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In the world of retail, Christmas doesn't start in December....it starts the day after Halloween!.....NOVEMBER 1st!

Meaning christmas songs play for nearly two months without end and in this one store, Justin and Roger have had enough and decide to try and do something about it on the graveyard shift at their store, only to find that management don't like it when you mess with policy and the two boys become more and more familiar as they listen to a merry Italian Christmas song about a happy little Donkey!

DISCLAIMER: This story contains mature scenes of forced animal transformation, if this does not interest you or you feel offended by this content, please close the file and look around for something you enjoy. If this is your sort of story, please sit back and enjoy the story.


The long notes of the alleged Queen of Christmas radiated through the aisles of the empty store adding to the already depressing atmosphere of the cold, late November night. The only other sound came from the footsteps of two men who were shuffling along the shelves, replacing lost products and making notes on clipboards.

Justin let out a long sigh as he knelt, placing several boxes into an organised line on the lower shelf and wincing at the high notes of the song that echoed around the store, silently cursing the fact that he had heard it play nearly repeatedly since the end of Halloween.

Shaking his head, Justin stood back up and dusted off his knees as they cracked in the cold air. Despite being in his early thirties, Justin already felt like he was in his fifties the way his body seemed to creak and crack from the ongoing activity of his retail job.

Being of an average build, Justin was not overly muscular but was physically fit from day after day of stacking shelves and chasing after customers, his dark brown hair fell to his shoulders and he had a short, full beard that traced his jawline and mouth.

Stretching and scratching his scruffy dark beard, Justin let out a yawn as his fellow co-worker, Roger, rounded the end of the aisle with several products in his arms.

"Hey Justin, you finished with those boxes?" the ginger haired man asked, dumping the products into a pile next to another empty shelf and slumping down next to them with an annoyed grunt.

"Fancy giving me a hand, not like there's anyone to serve at the moment"

"Sure thing Roger" he grumbled in response.

Justin gave another sigh and grimaced, his knees cracking as he lowered himself back to the vinyl floor and began shelving the products.

Roger had joined the store shortly after Justin and the two had been good friends through their tenure. Roger was tall, thin and a bit gangly, like Justin he was fit but had a little more tone to his frame. His red hair was short, bright and wavy over his boyish, freckly face.


Another song radiated echoed through the store and both workers rolled their eyed in unison.

"It's not even bloody December yet" Roger muttered coldly, stacking the shelves a little too harshly, the metal braces rattling with the force in which he placed the products in place.

"Yeah I know" Justin replied bitterly, "I've heard this song about fifty times already today"

He ran a hand through his shoulder length, dark brown hair irritably and continued the task, his eyes going up to the cheap tinsel and shimmering decoration that ran along the top of the shelves and hang from the store ceilings, casting a faint glimmer in the store's strip lighting.

"You think we can turn off the radio for an hour or so" Justin asked, a slight hint of hope in his voice, "I mean its just me and you till midnight when till the boss comes back"

Roger gazed around and then swung his head back and forth, gazing around to make sure they were alone but the only sounds beyond them came from the trailing notes of the latest song.

"We could try dude" Roger smiled, "just gotta make sure we don't get caught, I heard a girl at another store got caught doing that and she was hauled off to corporate HQ for it."

Justin's expression soured at this news, he knew that being called into HQ was usually a career ender for shop assistants like them.

The two of them weighed up the options, it was about half past ten now and generally no one came into the store until closing at this time until their manager came back to lock the last of the days takings into the safe.

"I mean I could get into the office no problem" Justin added, "the boss gave me a key to the office a couple of weeks back to finish the paperwork and I kinda forgot to give it back"

He gave Roger a sheepish smile and saw a wicked grin split the freckly face of his friend.

"If you go in and do the deed, I'll keep watch" Roger said, his eyes shooting up to the cameras that dotted the ceiling. "If you make it look like you're going for your break then you can slip into the office without the boss knowing if he checks the cameras."

Justin followed his friends gaze and nodded as another song suddenly blurted out over the speakers.


"Let's do it" Justin grumbled, "Even if it is only an hour's grace, I cant stand this shit anymore"

Roger smirked and nodded.

"Ok then I'll head to the register" he grinned, "I can keep watch on you from there once we're done here."

Nodding and smiling himself now, Justin redoubled his efforts to finish stacking the shelved so that the two colleagues could put their plan into action.

Justin loitered around the end of an aisle pretending to check something on his clipboard while trying to ignore the closing notes of the popular Spanish Christmas anthem.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched his red haired colleague march out from one of the aisles and make his way around the counter to stand ready behind one of the registers, not that there was anyone to serve, the store was still blissfully empty.

