Hypnovember 2023 Day 25: Parasite/Virus

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#125 of Adult Story One Shots

Day 25 of Hypnovember and a commission for lexorius, using hyenaface's Hypnovember Prompts!

I hope you all enjoy, and as always I enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts! :D

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Hypnovember Day 25: Parasite/Virus

Written by: TiranMaster

Commissioned by: Lexorius

"This will sting a bit," the man said, sliding up Thomas' sleeve as the newest recruit let out a nervous sigh. He'd received a strange email one day, one inviting him to something called the Kanine Initiative. There was no information about it anywhere online, all he was able to find was links back to a website where he could put in an application. So he did, and he was recruited within the week, and by the next he was provided bus tickets and a set of directions to follow.

At first, Thomas had been worried this was all a strange hoax, but soon enough he soon found himself on a shadowy bus with two other people. They both had received emails as well, they were both a little excited, and just as nervous as Thomas was. They arrived by night to a series of warehouse buildings, the moment they stepped off they were stopped by a large muscular man. "Welcome to the Kanine Initiative, you have all signed on to become members of our prestigious training program. You will all make for fine recruits!" There was something... eerie about the man, he was tall, muscular, but for some reason Thomas' eyes couldn't really... make out his face.

Though Thomas found the words odd, he soon found himself walking alongside his two fellow conscripts, both of them looking a little wary. They walked into a medical station, finding another man, similarly large to the one who had greeted them. "Take a seat," he said, his voice sounded similar too, and if Thomas hadn't seen the other man out front he might suspect it was the same person.

"What is it?" he asked, his stomach churning as he looked at the liquid hovering within the vial of the syringe.

"It is a vaccination. He didn't give any more information than that which should have been suspicious, but at that moment Thomas felt very out of place.. Thomas saw the other two recruits taking their shots, frowning at the pain, but otherwise not having any reactions. So Thomas sat there, wincing as the needle was injected into his arm. Whatever was in the vial, it felt cold as it was injected, the liquid darkening the flesh under his skin.

"I... is that supposed to happen?" Thomas asked, his mouth suddenly feeling a bit dry as he felt it spreading out. He heard a noise and looked over to see one of the other two having fallen over unconscious, and the other followed suit shortly after. Thomas looked to the man with a panicked expression, his eyes settling on a canine face shortly before he too succumbed to darkness.


_Dreams full of dogs, large, muscled, doing pushups, bodies gleaming as sweat drips off of their rubbery black flesh. Thomas is standing amongst them, looking around in confusion, his breath heavy in his ears. "Fall in line, dog!" Someone walks towards him, another dog, taller than Thomas, extremely fit, his rubber muscles gleaming in the light of... wherever they were.

The man found himself staring up into a pair of yellow eyes, staring down at him from pure black eyes. "Are you ready to accept the pack's call?" Something inside of Thomas reached for the invitation, wanted him to take it... but that felt wrong, somehow wild.

Thomas' eyes drifted down, there between the dog's legs was an erection, rubber and hard. The sight was shocking... so why did Thomas feel a thrill when he looked at it? The dog's voice was so commanding, he should obey it, fall in line... "No..." he managed, the word wrenched from his throat.

"Yes!" two voices to either side of him said. Thomas was shocked to see his two companions there, both of them as naked as he, both standing erect._

"No... guys, we have to fight it," Thomas said. But he watched in horror as something happened to them, their bodies started to change. Their muscles ballooned with new growth, their cocks shifting into rubber canine phalluses. Their faces slid into mirror canine features, perfectly similar to that of the dog in front of them.

As the two of them stepped forward to join in with the other dogs, Thomas was forced to watch as they walked away. The other dog stayed where he was, looking down at him with disgust. "Bad dog," he said, and Thomas felt something inside of him shrink back in agony. He was a bad boy...


