Those Who Forgot to Die - Part 2

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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This story is a work of Erotic Fiction by me David Bennett. Unlike my other stories, this is a work of historical fiction. References to real people and times and places are made in this book. If you are offended by World War 2 or the idea of Gays being the theme of a concentration camp opposed to jews, then look away. If you are offended by the holocaust, then turn away. If you are offended by homoerotic entanglements, man-boy love, or anything else sexual, look away.

This story highlights homosexuals' plight during the second world war. Please enjoy

oh yeah if your underage stopp looking too.


"You are so good to me Von Hurstleburg...I don't deserve such a wonderful ass." Whispered the male from behind as he ejaculated into Zeke. Zeke groaned, and tried to ignore the Luger against the back of his head, and the cock in his ass.

"What ever you say sir..." Zeke whispered. The male behind him pulled out, and zipped his pants up. Leaving Zeke there, naked with his clothes in shreds around him. Only Zeke's boots still covered his body, but nothing that really mattered. Zeke panted...and felt like vomiting. He closed his eyes, and wondered what would come next.

"Turn around...but stay on your knees." The voice of his John ordered. Zeke obeyed, and looked back at the too familiar German officer. Zeke had been forced to sexually service this particular male just about once a week for almost 6 months solid now, and there wasn't a moment that Zeke enjoyed. The only blessing was that these molestations occurred at night, and in very dark secluded alleyways.

The officer was dressed in the normal attire of the German SS officers; only he wore a theatre mask on his face. You could only see his muzzle and his eyes. The officer then stepped forward, and took his left thumb and ran it across Zeke's lips from left to right in a gentle caress. "Good boy." He whispered as he winked his left eye, turned around and gave his tail two swishes. The officer then left, dropping a rolled up wad of money equal to 100$ in German Marks. Zeke looked at the money and shed a tear. He tried to stand, but a sudden stinging sensation in his hindquarters told him that he had been torn open again. He groaned and fell to his knees. He was right across the street from his newspaper, he could see Kurtis speaking with Anita, the female reporter. Zeke put the money in his boot and began to crawl his way out of the alley, naked, and thoroughly raped. He looked to make sure no one was looking, and he made a mad crawl across the cobblestones to come to a stop in front of the door. He started to reach up for the handle, but he felt another stinging sensation in his rear. He groaned and started to pound as lightly as possible, however strong enough to get the attention of the people indoors without drawing attention to himself outdoors.

Hearing the knocks, Kurtis turned away from Anita and headed towards the door. He almost had a heart attack when the nude Zeke fell into his arms after opening it.

"Good LORD!" Kurtis exclaimed as he held the traumatized Zeke. Anita ran to the back of the room and grabbed the emergency fire blanket out of it's container and came back to wrap it around Zeke. Zeke was carried to the back and laid down on a couch that Kurtis had bought so those employees working 20-hour shifts could take a 2-hour nap. Zeke groaned and looked up at his boss and friend with tear logged eyes.

"What the hell happened to you Zeke? You get mugged?" Anita asked. Zeke turned and looked at the sleek jackal type of lupine. She spoke with a heavy foreign accent that Zeke could never identify in the entire 2 years he had known her. She was a gypsy after all...who knows if the country that she came from even exists anymore.

"No...just raped." Zeke groaned.

"God damnit, again? Zeke...who IS this guy that keeps doing this to you?" Kurtis barked.

"A German soldier..." Zeke sighed...folding his arms over his stomach under the blanket.

Anita shifted in place, her hair jewels jingling as she sifted in place. Her exotic was very revealing, and damn near see through. It wasn't that Zeke didn't admit to Anita's beauty, and seeing her naked wouldn't be unpleasant, it was just that she was a female...there is nothing more to it. Her purple and hazy dress seemed to come alive in Zeke's delirious state. He thought for a moment that it had come off of her, leaving her naked as well, and turned into a dragon that would surely devour all of them. He shook his head and didn't realize until then that Anita had been speaking.