Once he was in place, Justin made an audible rap on his clipboard with his pen before turning to his colleague.

"OK Roger I'm heading on break" Justin smiled, walking to the counter and slotting the clipboard next to the register, "You ok to watch the shop?"

Roger smiled, "No problem dude, see ya in a bit"

Justin winked and nodded before turning away and heading towards a door marked 'Staff Only' whilst trying to act casual and not look at the cameras as he passed.

Beyond the door was a small corridor that lead to the break room for the staff, halfway down this was a locked door to the manager's office.

Knowing that he only had a few minutes to appear on the break room camera, Justin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small key which he fit into the door and he heard the lock click.

Quickly as he could he slipped through the door and turned on the light revealing a cluttered office with a large desk, a big black safe and several tall filing cabinets.

Gazing around, Justin's eyes fell on a tall server cabinet in the far corner and he hurried around the desk as another song chimed in over the radio that was still audible although muffled behind the closed door.


Wrenching open the cabinet, Justin stared at a set of blinking machines and servers.

Running his fingers over the machines he paused next to a display which had the company's radio frequency lit up brightly and the play symbol next to it.

Grinning, Justin spotted the power button next to the display and with a quick jab of his finger, the display went dark.

He took a deep breath and listened.

All was quiet.

Blissful silence.

"Oh thank god" Justin breathed in relied, reaching out to close the cabinet.


Justin froze and looked up again at the machines, he hadn't heard any of them beep before.


His eyes ran up and down the cabinet at each machines, trying to determine which machine was making the noise and his eyes eventually fell on the machine he had just switched off.


The display had lit up dimly and was flashing a new message.


Justin's eyes went wide.

"Authorisation code?" he muttered in confusion, "What in the?"

He barely had time to ponder this before the display suddenly grew bright again and the message changed.



Justin took a step back, his heart beginning to race before the message changed again.



And before Justin could make any kind of move or decision, a sudden sound reached his ears.


Justin's heart felt like it went from fast to glacial in seconds as the popular song reached his ears and he saw the machine whir back into life.

His expression of shock fading to one of anger and disgust.

"Fuck" he groaned gripping the cabinet and slamming it shut,

He knew he couldn't waste any more time here or the camera would pick up his absence so he stomped back around the desk and through the door, punching the light switch off as he went.

As he turned to lock it behind him a sudden voice interrupted the song.

"Staff announcement, can Justin please come to the register please, Justin to the register, thank you"

Justin clicked his tongue bitterly as the lock clicked again and he turned back to the door to the shop floor.

Emerging back onto the still empty shop floor, Justin turned and marched moodily back to the register where a sour looking Roger stood with his arms crossed.

"Well, what happened there?" the redhead asked scornfully.

Justin walked around the counter and pretended to organise some papers before responding.

"Fucking corporate put some kind of manager code on the radio" he replied coldly, "you need to have permission to turn off the radio"

Roger stared at him with an expression of incredulous disbelief.

"You can't be serious" he mouthed in disgust.

"Plus it registered my attempt to turn it off" Justin added sourly, "I hope the boss doesn't ping us for it later"

Roger let out a moan and slumped over the counter.

"I hate this place" he muttered.

Justin rolled his eyes in response and returned the papers below the desk.

" I think I'm really gonna head on break if you don't mind" Justin mumbled, turning away and heading back towards the door.

Roger merely grunted in response, remaining slumped over the counter as Justin left the shop floor.

The rhythm of the magical snowman followed Justin all the way back to employee break room, a small room in the back of the building that only had a small stained sofa, a couple of plastic tables and chairs, a counter with an old eighties style microwave and a battered old vending machine that served the cheapest coffee a corporation was willing to provide to its employees.

Sniffing slightly at the stale odour of the room, Justin shuffled over to the vending machine, dispensing out a small cup coffee before slumping down in one of the chairs who's legs scrapped the vinyl floor as they took his weight.

Sipping the bitter substance, Justin stared cross the room at the large company notice board, his eyes drifting from the old expired notices to the large company calendar that still showed 'NOVEMBER' in big letters as the last notes of the snowman's song faded over the speaker.

"And here we go again" Justin groaned, knowing that was the last song on the reel and was prepared to once again to hear the entire Christmas album play all over again.

Yet as he prepared for the inevitable opening dour piano notes of the now updated song about a New York Fairy tale, there was a strange crackling of static over the radio followed by the start something he wasn't expecting.

