Long ride home

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How far would you go for a friend in need?

(CW: somewhat non-consensual)

Lance sat in the lounge browsing through videos online, big bushy red and white tail curled around his black foot paws. The lanky vulpine stretched out languidly and yawned. Maybe he should try a different...

The door to his flatmate's room burst open and a dappled mare marched out briskly.

"Oh, hey, good evening, uh..." what was her name again?


The red fox winced, ears splayed as the door slammed loudly after her.

"Clara?" he offered experimentally to no one in particular.

Five minutes later, preceded by a now familiar smell of pent-up frustration, Lance's flatmate George lumbered slowly out of his bedroom and collapsed onto the other couch. Lance glanced long enough to take in the view of his flatmate's naked equine torso and down towards the bulge obscured by a scandalously small pair of briefs.

"Good night huh?" Lance asked nonchalantly of his best friend, they had known each other since high school, and so Lance knew this was not a good night.

George groaned and leant forward, burying his head in his hands.

"I... it was going well, till we got to the bedroom and then I.. I this is just not working. I can't... it's just useless."

Lance perked his ears slightly in concern.

"Hey, hey, buddy, it's just harder for you straight guys, you have to do the whole date thing, you know, make small talk, yada yada, pretend to be interesting, it must be exhausting, especially for you."

George rolled his eyes. "I don't see you getting laid all that much, fox."

Lance feigned indignation "Me? Get laid? In this economy?" he flicked past another meme compilation video on the TV "I'm saving myself for my sugar daddy."

George snorted. "I'm serious, Lance, I think there's something actually wrong with me, I just can't seem drum up the enthusiasm, even when they're right there on the bed." He gestured as if to an invisible naked mare in front of him.

"I even spent a fortune on those stupid fucking pills and they do nothing! He emphasised his point by projecting a couch cushion across the room.

"I... I think I'm broken."

Lance scoffed as nonchalantly as he could, trying to brush aside his concern for his friend. "Don't be ridiculous! Buddy, you'll find the right girl, someone who gives you palpitations, you know that feeling when...."

"Do I though?"

"uh... what?" the fox was momentarily caught off guard mid pep-talk.

"I mean, do I know... I mean WOULD I even know if I had met the, met the girl who uh, gives me that thing you said"


"Yeah, like that"

The fox looked over at his friend with a worried expression.

"Now don't go soft on me buddy."

"But that's just what I have been trying to tell you, Lance. I'm always fucking soft!" what started as a yell ended up as a little bit of a sob.

"Hey hey hey, don't be like that" Lance rushed over and patted his friend awkwardly on the shoulder.

They had been friends for so long they felt more like brothers. George was the first soul Lance had come out to and ever since then he had been so painfully conscious not to do anything that might make George question the queer fox's intentions.

"Look, buddy, you're not broken, it's just a dry spell, happens to the best of us, you're a nice guy, a... good-looking guy, and all you need is to find the right girl."

George shrugged off the touch.

"Oh hey, come on, I don't mean to. OH!"

Lance's eyes widened at the sight of the earth-shatteringly massive boner George was trying to hide from his vulpine friend.

Lance backed away.

"There, see, you still got it, uh... champ" the fox held out his diminutive paw for a paw-bump which went unreciprocated."

"Yes, right, of course, well, looks like you need a little privacy, so I'm just gonna go have a shower while you take care of that little problem and then maybe we can watch one of those stupid action movies you love so much alright? OK then! See you then big guy!"

Lance spent an extra half hour in the shower with the cold water on. It wasn't like he had feelings for George. They were just friends after all. Good friends. Besides there was no way they could physically work, but damnit, that bulge sure did make his mind race with uncomfortable thoughts.

It was an hour later when the fox emerged from the shower into his bedroom, red & white fur frizzy, towel tangled up in his ears and head-fur.

"Hey, fox?" the voice was close.

Lance nearly jumped out of his skin.

"George! What?"

