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#18 of 2023 Stories

An evolution and a strange transformation resulting in them becoming a...twin of their mother?

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You know what the world doesn't have enough of? Male to Female transformations with more twists. In this case, a college-bound eevee finally partakes in evolution, but not quite in the way one might expect. Male to female, age progression into that final form... I wouldn't mind putting someone else into a situation like that and being the father in this case. I might lose a son, but I'll have two perfect lovers after. It's a small sacrifice you'd be making, but don't worry, I would benefit from it.

Silver patted his stomach with a smile. He looked up at his mother, a female sylveon anthro whom he was visiting. "That was a really good meal mom. I really miss your cooking." He was home after his first year of college, intent on going back after the summer was over, but for now he was going to save some money by living with his mom. She didn't have a room for him, but she told him that she would make accommodations.

"I'm sure if you put your mind and body to it, you can make a meal just as good as me!" She spoke with glee and gave Silver a kiss on the cheek. "How many months will you be staying again?"

"About three." Silver replied with a smile. He stretched out of the chair and looked at all of the dishes. He swore there were times that he had more than one mother cleaning and baking and so much more. "Do you need help with any of the cleaning?" He paused and glanced around. "Also, where's dad? I haven't seen him since I arrived."

"He's been downstairs working on his projects. He's become a scientist and is trying to work on a stone that allows eevees to transform into any sort of 'eon' that they want, just like in the comics, and he's making good progress!"

Silver had to see this for himself! A stone to become any sort of eon? He imagined turning into all sorts of eons! He rushed to the basement and opened up the door to be greeted by darkness with glowing blue rings around a pokemon anthro below, his father. "Hey dad." He said happily as he walked downstairs, careful about each wooden step with how dark it was. "You're working on a special stone? Can I try it out?"

Silver's dad turned to him with a grin. "Oh? It doesn't seem to work when your mother tried it, and then I tried it and nothing really happened." He stepped aside to reveal a gray stone with a variety of different illustrations on it, a leaf, fire, water, it was as if every elemental stone had been plastered onto the stone, reduced in size so each one would fit onto the rock no bigger than the palm of their hand. "If you want to risk it, go ahead. It might work on an eevee!"

The eevee hastily touched the stone and felt... nothing. He picked up the stone and felt a faint warmth emitting from it, though he imagined it was because his dad had just finished carving the fire element on it. "So how does this work? Do I just focus on what I want to become?" He pictured a vaporeon in his mind, a female one flashed in his head. "And then I become it?"

"Well, typically evolution doesn't work that way." Silver's dad chuckled. "Have you been working on your college classes with that mindset? Not a bad one to have, but you also need to have the dedication and heart to be what you want to be."

"I didn't realize this was going to turn into a speech about what I was going to do later in life." Silver groaned. He was an eevee in his 20s, and his dad was impatient. He felt a warmth in his chest before he released his grasp on the stone. Things were so much better with his mom! What did she even see him in anyway? His dad was buff and from what he heard, well endowed, but what else was there? With a brief flash, he swore he saw him naked with that huge swinging cock, something that he should never have known, and yet he felt strangely aroused by it.

"Right. That's why it hasn't really worked, because we haven't figured it out. Stones usually just work by touching them and that's it from what we know, but switching back and forth must work differently, we just don't know how." His dad paused once he saw the blank stare Silver possessed.. "Uh, are you okay?"

Silver blinked a few times and saw his father fully clothed again. "Erm... yeah." Clearly, the stone didn't work. He was feeling hot and bothered by his father, though maybe that was just an illness he was catching, maybe mom didn't make the food right after all. "Well, best of luck! Let me know if it works out!" He walked out from the basement and tried to shake the image of his father in his head, and find a way to deal with the erection between his pants.

Once back upstairs, he decided to head to his room, a room that his mother changed into a guest bedroom since he was gone, but would get the job done. He shut his door and turned on the television. "Some cartoons should distract me!"

Silver may have been in his 20s, but adult cartoons still got a kick out of him, plus it distracted his thoughts of seeing his muscular father. "Maybe I need a hot shower too." He told himself as he leaned back onto his bed with the television on. "A hot shower and, oh some food!" Silver's mind immediately went to all sorts of food. He had been eating way too much ramen in college. The very thought about those noodles made him frown in disgust. No matter how many times he tried to make them, the damn things never came out right! The noodles were giant and crunchy. He swore he felt a noodle tap him on the shoulder! He tried to dismiss the thought, but then there was another tap on his other shoulder. He reached up and tried to scratch his itch, only to feel himself grab onto something. "What...?"

