Group Therapy

Story by tetsumi on SoFurry

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'I don't know how I get myself into these kinds of things.' the counselor thought to herself as she walked down the hallway. 'I could be doing drug counseling, counseling for the mentally infirm, anything, but instead I always get stuck talking to the weirdos.' she thought, her high heels echoing loudly off the linoleum tile. '201...201...201...' she repeated to herself, looking for the room her counsel-ee's would be waiting for her in. 'Ah!' she said, '201!' She stopped outside the door, adjusting the fit of her glasses, patting down the fabric of her suitcoat, and clearing her throat before entering the room. She checked the sign posted in the opaque window a final time before grasping the knob - "Support Meeting - 02/22/2010 - Characters From the Stories of Tetsumi: Post-Transformation". A footnote said, "Coffee will be available for participants following the session." A final note, in smaller print and at the bottom of the sheet read, "Counselor - Please notify the janitorial staff for cleanup immediately following the session." With that, the counselor entered the room.

The room was small, but amply lit from the large bay windows facing the old playground. In the past, the room was likely used as a practice area for the band, but it was now empty save for a circle of plastic chairs in the center of the room. There were 15 chairs, but two were not being used. Each of the other chairs was filled with an abstract version of sex and animalism, dreamt up by a sadistic writer somewhere in the world. The counselor sighed, adjusted her glasses and walked to one of the chairs that wasn't being used and sat down. It was time to turn on the counselor charm. "Hello everyone! It's nice to see you all here. My name is Diane. I'm here to simply guide the discussion and help you all open up to one another. You have more in common than any of you might think. I'd like to start with introductions...would anyone like to speak first?"

Diane looked around at the characters seated in front of her. A centauress wearing only a t-shirt stood next to an empty chair and looked around the room. The other seats hosted a menagerie of half-animals, some clothed and some not. Two young cow girls sat next to each other, next to them a dinosaur towered above a multi-breasted sabertooth tiger girl. Beyond them sat a cat girl, a deer girl holding the hand of a dragon girl, a kangaroo woman, a wasp girl wearing a lab coat, a gargoyle, and another cat girl. Finally, two human-looking women sat next to each other, their shirts barely covering their huge breasts.

"No one?" Diane asked, looking around the circle. "I know you all know each other pretty well by now, but I don't, and I think it would help us all if-" Suddenly the door slammed open, and a woman strode in with a thick tail, and large wings sprouting from her shoulder blades. She looked sheepishly at the others in the circle as she walked over and took the other unoccupied chair next to the centauress. "Sorry." she mouthed, blushing as she joined the group.

"How about you, then?" Diane said, gesturing toward the young lady. "Why don't you start with an introduction, and then we'll just go around the circle." The new woman blushed again, but started.

"Hi everyone, I uh, well, I don't have a name." she said. Many of those in the circle shook their heads in disgusted understanding, while one of the cat girls and the gargoyle nodded and gestured toward themselves as well. The cat girl spoke, "We understand. He didn't give names to his first two stories." She looked at the gargoyle girl, who nodded her head. "It's so sad to see that he's slipped back into that!" she said, looking at the new girl. "It's just not fair!"

Diane interrupted, "This is good! Good! We're talking. Girls, go ahead and share your feelings. You've all been wronged in some way. Anyone else? Anyone else feel that they've been slighted?" She looked around the circle at the others. The dinosaur girl nodded, "All of the rest of you can at least fit through a normal doorway. I had to come in through the double doors at the back there." she gestured, pointing a stubby arm at the back of the room. The other cat girl spoke up now, "Yeah, and those of us who got stuck with more than one set of breasts have a hard time finding clothing that covers us." Several others around the circle nodded their heads in solemn agreement. "At least you don't have to worry about staining all your clothes with milk all the time!" the sabertooth girl spoke up. "Nina, you don't have to be accusatory." the dinosaur said, putting a hand on the sabertooth's shoulder. Nina nodded, sniffled a little, and said, "I know, it's just...sigh, I mean, eight tits AND lactation!? Come on man!" she said, shaking her paws at the ceiling before dropping them to her lap. Beside her, the cow girls nodded their heads. One reached out and put a comforting hand on Nina's shoulder.