"Huh? What was that?" Zeke moaned.

Anita sighed in sympathy. "I said, that the fact that the man continuously raping you happens to be a German soldier makes it impossible to do anything for you."

"I agree sadly," Kurtis Began. "It seems like, and forgive the pun, but you are going to have to keep taking it."

"I don't know how much longer I can stand Herr Kurtis. I hurt so much..."

"Look, I am going to take you home in a little bit. Once you feel well enough to move, I'll take you to my car and drive you home." Anita whispered.

"Danka Anita...I could use that very much. Kurtis, what about my work?"

Kurtis waved his hands and shrugged it off. "Look, it's obviously not safe for you here anymore. You can move your office to your flat, and have all of your articles mailed to me."

"You two are so kind to me..." Zeke whispered, before passing out.

* * *

"Huh? Where am I?" Zeke asked as he opened his eyes. He felt like whatever he was sitting on was moving. His head was against something soft and warm. He looked and realized that his head was on Anita's lap...facing inward. He looked up with his eyes and saw he was inside her car, but she was paying attention to the road.

"Glad you are awake Zeke, you are almost home."

"Oh...ok..." Zeke whispered.

The two rode in silence for another few moments, until she pulled to a stop. She looked around for a moment and then whispered to Zeke.

" are some clothes for you, they are my brother's. You are about the same size, put them on." She said softly, handing him a t-shirt and blue jeans. He slipped on the shirt easily, but he had to be careful not to rip himself open again when he pulled on his pants. He looked at Anita and smiled.

"Once more, you do something so kind for me Anita." Zeke said with a smile

"It's cause I love you Zeke." She admitted. Zeke looked at her in disbelief.

"You love me? But I'm..."

"Yes I know what you are, and I know that you are married already. I you anyhow." She said in that heavy accent of hers.

"Well...I suppose I do owe you." He said softly as he leaned in and gave her a tongued kiss. She kissed back with a tender love, though Zeke thought inside that the idea of kissing a girl was thoroughly repulsive. He broke the kiss and smiled as he stepped little by little out of the car, and slunk his way to his house. Anita waited until he was inside to pull away, once inside, she drove for home.

Zeke kneeled just inside the door for a moment, resting his head against the doorknob. His life was nothing that is used to be; Zeke no longer had the honor of being his normal happy-go-lucky self, the constant molestations saw to that. His days were spent in fear, and in constant worry.

"Welcome home darling..." Came an almost sarcastic voice from behind. Zeke turned around and looked up. His husband was standing there, fully dressed with a suitcase next to him. Milo stood at Fritz's side, looking saddened for some reason. Zeke hadn't the slightest clue as to why.

"Thank you." Zeke said with a smile as he stood up and stretched...the pain subsiding.

"So, the three of us going to fuck tonight?" Fritz asked bleakly.


"Not in the mood?" Fritz finished.

"No..." Zeke sighed.

Fritz walked over and slapped his husband hard in he face, brining him to stagger and fall to on knee. Zeke looked up at Fritz with shock and fear. Why had his husband struck him so?

"W-what was that for?" He asked softly.

"You make me sick!" Fritz spat. Zeke was so troubled by the events of the hour that he wasn't thinking to clearly. Had he done something? Had he forgot to do something? He looked at his husband in a pleading way, begging for answers.


"Why do you make me sick? You make me sick because you never have time for Milo and me anymore. You come home, walking funny and you never have the energy for us. You always give it to him, but never to me! I think you love him more than you do me! So you know what? You can have him...Milo and I are leaving!"

And with that, they stormed out the door.

Zeke was in complete shock and hadn't the slightest clue what to do or say. He looked out the window as his husband and adopted son walked into the darkness. Zeke mustered his strength and stood up and ran to the door, threw it open and called into the night.

"Fritz! Come back!" He begged. Fritz turned around and sneered at Zeke.

