Star Fox, Leon's Legend (Part 5)

Story by Leon_Claus on SoFurry

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#5 of Star Fox, Leon's Legacy

After the aparoid's invasion into the Lylat system, a team of experienced mercenaries named "Star Fox" had gone into battle against them. With the aid of a feisty, and eager, young soldier named Leon Claus, the team had made it through victory after victory throughout their battles. The young fox, still wet behind the ears in levels of experience, bravely fought against the aparoids with some of the worst conditions- as well as his broken body. Pushing himself through however, allowed him to save the life of a dear member of the Team, Peppy Hare. After the war, and the destruction of the aparoid's home world, the Team Returned to help see to the restoration of Corneria. With Leon incapacitated, it gave them more of a reason to stay- needing to make sure their new member would stay healthy and heal. Will Leon get to fly the stars with his newfound team, or will he be stranded on Corneria for the rest of his life... Only one way to find out!

"Mnn... Ahnn..." Leon grumbled, opening his eyes for the first time in days. The past half a week he was stuck in an unshakable rest due to painkillers and the medicine he received. His body not as badly twisted as his check into the hospital, but the boy had much more time to wait before he was healed. A small scar lay on his ribs, a sign that that surgery was completed and Leon's lungs were freed from the choking grip of his broken skeleton.

He let out a sigh, it being the middle of the night, and he felt no twinge of fatigue left in him. He was rested, and now the rested had become restless. The feeling of being stuck there began to drive him crazy. Looking around though he noticed that the I.V. in his arm was connected to a portable stand, but the liquids in the I.V. pouch were all but gone. His lip twisted to the side as he tried to take a moment to cogitate everything.

With an impulse of curiosity, the fox tried to move his casted arm, surprising him with only minimal amounts of pain. Nothing more to do, Leon struggled to sway himself over the side of the bed, looking at the time. "3.8 T.M. ..." he mumbled, there was still another couple hours before anyone would be awake or knows about him being up. But a sudden pressure was felt in his lower abdomen; he lifted his robes to see that the pipe used for bathroom purposes had been removed from his urethra.

Grumbling, Leon attempted to stand- yet the moment the clank of his claws hit the ground he felt a pulsating dizziness. The side effect from gravity change that made his vision blur and he felt the room spin. Dropping back onto his medical bed he lay down, trying to shake off the feeling while holding in his desperate needs for the bathroom.

Letting out a small sigh he repositioned himself and stood up, this time with only minor balancing problems. With a grin Leon walked around the bed and grabbed the thin metal hanger- regardless of it's empty I.V. Quietly maneuvering out of the medical room, he looked down both directions of the hospital wing; finding no one. With another grin Leon slowly dragged the hanger with him down the hall- looking around at the odd amount of lights on. Usually the medical building had all the lights on, even at night... But this night was different. An eerie air seemed to follow him as he found himself constantly looking over his shoulder. 'Get yourself together Leon...' he mumbled, 'There's no one here...'

Leon came up to the bathroom, noticing that the bathroom was correctly lighted, and all the stalls were open. With a sigh of relief he walked in and stood before a urinal, lifting up his robe and tucking it under his neck, making him almost completely naked, as he aimed his cock into the urinal, going to the bathroom the quickest he could. He felt the eerie air return and he yelped as a hissing noise came from the air vent. The lights flicking off as he was left in an absolutely dark room.

Struggling to find where he was, Leon darted about- looking for the light switch. A wailing noise came from behind, and a stinging throbbing feeling jabbed the back of his head, and he fell to his knees. The blackness around now suiting him as his eyes closed and he fell right into the ground- his broken arm lying next to his face as he blacked out.

"What do you mean he's gone?!" Fox shouted, slamming his palm onto the registration counter. The already intimidated cat flinched at his actions, at the brink of tears.

"I-I'm sorry... He disappeared from his room last night... No one knows where he is..." the black cat was hesitant to tell him, her voice cracking from the crushing feeling of Fox's rage.