"I think one thing we can all agree on is that it's hard for many of you to find clothing, right?" said Diane, trying to bring the group back to common ground. All around the circle heads nodded. "I bet you all have some similarities, don't you? What can you think of that you all have in common?" she continued, trying to pry out more discussion. "Tits." mentioned the wasp girl. "I mean, I'm not even a mammal, I don't understand why mine have to be so huge!" she said, looking a little frustrated. "Yeah, at least yours won't sag when you're in your 80's!" chimed in one of the normal looking women. "I mean, he was kind enough to make mine "pert and firm" now, but I don't have too many hopes for the longevity of these babies." she continued.

"Yeah, at least he's not into age progression yet." the dragon girl said, getting a few chuckles around the circle. "Shit, and how about the stuff we have to say when we're in the middle of it?" said the centauress. "I mean, I was by myself in the middle of the woods, no one around to talk to at all, and he's got me telling myself that I'm about to cum. WTF!?" A few more chuckles around the circle, and a few nods. "Yeah, you really had it rough." said the second of the normal looking women. "All of the rest of us at least had a partner or hands to get ourselves off, but he made it so you couldn't reach. That's just cold." she said, again getting nods of approval around the circle.

Diane tried to shift tactics a little bit. "So what can you guys agree that you dislike? What did he do that you think is unfair?" she said, hoping to hear more. The deer girl spoke first, "How about how we all start out as friends or coworkers or something, but as soon as the transformation starts, we're instantly lesbians? I wasn't before! But now he's written me into such a weak-minded girl that as soon as I get a little wet I go jump on my friend, who's also having a horribly weird life-changing event. I mean, does he really think that sex would be the first thing on all of our minds if this were to happen to us?" The cow girls were nodding together in the corner, and the dinosaur and Nina shared a look. The centauress spoke up next, "Yeah, I have a feeling I'll be headed down that road in the next installment myself. I mean, I'm all about men right now, but I'm sure as soon as he gets to typing next time 'BING!', that'll just change so conveniently!" One of the catgirls was nodding with her.

"And what's with all the fluids!?" the gargoyle spoke up. "I mean, I've been wet before, and I've had sex before, but as soon as this wacko gets his word processor going on me, I'm all of the sudden a fucking fountain of sex juices, "running down my thighs" and shit. Ugh, I mean, he's got me just going to town on myself in the middle of a room full of people! No eye for realism, what-so-ever." she said, shaking her head in disgust. "At least we can be happy that he made us all fit and trim, and gave us bodies that most women would kill for." she added, gesturing at her tight stomach and elegant legs. Around the circle there were several murmurs of agreement.

Diane was feeling a little heady listening to all the stories. What kind of weirdo would do all these things to these women? Putting words in their mouths and making their bodies do things that they wouldn't normally do...he just wasn't right, she concluded. I mean, how could he just turn a girl into a lesbian like that? It wasn't fair! "Well ladies, what else can you add to this discussion? Are there any other commonalities in your experiences?" She adjusted her glasses, wiping her hair back from her face again and looking around the circle. Everyone was just staring at her. The kangaroo girl glanced at her watch (with her totally kangaroo looking face and ears, by the way) and glanced back at Diane. "Well yeah," she said, "there is another thing." Diane cocked her head sideways and looked back, waiting for her to continue. "Well, it's always right about now that it starts." she said.

Diane didn't know what she was talking about...and then she felt it. "OOOhhh god, I can feel it." Diane moaned before a surprised look crossed her face and her eyes widened. "Yep," said the centauress, "don't worry about it Doc, we know you wouldn't have normally said that. That's just what he does." Diane stood suddenly, pushing her chair back. She looked frantically around at the animal women who were now staring back at her with knowing looks in their eyes. A warmth spread through her chest and she glanced at one of the cat girls. "Let me guess?" the cat girl said. "Your chest just got warm, huh?" Diane just stared back, incredulous still. The warmth spread further, and Diane felt a pang shoot through her body. "And let me add," the cat girl continued, "you probably just felt a 'pang of pleasure' shoot through your 'pussy', didn't you?" Diane felt it now, and she could feel herself getting moist. "Wha, what's going on?" she said, sitting back down with a thump.

"Well dear, it looks like you're about to be joining this group on a more permanent basis. It'll start with your boobs there. Er-, sorry, you're 'tits', he always says." Diane's hands shot to her breasts as the warmth grew stronger. She felt a pulse through her chest, and noticed that her bra was tightening. "Yeah, right about now your 'engorged nipples' will be rubbing on the fabric, which will only be there for a little while longer I would guess." the cat girl continued, and some of the others chuckled at the comment.

