Research Participants Wanted

Story by Demet_13167 on SoFurry

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Content Alert: This piece is rated ADULT and may possess elements of a higher rating, but lacks a strong presence of potentially offensive material. That said, should any of the keywords defined for this story not be your cup of tea, the exit has been marked with an 'X'. The recommended age for viewers is 18+ or 21+, depending on jurisdiction. Thankfully, I meet both requirements and did not have to type this blindfolded. The story contains 14k[14 000]+ words and is a one-shot with no immediate plans for any sequels or prequels.

Author's Note: This work was made possible by the constant prodding of a fox by the name of Marcius. With my specialty in writing and his in both drawing and writing, we conducted a trade. Inspiration for this work was derived from Marcuis' list of loves/likes, a campus paper ad, and the outlandish interactions we have as local friends. Oh and a TON (metric) of fantasy/imagination.

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Fresh off the football field, a fox stepped through the doorway leading into the on-campus research facility. The rush of cold air soothed his sore muscles from practice and brought about a welcome relief from the hard drills at practice. He traversed the clean tiled floors and left a faint trail of dirt encrusted cleat prints in his wake. The other furres in the waiting area stared as the 6' and hulking vulpine strode past. His eyes were not fixated on theirs, but to those of the young receptionist at the end of the walkway. She smiled sweetly as he approached, her violet eyes twinkling slightly as the fox's perspective shifted with each step.

"Hello there, how can I be of service?" she greeted, laced with a hint of seduction

"Yeah, I'm here for the research study asking for college males."

"Very well, are you here to participate in the psychological or physiological study?"

The fox's brow curled in thought. "The ad said pay would be discussed, but if I could get more money out of it, I'd be willing to do both."

Her eyes lit up and a grin grew on the lapine's face as she curled her finger to get the fox to bend down to her level. She whispered: "If you're willing to go through with both, I could fast track you ahead of the others. All you have to do is sign more forms and the study will take a bit longer for you. I'll even help out in one of the procedures."

He flashed a smirk and nodded to accept the arrangement. The receptionist pulled a few papers from the filing cabinet and placed them onto a clipboard along with a pen. She slid the bound documents across the counter and bumped it against Damien's growing jock-strap covered foxhood. Taking the clipboard, the vulpine found an empty two-seater couch and started skimming over the papers. There were segments of text that caught the fox's eye, but the last page bought out all his worries.

"The client signed is entitled to $5k upon completion of this experiment and a supplemental $1k per month for continued participation for the lifetime of the study, guaranteed for 6 months minimum. In the event of legal action taken against the research team, compensation is capped at a onetime disbursement of $3k for treatment and recovery."

Flipping through the pages once more, the fox filled in the blanks, initialed where the lines were provided, and signed the final page in his most dramatic of John Hancocks before returning the paperwork to the receptionist. He was gestured to sit back down as she went over the completed sheets. Satisfied the consenting documentation was in order, she called him to the back to meet up with a research assistant. Parting for the moment, the bunny called up her replacement and gave the doctor a call for the good news.

"He's perfect," both exchanged over the telephone.

The conversation went unnoticed by the fox as he and the assistant walked through the halls on their way to where the study would take place. As the pair walked, the assistant asked pre-screening questions for the psychological portion of the experiment while the fox looked over the shorter lupine asking the questions.

"So Damien is it?" the wolf inquired, "No extra effort in pronunciation, emphasis, or accent is there?"

"Oh um. . . no" the fox answered, snapping back to reality after watching the wolf's tail sway with each step. After a moment of silence, Damien asked "How should I refer to you, wolfie?"

"Hehe, only if you like cute feral names, foxxie," the lupine chuckled back, "But around here furres know me as Syd; the lovely bunny you met outside goes by Vanessa; and our supervising doctor is a wolf-husky hybrid by the name of Dr. Maestro"

"Good to know Syd, short for Sydney right?" the fox guessed

"Yeah. I didn't think anyone else could ever make the connection," he twirled around and looked the fox dead in the eyes while walking backwards, "you'd be the first to do it."

"You've got to be pretty smooth on the dance floor if you have moves like that," Damien added

Syd stiffened at the compliment and turned back around abruptly before clearing his throat, hoping the fox didn't notice the lupine's sight lingering on his form or the growing tightness in Syd's pants.

"Well Damien it's nice to chat, but we really should get these questions out of the way. There's a long day ahead for you. First off, are you into males or females?"

The question caught the vulpine off guard, causing him to stumble in his step, nearly falling on top of the wolf. Syd, noting the sound, reassured: "Nothing leaves this facility linking you to this study except your name on the check; everything else is researcher-client confidentiality."

"I guess that makes me an anything goes kind of furre if I can be completely honest. I've not been one to turn down a quick pawjob, mawjob, or a yiff whoever it's from. But as a furre that's got to maintain his image, I've been on the receiving end of everything except the yiff," Damien answered freely.

"Murr--I mean *ahem* I think you've just passed that set of questions," Syd laughed loudly, hopefully enough to cover his lusty outburst. "Any particular kink you like or want to try out?"

"Hmmm, I've always wanted to see what being the one bounded was like. I've had to tie other furres up, but never got tied up myself. Hey Syd, I don't know about you, but I'm starting to catch the backend of my reek. Is there somewhere I can wash up so I don't stink up the halls?"

"Personally I wouldn't be concerned. Not that I like the scent of your lingering musk or anything, but the building's got some serious air scrubbers for the 'funkier' smelling experiments others are doing here. But if you still want to freshen up, there's a shower where we're going."

Finished with the questions for now, Syd slipped the clipboard under his arm and hiked his glasses over his head. The wolf looked back upon approaching the door and noted Damien quickly looking away. Snickering mentally, he opened the door to the office and led the fox inside. The space resembled an examination room plus office built in one; in one corner was a medical cabinet with an examination table and the other side of the room held a desktop. Syd directed Damien through one of the other three doors so the fox could shower.

"Make sure you don't paw in there, otherwise your physical is going to be painful," the wolf advised before Damien closed and locked the door behind him.

Flipping the switch turned on low level lighting, but there was nothing else to adjust how bright the lights were. Shrugging, the fox stripped out of his football gear. With nowhere to hang his uniform, Damien piled his clothes in the corner away from the spray. He turned the water to borderline uncomfortable cold so that he wouldn't be tempted to paw to the thoughts in his head. Though he had no clear idea what the study was about with the papers full of technical and legal speak, the questions Syd asked had him fantasizing about being taken for and giving a ride to both the wolf and bunny.

As Damien scrubbed under his fur to wash out the sweat and dirt, his body warmed up against the chilled water as did his foxhood that was in the warmth of his sheath until now. With the fantasy playing in his head, the vulpine's paw wandered to his member and began to stroke. His breathing deepened and small 'yips' started emanating from his muzzle. If it weren't for Syd's rapping on the door, Damien would have finished himself off. Turning off the water, the fox realized there were no change of clothes or anyplace to dry off. The wolf opened the door with his key and asked Damien to step out for the physical.

"Syd, I'm going to be dripping all over the floor and there's nothing for me to get into here."

"Don't worry about it; you won't need to wear anything for the examination. You can dry off out here and you'll have clothes to wear by the time the study's over."

Damien reluctantly stepped out of the shower room with his paws covering his crotch, suddenly self-conscious after having no clothes to slip into. The fox had noticed the office had gotten warmer and Syd was still in full attire.

"Did you turn up the heat?" the fox asked "And aren't you going to be a little hot under the collar?"

"No, I'm circulating outside air to help you dry off and I'll get comfortable soon enough, don't you worry." Noting Damien was attempting to cover his sheath, Syd commented, "You don't have to worry about that, nothing I haven't seen before. And where's that anything goes attitude of yours?"

Deciding that he had nothing to worry about, the fox let his arms drop to his sides, and he looked the wolf straight in the eyes. Or at least he tried, since the lupine was staring at something else.

"Nothing you haven't seen before huh?" Damien countered

The comment brought Syd back to attention and he grabbed the tablet off the desk as he conducted the fox's physical. With each reading, the data was input into the pad. As tests progressed, the information was being fed into the network, which the doctor was monitoring very closely.

"185 lbs, 6 foot even," he read in his office, "blood pressure normal right after practice, strength test. . . 310! I'm going to need to upgrade some equipment."

Completing the cough and drop test, Syd slowly removed his paw from the fox's massive orbs and entered the result into the computing device. As the standard fare physical was wrapping up, the measurements specific to this experiment began. Damien, noting how the wolf's paw lingered and lightly grazed his pouch, turned back to see the lupine entering data with a noticeable protrusion outlined in his pants.

