Hypnovember 2023 Day 16: Power Reversal

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#121 of Adult Story One Shots

Day 16 of Hypnovember and a commission for Heru, using hyenaface's Hypnovember Prompts.

Got 3 of these posted today and finally caught up with the days. ^.^

I hope you all enjoy the story, and as always I enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts on the story! :D

If you enjoyed this story, and want to help support me I have a Kofi ^_^

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 16: Power Reversal

Written by: TiranMaster

Commissioned by: Heru

"Dude, fucking back up!" Troy growled, Sebastian blushing as he nearly ran into his friend after the doberman had already stopped. The cat took a step back, trying to reorient himself in the tight confines of their costume. "I can't believe we got this suit," Troy sighed, shaking his head and thus making the griffin costume's head pivot in a shaking motion.

"Sorry, man, I was trying to get us something better, but the costume shop was all sold out," Sebastian said, shrinking back at his friend's clear annoyance.

"Whatever, let's just try to get a better spot for the show," Troy said, marching forward once more causing Sebastian to have to hurry up to keep up with the front part of the outfit. The cat sighed as he followed along, Troy never listened to a thing he said, always marching forward without giving heed to the cat's words. They'd already received several compliments on the outfit, it was a huge griffin costume that looked really impressive, but it was extremely unwieldy to walk around in and Troy was the only one of the two who could actually see anything.

Sebastian was getting a little better at not bumping into his taller friend, but it was sometimes a close call as he had to stop without any warning from Troy. He found himself getting irritated with the dog, but he had to tamper down his emotions. It was just for this costume party, and once they were done they could take a breather. They were both from the same frat, and Troy was on the way to making himself the top dog of the frat, while Sebastian enjoyed going under the radar.

"I will need some volunteers!" a voice called, a deep baritone ringing out, so loud that even the cat could make it out from within the muffled confines of the suit.

"Yo! My friend and I volunteer!" Troy said, grinning back at Sebastian with a somewhat malicious smile.

"You ass," Sebastian hissed, but already he could hear the person on stage beckoning for them to come up. For a moment the cat considered trying to hold back, but Troy was bigger and stronger than he was... and he really didn't feel like making a fool of himself on stage. So he followed along, wondering what they were volunteering for anyways.

When they managed to clamber their way on stage with minimal tripping and swearing, they were soon standing together on stage. There were a few others on the stage as well, a few couples, and then another couple of people who were by themselves. The bear walked down then in a line, having them each introduce themselves before stepping up in front of the final pair, Sebastian and Troy. "Welcome, young men, can I get your names?"

Sebastian was able to see through some of the mesh of the fabric to see that a large bear was on stage, grinning wide, dressed in a rather cheap looking tuxedo. He had a magicians hat on his head with a button on the front of it that sported a hypnotic spiral on it, altogether, the cat was unimpressed. "I'm Troy, that's Sebastian!" the dog said, gesturing over his shoulder as if the hypnotist could see inside of the outfit.

"Well, Sebastian and Troy, are you both able to see me clearly?" the man enunciated, making sure that everyone in the crowd could hear him.

"Yup!" Troy said proudly, he clearly was enjoying the attention.

"Yeah," Sebastian grumbled, feeling like an idiot for being on stage with a cheap hypnotist act, but at least nobody could really see him.

"Wonderful! Well then, let me show you how this works!" the bear said, slipping a small blue medallion out of his pocket, and held it aloft on a chain. "This is my special amulet, capable of rendering anyone I choose, hypnotized." He showed it to the crowd as well, garnering a few ooo's and aaa's, though there were plenty of skeptics in the crowd as well.

Sebastian had decided that he was just going to play along, try to make it as quick and harmless as he could, and then they could get off the stage. He was determined that once this was finished, Troy could either find a new outfit, or he could find someone else to drag around. "Dude, no way is this going to work," Troy sniggered, keeping his voice down so that the bear couldn't hear.

"Why did you even volunteer if you don't believe in it?" Sebastian growled, but whatever the dog was going to say he was interrupted by the voice of the hypnotist.

"Very well! Now, young man, please look at my amulet and let it fill your minds!" They both looked upon it, and though they were separated by a wall of fabric... the medallion was rather eye-catching, it glowed a deep cerulean under the lights of the stage. It started to sway back and forth... again and again, both men watched as it swayed, unaware of their eyes growing glazed as their attentions were drawn in by the special device.

