Tead Off

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#13 of Patreon

Today's story was the vote winner from a poll on my Patreon who wanted to see an evil version of the usually friendly shopkeeper. When three friends come into the shop they're expecting to walk out with items to help them live out their transformation fantasies. But instead they encounter a different sort of shopkeeper who has a different, more nefarious way of fulfilling fantasies.

"Don't be fooled by the décor. It's actually a very magical place," Trey said to his friends Iris and Avery as they entered what had the appearance of an unremarkable junk shop.

"You weren't talking about unassuming. This place looks like a place my parents would take me antiquing growing up," remarked Iris.

"Looks can be deceiving around here, Iris. So neither of you probably want to go touching anything," warned Trey with a smirk. He'd visited the shop on several prior occasions and had become so enamored with the place when his best friends were in town he had to show them. Trey was in his late twenties, like Avery and Iris, and on the shorter, stockier side with brown hair, glasses, and normally was on the shyer side. But around his friends and on his home turf Trey upbeat and a chatterbox. "Remember like I said, the owner is nice but a little eccentric. Makes the girl who works here wear a rabbit costume and weird stuff like that."

"A bunny suit? Really?" Avery asked with a laugh.

"Really. You'll probably see her for yourself. Just try not to stare," joked Trey while leading the others towards the front of the shop.

Iris sniffed the air. "Mmmm, something smells good at least. Like sweet cherries, chili peppers, and," she sniffs again, "Skittles?"

"Yeah, sort of does, doesn't it?" agreed Avery.

"Doesn't usually smell like that. Guess the shopkeeper might be brewing something. She does always seem to be working. On one thing or another," shrugged Trey.

"Is she a witch or something?" inquired Avery as he looked over the cluttered shelves. Thin, with short pink hair, green eyes, and freckled skin, Avery was nonbinary with a love of the weird. They had been expecting more of the shop the way Trey had been building it up over the last week.

"I dunno. Could be," Trey answered.

"Ooo, maybe I can ask her for an apprenticeship?" Iris giggled at the prospect. Iris was the tallest of the three with glasses, long brunette hair, average figure, and easy smile. The liveliest of the three by far. "Ohh, stuffed kitty!" she shouted.

Iris dashed the last few feet to the front counter of the shop where a stuffed Bengal tiger was sitting by itself. As Isis hugged the stuffed animal Trey looked around for a sign of the shopkeeper or her assistant but neither was around. Aside from the stuffed animal there were puddles of what appeared to be tea. He tilted over the counter to see a broken coffee mug and the assistant's black top hat.

"Weird. Usually there is someone back there," noted Trey as he stood back with the others.

"Maybe they're not open?" Avery suggested. "And put that back, Iris. That could be magic like he said. Or a gift for some dying kid in the hospital."

"Always gotta be dark and be a party pooper," Iris huffed sarcastically at her friend before obliging. She set the stuffed tiger upside down then joined Trey in wondering about the lack of service. "Is there a bell or something we can ring?"

Trey shook his head. "I don't see one anywhere. Normally the shopkeeper is sitting on that stool right-"

"Hello?! Can we get some service please?" Iris shouted in the direction of the beaded curtain towards the shadowy back room.

"You don't have to yell," Trey told Iris, nudging his friend to stop.

"That wasn't a yell. I just raised my voice a little," defended Iris.

Trey turned to Avery. "Did she yell?"

"Sounded like a yell to me," agreed Avery with a slim smile.

"Ugh, you two and your sensitive ears," Iris replied, rolling her eyes. Then they heard the sound of heeled footsteps approaching from the back. "See? Worked like a charm," she gloated.

A pair of slender pale skinned hands parted the bead curtain to make way for a tall, curvy woman with long, shimmering dark green hair, gold eyes that sparkled, black lipstick, and what remained of a dress. The leather corset was loosened to allow her breasts to nearly spill out while what used to be a long scarlet skirt was torn to barely cover the top of her thighs. Despite her disheveled appearance she was grinning ear to ear when she saw the three. Trey somewhat recognized her as the red haired woman he'd visited in the past but she'd changed her look up. Striking a demur pose with mischief in her eyes, this wasn't the shopkeeper that Trey was used to dealing with.

"Hello there, dears. Sorry for the delay. I was sorting someone, something in the back. How can I assist you all today? If you've come looking for some magical transformative fun I can no doubt assist," she asked warmly. Then she noticed Trey in the group, "Oh it's you, the wolf. Come to pick up your order?"

Blushing slightly, Trey tried to not let it shake him. "Yeah, wolf guy. That's me. I am here for my order but I also brought my friends Avery and Iris along. They're also interested in some possible transformations of their own."

The shopkeeper's eyes glittered excitedly. "Is that so? Well, they've come to the right place! I'm sure I can service most any need these two could possibly desire or want. As your friend here has no doubt told you," she said graciously.

"More or less. Trey isn't always the best with details," joked Iris. "I dig your look by the way," she complimented the shopkeeper.

"Why thank you, dear. I had something of a, let's call it a disagreement with my outfit. I'll need to procure a new one... In the meantime, I know Trey here but what about you two lovelies?" the shopkeeper asked.

"I'm Iris and this thing is Avery," she introduced with a straight face. Inducing a roll of the eyes from Avery before they waved to the shopkeeper.

"Nice to meet you," Avery waved.