"Getting a little excited there Syd?"

"Perfectly normal reaction," the wolf tried to brush off, "plus it'll help you through the next phase of measurements."

The vulpine's cock twitched at the thought and he watched Syd grab something from the medical cabinet. He returned with a black bag, which was set at the dangling footpaws of the fox on the examination table.

"This is where things can get fun foxxie," the lupine whispered, setting his glasses on the table. "I need to see how big you are. To do that, I'm going to need you to be at the peak of your arousal."

Syd stripped off his lab coat and underlying shirt, revealing his furred feminine-like, hourglass shaped torso. As the wolf was removing his belt buckle, Damien had to hold himself back from pouncing on the all too cute research assistant.

"Now if you're ready, and from the looks if it, you are," Syd commented, "Do you want to start being on top or bottom?"

The fox developed a toothy grin as he thought about the question and stared at the boxer-clad wolf standing in front of him. His coat was a darker shade of grey than most lupines, but the tufts of fur characteristically turned lighter as it grew around the front of Syd's body. Under the light of the room and the lack of shirt, Damien noticed an especially dark patch of fur lead from the center of his budding abdominals to just below the waistline of the wolf's boxers. His eyes stayed on the elastic band since that was where the patch ended, but also because the tip of Syd's wolfhood peeked through and a dark trail of pre could be seen staining a line along the fabric.

Growing impatient with the fox's indecision, Syd decided to take the lead and walked up to the vulpine, whose eyes remained fixated on the wolf's leaking and growing member. Crouching to grab an item from the bag, Syd was nose to crotch level with the fox's emerging spire. Coming back up, the lupine touched a panel to start recording from the instrument and tapped the fox's cock with the tip of his nose, stringing a line of precum in the process. Syd got on top of the table and straddled the fox on his knees. The lupine leaned down close to Damien's muzzle and whispered into his ear: "Ready for the fun?"

The fox didn't have to be asked twice; he leaned forward and took Syd in for a kiss. The lupine fell into Damien's arms as Syd was held against the fox's muscular physique. Murring into the vulpine's maw, the wolf slid himself to hover over the other male's erection. Syd gently rocked back and forth rubbing both his wolfhood against the fox's abs and his covered tailhole across the weeping member beneath him. Noting the coarseness of the fabric, Damien tried to remove the garment, but his paw was playfully slapped away.

"Hmmm, not yet foxxie," Syd moaned, "we still have to get through this physical."

"Murr, it's hard to think about that right now, eh wolfie? You're riding me pretty hard."

"All for your peak measurements," the wolf groaned back

As the two furres continued to grind into each other, Syd's paws felt around behind him until he grabbed hold of the vulpine's throbbing meat. Keeping rhythm as their hips slid against each other, the wolf carefully inserted a rod-shaped tool down the fox's leaking slit.

Damien, noting the intrusion, hissed back: "Ahhh, playing rough with the toys now are we?"

"You could say that"

Syd kept easing the rod in until there was an inch left sticking out of the fox's tip. Satisfied the instrument would not slip into or out of the vulpine's cock, the wolf gracefully removed himself from the needy fox, their muzzles connected until Syd was standing on the floor again. Without the furred body obstructing his view, Damien looked down to see what the lupine had shoved into his member. Perplexed and not believing what his eyes relayed as he looked at the side of the device, the fox had to ask: "A thermometer?"

"Not just a thermometer, but compact fluid sampler, nerve mapper, urethral dimensional analyzer, and vibrator. Everything required to obtain the data we need."

"And that would be?"

"Isn't it obvious Damien?" Syd asked as he approached again, wrapping his paw around the vulpine's foxhood and gave a hard squeeze. "Data on everything about your cock."

After the wolf relaxed his grip, Damien felt a dull warming sensation coming from the base of his member. He felt the rod twitch, then audibly buzz as foam was kicked up between his slit and the device. The fox's eyes rolled to the top of his head, his maw agape, before falling back onto the elevated seat. A large grin grew across Syd's muzzle as he watched the fox writhe in ecstasy in front of him. The lupine brought a paw to his dripping wolfhood and idly pawed as he went through the remaining contents of the black tinted bag.

With the next toy held ready for the fox, Syd waited for the rod to finish. As the buzz began to ebb, the vulpine's eyes rolled back down to restore his vision. Damien let out a moan as he came back to reality and he brought up a paw to finish what the instrument started, but it was guided away. Syd placed the fox's paw on his exposed arousal as he prepared for the next test.

"If you want something to paw, why don't you take care of me?" the lupine asked, bringing the next object into Damien's field of vision. "After all, we still need you for the study, and you've got a while to go."

"Is that a. . . cock ring you've got there Syd?"

"Not your average cock ring, foxxie. You ought to know by now that nothing you see is as it seems."

The lupine left the rod in place to continue its job while he slipped the electronics laced silicon ring over the twitching member. Even with the other furre's paw wrapped around his wolfhood, Syd kept a steady grip on the modified toy. He clutched the base of the vulpine's member once again to turn on the instrument and the fox's paw fell to his side, the furre returning to a pleasure induced world, twitching helplessly. As the cock throbbed in front of Syd, he slowly brought the ring down Damien's length. Each textured bump on the ring recorded how far it had traveled and its distance from the other nodes. Though the fox's size was larger than the lupine had ever seen, the ring was able to pass over the entire length with no problem. As the rod's cycle ended a second time, Syd had already removed the ring and was diving into the bag for the next item. Damien, coming to his senses found his member sore and aching for release, but the rod was suppressing the vulpine's ability to cum.

"Are we going to be done with these tests soon?" He asked, whining. "I don't think I can take much more of this."

"You football players don't last very long in the bedroom do you, not used to foreplay? A quick suck and fuck then you're out the door. Just one more test and you'll move on to the next stage. Now, on your feet."

Damien scooted forward and slipped off the seat. He stood upright facing the wolf, his member bouncing with the vulpine's heartbeat. Following Syd's subsequent instructions, he turned around and bent over, placing both paws on the edge of the seat. As the vulpine waited, he felt a warm hardness slip against his tailhole and a furred body soon pressed up against his backside. Wrapping an arm around the fox's midsection, Syd held onto Damien as he told him what was next.

"I've got a little present for you, be glad I had time to wrap it. Let me know when you start to feel pain."

The vulpine nodded and Syd began inserting a textured rubbery toy through Damien's tailhole. Not used to the intrusion, the fox tensed at first, but gradually relaxed at Syd's reassurances. The instrument had been inserted halfway into the fox's hole by the time he seethed at it poking his interior. Stopping the advance, Syd twisted the end of the instrument and it began to vibrate and inflate. A shocked gasp filled the wolf's ears, followed by shallow breaths. The lupine kept a steady grip on the toy to keep it from slipping around as it got bigger. As the inflation continued to the size of a small tangerine, a series of whispered 'ow's from the fox told Syd that it was enough.

Turning the dial the other way, the inflatable gradually shrank and the wolf removed the length. Damien reflexively clenched for the object removed from his tailhole, leaving his lower body feeling cooler. Unable to sit at the moment, the fox opted to lean backwards and support his weight on his arms. While Damien was leaning back, Syd grabbed the end of the rod in the vulpine's member. He slowly pulled it out, both a trail of fluid and a slurping sound followed as the rod was removed. Once the obstruction was clear of his tip, a clear line of built-up pre dribbled out and made a small puddle on the floor.

Syd put away the instrumentation and grabbed the tablet to view the results: "Well, good news Damien. Looks like the next portion of this study is almost ready for you. Dr. Maestro has some final adjustments to make to the test fixture and you should be ready to go. How do you feel?"

"I could go for a good suck and fuck," Damien laughed, his leaking foxhood bobbing along.

Watching the fox's cock ooze forth and thinking about what the vulpine said almost had Syd licking his lips, but a ding from the tablet told him the test was ready. Gesturing for Damien to follow, the wolf led him through one of the other doors in the office. The vulpine stepped through and was greeted by darkness, save for a single lightbulb highlighting the test structure. It was a precision engineered metallic examination table set on a pivot, with a cutout of a body set into the metalwork. Around the table lay an array of straps and heavy chains.