Lance pulled the towel off his head and got a double eye full of his shirtless friend. George was sitting on Lance's study chair. One hand gripped the chair as if he would fall off at any moment and the other tried in vain to cover up the massive bulge forming in his pants.

"George... what are you doing in my room?" Lance eyed the wet spot on George's pants with concern. "Leaking on MY chair?"

The horse's ears twitched with uncertainty.

"You're the only thing that works." George confessed, looking everywhere but Lance's eyes.

"I'm the only... Thing?" Lance clutched the towel to himself, trying to cover up, his head spinning.

"I mean" George continued, slowly, deliberately. "That when I jerk it, the only thing, the ONLY thing that gets me hard is... well... when I think specifically of you."


"Yeah, specifically." George's ears flattened, his chest heaving as he tried to process his emotions.

Lance pinched the bridge of his nose with his pitch-black fingers.

"Can you help me get this right in my head, please: You're saying that my straight roommate, my friend." he glanced affectionately at the horse. "My BEST friend for almost a decade... can't get it up for super-hot play-horse model girl who just left in a rage but for some reason what works is...." He held up a paw in an ironic flourish to indicate himself in all his sopping glory.

George sighed and looked down at his hooves.

"I dunno, it's like you said sometime before, maybe I'm, you know, semi-sexual"

"George, that is DEFINITEY NOT a semi!"

"No, no, I mean like when you can't get it up except for when you have feelings for someone."

"Oh, ok, then you don't mean semi, you mean demisexual"

"What's the difference?"

"Well, one's a sexuality and another one is.... Well, what does it matter, what do you mean you're demi-sexual, does that mean you have feelings for..."

The big horse shrugged his broad shoulders and furrowed his brow in frustration.

"I don't know, dork! You're the one who did gender studies. I'm not gay or anything. It's just... I just..." he shrugged again.

"It started a couple years ago, before we moved in, I would just - I dunno - think about you, and it - you know - helped."

"It helped?"

"Yeah, but lately it's not been enough, I haven't cum in like, well months and months. I'm desperate!"

"Well, so long as you're desperate, that's just fine then!"

Lance noticed the shame in his best friend's eyes and his voice softened.

"Look, you think about whatever you like when you jerk it, heaven knows I do, but I don't know what you expect me to do about..."

"Well, you could just drop the towel for a start."

Lance stood there, jaw agape.

"George spread both arms out beseechingly and his cock sprang to life between his legs. "Please, just this once, I'm sure I'll get over it, but I haven't cum in ages and it's starting to get hard to sleep. I just want you to turn around and shake your tail a bit, nothing crazy, I just want to get this over with so I can sleep."

Lance bit his lip. It was a very weird request but certainly not a huge imposition, and quite flattering after all. He sighed.

"Ok, Ok, just this once, and don't you dare cum on my desk, you cum on a towel or something like a normal person."

"Yeah, of course, yeah, give me the towel, fox, and turn around please?"

Lance proffered the towel and, in that moment, felt more naked that he had ever felt in his life. He could feel his flatmate's lustful eyes greedily taking him all in, the curve of his perfectly formed butt cheeks, the sway of his tail. He stretched a little and wagged his tail in what he hoped was a seductive fashion, revelling in the sounds of excitement that emanated from the extatic equine.

Lance closed his eyes and swayed his hips doing what he kind of imagined as a seductive courtesan dance, then yelped as two strong hands gripped him by the hips, pulling him backwards.

"I need you" The voice was deep, passionate, breathy. It nearly didn't sound like George at all.

"You're so fucking hot" George whispered in his left ear. "I want you."

The fox's heart raced. Was this really happening? George was like a brother to him, but then again there were no rules against it. What was the harm in feeling sexy just for one n...

Bulging muscles lifted the fox bodily off the ground and planted him face down into his own bed, his tail raised, butt cheeks parted and tender tail hole exposed and vulnerable.

Strong thumbs prised him apart and the tongue came unbidden, sweeping him between his exposed butt cheeks. His knees buckled at the attention.

"G.george?" came his strangled response. The tongue assaulted him again and again, plunging deep within him, Lance panted with excitement as George explored him more thoroughly than any lover ever had. Then, as suddenly as it started it stopped.