"Such lovely specimens you all are. And you two have an interest in transformative magics like your friend Trey? Are we forming a wolf pack? Is that it?" wondered the shopkeeper. As she spoke this green haired shopkeeper picked up the fallen mug and top hat while maintaining eye contact even as she nonchalantly set them on the back counter.

"Wolves? Oh god no. I mean, that's all Trey's thing and it's cool, really. But I think me and Avery are aiming for different things entirely," Iris was quick to correct on everyone's behalf. "I know for me I'm looking for something more in the shape of a horse. Specifically a chestnut colored thoroughbred mare. I could go for different breeds though if there are options."

"A horse fan! Lovely, lovely. I get folks looking to be all different breeds, shapes, sizes, and horsey variations. I have all sorts of ways to make it happen too. I promise quite the turn around for you, Iris," assured the shopkeeper in an overly-delighted voice. "So that leaves just you, Avery. What is it you wish? Another beast maybe or something different? I can oblige either," she winked at Avery standing in the rear.

"Me? Oh, well, nothing so... beastly for me. I actually have a character from a tabletop game I wanted to be a tiefling? I'm not sure if you know what those are?" Avery asked hopefully.

The shopkeeper froze to think for a moment only to answer, still smiling, "No idea!"

"Okay, well, they're like humans but also demons? Mine has horns, purple-red skin, a long, slender tail, and hooves for feet. But human otherwise, especially in the face. Does that help at all create a picture for you?"

While she nodded receptively to Avery, the shopkeeper still couldn't quite grasp it. "Lost me, sorry. But don't worry about it, dear. Might take some tweaking and finding the right method but I can probably manage something like your tealing that's a fit."

"It's tiefling but don't worry about it. Anything that can get close would be cool. Just the horns and skin color I want work for me," Avery humbly insisted.

"Whatever you call it, I'll make it happen. Give me a moment to check the ol' inventory ledger to find the right thing for each of you two. Then I can fetch those along with Trey's order all at the same time. Much more efficient that way," explained the shopkeeper as she retrieved the heavy iron-bound leather book from under the counter. When she dropped it the impact knocked the stuffed tiger off the counter, which Iris retrieved.

"You knocked your kitty off," Iris said, setting the stuffed animal down.

"Thank you, dear. Unfortunately Ember, my kitty, doesn't have the best reflexes for a cat," tisked the shopkeeper. "I'll have to find a new home for her after I take care of all of you. Like I did for my assistant..." she trailed off as her attention shifted to the book in front of her.

While the shopkeeper flipped through the pages in search of something that was taking shape in her imagination the three huddled to share their own excitement. "She doesn't seem to know what a tiefling is but I have a feeling she'll make me a faun or satyr," pouted Avery.

"Don't be so glum, Avery. The shopkeeper doesn't get out or in much so tabletop DnD is going to go over her head, BUT the shopkeeper is very good at thinking on her feet. I was in one time and had to wait for a guy that was picking up a pill. I think it was one that the shopkeeper tailored to him. That's how he got to turn into a dragonborn without being a hundred foot rampaging dragon. Heard he ended up looking rad so you've got nothing to worry about," assured Trey.

"Yeah, she seems pretty upbeat and Trey swears by her magic. Place is a bit cluttered and," Iris lowered her voice to a whisper, "the shop's owner's clothing looked like she just lost a knock-down drag-out fight. That not suspicious to anyone else?"

"Maybe some animal in the back was giving her trouble?" Avery suggested casually before their mind turned to themselves. "I'd be satisfied with anything close at this point. I'm more nervous about the change itself."

Iris wrapped an arm around Trey and brought him in closer. "Remind yourself that if Trey here can take it then I'm sure either of us can. Besides, you'll be dealing with less drastic changes when compared to me and Trey. We are changing whole species, aren't we?" Iris giggled loudly.

Trey nodded. "Sure are. I've changed I think twenty-two times now. Twenty as the lead male wolf in a pack and two others just as some larger breeds of dogs to see how the 'other half' lived, if you get me meaning," he joked. "It's weird the first couple of times but at least for me it never hurts. Most of it's just weird and then kinda, ummm, hot near the end," he said with a blush in his cheeks at the thought.

"Hot would be putting in pretty mildly, wouldn't you say, Trey?" the shopkeeper wryly questioned. This as she scribbled down two items from the inventory onto a scrap of paper.

Trey blushed but got a whole of himself. "It can be intense. But once it's over and you're still you, just a new you, everything will start clicking. Just you wait. Tiefling or horse, you'll love this whole experience. Bet you'll become frequent customers like me once you see how you both look. I can almost promise it," Trey told both his friends.

"He's not lying! You should see my Rolodex. I've got a veritable who's who going on. I would love to add you two to my shop's long list of satisfied customers," agreed the shopkeeper who was writing down the last of the three things she was looking for.

"That's so cool and I am so psyched for this. I've seen Trey change a couple times so I know it's real. I can't wait to see what a horse is like though. Will have to wait until I have some space for it. Could try your place, Avery. There's a forest over there that's pretty open near your townhouse," proposed Iris already thinking towards the future.

"There is a place I've been using for wolfing lately that you could join me in. Lots of space, good light and mirrors, and no spectators promised," Trey counter offered to his friends.

