Charlotte's Visit: Part Two

Story by TheMishMash on SoFurry

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General Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good.

Mission Statement: This story was written and collaborated on by one or more members of TheMishMash. We are a team of like minded friends who strive to bring humor, drama, adventure, and sordid affairs to the masses. Comments and questions are always welcome and we can be contacted through our user page here on SoFurry. Please denote who you're asking for when leaving a message. Sincerely... Ghoti, Bones, and Scratch.

Charlotte's Visit: Part Two

Written by: Ghoti

Content: This story contains plushophilia, mild chiropteran schizophrenia, and reflections from the viewpoint of an 'inanimate' object. The Yiff consists of; Plushophilia, F/solo, masturbation.

Personal Notes: Ghoti says, "I don't want to talk about this story. Sorry... But it gave me a lot more trouble than it should have to write it and I'm still not satisfied with it. I'm upset with it. It hath angered me. And I hope it does horribly so I won't have to write anything like it again for a while. So there... Still gonna be a part 3 tho'... Maybe even with a little surprise... So, stay tuned."

Mr. Bun had been living in Ghoti Finnegan's room for most of a week.

After the white furred bat had bought him at The Empire, he had taken the blue rabbit plushie home and placed him amongst his tight lipped sock monkeys. Initially, Mr. Bun had been upset at being once again forced to share space with toys that refused to speak to him. He had also been uncharacteristically upset at the bat's roommate. The skunk in question, Bones by name, had jilted Mr. Bun in a most unforgivable manner and the doll was determined to make him pay. Soon however, Mr. Bun began to enjoy his position on the high shelf. It offered him a view of the entirety of Ghoti's room and a good angle on anything the boy did.

Mr. Bun did not think of himself in such gaudy terms as a voyeur. But when animals tended to set you aside and forget about you, you sometimes had little to do other than watch and listen.

Although Ghoti spent most of each day either in the rest of the house doing who knew what, or out and about in town, he came in his room numerous times throughout the day for various reasons. He slept in his room of course, although not in the bed. The bat, who Mr. Bun surmised must be a unique case even amongst his curious species, slept hanging upside down from a rod placed in the ceiling of his closet. The past six nights, Mr. Bun had watched him change into his pajama pants, take off the armbands that secured his wings, clasp his hind paws on the bar, and after inverting himself, close the door.

Mr. Bun wondered if it gave him a headache.

On several occasions, even when one or both of his roommates were in the house, the bat would slip off into his room to watch TV alone. Mr. Bun noted that Ghoti had a predisposition to watch horror movies or comedies. He also watched the poorly dubbed foreign cartoons that Mr. Bun quickly learned were called Anime.

Twice during the last week, the bat had stealthily crept into his domain and Mr. Bun had watched with rapt attention as the he went to the dresser in the corner of the room. The piece of furniture was angled and Mr. Bun watched the boy move it out from the wall. In the small triangular hidey hole revealed in the corner, was a medium sized soapstone chest. Even from his superior angle, Mr. Bun was unable to see what was inside the box as the pale bat kneeled over it looking inside. On both of these somehow reverent inspections, the boy had simply shook himself as if from a dream and closed the box before hiding it again.

Other than these few, mostly normal, instances, Mr. Bun rarely had the opportunity to engage with anybody. So, he mostly rested. He sensed on some unclear level that he was very old. So, a little rest didn't seem like too much to take from life.

I was during his sixth night in Ghoti's room, that a sudden thump and subsequent shaking of the high shelf awoke him from a peaceful slumber and caused him to fall into the lap of an erotic nightmare.

It was a red furred female bat. Mr. Bun thought he could see a slight resemblance to Ghoti around the girl's face, but her fur color rendered them far enough from twins that most animals probably never noticed they favored one another. She was naked and looking down at him while she rubbed her head above one large ear.

"Well, hello there." She said quietly. Mr. Bun assumed in his shocked state, that she must be visiting Ghoti and staying in his room since the white bat slept in the closet. She smiled down at him and Mr. Bun went limp with fright. She had a piece of cotton impaled on one of her fangs.

She reached for him and Mr. Bun let her pick him up, praying that whichever unfortunate plushie had gone before him had slaked her biting impulse. As she picked him up, he noticed that her paw was wet and had a wholly agreeable odor about it. She held him at eye level and smoothed his ears back with her aromatic paw. "You're a cute little fella. A step up from those monkeys for sure."

Mr. Bun wasn't quite ready to change his opinion of the winged girl, but he had to admit, she had good taste in plush toys.