Lance's heart leapt into his throat and he tried to stop panting.

"George, don't you even..."

The flared tip of George's enormous cock pressed insistently up against Lance's exposed pucker.

"George..." Lance growled in warning.

"I'm so horny."

"Don't you even think..."

"I want it so bad."

George gripped him and the tip of the horse's enormous shaft pressed roughly against the vulpine's rear. Lance writhed away immediately, disentangling himself and cuffed George roughly on the muzzle. The horse broke from his trance and shook his head, cock receding rapidly, the moment passed.

"What the fuck are you playing at, George? I. Said. No!"

"Oh my God, Lance, I'm so sorry, I'm... just so horny and I'm just so." Tears welled in the horse's eyes and he balled his fists in frustration. "I am such an asshole."

"I want you to leave."

George left without another word, head and tail drooping.

That night Lance lay awake in his bed, heart pounding. George could very easily have overpowered him and then... and then...." he rolled over and hugged his tail quietly, his thoughts racing.

The next morning was a Saturday, George was already out of bed eating his cereal. Lance emerged from his bedroom in his pyjamas and walked over to the adjacent chair.

"So." Lance began after half an hour of awkward silence. "We good?"

George looked up sheepishly from his cereal and said nothing.

"Look, I like you, George, I really do, you're my very best friend, and if I could, I would totally, you know, want to help you out, but it's just not happening. I mean look at you, and look at me, I'm just... You would break me."

"Oh, I completely understand" George nodded his big head morosely. I wouldn't dare threaten our friendship by, you know, making things awkward."

"Awk... what? No, you're not getting it sweetheart" Lance reserved the word "Sweetheart" for George when he was really pissed. "If that thing gets inside me, you will turn me inside out, it's not about awkward, I can do fucking awkward. This is about physics, and you my friend are just too much."

George shrugged. "Yeah, of course, I get it, I won't ask again, it's stupid and dumb. I'm stupid and dumb."

"Oh, no, don't say that, you're not stupid" Lance rushed over and put a conciliatory paw on George's huge one." The startled equine shrank back away, hiding his crotch from the curious canid.

"Please, d..don't."

"Wait," Lance tried not to laugh in surprise, "you're STILL horny?"

"No, not STILL. It's you, it's like I said, you so much as touch me, and... this happens!"

"Well, you can hardly consider it my fault" Lance drew himself up in indignation.

George nodded. "Yeah, of course, I know. It's just, I can't help it, I keep thinking about you, it's kind of annoying."

Lance sat down and smirked with bemusement.

"Oh yeah, so what is it you think about?" the fox asked in a sing-song voice, muzzle resting on his forepaws.

George shrugged and looked away.

"I dunno. Just how nice you are. You're just so smart and funny. You've always been such a good friend. So caring and thoughtful. I.. I really think the world of you, you know that."

Lance's ears flattened and he blushed, a little taken aback by the sudden rush of genuine affection.

"Oh and of course, that ass. That ass haunts my fucking dreams."

"Oh? This ass?" Lance got back up and waggled his tail playfully. "It's this ass that you like?"

George laughed and lunged at the cheeky fox. "Shut up, dork"

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how hot my ass is in these pyjamas right now."

"I said, shut up!" George stood up and flared his nostrils with mock rage.

"Why don't you fucking make me..."

In an instant Lance found himself pinned heavily to the couch, his knees around his ears, the heavy horse held him down easily, their muzzles touching.

"Haha, ok, ok, you win, you win!" Lance panted and looked up into his dear friend's eyes. George looked back down at him and something in his expression changed. A need. A deep longing.

George lent forward and buried his muzzle into Lance's soft neck fur, his shoulders shook with passion, or was he sobbing?

"You're... just so nice and I don't want to anything to hurt our friendship" Lance could feel George's bulge pressing insistently against his leg. He smoothed the burly bay's ears with one paw.