"I don't think I'll need the space but mirrors and a secluded place to change in would be great. Course I don't mind either of you being there. Only two I would trust. No offense to you, ummm, shopkeeper? Sorry, I never caught your name?" Avery asked the woman politely.

The shopkeeper slammed the ledger shut and slid it back under the counter. Only then answering, "That's because I never gave my name, hun. Now, I have everything I need for all of you. I will need to retrieve two things from the back and another from the front after. You three sit tight! I'll be back before you know it!"

They watched the shopkeeper disappear back behind the curtains which left them to chat up about their plans for the rest of the day.

"Well we've shopped a little, had lunch, got froyo, and came here so I'm not sure there is much else to do but go home, right?" reasoned Avery, the one with the car.

"Blech, don't remind me about the froyo. It's being unkind to my insides," Iris griped.

"We both told you not to get it, Iris. You're badly lactose intolerant and this happens every time. It's either this or a milkshake or a little ice cream or you make eye contact with lactose free milk," Trey rattled off for fun.

"Goes to show how bad you both are at stopping me from hurting myself. Not like it's gonna stop me trying this horse transformation out tonight. This place you know, Trey, is it close to your place?" Iris griped while turning her attention to the stuffed tiger again.

"It's a fifteen minute drive but it's my uncle's old property. He allows me to use the barn for when I'm doing remodeling projects so we'll have undisturbed time once the sun goes down. Should pick up food and drinks beforehand so we can just chill out there all nice. I've got some sleeping bags and it's supposed to be warm tonight so we can make it a slumber party," Trey mused to the others.

"I haven't been to a slumber party since middle school," Avery bashfully admitted.

"I had some in college but I'm not entirely sure they qualify," snickered Iris. Getting some smiles from both her friends.

"Hopefully the changes are pretty quick. My usual is a set of five potions that can each do the deed in a couple of minutes and it lasts for twenty-four hours," Trey recalled, leaning against the counter. "I bet that's what the shopkeeper is lining up for both of you two. Something quick, fun, and manageable. She'll explain it all-"

"Once I'm back!" the shopkeeper announced as she re-entered through the beads from the back room. In her arms was a square black felt jewelry case meant for a necklace or similar which sat atop a simple wooden show box that was a little longer than usual. She carefully put these on the counter, bringing all three closer out of curiosity. A waggle from the shopkeeper's finger stops them. "I have something for Avery on top of Trey's order but you will all wait until I've collected everyone's item. So no touchy!" she insisted in a playful yet darkly sinister tone.

The shopkeeper excused herself around the counter and disappeared into the shelves like a woman on the hunt. Leaving the others to ponder their soon-to-be purchases.

"I have a few jewelry boxes like that for necklaces and bracelets so could be any of those. Or something totally different, I guess. Smaller potions?" Avery guessed because that's all he could really do.

"It's possible but I know clothing and accessories are popular selling items," Trey reasoned from his experience. "I'm more curious about my own box."

"I thought you knew what you got? Didn't you order it ahead of time?" Avery recalled.

Trey nodded but also shook his head. "I did order it ahead of time and I've gotten it in boxes before but nothing this big, ya know? Usually the boxes are the size of, like, half a cigar box. The potions are usually tiny but maybe these are improved versions? I'm both curious and excited about what she's got in store for me," admitted Trey while biting his lower lip in anticipation.

"Just leaves me wondering what I'll have to do to be a horse. Hopefully not win the Belmont as a human first," joked Iris.

"No, nothing that extreme. She'll come back with a gallon jug of horse cum that you'll need to chug if you want to be a real horse," Avery said flatly but was cracking up with laughter by the end.

Iris pushed Avery away playfully. "Just for that, you're going on a naughty time out, Avery."

"What? Me? But I'm always an angel!" Avery mockingly retorted.

"Normally you are but every so often I forget what a pansexual deviant you are. Normally I'm all for your antics but not when they involve me," she teased, poking her friend until they pushed back.

"Me the deviant? At least I'm staying a humanoid for this. Which means I'll probably have to clean up after everyone. But what else is new," Avery lamented.

Both Trey and Iris prodded him for that remark. "Pretty sure we clean up after you just as much, weirdo. If it wasn't for me and Trey your car would be a pigsty," Iris pointed out.

"And if it wasn't for you two leaving your junk in my car then it wouldn't need so much cleaning out," they argued back.

"And if it wasn't for-" Iris was ready to retort when Trey tugged their sleeves to get their attention back.

"Will you two just simmer down? We should be happy and excited for what we're gonna do so can we not rag on each other? For at least until we leave the shop? Maybe all the way home even?" proposed Trey optimistically.

"We were just playing around. Our relationship is symbiotic so we give and take from each other so long as it balances out," remarked Iris who got one arm around either to bring them in closer. "You know I love you both and wouldn't be here, trying to be a horse if it wasn't for you two. This is gonna be nuts and I am so glad we took the whole weekend off. If this goes well, I don't know when I'd wanna change back."

"I know if mine works out I'm wearing it to my tabletop session on Sunday. It'll blow everyone's minds I think. And who knows, maybe I can enter and win some cosplay contests?" suggested Avery with restrained excitement.

"I wouldn't see why not. Can see if I can sell free horse rides or win some horse races. Make some money while I'm a lovely horsie," grinned Iris.