"I'm Charlotte." She spoke to him as though it was purely natural to converse with a toy, and Mr. Bun's opinion for her improved again. "I'm Ghoti's cousin." She then leaned in closer to his face and Mr. Bun successfully suppressed a shiver as she whispered to him, putting her fangs dangerously close. "He's sleeping in the closet so I have to be extra quiet." She moved back into a sitting position against the headboard and Mr. Bun breathed an internal sigh of relief.

Charlotte gave him a comical look then laughed at herself. "Look at me... still talking to plushies like I'm not five months away from graduating high school."

Mr. Bun was about to work up enough nerve to tell her that it was okay and that he wouldn't tell anybody, when she saved him the trouble. "But Ghoti bites his toys, so what's so wrong with me talking to them, right?" Mr. Bun agreed, but just wished she'd get rid of that unsightly and unsettling piece of cotton stuck to her tooth.

She must have seen him staring because she ran her long tongue over her fangs just then and felt the offensive bit of debris. "Oops..." She said and gave him a meek look. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Mr. Rabbit." She deftly removed the fluffy foreign matter and flicked it into a corner.

Mr. Bun thought briefly about correcting her on his name, but decided that such a vocal reprimand could be mistaken for rudeness. He didn't want to offend somebody who had already relegated one innocent plush toy to hypodermic death. So he just allowed her to hold him and enjoyed the strangely tantalizing smell on her paw.

Again, he must have given away his thoughts somehow. She gasped slightly and transferred him quickly to her other, much drier paw. "Oh no..." She muttered to herself and looked Mr. Bun over thoroughly. "That monkey I'm not worried about, but you don't have any fang marks. If I get you all cum matted, I don't know what I'll tell Ghoti. You're obviously more important to him than the rest."

Mr. Bun would have told her that he was fairly new to this place and that if there was a hierarchy among the toys, he probably didn't rank very high, had she not chose that moment to turn him away from her to inspect his backside. From his new angle, he had a better look at the rest of the girl's body. Like her cousin and, Mr. Bun assumed, all bats she had wings attached to her arms. Like Ghoti's, which Mr. Bun had seen when the boy changed for bed, hers matched her fur color, a light, but agreeable, reddish orange. She was indeed naked however, and Mr. Bun, who didn't exactly consider himself a prude, nonetheless had to concentrate just to avoid blushing. She had a nice, trim body. And Mr. Bun thought her smallish breasts accented her figure perfectly.

Suddenly, she turned him upside down, and from his new, less comfortable angle, he found himself looking between her shapely legs. The origin of both her moist paw and the flavorful aroma became apparent to him immediately. If pressed, Mr. Bun would have been unable to tell exactly how he knew about female moisture, but he did. The girl had obviously had an itch to scratch and had just recently taken care of business. The soft fur surrounding her tender sex was matted somewhat with her juices and Mr. Bun couldn't help but stare. She had laid out a towel on the bed prior to the act and Mr. Bun admired her forward thinking. She undoubtedly would have soiled the bed sheets otherwise.

Being a toy, and presumably a child's toy on top of that, Mr. Bun was without genitalia. Although the limitations of such an existence weren't lost to his fluffy mind, he rarely saw reason to feel unfulfilled because of it. The sexy, red furred, plush loving bat currently enjoying his company threatened to make him uncharacteristically frustrated however.

Presently, the girl seemed to become satisfied with her inspection and righted the blue bunny, turning him back to face her. "You look okay." She said with relief in her voice. "But I better take care of this." She looked at her still moist paw and set Mr. Bun carefully on the bed.

Mr. Bun sat looking at her as she began to clean her paw with her somewhat prehensile tongue. She continued to talk to him in between licks. "I guess I got a little carried away." She ran her tongue up from her wrist and laced it around one thin finger before dragging it and it's collection of wetness back into her mouth. "But that was the first bat porn I've ever seen. And it turned me on big time." She licked more moisture from her paw and regarded Mr. Bun thoughtfully. "Were you watching Mr. Rabbit?"

Mr. Bun had been too enraptured with her grooming to realize she had asked him a question. She continued before he had a chance to tell her he had been napping. "I suppose it wouldn't have interested you anyway." She gave her now clean paw a once over then focused entirely on the blue plushie. "Poor Mr. Rabbit probably doesn't get with the lady rabbits that often." She smiled at him and Mr. Bun finally let go of his lingering fear of her. "And I bet those silly sock monkeys don't even talk to you, do they?"

Mr. Bun started to shake his head, but a sudden shift in position from the girl caused him to topple over sideways. "Geeze, Mr. Rabbit." She said and picked him back up. "I'm sorry." She hugged him close for a minute, pressing him to her left breast tenderly before holding him at arm's length. She gave him a concerned look, then furrowed her brow. "I'm such a ditz. Talking to a doll like I could have hurt it's feelings by knocking it over... What's wrong with me?" She gave him a somewhat forlorn look. "Can I tell you something Mr. Rabbit?"