"Why? You kept coming back to go back to him!" Fritz shouted as Milo took his adopted father's hand and walked as Fritz tugged him.

The crushing weight of what had happened caused Zeke to loose every semblance of any calmness he had left. He fell against his doorframe, and began to weep. His tears streamed down like rain, and his sobs were almost like a seizure.

Zeke was unaware of how long he was crying until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up. It was Anita...

* * *

"I...I..." Zeke tried to explain.

Anita hushed him. She was dressed in a long robe. She must have been asleep or preparing to sleep when she came over. She lived about 30 blocks away, and to walk there in a robe only would be insanity. He looked over at the beautiful jackal Lupine and sighed.

The two were in his bathroom, and Zeke was sitting on the toilet, still fully dressed. He felt her running her hands across his face. He looked up into her eyes, and thought, "If only I was straight." Anita then pulled Zeke to a stand and said softly,

"You could use a good bath. I thought I would show you an old healing method that my grandmother taught me."

"But I should go after Fritz maybe?" Zeke said, turning his head away from her. He felt her hand on the right side of his cheek and it brought him to look into her eyes once more. He saw something there...something he once saw in He was indifferent to her; he could accept the idea of a female being attracted to him, he could even sleep with one, the only problem was he wasn't the slight bit capable or interested in returning the same love that she intended on putting on him.

"He's gone Zeke. Now is the time for you to start over and try to heal."

"But..." Zeke tried to protest, but Anita was lifting his shirt over his head. He looked down, and gave up resisting. His pants came off next, and he once more stood naked before Anita, his co-worker. She then leaned over to turn on the water to Zeke's 2-person bathtub. The dove shaped nozzle poured steaming hot water into the bath basin, as Zeke's eyes wandered around the bathroom. He saw he double sinks on his left, the tub to his right, the toilet was behind him, and the fancy light hung overhead. Zeke turned his head, wagging his tail slowly and examined the new wallpaper. He had bought it 2 months ago...with some of the money that his "alley friend" gave him. He and Fritz hat picked it out. It was white with green stripes, and pink pinstripes mixed with red roses all over. It was so pretty. Fritz had almost died when he saw that wallpaper. "That's our pattern Zeke..." He had said. "That pattern was meant just for us!"

"Yeah...right..." Zeke absently whispered.

"Huh? What did you say Zeke sweetie?" Anita asked, looking up from the water.

"Err...nothing." He said.

"Well I'm almost done." Anita said with a smile. Zeke took interest after she said that. "Almost done?" what did that mean?


"Mixing the water."

Zeke looked at her hand, and she had a small vial with what looked like sand in it. The water was a little bubbly, and smelled of foreign spices. It was intoxicating. He felt...pleasant, the more he smelled it. He felt aroused as well, his cock twitching a little bit. He shook his head, accepting the pleasantries but trying to control his hormones. Every once in a while, Anita would drop some more of the little sand into the water, sprinkling it about in a ginger manner. The gesture reminded him of when Fritz used to make him steaks, and he would pour on the spices to give the meat just the proper seasonings. Sadly those days were now gone from what Zeke assumed. No more more Milo...but hell at least he had this stupid wallpaper to remind him of it all over again.

"Done!" Anita said with a perky smile, setting the glass vial in the sink for later. She then turned towards Zeke and smiled. She reached her arms around him, and for a moment, he thought it was a hug...therefore he didn't know how to react. Fortunately for him it was only her taking his hair down from its braid. His long hair fell about him, as he looked down at her. She had apparently already done the same to her own hair. Her ebony locks were darker than the bleakest of midnights. The shine of her hair coming forth from the ceiling light was as if the reflection of the light was that same light trying to escape the darkness of that hair.

"Do I get in the tub now?" Zeke asked.