"You'll both have ample opportunity to explore your bodies tonight and in the future. The shopkeeper is a master with sort of thing. You'll see just how good real soon," promised Trey. "She knows her transformations."

"What do I know?" the shopkeeper conveniently asked as she returned from the shelves. In her hand a green velvet satchel with a gold drawstring the shopkeeper was twirling it by while returning to her space behind the counter.

"You know everything about transformations. I wasn't over-selling, was I?" a bashful Trey asked the shopkeeper.

"Not at all! I know most everything that could be known and as of today, probably even more. So you really did catch me at the most ideal time! You three are going to love this! You'll never forget this day. I can promise you that, huns." The shopkeeper at last sat on her stool after placing the satchel atop Avery's black jewelry box. "There, a full order if there ever was one. I know Trey pre-paid but you two will owe me," she said with sly eyes. "Don't worry, I never extract a fortune from my clients. Twenty bucks for either item will cover Avery's gift and Iris's medication in full. Satisfaction guaranteed with all items, as Trey knows well."

Trey nodded and already had his wallet out. "I sure do. I'll pay for their stuff since it's their first time. My treat sort of thing," he offered with the money handed over to the shopkeeper.

"Thanks, bud," Avery said while giving her friend a hug.

"I'll pay- we'll pay for dinner and snacks tonight. That way everything evens out," Iris reasoned.

"See, this is why I love you two. Always there for each other," Trey humbly boasted of his friends.

An excitable Avery had to hug Trey again but with the added arms of Iris who couldn't pass up on the chance.

The shopkeeper slid the cash down into her cleavage while observing her customer's comradely. Her imagination was picturing the havoc to come and the best way for her to lay it out. The three were doomed and they didn't know it. Nothing could have pleased this twisted version of a shopkeeper more than to see the trio riding such a high. A small part of her did feel a pang of remorse for what was about to happen; this trap about to be sprung; but it wasn't in control of her anymore. This shopkeeper wanted to have some wicked good fun.

"I don't mean to break up the cuddle puddle going on but I have some things to give out to three very lucky folks. I'll start with you, Iris, as I take it you'd be the loudest to complain if I chose anyone else," chuckled the shopkeeper.

"Is that really the reason? Because if it is I'm flattered," Iris giggled along with the shopkeeper as she came to the counter.

"That and it's your sack on top of the rest. Care to open it?" asked the shopkeeper.

"Sure. It's not going to explode or anything, will it?" joked Iris as she took the satchel in hand. She could feel that inside the velvet there were at least five, maybe six, long oval shaped solid objects. Curious, Iris pulled open the top, reached in, and pulled out what looked like a stretched chocolate Easter egg. Sniffing it confirmed it was actually chocolate. "Candy? I get to take candy to transform into a horse?" she asked, sounding rather excited at the prospect.

"It's not exactly chocolate but it's edible with a similar taste so I don't blame you for the confusion. After taking this you'll go through a transformation into a mare that will take about ten minutes to complete. It will be painless and somewhat pleasurable like Trey alluded to so well earlier, but once done you'll find yourself a mare for about a day. You'll still have your human wits so don't worry. Instinct will be very strong though so you're forewarned," the shopkeeper carefully explained to an attentive Iris.

"I think I got it. And there are... five more in here for future uses?" asked Iris favorably.

The shopkeeper nodded. "Mhmmm. I would wait at least a day in between them. And some customers also find they have some, shall we say, bowels issues with this particular method. Just means be aware that horses can get bad gas just like a human does. Just be somewhere private and well ventilated and you should have minimal issues," added the shopkeeper with a knowing wink.

"Is that so? Huh, well, I will definitely keep that in mind when I partake. Thank you," a bubbling Iris, full of ideas, said graciously. She stepped to the side and it was Avery who the shopkeeper motioned to join her next.

"I don't really have a sweet tooth," Avery tried to joke to make up for not being as lively as Iris.

"Don't worry, dear, it's not required. For her or for you," corrected a smiling shopkeeper. Picking up the black necklace case, the shopkeeper opened it at last to reveal a fancy black lace choker with a single jade teardrop pendant hanging at the front. "It's not exactly my style. What does it do exactly?"

"Exactly? Well, exactly is hard to explain. You see, well read as I am, I've got no proper idea what this 'turkling' you want to be is beyond some kind of goat-thing. But no matter, this will make it so you turn out amazing. Once you put it on you've only got to think really, really hard about what you want for the changes to start. Helps to have a picture in your head or better yet, on hand," the shopkeeper told an attentive Avery. The shopkeeper managed to slide the lace choker out of Avery's hand and into her own to better hold it up. "But it does only activate when you think about it so if you wish, I can put it on you now. I want to at least make sure it fits you properly," the shopkeeper said which sounded reasonable to Avery.

"Sure. I don't wear a lot of necklaces, much less chokers," Avery mentioned while the shopkeeper came around to him. This also gave an opening to Trey who had been waiting to see inside his own box. He scurried up to it but hesitated before holding back until the shopkeeper gave the go ahead.

"Eager to see your own, hun?" a sharp eyed shopkeeper teased the eager man while coming around the counter.

"Is it that obvious? I know they're just my usual potions but I'm excited anyway," Trey admitted.

"It could be your usual order. Or it could be something even better," the shopkeeper teased Trey in a tantalizing voice. Her lips right beside Avery's ear, having gotten close while helping put the choker on.