Mr. Bun let his silence speak for him.

The girl bat leaned in and whispered to him softly. "I don't have that many friends. And I can't keep a boyfriend. So my dollies and plushies at home are my best friends." She gave him a confiding look. "I could never bite them like Ghoti does his, but I do talk to them a lot. They listen well... Like you." She added with a smile and hugged him again.

Mr. Bun took a moment to reflect on the fact that the girl had literally just finished masturbating to orgasm and was now acting much like a child in her conversation with him. Although he now thought well of her, he couldn't help but wonder about her state of mind.

Charlotte continued to smile down at him. "So, what do you think, Mr. Rabbit? Am I crazy? Or just crazy beautiful?" She held him out to where he could look down on her body once more. His head tilted down on it's own and Mr. Bun made no move to correct his posture. He gave his answer by looking between her legs.

Charlotte lifted his face with one finger and giggled at him. "Naughty Mr. Rabbit." She then set him in front of her and spread her legs open. Mr. Bun watched as she rubbed her three fingered paws over her inner thighs. "Do you like what you see, Mr. Rabbit?"

Mr. Bun found his attention drawn to her sex and was unable to nod his assent. He needn't have concerned himself however, despite her childlike demeanor, the girl was all woman. She eased her fingers between her legs and spread herself open for the toy's benefit. Mr. Bun took a moment to marvel at her delicate pink insides, already beginning to moisten again, before his head fell forward in remorse. Although he had a male personality, he didn't have genitalia either male or female. It was sometimes depressing.

Charlotte must have sensed his malaise. She reached out a paw and tilted his face up again. "It's just not fair being a toy is it, Mr. Rabbit? Come here, and we'll see what we can do to make you feel better." She picked him up and set him down in her lap. She kept he legs spread open and took one of his fingerless paws in her hand. She raised his paw to her lips and kissed it tenderly. "I bet it bothers you not having privates of your own." She whispered in his ear. "But we can share mine." She then placed his paw between her legs and against the downy fur that covered her warm sex.

Mr. Bun, equal parts shocked at the possibly unstable girl's actions and ecstatic over her desire to let him touch her in such an intimate way, simply thanked the lord of plushies for smiling on him. Charlotte simple held his paw in place and nuzzled her face against the back of his soft head.

Mr. Bun felt the heat between her legs and accepted her guidance when she began to move his paw over the outer folds of her maidenhood. She breathed deeply against his neck and pressed his soft blue paw against her inviting girl parts. "Does naughty Mr. Rabbit like touching my pussy?" She whispered.

Mr. Bun thought his actions spoke volumes as she maneuvered his willing paw up and down the length of her rapidly moistening slit. The clean, agreeable smell of her began to fill the air around where Mr. Bun sat transfixed in her lap.

Charlotte smiled behind him and continued to rub herself with his soft, terrycloth hand. It wasn't the same as having a real live boy feel you up, but it was better than taking care of business by yourself. She extended her lengthy tongue and twined it around the toy's neck as she continued to 'help' him pleasure her.

Mr. Bun felt a moments alarm at being entangled with her tongue but relaxed when she simultaneously pressed his paw against a particularly wet spot at the base of her warmth and reached a paw around to cup the unimpressive bare spot between his legs. Although he was incapable of receiving any sexual gratification from her touch, it was very happy making.

Charlotte began to breath heavily as she moved the blue bunny's paw over and around her still tender sex. She tightened her tongue's hold on the toy's throat as she pressed his fingerless paw against her.

Mr. Bun felt the girl exert a surprisingly strong hold on his neck with her prehensile tongue and was momentarily thankful that he didn't have to breath to live. He returned his attention to her now dripping maidenhood and silently watched his paw begin to absorb her freely flowing juices.

Charlotte became aware of the fact that she was most probably soiling the plushie, but continued to administer it's soft touches on her pussy nonetheless.

Mr. Bun was ecstatic. Not only had the girl deigned to talk with him... and then to include him in her sex play... but now she was granting him a potentially lasting reminder of their time together. He felt his paw grow heavier with each drop of her scintillating moisture he absorbed and smiled to himself.

Charlotte, still fresh from her recent climax, nevertheless felt another approaching. She redoubled her efforts with the plushie's paw and felt appreciative shivers run down the length of her spine. For a little stuffed toy, she managed to make him quite good at this.

Mr. Bun allowed her to quicken his pace without argument and felt her panting breaths beat against his neck. Although this sort of play was new to him, he had to admit, it had its high points. And she WAS being quite gentle with him all told. He vaguely remembered a previous owner who liked to sit him on a pillow and verbally berate him over how others treated him.

