Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 8

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#8 of Isekai

So chapter eight is finally here! Zamdor has officially joined our party and they are traveling together. The old bull has spent years in a mage's college, and absorbed so much useful information. Let's see if he knows anything that can help our dear hero. It's time for some magical training montage shenanigans, since the old bull was a teacher, surely everything will work out. Right?

But what's this? Someone sneaks into their camp in the dead of night. Who could it be? What could they want? Which companion is in danger? Is it the slavers chasing Rulu to the ends of the earth, or is it a rival from the mage's college hellbent on making sure Zamdor's career ends prematurely?

The trio started their journey southward. First passing close by the orc village, but not going inside. They had more than enough supplies for the several days it would take to go southward, and even if they didn't, Gurak was an accomplished hunter and more than capable of hunting, and bringing back something they could use for food in the worst-case scenario. Rulu could conjure water, but that wasn't a long-term solution if they needed it, magical water didn't persist, it wasn't like Zamdor's stones, where he took from existing stone and simply moved it to build his tower. Conjured water could wash a person off, but it didn't persist so that it would hydrate a body. The water would dissipate when the magic was released.

They'd need to find a means to get clean drinkable water when needed. Gurak had an idea, but, he'd have to run it by Zamdor and Rulu first. To see if it was even possible. Those late nights playing D&D with his friends in college might have some use in this life. He recalled a fairly cheap item that had unlimited water in it. Maybe he could craft something similar here.

As the trio went down the road, they'd pass a solitary merchant from time to time, a wagon full of goods, sometimes with a covered back, much like the old settlers in American history. Gurak looked to his left and his right. Both were fairly knowledgeable, so this was a good opportunity. "Hey, can I ask you two something?" Rulu was staring off into the distance but turned to look at Gurak. The older bull was reading a book, he put a bookmark in it and closed it slowly, before turning to look at Gurak.

"So uh, I've been thinking about our situation, with money, food, and water. I can hunt, I can craft equipment, in the right situation, anyway, but we don't have a source of water freely available to us. Does something like that exist here?" He goes out on a limb and continues. "I recall hearing rumors of a...jug or urn that could just....endlessly create water. Is that a real thing?" He knew it was called a decanter, but, he wasn't trying to get too close to the item he remembered.

Rulu scratched his head, then shook it slowly. "I've been all over the continent, and I can't recall ever hearing a rumor about something like that before. Such a rare item would surely be valuable and sought after. Maybe something a noble mentioned or owns?" The lizardman seems to look off into the distance while he searches his memories for anything in particular.

Zamdor scratches at his beard. "I recall reading about something like that." The orc's eyebrows lift as he listens. "It was in a tome back at the mage's college, in the history section. Supposedly, it was an artifact from a dungeon. It was found and taken to a desert-like town, hundreds of years ago and it was set so that water drained from it, and nourished the land, creating new rivers and sources of water in the region. It's still a desert-like area, but the urn's added water has made it much more hospitable. The name of the town and even the region itself were lost however, pages from the book were ripped out." The bull sighs. "So wherever it was, it's long since lost to history. There are a few towns like that now, that could match the description I mentioned." He shrugs softly. "But, it'd be difficult to find and would ruin the city itself if we ever found and removed it. Even assuming one of us was chosen by the artifact itself to function correctly.

Gurak nods his head, eyes still focused forward, not just on the road, but the future. "What about enchanting our own?" The orcs eyes almost glimmered.

Rulu blinked and turned his head, looking at the orc, surprise clearly on the lizardman's face. "E-enchant your own? Enchanting is a wildly difficult process." Rulu seemed surprised by the orcs wanting to do something like that. "Enchanters are so rare. And it can take a decade or longer just to master a basic enchantment. You'd be well into grey hair before you could make an urn like you're suggesting."

Zamdor too looked surprised. But he chuckled. "I dunno. Something about the lad tells me he'd find a way to do it faster than any before him" He gently nudges the orcs side. "He's a bright lad, eyes like an old man and the wisdom to match, I have no doubt." He ponders a moment longer. "I've no skill in enchanting, but, perhaps the dwarven city might." He surmises. "Dwarves are longer lived than beastfolk, orcs, and humans alike. They age slower, though elves age the slowest, that's why they're never in a rush. They have decades, centuries longer to live, so nothing matters in the short term. I had an elven student, a rude lady. I'd ask her to perform her spells for me, and she said he hadn't practiced. She'd try again next century if she felt like it." The bull grumbles, frustrated by such a person.

Gurak smiles and glances at Rulu, gently elbowing his side. Giving a wink that only the lizardman saw. Zamdor noticed the nudge, but not the wink. He looks out over the road, guessing the pair still had a ways to go before trusting him with whatever secret they shared. "But, I understand the basics. I can't enchant myself. But, I know what the process entails. I took the class back when I was enrolled."

Zamdor then went on to explain it, since they had plenty of road ahead of them. "So first, you need the item and the mana cryst. The cryst needs to match the element of the enchantment you are attempting to create. So, if you wanted say, an urn that made water, you'd need a water cryst. If you wanted your blade to create flames when you swung it. Fire cryst. If you wanted a shield that could heal the wielder, you'd apply a light cryst to it." He makes a hand motion, implying 'and so on'.

"Now for the complicated part. When you try to enchant an item. The cryst itself is imbued with all sorts of that element's power. So you have to focus, intently, on the specific thing you want this to do. For example, holding the water cryst, you'll be inundated with all the spells you COULD enchant. Like a waterfall cascading you with possibilities. You'll have to endure the barrage of, mental noise, so to speak, I'm only paraphrasing, 'cause I've never personally done it, just repeating what I was told, mind you." He rumbles out. "But, once you focus on the one, and single it out, blocking out all the other noise, you pull the magic from the cryst and focus it into the item. You, yourself are the conduit. You absorb the mana, transform it into what you need it to be, and then store it in the object. If you are successful, naturally the enchantment takes root."