"Well now I gotta look," Trey proclaimed with his hands on the lid.

Seeing the moment was almost upon and with two traps about to be sprung, this crueler shopkeeper turned to Iris where the woman was again sniffing at her ticket to horsedom. "Go ahead, take it," she encouraged.

"Wait, what? Now? Won't that start changing me right now?" a skeptical Iris replied.

"If you were to eat now, no. You wouldn't get the transformation you were looking for," the shopkeeper answered in a rather odd way.

Iris didn't notice the oddness since she just got the green light to indulge what she'd been thinking since she first saw the chocolaty looking treat. "Well as long as it doesn't start changing me now, right?" Iris gave a laugh then popped the pill in her mouth. She went to chew it a little but it slid its way to the back of the tongue and down her throat before she could cough it up.

"What the world? This isn't what I ordered, is it?" a befuddled Trey asked just after. That was the shopkeeper's cue to clip the choker on Avery to complete the trap.

"Oh, is something wrong?" the shopkeeper, returning back behind the counter, asked Trey with a mock concern.

Red faced, Trey pulled out the fifteen inch long, red, knotted wolf cock dildo complete with sheath and base. It was made of something like silicone and looked almost as real as the several wolf cocks he's sported while transformed. "I... I usually get potions! This is a, a, a... not a potion!"

"Very astute, Trey. Those aren't potions. But don't worry, it still turns you into a wolf, I promise. Maybe not the same wolf via the same method, but you'll find this just as effective. Just look at it, Trey. Get real close so you can smell it. Tell me it's not impressive," challenged the shopkeeper sitting on her stool once more.

Odd though the request was, Trey did as she suggested, inspecting the dildo more closely where the details of it started to enamor him. At the same time Iris was having a sneezing fit while Avery was itching at her neck and shoulders. The shopkeeper couldn't have been happier to have caught herself three so quickly. There was a temptation to say something but the shopkeeper just made herself comfortable and waited for the fun to start.

"I'm not feeling so hot," groaned Iris, hands at her chest and stomach. "Lips are chapping too. Avery, you got any lip balm?"

"Somewhere, yeah, but I've got my own problems. Skin is really dry and rough and itching like a bitch like right now," an annoyed Avery answered. They were itching through their shirt at what felt like a massively spreading rash of flaking skin.

The only one not in distress was Trey who instead found himself oddly enamored with the doggy dildo from the box. Holding it in both hands like he'd never seen something so utterly transfixing, and arousing, in his entire life. Soon he was nuzzling and even licking it. Confusing the hell out of Iris and Avery.

"Trey? Bro, what the hell? Do that stuff at home, not here!" Iris shouted in an oddly nasally voice. Her nose had darkened while her two nostrils had become a singular large one rounded with puckering skin. The chapping of Iris's lips was getting exponentially worse by the moment with the puffing flesh squeezing in from the corners while the top and bottom stretched apart. Other aches and pains throughout their body had Iris worried that something was terribly wrong. "Are you sure that pill isn't supposed to change me into anything?" she asked with drool hanging from her distended mouth.

"Oh I'm sure it's changing you into something. That much is obvious," the shopkeeper answered nonchalantly.

"What? B-But you sschaid shlor-" Iris tried to complain but had her wet, sloppy words squeezed away by a mixture of mixture shifts. Her tongue had seized up at the same time her jaw bizarrely melted into her own neck. Which itself had swollen to choke off further speech. A bulbous growth high on Iris's balding head was not good but the shrinking ears and heavy rigidity weighing down either of their arms was really freaking Iris out. It tilted Iris forward towards the floor where she landed with an unnerving thud as blackened masses had taken over her hands.

The shopkeeper's expression brightened at Iris's transformative turmoil. "I believe what I said that taking it wouldn't result in the change you expected. What you're experiencing now is definitely not the change you, nor any of your friends, expected. We tricky magic types love to use pedantic little technicalities like that to worm unwanted things in. You really have to be paying attention when dealing with less than dubious magic dealers," she clarified calmly.

"Iris your face," Avery said in a hollow, airy voice. This on account of their body inexplicably becoming hollowed out to what felt like nothing. Somehow the rough, irritated skin remained to spread over every inch of them. They had to stop scratching though to slump her back against the counter. "You, you tricked, tricked... Trey said you were, help... ful," they accused the shopkeeper.

"I'm sure your friend is quite correct that the normal proprietor of this shop does like to," the shopkeeper visibly shuttered in disgust, "help people. Blech. Not me, though. I have a more devious and far more lively personality than that wet blanket. Better hair too. Which is bad news for you but so great for me. Wouldn't you agree, Trey? Trey? Where did you go, Trey?" she asked in feigned concern. She only had to lean over the counter herself to spy Trey on the floor giving the doggy dildo an obsessive tongue bathing. "Oh there you are."

"Can't. Stop. Need. Dick. So bad," whimpered Trey between licks. T

"Yes, I can see that, Trey. I was trying to get you to back up my big reveal and you're just going to town on that thing. I think you might be giving a bad first impression to your friends about what magic can do with how you're acting. Try to pull it together, dear. I thought you had experience with this?" the corrupted shopkeeper chuckled.

