Doggone Confidence

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Kevin is a dorky college freshman who falls for the buff jock (insert eye roll). The ensuing story chronicles their relationship, and through the use of a questionable online protein powder, the unexpected changes that ensue.

This is my very first story, and I have no idea whether it's any good. I get that the subject matter is a little niche, but I hope someone out there enjoys it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I want to refine my craft and have no idea how to proceed.

Would anyone actually pay for something like this? Lemme know.

I am hoping to make BioTechnologies Inc. a recurring thing, so let me know if you want to see more of that or what kinds of TF-related shenanigans you'd like to see next (expect M/solo or M/M though).


1: Truth or Dare


"Oh, come on. Stop being so boring." Max jabbed Kevin in the ribs. Everyone else sitting in the circle murmured agreement.

"Your dares are insane. Plus, you're giving me the option, so why are you complaining if I pick 'truth'?"

Max rolled his eyes. "I think you're just scared."

"Am not." Kevin returned, his face reddening. This was so immature, why did he let this dumb jock push him around?

Max snorted. "I bet you like 'truth' so much because you've never done anything worth telling about. I mean, we already know you're a virgin." The girls sitting on either side of him giggled.That's it.

Kevin hated that Max brought it up, even though everyone probably did know it. It was plain that Kevin didn't get out much, and it had taken a whole afternoon of convincing before he even agreed to show up to this party. Was it the first college party he had been to?

It wasn't really even a party, regardless. It was being held at Max's apartment, and consisted of him, his two roommates, both of their girlfriends, a couple classmates who played with Max on an intramural soccer team, their girlfriends, and Kevin. The roomies had a dog too, a male german shepherd named Arrow.

Kevin may have been a freshman, but he was already in Max's calc class and had started tutoring the upperclassman after class. He was short and scrawny even for a freshman, with unkempt brown hair and green eyes. Max was the opposite, brawny and toned from daily trips to the gym. He played several sports on intramural or unofficial teams, as he wasn't recruited by their college's division sports out of high school. Not that he cared. He may have been a jock, but it seemed he was going to college to actually earn a degree. His friendship with Kevin was an unlikely one, but the freshman was quick to help him out when he struggled on homework or studying for exams, and deep down Max thought he was doing Kevin a favor by getting him out of his shell. Hence the invite to their casual get-together.

The virgin comment really rankled Kevin, though it was true. It hit a little too close to home, though Max had no way of knowing why. The truth was, Kevin was gay. And the only person who knew about it was Kevin. He was careful to keep it that way, the result of too many years growing up in a conservative evangelical household. Every time he was reminded of his sexuality, something he subconsciously reacted to like some kind of disgusting affliction, his heart was struck with a deep pang of hurt. He vividly remembered the day his older brother came out, more than two years ago. He had never gone back home after that, and in fact, his room had been cleared out entirely. Not even a bed to return to.

His secret had another layer, however: he was desperately attracted to Max. Though he had no interest in sports, one look at that toned body underneath a too-tight tee would send Kevin's heart aflutter. And his loins. Conflicting emotions, equal parts lust and guilt, caused Kevin to feel nauseous even as he first approached Max, after their third calc class together. The bravest thing he had ever done in his life, it seemed, was asking Max if he needed help checking his work.

And now they were here, on the floor of Max's apartment, playing truth or dare like middle schoolers. Kevin thought it was kind of dumb, but everyone else seemed into it so he decided to join in. They made it into a drinking game.

Kevin took a deep breath. "Fine, then. Dare."

"Attaboy." Max patted his shoulder, sending a burning feeling rippling through Kevin's body. Max considered for a moment. And then, out of nowhere, his face contorted into a wicked grin. "I dare you to play the rest of the game naked."

Kevin shot to his feet. "Hell no!" Everyone in the circle was in hysterics. "Dude, that's so twisted!" James, one of Max's roommates, exclaimed. James' girlfriend laughed along even as she told Max he was disgusting.

"What? I just want the kid to be more comfortable in his own skin." Though his tone was mocking, Kevin felt there was a hint of sincerity underneath.