"Fox! Come on you're scaring the poor girl!" Krystal said in a slightly louder voice, grabbing Fox's shoulder from behind.

Fox sighed and shook his head, grumbling and turning out to the door. Krystal just sighed and followed him, leaving the girl who was now fully crying. "Fox come on. It's not her fault!"

Turning to Krystal, Fox gave her an angry glare. "Well we have to find him! Leon's missing! The first place he'd come would be to us- and he didn't... So something happened to him!" he snarled at her, turning and walking off. Krystal stood in shock; Fox had never been so angry with something before. This scared Krystal, thinking that Fox's rage might bring him to any level of action.

Fox turned on his communicator, pressing the side of his head as he called in to Peppy as Krystal caught up. "R.O.B. can you run a search for Leon's location... Look for his communicator, blood trace- anything!"

A small beeping noise came from the other line, and a screeching noise came from the communicator. Yelping, Fox threw it to the ground, rubbing his ears. "What was tha-"

A loud whizzing noise was heard and an explosion in the nearby area caused the two vulpine to jump up from their spot. Looking to the sky, Fox's eyes widened as what seemed to be Adross's attack ship.

A noise called out across the city, hacking into any sound device. "Dear citizens of Corneria! It is I! Andrew Oikonny! Nephew to the greatest mind in the universe!" the voice called, and just as it announced, Fox recognized it as Oikonny. "We've come to take what rightfully belongs to me! Now, foolish Cornerians give up or face my wrath!"

Fox motioned to Krystal, "Come on!" He began to dash toward the two Arwings they came in. Staying low, Krystal followed, ignoring Fox's attitude for the problem at hand. Jumping into their Arwings, Fox and Krystal took off and turned back toward the war ship that was now expelling Venom fighters. "Oikonny! You never learn do you?!" Fox shouted, darting out in one direction from Krystal, she taking the hint and going the other way.

"Bwahahaha! You'll never beat me! I am the invincible Andre--Ack!!" Oikonny shouted, an explosion on the side of his fighter sending off shock waves through them.

"You'll never get away with this!" An unfamiliar voice called, and an unknown fighter appearing from the clouds.

"Wh-wh-wh-what?! No- you can't be!" Oikonny shouted, panicking from the new fighter's appearance.

Fox called out to the new fighter, "I am Fox McCloud of Star Fox, who are you?"

The boy over the line chuckled, "The name's Dash sir! Dash Bowman of the Cornerian fleet!"

"Dash you traitor! How dare you oppose what our blood line has been trying to accomplish for so long!"

Fox and Krystal both seemed shocked by this, "Dash, excuse me, but what is he talking about?" Krystal asked him, turning toward Oikonny's ship.

"... It's a long story" he replied, shooting from the cannon on the tip of his fighter, Monkey Arrow.

"Well for now we'll accept any help we can get!" Fox called, pushing forward on his thrusters and darting straight toward the invading fighters.

"Bwahahaha! Stealth squadron! OPEN FIRE!!!" Upon Oikonny's command, blurred images appeared as a wall before Fox, opening up the hatches on their cannons. Multiple bombs scattered out from the ships, flying in an uproar like scared bees from the hive. Fox gasped and turned the ship into an angle, flipping the Arwing to break through the bombs, Krystal doing the same.

"You wont get rid of us that easily Oikonny!" fox shouted, opening fire on the engines of the large ship, Dash's progress on the other side being a cryptic knowledge to the two foxes.

"Bwaahahahaha! Think so!?" he shouted, a larger image coming from the blurred sky, "Advanced Cyborg Fighter! Attack!"

A human shapped robot appeared from the blur, flying toward the two and firing on their escape routes.

"Agh!!" Fox shouted, spinning his Arwing to the right to avoid the onslaught of bullets. "Not this thing again!"

