerked it a few times, putting out a prominent scent of horny cat that was absolutely eye-watering to his heated self. Only then did she actually approach, dancing her claw-tips all over his body, poking and prodding at all manner of places just to see where he was sensitive. It was enough to leave him suppressing a whimper.

"Please, Mahiri ... " he said before he could stop himself. He wasn't sure if he was telling her to stop, or meekly begging her to keep going. She chose to interpret it as the latter.

"You'll get what you want, Pintra. I told you. You just have to make it worth my while. All it would take is one simple call, and I could be so rich right now, remember? I'd be an absolute space queen. And a queen needs a throne, right?"

"W-what?" His ache had grown so intense he could barely speak through the haze, much less comprehend what she was getting at with all her teasing.

She was just going to have to demonstrate. Looping a leg over him, she straddled his chest once more, but this time in reverse. He saw her lift her tail high just to give him a good look at her lightly sweat-dabbed ass before she settled right down atop his face. Wedging his muzzle right between her cheeks to kiss up against her rim ensured the whole thing was as humiliating as possible. He was buried in curves, smothered in cat musk, and she didn't stop grinding on his face for anything.

"You might be a criminal, but I know you're a good boy at heart, right Pintra? And good boys give good tongue."

A deep, hard smother told him she wasn't getting up until she got what she wanted. With his arms still bound, he couldn't even reach up to push her off just to get a little more breathing room. He had his nose pressed to the base of her tail and his lips kissing right up against her asshole. There was nothing to do but obey. Maybe he surprised himself at how quickly he gave over to her whims, or just how thoroughly and generously he started slurping and eating her fine, spotted ass, but such desperate circumstances could justify anything.

Her approval was immediately apparent in her voice. She tossed her head back with a great flail of her hair and kept the grinding going, sliding back and forth over his outstretched tongue. He stroked and sampled that taut ring until he pushed right inside of her in his own eagerness. The rrrrr she gave in response told him to keep going. So did her squishing down on him about as firmly as she could, until she was nearly using his muzzle for a dildo. She stopped just short, riding out the pleasure until her cock was pumping and dripping all over his chest, and he kept servicing her with unexpected fervour until his lungs were burning and his head was spinning.

Only when he'd been submerged in sweaty cat for long enough he was on the very cusp of passing out did she finally rise up. She whirled around to sit on his chest instead, which didn't help him refill his lungs. Every desperate huff he gave just sucked up even more of her scent as she jerked off in his face, stroking that uncut shaft up and down until it was audibly splurching out a generous dose of precum. She splattered down his features, beaming above him, watching him fake his disgust even as his pussy trembled with such blazing need he was ready to scream for her cock.

"Pintra, dearest." She was teasing him still, but the words still made him feel all the warmer. "What do you say we get you out of these restraints? I want to feel your hands stroking down my back while I breed you full of kittens."

He could only nod his response. Biting his lip and holding quite still as she worked, he was grateful to have his freedom restored, and didn't exploit it for a moment. She looked over him with a grin when he simply laid there, even as the feeling came back to his fingers and toes. He could have lunged. She surely underestimated him after having taken him down so easily. Without the element of surprise, they were much more evenly matched, but trying anything would have meant not getting what he craved so very badly.

She only loomed a little longer. He reached for her, and she took him by the hands, laying herself down over top of him once more. There was no need for anything fancy. They were face to face, rumbling for each other, radiating their heat and need alike. The rest was little more than instinct. They let their urges guide them and bring them together, tucked away behind a locked door in the last place anyone would have ever looked for them. Pintra might have had his relaxation spoiled, but only then, only at that moment was he finally, truly safe in the embrace of the big, horny leopardess.

With one smooth plunge that was perfectly on target, she entered him. There was no more time for teasing. She pushed deep and spread him out around her thick, pulsing girth. He went tight around her the instant she was inside him, contracting hard on her cock, quivering for her as if he was already about to cum. Instead, he was just left huffing sharply, pursing his lips, and finally letting out a whimper. If that wasn't already embarrassing enough, he ended up moaning her name before he could stop himself.

"Mahiri ..."

"That's right."

She smiled at him, and this time it wasn't the mischievous grin of before. Taking him by the wrists, she directed his hands to her back, so he could knead his way down her rosettes and admire her lean muscles all the way down to the curve of her hips and the heft of her ass. Gripping tight let him feel her flexing that tautly juicy rump with every single thrust she gave him. It all felt better than he could ever imagine a mere thrusting shaft inside his sex ever would. It was the release he'd been waiting for, it was the warmth he'd craved, it was the pleasure he couldn't properly give himself, it was everything. A slippery slide, a schlick and constant slurp of leaking, spurting cat cock filling up that drenched pussy with all her juices was met with Pintra's constant gushing, his absolute flood of wetness coating each inch of leopard pushing in and out of him.

The cheap station beds were hardly meant for such a mating. Pintra felt it giving out beneath them the longer Mahiri fucked him. Each thrust shook him as much as it did the room around them. He wondered if they might break free of the station itself and float off into space together. Caught beneath the clever cat, arms wrapped around her, a pair of plump nuts slapping his inner thighs and ass alike, he felt that wouldn't have been such a terrible way to go. The room held together, and so did he, but not without giving her even more of those breathy moans, mewls, and gasps of her name the longer she plowed him, pumping in and out, up and down, slipping and sliding through the pouring lust leaking down his thighs each time she sheathed deep enough to leave her sack twitching against his pussy lips.