"Yeah...I'll join you in a second." She said as she helped him towards the edge. "Take it slowly, you won't be used to the stuff I put in. This isn't just Turkish bubble bath." She said softly. Zeke raised an eyebrow and then nodded. He turned and looked at the tub. The water had a very slight purple tint to it. Zeke swallowed once, not hard but he swallowed because he felt it prudent. He then lifted his right leg, and put it in. Next came the left, and last his body. The water went up to the bottom of his neck, and she was right. The water was tingly, and it seemed to be seeping into him or something. He felt calmed...and soothed. He felt high even though he didn't know what "high" was. He felt deathly horny, but so complacent at the same time. What had she done to him? Was it true what his mother said about gypsies? Had Anita put some kind of spell on him?

"Watch out...she'll turn you straight! She'll try, she'll do whatever it takes to get into your pants!" He recalled Grover saying one night when he had actually used good English.

Zeke snickered a little and then turned to his left. Anita had her back to him, and he saw her strip out of her robe. She dropped it and she stood naked before him. She turned around, and was revealed...a goddess. Nymphs and Angles would kill for the kind of perfect beauty that Anita had been blessed with. Zeke was 100% gay, but he could recognize how a woman should look. To Zeke, with what he saw now he figured that if you opened a dictionary and opened it up to "Beautiful" you would find her. He smacked his lips and watched as she slipped into the tub with him. The water splashed against the bottom of his chin, but it was not a bother. He was...comfortable. The pain from his ass had gone away, and he felt he was 18 again, rather than 28.

"God...what did you do to me?" Zeke whispered.

"They are just...simple helping herbs." Anita said softly, scooting to sitting next to him. He could see her perky breasts under the water, they were also interesting.

"Drugs..." He said ominously.

"You could say that." She snickered.

"Eh, I don't care." Zeke said as he closed his eyes and let himself rest against Anita, cuddling with her a little. She accepted him, and cradled his body against hers. She took to caressing his chest softly, playing with his chest fur.

"Tell me, how did you two meet?" She asked softly.

"Who?" Zeke asked as he nuzzled at the nape or her neck.

"You and Fritz."

"Oh, well it's a long story..." He sighed. Zeke then felt her hand slip a little lower onto his abs. He wasn't sure what her aim was, but he didn't care anymore. He was so inebriated that he couldn't even think. He could remember the story of how he met Fritz however. He wondered if he wanted to tell it.

"We have a while Zeke my sweet. Why don't you tell me?" She almost begged.

Zeke sighed, and did something he had never done, but instinct alone told him to do it. He leaned in and kissed her once on the muzzle. He was shocked by it but happily shocked. "I'll tell you." He whispered.

Zeke pulled her to him this time, letting her body warmth surround him. He looked up into her eyes as their naked bodies clasped under the water. His member started to emerge under the water against her groin, brining her to grin.

"I met him in Berlin, where my family lives. You see, I had got into a rather large argument with my family about our sexual practices-" He began.

"Oh, your family didn't like you being gay?" She whispered, interrupting him.

Zeke scoffed. "On the contrary, they encouraged me to become gayer. The thing was...and is...I'm a boy lover. I have a fetish for younger boys...ages 12 and up. I'm weaning myself away from that, but I still find that old habits are hard to break. It was a problem to my family, and it caused problems. So, I left the house 7 years ago and moved to a house on the Eastside. I lived in loathsome loneliness. I had my beauties for sex, but I had no one for real love.

"It was one evening when I was on the prowl looking for more potential beauties to take into my home, that I saw this poor unfortunate male sitting next to a garbage can holding out his had for spare change. The winter of 1936 was a cold one, and his clothes didn't seem adequate enough to protect him from the elements. I walked forward, and saw that his clothes were urine soaked for some reason, and he reeked of alcohol. I wondered what to do. Here I was, a lonely little rich boy with lovers 8 years younger than I was, and no real man to call a love; and here was this guy who looked like he was on his last mile on the walk of life.