There was still some reason in the man's head but not enough to stop the overwhelming compulsion to service the canine dildo. Unlike the others he could recognize the magical influence that was on him beyond just his new favorite hobby. Stretching at his ears, tailbone, and face were showing the usual changes he'd experienced in previous transformations. The more he serviced it the more he changed into what he knew at least to be a canine. It was the embarrassing way it was happening that Trey hated.

That is until he tugged down his pants to relieve a throbbing need in his crotch and rather than his usual cock found a very canine and very real cunt. He could scream on the inside as he gave into a new compulsion. One that lowered the dildo, now thoroughly licked, down between his legs.

"Not. Girl. Please!" Trey begged even as he plunged the dildo into his pussy.

"You look like a girl from up here though. Think I see some nips poking out from under that shirt too," the shopkeeper teased from above.

Sure enough several added rows of nipples were showing lining Trey's stomach where his shirt had rode up. Tawny black, gray, and brown fur was also sprouting everywhere to give no clear indication of what sort of canine he was becoming.

The corrupted shifted back behind the counter and started addressing Avery again. "If Trey had his senses he would agree I'm not his usual shopkeeper. That's why, oh, now you're down too. Don't worry, I'll come around to you."

This crueler version of the shopkeeper lacked none of her grace or poise of her counterpart. Moving nimbly and finding not much of Avery. There was a pile of clothing where she had been standing, complete with shoes and their shoulder bag. Some tufts of pink hair sank inside the color of her shirt was all there was to see as no skin or otherwise was sticking out. Just a settling pile of clothes that the shopkeeper nudged with her shoe to no reaction. Trey and Avery had been so taken with their own issues they were only seeing the empty clothes and feared their friend was dead.

"Worked even faster than I thought, not that I'm complaining. I am in desperate need of a wardrobe change," complained the shopkeeper as she squatted down over Avery's clothing pile. She unceremoniously reached a head into the collar and from inside tugged out a lot of black lace. Unfurling all the fabric with a shake, the shopkeeper was very satisfied as she held a black and green corseted dress. "Oh Avery, you turned out just wonderfully! Still don't know what a 'eefling' is and don't care much. Wasn't going to pass up on a change for something more my style to wear."

Trey and Iris were watching when the shopkeeper used some kind of magic to press the dress to her person causing her ripped clothing to be discarded behind her while the new adorned her body. The corset was a small waist cinch with her breasts held in by thin black lace running from the top of the fabric cinch to the black choker at her neck. The very same as which Avery had been wearing when their troubles started. Now they were the collar, the bra straps, the waist cinch, and the short, revealing lace skirt that hung at the shopkeeper's high thigh. Completing the look were two black strap heels also removed from Avery's clothes pile. After slipping these on the cruel shopkeeper checked herself out and couldn't stop smiling.

"If Avery could talk right now I'm sure they would say they love how cute they look. To be sure, they are still aware to a degree. To what extent or what it's like you'd have to ask her after. Though, with how she fits, not sure when after may ever come," the shopkeeper insinuated while running her hands over herself.

Learning Avery had been turned into clothing should have been the most alarming transformation. Iris thought so until she caught the dog-faced Trey ogling her like she'd sprouted horns. She was pretty sure she hadn't actually sprouted horns but she could no longer move her due to excessive swelling. It left her with a fixed point of view with both arms locked firmly under her. Something was growing from her head but she saw brown hairs hanging from it so though it was something with her own hair. Muffled hearing, taste buds dulling, and eyes that were harder to keep open were troubling her but what it all meant she hadn't pieced together.

"You'rrre. Frucked. In the. Hearrd," Trey growled at the shopkeeper looming nearby.

"I didn't quite catch that, Trey. You'll have to speak up," a distracted shopkeeper sassed back. Her attention was still on the results of Avery's transformation. Leading reaching behind her and somehow pulling out a cellphone- which had a cutie rabbit construction complete with ears, tail, and a tuxedoed bunny girl named Ellah as a live background. A common feature for the Blackbunny brand it was labeled as- Trey had hoped to bring attention to what was happening to Iris as it was dire.

"Rym. Sourrree," Trey tried to apologize to Iris. He had his changes and couldn't imagine what Avery was experiencing but seeing Iris's face turning into a mare's backside was horrible. That is until at the other end of Iris a horse's head was not only forming but coming to life.

Iris' transformation into a horse was progressing but in a backwards fashion that had turned her arms and legs backward, her mouth into a vagina, her nose an anus, and made her tits leathery udders. With back being front, what had been her ass had barreled out and been squirming in ways Iris couldn't begin to describe. A neck then head led to a snout and something more than just an empty shell when the mouth moved, ears flicked, and eyes opened to reveal brown eyes moving with awareness. Meaning the growth Iris had felt was her tail coming in and still was.

Through this her clothing had of course torn away to pieces under her. A tan brown hide sprouted tan fur that flowed in the wrong direction for what Iris had been hoping to achieve with her original transformation. Some of this hair and hide could be seen from her fixed point of view but hadn't put it together quite yet. What little control she had over her body was wrestled from her without Iris unable to fight it in her current state. So she could feel body move on its own, hooves clopping and tail bob. With her only control being a quiver of her lips-turned-labia. Even her nose, now anus, would move of its own accord.

'This is wrong. This is so, so wrong,' Iris desperately thought to herself. Feeling utterly powerless. Made worse when her other end started breathing on its own and was wheezing to make a sound.

