Chapter 2 Training

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Chapter 2 of Kiara's Heart and Heat. These short stories get more sexual as they progress. You have been warned.

Chapter 2 Training

A few weeks have gone by since Kiara's contemplation of her future and she is no nearer to making a decision. However she has not been idle. Nala has been working with her on her tracking and stealth skills and she slowly showed signs of improvement. Her mother would lie in the grass and act the part of a gazelle and see how close Kiara could get to her without alerting her. As soon as she heard Kiara she would call out and mark the location. The focus was to get as close to Nala without being seen, smelled, or heard. Kiara found this difficult as she tended to stumble if she was trying to be silent. No matter how she tried, if she focused on not being heard, she would take too long and Nala would smell her before she came close enough. If she focused on getting close enough, she'd make a noise and her mother would stop the exercise as well. However after a few weeks, the "alerted" marks slowly did make their way closer to Nala. But the pace frustrated Kiara. If she was to join another pride, she would have to bare her weight as a lioness and be a proficient huntress. And she was still far from that. Despite her mother's encouragement.

Her father was also not around to break the monotony of the training as he was busy maintaining the borders. Normally he would still check in on them constantly and help, however he had other distractions. Tisha and Sauda, last daughter's of Mufasa, had both gone into heat and insisted on accompanying the king everywhere. In fact, Kiara saw them ambush her father 10 moons ago as he went to relieve himself in the morning. She had to admit they were masterful in it. They waited on top of a ledge and waited till he raised his tail to spray. Then leaping down on either side of him, Tisha pressed onto him in a full body rub starting at his mane and sliding her body across his with her vulva ending by his nose as Sauda took his partially exposed member and in one motion, pressed it into her muzzle while one paw caressed his orbs. The poor king didn't know what hit him. In a flash he had his full member being intensely massaged while his nose and Jacob's organ were filled with the scent of a needy lioness. After recovering from the shock the experienced king gave Tisha's mound a deep and long pull with his tongue while pushing his member into Sauda's throat. Obviously eager to have them. Kiara slinked away without being noticed to give them privacy, but could hear the sounds of intense carnal pleasure as her father did not take his time in fulfilling his duty to continue to expand the pride.

She was surprised then, when it was her father whom told her he would take over for her mother in training for a few days. This wasn't unusual as he tended to want to teach her more about the skills to kill and wrestle prey down once close enough. But this must have meant Tisha and Sauda had had their fill and no longer required his services.

Kiara was happy to have him and he showed her his affection before discussing that days exercise. Today, they would work on pinning and immobilizing prey to the ground. As they went into the shade of pride rock, Kiara noticed the slight limp in her father's gate. Like his rear leg was injured. She grew concerned and asked after it. To her surprise, he laughed and told her that Sauda, being a harder lover, had insisted on making love at a severe downward angle so that his full weight would drive him as deep as he could go for their last session. In doing so, when he jumped back, he lost his balance and tumbled over her back and down the steep rock face, knocking the wind out of himself and landing funny on his rear leg at the same time.

Kiara felt oddly uncomfortable at the explicit description of the source of her father's injury. She's tried to rationalize it away. She had seen her father performing his duties with countless other lioness before, so this should not make her uncomfortable. But it pulled on her, nonetheless. However her father assured her he was fine and in good health to teach her today. They were to work on pinning. Something that Kiara, with her light frame, already had a hard time with. In the shade of pride rock they began. They started with neck takedown. A technique that involved catching the preys neck, with her teeth and using her weight to cause the running animal to stumble and fall to the ground. As he reminded her, this was the most crucial part of the hunt. If successful, it almost always guaranteed a kill. Like with stalking, Kiara needed all the practice she could get and had similar issues. She excelled in catching up to her father, but when attempting to grab his mane or neck, she would find herself stumbling and rolling with nothing to show for it. Every now and then, her father would take a turn to show her some detail and without fail, she always found herself in his jaws. At one point, rather than grab her by the neck he used his front paws to grab her rear legs and force her down. In that moment, she found herself sprawled out on her stomach with her father hovering over her in a manner similar to many she'd seen him in with other lioness. But, he did not linger and reminded her that the rear legs were also a easy target. If her father was getting frustrated with her lack of success, he kept it to himself. In fact, he treated her the same as he always did. With tenderness, and loving patience. No matter how badly she did in their sessions, he seemed to have complete confidence in her ability to master the skills he strove to teach her.

It went on like this for 3 days until she had a breakthrough. It had actually been studying his slight limp that made her realize her mistake. He had said jumping out of Sauda's reach as he pulled out of her had been what caused him to fall on the incline. And in the moment she would try to grab his neck, she would also jump. Enough where all 4 of her paws were not on the ground at the moment of impact. This caused her momentum to be uncontrollable. The next time she tried, she focused on just getting a hold of his neck rather than using her momentum to knock him down. To Simba's surprise, he found himself on the ground with Kiara resting on top of him, her teeth dug into his neck. Both of them shocked and elated, they disengaged. Her father congratulated his daughter and told her how proud he was. Kiara explained what she had deduced and the changes she made. After trying it a few more times and noticing significant performance improvements they knocked off for the day, content to spend some father daughter time. This mostly consisted of napping with each other as pillows.