"Look, maybe there's another way I could help, like, what if I just. I dunno," he gulped "held it, and you (you know) just kind of thrust as if you were inside someone?"

George's head snapped up immediately and he looked down at his friend with awe and excitement.

"Really? You'd really do that for me?"

"I mean, sure, I guess" he tried to shrug nonchalantly. "I mean, if not this, what are friends for?"

George picked him up with one arm and Lance found himself sprawled on his back in his flatmate's bed, while the equine hastily took off his clothes.

"W..wait, now?"

"Oh, you don't want to?" George looked up with disappointment as his massive 15-inch cock sprang into life from his sheath.

Lance stared despite himself. He had never seen his friend's cock up close and it was even a little bit more daunting than he expected.

"N..no, n..now is fine, yeah, this is fine, I'm happy to help"

The fox sat up on the bed and took off his pyjamas, his soft white and red fur shimmering in the dim light. He looked warily up at George and then slipped his pyjama bottoms off his legs, dropping them to the floor.

He felt so weak and vulnerable there on the big bed, naked, but this time intentionally. Despite himself, the fox was hard as well, his red tip oozing precum into his soft white belly fur. It was a pretty exciting prospect, even if it was a kind of weird idea.

George walked up to him and scratched his mane with discomfort.

"Hey, uh, do you mind turning onto your front. I'm still not fully comfy with, uh, your cock, you know?"

"Oh... sure, I guess." Lance rolled over onto his front and got up on all fours.

"Like this?"

"Yeah, oh man, you're so hot, dude."

The horse's cock flopped meatily on the bed between the fox's sooty black legs and Lance felt two powerful arms grip him by the hips and pull him backwards onto Lance's crotch. He looked down and found himself eye-to-eye with his friend's glans. The massive thing came up to well past his bellybutton. He could smell the deep and heady musk emanating from that thick shaft. If he craned his neck he could probably take a lick...

"Hey, uh, I need you a bit more like THIS."

With that one word, George pressed Lance down flat onto his cock, sandwiching his meaty member between the squirming fox and the soft bed. George sighed with pleasure at the sensation of Lance's soft fur against his shaft.

"You doing ok, buddy?"

Lance, his face pressed deeply into the pillow, managed to gingerly lift a paw with a "thumbs up".

That was all George needed. Lance could feel the rock-hard shaft slide deeper into the bed under him, the tip hitting him in the ribs before it receded again, the median ring rubbing up against lance's own throbbing shaft, making him squirm.

The horse picked up speed, the stallion's legendary stamina ringing true as Lance felt himself pushed deeper and deeper into the bed, his head occasionally bumping against the headboard.

They played like that for what felt like a whole hour. At one point Lance thought his friend was very close.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes! Argh, fuck!"

George disengaged with a disgusted snort and Lance collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily.

"I'm sorry fox, it's just hard to maintain focus with you, the bed, all the other things going on in my head, it would be much easier if I could, you know.

Lance wiped the sweat off his brow, his chest heaving from the rough treatment, fur matted with sweat and his own cock throbbing from all the stimulation.

"Well, I suppose we should call it..."

George grabbed Lance's hips with both strong hands and stuffed his entire muzzle, once again, into the fox's pink pucker.

Lance yelped at the treatment and felt a shiver travel up his spine that threatened to frizz his tail beyond all recognition. He heard a kind of low wail emanating from him as his friend went to work on his most sensitive parts.

Unperturbed, George pressed his diminutive vulpine friend deeper into the bed, the broad tongue explored him insistently, needily. Lance panted with pleasure at the feel of it and grabbed frantically at the bed sheets as if to steady himself.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man"

He had never felt so vulnerable before, so exposed, so open to another person, in that moment George could do anything, could take anything. He wanted to please George so badly.

"I guess I could handle a little..." Lance heard himself say the words before his brain could catch up.

This was all the invitation George needed. The stallion held the fox with one strong arm as he used the other hand to guide his massive member to the fox's pucker.

"J...just the tip!" Lance squealed. "l..like, no more than, uh, six inches OK, buddy, that's like less than half!" his voice sounded shrill in his own head.