Sleigh bells that's rang out followed by the honking of what Justin thought was a Tuba.

"What in the world" Justin muttered, turning his head up to look at the speakers which suddenly burst into the joyful tune of a Christmas song he was not familiar with.

? Ay, Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, its Dominick the Donkey! ?

? Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, the Italian Christmas Donkey! ?

Justin stared up at the speaker in disbelief, not only at the apparent change to unrelenting Christmas playlist but also to the inclusion of this strange new song.

"This is a new one" he muttered.

Despite his earlier aversion to the corporate radio, he now find himself listening closely to the lyrics of this peculiar new Christmas song which outlined a Italian donkey called Dominick who helped Santa deliver Christmas presents as apparently reindeer couldn't climb the hills of Italy.

? Ay, Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, its Dominick the Donkey! ?

? Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, the Italian Christmas Donkey! ?

As the chorus broke over the speakers again, Justin felt a sudden strange rush of elation as the artist brayed like a donkey and he found a smile forming on his lips as his mind seemed to drift into a pleasurable trance while the song continued, going on about the presents Dominick delivered and how the children spoke Italian to him and he understood and danced with them.

? HEY DOMINICK! HEE HAWW, HEE HAWW, Hee Haww, Hee Haaw, hee haww, hee haww... ?

The final notes of the song faded with the artist braying over and over again and Justin strangely found himself breathing along to each bray as though he was about to bray along. He also felt a throbbing in his pants as the pleasure brought along a feeling of arousal.

The song ended and with another strange crackle from the radio and the regular stream of Christmas anthems suddenly began to play again.

Justin shook his head, feeling slightly light headed as he seemed to come back to where he was, in the break room of the retail store he worked at with a cup of cold coffee clutched in his hand.

"What the heck was that" he muttered, trying to understand how he had been enthralled by a strange Christmas song about an Italian donkey.

Getting to his feet, he breathed deeply, waiting for his semi hard bulge to dissipate before discarding his unfinished drink and making his way back to the shop floor where he found a peculiar sight awaiting him.

Roger was still standing behind the register where Justin had left him however now he was standing with his hands planted on the register, his back arched, head craned back and his eyes fixed on a circular speaker on the ceiling above him that was warbling out the next song on the playlist.

"Roger?" Justin asked cautiously, "Are you ok?"

"Hmmmm" Roger responded, his eyes appearing to refocus and he too began to shake his head, as though coming out of a deep trance and after a few moment, like Justin had, he seemed to realise where he was and what he was doing and he stood straight again, looking around at Justin with a confused expression and an odd blush on his freckly face as his eyes suddenly darted down and back up again.

"Oh hey Justin, you done with your break already?" Roger asked, trying to discreetly move his hand behind the counter to cover himself despite the fact the counter hid his body from his navel down.

"Yeah I think so" Justin replied, approaching the counter, "Hey, did you hear that weird song that played just now?"

Roger's eyes suddenly brightened and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah that strange one about the donkey?" he replied, "It was weird wasn't it, I've not heard that one before, maybe it's a new one to the playlist."

Justin nodded and smiled,

"Yeah really weird but it was kind of good wasn't it" he added with a chuckle

Roger smiled too, "Gotta admit it yeah, kinda catchy"

Justin suddenly heard the song play again in his mind and when it reached a part where the artist brayed, he felt his manhood give an involuntary throb.

"Yeah, yeah it was" Justin grinned, a blush now creeping up his own cheeks and he began scratching an odd itch behind his ear.

Roger meanwhile cleared his throat loudly.

"Well now that you're back, do you mind holding the fort while I check that delivery, I don't think the guys before us finished it"

Justin saw that he was trying to get away and he tried not to chuckle as he nodded.

"Yeah no problem man, I've got some shelves I need to finish, the boss'll be here in an hour so we better get this finished."

The two nodded at each other and separated to tend to their individual tasks, Justin returned to restocking the aisles while Roger went out to store room to check inventory on that evenings delivery.

The two of them seemed to have renewed vigour since the song and as Justin was restocking some drinks into the fridges, he found himself singing the song under his breath.

"Jing-a-di-jing" he muttered under his breath, "hee hawww hee haaww"

The sudden rush of pleasure returned as he brayed the next part of the song and his smile widened as he shook his hips in rhythm to his own singing.

"It's Dominick the donkey" he continued, "Jing-a-di-jing, Hee Haww, Hee Haww"

His voice rose slightly as he brayed again and felt that rush return and increase with the volume of his bray.