No one save for the hypnotist himself was aware that this medallion did have a powerful hypnotic affinity, able to hypnotize anyone, it was a true miracle. Of course, the hypnotist didn't announce this fact, after all there would be plenty of people going after it if they did. So it wasn't long before both men had their mouths agape, their eyes spiraling, minds emptied out and waiting for instruction. "Now, young men, you both seem like you have opposite personalities, am I right?" the bear asked, grinning at the griffin costume.

"Yes, sir," the twin voices came, dull and monotone.

"Very good, then I think it'll be interesting if we flip the script! I want you both to have a flip in personalities, from meek to bold, and bold to meek, become what you aren't when I snap my fingers!" The crowd watched in anticipation as the bear held up one gloved hand and snapped his fingers, the magic of the medallion striking both hard in their minds.

Sebastian and Troy shuddered, their minds being rewired by the magic as Troy's posture started to shrink while Sebastian suddenly stood taller. The pair's eyes grew sharper once more as the dog suddenly seemed very uncomfortable and unsure of himself, peering out at the crowd. "Oh my god... what... what did I agree to?" he whimpered.

To see the normally indomitable dog turned into a sniveling wimp... it kinda turned Sebastian on, the cat adjusting his manhood as he surveyed the situation. He was on stage, the center of all attention, but no one could see him. He grinned evilly as he looked at Troy, the dog's worried eyes meeting his own. "Drop your pants," Sebastian commanded.

"W... what?!" Troy breathed, his eyes wide and his expression horrified as the cat groped himself.

"Dude, just fucking do it," Sebastian growled, "nobody can even see you! Bet the bear won't even notice, he's too involved in his own show."

"I don't... but I mean..." Troy stuttered, unable to put together a coherent line.

"Troy, I've been eying your ass for months, but I was always too much of a bitch to do anything. Now, I'm telling you, pull your pants down." Sebastian's dominating attitude got Troy to obey him, the dog dropping his pants to reveal that he was, in fact, not wearing any underwear. "Oh, looks like we have an exhibitionist," the cat purred, grinning deviously as he leaned forward to eyeball his prize.

Meanwhile, while the pair were having a small argument in the costume, the bear stood with his arms extended. "Witness, everyone, this pair has undergone a complete personality reversal! Troy, once the loud and outspoken one has been reduced to a weak and mild mannered puppy, but Sebastian is now a loud and gregarious sort, is that not so, boys?"

"Got that right," Sebastian's voice came out, loud with a new sort of arrogance that wasn't there just minutes before.

"C... can we get off the stage?" Troy's voice sounded timid, the front of the griffin looking a bit sullen in comparison to what it had been moments before.

The hypnotist walked on to the next pair, preparing to hypnotize them as well while leaving the pair in the griffin costume to their own devices.Sebastian leaned forward and started to eat out the jock's ass, enjoying the sweaty flavor of the other man's ass. Troy let out a whimper and a moan as he felt the rough texture of the cat's tongue, his own cock quivering despite his own hesitation at this whole situation. "I'm not... normally into this stuff..." Troy whimpered.

"Neither am I, but I think that's the whole point, idiot," Sebastian chuckled, smacking the other man's ass before digging in deeper. "Oh yeah... you've got a sweet ass," the cat purred, slipping his own pants down his legs followed by his underwear. He pressed his muzzle deep into the dog's ass, taking a deep and heady whiff. Outside, the crowd saw nothing too strange, aside from some increased movement inside of the costume.

"Pl... please... Sebastian I don't..." Troy's words halted as he felt one of the cat's fingers slipped inside of him, his words cut off as he let out a surprised moan. He was fairly certain he was straight... he'd been bi-curious at best, so he wasn't certain if this change was brought on by hypnotism or not. What he did know was that the cat's dominative personality was turning him off, and he couldn't help but shudder as the finger played inside of him.

The finger was joined by another, it felt painful... but it felt so good. "What was that, bitch? Were you going to ask me to put my dick inside of you?" Sebastian purred, his mouth suddenly so close to the dog's ear.

"I... oh... pl... please..." Troy moaned, his eyes rolling back, their words barely contained by the griffin suit. Without thought, he pressed back against the fingers, his cock rigid as it pulsed in time with his fast heartbeat. Anyone who looked too closely at the costume would've seen the outline of a hardon at the front of the suit, but they were too invested in watching the bear hypnotize someone else.