The fox was nervous upon seeing the equipment, but forged ahead anyway. Syd set the tablet on a freestanding shelf in the darkness and secured the fox to the fixture. After Damien had stepped onto the metal stirrups, he held his paws up spread eagle as Syd used the leather straps to secure the fox. Satisfied the vulpine was immobile for this portion of the test, the wolf tapped the tablet and the table tilted back until it was at a 30 degree angle.

"So what's this part of the testing for?" Damien asked, trying the restraints.

"You basically went through another psychological test. Most furres turn tail and run after seeing this, but you followed through," the wolf replied.

"Like I would be easily intimidated," the vulpine scoffed

"Well then, I suppose you deserve a reward for coming this far. . . "

Reaching under the table, Syd pulled a tube upwards with another rod at the end as an attachment. Seeing the same instrument, the fox dropped his head against the padded head support and psyched himself for the insertion. Suddenly feeling a warm breath at his loins, Damien lifted his head to see Syd take the fox's member into his maw. Groaning at the warmth enveloping his meat, the vulpine tensed against the restraints which creaked under the stress. The wolf was careful not to run his teeth against the fox's sensitive flesh as he bobbed his head along the length. The rough and wide textures of the lupine's tongue caressed Damien's arousal as he worked to coat the fox's entire cock with his saliva. The vulpine moaned as the wolf's organ danced all over his foxhood, his hips thrusting to try and meet with Syd's skilled maw.

By now, a steady stream of clear fluid was reflowing through the fox's length and was being lapped up by the lupine. Syd took a moment to savor the flavor and slickness of the vulpine's leakage before easing his muzzle off. With the warm, moist feeling replaced by cool air, Damien was unfortunately brought back at the moment the tube was inserted down his length. The pain had subsided the first time the rod had been inserted, but the second time wasn't a completely good feeling either. Satisfied with the rod's position, Syd abruptly picked up the tablet and left the vulpine to catch his breath.

"Hey! Where's my fuck?"

The wolf held the tablet to his face to show the mischievous grin that had been plastered on his visage. It was the last thing the fox saw as Syd stepped through the doorway and the light above him cut out. Damien was left in the darkness, the only thing he felt were the straps restraining him and the cool metal surface on his back. A number of seconds passed before the creak of a metal door resonated through the room followed by what sounded to be clawed footfalls. He felt the fur on the back of his scruff stand on end as he sensed the presence of furres surrounding his bare and outstretched form. Through the darkness, a voice came at a moderate level to broadcast throughout the room.

"Study participants, welcome, I am Dr. Maestro. You have all passed the screening to advance to this stage of the experiment. You should have all been guided by my research assistants under the cover of darkness to protect your identities. If you wish to no longer participate, let one of my RAs know behind you and you will be escorted out of the facility, compensation will be reduced accordingly."

As the doctor continued to explain the technical details, Damien felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey foxxie, it's me. You're okay to keep going right?" Syd asked

"I came this far didn't I?" the vulpine whispered back

The wolf snickered: "Okay, like I said, this is going to be fun."

Damien missed the reminder of the doctor's explanation, but did catch: "You have your instructions. Begin!"

When the intercom shut off, the fox was able to pick up faint, repetitive noises above his head. As his hearing became tuned to the source and the sounds growing louder, the vulpine recognized the sound as pawing. As the seconds ticked by, their collective rhythm stayed constant, but the slurping got wetter and Damien's member grew harder and leaked precum to be collected by the tube. Soon, the fox felt the warmth emitted by the bodies around him as they approached one by one.

He first felt a wetness attempt to press into his right paw and recoiled his fingers at the surprise. The flesh continued to thrust into the air and hit the back of his paw a few times. Tentatively reaching out, the moist member slipped between his fingers and Damien used his other digits to guide and wrap around what would be a long and slick piece of flesh with a flared head. As the vulpine tightened his grip, another cock joined his open paw, this length was veiny and formed a tapered tip. A third member became lodged in his headfur and though it was difficult to tell the shape, Damien felt barbs graze his head.

The synchronized puckering heard earlier began to breakdown as each furre found a rhythm to thrust at. The feline meat above Damien went slowly, coating the fox's headfur in a thin film. The furres on either side of him were skewering his gripping paws, the equine to his right more enthusiastic and wetter than the canid to his left. All the while, the vulpine's own need went untouched, throbbing to the racing beat of his heart. Damien didn't have a chance to think further as he felt the metal on his left, then right sides give slightly. The mass shifted up the fox's form with furred legs dangling along his sides. This would normally tickle the fox, but with the state of his sex, any other touch only registered as teasing pleasure. The vulpine's muzzle was enveloped in wet folds and the furre above him gasped. Taking the cue, Damien ran his snout up the slit and collected some juices on his nose before lapping it off. Savoring the taste, the fox murred and drove his tongue through the lips to get a better taste of the honeypot placed in front of his muzzle. The moaning and kissing above the fox only encouraged him to lap faster and harder, as well as meet the thrusts of the cocks he held in his paws.

Through the sliding and grinding of cocks in his paws, through his headfur, and the heated treat presented in front of his muzzle, the fox was still needy of attention. The gasps, moans, and groans of the other furres ravishing their treatment didn't alleviate the pressure building in the fox's loins. As Damien was being assaulted from nearly all sides, except for where it counted, he didn't notice the heat approaching his tailhole. The vulpine took in a sharp breath when he felt another organ trace up his hole, run between his orbs, and continue across the length of his yet to release foxhood. The vulpine gasped and groaned each time the tongue swept through the vulpine's entire crotch at an agonizingly slow cycle from bottom to top. The ministrations were placed far apart enough to keep Damien on edge, but not cum.

Emboldened by the urge to unload his pent-up fox cream, he stepped up his efforts on the other furres. With a cock in each paw, Damien thrust back and gripped harder, earning a muffled whimper from the equine and 'yips' from the canid. The fox also moved his muzzle further in with his tongue action, gaining heated breaths from the ones above his head. A paw from each of the furres above slipped around the fox's skull and encouraged the bound vulpine to go deeper. Damien's own gasps joined those around him as his head pulled out for a second of breath, with the other organ still tracing the complete length of his cock.

The outside world had dissolved away for the furres having a virtual orgy. The space had become warmer with the heat of bodies grinding against each other. In complete darkness, the furres could not see each other, but could feel the lust laden air. The scent of sex permeated the room and served to heighten everyone's state of arousal. The RA escorts were no exception to what they saw. Deciding anyone who wanted out would have done it already, some played voyer as they took care of their sexes, others were yiffing their colleagues. All this went unnoticed by the ones at the center of this attention. The furres were matted with perspiration and for most of them it would just be sweat, except for the fox bounded to the table.

Of those in the room, the feline with his cock firmly brushing against Damien's head and French kissing the girl planted on the vulpine's chest would come first. With a muffled yeowl, he put in a final thrust, and crushed his balls against the vulpine's skull, squeezing his thick milk from them. A dab of pearly fluid joined the sheen in the fox's headfur and the remaining burst forth, painting the female's lower abdomen and dripping onto Damien's muzzle. The trigger of the cat's jet in combination with her cunt being licked out sent the female over the edge. She gripped with a paw each on Damien and her male companion as her walls quivered, held rock solid steady, then tried to pull the fox's tongue in her cunt as her orgasm washed through her body. She would be one to put on a show, if there were light to see, as spurts of fluid shot out to the fox's muzzle. Damien was caught by surprise and pulled back, while at the same time pulling the pawfulls of meat toward him. This was more than enough to bring the furres on either side of the vulpine to cum at the same time. To his right, Damien felt a load of cum land on his elbow and each torrent following the first had his arm drenched in heavy spooge. On his left erupted several streaks of canid cream. The fox only felt the first few streams hit his obliques and the remaining shower fell across his abdomen. Gauging from the strength of the initial hit, the streams could have been felt by the furre on the other side.

With Damien able to register what was happening around him, a combination of all of the above nearly brought him to and over the edge: the feline matting the vulpine's headfur and muzzle with his milk, the female companion filling Damien's maw with her sweet juices, and the sensation of cocks throbbing in his paws as each unloaded their cum on his arm and in streams across his abs. But two events stopped him for having his explosive moment: As the fluids were flying across the fox's outstretched form, the tongue dancing across his cock had stopped and pulled away, removing the only thing directly serving Damien's unsheathed foxhood. The second was the painful realization that the collection rod had scraped inside the vulpine's opening. At the first sign of his release, the spasms shifted the rod, causing Damien to have a mini-gasm before the pain took the edge away.