"Man why am I so into this song" Justin thought happily, placing the last drink into the fridge.

Rising, he grabbed the empty palette he had been using and began to return to the store room when a sudden static noise came over the radio followed by a familiar sleigh bell opening followed by a tuba.

Justin looked up at the speaker in surprise.

"It hasn't looped that quickly has is?" he asked out loud before the artists voice rang out throughout the store.

? Ay, Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, its Dominick the Donkey! ?

? Jing-a-di-jing, HEE HAWW HEE HAWW, the Italian Christmas Donkey! ?

Justin swayed, a strange cloudiness filling his mind as the song struck his senses, the sound of braying causing that now familiar rush of pleasure to pulse through his body, a blush filling his cheeks as he felt familiar throbbing in his pants and he began to smile wildly.

? Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?

"Hee hawww, hee haaww" Justin brayed under his breath, his smiled widening as the biggest rush of pleasure yet racked his body and he swayed, his pants beginning to bulge noticeably, feeling the song seem to grow louder as he swayed in time to the rhythm, a heat rising in his ears.

? Jing-a-di-jing ?

"Heee Haawww, Heee Haawww!"

Justin's bray grew louder, the rush increasing again and the songs volume increasing with each beat of the song as unbeknowest to him, his ears began to point and stretch.

He staggered, dropping the palette and placing his hands on his knees, breathing hard as he felt the strain of his swelling erection pushing against the fabric of his tightening pants as well as an odd ache at the base of spine that fuelled an increasing urge to get down on all fours and bray out loud like Dominick.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?

"Heee Haawww, Heee Haawww!"

Justin was compelled to bray along with the mesmerising music and with each enthusiastic bray he gave, his ears stretched longer and longer, the skin darkening as soft, dark brown hairs emerged, coating them in a pelt of dark fur.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?

"Heee Haawww, Heee Haawww!"

The bugle in his pants grew tighter as his brays grew louder, he began to grit his teeth in discomfort as he bent lower, feeling the fabric grow taut across his ass outlining a second bulge that was now forming above and swelling rapidly with each enthusiastic bray.

The song played on and Justin continued to shake to the rhythm, enjoying the fun melody and hearing about the adorable Christmas donkey with his now fully grown donkey ears which stood high and alert over his head swivelling towards the ceiling speakers to catch each note and lyric.

As the song then moved into its final stanza, the urge became too much for Justin and he fell to his hands and knees, raising his head to the ceiling, his ears swivelling to catch the final chorus.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


Justin now brayed out loudly and enthusiastically with the artist, embracing the oncoming rush while he shook and stomped his hands on the floor in time to the music, ignoring the odd numbness in his hands on their impact with the floor along with the ominous ripping noise emanating from the now fraying bulge above his ass.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Justin's bray was so loud that his voice seemed to crack, the noise becoming more like a real donkeys bray which was followed by enormous ripping noise as the back of his uniform pants finally gave way and unleased a long tasselled tail that was covered in dark brown fur, the tail hung in the air for a moment before flopping down over Justin's now exposed ass, swishing continuously with his hips as Justin continued to sway to the rhythm, now feeling a sense of enormous relief that part of the uncomfortable pressure was gone.



The song came to a close but Justin remained there on his hands and knees braying away happily as the artist's brays faded into silence.

"HEEEE HAAAWWW...Heeee Haawww...heee haaawww"

Several minutes passed until Justin gasped and hung his head, panting and his throat burning from his enthusiastic braying. His long ears folded back and his new tail twitched over his exposed hole, yet the retail assistant remained unaware of anything other than the fading bliss in his mind and the hard straining bulge in the front of pants.

"F...Fuck" he grunted, his voice hoarse and deep, "What the hell was I doing?"

He raised his head and panted before reaching to fondle the straining bulge and gasped as he felt a large wet spot from his leaking pre.

"Shit" he grunted, pushing himself uneasily back to his feet, his unnoticed tail swaying in an attempt to restore his balance.

"Better get this sorted" he grunted, turning and beginning to walk towards the store bathroom.

"HEY ROGER!" Justin yelled as he reached a door marked W.C, "I NEED YOU TO WATCH THE STORE QUICK"

He thought he heard a muffled response from the store room but didn't wait to confirm, he entered the bathroom and locked the door.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!" Justin grumbled, hurriedly fumbling with the button on the front of his work slacks the moment the door had closed to the dingy store bathroom.

His fingers struggled with the button, feeling rather numb as he scrambled to free the increasing pressure in the moist bulge that throbbed each time he accidently brushed against it.