Mr. Bun took an inward moment to wonder how exactly some animals got so messed up on the head. He dismissed the enigma in favor of his present company however when it became apparent that the girl was getting short of breath. Mr. Bun was about to voice his concern for her well being when he felt her snake-like tongue uncoil from around his throat and then wrap around his right ear.

Charlotte had reached her make it or break it point and felt the old familiar rise of her bestial desires. She didn't want to cause any drastic damage to the helpful little doll tho, and quickly brought his ear up to her mouth. She wouldn't have much to give so soon after the last, she hoped she would also be able to contain her bloodlust to a degree.

Mr. Bun watched the bat clamp her thighs together, trapping his leg, and let his paw stay where she willed it.

A soft whimper escaped her mouth and Charlotte guided the bunny's ear over one of her bottom fangs. As her tender girl parts twitched sporadically, releasing what must surely be the last of her feminine moisture, she brought her mouth shut and pierced the thin fabric of the toy rabbit's ear.

Mr. Bun was so enthralled in watching and feeling the girl's orgasm that he barely noticed the slight discomfort in his ear. It was only after a few minutes of sitting with his paw clenched between her legs, that the girl seemed to recover and both withdrew his fingerless hand and gently spat out his ear.

She gasped softly before she spoke. "I'm sorry about that Mr. Rabbit." Charlotte looked at his ear and saw what she had feared. She had bitten a circular hole clean through the thin fabric. She then picked him up and examined his paw. She grimaced slightly. Not only had she nocked the toy's ear, she had also stained his paw with her moisture.

Mr. Bun felt a little sting in his ear and soon realized that she had bitten him during their 'play time'. He held no animosity towards her however. Although she was no doubt unaware of the fact, he felt little pain in the areas where he wasn't stuffed with cotton. Which encompassed both ears and his small tail. She hadn't hurt him nearly as much as the look on her face said she thought she had. She also seemed particularly worried about his pleasantly soggy paw.

Charlotte looked him over carefully and eventually managed to convince herself that her irregular usage of the plushie might yet go unnoticed. The hole in his ear was a thing that anybody might think they had overlooked, and sooner or later, his paw would dry.

The bat smiled down at him and Mr. Bun beamed at her. "I think you'll be just fine, Mr. Rabbit. Ghoti will probably just think you always had a hole in your ear. And unless he goes sniffing your paw, he shouldn't notice that at all." Mr. Bun silently agreed with her and she hugged him one more. "There IS something I ought to do tho." Charlotte mused and Mr. Bun listened intently. "It's been a little while since I had any blood. I've seen what happens to Ghoti when he tries to go without for too long."

Mr. Bun hadn't noticed any odd behavior in the pale bat since he had come to share a room with him but kept his questions to himself. Charlotte was still talking and it was rude to interrupt.

She winked at him. "If you promise to be extra quiet, you can come with me."

Mr. Bun thought the idea of him giving their late night adventures away through untimely noise was a silly thought and didn't dignify the insinuation with a response.

The girl had apparently gotten to know him in their short, but intimate, time together however and understood his singular ability to maintain constant silence and stealth. "C'mon, Mr. Rabbit. Let's go get a drink."

Charlotte picked up the toy and eased open the door to Ghoti's room quietly. Across the hall, was Scratch's room and down at the end was Bones'. She took a moment to train her sensitive hearing towards both directions and eventually was able to hear light snoring from the bobcat's quarters and deep, regular breathing from the skunk's. She whispered to the toy, feeling less foolish the more she practiced the act. "Let's go, Mr. Rabbit."

Charlotte tiptoed down the hall into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She set the blue plushie on a nearby counter as she reached into the back of the chilly cabinet and brought out a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag. She set the hidden bottle on the counter nest to the doll and searched the cabinets until she located a glass with a letter G stenciled on it. Since Ghoti was the only bat in residence at the house, he had taken steps to ensure that his roommates didn't accidentally drink after him. Although bat's were immune to 99% of blood born illness, bobcats and skunks were not. Charlotte took her cousin's glass to the counter and unwrapped the bottle.

The carafe was a quarter full of blood and her stomach rumbled softly as she licked her lips. She uncorked the bottle and poured a small amount into the glass.

It was as she was raising the glass to her lips that she heard a sound that, in the split second it took her to realize she was still naked, stopped her breath cold in her chest.

Someone was walking down the hallway, their toenails clicking off the hardwood floor.

And they were headed toward the kitchen.

Ending Time Stamp: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 10:59 pm

Charlotte's Visit: Part Three

**General Disclaimer:** This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good. **Mission...

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Mr. Bun Hates Tacos

**General Disclaimer:** This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good. **Mission...

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Aiden's *Trip* Home

**General Disclaimer:** This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good. **Mission...

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