The bull continues. "If you fail, well, nothing happens really. Maybe a headache, or exhaustion for the next day or so." He shrugs lightly. "There is no known limit to how much someone can enchant an item, allegedly." He adds after a moment. "There has only ever been one recorded mention of two enchantments placed on an item, by a mortal." He chuckles softly. "Our teacher loved talking about it. It was by an old elven enchanter. Ancient even by elven standards. He'd managed to place an ice enchantment on a sword. And nearly a millennia later, almost a thousand years, managed to put the earth to it as well, causing it to be ever sharper than the thing it would strike. The blade itself, Losi'Vel, or, as we in common called it. Tundra splitter, cause it could, allegedly, cut the very earth itself to the core of the planet."

Gurak's eyes perked at that. "Two...enchantments on an item?" He asks the bull, again, just to clarify. The bull nods.

"Yes, but the caveat is, you have to be the one to apply the second enchantment. No matter your skill, you can't add to someone else's work. Only that elf, who dedicated his life, as much as an elf can, to enchanting, managed to get two enchantments onto an object. It's a precious treasure, of course, held in the elven lands and it's never been seen since its creation. We only know of it, because our historians were present when it was attempted and made. Likely, elven vanity. I don't know. But, it allegedly exists." He shrugs. "And anyone could pick it up and sunder the very continent itself if they so chose."

All of this information was like a gold mine to Gurak. Accepting Zamdor's offer to travel was a boon. Not just his magical knowledge, but his knowledge of history and magical artifacts. This man was truly a gift from the gods. It didn't hurt the older man was handsome as hell too. Blonde hair on a blue-furred bull was honestly, quite strange, but the contrast looked really good on him.

He found himself staring at the bull rather than the road. His legs were thick and sturdy, not at all like he'd expect of a mage, likely due to his being a bull. He had hooves which was odd to the orc, but, it was probably common for his species. He just wasn't used to seeing non-human feet. The bull's chest was also wide and thick with muscle. His robe was loose and green in color. Mages likely designed robes that way so that when he was at the school, students could immediately identify what elemental magic the teacher was skilled in at a glance. Their secondary magic, and in Zamdor's case, tertiary, weren't shown on their robes, for much the same reason that they didn't share other forms of information. He'd never heard of a school being so... cutthroat, but, in a world unlike his own, anything was possible.

His face was older, a grey streak here and there, barely noticeable amidst the blonde hair, unless you were up close like the orc was right now. His horns were short, likely trimmed down somehow. Made the bull look younger, but when you were up close like this. You could see a wrinkle here, and the intent gaze in his eyes, which were presently looking out ahead. Before they darted to the orc. "Hey, watch the road!" Gurak turned his head back and steered the horse back towards his side of the dirt path.

A merchant was yelling at him as they went by, the orc apologizing the whole way. "Sorry! Sorry, I was lost in thought." It was only a half-truth, but it was. He'd only spent about a day with this bull, but he felt at ease with him, like he had Rulu and Towen before. Was this destiny at work? Was he being led down the intended path and he was oblivious to it?

Regardless of his future, the orc was just glad the bull was safe, and at his side. He brought a level of wisdom, of various kinds to the collective whole. The orc laughed softly after a few moments. "Sorry about that." He looks back to the road, focusing on it as they travel. "My mind was somewhere else." They didn't need to know about what he was thinking about.

Though Rulu's eyebrow perked and he glanced at the orc. He didn't need to say anything, the lizardman's sense of smell gave him all the info he needed, he didn't know the specifics, but the scent was clearly of orcish arousal. The lizardman just smirked and went back to watching the scenery he'd seen a dozen times over while traveling with the caravan.

Evenings became a bit more lively with Zamdor as part of the group. When they'd park the wagon and set up camp, the bull created a basin in the center for the fire, and a stone basin for water as well, so that the others got to take proper baths. Between the three of them. Zamdor made the tub of stone, Rulu filled it with water, holding the magic as it sat there, and then Gurak used his fire magic to heat the water. The first night, the trio bathed separately, not that Zamdor didn't make a point to check out both of the others when they were naked. Even whistling at them, making the orc cover himself immediately. Which made both the bull and lizardman laugh. When they were clean, they dissipated the magic, the water disappeared, the fire went out, and the stone basin sunk back into the earth.

The meals were just as good as always. Gurak wasn't a master chef, but he had a decent grasp at least. Zamdor was impressed with his skills, it was better than the food from the college, and it made the orc feel good hearing it. He hadn't ever spent skill points in it, he'd earned every word of praise through hard work. Pride wasn't something he had much of, but, he found himself taking pride in things in this world, he never had in the previous.

Rulu and Gurak took to sharing a single bedroll, of course, Zamdor wanted to sleep close, practically on the other side of the orc. Gurak didn't mind, but this was going to be awkward in the morning when Rulu woke him up their normal way. He leaned in and whispered to the lizardman.

"What're we gonna do in the morning?" The lizardman grins and leans in, nuzzling at the orc's face, and kisses his cheek.

"What we always do. Do you care if he's on the other side of the camp, or laying beside us?" The orc's face flushes darker green as he thinks about it, but he can't deny how....aroused he suddenly felt at the same time. His undergarment didn't do much to hide it of course. Rulu and himself were the only two aware of it, as the lizardman's hand was oft near his groin, and he'd sneak a grope at times. Despite how shy Rulu was when they first met, he'd grown to be quite brash sexually, or perhaps he was always that way, he just hadn't felt comfortable around the orc until recent days. But the lizardman knew the orc liked the idea of the bull watching.