"I'm not doing it."

"Fine, then take a shot." They passed the bottle to the freshman. Kevin sighed and poured himself a shot. When they saw him slowly sip it, more uproar ensued.

"Down it, dude! This is exactly what I mean. You're not confident at all! Where's your backbone?"

Kevin despised Max in that moment, and yet his heart burned even fiercer than before. He sat back down and watched the rest of the group take their turns. Eventually, it came to Max. And Kevin was picking his fate.

Max smirked. "I pick 'truth'."

"Aw, c'mon. After the whole 'confidence' speech?" one of Max's friends complained.

"Maybe I just want to see why Kevin likes 'truth' so much. Alright, Kev. What's my question?"

Kevin had been waiting for this all night. The two had known each other for a couple months, and yet they had seldom talked about relationships. Max had sensed early on that it was a touchy subject for his geeky friend. Kevin was unaware of Max ever mentioning a girlfriend-or for that matter, a boyfriend. He needed to know if Max was even interested before even attempting to make a move: coming out of the closet for a straight guy was not his notion of a smart idea. But he had to be subtle.

"Well, err...what's your type?"

Max's eyes met Kevin's for a second, then he glanced away. "Like, romantically?"

"Yeah. I mean, what's your ideal partner like?" Kevin could feel the heat rush to his cheeks, and tried in vain to suppress it. He knew he was dancing close to the edge of a sheer drop.

There had been several shots taken so far, and all of Max's friends were developing a steady buzz. Kevin was feeling it too, but Max had yet to take a drink. Nobody else seemed to sense the sudden tension between the two.

"My type? I might need to take a drink..." The bottle was near Kevin's feet, and Max leaned forward to reach it. Then, just before his hand made contact with the bottle, he tipped forward and planted a kiss right on Kevin's lips.

"Whoaaaa!" one of his soccer teammates called out. The other was dozing next to him, head in his girlfriend's lap.

Kevin sputtered. It felt like steam was shooting out of his ears.

Max leaned a little closer, mouth now at Kevin's ear. "Don't worry, they won't remember this tomorrow. And if they do, I'll say you dared me to."

Kevin felt like passing out. It was all too much at once, a barrage of emotions like pinballs zipping around his body. He needed to get some fresh air. Reeling, he stumbled to the back porch and slid open the door. Max sat there for a moment, his friends either watching on in shock or snoring.

Arrow shot up the porch steps, tail wagging as he licked Kevin's hands. Kevin had been so flustered a moment ago, but his panic melted the moment he started petting the dog. The german shepherd had always loved his visits to the apartment, seeming to take a keen interest in the shy boy.

"Hey." Kevin whirled around. Max was there, sliding the glass door shut behind him. From the sound of things inside, the game had fizzled out.

Kevin didn't know what to say, so he kept petting the dog.

"I'm really sorry, man. I was a little too forward back there, and didn't make sure it was cool with you first."

Kevin was surprised. He knew Max was smarter than he let on around his other friends, but he hadn't expected such an apology from the jock. He faltered, but inhaling the cool night air seemed to clear his mind a little. "It's...It's alright."

"You're not mad?"

Kevin swallowed. "Listen, Max. There's something I haven't told you. I'm..."

"Gay? Yeah, I know."

Kevin was dumbstruck. How could he possibly know? Some people set the gaydar off the moment they entered a room, but no one had ever suspected Kevin.

"I felt an intuition from the start, but...I may have also poked around on your laptop. Just once. We were in the library reviewing for the midterm, and you got up to go to the bathroom, and I was curious, so-"

"Dude! Not cool."

It was Max's turn to blush. "I know! I just, well. I wanted to see what your interests were, and..." he trailed off.

"What are you trying to-"

"I think you're cute."

"Wh-what?" That took Kevin completely off guard.