Done flashing pictures, the shopkeeper slid the phone into her cleavage for the time being and turned back to her customers. "Another word of advice, Iris. If you're given a magic pill you need to make sure it's not a suppository. Otherwise things end up all upside-down and back-to-front. Here, let me show you."

The shopkeeper walked over to the far aisle with several racks of clothing. From there she rolled out a full body mirror that had a pewter frame made of leafs and twigs, making it quite ornate. She moved it, checking herself out briefly, so that Iris could see her reflection. The sight being one Iris couldn't have imagined for herself even if she tried. Then her other end whinnied and tried to buck up, requiring the shopkeeper to calm the animal by going to pet its snout. Seeing what had become of herself made her want to throw up. Some excess vaginal juices leaking from the winking cunt of her former mouth was all that amounted to.

"There there, girl. It's okay. Let me be the first to welcome you to the world," the fiendish shopkeeper cooed to the horse. Calming the animal completely.

"AwwooOOOoooo!" howled Trey as the knot of his dildo swelling inside of him. His own transformation was close to finished and far from the heights he'd been hoping for. Not only was he female but the shift into a large wolf never came to rip through his clothes. Trey had kicked off his pants, socks, and shoes but his shirt was still stuck on his shoulders thanks to him becoming some mixed breed you'd find living on the streets.

"Trey says hello too. I think," smirked the shopkeeper. I'll speak for Avery and Iris as well in saying we're so glad to have you. Iris especially wants to know she's here to, heheh, back you up," she giggled, amusing herself. Prompting a spank of the mare's haunch. Stirring the mare slightly but making Iris's whole world shake.

'This can't be happening, this can't be happening,' Iris thought as her vision settled with a butthole in the middle. One that farted out a rotten stink like manure seconds after the transformation completed. Her eyes were gone but her view, like her muffled hearing and other senses, continued. Much to Iris's growing horror.

When the shopkeeper caught a whiff of the smell she soured quickly to mare, pulling herself away in disgust. "Oookay, gross. That's the queue that it's time to wrap things up. Trey, I hope you're just about done, boy. Unlike your friend Avery who can hang around the shop for as long as I want, you two are now more trouble than you are fun. So let me be the one to get the door for you both," insisted the shopkeeper who was already standing at her sidedoor that led to the alley behind the shop. She pushed it open and snapped her fingers to bring both Trey and Iris's mare over.

The horse came over like a well trained equestrian while Trey's changes finished, just like the doggy dildo inside of him had. The shopkeeper got the horse out with a little extension of the door frame but had to snap her fingers a few times for Trey to get to his feet and submissive trot over- the knotted dildo still hanging out behind him. His shirt was ripped off and the dildo plucked from his cunt by the shopkeeper before a kick in the rump from the shopkeeper sent him whimpering into the alley.

"Okay, go make yourselves scarce. Go on, go find a stallion and a pack of wild dogs to amuse yourselves with. I'll make sure your friend is well taken care of and washed by hand daily. Now don't let me see either of you two again. Now scram!" She yelled then slammed the door closed behind her.

The horse whinnied, bucked on its hind legs, then ambled off down the alley towards the street. 'Wait! Wait! Stop! What are you doing? This is insane! I don't wanna be a horse's ass! This can't- oh god. Oh no, oh please girl. Don't go to the bathroom! Please, I can feel you want to but you can't!' pleaded Iris from within her new domain as she watched Trey shrink behind her.

Trey was confused and alone with enough of his wits that he had control. He tried to gather himself when a swelling of his belly left him looking like a very pregnant bitch. With instincts telling him to find a place to whelp as puppies would be coming sooner rather than later.

Back inside the shopkeeper was collecting everyone's clothes into a pile. Dusting some green powder of it all ignited a smokeless emerald fire that burned the pile down to a smoldering ash pile. As it did this corrupted shopkeeper returned behind the counter, petting the stuffed tiger as she went. Sitting back upon the stool the woman was at home.

"I hope the next customers are as much fun as that. The patrons of this place sure are a gullible sort. Can't wait to ruin every single one of her peculiar clientele's lives. To say nothing of the walk-in foot traffic," mused this twisted version of the shopkeeper to herself. "And why limit myself to such a small, remote location? I bet I could have a lot of fun in a bigger city... I could set my sights a lot higher than just some silly shop. That other me really was aiming low with her expectations. I'm not so limited in my ambitions. I... I... I'm fading? No, no... I thought I had... longer... you bitch..."

Feeling like a hand had just grabbed hold of her larynx, the corrupted shopkeeper gagged and slumped forward. Another spasm and she tumbled to the floor behind the counter. Some more strange noises followed ending with heavy breathing. A hand slammed onto the countertop. Groaning and rubbing her head, orange-red hair and all, the shopkeeper stood up and looked like she had the hangover of hangovers.

As the shopkeeper came around she immediately looked around for and found a coffee mug. Taking it she swished something around in her mouth then spat an inky black substance tinged with green into the mug. "Blech! Such a vile, nasty taste. Absolutely gross. I knew something tasted off," the shopkeeper cursed at the flavor lingering on her tongue. Noticing her green fire powder is out, she uses it to burn the ink she'd spat out to nothing but a stain in the bottom of the mug. Tossing the cup aside the shopkeeper noticed what she was wearing. "What in the world? Exactly how long was I out?"