The groans and shuffling of satisfied furres nearly overshadowed the fox's growl of frustration. Damien thrashed about in his restraints and the female atop of him nearly took a paw to the jaw if he had not been tied down. Unfortunately, the vulpine's muzzle was completely free to move, so flew a string of obscenities aimed at whomever was left in the room.

"Now now, is that any way to thank the volunteers that helped you?" Came a voice from the darkness.

"Help me? The hell they did; the fuck any of you did! I was nothing but teased ever since I walked through those doors! Let me outta here so I can fucking paw on my own."

A furre walked from the darkness to reveal himself to the bound vulpine. Damien held his tongue as he watched the figure walk towards his head, but was still seething and breathing heavy in frustration. The fox could hardly see the entire form of the furre in front of him, but could vaguely make out the name sewn into the lab coat.

"Dr. . . Maestro?"

"Tsk tsk tsk," he chastised, putting an ungloved paw into his coat pocket to pull out a bundle of C notes and tapped the cash against the fox's still moistened nose. "If you choose to leave now Damien, you won't see a single one of these. In fact, since you've just barked to the world that you haven't even ejaculated yet. . . "

The doctor bent down to examine the collection bottle and gave it a few taps, but stopped tapping when he realized the sound didn't resonate correctly. Getting down on his knees, Dr. Maestro pulled out a pocket flashlight and examined the fixture. Tracing the reflection of pre still in the tube to the bottle, the hybrid dropped the flashlight and got up quickly, only to ram his head under the table.

"You've got to--DAMNIT!" he shouted after getting up. "Vanessa, could you bring out another liter. . . make that two liter collector and bring out a second urethreal attachment, looks like we'll have to go back to the drawing board for this one. Wait, scratch all of that!"

The vulpine was puzzled as he watched the doctor scramble, then do an about face, both staring intently into each other's strikingly different expressions.

"Damien, do you realize how much pre-ejaculatory fluid you produced?" Dr. Maestro held the bottle up to the light, the air bubble barely detectable within. Bringing the bottle back down, he held it off to the side and continued: "While I can't promise anything beyond what's defined in the contract, if you can keep the juices flowing, so to speak, then I can assure you the period of your compensation will be well over six months. Knowing this, do you wish to continue with this study?"

The fox barely had a second to think before Vanessa appeared at the doctor's side. She was given the bottle and her eyes went wide with a growing blush as she looked between what she held in her paws and the furre that made that sample. Dr. Maestro whispered into her ear causing her furred face to go deep red. After staring at the fox that was looking just as intensely as her, she nodded and scurried off into the darkness.

"Well it looks like we have someone who will always be available with you to help with your weekly returns," the doctor noted. "So what say you Damien? Or should I let your erection answer for you?"

"I'll do it doc, but under one condition."

"Name it"

"Get that ridiculous rod out of me and find some other way to collect your samples."

Dr. Maestro merely smiled and got between the fox's still spread legs. Holding the semi-hard member in front of him, the doctor twisted and pulled the rod out. With a single quick and rehearsed movement, the doctor detached the intrusive rod and placed the second fitting onto the tube before sliding the apparatus partway over the fox's member.

"You sure look like you know what you're doing," Damien commented

"He's had a lot of practice foxxie, on yours truly of course."

"Welcome back Syd, will you be taking over from here?" Dr. Maestro asked

"I believe Damien answered he'd be up for anything during the physical and he screamed for a fuck, so I figure. . . why not a three-way?" the lupine threw out as an almost second thought.

"Sounds reasonable," the doctor replied, "Will that be okay with you Damien?"

"I'm game"

The lupine climbed up and straddled himself across Damien's midsection. He scooted himself back, dragging his orbs and unsheathed wolfhood against the bound fox's form until his tailhole bumped against Dr. Maestro's paw, which was still holding the apparatus over Damien's foxmeat. Leaning forward, Syd ran his paws along the vulpine's chest, earning a sigh and hardening spire from the furre beneath him. He worked his way up to Damien's shoulders before touching noses. The fox's maw was already open as he panted heavily from the wolf's treatment and the paw teasing his member. With a tentative lick, Syd opened his maw and touched Damien's tongue to his own before closing the gap between their muzzles. Both murred into the kiss with Syd savoring the fox, while Damien found a new taste: that of the wolf's mixed with a trace of his cock.

With the two occupied, Dr. Maestro moved forward with his role. With his unoccupied paw, the hybrid unfastened his pants and dropped them to the floor. Following a swift kick of his lower garments, he pushed himself against the fox, grinding his hips against Damien as he continued to disrobe. The sudden presence of a warmth near the fox's tailhole caused Damien to reflexively tighten his ring and quiver before the vulpine tried to relax it. To help, Dr. Maestro started to paw the fox's tip under the latex hood. As his paw moved along the vulpine's length, his knuckles brushed against Syd's nearby furred rear end.

The subsequent relaxation allowed the doctor to begin sliding his digits into Damien's flexing ring while the two were moaning into their kiss. The lip lock gradually loosened and the growing sound of a sloppy tongue dance filled the space between them. As their muzzles parted with eyes closed, Syd and Damien let out half breaths and gasps from the doctor's actions. Syd still had free range, so he started to slide his well lubed member across the fox, leaving a line of matted fur as the wolf made his way up the vulpine's body. The shifting weight eventually caused Damien to open his eyes to see a smirking lupine thrusting his hips; Syd's member poking the area just under his chin. The combination of the welcomed sight and the doctor finally working enough of the fox to probe his canid member within made Damien open his muzzle in desperate, lusted gasps for air. Syd took this opportunity to do a quick flip over the vulpine and stuck his wolfhood into the open maw.

Both Dr. Maestro and Syd sighed heavily as their cocks sunk into vulpine's open holes. Damien had tears collecting at the edge of his vision as he was gradually taken by them. The doctor continued to paw Damien's fully hard spire as he thrust into the fox. Syd held himself over the vulpine on all fours, being careful in burying his arousal in a way to not suffocate the fox. The wolf made himself more useful with the throbbing foxhood in front of him. Syd placed his open maw along an open length of Damien's member and gently gnawed at the flesh while running his tongue over where he had bitten.

The borderline pain the fox was experiencing had Damien seethe in a heavy breath. If the wolf's cock were not thoroughly attached to his groin, the length of meat would have easily slipped further into Damien's throat. The short-lived vacuum action sent shivers down Syd's spine and he nearly collapsed atop the vulpine, but the wolf switched to solely running his tongue around the spire, lest he lose his load before the fox. Syd also put his open paws to work: one on the fox's full pouch and the other wrapping around the doctor's growing knot. With the furres having their cocks serviced, the pre flowed freely from all three, both Syd's and Dr. Maestro's into the bound fox, and Damien now comfortably into the silicon hood slipped over his tip.

With the doctor's knot fully formed and his fur beginning to dampen with sweat, the hybrid placed both his paws on the vulpine's foxhood. He gripped the cap and pumped it as he thrust faster. The doctor's vigor encouraged the others to alter their ministrations, starting with Damien. The vulpine could sense the large knot trying to gain entrance past his tailring. Damien began to emit a guttural moan that resonated in his throat, in turn sending vibrations through Syd's wolfhood. The change in technique brought the lupine to slow down his licks and his heated breath cast a warm curtain to surround the moistened flesh. The dual assault of warmth from Syd and the pressure of the doctor pumping Damien's cock made the vulpine relax his tailhole even further. With the wolf losing his grip on the hybrid's knot, Syd wrapped his arm under the disappearing bulb and began to massage the doctor's orbs.

Thanks to the lessened resistance, Dr. Maestro was able to sink his knot into the fox. The intrusion caused Damien to emit a feral 'yip' and he bit down on the wolf cock stuffed into his maw. While the bite didn't draw blood, it was enough to get Syd to give a bite of his own. The second teeth to flesh contact didn't register in Damine's mind as his interior was being poked by the older furre's meat. It wasn't long before the hybrid's cock kept hitting the right spot with every movement. Factoring in the additional sensations from the knot pulling against his ring, the paw massage on his balls, attention given to his foxmeat, and the wolfhood sliding past his lips, Damien was on the edge again.

While the wolf was using a paw to play with the doctor's jewels, one of Dr. Maestro's thrusts was mistimed with Syd's actions, causing his digit to slip past the doctor's unsuspecting tailhole. Before Syd could take back his finger, Dr. Maestro pulled back and the wolf's claw tracked against the hybrid's prostate. In turn, his tailhole closed around the trigger digit and the doctor punched his knot hard into the fox. Despite Damien's massive size, he still slid up a few inches on the metal fixture. The shift surprised everyone, but no one had a chance to react before the streams of canid spooge started flying.