Rulu leans in, nuzzling at the orc's neck. "You like it." He whispers and laughs. The orc grumbles and sighs, He couldn't argue the proof, but he didn't like admitting it, regardless. "He's been nothing but respectful, well, mostly. I'm sure he'll respect any boundaries that make you feel comfortable."

Gurak did his best to not think about it, but the more he tried to avoid it mentally, the twitch of his dick made him so annoyed. He sighed and hugged the lizardman against his side firmly and tried to drift off. The crackle of the fire finally lulled him to sleep.

Gurak slept well, probably the most restful sleep he'd gotten in some time, he never really felt safe at the inn, there were so many people everywhere, and he much preferred being out here in the middle of nowhere so to speak. Rulu at his side, and this new bull guy who seemed trustworthy, made the orc feel at ease, something he hadn't felt since he was back home in his village.

Morning came as it always did, the orc was honestly dreading waking up, not because he didn't want to, but because of how awkward he'd feel in the situation. The orc's senses came to him slowly as he woke. Rulu's hand was on his dick, stroking him like every morning prior, but the warmth was against his face too, well, the side Rulu wasn't on. He peeked open an eye and Zamdor's face was almost against his own. The bull was sleeping soundly, the orc's face feeling hot from blush.

Rulu snickers and kisses Gurak's neck. "He scooted closer a little bit ago. His nose touched you and he moaned." The lizard nips at the orc's neck. "He likes how you smell, seems we got that in common." The orc huffs and blushes deeper. His hips lift to thrust into Rulu's hand as he tries to stifle a moan, but can't contain it.

The bull's eyes flutter open slowly and his eyes lock with Gurak's own, Gurak of course looks down at his groin. Rulu's hand makes the bedroll bounce as he strokes the orc. Zamdor's eyes follow the gaze and he grins. He scoots back though and moves to leave the pair, Gurak's other arm comes out and catches him, keeping him in place. The bull stops and looks over his shoulder. The orc smiles nervously and releases the bull's arm. Zamdor lays back down and scoots in close. Rulu pulls the bedroll down slowly, making Gurak grunt, naturally, Zamdor looks down and grins. His hand moved to touch the orc gently. Gently stroking along his thigh, before cupping his balls, warm in the bull's hands, slightly sweaty from the heat in the bedroll.

Zamdor leans in and kisses along the orc's chest. Pressing his nose in against the skin and huffing loudly. His nose pushes to the side, and against the orc's arm, his face burns brightly as he moves his arm, and the bull's snout presses right against his underarm, the older bull moans loudly and nuzzles there. The older bull's hand left the orc's warm balls and moved to undo the belt keeping his pants tight around his waist. He tugs them down and fishes out his thick dick. The bull is longer and thicker than the orc by a fair margin, he doesn't say anything, too lost in the haze of the orc's scent.

Rulu grins and moves his hand to Zamdor's chest gently, before he goes back to stroking the orc. Gurak tried to return the favor, but he wasn't positioned well. He did stroke Rulu as much as he could though. The lizardman moved slowly after a few moments to climb up on Gurak's thighs. Both his dick and Gurak's touching as he strokes them together. The bull feeling the shift in weight glances and his eyes widen. He looks at the orc and then down at the pair of dicks together.

Gurak, unsure of what was being asked, nodded. The bull sniffs deeply of the orc once more, before he sits up a touch, scoots around, and with one hand still stroking himself, his other holding himself up, he leans in, kissing and licking at the two cocks. Then parts his lips and takes both cocks into his maw. Rulu gasps and moans, as does Gurak. The orc and lizardman's lengths twitched in that warm eager maw. The bull's tongue was longer and thicker than Rulu's it was a wholly different experience.

The bull bobs his head eagerly, canting his head and working his tongue eagerly along the pair of dicks. The mix of orc and lizardman pre. The bull's eyes fluttered, it'd been over a decade since he tasted or smelled an orc. The scent, the taste, it sent all kinds of pleasure signals through his body.

Gurak and Rulu were as near heaven as they'd experienced from such an eager muzzle. The orc's arms, now free moved to rub Rulu's hip as he thrust with the orc into that maw, and his other moves to rub the bull's back and down to his rump. The bull moans louder and pushes his ass against the hand when it touches him. The bull pulls back slowly. "You can do whatever ya want Gurak. I don't mind." He huffs and nuzzles in against the orc's pubic area, the orc's musk stronger and more appealing he supposed.

The orc's hand rubs the bull's rump, kneading his fingers over it. Careful to avoid his cleft, though the bull intentionally moves his hips so that Gurak's hand finds its way there. He strokes a finger between the cheeks slowly, the bull moaning and pushing back when the orc's fingers do. He moved his hand away slowly and moved it to cup and massage the bull's balls. Zamdor moans at that touch too. His hand massaged the heavy balls in his hand. The orc huffs quietly. "We'll talk, about...all this later." He groans out as he lifts his hips, working his length into that maw.

Gurak's hand moved from the balls down to that bull dick, squeezing the base of it while Zamdor stroked the upper portion of it. His hand moves back to stroke his finger against the bull's pucker. It was warm and clenched up when his thumb slid across it. The bull pushes back each time, moaning, almost pitifully. Gurak wanted so badly to sink into that hot clenching hole and make the bull moan properly from being fucked. The thought made his dick throb all the harder.

The pair couldn't hold out much longer, between their cocks throbbing against one another and that eager bull maw, Rulu was the first to moan and thrust into that maw, shooting his load into the bulls waiting mouth, not that it stayed in there very well, the bull did his best though, with him sucking both dicks it some oozed out onto the orc's stomach and groin. The orc was soon to follow, grunts and thrusts before his load hit the bull's tongue as well, most of it was swallowed, and the remnants like Rulu's oozed down onto the orc's body.