"I kneeled next to him, and tossed my long locks aside and looked at him. His fur was coated with urine; weather it was his own or someone else's I didn't know. I felt such pity for him. The man then turned and looked at me and said, 'Please sir, spare a few coins for something to eat?', I answered him by saying, 'Get up and off your feet. I am taking you home.'.

"I took him to my home, removed his clothes, and we stepped into a bath together; much like we are now. I bathed him, and shampooed him, and conditioned his hair and fur. He changed from an ugly derelict, into a gorgeous and functional member of society. I pulled his naked form into my room and into bed to let him sleep. He then rolled on top of me and started to lie on me like you are now. He then slid down me without warning and kissed at me..." He whispered. Anita smiled and began to do the same.

"Like this?" She asked.

"Yeah like that. I then asked him what he was doing, and he said, 'Thanking you for making me a new man, I'd be yours forever.' And with that, he inserted my hard cock into him..." Zeke whispered. Anita looked down, and felt Zeke; hard, poised, and aimed at her entrance. She looked down and slid slowly, bringing his head to enter her. It went in without his resistance. He was drugged...he didn't know. She moaned, finally getting what she had wanted for the longest time.

"Uggnnn...then what?" She asked softly.

"Then...we fucked." He whispered back. He started to hump, making love to her. The feeling of his penis in a vagina was queer, and unnatural. It got the job of pleasuring him done, but he felt like he was fucking some kind of pastry dish.

Anita started to moan, her large and perky breasts heaving with each thrust. Zeke did nothing to symbolize that he was being thrilled, all he did was thrust. Deep down, he felt that this is something that friends do...make love. The fact that he was gay didn't matter; Anita was a friend, and he could make an acceptation.

Zeke brought himself to stand, as Anita wrapped her legs around Zeke's waist. He started to pant, and hump a little harder as he gripped tightly at his waist. He didn't notice, but his knot had already slipped into her.

Thrust...pull...thrust...pull; He fucked her hard. She screamed, and just about fainted when he finally ejaculated. For a moment, the two were like that, joined in sex. He moaned, and carried her to bed, dropping them to the bed with a thud. They lay there for a few minutes, recovering.

"Let me guess..." She began in-between pants. "You lived together in passion ever after?" She said softly.

"Yeah...but it won't be the same for us." He said curtly.

" least I gave you something nice."

"Yeah, no problem. Lets not do it again though."

"No problem. Thank you for this Zeke." She said in a whisper before she muttered something in her native tongue. And like a sledgehammer hitting him, Zeke was out like a light.

* * *

"Ugn...what did I do last night?" Zeke asked himself as he woke up in the morning. He opened his eyes, and the roomed seemed to be spinning on every axis. He groaned...he felt like he was having some kind of hangover or some type of withdrawal. He closed his eyes, and still felt the room spinning. He winced, and then rolled onto his stomach to rest, in case he needed to vomit.

He almost did vomit when he heard a knocking at his door. He didn't have the heart to answer the door for visitors.

"Damnit...I don't feel good!" He moaned. After a moment of listening to the pounding on his downstairs door, he began to gather himself together, and stand. He realized he was naked, and he didn't feel like dressing. He looked, around for anything to cover himself in. Salvation was found in Anita's robe that was lying in the bathroom. Was Anita there? Zeke walked over and threw it on, and then made his way down the stairs slowly, feeling his way to the door.

"Alright I'm coming! Stop with the banging already!" Zeke called. Zeke put his hand around the doorknob, and opened slowly. What he saw was a panicked, but beautiful 12-year-old boy wearing nothing but some very short shorts, and soaking wet. He was another German Shepard fur, and was Zeke's second favorite beauty.

"Zeke, thank God you're awake!" He said quickly.

"Whoa...slow down and quiet down, I had a rough night last night. Now explain what is going on." Zeke sighed.