Dr. Maestro held in his howls as he unleashed his torrent of hybrid cum. He kept his paws firmly down on the foxmeat in his paws and his knotted member buried deep within the bound vulpine. He grunted with each spasm from his cock, the heavy flow pushing hard against Damien's interior. The fox's resolve gave way as he clamped down on the wolf member down his gullet and let loose his load into the waiting tube. If it weren't for the doctor keeping a tight grip on the hood, the apparatus would have been easily shot off, lost in the jets of cum to follow. Syd kept an eye on the attached tube when the vulpine bit down on his tender wolfhood, and he would have missed the opportunity if his eyes had been closed. His licking paused as he watched clear fluid race through the tube, followed by the milky fox cum. Damien's hips rose and fell with each throb of his cock, sending the fluid so forcefully into the bottle that audible splashes broke through the heavy breathing in the room to be heard by all.

Damien was still cumming for a full minute after the doctor had finished. Syd took over holding the hood in place after the hybrid's arms were used to hold himself up. As the vulpine's seemingly neverending river of spooge slowed, Syd released his grip, causing the weak flow to dribble along the sides of Damien's foxhood. With the vulpine finally over his climax, his lockjaw on the wolf's member released. Syd used this chance to straddle the fox once more, as he rubbed himself against Damien's broad chest while licking the foxmeat clean.

The wolf's orbs running against the fox brought Syd over the edge, planting his rear end on the vulpine's chest and howled as he closed his eyes and came. Syd's wolfhood screamed sweet release, as it throbbed and spasmed with each shot of cum. The pent up wolf spooge since meeting Damien had been shot out in several streams that lasted for about half a minute. When the lupine reopened his eyes, he saw a hybrid well coated in his fluids. Sheepishly averting his eyes from the doctor's stare through his cum coated glasses, Syd hopped off the fox. Damien was getting drowsy from the post-orgasmic event and barely registered the doctor's knot pulling out and hybrid juice flowing out. The conversation after barely made sense to Damien as he fell out of consciousness.

"I don't know why you won't volunteer Syd, you've got an impressive performance."

"Not everyone's into this kind of stuff for the money Dr. Maestro. I want to keep my balls thanks."

"Your loss Syd. Well, let's prep him for surgery. Have Vanessa on standby for. . . "

Even in slumber, the vulpine's mind didn't wander far from thoughts of yiff. The recent happenings did serve to fuel Damien's subconscious fantasies. The fox found himself in the middle of a rave, half-covered bodies rubbing up against Damien as he wandered through the crowd. The music thumped and strobes flashed to provide the atmosphere for the glowstick bearing dancers on the floor. He weaved his way past the crowd to find a seat at the bar. After ordering his drink, Damien dropped his paw in the direction of the bowl of peanuts, but landed on the digits of another furre. He withdrew his paw slightly before it was taken back by the other furre. With his attention directed at the stranger of the moment, his dreamstate vision didn't give the fox a chance to pick out the features of this furreson.

He soon felt a pinching sensation at the base of his crotch and looked down to see someone attempting to gnaw through his jeans a little too roughly for his liking. In trying to scoot back and away from this furre, Damien found his arms and chest bound by the nearby ravers. The fox struggled against his captors and tried to scream out, but powerful arms were keeping his maw shut as others worked their way to remove the fox's wears. Damien heard the crash of the glasses to the floor as the counter was cleared for his bare form. The vulpine was stretched out over the glowing surface of the bar, his built physique exposed to the blackened eyes of the others, watching him struggle against the hold of the stronger furres.

Damien felt powerless and grew fearful of what was to come in his helpless state. Then he felt the nip again, this time less aggressive as there was no barrier in the way. There was a new feeling, an almost serpentine tongue burrowed its way between the fox's cock and sheath to try and coax the vulpine's member for the world to see. Stuck between being bound to the open air and back hard against the glass surface, Damien had little other option than to submit to these ministrations. Sensing the fox struggling less to indulge in his treatment, the paws around his muzzle loosened allowing Damien to take in a breath, before a deep lick at his foxhood caused him to whine. He threw his maw open to ravish the sensation, but was short-lived as his maw was immediately filled with a waiting cock. The vulpine nearly choked in surprise of the spire suddenly shoved down his gullet and in trying to swallow his own drool, also worked the cock further into his throat. The furre with his meat in the fox's maw let out a deep growl and the remaining spectators joined in.

Every inch of the fox's outstretched form was now covered in a furpile. Anywhere anyone could get in, the space between Damien's body and the room was filled. There were multiple furres straddling his chest and parts of his leg, suspending themselves over him while playing with another. On occasion they would grind down on the fox, leaving a thin trail of fluid. The remainder of Damien's body was being used to bring the others their own version of passion. Both his paws and footpaws were being pulled to wrap around someone's cock or thrust into a waiting cunt, his digits dripping with their excitement. Anything that wasn't being used to rubbed on, over, or with had the remaining furres getting creative.

The seconds ticked by, but for those occupied with the fox, time seemed to drag for an eternity of absolute ecstasy. A ring had formed around the vulpine and those who finished staggered away so that another could take their place. The scent of sex filled the fox's nostrils as furre after furre left their mark on him. The bar and once crystal clear counter had streaks of fluids criss-crossing both surfaces in a messy web of cum. Despite continually being pelted by juices flowing from every direction, Damien could not bring himself to climax. The multiple maws working his fully erect and throbbing foxhood and covering his fur with the stuff of dreams were nowhere near enough to bring the vulpine over the edge.

Damien was ready to scream out once again at his body for holding him back from what his mind needed so desperately. It was that moment that the world around him fell silent and all movement around the fox stopped. The vulpine blinked a few times to set his vision straight and the lights and furres dissolved in fuzz. His vision was replaced by blackness and though he couldn't see, Damien could feel his eyelids moving. As he regained his hold on reality, the fox found himself in a bed. Looking around, he saw the dim glows coming from the instrumentation turned away from the bedside. Taking a stretch for the first time in what may have been hours, the mattress beneath him creaked under his shifting weight. He brought his arms carefully to cup the back of his head as he recollected the remnants of his dream. Already semi-hard, the vulpine was at full mast in no time, and his paw did not hesitate in getting down to business.

"I'd be careful if I were you," warned a voice, "the surgery may have been minor, but you could still reopen the incision."

Startled by the voice, Damien reflexively brought his paws down to cover up his groin, but noticed something missing from his usual grip.

"What the--," the fox started to exclaim.

"Not to worry foxxie, you'll have more fun without them," the lupine answered

"Of course you can say that Syd, you still have yours."

"Oh, I'm not the only one who would think so," he answered, turning on the light and stepped out of Damien's view.

Sitting in the visitor's seat was Vanessa, scribbling notes onto a clipboard that she held above her waist, covering her bust. All Damien could see was above the clipboard anyway, as his bed was elevated from the standard height. Yet the feminine visage was still appealing to the eyes of the bed bound fox. Her brow was furrowed in concentration and she held her tongue up and off to the side as she penned down the final details. Standing up, Damien could see the lapine was wearing a "too skimpy to be real" nurse's outfit with the lower portion of the skirt barely covering Vanessa's white cotton panties. Passing the clipboard off to Syd, she put a stethoscope to her ears and placed the pad over the vulpine's chest. Damien, who was distracted by the deep 'V' cut of the outfit, was brought back to attention by the cold surface penetrating his fur.

"Whoo," he shuddered, "mind warming that thing up a little?"

Vanessa, responding to the fox's request, placed both paws over the chestpiece and relayed her observations to the wolf.

"Patient's heart rate is higher than expected following surgery."

"Of course it's higher, did you notice where all his blood's going to?" Syd replied, scribbling on the board.

The bunny looked at Damien's emerging foxhood and threw him a seductive glance. Dragging the pad across the fox's chiseled bulk, Vanessa kept her attention to the wolf. Syd was staring intently at the paper before him, chewing on the pen as he thought. Eventually the metallic pad ended in the fox's crotchfur which was getting soaked in his precum. Lifting the instrument from the matted fur, she replaced it in the area where the vulpine's orbs used to reside.

"Vanessa, these numbers can't be right," the wolf admitted in frustration, giving the clipboard back.

With one paw still holding the stethoscope in place, it took her a few seconds to glance at the numbers and fill in the blanks for the wolf: "A one here, three over there, another one here, six in there, and a seven there."

"Fuck! Seriously?" Syd growled in frustration.