He suckles on the pair a bit longer after their releases. He sat up slowly and leaned back, the orc's thumb sinking into the muscled ring, making the old man groan, one hand moving to rub the orc's chest, his fingertips running through the chest hair as he rocked his hips, thrusting into his hand, then back against the orcs hand. "F...fuck...give it to me, give me every spurt you guys." He grunts and squints, the bulls thick cock swelling visibly before he erupts with his load. It splatters loudly against Rulu's chest and Gurak's stomach. His hips push back. "Give it to me orc." He groans out. Gurak's face flushes and he pushes his thumb as far into the bull as he can. Making the old man shudder a visible second spurt as hard as the first hits Rulu's stomach and he slumps back panting.

The three panting and moaning as they lay there, an absolute mess of sweat and cum. The three stayed like that for several moments before Zamdor slowly stood up, his knees wobbling as he did. "F...fuck, that wasn't what I needed, but it felt damn good." He focuses on the earth magic, only complicated spells needed incantations. Something simple like shaping stone, or creating a small stream of water wasn't anything complicated. Especially if he had plenty of time to do it. Zamdor created another tub basin for the trio.

Rulu climbed off Gurak and helped him up. The pair walked over and did as much as they had the night before. Gurak spoke up. "Perhaps, we save bathing for mornings, rather than before bed." The other two grunted in approval, as the fire under and water within were started. This time, however. Zamdor, Rulu, and Gurak all got into the tub together. The three of them cuddle up close as Gurak blushes fiercely.

"So uh, tell me Zamdor, what'd you mean earlier?" Gurak asked softly.

The bull chuckles and sighs. "I suppose it does no harm." He rumbles out. "I'm no spring chicken, I admit, but, I don't have much experience with folks." He motions to the pair. "I had a few flings." He shrugs softly, the water rippling as he does. "A few lads. Mostly, sailors, ya know. They just wanted a warm muzzle to pump into." He sighs as he slumps back. "And a few ladies. I think I mentioned that. They wanted a man of my...stature." He gestures to his dick, flaccid but still rather large. "When I'd ask a fella to take my tail, he'd decline. Had one fella try'n take me. He got about halfway before he came all over himself and decided he was done." He sighs softly. "I uh...I made things to put in myself." He gestures to the tub they were in. "Was easy enough with earth magic, smooth it out and everything...."

Zamdor chuckles. "But uh...never had the real thing. Fellas never wanted to give it to me, 'cause they didn't want to be gay, I guess." He shrugs again. "So I've never got to have that." Zamdor sinks into the water slowly. "I want you to be." Barely slips out before his lips dip under the water and his nostrils stay above.

Gurak's eyes widen. "You...what?" In surprise. Rulu just grinned.

The bull grunts and splashes the orc. "I want you to fuck me, okay!" He grunts and sighs. "I dunno...since that night when you hugged me, I'd felt so lonely and lost. For the first time in years, I felt seen. Like someone cared and saw me." He looks into the water. "I couldn't trust people in the college. Folks in town weren't very welcoming to someone who....dallied with other men." He shrugs. "Some folks care, some don't." He shrugs. "But the side eye stares. The whispers." Zamdor sighed.

"That's the real reason I was expelled as a teacher. Not my theories, the rumors. The bull with keen intellect was a cock sucker." The bull slumps, like the weight of the world was on him.

Gurak scooted against him, putting his arm around the bull. A faint glow overtook him again, as he buried his face in against the orc's neck. Hugging him tightly. Gurak motioned for Rulu to come closer and the three hugged tightly. "I'm sorry you went through that Zamdor." Gurak kissed the bull's cheek, Rulu kissed the other side and the pair grinned at him. "I can't promise I'll be any good, but, we can do that if ya want." He huffs. Rulu grins.

"I want a turn too" The lizardman whispers. He kisses Gurak's cheek and smiles. "I'll always be your lizard." He glances down and huffs. "But he looks so big, I wanna feel it."

Gurak grunts and huffs. "What happened to orc dick being the best?"

The lizard grins. "Oh, it still is, but best doesn't mean biggest." The lizard's tongue sticks out and he laughs. The bull does too. Gurak grumbles a little but smiles.

"Okay, okay, we can try it, sometime." He huffs softly. "I just...I don't want to lose you to his stupid huge dick." He bites at the bull's shoulder.

Zamdor gasps. "I'd never steal your mate." He grins teasingly. "I'll just make him feel real good. Besides, you'll have my big blue ass all to yourself." He rumbles out. "Unless Rulu wants a turn." He grins, his bull hand moving to touch the orc's dick and balls in the water gently. "Yours to breed every morning, every evening, any time you want."

Gurak HUFFS louder and lightly splashes the bull. "Fine, fine." He leans in and kisses Rulu. "Do you wanna?"

Rulu shakes his head slowly and chuckles. "I appreciate the offer, from both of you." He grins. "But I enjoy being on the receiving end." He scoots in between the pair. So his back was to Zamdor and his chest against Gurak. "Maybe, after some time, I can have you both." He uses his hand under the water to pull Zamdor against his back, the bull presses in and grins. Snorting and huffing.

The bull's hands moved around the lizardman and orc, rubbing his fingers against the scales and skin. Gurak's face blushes once more and he chuckles. "Okay, okay, cool down fellas. We're not trying to go again so soon, we still got a lot of road ahead of us." He laughs, he does reach down and grope both the bull and lizardman gently though. "You'll both get plenty of orc dick." He rumbles and enjoys the closeness for a while longer before Rulu and Zamdor pull away.