"This, but, but this isn't funny!" Diane exclaimed, feeling her tits expand, nipples rubbing against the rough fabric of her cheap bra. "No, we know it's not." said one of the cow girls. "But you're in for the ride now. Look, he's just typing away there!" Diane glanced around, but was soon overcome with feelings of pleasure. In her panic she hadn't noticed that her tits had begun to overflow her bra, stretching it tight across her back. She began to undo the buttons on her suitcoat when the kangaroo girl stepped toward her. "As one of the only straight women left in here, I'll help you with that." She pulled the coat over Diane's shoulders, and helped her with the buttons on her shirt. The shirt was already straining at the seams to contain Diane's new - "Double D titties." the gargoyle girl said, just as Diane's bra ripped open. Her new tits flopped into the open, nipples thick and dark as they hit the cool air. "Oooh, it's too much!"Diane moaned running her hands over her new features. "It's....mmm, oh fuck!" she breathed as another surge of pleasure shot to her pussy. She felt her panties soak through with her fluids, and began to frantically work at the buttons on her skirt. "Jesus!!" she exclaimed, "It's like a fucking fountain down there!" This brought giggles from several in the group, and the kangaroo girl knelt to help her get the skirt down off of her expanding hips. "You got some more curves coming now, girl!" she joked, wiggling the tight fabric off.

"Oh dammit." Nina sighed dejectedly from the back of the circle. "There it goes again, every time I get a little excited." Dark wet spots were beginning to be clearly visible along the front of her shirt. "All of the sudden, women turn me on so much I just can't help myself anymore!" The milk began to flow more freely now, and soon the cow girls, and Denise the BE girl were dripping onto the floor as well. "Fuck!" Denise yelled, "I was by myself for my change! How come I have to be a lesbian now, too!?"

"Looks like we all are this time honey." the kangaroo girl said, leaning forward and kissing Diane's flat stomach. "Damn if it doesn't feel good, though!" she said, immediately adding, "Yeah, that's not what I'm really thinking, those are just words he put in my mouth." after which she put her mouth on Diane's nipple and began suckling like a newborn.

Diane was trembling in the throes of pleasure, as more and more of the women began to join in. Her feet shifted to become small cloven hooves, and she writhed as she felt fur beginning to work its way up her calves and on up her thighs. She almost didn't notice the small horns that sprouted from her scalp because the deer girl had found her clit and was rubbing away furiously. Her hips continued to round out, as did her ass, while the two cow girls perched themselves on either thigh and began working their dripping pussies back and forth, soaking Diane in their fluids. The two cat girls went to work on the deer girl, while she continued to work her hand inside Diane. One cat girl suckled on the deer girl's tit, while the other began licking her clit, causing the deer girl to throw her head back in pleasure, and work her hand faster over Diane's slippery pussy. "OOOhhh my gooodddd!!!" Diane screamed, thrusting her hips upward into the deer girl's hand while the kangaroo girl continued sucking on her nipple. Before long the gargoyle was working on the other nipple, and ramming her tail into herself, moaning as she neared her first orgasm.

The centauress made her way over to the dinosaur girl, and began to trace her hand down the length of her tail, working closer and closer to her pussy, which she could see was already dripping fluids down the inside of her thighs. "I'm sorry, Lucy," she said as she worked the first finger inside the dinosaur girl's opening, "but I guess this is how the guy wants it. Everybody involved."

"N, nnn, nnoo, it''s ok, nnnrrgggh...." Lucy grunted as the centauress slid her whole hand inside Lucy's pussy, driving it deep into the dinosaur girl's depths. "Come here, Nina." Lucy said between gasps, and watched as the sabertooth girl eagerly bounced over and lay beneath the big dino girl. Lucy lapped firmly at the little tiger girl's gushing pussy, and Nina ran her paws over her eight magnificent breasts, milk flowing freely in rivulets down her curves to the floor below.