"What just happened? Am I going to die?" Damien asked in a panic.

"To the contrary," the wolf sighed, bringing the clipboard over to him. "You're about to live one of the greatest experiences of your life."

The fox's jaw dropped as he saw what the two were working so furiously on: a Sudoku puzzle. Vanessa laughed at Damien's expression as she threw the medical instrument off to the side and Syd tossed the clipboard onto an empty cot. Dejectedly, the wolf stood behind Vanessa as she jumped on the bed and hovered over the vulpine.

"You know the drill. . . pet," she commanded with a wink at Damien.

"Yes Mistress," the lupine replied and climbed up on the bed behind her.

Vanessa fell forward and put her paws to hold down the fox's wrists. Damien had a perfect view down the outfit, with his eyes growing wide and his foxhood growing thicker. Syd took the opportunity to spread the vulpine's legs further apart and locked Damien's ankles with his own. The wolf also leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the bunny before him, his paws kneading the full breasts that were threatening to pop out of their confinement.

"Ready Mistress," he hissed into her ear, giving a playful lick.

"Very well pet, now unzip me. . . with your teeth," she commanded, rasping the second part.

With a low growl, the wolf drew his muzzle along Vanessa's backside and latched his razor sharp teeth on the strip of metal. Pulling downward, he breathed hot along the lapine's exposed fur. She shuddered at the heat and arched her back in response. Her covered sex touched the tip of Damien's arousal, and their combined moistened crotches caused both furres to moan. A sudden click and realization that the wear was not being undone caused Vanessa to snap at the wolf.

"Why have you stopped? I did not tell you to now did I?"

Syd whimpered with the clip still between his teeth, "It's stuck Mistress."

"No excuses! Now either you disrobe me with your fangs or I have your pitiful excuse for balls for breakfast!"

Both males tried to close their legs in response to the threat, but in their current predicament, it didn't do any good. The wolf tried successively harder tugs at the zipper, but each pull only got the device wedged further in the mechanics. Things were getting frighteningly serious when Vanessa shot a dirty look at Syd. He tried desperately to move the zipper in any direction to possibly get it free before going back down, but it was wedged in tight.

"I'm counting to five wolf and if you can't disrobe me, I'll bite your orbs straight off. . . one."

Syd pulled as hard as he could down, no effect.

". . . Two. . . "

With no luck, he tried a desperation stunt, to remove the garment without the zipper.

". . . Three. . . "

He released the zipper and dug his fangs into the seam of the outfit.

". . . Four . . . "

The wolf yanked hard, the sound of strained fabric giving way filled the tense atmosphere.

". . . Fi--"

Before she could finish, a loud rip followed, taking the breath out of the lapine's lungs. She snapped her head back to look at Syd to see him shudder, breathing heavy, and tears in his eyes. Trailing her sights down the wolf's fully clothed form, she spotted the telltale tent in his jeans. Looking back up at his eyes, she gave her next command.

"Good my pet," she started with a gentler tone, "you are free to continue disrobing me with your teeth. Get to work."

With a triumphant bark, Syd twisted his head side to side and dislodged the shredded garment. Kneeling forward, he rested his muzzle against the lapine's back and with a bit of gnawing, unlatched Vanessa's bra. With the restraining article no longer holding back her breasts, they bounced against each other, casing the fox to drool from his maw and cock. The lupine was at the hem of her panties and he contemplated his next move.

Once again sensing a lack of movement, Vanessa warned: "Wolf"

Taking a cue from his latest difficulty, Syd simply bit the garment and tried shredding it off. After creating a few tears in the material, the wolf pretended to struggle once again. However, with Vanessa's panties rubbing against her heightened sex, she would be less inclined to reprimand the lupine for his next transgression.

"Syd, what are you doing?" she asked sweetly

The wolf wasn't paying attention and kept playfully tugging at her garment. The soft material rubbed against her outer lips.

"Syd" she shuddered, the fabric now slipping to glide past her inner lips.

The lapine could barely hold her domineering composure as Syd continued to 'struggle' in removing the fabric. He would tug up and down, side to side to tease his Mistress, but the holes gradually got larger.

"Wolfie" she whispered, as the length of cotton slipped past her barriers and began to rub into her inner walls and against her bud.

The wolf continued to pull and tug in every which way, causing the bunny above him to whimper beneath his ministrations. Gradually the fabric gave way, the final strip slipped past her swollen bud, bringing her to the brink of cumming, but the touch was not long enough to take her over the edge. Turning around, Vanessa saw Syd chewing on what was left of her panties. His eyes were triumphant as he opened and closed his maw around his prize.

Sighing, Vanessa turned around and used her ankles to keep the vulpine's wrists down. She grabbed onto the shredded article and ended up playing a bit of tug of war with Syd before she got the piece from him. She tossed the object, unknowingly onto Damien's muzzle and covered the fox's eyes, but he would be kept at the ready with her scent.

"Alright," she warned Syd, "since you decided to take things into your own paws, I'm going to have to punish you."

"I got your clothes off using only my teeth, did I not Mistress?"

Vanessa sneered at the wolf; he had found a loophole in the Mistress' wording. As she glared at the lupine and began to lean forward, Syd dropped his cocky grin and leaned back in response. With his back firmly pressed into the plastic footboard and an enraged bunny staring dead into his eyes, the wolf was ready to surrender. Before he could open his maw to apologize, Vanessa pushed both her paws hard upon Syd's straining wolfhood, causing him to yelp in pain instead.

"You know, you're right wolfie," she said, still supplying firm pressure to the wolf's loins. "You did do as I asked, but with your own brand of independent creativity."

Syd ground his teeth against each other, eyes shut and watering, as his cock throbbed less from the pleasure of the press and more from the intense hurt.

"While Mistress does not like your independence," she added, lightening the pressure from her paws, "you should be rewarded for your creativity."

Her change in tone and the ebbing force against his member caused the wolf to cautiously open an eyelid and see Vanessa support her rack over her crossed arms. The blood began rushing back into his sore cock and the wolf began drooling as Damien did. She looked him back in the eye and then fell forward to plant her muzzle, nose to crotch, with Syd's covered spire. Latching her teeth to the lupine's zipper, she pulled the metallic strip to open up the wolf's confining jeans.

Peering upwards to see Syd give her a tongue hanging smile, she brought her paws to rest on either side of the wolf's abdomen and worked her digits under his shirt. Vanessa angled her fingers to dig into his sides and used her wrists to drag the lupine's shirt upward. As the lapine brought the shirt further up, Syd raised his arms to allow the shirt to slip off. With Vanessa's digits ticking the wolf's armpits, he squirmed and let his feminine side show by giggling at the touch. The tickling was accompanied by a warm breath and wet licks under Syd's muzzle, causing him to murr in appreciation, but also lose his lock on the fox's ankles.

The shirt discarded, both the wolf and bunny were locked in a heated kiss, tongues vying for dominance in each other's muzzles. While Syd had dropped his restraints on Damien, Vanessa kept her lock on the vulpine's wrists for the time being. With arms locked around each others' upper bodies, the lupine's slim form became pressed up against Vanessa's full breasts as he returned to a kneeling position after stuck in a back-breaking posture. Syd's paws searched for the button that would finally free his straining cock from the denim prison.

However, Vanessa had beaten him to the task and by the time his fingers traced the edge of the fastener, she had already pulled the flaps apart. The lapine latched her paws around the hem of Syd's jeans as well as boxers, and pulled both down with such force, the wolf's cock was taken down with the mass of cloth. The two furres gasped breathlessly when Syd's wolfhood had freed itself from the mass and sprang up to hit Vanessa under her furred vaginal slit.

Recovering quickly from the surprise of the wolf's cock hitting her, Vanessa shifted her weight to get into a better kneeling position for their sexes to rub against each other. In moving her legs, she had also removed her lock on the fox. Syd worked his way out of the remainder of his clothes and returned to the attentions of the lapine. Both had become entrapped in their own world of passion, completely unaware of the fact they had released their hold on the tortured fox below them. Though Damien had already unleashed his load earlier, his fully engorged fox cock was telltale that he was ready to go again. The vulpine's crotchfur was kept moist from earlier ministrations and the shredded panties draped upon his snout.

However a new sensation brought Damien out of his dazed contentment into the sexually charged atmosphere about him. With Syd and Vanessa grinding every part of their bodies up from the torso, their weeping sexes were dripping a fine string of pre, coating the fox's member in their combined fluids' warmth. With the vulpine also able to regain feeling in his limbs, he flexed his muscles as more than just his cock would rise to the occasion.