Gurak was of course, hard as can be, but he ignored it and focused on cleaning up. The trio all climbed out of the tub and with both Rulu and Zamdor using their wind magic to dry them off, it was over quickly. They both saw Gurak still sporting an erection, but neither did or said anything. Just smirked at each other. They disposed of the tub just like before, dressed, and packed up their things into the wagon.

They chatted quietly as they went along the road. Gurak let slip, accidentally, that he wasn't skilled with his wind magic, and that Rulu had been trying to help him, but it hadn't been very effective overall. Zamdor didn't pry about the information, rather he tried to give Gurak pointers on using wind magic, but despite his attempts, Gurak's skill didn't seem to improve. He couldn't increase the size of the wind barrier, he couldn't create a strong enough wind blade to cut through branches on the side of the road. It seemed he just had no talent with that particular school of magic.

Zamdor took him through it, step by step and his spell looked nearly identical to Zamdor's own, but when he released it, there was, for some unknown reason, no power behind it. Zamdor wasn't to blame, of course. Gurak grasped the concept, but it just wasn't executing the way he envisioned it in his head, not like every other kind of magic he'd used up to this point. He could use light to find and heal wounds in a person. He could shape and hone a flame to an arrow point, or pack several small fire spells into one larger one, causing an explosion and rain of fire around it, but wind magic, no matter how hard he tried, resisted his urges to obey his whims.

Gurak kept at it throughout the day, making sure any branches he took target at wouldn't cause collateral damage. He wasn't trying to cut down a tree or destroy a bird's nest. Even then, he still only targeted branches that hung over the road when they did, so it was at least 'good' that he cut it out of the way.

The next day passed similarly. They'd travel till dusk, park the wagon, and make sure the horse was well cared for, fed, and given water. A hearty meal for the three of them and then all going to bed. The pair became a trio, as the bull scooted his bedroll in close and up against the orc's other side. The bull's face stuffed in against his arm, the orc naturally, felt the bull's excitement at being in such a position. Gurak liked the bull and it made him happy, so the orc didn't mind letting him sleep that way, if it made him happy, anyway.

The trio drifted off to sleep together, pressed in close with the wind barrier around them keeping watch, and the fire crackling quietly as they slept. The evening shaping up to be like every night before it.

Hours later, Gurak felt his side shaken. He blinks open his eyes to see Rulu, not looking sultry like usual in the mornings, but panicked. "Gurak, get up, someone's inside my barrier and headed toward us. There are two of them. Both coming from the same direction."

Gurak's sleepiness was shaken off immediately. He pats Zamdor's face, who blinks and sits up slowly, letting out a yawn and asking 'So are we fucking for real this morning?"

Gurak covers his mouth and shushes him. The bull's face immediately changes when he realizes the implication. The bull puts his hand flat on the earth and shuts his eyes. Speaking softly. "Blessing of Balanos, lady of strength and stone, grant me your power so I may detect our enemies. Terra senses" A glow overtakes his hand and pulses into the ground, the light spreads briefly before being out of Gurak's visual range.

Zamdor looks at the pair. "Two approaching, one male, one female. Elf and...orc?" He looks confused, at the pair. "Yes, elf and orc. Their size and stature seem accurate." He points in a direction and scoots backward slowly, keeping his gaze in that direction as the bull puts his hands together. "Blessing of Balanos, goddess of earth, protect us, your children with unbreakable rock. Stone wall" Slowly the ground parts and stone comes up, several inches thick and curling around the bull carefully. The other two take refuge behind the stone wall as well.

"What do we do?" Rulu asked softly. The orc shook his head some.

"I don't know, we can't be certain their intentions are inherently violent, but we can't rule it out either. We're far enough off the road that it's not a mistake they're heading in our direction. But now we have to guess their intent and target." He glances at Rulu, who was sought after because of his unique scales, Zamdor who was likely still at odds with a few folks from his time at the Mage's college. Gurak felt he'd kept a low enough profile that he likely wouldn't be the target, practically no one knew who he was. The few who had were dead now.

The three stayed behind the stone barrier, and both Rulu and Zamdor nodded to the orc. "They're inside the perimeter of the campsite now." The bull said as he watched the orc. Gurak was about to stand up and greet the two who came forward when a loud, angry, deep woman's voice shouted in their direction.

"GURAK! SON OF NAGUK. Show your filthy green hide so I may flay the skin from your thrice-damned bones." All three of them looked surprised. Rulu was sure it was the slavers tracking him once more, and Zamdor thinking the same of his enemies from the college.

Gurak slowly patted both on the shoulder and opened up his shield, before standing up and turning to face the voice. Whatever he had prepared himself for, this was far beyond what he could have expected. Standing before him was an orcish woman, slightly older than him and she had a look of familiarity about her.

"Forgive me, fair warrior, I don't recognize you." He retorts, shield up and at the ready, while the elf stood back and watched, the orc woman pulled down her cloak, so she could see and be seen with greater ease.

"Of course you don't, you never noticed anyone else, did you?" She snorted, turned her head and spit. "Too important to spend time with any other of other orc children in the village. Least of all the daughter of the man whose death you are responsible for."

Gurak scratched his head a moment, then it dawned on him. This woman was the child of the fighter from his first dungeon, the man whom he'd saved, only to then sacrifice himself and the others so he and the archer could escape with what little they had. The child who wailed all through the night, stood before him, an experienced warrior in her own right and seeking revenge for her father's death.

"I don't want to fight you. Surely you've heard, the village is gone." He looks down and sighs. "Everyone is dead. Elves attacked and slaughtered everyone." He felt the anger in him well up, but he pushed it aside as he tried to plead with her. She was as much a victim as anyone else. He couldn't hold that against her.

How wrong he was.