After struggling for a few minutes, he finally managed to trap the button and unfasten the catch let his slacks burst open and his soaked and bulging boxers burst free.

"HAAAwww fuck" he brayed out, a wave of relief passing over him as the straining pressure lessened and a slight burst of pleasure from the bray.

Justin gripped the sink and leaned over it panting and shaking, feeling strangely out of control of himself.

"Why the fuck am I so horny?" he thought wildly to himself, "What the hell is happening?"

Lifting his head, Justin looked up into the mirror that hung behind the sink.

He blinked.

"What the?" he muttered, his eyes widening as he stared at his reflection.

The long, furry donkey ears that had migrated up his head, suddenly stood high and alert as Justin gazed at them, stunned in shock at what he was seeing.

Like a scene from a familiar movie, he raised his hands and tentatively touched them, feeling the soft pelt that coated them and feeling his own touch through them.

Whimpering, Justin gripped them tight.

He felt his grip and a slight discomfort rush through him.

"Oh my god....OH MY GOD!" Justin cried in disbelief as he seized the ears and pulled them out before his eyes, seeing them himself.


Justin slapped his hands to his mouth and his ears sprang back up as he tried to comprehend the sound he had just made and it was the only then that he felt something slap up against the back of his legs when he stepped back in horror from the mirror.

Twisting around slowly, hands still clapped over his mouth, Justin stared down at his ass and began to tremble in fright as he saw his long, brown, tasselled tail swishing idly through a wide tear in his slacks.


Letting out a scream of horror, Justin whirled around and wrenched the door open and ran back onto the shop floor, not even bothering to refasten his slacks, letting his bulging boxers flop wetly against his legs as he ran down an aisle towards the register.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HAAAWWLP ME!" Justin cried as he reached the register and found it deserted, his voice echoing around the still empty store.

Panicking, he turned desperately in all directions, looking for any sign of his colleague.



A faint bray came from somewhere in the depths of the store and Justin ran towards it like a madman, not caring as several products were knocked to the floor and smashed as he ran by.

Barrelling through the store room door at the rear of the store, Justin emerged into a large dimly lit warehouse room that was packed with shelves loaded with the latest delivery, a large delivery door stood closed at the far side of the room, the area around which was littered with empty stock cages and palettes.

"Nghhawww heeehaaaww"

A bray from between the shelves caused Justin to spin around and run around a shelf where he found Roger on all fours, panting and moaning with a lost look of pleasure on his face as he slowly stroked off a thick black cock that was hanging free from his work slacks, the flattened head of which was leaking copiously onto the stone floor.

Looking closer, Justin noticed the long grey ears bent back in ecstasy atop his friends head and a long grey furred tail wagging out of tear in the slacks similar to his own.

"ROGER!" Justin yelled moving closer to his changed friend and looking down in disbelief and shock at his friend's lewd display.

Roger's unfocused eyes seemed to find Justin after a moment and he smiled.

"Hey Justin" he said in a far away voice, "You look funny"

He reached up with his free and stroked Justin's ear.

"Woah dude you got soft ears" he added with a grin, showing off thick, blockish teeth.

Justin's shock seemed to clear as his ear was fondled and he threw Roger off himself in frustration.

"ROGER WAKE UP!" Justin yelled, slapping Roger on the cheek and causing the red head to stagger and release his leaking donkey dick.

The slap seemed to bring Roger back to himself and he stroked his cheek, working his mouth as his expression soured.

"What the hell was that for dude!" he cursed angrily, glaring up at Justin who was looking back at him incredulously.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Justin yelled in exasperation, "LOOK AT YOURSELF DUDE!"

Roger's eyes narrowed for a moment and Justin could tell from the movements of his gaze that he was looking at his ears before he looked down and Justin watched his friends ears jump to attention as he saw his throbbing cock hanging free between his legs.

"WHAT THE FAAWWWK!" Roger cried out, jumping to his feet and attempting to cover himself.

Justin merely stuttered, watching his friend explore the changes to his body, taking in the long ears and tail.

Watching Justin's cock bounce between his legs caused him to blush and his own throbbing bulge to pulse, but he dared not unleash it, afraid of what he would see.

"Dude...what the hell is happening?" Roger stammered, looking around at Justin once he had calmed down enough to try and think.

"I dunno dude" Justin replied, breathing heavily and trying hard not to panic "I was just out there and all of a sudden I was on all fours braying like a fucking donkey"

Roger looked around, holding his tail in one hand.