While in the heat of the moment, Syd was able to pick up a shift in weight of the furresons on the bed and tentatively opened an eye to survey his surroundings. What met his eye was a bulk of white furred muscle and turning his head up revealed the feral, lust starved eyes of the fox. The wolf was caught offguard by the looming form behind the lapine and froze, while Vanessa continued to nibble at Syd's tongue, oblivious to the development.

Noting the wolf's refusal to continue, she chastized him aggressively: "Wolfie, if you don't stop teasing your Mistress, you are going to be in for another world of hurt."

She opened her eyes to see the wolf stare past her, his maw agape. Wondering what else could captivate the lupine's attention, Vanessa also turned her head around and was nose to fur embedded in the fox's bulk. Before she could say or do anything, and the wolf unable to move at the moment, Damien wrapped his large arms around the two smaller furres and held them tightly against his chest. With the wolf and bunny pinned by the fox, all they could do was struggle, but Damien would have none of that.

"You two have caused me a lot of grief today, literally keeping me in the dark about everything, and doing whatever suits your fancy," the vulpine began, loosening his hold a bit. "I don't care about the money anymore, I want my sanity back. So, before I voluntarily go any further, what's left to do?"

"Just a performance review," the wolf finally spoke up, "to make sure there aren't any long lasting effects other than sterilization."

Damien, recalling the strange lack of weight below his leaking member, shuffled on his knees before asking: "Does this involve any more crap shoved into, around my cock or teasing that lasts way too long?"

"Only your meat nestled in Mistress' warm folds, fox," Vanessa answered with authority

"My my, quite the shift in attitude. Think you can take all of this--" Damien asked while pulling the sheath back on his thick and lengthy foxhood, ". . . Mistress?"

The lapine gulped softly and replied, "Don't doubt me slave; I can take any cock I own."

"What of the wolf then?" Damien asked curiously, a smirk forming as he regarded Syd. "Shall he become familiar with Mistress' backside and tailhole?"

"Don't ask such questions," she replied, landing a light slap to the vulpine's muzzle, "no pet of mine will perform such an act upon me. . . he will be taking you."

Both males' erections throbbed at the thought and Syd looked away, trying to hide his smile from getting to take the fox a second time. Vanessa turned around to fully face the vulpine and placed both paws against his chest. Grabbing two fistfuls of fur, she pushed against Damien and forced him onto his back.

"Now don't you move pet," she addressed Syd, "I'll have the fox first, then you can go. In the meantime, keep yourself busy, don't cum until I tell you."

Syd nodded and kept is paws on his sheath and arousal as he watched the events unfold. Vanessa went into a kneeling position over the reclining vulpine and grabbed hold of his slickened cock. With her deadly serious glare on Damien and her other paw on his abdominals to steady her decent, she lowered herself onto the foxhood below. He stifled groans as he felt her velvety entrance envelop more and more of his lengthy appendage. The bunny, meanwhile, did not restrain her expressions of passion or speed as she claimed the fox. Damien's restraint, but fire of lust in his eyes with the irresistible moans and groans coming from Vanessa in front of him, caused Syd to leak heavier. The wolf's pre began to form an unbroken trickle to create a puddle on the bed. He gathered some on his paw and slathered the natural lubricant around his swollen wolfhood.

As Vanessa got closer to fully hilting the vulpine's length, Damien's maw was open wide and drooling at the immeasurable feeling of having his nerves set ablaze from his spire being taken into its warm and moist home. He was just as impressed that anyone could take that much of his length. Having bedded furres before, no matter their preference, they always missed the last few inches of his foxhood. Damien shuddered after Vanessa's outer lips covered the final inch of his arousal and felt her crotchfur rub against his own.

"Like I said. . . slave," she began, panting between words, "I can take any cock I own."

"My apologies Mistress, I shouldn't have--argh!"

The fox tried to respond, but had his words taken away as the lapine raised and lowered herself steadily three times upon his claimed member. Damien's thoughts quickly shifted to involuntarily meet her fourth thrust, but as soon as the lapine sensed his rear end remove itself from the bed, she sat down hard on his cock, causing the vulpine to yip loudly and have tears gather at the corners of his eyes.

"Naughty fox, I didn't tell you to move either. As punishment you will cum not only after the Mistress has, but also after my pet has had claim to your furry rear end. Should you decide to disobey me a second time, it will be more than your balls that you will miss. Understand?"

Damien nodded weakly and groaned as Vanessa turned around, his sex still embedded in the cunt above him. While her slit was well lubed by their foreplay earlier, there remained slight friction between the contacting flesh. Not even the lapine was immune from the feeling of the fox's veined cock grazing the folds of her sex. Regaining her composure, she regarded the wolf once more, who had his eyes closed and paws sliding over his arousal. Vanessa reached out and took hold of the lupine's knot, snapping him back to reality.

"Come to me my pet," she cooed, pulling the wolf by his girth.

Nearly cumming, Syd kept up with the bunny's grip to avoid releasing his pent up load too soon. Not only did Vanessa not tell him he could lose his lupine cream, but Syd wanted to plant his seed in Damien once more. The wolf was brought into a kneeling position, this time the entirety of his body was pressed up against her: chest to chest, wolf member to her cunt to fox cock. Realizing his knot was pressed up against Damien's arousal, the wolf shot a string stream of pre between himself and the bunny.

"Don't be so eager my pet, your time will come soon," she continued in a seductive tone, her digits trailing along the side of his wolfhood. "Now, where were we?"

Taking the lupine's tongue, Vanessa restarted the wrestling match between their muzzles. Syd caught on and brought his arms to embrace the bunny as she did the same. They were once again seemingly wrapped up in their own world of fun, but this time Damien was able to be a part of the experience. As the two above the fox moved, Damien received the flurry of their passion-play through his cock. Whenever Vanessa shifted upwards to expose his foxmeat to the cooler air, Syd's knot grazed against his flesh. After the lapine returned to sit on the Damien, his member was again enveloped by the welcoming heat of her hot box. The rhythm set up kept all on edge, with juices flowing and the slurping of wet flesh filling their ears.

While the two male furres were at the brink of orgasm, their release was dictated by the lapine, who was not far from climax herself. Through her obscured sight, bright spots gathered at the edge of her darkened vision. In Vanessa's heightened state of arousal, she became hypersensitive to the scene before her. The musk from two virile males rutting tickled her nose and clouded her mind better than any aphrodisiac. Syd grazing past her form with his teeth running across her tongue, soft fur brushing against her hardened nipples, and heated wolfhood at the entrance of her nether lips all served to fuel her core with lust. And of course there was the strongest sense of them all, that of the vulpine's cock nestled and probing within her juicy folds.

Vanessa could only hold off her climax for so long, but her position between the wolf and fox sapped at her resolve to have this last longer. Before losing the strength in her legs, the bunny raised herself off the vulpine, her lower lips throbbing around air. Syd's muzzle was buried between her breasts and Damien looked forward in time to see the lapine wiggle her tail at him. The fox tensed his muscles to prepare for what he knew was going to follow, and he would have lost his cum if he didn't. Whether heat of the moment or brute force domination, Vanessa pierced her lips upon Damien's foxhood and screamed as her orgasm rocked her body. The walls of her sex clamped around the vulpine's cock, trying to milk his foxhood for its lifegiving elixir. Damien groaned gutturally in defiance of cumming and held back the river of pearly cream begging to fire from his tip. Syd held the lapine up as she briefly slumped on him, body still racking from her first orgasm.

"Flip me over," she whispered weakly to the wolf.

"As you wish Mistress"

Syd raised his brow to the fox to have him help position the bunny. Damien rolled to the side and helped spread Vanessa comfortably into the impression left by the vulpine's massive body. Rolling back over, Damien was on all fours hovering over the breathless lapine. She combed her headfur back through her fingers and whispered something neither of the other two could catch. Syd hopped on the vulpine's back as Damien bent down to ask what she had said. Vanessa laughed and pointed at the lupine.

"You know what's next," she addressed Syd, "take it from here wolfie."

Nodding, the lupine's head disappeared from Vanessa's view, but Damien could feel Syd shifting around on his back. Turning his muzzle around to see what was going on, Damien's lips came into contact with the wolf's and they shared a brief kiss before Syd spread himself along the fox's elevated form.

"I'm perfectly fine with you moving," Syd whispered in his ear, "just don't lose your hold above Vanessa. I don't want to explain anything like that to the doc. You can cum after I've tied you, okay?"