Krystal began to fire at the robot, but before a shot could land the being launched multiple flying disks around him, opening fire on the two. Darting out of the way Krystal managed to avoid fire from the orbiting diskettes. Fox, turning down as they were busy aiming for Krystal, shot through them one by one as Krystal continued to lay hit after hit on the fighter.

Dash, whom was busy at the moment breaking through the enemy's ranks, called out to Fox. "Be careful! It's beams can break through your Arwing like a hot knife through butter!"

"Thanks!" Fox called back, pulling up and opening fire on it with Krystal. In a split second though, the ship jumped back and held out its mechanic arm and a hatch on it's wrist opened, 3 small red objects rocketing out of it. "Look out!" Fox shouted, spinning to the right to avoid the oncoming missile. Krystal tried the same, but with two coming her way she hesitated. Trying to ascend to avoid them was all she could do, yet the tip of the missile landed right on Krystal's wing.

"Aghn!!" she shouted, a small explosion breaking off most of her wing. Trying to stabilize herself, she got stuck in a side flight- her one good wing in the air.

"Krystal! Land, now!" Fox shouted, "Draw back- anything! Just get out of here!"

"No, I can stay and fight- you two can't do this alone!" she shouted, thrusting forth to open fire on the fighter. But, with both of them oblivious to it's previous actions, a small blue line of light came from the fighter's chest- slicing Krystal's wing right off her hull.

"Krystal!!!" Fox shouted, trying to dive to save her- but was halted with another beam of light from the fighter. "Get out of me way!!!" Fox turned his Arwing into a barrel roll, stabilizing and launching a nova bomb right into the cock pit- the ship blowing up with the bomb. Now, with no more distractions Fox thrusted as fast as he could toward Krystal in order to save her, the spiraling, wingless, Arwing heading straight for the ground.

"AHHHHHH!!" Krystal screamed, falling right onto the top of Fox's Arwing. Trying to stabilize, Fox balanced himself and slowed down to the ground. With the landing gears standing erect, he landed the Arwing and jumped out, the hull of his Arwing busted from the landing.

"Krystal! Krystal are you alright?!" he shouted, on the brink of tears as he broke open the hatch to the cock pit, opening it to reveal an unconscious azure fox, a spot of blood on her forehead and over the left side of her muzzle.

Fox quickly checked her heart beat and removed her from the Arwing, pulling her out onto the ground. Her breathing was hoarse, and she had a fever from the dizziness of impact. Fox gulped and took the zipper of her jump suit, sliding it down and pulling it off of her chest and arms. Blushing wildly as he learned that Krystal doesn't wear a bra, and her voluptuous blue breasts stuck out, and the nipples stood out from her fur at the cold breeze.

Snapping out of it, Fox administrated CPR, checking heart beat constantly. "Come on... Wake up..." he called, looking off at the cockpit. "Hmm..." He picked her up and slung her over his back, climbing up into his Arwing. "I'm taking you back..."


Leon grumbled, waking to find himself in a small cave-like room, with a small amount of water all over. The ground seemed to disappear on one side though, as if it suddenly slopped into a pit. Leon, oddly enough to him, found himself naked. "Huh?" he mumbled, looking at his right arm- which was completely uncasted and not a trace of pain on it. "What the..." he mumbled, looking around the room, sitting up as a bit of water drained from his ears.

Looking at his reflection he sighed, looking up. "How do I get outta here?.." he asked himself, looking around. Then, standing up, he walked over to the deeper part of the water, watching his rippling image in the clear membrane of the water. Then, as the water stabled, a small eye opened up in the middle of his reflection- tearing it with ripples.

"AHHH!" he shouted, falling back onto his butt and crawling back. A tightening sensation coiled around both of his arms, it felt as if the very water was constricting him, and upon looking back, he found that to be true. Two tentacle's made from the very water seemed to wrap himself around him snakes. "Wh-wh-what the?!" he shouted, his eyes widening.

