Cold Autumn Nights

Story by Arturius on SoFurry

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(Ok, I start having a weird problem with Yiffstar, and I ended up getting a new computer. So I just started a new account here on Yiffstar and reposted my old story. Hope y'all enjoy... again.

Written by Arturius Optimus Maximus IV, December 3, 2004.

It was a typical autumn night in the kingdom of Reinngal, a kingdom far to the north. It was a land where the leaves fell from the trees in late summer, and by mid fall, a white field of snow stretched over the horizon. The natives of the kingdom, and the few nomadic barbarian tribes that resided in the land, thought nothing of the snow and long cold season. Some others, however...

"Im cold!" whined Kerwyna, a 17 year old black furred mouse theif with a sexy body that would rival that of aphrodite, for the hundredth and twenty-seventh time that day. This was a beautiful furre, with brown orb-like eyes and shoulder-lenght hair so black that it shimmered like the stary night sky in spring, and a mixture of the frost that had began to form on it from the cold snow that fell in lightly, like the gentle caress of a maternal angel, around her. Despite the cold, though, her choice of attire was not very suiting at all. She was warmed with very little, just black leather boots, black trousers, a black belt with a silvery buckle, a red bandana tied across her forehead and nothing on her torso, save a sleeveless, very small tight fitting leather vest that threatened to explode from the strain to hold in her very ample bosum. But despite this very sexy apparel of hers, it was obvoiusly that she was not unskilled with a weapon, as was apparend by the rapier at her side and the many, many gleaming daggers tucked into various places in her boots, trouser pockets, belt, sides and sleeves.

There was a very heavy sigh from ahead of her from her traveling companion and long time friend, walking at a steady, strong pace that was undettered by the snow and cold. "You knew what the conditions would be like before we set out for this place." Spoke the wolfess, with fur as white as the snow that swirled about her and stacked up on her bulky shoiulders. "You should have dressed more appropriatly, or chosen someplace else to search for work."

Kerwyna quickly ran before the wolfess and turned, walking backward with an easy balance and grace possessed by those of her proffesion. "You know how I am, Vixia," said Kerwyna with a giggle and one of her trademark smirk-double-winks. "I only dress to fit the weather if it allows me to wear less than this."

The barbarian shrugged her huge shoulders nonchalantly. Unlike Kerwyna, the 18 year old Vixia was a tall, muscular and flat chested female. Her eyes and ankle-length hair were of an icy blue hue, adding to the cold-hearted appearance she always seemed to radiate, which was a misconception. She was a barbarian of the southern mountain tribes, and a merciless berserker, but she had a warm, kind heart to her friends and those in need. Not that her attire helped to show this warm side of her. The barbarian was clad in a crude array of animal and moster hides and bones, her favorite peice being a dragon's skull forming the right armed shoulder greave. She also had a short lenght of rope as a belt and oversized gloves with small bits of rope at the wrist to keep them on, and her boots were made from furres as well. And in her hands she carried a very fearsome, many noched bardiche which the pole also oubled as a walking stick.

Kerwyna sighed and crossed her arms across her chest, tucking her hands under her arm, "Its too cold." A hundred and twenty eight now.

Vixia narrowed her eyes and rubbed her temple. Kerwyna was usually a good girl about things, almost always optomistic. But there were only two things she couldn't stand the most; cold weather, and people who were resistant to her sexy body (which wasn't many).

They reached the crest of the hill, and Kerwyna began to jump up and down with delight and joy, her bosum bouncing up and down, which, vixia noticed with the same strange feelings she got when Kerwyna did things like that, did interesting things to her bosum, particularily how they threatened to pop out of her tight vest from the motions. There, at the base of the next hill, was the villiage they had been trying to make their way to, with the inn clearly in sight near the front of the road. Kerwyna ran ahead a little bit, urging Vixia to hurry up, but the wolfess merely smiled and trudged on through the snow at her normal pace, letting Kerwyna lead the way.

* * * * *

The two friends entered the inn, the light wind against their backs as they made their way to the counter causally to speak to the innkeeper about rooms. The innkeeper was a young churchmouse, no older than Kerwyna. He came over with a grin on his face, leaning on the counter with a warm smile that was very welcoming. "Good evening to you two. Are you seeking food and drinks, rooms or both?"

"Both," Vixia said simply, steping in front of Kerwyna. "And two rooms, if its possible."

Vixia was somewhat surprised to hear a slightly dissapointed sigh from Kerwyna rom behind as Vixia spoke. This was the normal procedure for them so far. They walk up to the bar, get the food and rooms, then go to sleep. Whats with the sigh, thought she as she glanced for a second over her shoulder, seeing the slight look on hr face that confirmed it was dissapointment.