Receiving an affirmative nod, Syd proceeded with his plans for the fox. Draping his limbs over the vulpine to match the positioning, the wolf started by running his fingers along Damien's arms. Using his legs to pull himself back, Syd continued his tactile exploration down the fox's form. The wolf's pads traced over every piece of muscle hidden underneath the vulpine's fur. He noted the hills and the valleys of Damien's physique, the touch bringing both to moan sensually and members to stiffen. By the time Syd had reached Damien's crotchfur, the wolf's leaking tip left a line of wetness along the fox's back, while the vulpine's precum simply dribbled onto the bedsheet.

With Syd's natural lube soaked into Damien's fur, the lupine simply took a pawfull of the fox's and coated his cock and knot. What remained on his fingers was kept on, as Syd attempted to stretch out the vulpine's tailhole. His three longest fingers slipped in easily, Damien's tailring already stretched a bit from both his probing with the instrumentation and the doctor. Satisfied that his fist barely penetrated the remainder of his ring, Syd removed his paw. He anchored his pads on either side of the vulpine's waist and aligned his member to the fox's hole. Syd rested his muzzle against the valley running down the center of Damien's back as he eased himself into the vulpine. The wolf could feel Damien suck in deep breaths as his wolfhood entered further through the fox's tight ring. The pre Syd applied earlier made sliding his length into the tight space easier, but embedding his knot within the fox was expectedly difficult.

The wolf had to build up a rhythm to push his knot past the muscle. Both furre's breathing had quickened thanks to Syd picking up the pace. Each thrust began to remove the lubrication applied to the wolf's member and it wasn't long before the movement of flesh on flesh became painful. Before Syd could accidentally tear the lining to the vulpine's ring, the wolf put his energy into a hard thrust that punched his knot past the resistance with an audible pop. The extra force had pushed Syd's length deep enough into Damien that the lupine's wolfhood briefly made contact with the vulpine's prostate. The unexpected contact brought Damien to the brink and a line of clear fox juice flew from the tip of his spire to streak across the lapine below.

Vanessa's gaze didn't waver a second from what was happening above her. Throughout the ordeal, she tracked the length of foxmeat bobbing above her sex. While Syd was trusting into the fox, Damien had his eyes closed as if to concentrate solely on the furre behind him. It was only when the fox was tied, did he look down to see where his trail of pre went. As he brought his head back up, his vision traced the contours of Vanessa's outstretched form, noting her true womanly curves. Their eyes met once more and the lust-laden eyes of the fox still met with her sparkling violet orbs.

Damien's limbs were weak from having to suspend his frame over Vanessa while being taken by the wolf. The bunny noted Damien's strength wavering from his arms shaking heavily on either side of her head. She wrapped her arm around the back of his neck, bringing his muzzle towards her. Dropping to his elbows, the fox made contact with Vanessa and both shared the lip lock. Damien's moans would only get heavier as the lapine used her other paw to guide his weeping foxhood into her waiting sex. She too moaned deeply into his muzzle as the lapine's lower lips stretched out, making room for Damien's cock to fill her once more.

With the fox shifting from being on all fours to lying between Vanessa's legs, Syd lost his rhythm and nearly pulled his knot out from Damien. Feeling Vanessa's paw between his crotchfur and the vulpine's tail, Syd followed Damien until he hilted the bunny. The wolf continued to match Damien's thrusting as the fox was put into a rhythm with Vanessa pulling and pressing on his tail. After she had set up the pace, Damien and Syd moved in synch. The bunny's footpaws curled and unclenched reflexively as she was taken with more force and deeper with the two males working together. A lather of precum from both fox and bunny created the slurping sounds that filled the room; joining the grunts, gasps and blissful sighs coming from their collective open muzzles.

Vanessa, once again with a tongue in her maw, furred muscles rubbing against her sensitive buds, and moistened sex filled with a hearty piece of foxmeat came first. Wrapping both her arms and legs around the vulpine above, her lips feasted on Damien's slickened organs as her climax coursed through her body: her maw taking in the vulpine's tongue and her nether lips milking his foxhood's creamy nectar. Determined to not cum before the wolf, Damien clenched tight, holding back his release. However, it was the vulpine's clenching that also tightened his tailring around Syd's knot. The lust-induced heat from Damien as well as the new tightness around the Syd's canid bulb tickled the wolf's last nerve. Syd gasped hard before pressing his wolfhood as deep as it could go into the fox; howling as he claimed the vulpine with his pearly torrent.

Each stream of the thick liquid struck the back end of Damien's inner organ, and when combined with the lapine's lips begging for the fox's cum, Damien was finally able to relax his hold and let the pent-up fluids fly. The vulpine's juices churned, lacking the punch to produce kits, but building up none-the-less in his loins. Releasing his hold left everything else to instinct as he too pressed his cock deeper into the lapine, driven by the primal urge to plant his seed deep within her womb. The initial line of spooge surged through his cock and was jettisoned from the tip, streaking Vanessa's inner walls. What followed was a continuous river of cum that would not ebb for minutes. The first few streams coated the walls of the bunny's sex, taking her to new highs as she gasped faintly through her third climax. The subsequent flow filled her cunt to the brink, but was still not slipping past the vulpine's spewing cock. It was only when Damien's flow had slowed to a steady trickle and his member softening, did his vulpine fluids begin leaking past Vanessa's sex.

By that time, Syd had finished his climax a while ago and was barking weakly as the last strands of wolf spooge were squeezed from his tip, still locked to the fox by his knot. With the vulpine's member spent, Damien slipped out of the bunny with a wet slurp and some of his cum leaked through. Vanessa clenched her lower lips to keep her prize inside. The fox eased himself onto his belly and turned to the side slightly. This allowed Syd to slide onto the bed and rest comfortably while still tied. The wolf was already dozing when Damien's eyelids grew heavy and closed.

The two spent males sleeping, Vanessa slipped off the side of the bed. Grabbing a lab coat from a hanger along the wall, she wrapped it around herself and walked out into the hall. The lapine received curious glances from the few other RAs passing by who were not involved with the study. She kept her attention focused on the way to the hybrid's office and stared down anyone that tried to ask her what was going on. Reaching Dr. Maestro's door, she knocked twice before heading inside.

"Ah Vanessa, I take it things went well?"

"As planned, everything went smoothly, I--ah," she clutched her abdomen in pain

"Everything alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine doctor. But where do you want this specimen? I can't hold it in much longer."

Dr. Maestro pointed to the side, where a piece of furniture was covered with a large cloth. As Vanessa padded to the draped fixture, the hybrid remotely locked the door from his desk.

"Doctor?" she asked, removing the covering from the seat.

"Privacy my dear. You can't count on chance to keep wandering furres from stumbling in."

The doctor's explanation was punctuated by a laugh from the bunny. Underneath the cloth was a simple chair with a hollowed out and perforated dildo. The toy was connected to a tube that led to a collection container. Vanessa opened her coat and sat down on the modified toy. The cool surface of the silicone object made her gasp as she slowly sat down. Before releasing her hold on the collected vulpine milk, the holes in the toy pierced her lips and provided a channel for the accumulated fluid to escape. Vanessa sighed heavily as she finally released her pelvic muscles, purging her sex of the excess cum.

"Crude, but effective no?" Dr. Maestro asked from his desk, hiding a growing bulge. "Considering all the other modifications I had to make for our subject, that was the best I could do with such short notice."

The doctor received a weak groan of agreement from the lapine.

"Vanessa, could you read off the volume of semen you collected? I need it for my final report."

While a majority of the vulpine's cum had seeped past his cock after pulling out, the bunny was surprised by the amount she could hold in her sex. Glancing at the markings along the container, she read back: "Point five liters, doctor."

"Incredible!" he exclaimed, rapidly typing the number and final commentary, "In just ten hours, his recovery time is amazing."

Another groan from the lapine brought the doctor's attention back to his research assistant.

"Are you sure you're alright Vanessa?"

"I feel. . . so. . . empty," she replied, looking through what appeared to be lust-filled eyes at the doctor.

Before the hybrid could react, Vanessa fell from the chair to a nearby couch, her lab coat doing little at this point to cover her exposed form. Padding his way over, Dr. Maestro carried the lapine to the therapist couch and covered her up as she slept.

"There will be plenty of time for that my dear," he stated, making his way back to the computer. "This report has to be perfect so we can secure funding for the next phase of the study. Hopefully Syd will be able to help out then as well."