When Thomas awoke next, he had to blink away some bleariness, sitting up from his metal bunk with an aching head. In the beds next to him were his two fellow recruits, he didn't remember their names... heck, had he asked them their names? The dream from the night before lingered in his head, he felt... weird, he had an awful headache, and all of those naked men...

"Get up, dogs!" a voice shouted, and Thomas' head snapped up to see a man walk into the room. He seemed familiar, but his features were hazy. Thomas tried to narrow his eyes to see through the haze but couldn't manage it. To either side of him, Thomas' two companions woke up at the command with twin jerks of their heads, and they practically leapt to their feet Their faces were oddly blank, something that sent shivers down Thomas' spine as he slowly climbed to his feet before he realized they were all just wearing their underwear.

The commanding officer's eyes traveled up and down them. Thomas didn't know how he knew this man was a commanding officer, but it felt right. "You three look pitiful," he growled, a low rumble in his voice as all three of them bowed their heads in shame. "That won't last long though, soon enough your vaccinations should help fix that."

That set red flags off in Thomas' head, he couldn't stop himself as he looked up back to the commanding officer. "W... what do you mean?" he whimpered, the sound coming with something eerily close to a dog's whine.

"Did I give you permission to speak, mutt?" the man growled, growing closer. For a moment Thomas saw something odd again, a dog's face, rubber, with yellow eyes. That thought lasted for a moment before he was obscured again, but Thomas was certain something was wrong here.

His two companions didn't move though, instead they kept their heads bowed, both letting out slight whines. "I... uh..." Thomas suddenly felt bad, like he'd done something very wrong. "No... sir," he managed.

The commanding officer stepped back, letting out a snort of irritation. "Clearly, you are trying to fight your vaccination. That's okay though, it will sort things out shortly. You are to stay here and clean this room top to bottom, your two packmates will be joining me for their first day of training." He turned around on one heel, the sound of rubber squeaking on the cool concrete underfoot causing Thomas to twitch.

What was going on? Thomas felt so out of place, his head hurt, his skin felt... strange, tingles running over his body. His two companions both fell in line after the first man, both quiet, though Thomas felt another shock as he noticed something. They were both erect, their underwear tented, and neither bothered to get dressed before following the man. "Hey... guys..." he managed, and they both turned to look at him.

"The commander didn't tell you to speak," one of them spoke, his expression oddly alien.

"You're a bad boy," the other one said, and they both turned away from him before following out the commander. Thomas couldn't shake one fact though, both of them had yellow eyes, and he was sure they didn't before.

Thomas did as he was told, cleaning the room, finding a bucket and mop to clean the floor. Everything felt so odd, this had all started with a strange email, and now he found himself in some sort of military installation? His dreams still haunted him, the dog-like creatures, those yellow eyes. He mopped the floor, not even realizing that he was sporting an erection of his own as he imagined all of those muscled bodies.

When the others returned, they were... different. Thomas' eyes slid off of them as they did with the commanding officer, they were taller, smelled different, and most importantly they acted differently. They walked in perfect unison, their feet squeaking on the floor, and they stopped in unison to look at Thomas. He couldn't see their faces, not properly, but he got the impression of a canine-like physique out of the corner of his eyes. "The commander said for you to go to sleep, to let your vaccination do its work," they said in unison. Their voices were similar, deep and rumbly, they watched Thomas carefully as he slowly walked towards his bed.

This was all wrong... but why couldn't he disobey their words? Thomas crawled into bed, still aware of their gaze, and he fell into a deep sleep. The two canine men wagged their tails slowly, making sure the new recruit was asleep before they climbed into bed on either side of him, pinning the man between their thick rubber bodies.


_The dogs were there again, all in line, doing pushups. Their muscled bodies gleamed under the lights, they were all perfectly alike, Thomas could see that now. There was no different, he watched as sweat ran between their thick asscheeks. He moaned as his cock throbbed between his naked thighs, he wanted to run his tongue between those thick ass cheeks. "Fall in line, dog!" The familiar words, but this time they struck something inside of Thomas, his inner dog.