The churchmouse, smiling still, opened up his log book, preparing to jot them down for the two rooms and the food, saying as he fliped through the pages, "Our food tonight is some lovely stew my sister is brewing and, naturally, ale. And two rooms will be 4 go-"

The churchmouse stoped short of his speech (somewhat practiced for his business), looking in the log book. With a slight furrow of his forehead he straightened up, lookingback to the two females with a new apologetic tone to his voice, "Oh, Im so sorry, but we only have one room left either yolll have to share a room or..." He seemed to think about it a few seconds, then he looked to Kerwyna, leaning foreward on the counter with a sly smile upon his lips. "Or, perhaps, you could spend the night in my room with me tonight. The way of life I live does tend to get lonely sometimes, despite all the pretty young girls such as yourself coming through. For free, of course..."

Kerwyna smiled and steped past Vixia before the slightly annoyed barbarian could respon, steping as close to him as the counter would permit and placing her hands on his shoulders, taking in a deep breath to press her breasts against the already too tight vest. "Oh, really, you say? Well, that sounds like a sweet deal..."

Just as Kerwyna did this, a slightly younger female churchmouse than the innkeeper walked past with a tray with bowls of soup in one hand, and smacked her brother in the back of the head as she passed by. And, with as many words as befre the slapping, she wandered off, leaving her brother to rub the back of his head, feeling quite embarrased.

The two friends gave a laugh at this display of brother-sister love, and Vixia spoke, shaking her head. "Nah, we'll share a room tonight. But its a good deal, doubtless." And so, laughing, the two friends went over to a table to prepare for their meal and to go over their plans for the next day, blending in with the crowd in the inn and becoming just another pair of adventurous friends.

* * * * *

Vixia stood in the bedroom alone, as Kerwyna had gone to go shapping for a few things (and, no doubt, apply the full-paw discount), looking at herself in the mirror and reflecting as she carressed one of her snowy white cheeks gently. Somehow, she couldn't quite get the look of dissapointment Kerwyna wore out of her mind. What's with her, thought the barbarian as she began to slip from the hide armor on her body, unbuckling all the belts and undoing all the straps. She slid off the top part of all those hides and bones and tossed it to the floor, sighing in reliefe from the sudden loss of all that weight. She had been wearing it for three days and nights in order to keep warm in the cold north. Her fur was quite ruffled and matted down in places. Vixia sighed again as she rubbed her chest gently, not out of any urge to do naughty things, but more in dissapointment in herself. Her mother and grandmother had been quite lovely, and, despite being very potent warriors of the stuff legends were made (in fact, her mother, the Jarl of the tribe, was a lengend in the mountains), they had also been very lovely and well-figured. Vixia, on the other hand, could easily pass herself off as a pretty boy in the right clothing; small, almost nonexistent, breasts that dissapeared when she donned her armor, and more muscle on her arms and torso than most males sported.

Sighing for the third tome, Vixcia went over to the short, wide bucket of water she had bought for a bath in. This was a habit she had developed, not from her home culturre, which didn't know of baths, but had aquired on her travels when they had passed through the Empire of Lyoness.

The same year I met Kerwyna, she thought as she slid out of her barbarian trousers and boots, now fully nood and stepping into the water, sinking all the way to her chin. I had met her in a bar, and she had told me about how bathing helped to keep you healthy. At first I thought I would only catch a flu, she chuckled as the memory came back, but then she showed me the bath house and the heated baths, and it was wonderful. And soon her chuckle became a full fledged howl of laughter as she remembered how most of the ladies in the pool had scrambled out when the water began to change color from the filth coming off of Vixia. Everyone, she remembered, except Kerwyna.

After a few moments of washing, Vixia stood up and dried herself off by rubbing herself off very thuroughly and roughly with a bit of cloth meant for soaking up the water in her fur. But even after, she was still damp. So Vixia went over and decided to buisy herself, taking up her bardiche and a flint stone, and sat on her bed and began to sharpen the blade of the deadly pole-arm.

After a few moments, Vixia jumped, and would have cried out in surrise had not a hand clamped over her mouth stiffled it. She then felt the hands losen up and a familiar voice spoke, "Hey! Boy, have you seriously got to work on being more alert."

Vixia broke free of the grasp on her and spun on the bed to face Kerwyna, who had snuck in through the window behind her. "Kerwyna! You snaeky little devil!"

With a giggle, Kerwyna steped up and went over to their packs, droping a sack and beginning to take off her own clothing off, her large breasts practically forcing their own way out of her vest as she unbuttoned it. Vixia watched all the while, admiring the mouse theif's luxurient body with envy. As the mouse, turned, she noticed Vixia's gazing, and smiled, bucking a hip foreward as she said, "You think I'm pretty, don't you?"

Vixia watched the mouse for a second, feeling a light blush forming underneath her white cheeks. She grunted and started sharpening some more, even though she couldn't possibly get it any sharper. She didn't want to answer for some reason, and she didn't want her friend to see the blush on her cheeks.

