Picking Up Gifts at the Last Minute (part 2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Wrapping Paper

"Wrapping presents, wrapping presents..." Lightning sung to himself as he the first of a number of boxes down in front of him. It was fifteen minutes before midnight and he had a lot of gifts to go through before he could go to sleep. He had all the supplies laid out, scissors, tape, wrapping paper...

He blinked slightly as his eyes looked over the purple and silver paper that lay out before him. The husky remembered what the dragon had said about it, but it didn't seem all that special to him. As he picked up the purple colored paper and ran it through his fingers it did have a slightly rubbery feel to it. It certainly didn't crinkle like normal paper, as he tried a few experimental creases the paper retained its smooth qualities. With a small chuckle he unfurled a large sheet of it and laid it on the floor, then put the package square in the middle of it.

"I think this stuff might just be worth the trip after all." He mused with a smile as he took out his scissors and began to make his first cut. But the paper proved to be more resilient then he imagined, as all the scissors did was make a small squeaking noise. "Huh... these are the sharpest scissors I have... this might prove a problem."

After several more experimental tries with the scissors, all of which failed to pierce through the new paper, he tossed them to the side. With a small grunt he put his forearm down to pin the paper to the floor as his other hand grabbed the edge and pulled with all his might. All he was rewarded with was the paper stretching slightly, the package tumbled off the paper onto the floor as he continued to wrench at it. The paper refused to yield, and after a minute he let go and let it snap back into place.

"Should have known it was too good to be true... what the?" His muttering turned to surprise as he realized his purple fur was stuck to the paper itself! It was like glue; and the more he seemed to struggle the more of it seemed to glom over the individual strands. Strangely it only seemed to be attracted to the purple parts, as he tried to roll his arm over completely the paper stopped sticking at the white part of his fur. He tried to stand up, and as he did so he brought the whole purple sheet up with him.

The husky yelped as he realized his error too late; it felt like slow motion as the paper billowed out behind him, then whipped back and clung to his shoulders and back. It ran a chill down his spine as the fur underneath his shirt felt like it got matted down behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks to try and prevent anything else from happening, as well as to assess the situation that seemed to spiral out of control as the shirt and pants he had worn fell off. The fibers of his clothing looked like they had been dissolved, and the paper that had stuck onto his arm and ran down his spine all the way to his tail, which was the only thing that kept it from the back of his legs. A short while later he could feel

After almost thirty seconds of standing there he frowned, while the situation had not gotten any worse it certainly didn't get any better. "I can't just stand here all night..." he said to himself. He looked over the table to his cell phone, and after a deep breath started to slowly slide his feet across the hardwood floor towards it. Everything started to go well; he had made significant progress towards the phone. All he had to do was call someone and this would all get taken care of, like the police, or the fire department or something...

His thoughts caused him to be distracted, and as he was almost an arm's width away from the table his foot slipped on the scissors he had carelessly tossed aside before. Almost immediately his instincts took over and he braced himself for the fall. He landed on the floor with a soft thud, which knocked the wind out of him and caused him to gasp for breath. What disturbed him more as he laid there was the flutter of the purple wrapping paper as it settled down on top of him. There was a slight pull as the fur on his ears was pulled slightly as the paper glommed onto his headfur, the same tightening sensation around his calves and once free arm as the paper coated him completely on his back. Once more he let out a sigh as he flipped onto his back, his form stuck into position like a fly caught on flypaper as he struggled to get free.

Lightning stopped his struggles as he saw something glint out of the corner of his eye, which traveled up to see something silver on the edge of the table. He quickly realized what it was, the other roll of wrapping paper the dragon had given him. It had been opened along with the purple one, he hadn't decided which one he wanted to use first before he finally decided on purple. His eyes widened slightly as the paper rolled closer and closer to the edge, probably knocked their when he fell or during his subsequent struggles. He tried to reach up to stop it, but the purple paper stopped him. All he could do was watch as the silver wrapping paper fell off the table straight towards him.

As if guided by some unseen hand, the roll of silver paper landed on his forehead and bounced over his short muzzle and rolled down his chest. There was a slight tingle as it rolled down and covered his groin, then proceeded to go over his legs before it came to rest on his feet. He could feel the rubber paper stick to the white fur on his stomach, face, and legs like it's purple predecessor. The two sheets suctioned together wherever they touched, and almost in the blink of an eye the entire husky was completely encased.