Diane's mind was spinning as her body was racked with new sensations and incredible pleasure. "I feel, nnngggaaah, I, I ...huh, hhhhAAAH, I feeeeeeellll, we've, huh, huh, gotten a little, mmm, off topic!!!!" she moaned as the deer girl pushed her closer and closer to orgasm. To her left the kangaroo girl began fingering herself and groaning around Diane's nipple. The gargoyle girl to Diane's right was thrusting her tail deeper and deeper now, clearly pushing herself closer to the limit. In another group, Denise the BE girl was going to work on the new girl's enormous tits, while the new girl returned the favor, ramming her tail deep into Denise's pussy. Diane was so far gone she didn't notice the small furry tail that had sprouted above her ass, and the small horns protruding from her scalp didn't even register. The newly-minted satyr girl was completely lost in the feelings of pleasure coursing through her body as five women stroked and caressed her, each one working toward their own monumental orgasm.

The centauress plunged her arm inside the dinosaur girl, while Nina grunted and moaned with pleasure as that big dinosaur tongue worked her clit back and forth. The centauress was pleasantly surprised when she felt the librarian BE girl, the wasp girl, and the dragon girl hop onto her back. They wasted no time fondling one another from behind and grinding their soaking pussies onto the centauress' broad back. From the back, the dragon girl called out, "Here's something you've been owed for a long time, missie! A little pleasure for yourself!" With that, the dragon girl plunged her tail deep inside the centauress' pussy, shoving it as deep as it would go, and drawing an extended moan from the long-denied centaur girl. The dragon pumped her tail furiously into the centaur girls' aching pussy, while the wasp girl and the librarian worked each other into a frenzy on the girl's broad back.

Diane felt it coming. "Everyone! Everyone, I'm, I'm, agggg, oh my god...I'm gonna..."

"You're gonna cum, we know!!" everyone yelled back in unison.

All together, each woman felt the pleasure rising, nearing the end. Diane felt the deer girl's hand brushing against her clit furiously, while two women worked on either of her nipples, and the cow girls continued to grind against her thighs. She could feel their pussy's spasming erratically as they neared release. "Oh shit, oh shit, gggggaaaaaahhh!!" she moaned, approaching the end. "Heerrrrree, oh goooodd!! Heerrree, it co- co- CCCOOOMMMMEESSSS!!!" she screamed, exploding in a monumental orgasm. Her juices gushed across the floor, combining with the fluids the cowgirls released as they quivered and bucked with orgasm. The kangaroo girl finally worked herself off, while the gargoyle girl felt her pussy spasm tightly around her tail. Denise screamed as she came on the new girl's tail, who came all over Denise's fingers, while milk dripped over their taut, athletic frames. The deer girl came forcefully, flooding the mouth of the cat girl licking her clit, while the other cat girl felt her pussy quiver and pulse with pleasure as she came in a mind-numbing orgasm. Behind her, Nina sprayed milk into the air from all eight nipples as her body tensed and she came on the dinosaur girl's tongue. The dinosaur girl let out a window-shattering squeal as she came all over the centauress' arm, who was cumming on the dragon girl's thick, muscular tail. The dragon girl came in unison with the wasp girl and the librarian BE girl, their pussy's pulsating against the centauress' back.

All together, the women collapsed into a pile of quivering, pulsating flesh, each one in their own world of orgasmic pleasure, soaked in the juices of several women. They slowly came around, each in their own time, looking at each other with the same, "Well, what are you gonna do?" glance. "At least he makes it really FUCKING good!!" said the gargoyle girl, an exhausted and embarrassed grin on her face. The women began to sit up, delicately trying to extricate themselves from one another. "You know," said one of the cow girls, "right about now is when we always get ca-" the back door to the room suddenly swung open.

"Oops, I'm sorry ladies, I thought you were all finished in here." the janitor said, turning and wheeling his mop and bucket back into the hallway. The girls turned back to one another, waiting for someone to speak.

"So, a satyr huh?" the new girl with the wings said. "At least he made you an identifiable creature!"


Jasmine thought it was the stupidest thing she'd ever heard. The Secret's new lingerie line came in only one size. DD bra, and small panties. Honestly, who was gonna fall for that? She'd been working in the store for a few months now, and if there was...

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Centaur Transformation

Amy's morning walk usually took her an hour. Since she had started high school, she had followed her own strict routine, and in several years, had never strayed from it, on into college. She awoke promptly at 5:30 in the morning, and showered quickly....

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Cat Transformation

The girl stood erect on the podium with her arms held high and her wand in her right hand. She paused to look at the band before her, each pair of eyes centered on her, waiting for the downstroke. With a collective breath, and a slight movement of her...

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