However, Kerwyna, quite knowledgeable in body language, understood the evasive maneuvers of her friend and walked over to her briskly, sitting behind her and wrapping her arms about the barbarians shoulders and leaned her head against one, saying, "I didn't mean to offend you. You have quite a nice body yourself, you know."

Vixia snorted and gave a forced laugh, still sharpening. "Yeah, nice for ripping heads off. Unfortuinatly many furres aren't exactly attracted to that sort of woman. And I haven't got any breasts either! Im like a wall!

Kerwyna sighed and rubbed Vixia's arms gently, giving her a light message on her shoulders. "But each body has its own advantages. I honestly think its horrible that so many people judge by appearances alone. Thats one reason I'm glad I could have gotten to know you. And dont be so hard on yourself about your body. Im actually quite jealous of it."

Vixia turned her head to the side to glance at the head of Kerwyna, and could just barely see her eyes. "How so?"

"Because," Kerwyna began, taking a breath. "Do you know how hard it is to perform some of the tricks I do on the job with jugs ths huge? Its harder to keep your balance during such acrobatic performances when you have those large, heavy things throwing off your balance. And some things actually rewuire brute force instead of the finess that I use, and I sometimes have to back down in the middle of a job because Im too weak to continue on."

Vixia raised her eyebrow, turning so that the mouse was in front of her rather than behind her. "Really? Do you really mean that?"

Kerwyna smiled and mover herself closer, saying gently. "I really mean it. And would you like to know something else?"

"What is it?" asked the wolfess, feeling her cheeks burning as the mouse came closer, so close that the mouse's larger breasts pressing against her tiny ones, practically enveloping them. "I actually kind of like bodies like that on ladies...

Vixia could feel herself blushing more, (which she thought impossible beforeheand), lowering her head a bit and turning it to the side. She felt... odd. She had never felt this way before. Well, she admitted to herself, she had, a few times, on the rare occasion Kerwyna was naked before her or when Kerwyna hugged her. But those kinds of hugs were usually between friends, and the nakedness, well, she was a female herself. So why...?

The mouse thief places a gentl paw on Vixia's cheek and pushed her head to face hers, and the barbarian could see s strange light in the other's eyes. Their heads were getting closer, Vixia noticed with a strange feeling, both of rejection, as if this were some sort of taboo, and one for longing, wanting to kiss the black mouse. But longing for what?

And then it happened. The lips of the two females collided, and they kisses, their lips pressing so softly against each others and sucking gently, passionatly. How long it lasted, neither of them knew. But when it finally ended, both were smiling; Kerwyna with joy and pleasure, Vixia with shy happiness.

The two sat there for a few seconds, starring at each other, their eyes shining. Then Kerwyna spoke softly, "You know... Iv always wanted to do this... about a month after we met in that city, I began to have little daydreams about it, and then full-fledged dreasm at night. I never was sure if you would want to do this, though... Im not sure, still."

Vixia could tell where Kerwyna was headed. She smiled nervously, her cheeks still slightly red as she replied. "Well, I started to take notice a few weeks ago... I noticed a strange feeling in my loins when you hugged me or I saw you disrobe... yes, Kerwyna... I am sure..."

Smiling, Kerwyna brought her face in for a second kiss, and Vixia was glad for it, taking in and savoring the sweet taste of her friend's lips. Her arms rubbed along the mouse thief's shoulders, rubbing them gently. But soon, Kerwyna broke the kiss from her lips, and began to kiss liughtly along her cheeks, her neck, and her shoulders. Vixia would have preffered it if Kerwyna had been kissing her lips, but soon she found that she liked what was on Kerwyna's mind, for soon the mouse was licking the barbarian's left breast, quite emphatically, her pink tongue circling along the nipple and over it, making it harden and stic foreward. Halfway closing her eys and smiling down at her newfound lover, Vixia took her hand and clasper her other breast, using her fingers to fondle to nipple hard and squeezing the whole thing. She would let out a soft murr of pleasure each time the mouse enclosed her whole lips upon it and suck, and suck in a quite, pleasured gasp through her teeth on the rare occasion that her friend would nibble on it.

But soon Kerwyna stoped, smiling up at the wolf happily as her kisses trailed lower, slowly over her stomach and to her lower regions, where she smiled and placed her paw upon it, rubbing the outside and the lips gently in circular motions, making Vixia tilt her head to the side, a loud murr emenating from deep within her chest. As the mouse rubbed, Vixia used both of her paws to clasp her breasts, rubbing trhen and squeezing them close togather in pleasure. By the gods, thought she as the mouse continued to play with her below, I never knew that one day this would happen. And I am glad.