"Me too, I was just in here doing the damn delivery and then the next thing I knew you were slapping me"

He paused for a moment

"I remember braying though" he added, blushing "It felt...well...good..."

Justin stared at him, his mouth open but he didn't say anything.

It had felt good, as much as he hated to admit it.

After a few moments, Justin shook his head and look seriously at his friend who was now trying to coax his hard donkey dick into his slacks, but to little success.

"Damn Roger I don't know what's happening but we need to get help"

Roger nodded, abandoning his attempts to hide his cock and letting hang loose instead electing to wrap his employee jacket around his waist like an apron to cover himself.

"C'mon" Justin beckoned, turning back to the door to the shop floor, "Let's get to a phone."

The two changing men emerged back into the aisles and began to make their way towards the managers office where they knew a landline phone was linked.

As they made their way along the shelves, a familiar sound played over the radio.

A series of sleigh bells, followed by a trumpeting tuba.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


As if on cue both men suddenly let out long, loud brays in time with the music and felt that familiar immense rush of pleasure.

Rogers eyes went blissfully unfocused again and he immediately dropped to his hands and knees, his tail wagging happily over his ass.

Justin staggered but was able to remain upright despite the sudden urge to fall down like his fiend.

"F..Fuck" he thought wildly, his eyes wide with shock, "It's the fucking music!"

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Justin couldn't hold back the brays, it was like the song was a hypnotic trigger that forced his body to obey and as soon as it did it was rewarded by another wave of immense pleasure, causing him to double over, his hands on his knees again as his tail lashed and his confined cock strained desperately within its confines.

He turned to Roger, trying to clear his mind of the pleasurable fog that was now clouding his senses.

"Raaaawger we gaaawta get outta here" he half brayed, "Get away from the museeeehaaww HEEEEHAAWW"

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


The song continued and the two boys brayed again, their voices sounded less and less human and more like those of actual donkeys.

Justin panicked as the urge to drop to all fours grew even more intense, he flexed his head back in an attempt to keep his back straight.


A loud enthusiastic bray from Roger caused Justin to around to see his friend letting out long brays that were not in time with the music.

His eyes widened as with each bray, Rogers face seemed to swell, his nose swelled and flattened, merging with his upper lip which pulled back to reveal a full set of blockish teeth.


With a cracking noise, Rogers whole face pushed forwards his jaw swelling out as his freckles were lost under the rush of grey and white fur that spread over his forming muzzle.

Justin watched as his friend gave into whatever force was changing them, trying to keep his own focus as he turned back towards the register and forced himself to move forwards, keeping his hands on his knees to stop himself falling forwards.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


The rush hit Justin again as he brayed out loud, he curled his hands into fists on his knees as he struggled to remain in control of his mind and body.

The register was in front of him and he planted his fists on the surface and breathed, using the support to take the pressure off his back.

He began to feel warm and he looked down at his arms where his sleeves were peeled back to his elbows and watched as the hair thickened, along his forearms, turning a deep dark brown.

"FAAWWWK" he brayed, turning towards the door to the staff corridor and beginning to make his slowly towards it, ignoring the growing ache in his back.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Half way between register and door, Justin fell to his knees and the most intense wave yet hit him and the pain of his straining boxers became too much to bare.

Fumbling with his now numb fists he managed to hook his knuckles under the now sodden rim of his boxers and forced them down.


Justin threw his head back and let out his loudest bray yet as his cock was finally freed and he knelt there panting and letting out small half brays before he found the strength to look down.

Nestled between his legs, where once had been his proud mushroom tipped cock, was long, black donkey's cock, the flat tip leaking onto the vinyl shop floor and even as he watched the shaft seemed to lengthen further, a thick ring forming at the centre of the shaft.

Tears would have fallen from Justin's eyes in sadness if the pleasurable feeling he was still experiencing didn't feel so damn good.

His long ears heard the song reach its climax and a rush of anticipation flooded him.



Planting his fists on the ground, Justin brayed loud with the artist, his mind lost in the pleasure that washed over his body with each screeching bray.

His cock pulsing as it hung beneath his body which was beginning to swell, his shirt riding up to reveal tan fur growing on his swelling donkey gut and his black shoes beginning to crack and tear as the feet within them began to stretch, his toes growing numb, fusing together in preparation for their transformation to hard shiny hooves.


Thrusting his hips forwards, Justin let out one last screeching bray as the waves of pleasure flew into his already swollen balls and his flat tip flared as his cock erupted, spraying the shop floor with waves of musky yellow donkey cum.