"I know you've never fucked. I mean, one of your bookmarked tabs was a gay porn site, and the one next to it was an online bible. Though it was a smart move naming the bookmarks after grammar checker sites, if you ask me. The icons kind of give it away though..." Kevin was silent throughout this. His hand stroked the dog's fur mechanically. "All of this is to say, I know that what you're going through right now is hard, and that there's a lot of emotions flying right now. But all of this is to say, I like you. And I think you like me too, the way you keep checking me out when you think I'm not looking. Why don't we stop dancing around it, then. Wanna go out with me?"

Kevin was about to respond, but when he opened his mouth his teeth bit down hard on his tongue, and he cried out instead.


"I jutht bit my tongue. But yeth...I'll go out with you." Max laughed, then wrapped Kevin in his burly arms. "Why don't you stay over tonight? It's a long walk to your dorm, and besides, it's the weekend."

The pain in Kevin's tongue receded. "Uhh, don't you think that's a bit fast? I mean, I just came out for the very first time, and already you want to..."

"No! Of course we're not going to hook up tonight, I was just offering you a place to crash. We don't even have to share a bed. I've got some spare blankets for the couch."

"Thanks, Max. That would be really nice."

They turned to face the glass door. In the time they'd been outside, it seemed everyone had made their exit. It was getting pretty late.

Max told James and Tanner-his roommates-that Kevin was staying the night. As he thought, they didn't care at all.

  1. Supplemental Confidence

They took it slowly, as Kevin insisted. Max himself had hooked up a few times through dating apps, but hadn't really been in a serious relationship since high school. Nobody but them knew about the romantic side of their relationship, though they spent a lot more time together than before. Max had even convinced Kevin to accompany him to the school gym, though he had to teach him the proper form for pretty much every machine. Kevin had never been very athletic, and was especially shy at the gym. Max noticed this early on, when the freshman had refused to change in the locker room. Despite his insistence that nobody cared about him stripping, Kevin only reddened in shame and decided to work out in what he had on.

When this pattern persisted for a whole week, Max knew he had to help his boyfriend out. Once Kev got into the workout, he seemed to enjoy himself-though maybe he simply enjoyed spending time with Max more. But the locker room thing brought flashbacks to the truth or dare game a few weeks earlier. Max knew Kevin struggled with confidence, and he hated to see him look so abashed. Keeping their relationship secret wasn't easy, either. Max was careful around his friends and roommates, but someone was bound to catch on sooner or later. He knew they'd be cool about them dating, though maybe they'd give him crap for Kevin's dorkiness. Nonetheless, he knew the struggles the freshman was going through and decided to help him get there in his own time. All he needed was a little confidence.

"Surprise!" Max stopped covering Kevin's eyes. On the kitchen counter, there was a large white container.

Kevin was confused. "There's no labels on this. What is it? Some kind of Nigerian penis enlargement scam pills?"

"Yep!" Max gave it a second, then burst out laughing. "Just kidding, dude. I haven't even seen what you're working with yet. Though I'll keep the suggestion in the back of my mind, just in case." He unscrewed the lid of the container. A fine blue powder was inside, with a small plastic measuring cup sitting at the top.

"So it's, like, off-brand G Fuel?"

"Nah! It's protein powder!"

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Of course it is. Sure you didn't get this gift for yourself?"

Max smirked. "Well, I'm going to try it too. But it's for you. I did a ton of research online, and this stuff is apparently some kind of miracle formula."

"What does it do, make me a bodybuilder?"

"Not quite, though all the reviews did say it's pretty fast-acting. Apparently, it's supposed to have some kind of serious confidence-boosting power. Kind of like taking testosterone or something, only, it makes you more comfortable in your own skin. Or at least, that's what the reviews all say."

"What are you trying to say?" Kevin sounded skeptical, but he knew what this was about.

"Don't tell me you can't use a little more confidence. Besides, like I said, this stuff is also supposed to really give a boost at the gym. I don't need the confidence, but I'm still going to try it out with you. We'll do it together! It'll be fun!"

"If protein powder is your idea of fun." Kevin was still put off by the lack of labels on the side of the jar, but after Max showed him the site he bought it from and all the positive reviews, plus impressive results pics, he decided to give it a go.