"Since you asked so nicely," Sebastian chuckled, and then he slipped his dick inside of the dog. For being smaller, Sebastian's cock was much bigger, and so Troy groaned as he felt stuffed full of the feline shaft. Their movements were awkward at first, but soon the dog was being fucked like he'd never felt before. The cat wrapped his hands around the dog's wait, pulling him closer, rocking his hips as he fucked his frat brother hard.

Troy opened his mouth to openly moan, but Sebastian put his arm into the dog's maw, stopping him from making too much noise. "Do you want the fun to stop already?" he asked, grinning maliciously as he gave the dog's ear a light nip.

Though he wasn't certain this was right, Troy didn't want it to stop, so he shook his head. When Sebastian removed his arm, the canine was careful to keep his mouth shut as he felt the other man's cock slipping in and out of him. He shivered as he tried to stop from cumming, he wanted this to continue for as long as possible... he didn't last for long. Without ever touching his cock, Troy was brought to the edge, his eyes rolling back as he panted heavily. He'd never had a lot of stamina when it came to sex, so it was no surprise when he came on the front of the suit. It grew wet and smelled of musk inside of the suit, but no one on stage was close enough or paying enough attention to notice.

Sebastian on the other hand lasted much longer, he wasn't close to cumming until the bear was approaching them again. One after another, he snapped the others out of their hypnosis, all of them looking a bit sheepish or confused by what had happened. The cat finally orgasmed just as the hypnotist was stepping in front of them, pulling out of Troy with a huff of arousal. The dog wavered, his eyes glazed with pleasure, his head foggy with the mind blowing sex.

The bear asked the pair a few questions which they answered in halting lines, the bear looking a little confused, but otherwise satisfied with whatever they said. He started to notice an odd scent wafting off of the griffin, and also that Troy was curiously quiet even after having his personality changed. "Are you two... alright?" the hypnotist asked, now looking at the crowd who were watching in curiosity.

There was a satisfied noise from within the griffin's body before Sebastian's voice spoke up, loud enough for the crowd to hear. "Never been better, hypnotist man, I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't excited to come up here at first. But now, I'm very glad I've cum." His words were heavy with panting, something that made a few people in the crowd more than a little uncomfortable.

"I think... it's about time we returned you two to normal," the bear said, now starting to dangle his medallion once more.

"Oh no, I don't think so. Troy, tackle him," Sebastian said. There was a moment's hesitation and a small voice asking for clarification, but Sebastian didn't bother to quiet himself. "I don't care if you don't want to, tackle him, or else you won't get any more!"

The sound of the griffin costume ripping caused several people to yelp in surprise as it ripped to reveal a half naked dog charging the bear, managing to knock the hypnotist over in surprise. Troy's face was flushed with embarrassment as he pinned the hypnotist to the ground, the bear trying to get him off but failing. The dog's pants were somewhere lost in the griffin's body, his ass still glimmering with the remains of cum. Meanwhile, Sebastian strutted out, his pants similarly gone as he strolled across to pick up the fallen medallion.

"What... what is the meaning of this?!" the bear asked, his eyes wide as he stared up at the naked pair.

"Well, mister hypnotist, your magic act is quite something," Sebastian said, looking at the medallion with a keen eye, "it really helped unlock something inside of me. I don't really feel like going back, and Troy will do everything I say, isn't that right?"

"Y... yes, sir," Troy said, his face tucked in embarrassment, but his erection showing how excited he really was.

"Not only that, but I realized that this thing must really work if it changed us so completely. So I was thinking... maybe it could work on everyone." Sebastian grinned as he turned towards the crowd, letting the medallion hang down so that everyone could see it. Every pair of eyes landed on it, unable to look away as the bear started to panic.

"Don't look at it! Look away," the hypnotist begged, but already it started to swing back and forth, and every eye in the crowd followed it. The bear's own eyes started to follow it, his terror soon melting into growing obedience, unable to resist the magic of the object.

Sebastian smiled, his tail wagging eagerly as he spoke to the crowd. "I think it's time for a few changes around here, and I think you'll all come to like it... just like Troy has." The dog whined his agreement, pressing his muzzle up against the cat's cock in interest. He was ashamed, but he couldn't stop... he just loved listening to whatever Sebastian had to say.