"Heeeeee HAAAAWWW HEEEE Haawwww"

Justin's brays began to fade as the song faded, his mind slowly returning in the afterglow of his equine orgasm.

"Faawww...faawwwk" he whimpered, snorting through his now fat, flat nose that was now prominent in his vision.

"Oh Shit" he thought wildly as he crossed his eyes and reached up to feel his new nose, only cry out when something hard struck his face.

"HAAAAAAWWW What the haaawwwll" he brayed, looking down at his hands.

Or what has been his hands.

Lifting his furry arms he began to tremble as he found a pair of shiny, black donkey hooves.


His bray of despair sounded just like a real donkey.

Turning on his knees he caught a sight of his reflection in one of the end aisle mirrors.

He barely recognised himself.

Kneeling before the mirror was an almost fully transformed donkey.

His face had pushed out into a proto-muzzle just like Roger's and dark brown fur had covered a majority of his face matching his ears.

His shirt was riding up over his barrelling donkey guy which revealed tan coloured fur growing on his belly, fading back to the dark brown at his sides.

His gaze moved to his legs where he saw the splitting seams of his slacks, dark brown fur poking through and out the bottom of each leg was his split black shoes, revealing torn socks with a shiny black hooves sticking out the ends.


His voice sounded deeper as he cried out for help but his voice was almost indistinguishable from the bray of the common jackass now.


The only response came from somewhere in the aisles, where he knew Roger must be in a similar if not further state than himself.

"I have to get out of here" he thought, trying to fight through the fog that was still clouding his mind, "Before it plays again I have to get out of.."

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


His eyes flew wide, as the radio once again fired up and again he brayed and felt the rush as his mind sank into the renewed fog of pleasure that clouded his thoughts .

"NAAAAWWW!" he brayed turning and trying to stand back up however his back refused to let him rise back.

He reared, flailing his hooves which were pulled in front of his body as his shoulders cracked inwards and his ass swelled, shredding the remains of his slacks and exposing his furry donkey ass his cheeks parting to reveal his swollen donkey pucker.

With a loud crack, his back fully realigned and his ass swelled to full equine proportions, locking him on all fours.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Braying out to the music, Justin tried to take his one last chance for freedom, his hooves clattering on the vinyl floor and his ruined shoes and socks fell away as he charged unsteadily towards the automatic doors.

"Gotta...get...out" he thought hazily, getting closer and closer, gazing through the glass at the frosty outdoors.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


Justin's brays pushed his nose further and further from his face, he felt his jaw cracking forwards and the tearing of his shirt as his neck swelled, the last human things left were fading in the melody of the jolly Christmas song.

Stomping his hooved on the welcome mat of the store, he lifted his increasingly heavy head and reared, trying to trigger the doors.

They remained closed.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


His eyes widened as all that came out now was a donkeys bray, he could no longer speak.

Turning on the spot he made one final bid for freedom and bucked the doors with all of the strength his new donkey legs had.

The glass in the door cracked but remained sturdy.

Justin's brown eyes watered.

He was trapped, he couldn't turn the music and he felt the fog in his mind growing thicker and thicker with each note that rang out from the speakers.

He knew if the song ended, then it would al be over.

But what was the point in resisting....when it felt this good.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


Justin's neck thickened and lengthened, his dark hair thinning out into a spikey donkey's mane that ran down his back and formed a cross at his shoulders as his shirt tore away, leaving him naked.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Justin felt the final changes sweep his body, the muscles and fat filling in the final places as his face finally cracked into a full donkeys muzzle, his mind almost completely lost in the pleasurable haze brought on by the song.



The song faded again and all that remained standing at the entrance to the store was a dark brown donkey braying loudly even as the final notes faded.


Justin's thoughts were fractured as the fog in his mind cleared slightly, a small semblance of his human mind fading through but new instincts that seemed to flood his mind took over.

He snorted, his wide fuzzy nostrils flared as they took in the scents around.


Justin trotted around to the display of fruits and vegetables, following his nose to the tasty treats however when he turned the corner his ears flew up.

Standing at the vegetable display was a large grey donkey with a spikey ginger mane, his head dipped into the stands and grazing eagerly on sweet greens.

The donkey's ears perked up and he looked around at Justin, staring at him with big brown eyes, a large leaf of salad hanging from his mouth.

The two donkeys snorted at each other, their scents filling each other senses.


Justin knew this donkey was a friend and he trotted forwards, the other donkey turned his head back and together they lowered their muzzles into the display and began to munch on the tasty goods within.