Max pulled two cups from a cabinet and grabbed milk from the fridge. Arrow, the german shepherd, was attracted by all the kitchen noises, and began sniffing around for food. Kevin petted him while Max pulled their protein shakes together.

"Last ingredient's the powder-oh!" Max had been careless, and totally fumbled the open container. He dove for it, but a mess of blue powder dumped onto the kitchen floor. Arrow perked up and ran to the overturned jar, beginning to lick the powder off the ground.

"Bad dog! Shoo!" Max jostled with the dog while he tried to scoop the powder back into the jar. Kevin rushed in and grabbed Arrow by the collar, dragging him away from the mess.

Max recovered all the powder he could, then wiped the floor with a paper towel. The container was now about two-thirds full.

Max forgot about the shakes. He trudged out of the kitchen and slumped beside Kev on the couch, where the latter had been stroking the dog's fur. Arrow's lips were noticeably bluer.

"I was just trying to do something nice, and of course I go and mess it all up."

Kevin wrapped his arm around Max's shoulder. He seldom initiated any intimacy, but now he rubbed the jock's back tenderly. "I thought it was sweet."

Eventually the two returned to the kitchen. "There's still a lot of powder left," Kevin commented.

"But it's been on the floor. And besides, I think some of Arrow's slobber got in there." Sure enough, some of the powder had clumped from the added saliva.

Kevin hated seeing Max so dejected. "I don't mind," he told him, "as long as you don't."

Max's face brightened. "You don't?"

"Make me that shake, man. I wanna see how this stuff tastes. And who knows, maybe it'll give me some more confidence after all." Though all told, Kevin was feeling a little more confident already.

  1. Side Effects

B.T.I. stood for Biological Technologies Incorporated, a large pharmaceutical research firm with over a dozen subsidiaries. They flew under the radar due to the classified nature of much of their experiments and medical breakthroughs. Naturally, there was a high demand for some of their products...among the right type of buyer. Mostly military powers, but some commercial groups-such as insurance companies-dipped their toes in the water as well.

Dr. Koenig had yet to be discovered for her side hustle, and she hoped to keep it that way. She had been siphoning experimental hormone formulas from the animal testing division for years now. She herself recorded the numerous effects of such medicines, and saw the value in selling them off as a fitness supplement. There were side effects, assuredly; however, they seemed mostly to occur in instances of DNA cross-contamination, and those effects were murky at best.

Sure, there may have been better ways to earn a buck, but Dr. Koenig saw the appeal of selling the medicine online (and was very careful not to leave a paper trail). No one was being harmed, right?

They had been taking the powder for two days before noticeable changes began. Then, though gradually at first, both Kevin and Max had begun feeling more outgoing and energetic. Kevin no longer seemed to care about changing in the locker room, and the two were much more hands-on with each other back at Max's apartment. Up until this point, neither of them had done anything sexual with each other, much less even seen each other naked. But now, in Max's room that night, both men were feeling urges they could hardly ignore.

Kevin had been filling Max in about a frustrating classmate when he noticed the older student was rubbing at his crotch over his pants. He stopped talking as Max kept rubbing his crotch.

"That feels...good." Kevin's meager cock stiffened immediately. Max hardened too, though the tent in his pants was much larger. "Whoa, dude. You're packing."

"You like what you see?" Max took his hand away, then unfastened his belt. Kevin would ordinarily have been nervous, but now-maybe due to the powder-it was like that voice of caution in his head was put on mute.

"Y-yes." Kevin whispered, tugging at his fly.

They pulled their pants down, then their underwear. Suddenly Max was rubbing his hand up and down Kevin's length. "Can I...touch it?" Kevin asked between moans, his eyes glued to Max's six girthy inches.

"Please." Max replied. Kevin's hand wrapped around his partner's cock and began to stroke it, his speed building in tandem with Max. And then the pressure climbed to an extreme, and Kevin couldn't hold it in anymore. Hot jizz shot from his cock, coating Max's hand. Kevin stopped rubbing him as his body spasmed in pleasure.

The jock had yet to come. "Was that all it took? Guess it is your first time with someone else."