"Mrrf Mmmr!" Lightning tried to yell, his mouth completely shut by the silver paper. The trapped husky felt the rubbery material vacuum together even tighter around his body, his struggles nothing more than a slight wiggle as the rubber-coated husky laid there on the floor, completely blind and bound. As the material got even tighter it didn't hurt, in fact the whole thing sent electric tingles as he tried to escape his rubber prison. He could feel it worm its way everywhere, inside his ears, nose, mouth, even inside his sheath and tailhole. If he could he would have moaned, the rubber coated his maleness as it began to push out into the air. Before he could even comprehend it the rubber reached his prostate and his member jutted out completely.

He vaguely could hear the door open and close through the rubber plugs in his ears, though he could do nothing more then lay there as tingles of stimulation surged through his tailhole and cock. It was almost like the rubber had formed into rings and massaged him, his prone form unable to do anything more then take it. The rubber grew even tighter until it seemed to seep into his very inner being, even inside his skull, replacing everything until there was nothing but pleasure...

"Well well well, what do we have here." He managed to hear from beyond his black confines, as well as the sound of paper ripping before he felt himself lifted up. "One rubber husky, all wrapped and ready to go."


Baylith watched with some amusement as the red and green ribbons danced through the air, his fingertips waved in a lazy pattern as they moved with practiced ease. The two ribbons wrapped around each other around one of the boxes that hovered in the air. With a flick of the wrist the two ends of the ribbon looped around and formed into a rather stylish bow. The box hovered over towards a small stack of gifts that he had previously wrapped in a similar fashion. There were only two more gifts to go and he made really good time, a glance at the clock told him he was only fifteen minutes until midnight.

"I have to admit, I am rather impressed at this ribbon." He said to himself as he ran his fingers along the length of blue ribbon. He didn't feel the need to use it, as there was more than enough of the red and green to wrap everything he needed and then some. It would be a shame to just waste it, so he had an idea to use it to continue to practice his telekinetic spells. Perhaps he could use it even as a weapon, a non-lethal form of restraint. "Only two more to go, then all ready for Christmas."

His eyes once more gained a purple haze to them as he gestured to one of the two packages left on the stone table. It quickly responded by floating in front of him, and as it hovered there in front of him he grabbed a magical hold upon the two spools of ribbon that sat on either side of him and gestured them to move forward. Unlike the other times though, the ribbons failed to respond to his magical energies. He was slightly surprised, after a look to see that they hadn't fallen off their spools he tried to force them once more towards the package.

This time they did respond, but not in the way he expected them too. The two ends started their way towards the package, but Baylith could quickly tell he wasn't in control of them as they lashed back and wrapped around his wrists. Their movement caught him off guard, and they jerked him forward onto his knees with surprising strength. He quickly regained his composure and kicked his feet out at the ribbon; a blade of wind whipped out from each of them and sheered into the two strands. With a small smile he saw the ribbons snap, and he quickly scrambled to his feet to prepare from another possible onslaught.

But the ribbon around his wrists wasn't done with him; instead of falling to his sides it once more became animated and wrenched his arms behind his back. He fell to his knees as the green and red criss-crossed around his fur and bound his arms together all the way up to the elbows. It was an extremely alarming position of vulnerability to find himself in, and as he contemplated his situation he realized the ribbon still on the spools had arched back in the posture of hissing cobras. He gritted his teeth and watched as they struck towards him. Then, when the timing was absolutely perfect, he breathed in deeply, pooling all the magic he had into his lungs, then let loose with a terrifying breath of flame.

Baylith could have sworn he heard the two ribbons scream loudly as they burned and flailed through the air. With a sigh of relief he began to try and undo his bindings, though with his arms bound as they were he had a hard time directing his magical energy in the spot. "Ah well, least I can stand..." he muttered to himself as he got to his feet and started to move towards the kitchen to get a knife or something equally as sharp. "I should have known that something was up with that dragon, but he didn't ping at all with my detection magic... as soon as I get out of this little trap I will certainly give him what for! Magical traps like this should not be made lightly as someone could get seriously-"

His tirade was quickly cut short as his feet were pulled out from under him, which caused him to land flat on his stomach as he felt something around his ankles slither up his legs in a similar criss-cross pattern as it sliced through the leggings he wore. Some of the ribbon must have survived his fire blast, he figured, and as his legs were bound tightly together all he could do was wiggle his way to try and aim his mouth and finish off the rest of demented decorations before he was further incapacitated.