She blinked and a wicked grin spread across her face. "Oh, I know." Gurak's face took on a confused expression. She continued. "Who do you think told the elves where you were? Who you were." Gurak's face grew flush, heat welled up inside of him suddenly. The woman continued. "I waited, years to get strong enough to leave the village on my own, and I went north, to the elves, I told them about an orc who was born with the blessing of the void, who was going to change the world, the bastard who was responsible for my father's death!" She shouted anger flaring in her voice.

Gurak's heart was thrumming in his ears again. "T...they killed him. The elves, the humans. You allied with the very people who killed your father. You have dishonored your father's memory. Our village, and every orc who has ever lived." His heart was pounding harder and louder. His vision was getting blurry.

Rulu went to stand, but Zamdor grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He sympathized with the lizardman's desire to help Gurak, but he was full of rage right now, and the bull doubted either could calm him. The bull pulls on Rulu and he retreats further away from the orcs. The bull erected several more barriers of stone between them and the pair. Thicker and sturdier each time.

Gurak's eyes were focused intently on the woman. Anger welled up inside of him. " brought them to our village, you are responsible. My mother, my father, all our friends, everyone we knew!"

She shouted back. "I only HAD my father. Mother didn't love me. When he died, she lost the will to live, she withered away and died, leaving me all on my own. It's only fitting I took your parents, you took mine! And the elf who was responsible. He told me how you turned and ran. How the archer had to chase after you because you were frightened by the other adventurers. The other elves accepted my plea to avenge my father, in return for the information. They let me kill him, just so my father could rest in peace, but his last words were of a cowardly child running, screaming into the woods, leaving everyone else to die."

Gurak felt the anger in him grow deeper, hotter. He takes in a slow deep breath. "I never ran." He growls out. Stepping forward. The air around him heated up, heat rising off of him and the ground around him as he took steps forward. "I was pulled away, kicking and screaming. I was going to kill every last fucking one of them." He growls louder. "I would never, ever leave someone behind."

The leaves on the trees around them started to singe, the air resonating with energy like nothing the orc woman or elf, had seen before. "I saved his life in the dungeon. I was going to protect him when the others came at us." Each step forward, the ground caught fire around him, parts of the bedroll had already burned away to nothing. The horse several feet away was pulling at the rope and whinnying in terror, before the rope finally snapped, the equine disappeared into the woods, fleeing the growing collateral damage.

The woman started to step backward, she'd underestimated this orc. "N, no, he was dying, he wouldn't have lied!" She shouted in reply. The elf who had killed her father, couldn't have lied. Her eyes shut a moment and she focused. "Blessing of Aethos, fire in our blood. Grant me the fire to burn away my enemy." She pointed her palm at Gurak and shouted. "Dragon's Breath!" A gout of flame, flowed from her hand as if it were a dragon's mouth. It wavered back and forth where Gurak stood. It wasn't a mediocre spell, it was at least C rank in power.

Any other time, any other day, any other opponent, and she might have been the clear winner, defeating her opponent with ease. But today, was not such a day. Gurak's rage and his fire overpowered her own. Whatever heat she threw at him, he rebuffed like it wasn't even there. The trees around them were catching fire now, but not because of her.

Gurak shouted. "I WOULD HAVE SAVED ALL OF THEM! ALL OF US!" His hand pointed at her, palm open, and a similar power from the one just days ago welled up inside of him, a blast of energy as wide and tall as he was going in her direction. He didn't care if she burned away like the golem had, deep in his heart, where he hurt the most, he wanted her to suffer, to hurt, more than he had, to cry louder and harder than ever before. His anger was immaculate and immense.

The energy swelled and shot forward, dousing her flames like it was nothing, passing over and through her, but no harm was visible. The elf beside her jumped aside to avoid it, and a whistle from above was heard.

The elf looked up and fired off an ice spell, it went up and popped like the day his village was attacked. Gurak released the energy and the pulse of energy dissipated with it. As soon as it had, a third individual came down suddenly, taking the elf in one hand and the orc in the other, then bolted up into the night sky, lost amidst the darkness and stars.

Gurak slumped to his knees, his heart still thrumming in his ears. Rulu and Zamdor came from behind the stones, Zamdor lowering them back down, and then the pair hugged Gurak tightly. Neither Rulu nor Zamdor said anything, especially about the woman's claim that Gurak had the void blessing. It made sense, now that Zamdor stopped ruling it out as impossible. Everything Gurak had done, if he was calling on void, as Zamdor understood it, made sense.

Whoever the pair was with, had long since disappeared. Gurak was calming down, his body giving in to exhaustion. The orc slumped against the pair and finally fell back asleep, the orc had nearly exhausted all of his mana if the bull had to guess. Despite all the rest, such a powerful use of magical energy must have taxed his body a significant amount.

Zamdor and Rulu put Gurak onto the least burnt bedroll and covered him up so he could rest. Rulu and Zamdor went about cooking breakfast, Rulu cooking it, since Gurak was asleep. The pair ate in relative silence.

After some time though. Zamdor spoke up. "So...did you...know?" He asks the lizardman. Glancing at the orc. "About his void blessing?"

Rulu looks into the cooking fire, made with flint and steel, the old-fashioned way. "Yeah." He whispers. The lizard's eyes never leave the fire. "I can't give you the details, they aren't mine to give." He glances at the bull. "They are his to share or keep to himself. He put his trust in me, I will not break it by telling you much more than that."

Zamdor nods his head. "No, no I understand." He adds a stick to the fire. "But what he did in the tower, with the golem and the tower itself, that's why it tore through it. The stone was devoid of magic, it'd been extinguished, and that's why the golem went down, the portal too. It was all held together by magic, I thought it was some higher tier of fire magic, that had burned through it, but, it was simply....nullified, like snuffing out a candle."