"Sorry. I'm sure you still want to get there."

"Hey, it's ok. I can finish myself off." Max removed his sticky hand from Kevin's dick and began to stroke his own. But Kevin had a better idea.

Without another word, he rose and placed his lips over Max's cock, causing it to twitch. Max let out a long moan, his eyes shutting, as Kevin fit more of the cock into his mouth. His lips reached the base of the cock, and he began to work it, a little rougher than Max was used to but still skillful. Max's hips bucked and his nails dug into the sheets, then he finally released his load, right down Kevin's throat. It was Kevin's first taste of cum.

"Fuck, dude. That was incredible."

Kevin wiped his mouth. "Was it?"

"You gotta do that to me more." This brought a smile to Kev. He hadn't known whether he'd like the experience of blowing another dude, and had always thought he'd rather receive than give. But now there was no mistaking his place in the relationship. He was Max's bottom, and the thought made him tingle.

Kevin stayed the night with Max. The two felt closer than ever before, and slowly Kevin felt the fear of being found out recede within him. They spooned in bed and both fell asleep fast, exhausted.

That week, Dr. Koenig was assigned to interspecies testing. The idea was to transfer desired traits from one species to another, and her team had been testing a shortcut that attempted to exploit the side effects of their base formula to achieve the desired results. She determined so far that even the smallest DNA crossover had a big effect, and it didn't take much to cause a complete species transfer. Her team had another breakthrough when monitoring the lab animals: it seemed as though the hybrid gene lay dormant in the test subject, perhaps indefinitely, unless triggered by an extreme stimulus: orgasm. Once that took place, a full transformation occurred rather quickly. There were other variables at play here, she knew. It seemed there may be adverse effects from consuming the produced ejaculate, though what those effects were was still a question of monitoring her newest batch of mice. For now, she would have to wait and see.

  1. Two Become One

Kevin and Max had wildly different dreams that night. For Max's part, his was a recurring wet dream that he had once or twice a month. He was at a party, waiting for his date to arrive. And then, just as he was losing hope, the mystery date finally showed up, only instead of some vague, faceless man typical in dreams, the person standing in front of him was definitely Kevin. The freshman grabbed his arm and led him into an empty bedroom. They stripped, and then he was on top of Kev. His dick felt for the hole, then entered.

Meanwhile, Kevin dreamed that he was somewhere dark and hot. He felt claustrophobic, and tried calling for help, to no avail. Suddenly, he could feel something inside of him, something warm. He was scared.

And then his eyes shot open, and he cried out in pain. The thing he felt was not a dream. They were still spooning, but Max had his hands on Kevin's hips and was driving his cock further up Kevin's ass.

"Whoa, dude! What are you doing?!" Kevin tried to say something else, but only a moan escaped, full of pain.

Max awoke suddenly, then realized he'd only been half-dreaming. "I didn't-I thought..." his voice trailed off, but he continued to push harder up Kevin's tight hole.

Kevin squealed involuntarily. Both men were breathing heavily as Max thrusted faster. He shifted on top of Kev and finally dug his cock all the way in. Kevin's initial shock wore off as the pain seemed to transform into pleasure, and he began to rub his own cock as he took Max's.

"Don't stopppp. Ugggghhhh," Kevin shook from head to toe, his mind fogging over into a blur of lust and pleasure. Max gave a final rough heave and reached his climax. Kevin felt the rush of cum inside of him, filling him up. It felt right. He continued to stroke his own cock, but for some reason he was unable to come, even though he felt the orgasm at the edge of his brain.

Max collapsed, exhausted, his dick still firmly inside Kevin. "That was...I was having this dream, and-"

"That was...fuck...amazing." Kevin said.


They lay there like that for a while. The clock on the nightstand said it was nearly six, and the sky was brightening slowly out the window.

Kevin was starting to grow uncomfortable. "Hey, dude. Do you usually stay erect this long?" He still felt the rigid cock pulsing deep inside him.

"Huh? I don't think so."

"It kinda hurts."