"Okay..." He began as he caught his breath. He leaned on the doorframe, as his shorts fell down in the front; he was naked underneath. Zeke smiled, and licked his lips at the sight of the virile lad. The boy pulled his pants up before Zeke could do anything, but he shrugged, perhaps later.

"You alright now Gregory?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. Ok you ready?" Gregory responded by asking.

"Yes, I suppose." Zeke answered as he held his head. He was still dizzy. For some reason he was still horny, didn't he get laid the day before? Gregory would do for a good lay later.

"Well Zeke, I was swimming naked down in the river with my brother, you remember the hot one that loves to be on top? Anyway, we were frolicking in the water together, getting a little frisky, when we heard shouting from the bridge above. We climbed out and approached an officer-" Gregory began.

"You approached a Nazi the buff?" Zeke asked slowly.

"So? We were swimming, and the Nazi's don't care if we're naked when we swim, it's the same guy that watches over the river anyway, so he's used to seeing me and my brother down there."

"You are lucky he hasn't slapped the homosexual badge on you two for fucking down there." Zeke narrowed his eyes. Gregory stepped into the house and held his hands up.

"Hey it's as I said before, the guy watches us and seems pretty entertained." Gregory said without guilt.

"So is that what was so important?"

"No it's something else remember?"

"Not really but ok." Zeke mumbled as he slipped his hands absently onto Gregory's waist.

"I heard a commotion on the bridge! My brother and I were just...fooling around in the know...nothing serious at that point. Anyway we climb out of the water and walked naked up to the officer and ask him what's going on. He said that someone was trying to get out of town illegally. When I turned around to see what was going on, I saw Fritz and Milo standing there getting yelled at by a couple of sentries. I told my brother to get back in the water as I grabbed my shorts and ran over here. They are being lead to town square Zeke as I say this!" Gregory said in a hurry. Zeke's face fell and he growled. He growled out of fear rather than anger. He leaned in and pressed his muzzle to Gregory's, and inserted his tongue. The pair kissed for a moment, and he then released the boy.

"Wait here. If I see your brother I'll tell his brother to join you here. Dry off and take off those wet shorts. Don't bother dressing just...keep yourself occupied non-sexually until I get back alright?"

"Yeah Zeke!" Greg said as he got a little frisky and opened the front of Zeke's robe and placed a kiss upon his hilt, and then let his wet shorts drop as he wandered towards the bathroom. Zeke turned and watched the sexy 12-year-old walk by...a vision of perfection.

Zeke had to slap himself and quickly find something to dress in. He looked, and saw that Anita had left him a gift, aside from the robe. He looked and saw a new long coat, but this one was laced with all kinds of wonderful gypsy designs. It was black with all kinds of fancy stars and runes; Zeke couldn't make heads or tails of it. He looked down and saw a fresh poet's shirt, black tights, and new riding boots with matching designs for the jacket. There was a note attached to the jacket, written on a piece of parchment. It read,

"Dear Zeke,

Thank you for giving me what I have been longing for. I had no change to alter what you are or who you are my dearest; all I really aspired to do was have the chance to give you of myself. That is what true friends do for each other, make love. I understand if you are upset with my methods at all, but I felt it was the most prudent way, at the most appropriate time. You were downtrodden, and you needed comfort. I figured, in my body you may have found my comfort. Depending on what time you are reading this, you should be coming down from the effects of the drugs. Sorry, I did that, perhaps you weren't ready for it, but it sure made you quite the demon at sex! As a thank you, I made these for you while you slept. It symbolizes me giving you the stars.



"So, it was drugs..." Zeke mumbled as he tossed the parchment aside. He threw on the poet's shirt and the tights first; the poet's shirt had the pink triangle badge on the left breast, as required by law. Next he grabbed his coat and boots and threw them on. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he hoped that anything would work.

