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Short story I wrote in response to a vore piece I saw by another person. Moxie Bunn doesn't take someone harming their kitties lightly.

CW: cooking vore

To all the doggies: I will hunt you down.

The dog squirmed and writhed on the searing, metal grate of the gas grill. Blue and orange flames licked between the bars, threatening to set his fur alight! He whimpered and cried but to no avail. Who would hear him, and if they did, how would they understand the weak, pitiful sounds emanating from the rabbit's deck? His cries would be muffled by the closed grill lid at any rate.

The dog would rather have been anywhere else at this moment, but with arms and legs and even jaw tightly bound, he wasn't going anywhere. He prayed for the ropes to burn through, but they showed no signs of loosening. All he could do was writhe and pray to the gods for deliverance. He could barely understand how he'd arrived in this dire predicament.

He hadn't noticed the rabbit. Prey like that were beneath his notice except when he was hunting. He'd felt a sharp prick and then dizziness, and when he'd awoken, he'd already been bound and lying on the hard, steel bars. How he'd been reduced to this size was another mystery, but neither how he'd been shrunk nor how he'd gotten here seemed important amidst the burning pain and terror he endured.

Another flame licked through the grate, and this time, his smoldering fur burst into flames. He screamed as the flames spread inexorably across his body, reducing fur to ash and charring the skin underneath. It was pure and utter agony.

The black rabbit, fur darker than the dog's now charred skin, lifted the lid of the grill and peeked inside with a giggle. "Looks like you're almost done! How are you doing, snack? I'm getting hungry for my 'hot dog'," the rabbit taunted, their grin showing their big buck teeth.

The idiocy of the rabbit's pun caused the dog to groan though he had more pressing matters to concern him. He was cooking alive, and as time went on, his extremities responded less and less to his attempts to struggle.

The rabbit lifted a brush and began to paint him with a maroon glop that his nose told him was barbeque sauce! The cool goop did nothing to soothe his charred skin, far beyond the aid of anything but a full skin graft with only the tip of his nose relatively spared. When the rabbit was done, they set aside the brush and picked up a pair of tongs, clacking them together as they eyed the dog with malice.

"I suppose you're cooked enough. I wouldn't want you to burn up too much so that you couldn't enjoy the rest of this."

They seized the dog tightly between the tongs, his brittle skin cracking and oozing blood! He screamed and squirmed to the extent he still could. The rabbit lifted him, and he reeled with the sudden vertigo of the rapid movement. They deftly dunked his face in yet more barbeque sauce, causing him to splutter and sneeze as the spicy condiment entered his sensitive nostrils.

The rabbit lifted him up to their mouth and blew across him as if they thought he might burn their tongue. Then they opened their jaws wide. The dog stared into the black abyss beyond white teeth and pink mucosa. The decidedly herbivorous dentition of the rabbit-big, paired incisors and cheek teeth-only caused his mind to rebel against the reality of his situation even more. He couldn't have been taken by a rabbit! He couldn't become a prey's prey!

However, the rabbit cared nothing for this breach of the natural order. They deposited the top half of the dog in their mouth, their incisors pinching down on his lower back to hold him tightly within the herbivore's maw. It was dark and wet in the rabbit's mouth, saliva pooling around his chest. However, the heat was quite mild and tolerable compared to that of the searing grill. Languidly, the rabbit tilted their head back and began to gulp the dog into their pharynx. Their undulating tongue helped to propel him along. Suddenly, the dog slipped back, falling, until he was caught by the firm grip of the rabbit's esophagus around his shoulders. Pain still occupied a large portion of his mind, but the pure surreality of being swallowed by a bunny demanded its deserved chunk of his consciousness. Gulp by gulp, he slid into the muscular tube until, with a final gulp, he was propelled into the slimy darkness.

* * *

Moxie swallowed the crispy dog with a final gulp and felt their powerful peristaltic muscles rapidly propel him down into their stomach. They licked the barbeque sauce from their lips and turned back inside off of the deck, sitting down at their table across from their feline friend, Tess, and digging into the main course: a hearty salad of romaine, cucumber, bell peppers, and dandelions. Tess picked at her roasted pigeon, regarding Moxie with furtive discomfort.

"Did you really need to go that far?" the silver tabby finally mewed embarrassedly.

Moxie met her sea-green eyes and nodded with the zeal of pseudo-religious certitude. "He deserved it! He hurt one of my kitties!"

"But, um, did you actually know the cat he ate?" Tess inquired worriedly.

"I didn't need to. No one hurts my kitties and gets away with it!" Moxie rejoined stridently.

Tess merely nodded and went back to trying to eat her lunch. Moxie watched the cat with tender affection. Tess was a gentle soul who hated to think of anyone suffering, but Moxie would never be dissuaded from their position. The dog had harmed a cat, and for anyone who harmed one of their precious kitties, no punishment could be too severe. The fact that they hadn't known the cat was immaterial: Moxie considered all cats to be theirs in the ethical sense. And any threat against them incited their wrath. They could be a bit possessive of their favored felines, but they adored them and would defend them by any means necessary.

Moxie munched down the salad hungrily, burying the hapless, half-cooked dog under a mountain of pulverized vegetable matter. They barely gave him a second thought as they and Tess finished their lunch together. Retribution had been served.