Rulu shrugged softly. "I dunno about all that. I only use magic when I need it, I never really studied it or anything. I just did what came naturally, or by necessity."

Zamdor nods, the old bull could understand that. Proper educations weren't common in the world. Few got the chance to read or write, mostly it was just word of mouth, and skills from parent to child.

Zamdor would have to teach the pair how to read and write properly, in common at least, but in every language he could if they were willing. It'd take some time, but, he'd make sure the pair were as well versed in written form as he.

Rulu and Zamdor didn't have much else to do. They cleaned up the campsite, as much as they could. Rulu stayed with Gurak while Zamdor tracked down the horse. It took several hours before the bull and equine returned. The stallion was spooked somewhat, but after a little while the horse calmed down. Rulu was especially good with animals. The pair didn't get the impression that staying where they were was a safe plan.

So the pair loaded up the wagon, with Gurak laid in the back, and they started back down the road once more. The orc slept peacefully, watched by the pair as they traveled down the road. Neither one was well versed in any kind of healing, Rulu had a rudimentary knowledge of healing plants, but this wasn't an ailment herbs could cure.

Zamdor had seen it once or twice when a student expended more mana than they had, it usually led to a coma-like state, so he was fairly certain Gurak was okay, just resting. He wished his appraisal skill worked right now, it'd be a great chance to see if Gurak was recovering or not.

The pair traveled through the day. Chatting here and there, Rulu talked more about his travels through the area and about the dwarven city they were approaching in particular. Humans typically took up residency in port towns, this one was an exception for some reason, as the dwarves were keen on this particular port, and didn't allow humans to overtake it. Dwarves were longer lived then all but the elves. Lived about half the lifespan of an elf, but more than four times that of the other races. Or at least, that's what Rulu believed.

The pair kept talking about the town for a while, till Rulu asked. "So uh....about this morning. Did you see who grabbed the...other two? All I saw was a dark shadow. I couldn't even make out any details, besides they had wings."

Zamdor looks ahead and nods. "Yeah, that's all I saw too, and since they weren't white wings, of an Archas, it was likely a Demis. Meaning something truly dark is at work. Demis rarely leave their domain. Not only that, but they were working with the orc from Gurak's village, it seemed and the elf, I dunno who that was, but they were part of it somehow." The old bull looks over his shoulder at the sleeping orc.

"Here I thought I was bringing my troubles into your lap and you had more trouble than anything I've ever seen in my whole life, come calling." He sighs softly and chuckles. "Ahh well. In for a copper in for a plat." He chuckles and smiles. "I already cast my lot in with you lads, come damato, Demis, or armies of elves. I'm with you to the end." The bull smiles and moves his arm to hug Rulu. "I'll keep you safe till he wakes up. It's not too much further from the port city of Whetstin.

The pair didn't unpack the wagon that night. They pulled off the main road and set up a camp-like area. But they all slept in the back of the wagon. The horse was kept closeby but was unhitched so it could rest, Zamdor had made a small corral out of stone for it, so it had some space to move around freely, it even had shade from both trees and a roof the bull had crafted with the stone. He'd taken the stone wall spell, and used it to greater effect, much like he had done with his tower.

The pair slept against Gurak that night. While the orc stayed in his coma-like state. Rulu even tried his usual morning ritual to wake the orc, but it was ineffective. Gurak was aroused, sure, but he wasn't awake, and without the orc awake, it just wasn't as fun. Zamdor too kept his word and didn't try anything, while the orc slept. Gurak might have been open to it, but, the bull wasn't in the mood as he had been previously. Worry took too deep a hold on him at the moment.

The pair packed up once more and headed down the road. Deciding to check in with a healer when they got to Whetstin as soon as they could, to try and figure out what was wrong with their friend.

As they approached the city. Gurak began to stir from the back of the wagon. He sat up suddenly, arms raised ready for combat. Zamdor and Rulu stopped the wagon slowly, Rulu jumped back to where Gurak was and hugged him. Zamdor smiled over his shoulder and kept the wagon going once Gurak was okay.

The lizardman squeezed him tightly. "I thought you were going to die, you big stupid orc." He choked back tears. The orc put his arm around the lizardman and shook his head.

"I'd never leave you so easily." He pecks a kiss on the lizardman's cheek, then looks over his shoulder at the bull. "Sorry about all this." He sighs softly. "Let's get close to town, and camp outside of it." He rumbles softly. "I'll tell you everything, since Gar'sha....kind of let the pony out of the stable anyway." Zamdor and Rulu assumed that was the female orc's name. He looked back down the road they'd traveled and hugged Rulu tightly against his side. He had to do this sooner or later anyway.

The trio continued towards the city. Parking their wagon just a ways away from the main city gates. They pulled into a field, far enough away from the road, and set up camp. They did their usual tasks. Rulu and Zamdor set up their bedding, what was left of it, at least, as well as their cooking area. Zamdor's earth magic had become beyond beneficial, with its multifaceted uses. He could make fire pits and small enclosures, he could probably put another tower up like the one he'd made before, that he lived in, if he'd tried.

After everything was done, Gurak cooked dinner as usual. The trio ate a hearty meal and sat around the fire for a little while before the orc finally spoke up. "So, I suppose I owe you a proper explanation." The orc said as he looked at the bull

Zamdor put his hand up and shook his head. "You don't have to. I understand, at least mostly. But if you want to, you can. Please though, do not feel obligated to."

Gurak chuckles and rubs the back of his head. "Ahh, well, it's...complicated, to say the least." The orc sighed softly and settled there and looked into the fire for a bit.

Zamdor nodded in reply. "Well, that woman said you had the void blessing, and it makes a lot of sense honestly. If that's what you want to leave it at, I'll accept it and I won't pry."