Zeke looked at himself in the mirror, and decided not to bother tying his hair back at all. He grabbed his wallet off of the table, and grabbed his reading glasses as he ran to the front door. He threw the front door to the house open and slammed it shut behind him. Out in the streets there happened to be a Taxi waiting, just his luck. He looked a the jacket, and saw that there were some splendid beads woven into the coat, and that was what made the designs of the stars and runes. Luck? Now was hardly the time for religious mumbo-jumbo. As he felt his chest, a silver Gypsy talisman had been placed around his neck. It was a design that he had never seen before. It looked something like this:

He hadn't the slightest inclination as to what it meant, but he decided that maybe it was some kind of a luck charm.

Zeke approached the cab, and hailed it just before it was about to drive away to another spot. The driver let him in on the left passenger side as Zeke hopped in. The driver was a pudgy pug fur. He looked like 500 pounds of unwashed underwear, and the cab smelled the same.

"To Town Square, quickly please!" Zeke called out.

"Well well, look at the poof..." The cab driver said in a deep and almost drunken voice. "For poofs it will be double the fare." He said greedily.

"I'll pay triple if you get me there quickly." Zeke whined.

"Oh?" The driver said in slight impression. "A rich poof eh? Well then lets get you to town square your majesty." The driver said with keen sarcasm as he stepped on the gas and turned on the clumsy fare meter. It began to tick as the fat driver put some lead into his foot and began to speed down Dresden's narrow streets at an almost criminal speed.

The ride wouldn't be long, but Zeke thanked that he wouldn't have to run into his "Alley Friend". Zeke looked over the interior of the car. He had red stories of cabs from New York in the United States, but he had never actually seen something resembling what he had read. The floor was dirty with dirt and cigarette butts, the windows were greasy, the seats smelled of unknown things, and the driver was an absolute treasure.

"So, you've driven taxis long?" Zeke asked casually. The driver sneered and took a sharp corner that sent Zeke into the door with a rather hard thud. He narrowed his eyes and adjusted himself as he turned to hear the driver's answer.

"I've been driving for 2 years, and normally I stick to Berlin, but my boss told me I should come here and learn how to deal with the diverse community. Bah, I say if we were all the same the world would be better." Droned the overweight driver.

Zeke scoffed. "Sir, forgive me but if everyone in the world was like you...I would move to Mars." Zeke spoke softly.

The driver slowed down and eventually stopped as he growled. "Well then here is your stop." Zeke looked around and saw he was on TriTarden Ave., which was 3 blocks away from the Town Square. Zeke groaned and looked at the fare. He did the math in his head and tripled the price, and paid the driver, as he bolted out the door without a thank you and ran towards the square.

"God, be ok Fritz, please be ok!" He called to himself as he ran faster than he ever had before. He ran faster than when he used to run in school, faster than that night the gay bashers in Berlin tried to get him, and faster then when he had to run from a rabid dog that had been prowling his neighborhood.

Fritz finally saw the corner to the town square and rounded it. There he nearly ran into a good 30 people crowing the narrow street. People were all shouting in all sorts of languages, but it seemed to be a tone of anger. What was going on? Zeke recognized 5 of the people shouting, they were his co-workers from the newspaper. He could see Kurtis and the others standing, shouting in what sounded like protest. Zeke ran over to him and tapped him on the shoulder as the flabby Jew was shouting in Hebrew.

"Kurtis, what goes on here?" He shouted over the crowd. Kurtis turned around and swallowed hard. He went a little pale and seemed as if he had seen a ghost. "What Kurtis, what?"

"Your husband! He is in the square over there with Milo, they have him!" Kurtis informed in horror. Zeke gasped and pushed his way through the crowd. Once through. He saw he town's acting leader, a painfully handsome and God-like male that went by the name Sergi Reinhart. He was unbelievably handsome, buff, and inelegant. He was the senior officer in charge of Dresden. Somewhere, Zeke remembered meeting an officer during the evening by the name of Reinhart, perhaps they were related? Threat wasn't what was important, what was important was that Fritz and Milo were kneeling down, with their backs to another officer who was shouting above the crowd.