Max started. "Oh shit, yeah. Sorry." But when he tried to pull out, it seemed as though Kevin's hole had tightened considerably. "Uhh, I think it's stuck." He forced his legs back, but only succeeded in dragging Kevin with him.

"What do you mean, stuck?" Kevin twisted his body as best he could, peering over his shoulder. "Um, dude. I think we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"Look down."

Max turned his head to where their bodies met. "What the fuck??" He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. It was as though the skin around Kevin's asshole had fused to Max's waist. He could not see a gap between the two.

"What's going on?!"

"I don't know, Kev!" They both started panicking, but just then there was a shooting pain right above Max's rear. His body thrust involuntarily, sending a wave of pain and pleasure through Kevin. A small nub of skin forced its way out of Max's back, and began to lengthen. Max's hands shot to the bump.

"I think...I think I'm growing a tail."


The nub stretched until it was three inches, then four, and soon it was a foot long. It curled under his legs, twitching of its own accord.

Kevin was experiencing a change of his own. The cock inside of him suddenly felt like it was...growing? It expanded inside him, and suddenly his own dick was hard again. He started rubbing it with an intense need to come, but nothing came out.

"Dude, is this the time for jerking off?" Max practically yelled.

"I can't help it! I need to-to-" he couldn't finish the sentence, a sharp jolting pleasure/pain feeling shocking through him. Max felt it too, but not as strongly, and involuntarily his tail began to wag.

Max's arms and legs began to prickle as dark hairs poked out of the skin. Max seemed oblivious, because just then another change was occurring in his ears. They felt like hot wax, dripping and stretching. They shifted to the top of his head, sticking up there. It was like coming above water after a lifetime submerged. He could hear everything, it seemed. He heard his roommate snoring in the room next to him, could hear Arrow's paws clacking on the floor outside. And suddenly the dog was scratching on the door, which was somehow left cracked open. The door swung inward, and Arrow leapt onto the bed.

"Hey boy. What's happening to us?" Kevin asked wryly. As if in response, Arrow began licking his face. It sent unbearable waves of pleasure through him, and suddenly he was writhing, still attached at the hips to his boyfriend. As this happened, his legs seemed to tuck in, and then there was an intense heat coursing inside of them, like they were melting.

Max was distracted by his own changes, which seemed to focus around his face. His eyes crossed as he watched his nose and mouth start to stretch out in front of him, like a muzzle. Suddenly he was hit by a barrage of new smells, from the musky sweat soaking the sheets to Arrow's unique, masculine scent.

"Hey dude, I think I'm...I think I'm becoming a dog!" Max cried. Kevin could only moan in agreement as Arrow continued to lick him. He felt his face redden, and then his entire body grew redder and redder. He tried to turn to face his boyfriend, and then he felt his body get pulled closer to Max.

Max watched his boyfriend as he seemed to lose size. Kevin's feet were fused to his thighs, his legs pulling up and sealing together. Kevin could no longer feel his legs, just an intense heat from where they should be. Two heavy balls hung where his legs used to be, and then they melded with Max's balls to form one set.

The dog continued to lick Kevin, and the pleasure was so strong that Kevin started subconsciously rubbing his now shrinking dick. He felt so close to coming, yet suddenly he felt his hand rubbing nothing but smooth skin. His dick had been pulled into his body. But he found the pleasure was still strong where it used to be, so he kept rubbing his torso even as Arrow licked him.

Max's hands and feet started to ache painfully, and he watched his fingers curl into fists. And then his fingers crushed into themselves, shrinking and growing rough on the bottom. His thumbs seemed to shift up into his wrists, where they formed into dew claws. Speaking became more and more difficult through his muzzle, but he managed to say, "Kev, you're starting to look like a cock."

Kevin's mouth and nose joined and shifted upward. For just a second he was still able to reply: "I don't want to be a cock! I'm scared!"