Silver slowly turned his head and noticed a ribbon, a blue tipped ribbon with a pink line next to it, followed by pure white tracing as far back as he could see. He let out a small chuckle. "I barely heard you come in mo..." He turned around and spotted nothing. "Wait, but if this..." He cocked his head to the side to see that ribbon he still held onto. If his mother wasn't in his room, then who owned this ribbon?

Silver pulled the strange ribbon gently, and at the same time he felt a pulling sensation. "Uh..." He continued to tug at the ribbon with one hand while tracing his paw along it with the other until he found the base of the ribbon right at the back of his head. "ACK!" He yelped in shock and rushed to the bathroom to confirm it. Indeed, one slam of the bathroom door and stare in the bathroom later he confirmed that he had not one, but two ribbons just like a sylveon. "I" At first he thought he might have been evolving, but evolving was a process that happened all at once, not gradually with ribbons! Stranger yet was the pink fur he was getting instead of his normal color. "This isn't right. Pokemon don't evolve like this." The ribbons and fur looked so familiar, but then again most Pokemon looked alike. Still, something about the particular style of the ribbons didn't feel right. "Let's just... um...hide this from mom now." He mumbled quietly. He could only imagine his mom's reaction if she saw that he was taking on sylveon traits. His mom was always hoping he'd evolve into a sylveon, though that story was a long one to explain.

Silver's big ears twitched at the sound of a knock.

"Honey, are you okay? I heard the door slam." A familiar voice spoke out.

Of course, his mother would be worried about him. Worse yet was the growing erection between his legs. "Ugh...I'm fine mom!" He called back. He started up the bath water. "I just spilled something. I cleaned it up and I'm going to take a shower, no need to worry about me!" His voice cracked, something that hadn't happened in years.

"Alright dear. Just let me know if you need anything. It really sounds like you're coming down with a cold!"

Silver leaned in and listened to his mother walking away. He tore off his clothes and stepped into the shower with a sigh. A nice hot shower did sound really good, and maybe it would take his mind off the ribbons that felt so real from before.

Once in the shower, Silver looked down at his body and spotted more white fur along him. Moreover, his figure also appeared different. He felt a bit taller, and he noticed his otherwise flat chest had developed two small lumps underneath the nipples. Curiously, he gave them a squeeze and shuddered at the sensations. His shaft, already erect, pulsed harder between his legs. 'Did that stone really work? Ugh, I feel so... so hot.' And it wasn't just the water making him feel that way! Silver slowly stroked his naked soaking wet body. His hands traced down to his shaft. He let go, but it wasn't long before the ribbons from before wrapped around it and began to stroke it. "H-hey!" He attempted to reach down, but two more appeared and grabbed his wrists. "Dammit! I'm not supposed to have ribbons, but can I at least get control of them?"

Silver stayed in the shower for a duration that was much too long. He was hoping the water would help relax his mind and body, but each time he glanced down at himself, he looked more and more wrong. His fur color looked whitish with a small hint of pink from head to paw. Part of him thought maybe the water was too hot, but running hot water never changed the color of his fur before!

Silver used a towel to clean up the mirror. Thankfully, the ribbons came under control as he stepped out of the water, but as he stared at his body, a sylveon looked back at him in disbelief. There were a few minor changes, notably the ears of the sylveon were more aligned with an eevee's own, along with a tail being his, but the ribbons, the fur color, everything else matched with that of the heart pokemon. In fact, the colors of his fur looked oddly familiar. "They look kind of like... mom?" His ears tilted downward, hiding underneath the fog covered mirror in front of him. The ribbons were sign alone that things were wrong, but now he reminded himself of a younger version of his mom, only a male one!

"Maybe I did finally evolve." He told himself, adjusting that big bow he now had. "Okay, so dad's stone worked and I became a sylveon. That's pretty cool. I don't think sylveon's are supposed to evolve from stones and I don't know a fairy type move, but that's still cool." He said with deep calming breaths. Pokemon evolved, that's what they did in life at some point. Well, the majority of them anyway. For him to transform while on break from college was surprising, and to be a sylveon was a bit embarrassing. One thing was for certain, he couldn't let his mom see this! He'd never live it down that he evolved into a sylveon at home. "What would she even think..." He looked down, spotting the erect cock he still had between his legs, something he had yet to sate. His ribbons slithered down to his shaft and began to slowly massage it. "Ugh... stupid things." He wished he had listened to his mother more about her ribbons and how she kept them under control. He recalled her mentioning something about them following her desires and simply, wanting something and her ribbons would do it. He wanted to be an eevee again, yet his ribbons were stroking his shaft!