The orc shakes his head gently, and his arm slips around Rulu, hugging him firmly. His emotional support lizard. "I want to lay it all out. If you are going to travel with us, it's likely to come up again. I fear she's only the first of what is likely to be a series of complications." The bull nods his head, and he sits forward, ears flicking forward as well, so he is completely focused.

The orc takes a breath and sighs. "I'm not from here." He states simply. Gesturing around himself. "Not just this area, but this world. I was a human in another world, my name was Gregory Kane. I was a librarian. There was no magic there, only technology. Things that operate as spells here, would have been considered technology back home. Long-distance conversations through metal and plastic devices. Machines that could go a hundred times faster than a horse-drawn wagon. Complex machines that could move a metal ship so fast it could travel through the sky, and further still, to planets outside of our own." He looked up into the sky, and as the sun was setting, stars began to shine through.

"I died. I saw someone in danger, and I reacted without a thought. I saved the person, but I died in his place. For whatever reason the gods of this world, called my soul from the afterlife and offered me the chance to restart here. They felt my presence would make the world a better place." He shrugs his shoulders softly.

"Anyway. I was given the choice of whatever five blessings." He saw Zamdor's expression change, and the orc nodded. "Yes, you heard right, five." The bull blinks a few times but keeps whatever he's thinking to himself. Letting Gurak continue. "I chose light, fire, wind, lightning, and void." The bull's face lights up, but he stays still. "I was reincarnated as an orc, and as a child, when we were appraised by our shaman, word spread through the village about the orc with the void blessing. How it was rare and the child who possessed it, was going to change the world, make the world better for orcs." He makes an 'and so on' gesture, with a deep dejected sigh.

Zamdor's excitement was suddenly derailed as he understood now, that he had just assumed the orc was a prodigy at magic, but this was so much more complex. So much deeper. This wasn't about the refinement of magic for orcs, this was going to change the world order. Even he understood the implications, more so than Rulu or Gurak had.

Zamdor kept silent though he nodded and let Gurak continue. "At thirteen, instead of a normal hunting trial as was our custom, I was given special permission to go on a dungeon adventure with a group of orc veterans." He gestures in the direction of where they came from. "Gar'Sha's father was the leader of that party. We cleared the dungeon before any other party had, and the others were...unhappy, to say the least. He had the archer take me and flee into the woods while they held off the others. It was miles back to the village, so either they didn't care to follow or got enough gold off the corpses of our fallen warriors after killing them, only to petition the village for 'damages' incurred when they didn't get enough stolen gold. We lost almost every coin we'd earned from the dungeon." Gurak sighs softly.

"I told my father everything the next day, who I was, where I was from." He looks into the fire. "He was the only person I trusted enough, back then." He looks to Rulu and then to Zamdor. "It's what led to everything else. Gar'Sha went to the elves and told them everything. It's no wonder they attacked. They'd never allow orcs to rise, stand as their equals." He sighs softly and rubs his nose bridge gently. Fighting the tears that welled up. It was his fault. Every death, every orc in his village because of him, because he hadn't realized the danger he'd put them all in, the threat he posed to the status quo.

Zamdor sat quietly, letting Gurak finish. He interlocks his fingers. "You aren't to blame." He states simply. The orc's face lifted. He looked confused. "I can't read your mind." He gestures to Gurak. "But your face, it told me everything. Gar'Sha's father chose your safety. It's a tragedy. Monstrous and terrible. But he did what he thought was right. Not for himself, not for his family. But for his village, his people." He watches Gurak carefully.

"You told me, you died in your previous life, saving another, yes?" His gaze turns to the fire. "Gar'Sha's father is no different. He saw you in danger. He saw the potential future you had in front of you and he threw himself in the way to protect you." He looks up at Gurak. "Her father was just like you." He says simply. Gurak's heart was pounding again, but because he'd never once considered that. Gar'Sha's father, Kogan, was just like the man he was on Earth.

Gurak took a few moments to process this. But Zamdor continued. "You are not to blame for Gar'Sha's anger, her rage. The elves were, but she blamed you because you lived. You blame yourself because you lived too." He says simply. It was common in every world, most likely. The bull rumbles something in a foreign language. He smiles and gestures to Gurak. "Translated, it means 'Guilt of those who lived." Zamdor sighs softly and watches the orc.

"So you aren't just...a prodigy, you're a literal orc messiah." He laughs and leans back now, sighing. "Man I stepped in it, didn't I?" He watches Gurak and smiles. "I'm not leaving though."

Gurak looked confused. "But you didn't sign up for this. Rulu either. You should both get far away from me, I'll only cause you greater danger." The orc almost pleaded with the pair. His mere existence was a danger to everyone around him.

Zamdor shakes his head. "Are you kidding?" He laughs softly. "I have a front seat to the most relevant historical event going to occur in my generation." Zamdor puts his hands up briefly. "Look, I get that you hate the 'going to change the world' stuff. It sucks. It's a burden and it was yours." He gestures to himself and Rulu. 'But it's ours too now." He states simply. "You aren't going to change the world Gurak." He grins. "We are."

If that bull had charisma as a skill, Gurak was sure it would have triggered him just then, cause he felt a wave of relief and comfort he hadn't in a long time. The built-up anxiety from all these expectations. It was one thing for him to open up, but for the old bull to accept him so openly and without judgment made him feel more than a little at ease. He'd felt safe with his father and Rulu, but now that feeling extended to Zamdor as well.

The three of them shared a bedroll once more since they only had one. Zamdor had learned how to use Rulu's wind barrier and expanded it much further out, so they'd have plenty of warning should something happen tonight. Thankfully, it didn't. Rulu, Zamdor, and Gurak slept peacefully that night. Cuddled up together, and sharing a deep affection that would become their unbreakable strength.