"I'm-rff-scared roo." Max forced out. His tongue was lengthening in his mouth, and it felt floppy and unwieldy. His teeth lengthened also, his canines sharpening into fangs. His body was now covered with fur, black on the back and a lighter brown down the front...just like Arrow. The german shepherd continued licking Kevin, whose legs had finished forming into heavy, fur-covered canine balls. Kevin continued to shrink and redden as he kept rubbing his torso. Eventually his arms seemed to stick to the sides of his body, before fusing and vanishing into his now tube-shaped upper half. His body was reddening all the while, and now he was only a small fraction of his original size. His body seemed to stiffen and lift up off the bed, and his perspective bobbed over Max, who was laying on his back. His boyfriend was now unrecognizable, his body looking huge as it sprawled under him. At this point, Kevin's eyes seemed to shut on their own, and he was plunged into a world of darkness. When he tried to yell out, his mouth filled with drool as his teeth softened and merged with his gums.

There was a stiff pulsing throughout his body, which he realized must be Max's heartbeat. He couldn't turn his head anymore, as his neck thickened to match the rest of his length. At the base of his body, there was a muggy warmth that spread up almost to his waist. He could not see it, but he knew it was the furry skin of a canine sheath. Arrow was still licking him, and he throbbed, now just a foot long.

Max tried to speak, but only felt a strange gravelly growl in the back of his throat. He tried again, louder, and what came out instead of a yell was a bark. In the meantime, his arms and legs had shrunk, and there was a painful popping as his joints shifted. The last of his fur grew in as he stretched his new limbs. His eyes were the last thing to change. He watched the color drain from the world around him, the reds and greens merging and the blues becoming more vibrant. His transformation was complete.

Max's tongue flopped out of his mouth, and he arched his back forward. Arrow had stopped licking Kevin, who was now Max's very erect canine cock, and watched as Max began to lick, then suck, his own dick. Waves of pleasure coursed through Kevin, who was still conscious in spite of his changes. He had finished shrinking, and now he was nothing more than a well-endowed doggy dick. He was overwhelmed with fear at first, but now something else filled his thoughts...pleasure. Every fiber of his being was made for pleasure, was pleasure, and he began to drool again.

Max was aware of his old self, but at the same time felt primal urges creep into the back of his mind. He felt himself dumbing down, though he was determined to hold on to who he was, and who his dick used to be. He could sense Kevin now, and it seemed as though he could hear his thoughts, though the only language they translated to was a need to fuck, and fuck now.

He stopped sucking Kevin, and turned his attention to Arrow. The shepherd seemed to get the idea, and stood. He presented his rear to Max, and Max stood as well. It felt weird for Kevin to suddenly be lifted so high off the ground with no control over his movement, but he also felt a strange sense of safety. It was nice letting his top, his master, control him.

Arrow raised his tail, and Max climbed onto Arrow's back, his dick feeling for the entrance. As Kevin brushed against the dog's pucker, he felt momentary hesitation as the realization dawned on him of what was about to happen. But at the same time, his need was too immense, and he was plunged deep into Arrow's rectum. The dog yelped as Max began to thrust into him, burying Kevin deeper and deeper into the dog's asshole.

Kevin felt his body become engorged as his balls churned with pent-up desire. The pace quickened, and every time Kevin's skin rubbed against Arrow's he felt an electric wave of pleasure. He felt hot and sweaty and so big inside of the dog. Finally his master slowed down, just as Kevin felt a molten heat surging at his base. He had been drooling pre all the while, but now hot doggy jizz burst from his balls and shot through his stiff body. Hot cream sprayed out of his mouth as he was wracked by pure ecstasy. He felt his body knot inside of Arrow, and the two german shepherds stood mounted there on the bed for a while, Kevin still deep within the dog.

Finally though, he felt the pleasure start to recede. He withdrew from the slick walls of Arrow's hole as his master pulled out of the other dog. Kevin felt cool air against his skin, and he continued to be pulled in closer to his master's stomach. His sheath wrapped around him now, and he nestled deeper and deeper inside until he was completely covered. The sheath was warm and safe, and he was so close to his master now. He felt a momentary pang of regret, knowing that his fate was now to be a doggy dick. But he was Max's dick.