Try as he might, Silver couldn't stop his ribbons. His mind slowly drifted to images of young female pokemon, pokemon like younger sylveons. He imagined one of them right in front of himself, stroking her large chest slowly. He reached upwards and massaged his own chest while his ribbons did their work between his legs. Maybe having an extra set of 'hands' wouldn't be such a bad idea after all, once he figured out how to control them better anyway.

"Yeah... a female sylveon...a perfect compatible partner for a now male one like myself." He mumbled quietly as he continued to fondle his chest. He spotted his tits growing in the mirror, though he assumed it was only his mind that pictured that. He did want to see a female sylveon after all, and there was one in the mirror groping herself! He stepped forward, hiding the cock underneath the sink but still feeling the ribbons taunt and tease him while another set stroked his ass.

"Big round tits...god..." He only had his mother in his mind at the moment and pictured hers, breasts grown out to DD, even when she was young she was well endowed, and those were the tits the reflection was getting. He pinched the nipples and gasped as they grew stiff in his pink fuzzy fingertips. "F-fuck...and a voice like..." Silver's ears twitched as he tried to picture one of the women in college, but he drew a blank. He couldn't picture anything except his mom, and hear anything except his own mother's voice coming out of the lips of the reflection in front of him that cleared up more and more to show that female anthro sylveon, all hot and bothered, just like him.

The more Silver visualized a female anthro sylveon in heat, the more it appeared in that reflection. The big tits and that ass, a thing that Silver didn't see, but felt when those ribbons stroked his now plump rear. "Yeah...I bet mom looked like this when she was young. She must have sounded like this too." He huffed as those ribbons stroked harder and faster. A hint of pre dribbled out of his shaft and, unable to help himself, a quick sinful vision of penetrating the woman in the reflection caused his shaft to unleash a small orgasm, cumming onto the counter underneath him. He reached down and held the green countertop as he unleashed his seed, pumping and pulsing as his ribbons squeezed his shaft and balls gently, draining him of every last drop of cum. He shut his eyes and let out a moan akin to a noise he heard faintly so long ago, the sound of moaning that was exactly like his mother's.

After a moment of recovering from the orgasm, Silver opened up his eyes and stared at the reflection of himself once more, no longer seeing a male sylveon, but a female one that reminded him of his mother in her younger days, if only because she liked showing him her photo album when he was young. His jaw dropped at the sight of the young sylveon, complete with two huge tits! He slowly moved his pupils down and spotted those two huge mounds attached to him! He now had tits, just like his mom! He stepped backwards, repeatedly shaking his head. "No... no no... this... this can't be real." Yet his ribbons were telling him about another change too, one between his legs.

After taking a deep breath, Silver reached down between his thickened thighs. Those huge tits made things hard to see, and he was horrified to glance at himself in that mirror anymore. Sure enough, between his legs was not a set of cock and balls he was familiar with, but slick feminine nether lips, a vagina placed snuggly between his legs. "C-crap!" He, no, she nearly shouted. She was still in the bathroom, she knew she had to keep herself under control. Whatever was going on must have been some sort of fever dream, or maybe a special ability thanks to that stone? Questions rushed through Silver's mind about what her new body was like, though she also couldn't help but feel it was still... changing? More weight slowly applied onto her body in several places. Every time she raised her head to see the reflection in the mirror she was seeing less and less of Silver, and more of... Sylvia, her own mother.

"I... I really look like her." She told herself. She had never seen her mother nude before, yet the body physique she had was unmistakable. She was even developing Sylvia's age. She raised up her knee and took a brief look at the side to see she even had Sylvia's birthmark, a dark pink blob that almost looked like a musical icon.

Silver tried to remind herself that she wasn't her mother, she was Silver, yet as she tried to recollect her memories, she had a horrifying realization. Any memories she had that included her mother in the picture wasn't a memory from Silver's point of view, but Sylvia's point. She remembered the day she graduated high school and how happy she was for Silver and... "No...that's not... I'm mom." Yet the harder she tried to remain herself, the more she failed. She heard a knock at the door which thankfully distracted her, but it was not the voice she desired.

"Sylvia? Are you in there? I was going to take a shower." A deep male voice replied.

Yes, Silver knew exactly who this was, her own father, a big buff male umbreon that.... That made her nether lips tingle at the idea of him showering and showing off that buff naked body. Something that should have disgusted her now made her desire him, and she knew how much the two had sex since Silver left, after all she had her own mother's memories!

Unable to fight those instincts that kicked in, Silver turned and opened the door with a smile, knowing full well she was naked. "Oh? Is that right...perhaps we can take a shower together." She offered with a sly smile.

She knew she'd have to deal with her own mother at some point, but deep down, she had a feeling...her dad. No, her husband prepared for that.

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