Every slap left him more and more aware of the sheer heft of her juicy, churning balls. She was every bit as potent as she felt, stuffing him again and again, cock pointed towards his womb. He knew what that meant. A heat like that, with a fellow cat, there were bound to be consequences. Did she know that? Did she care? A huff that wasn't part of his usual moaning for her came with him tugging at her, dipping his hands to her front side to push at her soft bust just to give himself a little more room. She eventually slowed her pace, but never stopped thrusting into him, just to let him speak.

"Mahiri ... you know how dangerous this is right? You're going to get me ..."

When he took a moment to find the word, as if saying it out loud might summon it into being, she finished for him.

"Pregnant?" She breathed slowly, still working her cock in and out of that drenched, dripping slit. Then she just gave him a throaty big cat growl. "Good."

A quick lunge on her part had her hands behind his thighs. She took him by the legs and bent him in half, pushing and pushing, making the most of his particular talents in flexibility, until he had his paws right up beside his ears. Such an angle gave her complete access to the depths of his quivering cunt. She buried herself deeper than ever before, and locked eyes with him as she tapped her balls against him a few times. Those few humps were like a break of their own, slow and slick, massaging him as he got used to that mating press. The way she was staring, she almost seemed to be awaiting an answer to a question she never spoke. He gave her his response by meeting her lips in a kiss.

The unexpected passion of their makeout session came after so much time on the run, so many weeks of uncertainty, and many more uncertain days to come. They exchanged tongues and purred for each other as the leopardess took her pace once more, pumping that pretty kitty pussy totally bare, damn the consequences. Pintra was getting closer and closer with every single sloppy thrust to getting knocked up by the scoundrel of a stranger, a former fugitive who'd earned her bounty, and there was nothing he wanted more. He let his sensations soar to their peak, brought to full-body ecstasy by the steady, occasionally brutal courtship of the leopard working up a sweat plapping him full of precum.

He curled his toes. He twitched his tail. He grabbed hold of her ass and gripped as hard as he could, even if it meant inspiring her to fuck him all the harder in retaliation. They couldn't keep up the kiss for too much longer when there was so much noise welling up in their throats. For Pintra it was a scream, one that surely rang out down the hall and into the other rooms to let everyone on the station know two cats were going over the edge into ecstasy together. Mahiri was even less subtle. Parting her jaws and tossing her head, she at least managed to keep from bellowing out her big cat roar directly into his face. It still left his ears ringing once that explosion of a sound finished rolling over him.

Such proclamations came with them cumming together. It was the very same moment, Pintra swore. He couldn't tell which one caused the other. Was it the tight clench and the rapid contractions of climax that milked that leopard cock, or was it the flood of rich, hot cum shooting inside him that made Pintra squirt himself numb for Mahiri? He held her tight, even clawed her a little, and gazed at her bared fangs while they rocked in creaming, gushing, splattering bliss together. The mess they made of each other soaked their fur just as thoroughly as it drenched Pintra's insides. He felt himself filling up, swelling, sloshing, even expanding as those taut, flexing nuts pumped against him, draining absolutely everything she had to give him.

When he thought she was done, when he started to drift and settle, she gave another hard shot of spunk straight inside his heated womb. His belly grew. Just how damn pent up had she been? When he gave a groan of surprise,s he gripped his ankles a little tighter, keeping his legs up and his pussy on full offer to her. She didn't stop until he was so full, so absolutely stuffed full of potent leopard jizz that his belly pushed up to squish against her own. One good cumshot was all it took to make him look pregnant. With those tingles of satisfaction passing up and down his spine, making his tail twitch, he felt it too.

Only then did she sigh and relax her tensed muscles. Her balls stopped flexing, and she sank down, still inside him a little longer. The process of pulling out was as gradual as it was noisy, drawing out a succulent schlurrrrp that ended in a great, messy POP that misted them both with cum and juices. She left her drained cock resting against his hip once she finally let his legs back down, and he wiggled himself into place, hip to hip with the potent leopardess, stroking his own cum-swollen belly. It audibly sloshed around with his heaving to catch his breath.

"That's better, isn't it Pintra? I wanted to get a feel for you for myself. No better way than this." She laid his head next to his, projecting her purrs through the room.

He took a few more deep breaths. "I take it you won't be calling in that bounty."

"Tempting. But it wouldn't feel right. I can tell, now. You didn't earn it. You don't have the look."

He took a long breath and sighed it out once he heard that. Finally, a moment of real peace. Though with his belly full of cum and her seed ready to take, ready to set him on the path to bearing her kittens, there remained an important question.

" ... What now?"

"That's for us to decide, isn't it? You've got a name to clear. And I am very good at getting places I'm not supposed to be. I can imagine that might be useful."

He squinted at her, then eventually just gave a small smile. Nobody had believed in his innocence until her, and he didn't even have to try to convince her. She laid close to him and nibbled on his ear lightly, and for the first time since he set out on the run, he believed there really was the possibility of everything turning out fine. Making a trusted ally through a night of spontaneous passion hadn't exactly been his plan, but he was going to enjoy this sudden detour in his already turbulent life.