The first bite added to the bliss that Justin felt, the flavours dancing on his tongue and causing his tail to wag in pleasure.


"Heeeehaaawww haaawwww"

The two donkey brayed happily and enjoyed their meal till the sound of a door chime caused their ears to perk up and they both wheeled around on their hooves.

Stood in the doorway was a large, stocky man, wearing a smart shirt and a pair of large headphones.

Justin snorted.


This scent was familiar to him.

"Well lookie here"

The man stepped forwards and the two donkeys backed into the display, knocking several bitten vegetables to the floor.

Avoiding the pool of donkey cum the man looked at the two donkeys.

"Two little jackasses who thought that they could break the company rules" he grunted smiling, "Well look at you now boys, paying for your misdeeds"

The red maned donkey snorted at the man and shook his head.

"Shame you made such a mess" the man added, looking at the ruined veg and spoiled floor, "But I wouldn't worry, I'll make sure you pay your dues, one way or another."

One Month Later....

Justin shook his head and brayed happily as kids and parents surrounded the pen he was tied in, all of them reaching out to stroke his fluffy pelt or spikey mane.

He enjoyed the feeling of being petted and scratched, reaching the places he no longer could unless he rolled in the hay back in the barn where he slept.

Since his transformation, Justin had felt his mind return slowly, he remembered who he was what had happened to him but at the same time he seemed to share his mind with the donkey he had become, feeling the new instincts guide his body and urges, the good and the bad.


Justin's ears flicked and he twisted his long neck to gaze around at the two other donkeys in the pen with him, one was the red maned Roger, his best friend and herd mate.

He too seemed to have regained his mind although he seemed more donkey than man now, fully embracing what he had become and giving into the urges that his donkey body had given him.

The two were able to communicate through scents, brays and motions and Justin could tell that despite losing his humanity, Roger was happy.

The other donkey was new to the pair of them and was the only jenny of the trio, she was caramel brown and called Ashley.

Justin had been able to determine that she was an unfortunate former employee of the company too, the one who had been the first victim of the company's new disciplinary system where she turned off the radio in her own store.


Justin leaned over and nuzzled the jennies neck affectionately, eliciting a few adorable looks and exclamations from the crowd around.

He and Ashley had become close since their introduction to the point that the store manager who had collected Justin and Roger had started to call them mates, especially when the two gave into their more primal instincts back at the barn.

Roger hadn't minded that Justin and Ashley had mated although at the same time he did join in with the fun by testing out Justin's pucker with his own fat member.


The thought caused the flat tip of his swelling shaft to emerge from the fat leathery sheath that hung between his legs.


The managers voice rang over the coral and Justin felt his arousal fade slowly, his tip retreating back into his warm sheath out of the cold December air.

"You'll get your fun later if you behave" the manager added before smiling around at the crowd and raising his hands.


The crowd petting the donkeys cheered and the manager smiled, pressing a button on the remote.

The three donkey's eyes went wide as sleigh bells rang and a tuba trumpeted.

?Ay, Jing-a-di-jing ?


The three donkeys brayed in unison, causing the crowd to cheer along as they sang, all three of them feeling their mind grow more donkeylike as the song wiped away human thoughts with a wave of pleasure.

? It's Dominick the Donkey! Jing-a-di-jing?


Justin let himself go, letting the donkey take complete control.

His last thought were that they would eventually change back, provided they went a month without hearing the song about the merry Italian Donkey.

But as it was Christmas, the three of them knew that wasn't likely to be soon.

And the way Justin was feeling right now as the pleasure swamped his thoughts, he wasn't sure that he wanted too when the time eventually came.

Justin nuzzled Ashley and Roger as the three donkeys grew close together and brayed together in the songs final notes.

? HEY DOMINICK! HEE HAWW, HEE HAWW, Hee Haww, Hee Haaw, hee haww, hee haww... ?


PAW I - Jackass - Part 2

**_DISCLAIMER: This story is loosely based off the SAW film series, all likenesses and copyrighted material belong to the respected owners (including the main character who belongs to canine80 (Xaie)). The completed story contains forced, feral animal...

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PAW I - Jackass - Part 1

**_DISCLAIMER: This story is loosely based off the SAW film series, all likenesses and copyrighted material belong to the respected owners (including the main character who belongs to canine80 (Xaie)). The completed story contains forced, feral animal...

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The Falling of the Guard

**_DISCLAIMER: This story contains strong scenes of M/M sex and forced animal transformation, if this does not interest you or you feel offended by this content, please close the file and look around for something you enjoy. If this is your sort of...

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