Max licked himself clean, coaxing Kevin's tip out of the sheath. He sensed Kevin's momentary sadness even as he was hit by his own. He didn't think he wanted to be a german shepherd, right? But the more he considered it, the more he realized that this was the best thing that could have happened to him. He felt closer to his boyfriend than he had felt with anyone before, and not just on a physical level. He hopped down from the bed on uneasy legs, the whole world seeming giant around him. Kevin bobbed a bit in his fat sheath with every step.

"What's this? Hey Max! Did you bring Arrow a friend?" James yelled. Arrow had followed Max into the living room, where James and Tanner sat on the couch sipping coffee.

"He doesn't have a collar." Tanner commented.

"How do you know it's a 'he?'" James asked, then his eyes drifted. "Oh." Kevin really was big, bobbing inside of his sheath.

"Did you hear me, Max?"

They both stood. Tanner gave the new dog a pet, which caused his tail to wag. Max licked his open hand. James walked down the hallway to Max's room to check on him, but found it empty.

Just then, Kevin felt something stirring inside him. Before he knew it, he was poking out of his sheath, and Max raised his back leg. Kevin felt a rush deep inside of him, and suddenly hot liquid shot through his body and out his mouth, tasting sour and coppery. He hadn't expected to like the taste, but it just felt so good to release it.

"Bad dog! Bad! Stop! Go outside!" Tanner yelled, attempting to grab Max and pull him outside. The dog continued to piss on the carpet.

"What is it?" James asked, returning from Max's empty room.

"It seems he isn't house trained."


Arrow chased Max around the yard, tail wagging frantically behind him. James and Tanner had jokingly decided to name their new dog after the dickwad roommate who bounced without paying his rent. Strange that he left all his stuff behind too, but after hearing Max's relatives had already filed a missing persons report, they decided to leave it in the hands of the authorities. They had heard about another missing person, and both roomies knew Max had spent a lot of time with the freshman in question up until their disappearances. They were too busy searching for a new roommate to care.

They decided to keep the new dog simply because Arrow had taken such a liking to him. The two dogs were inseparable, sometimes-as they soon found out-literally. They had no idea dogs could be gay, but Tanner had read somewhere online that it was a way of asserting dominance "or something like that" so they let the dogs have their fun.

Kevin loved his new life between his master's legs. He was licked clean every day, though sometimes Max's tongue got a little too carried away. Life from his sheath was simple and full of pleasure. Occasionally he missed being a human, or even the basic ability to control his own body, but every time he got to feeling that way he remembered his intolerant family and decided being human was overrated. Max felt the same. The life of a dog was an awesome one, and he lived it with his soulmate attached to him. Looking back, he felt as though he never really fit in, as a jock or an academic, nor really any of the other labels floating around a college student's head. He was simply himself, and he was also Kevin, and Kevin was him. They lived a happy life together, chasing balls and...chasing balls.

As for Dr. Koenig, her team had discovered something interesting. They had begun to characterize their base formula as a DNA transmitter. She was selling it as an enhancement powder, and in its unadulterated form it seemed to do exactly that: boost existing genes, fix hormone imbalances, promote muscle growth, the works. But it seemed to have a volatile effect when contaminated by another organism's DNA. As was previously mentioned, she had been experimenting with combining animal traits, with the intended goal being to develop desirable traits from other organisms within the host. As was also mentioned, even a very small contaminant could completely recontextualize the DNA being transmitted, and the common result her team ended up with was a complete species reassignment.

Her most recent trial had introduced the possibility of merging between individuals. It seemed as though the transmission of already activated formula into another individual (most commonly through sexual discharge) would result in the merging of the recipient to the host, usually through intercourse. This could prove a fascinating development for her research.

For now though, she continued to pocket enough powder to keep her website going. Though she was originally in it to make a buck, she soon realized there was a massive potential to conduct a few studies of her own. B.T.I. had, for the moment, banned human testing, but as long as she monitored her buyers closely, she was free to conduct her own kinds of experiments. Though up until recently there had been nothing to report but the positive effects of her product, there had been a new buyer-a college student-who commanded her interest in recent days...