"Is it true you tried to leave Dresden unauthorized?" The officer asked. Fritz was staying silent. Milo was crying to himself. He had wet the front of his pants, getting a laugh out of a few of the officers, Reinhart himself remained stone faced.

"Fritz!" Zeke tried to call out, but it was as if Fritz was ignoring the world. "Tell them! Just say yes and they may let you live!" Zeke's voice spewed out, only to bleed into the voices all around.

"SILENCE!" Called Commander Reinhart. The large crowd silenced, and no one said a word. The officer standing behind Milo reached into his pocket and slowly produced a Mouser, and aimed it at the back of Milo's head. Milo continued to shake and cry...this was traumatizing to him. The Officer with the Mouser looked over at Fritz and barked at him.

"Answer me! Were you trying to get out of Dresden illegally or not?" The officer bayed. Fritz looked up with a fearful face and kept his mouth shut. Zeke, scared to death by all of this merely stood where he was and watched.

Fritz continued to hold his mouth shut and failed to answer the Officer.

"Alright, maybe it will take some motivation to move you to speak!" The Officer screamed.

With that...the trigger was pulled. Milo was sent sprawling forward, eyes crossed and arms limp. He hit the ground with a thud, a thud so sickening and loud that everyone could hear it. Milo lay there, in a steadily growing pool of his own blood, with his butt sticking in the air due to his former kneeling position. Milo...was now dead.

Fritz and Zeke burst into almost mirrored displays of hysterical crying. Zeke stood, holding a hand over his mouth, trying to keep from vomiting.

"How could you? He was just a kid!" Fritz screamed. The officer spun his direction and pointed the Mouser his way. Zeke couldn't take it any more and leaped into action running towards the officer. Commander Reinhart saw the break, and sidestepped into Zeke's path and held him fast, the SS officer's powerful and almost familiar arms holding him back.

"No! Don't kill my husband!" Zeke cried.

Behind the Commander, as second gunshot was heard, and this time Fritz took the fall to the cobblestones. His head went back and to the left as he was shot square in-between the eyes. Zeke then went cold...and slumped to his knees in front of the commander, and cried.

"All of you, disperse! Go back to your appointed rounds, the show's over people." Commander Reinhart yelled to the crowd. "You officers, police those bodies."

The officers ordered the people away and within 10 minutes, Zeke was kneeling there alone with the SS officer, who was trying to comfort him. It was...odd. In the back of Zeke's hysteria, he wondered why a Nazi would be so kind so someone, he wondered why this officer would try to comfort him. The Officer then lifted Zeke up, and helped him walk into the now empty Newspaper building; under the circumstances Kurtis closed the newspaper for the afternoon.

The officer pulled out his universal key, and unlocked the door. This was the second time within a week that Zeke had to come in here after a trauma. The officer helped Zeke to his seat, and stood in front of him.

"WHY? WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE?" Zeke asked the commander in a hoarse shout. "You could have stopped them!"

Commander Reinhart took his hand and slowly placed it on Zeke's left shoulder. "We both know, that I couldn't have done anything to stop it. Your late husband...brought this upon himself."

"But, why Milo? He was just a kid!" Zeke cried. The officer slowly brought his hand inward, towards Zeke's neck...he hardly noticed.

"I could not control what he did. I am sorry."

"And what about me? I'm probably next!"

"No..." Reinhart began. "So long as I am in will never get hurt. I promised...that nothing bad would ever happen to you."

And the officer then took his hand, and traced his thumb from left to right across his lips, winked his left eye, and turned around and gave his tail two swishes. The Commander then walked to the door just as Zeke realized who he was.

"It was you! You were the one that..."

"Shhh!" The Commander quilted, as he left.

So the town's commander was the one molesting him. What was going on? Zeke took the rest of the day to cry himself to sleep at his desk. Well, at least he was alive.

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