"Yeah, of course of course, thank you for doing this, you're such a great pal, I will always remember this, you're just the best."

George crooned at Lance, stroking the fox's back encouragingly with one large hand as he guided his flared shaft to the fox's slick pucker.

"Ungh, oh damn, so big, no wait..."

Lance was sure he heard an audible pop when the massive cock parted his ass cheeks and split him down the middle. He made a deep guttural noise as the horse slowly, inexorably, pressed himself deeper and deeper. True to his word, no deeper than about halfway, then pulled out for another thrust.

Lance blinked back the tears as his buddy's cock ravaged his insides. It was just so big, so thick, so firm, so long, but the worst of all... the worst thing of all was what it was doing to his prostate.

The fox's cock danced with excitement every time George thrusted. Every thrust felt like a jolt of electricity passing through his nether regions. Evey time felt like the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt, just without the cum. George must have started enjoying it too because the stallion stopped crooning at him and gripped him tightly, gaining speed.

The bulging cock seemed to hit him at just the right angle and lance realised with a shock that soon it would be over for him, soon he would cum paws-free all over his friend's bed and then he would be in real trouble.

"H..hey, do you think you're close because I think I might need a bit of a br.."

"Yeah, so close, shh little buddy, please I need this I need you so bad, just a little bit longer, a bit longer, please be quiet I need to focus."

"Oh, oh, oh, fuck fuck fuck"

In that moment, Lance came. His much smaller cock danced around as George rode him, spraying thick ropes of fox cum all over the black bed spread.

Lance made an unintelligible noise as his body convulsed around George's cock, his ass squeezed the horse's cock as he convulsed around the enormous shaft.

Having just had his release suddenly every sensation from the cock in his ass was heightened. Every thrust hurt with a new kind of sweet pain that built stronger and stronger by the second.

He tried to squirm away.

"Sorry fox."

Strong hands gripped his hips like steel and George went all in.

George plunged new depths of Lance's body and in his heightened state of sensitivity, the small vulpine felt every single bump and vein enter him, pressing his sphincter wider and wider still. He cried out shrilly in panic. He felt his innards rearrange themselves and he wasn't sure if it was just the shock of the moment but it felt suddenly hard to breathe.

Lance felt George's heavy balls swing forward and hit him hard on the taint as the massive member hilted him all the way. George moaned with satisfaction and rubbed his hands up and down Lance's tummy.

The fox realised with a start that this wasn't an affectionate move, this was to stroke the horse's own cock. George was stroking his own cock through Lance's taught belly flesh!

Before he could even react, George pulled out and thrust again, grabbing the fox by the left shoulder and the right hip to get the best leverage.

"I'm... so... close, I'll, make it up to you, I promise..."

A string of expletives escaped the fox as George pressed Lance's head deep into the pillows and thrust his massive shaft deeper and deeper into his friend's ass harder and harder. Lance felt everything, he could feel little droplets of perspiration hit his back as George sweated with effort.

He couldn't move, the moment stretched out into eternity, an endless sea of rolling sensations that threatened to break him into a million pieces.

And then suddenly, with a great cry of triumph, George finally came thickly.

It started as a twitch, pulsating deep within the fox but as it built and grew to fill his insides completely and the cum gushed out the sides, lubricating his entrance and forcing itself out all over him.

With a final cry of satisfaction, George collapsed onto the fox, smothering him in a heavy musky horse scent. In his passionate haze, George lent forward and kissed Lance heavily, deeply on the muzzle.

Lance lay there in silence and shock under George, covered in two kinds of cum. The throbbing under his tail matched only by the tingling sensation he felt where George had kissed him. Just as he was feeling strong enough to give George a piece of his mind, he realised his rider had fallen fast asleep while still balls deep in the fox.

He lay there listening to the deep rhythmic breathing. Feeling the enjoyable sensation of the equine cock slowly withdraw itself as it softened. Felt the closeness of his friend as he embraced him in his post coital stupor. Spent and exhausted he too fell asleep.