A quick glance around her shop and a sniff of the air was all it took. A stuffed Ember, smoldering ash pile, hoof shaped scuff marks, manure stink, and her reflection in the standing mirror- (where she immediately recognized the lace choker at her neck and what that entailed)- meant she'd been out a lot longer than she thought. And her body had gotten up to some trouble that would require her to fix.

The shopkeeper's violet eyes flared as she quivered with anger. Her anger focused on the culprit. "ELLAH! Where are you? If you can hear me, we need to have words," growled the normally unflappable store owner.

A vibrating between her breasts answered. The shopkeeper pulled out the phone that her other self had put there and saw the screen lit up with Ellah's face and text reading, 'I'm sorry :3'. Another text followed reading, 'Stop! You'll break me!' as the shopkeeper's grip on the phone tightened like a hand to the throat. After a few seconds she relaxed her hand, letting out a deep sigh and allowing her annoyance to dissipate to normal levels.

In a restrained voice, the shopkeeper spoke to Ellah the cellphone simply, "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. And I will just say this once: never touch my teapot!"


Earlier that day...

She smelled it before she saw it. "Ellah? What's the smell?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise but since you're got a super snout, Ta dah! Look what I made!" announced the shop assistant as she came out from the back carrying a steaming hot mug.

"And what do you got there? It smells like licorice, rotten walnuts, sulphor, and," the shopkeeper paused to sniff the mug while it was set on the counter in front of her. "And hints of coconut? I hate coconut. You know that. Any sensible creature knows that," she remarked.

"I know, I know but give it a chance! It's super special, super rare, amazing tea that they get from this mountain somewhere far away and stuff. Try it!" Eager eagerly encouraged.

"This isn't tea you got from anywhere in the store, is it?" the shopkeeper questioned upon warily picking the mug for a closer sniff.

"Nope! I got it from somewhere else entirely! You always joke how I couldn't make a cup of tea but look! I did it! So you have to at least give it a try? Pleeeeese?" Ellah begged. She even flopped her ears down while insinuating she'd cry if the shopkeeper turned it down.

"Fine. I'll try it but I'm only promising one sip. I had my morning tea already if you'll recall. Hope you cleaned my teapot when you were done with it," the shopkeeper mentioned before taking her agreed sip.

"Cleaned it? Oh... y-yeah! Of course! It's drying right now. I'll go check to see if it's drying then. Was kinda dirty so might have to wash again so if you hear the sink running it's totally that!" Ellah said as she slinked back through the curtain. Then could be heard running.

Seeing Ellah run off like she knew she would was supposed to give the shopkeeper the chance to spit the foul tasting tea out without swallowing. Only to have the tea solidify into a wet slime that slid down her throat before she could gag it up. "What the-? Ell- Ell-ahhckk! That little... idiot... Where did she get... that... tea..."

Obviously that her boss was being corrupted by the tea Ellah was in the back over the sink scrubbing the teapot. Having purchased the tea from one of the shop's supplies, a demon named Sophia, who promised her it wasn't cursed but that it was very special, Ellah was sure that the shopkeeper would end up liking the tea tremendously. Finally proving she could take the initiative too. If she had remembered to clean the teapot she could be enjoying the shopkeeper praise at that very moment.

Ellah was interrupted by a yowl from store cat Ember, making her turn the faucet off to listen again but it had gone quiet. "Is everything okay out there?" Ellah shouted over her shoulder.

No response came so Ellah turned the water back on and continued cleaning. A minute later she heard someone coming up behind her. "Turned out it was dirtier than I thought! But I'm cleaning it so you don't have to yell. I do want to hear how that tea was! Did you love it?" she asked, assuming it was her usual shopkeeper that was there.

"Most definitely," the shopkeeper answered, her voice tinged with the sinister.

"Awesome! See? I'm a tea master! You think, umm, maybe that you could reconsider my request from last month that you turned down because you said I wasn't 'in any way responsible'?" she nervously asked, head still down in her dish soap.

"Remind me what that was again, dear? You say so many things," purred the shopkeeper from right behind the bunny woman.

"Well specifically I meant about getting a cellphone? I mean, I figure I could use it to help promote the shop and could do other stuff to help out. And you know maybe have games on it and stuff to play. If you say that's it's okay of course. I wouldn't download anything that-"

"Okay, dear. Let me see what I can do to make you a cellphone," the shopkeeper interrupted to offer.

"Really? Oh wow, thank you! Thank you, thank you! You must have really, really liked that tea, huh?" Ellah figured as she turned around to receive that awaited praise. Then she saw the shopkeeper's changed hair, gold eyes, ripped clothing, and her nefarious grin and almost jumped backwards into the sink. "Yikes! Wh-What happened to you?!"

The corrupted shopkeeper moved on Ellah immediately, taking her in a tender, but very firm, grip by the neck. "Happened? Nothing happened, dear. I just really liked that tea you made. Brought a new me, isn't that grand?"

"Ack! Oh no! It's your mirror- ack!- universe double! Not good! Not-"

Back out in front of the store Ellah's voice cut out and left the store looking and sounding empty. For about thirty seconds, when in walked three friends looking for some fun.

"Don't be fooled by the décor. It's actually a very magical place," Trey said to his friends Iris and Avery as they entered what had the appearance of an unremarkable junk shop.