The ribbon seemed to have anticipated his move and darted swiftly around his head, forming into a muzzle that clamped his maw shut as it formed into a red and green hood. His eyes, ears, and nose ended up the only thing exposed as he realized his situation was far direr then a bad dragon that played a cruel prank on him. As he tried to maneuver himself around he saw several more of the ribbons crawling towards him, he realized with horror that they came from the gifts that he had already wrapped. There was nothing he could do but try and roll away as they came towards him, and when he was up against the wall they quickly crawled underneath his clothing and wrapped around his fur.

It was the strangest situation he had ever been in, it was like a dozen or so cloth snakes slithered over his body, and despite everything it felt... really good. His clothes were quickly shredded by the ribbon as they had the run of his body, which revealed that quite a bit of his brown fur was covered in festive red and green. Two of the larger ones had formed an x pattern across his chest which led up to his 'mask' as well as down to a number of ribbons that had formed a makeshift jockstrap before they connected to the ones around his legs that had gone up to his knees. It looked like Christmas themed bondage wear, though he wasn't fond of being a gimp...

Almost as though the ribbon sensed his thoughts, one of them that had wrapped idly around his arm unfurled slightly and waggled in front of his hooded face. He cocked his head slightly, which caused the end of the ribbon to also tilt slightly. After a few seconds an idea formed in his mind and he tilted his muzzle up and down, which caused the ribbon to move up and down. The only thing he could think of was that the ribbon wrapped around his body was able to transmit his telekinesis even though he couldn't move his body.

His eyes glowed purple as he moved several ribbons around; though he couldn't move any of his restraints that coiled around his body he could actually manipulate several of the loose ends. One of them moved their way down to his groin, his hardening erection quickly beset upon by several more ribbon tentacles wrapped up around it and tightened. It caused an extremely tingling sensation to shoot up through his body, the force of which seemed to be only amplified with the ribbon that covered every inch of his body. He manipulated it with the ends, almost better than his hands as the silky strands as they rubbed almost teasingly against him.

"Mmmrph!" Baylith groaned into the muzzle as several of them wormed their way past his tailhole as they corkscrewed their way into him. It almost seemed like they were coating his insides like they had done to his outside fur, even a number of threads wove their way into his sheath. It was all highly erotic, the electric tingles that continued to course through the ribbons only added to everything as he continued to stimulate himself.

A sudden clanging notice brought his attention back to his table, where he saw the blue ribbon on the edge of it poised like a snake. He stared at the ribbon; there was a tense silence over the room as neither of them moved. Then, quick as lightning, a flash of blue crossed his eyes as it darted forward and covered them. It didn't stop there, he could feel the length as it wrapped around his ribbon muzzle and completely covered his head in it.

It didn't stop there though, once his head was completely covered in blue the ribbon wound its way down his neck, leaving not an inch of his fur or the other ribbon exposed as it methodically wrapped across his shoulders and chest. As it continued downward he could feel it tighten slightly, his body grew warmer and warmer as it wrapped around his abs and bound arms. If he could he would have started to pant, the electric tingles and warmth only building upon his arousal as he could feel the underlying ribbon fuse and warp the flesh underneath. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he was being changed, but as he felt the material go around his hips and up his canine member he found it hard to care. Once his length had been sufficiently covered the ribbon wrapped around him once more to sandwich it to his abs, then it quickly made its way down his legs, had his ears not been muffled he would have heard a slight ripping sound as he was completely encased.

As he lay there, quivering slightly from all the stimulation, he felt vibrations on the floor as they came closer and closer to him. He wished desperately he could have begged for his release, not from the ribbon that continued to integrate into his skin and orifices but for something to finally reach orgasm. He could just make out someone mumbling, then his gravity shifted as he felt someone particularly strong hoist him up and begin to carry him...