Without thinking, the dream version of Thomas came to attention, his manhood hard as a rock. The commanding officer dog stood before him, equally erect, he stared down upon the nude Thomas. "Are you ready to accept the pack's call?" That feeling from the night before leapt out, this time so strong, Thomas moaned as he felt his eyes flutter. To either side of him, he felt cold rubber paws settle on his shoulders, tightening their grip as he heard voices in his ears._

"Join us," one said, a deep cool rubbery tone.

"Serve the pack," the other said, a perfect duplicate of the first.

The resistance that Thomas had managed before slid away, he let out a whimper as that feeling... the thing inside of him grew stronger. "I..." he said, biting down on the word as he tried to resist. But the thing inside of him wasn't going to be stopped, the loyal dog that he'd been injected with. "I do, sir," he said.

The dog within broke free, Thomas moaned as it erupted out of him, his muscles growing with a pleasant swell, his mind being assaulted by thoughts of a loyal canine. He didn't have to see himself to know what he would see, his twins were on either side of him. He stepped forward as they had before and fell into line, started to do pushups in line with the other dogs. His eyes burned yellow as he panted, his cock throbbing between his legs, just as canine as the rest of him.


The next morning, the new recruit woke up to find himself between two rubber canine men, but he didn't panic. He moaned as he felt their rubber bodies, their manhoods pressing into him. When the commanding officer called on him this time, he obeyed, like a loyal part of the pack. Now he could see them clearly, the fog had been lifted from his sight, they were all perfectly alike, tall, muscled, and all of them wearing the same rubber uniform.

Thomas wasn't exactly sure if the rubber uniform was part of them, but the way their rubber ears twitched, their yellow eyes stared at him, he knew they were real. The uniforms had yellow lines that traced around their pecs, their abs, leading down to a zipper at their crotch. Thomas found himself growing horny as he thought about what must lay behind that, his own eyes flashing yellow as the commander told him to follow.

Undergoing the ceremony they all went through, Thomas was fucked by the others of the pact, their rubbery cum covering his ass. They smeared it across his body, caused him to swell and grow as they had, his old personality and memories being covered in time with his body. They massaged his muscles, causing them to swell, the rubber feeling amazing against his still human flesh. They slid their hands over his cock, the sensation nearly causing him to cum before he stopped himself. He knew he wasn't allowed to cum until he was finished, and so he endured the sensation with whines and moans.

His ass grew larger, he grew taller, their rubber felt right against his skin... and he knew soon he too would be a rubber soldier. Moment by moment, all of Thomas was wiped away by another Kanine soldier, his memories of his old life were irrelevant. The dogs were his new family, his lovers, his kind. His face was molded by one of the senior pack members, his muzzle slipping into the familiar facial features, his ears popping as they transferred to the top of his head.

The final part was the most important, they pulled a fresh rubber uniform from a box and presented it to the newest recruit. He took it reverently, sliding it on over his body, zipping it up ever so slowly. The rubber felt cool against his skin at first, but it warmed with every moment, and as it zipped up his skin the zipper slowly vanished as the rubber became a part of him. He whined in pleasure as he watched his normal human body be replaced by a rubber soldier. His cock was hidden behind a small zipper, and one of his fellow members unzipped to reveal his rubber manhood. He moaned and panted, soon shooting his last pitiful human load over the floor as he was fully converted into one of them.

When the new dog stood amongst them, he was just as tall as them, indistinguishable from any of the others. Their cocks were all the same, their scents all the time, and their goal all the same. He followed his instincts when one of the senior members announced for them to line up, and he fell into place amongst the other two new recruits. He felt properly in place, standing with his arms folded behind his back, his shaft properly back in place behind his zipper. They were the Kanine Unit, and they let out a pack howl as their newest member howled for the first time. His yellow eyes gleaming as he started to fuck one of the others in the pack, the rest falling into a pack orgy. When they were done, they would start training for their three new recruits, and then they would be off to their first mission.