A rippling wake heading slowly towards him as two other tentacles wrapped his shins. Trying to break free, he found the creatures or beings, or whatever these things were, was harder than steel and kept their grasp firm. Spreading themselves, his legs were spread as well. Another tentacle wrapping it's way around his chest and lifting him up into the air lightly. Yelping, he shivered as the tip of a newer tentacle caressed his hips, another one mimicking its every move on his other hip.

Moaning, Leon closed his eyes as the tentacles wrapped themselves around his crotch. Shivering as the cold, moist, membrane of the tentacles sent a feeling of cold pleasure down his back. Sliding up and down on his cock, Leon bucked his hips from side to side, his tail being constricted as well. Feeling a tug, Leon opened his eyes to see his tail lifted back and a tentacle slowly approaching his now visible tail hole.

Leon yelped as the tip of the tentacle came in contact with him, continuing to press forward. Only, now it released a slick, gel like liquid as it pressed into his entrance, slithering inside. Leon moaned heavily and bucked up, trying to stop its venture in. But, in mere moments he felt the other tentacle let go. Looking down, he saw the tip of it open and slide over his now erect cock.

Now, blushing wildly, Leon leaned his head back with his muzzle open, moaning heavily as the tentacle in his rear pulling out and thrusting back in as his body began to bounce with the thrusts. His cock surrounded by a warm, tightening moist feeling that pumped up and down on his member. With his mouth open, another tentacle took the opportunity and began to slide it's way into his muzzle. Wide eyed and wanting it to get away, Leon was too weakened by his arousal and containment that he could do nothing more but go along with it, sucking on it instinctively.

Moaning with the intruder in his mouth, Leon tried to squirm as he felt his cock begin to let out a bit of cum, feeling himself let out a fierce amount of seed, the tentacle in his ass pressing against his prostate the hardest it could- expelling everything that the young fox could muster.

Feeling spent, Leon felt the tentacle within his mouth shoot out a tasty, blue liquid. Leon felt himself swallowing it without thinking, and enjoying every drop as the tentacle slid out of his blue tinted muzzle, almost begging for more as his half opened eyes were filled with lust. And he panted as the feeling of his last tentacle thrust into him, felling him with the warm, goopy liquid that he thought was cum. With it pulling out, Leon moaned, losing all the senses of pleasure as the tentacles slowly desolved, leaving him in the shallow water, panting, and covered with odd juices.

"Hehehe..." a being cackled quietly, staring at the exhausted fox, "Gooooddd..."

Back at Corneria, Fox was sitting over Krystal in her medical bed, on life support and a heart monitor. She had been there for hours, and Fox was thinking over everything. Knowing it was his fault that the one he loved most was hurt, he had many things to think about.

Calling Peppy, Fox walked out of the room, to stay away from Krystal as he spoke.

"Peppy..." he said solemnly, his head low.

"Hmm... What is it Fox?.." the old Hare responded.

Pressing the connection button on his head set two more times, Fox called out, "Falco... Slippy..."

"Huh? Yeah Fox?" Slippy asked, seeming tired.

"What's up Fox?" Falco asked, sitting in a Cornerian bar, a mug of coffee before him.

"... We've all been through a lot together... And we've managed to fulfill our missions each and every time..." Fox said lowly, wiping a tear from his cheek, "... I've decided to leave the team..."

"Wh-wh-wh-what?! F-F-Fox what're y-y-you talking about?!" Slippy asked, tears forming in the young amphibian's eyes.

"Huh?.. Your... Kidding... Right Fox?" Falco asked, his voice unbelieving and in shock.

"No... We've done our job and saved the Lylat system enough times in our lives... I say it's time we let the Cornerian military handle it from here..." Fox answered, having to cut himself off to prevent the others from hearing his sobs.

"B-but..." Slippy said, full out crying now.

Peppy and Falco simply kept their peace and stayed quiet.

"As of now... Team Star Fox is disbanded, over.... And out..." he said, cutting off the line as his tears hit the floor bellow.

To be continued...