Kerwyna, finally deciding that her lover had had enough preparations, lowered her head close to the barbarian's slit and poking her tongue between the pussy lips, bringing a quiet gasp of sudden pleasure from Vixia. Kerwyna smiled to know that she was pleasing her friend, and continued to circle around inside with her tongue, rubbing all along the walls and probing with her tongue. She raised one of her hands and begazn to run the snowy white lg of the barbarian, and sliding her other hand down to her own slit and sticking her paw in, grasping around and pleasuring herself as she pleasured the barbarian with her tongue.

Murring, Vixia closed her eyes, her breath getting heavier as she felt the tongue licking inside her. But soon she threw her head back in a gasp, eyes widening as Kerwyna found the wolf's clittorous, attacking it relentlessly with her tongue, rubbing it and encircling it with her tongue passionatly, still pawing herself, rubbing her own clittorous with paw. Vixia's murring increased in volume as Kerwyna licked on, glad to be hitting the pleasure spot.

It continued on for a few minutes before Kerwyna stoped, but soon her tongue was replaced by the mouse's long, thin and dexterous tail, poking through the lips gently and twisting around, fillin up the moaning wolf as much as possible with her tail, pushing it deep while rubbing up against the clittorous. Vixia moaned out in pleasure, leaning foreward now and tyaking the mouse in her arms, bringing her in for a huge kiss on the lips, her tingue penetrating into the mouse's tongue. Kerwyna paused for a moment, Vixia could feel, but probabl mostly out of surprise from the newfound vigor in the barbarian. Before, she had been still and dstoic, but now she was clearly just as lustful as the thief was. And so the two locked on to each other, hugging and kissing passionatly, all the while the mouse's tail wriggled about in the barbarians pussy, rubbing against the clit and looping around it, pushing in as deep as the moouse could reach. Vixia moaned her pleasure ito the black furres mouth as she was pumped by the tail, loving the sensation of it inside of her.

Kerwyna could feel the insides of Vixia's pussy beginning to squeeze in and then release, slowly at first, but then beginning to press more frequently and harder. Soon the mouse gave her lover one last kiss before taking her tail, dripping wet from the barbarian's insides, out and lowered her mouth to it, thrusting her tongue deep and straight into the clit, pressing her entire lips against it and kissing it as she licked around.

Vixia panted out quickly in estacy, clasping one breast in one of her paws while running the other through the mouse's hair, urging on her lover with her pants and murrs of pleasure. And then, suddenly, Vixia came, throwing her head back with a cry like a howl, her sticky sex juices gushing forth from her slit. And Kerwyna happy licked it all up, smiling as she caught as much of it as she could as it came forth, and licking the rest of it off of her lips and cheeks.

But it wasn't quite over yet. Smiling, Kerwyna climbed up onto Vixia's lap, pressing her sticky lips against the wolfess', and Vixia found it both strang and pleasing to tast her own juices upon the lips of Kerwyna as she kissed her deeply, and she felt the theif take her paw in her's, lowering it to Kerwyna's already contracting pussy. Vixia placed her hand in and smiled as Kerwyna murred in pleasure, pressing her larde breasts against the barbarian's own. They stayed like that for a few moments, Vixia slowly rubbing her paw in and out of the mouse, the two pressed closely together and using their free paws to rub each other everywhere and their lips locked in a seemingly endless kiss. Kinally Kerwyna shuddered as she came herself, her whole buddy shaking in the arms of the barbarian. And then the two fell together in the bed, still in arms as they hugged close, laying on the sheets with their tails adding as extra limbs for an embrace, and estacy swarming through both of their bodies from the beautiful afterglow.

Finally, after a few moments of silent hugging, Kerwyna spoke.

"I am glad that we were finally able to bring our feelings for each other out." She said with a smile, adding a kiss as she gazed into the eyes of the loving (and loved) barbarian.

"As am I," agreed Vixia, "And I am glad that we could share this special moment together."

Kerwyna gave the wolfess one of her trademark smirk-double-winks, saying huskily and snuggling closer to her, "Well there are many, many other ways to have fun with each other." She said, absolutely serious. "You want to go again?"

"Again?" Laughed Vixia, raising her eyebrows. "You still have the energy for more?"

The mouse theif merely nodded, still smirking, "Oh, a lady can go on for a long, long time if she so pleases, my love."

And the conversation eneded at that, the two kissing again and ready to go at it.

The young innkeeper watched the entire scenario through a small hole in one of the walls. The inn had many secret doors and passageways and peepholes His cheeks were blushed red underneath his fur, which was lightly damp from sweat, and he was clutching his erect member, which was dripping at the end with the remnants of his cum, having been jacking off while the the female lovers had been yiffing. But his ears perked up as he heard the muffled voice of the mouse speak.

"Oh, a lady can go for a long, long time if she so pleases, my love."

Again? thought the churchmouse as he pressed his eye close, his hand going back and forth again as they began round two. This is going to be a long night, he realized as he began to pump yet again.