Horror Vale - ch 25

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#25 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

The moon was rising high in the sky, illuminating the grounds around the small house in Enumclaw. On the street out front, three black figures stood. All three wore dark trench coats, black clothing, and sunglasses, even though it was night. The man in the lead nodded. "Look for the footprints of the kid and the rapist, but don't mess anything up."

The two other men nodded and separated from their leader. One paused near a set of tire tracks in the street, the other went onto the front lawn, and began looking for Gareth's footprints. Both quickly nodded to their leader and he grunted, then headed up the sidewalk toward the front door. The police had already dusted for fingerprints on the door, and the results were being analyzed in the mobile lab van that was parked well down the street.

He opened the front door and paused, looking at the tracks on the floor. Most of them were scuffed from where Gareth had rushed in to look for Anne, and he shook his head. "Why do the innocents always make more of a mess than the criminals?" He asked himself, and stood, certain that they would not find anything in that mess of dust. He strode forward and found himself in the kitchen. Something had been placed on the table for a time, and quickly removed.

He frowned and sniffed the air. There was a taint to it that he could not place, but he was definitely familiar with. It was a thick musk that hung like a covering over everything. He turned and headed for the bedroom, the scene of the rape. This room had the thickest concentration of the smell, it was almost overpowering. His practiced eye took in all the details from the doorway. The bed was the centre of his attention, of course. The seed stained sheets and rumpled covers, and small bloodstains where the poor girl had lost her virginity. Among the covers that were haphazardly wrinkled, a glint of something caught his eye.

Aside from the fingerprints, the police had been forbidden to touch the scene, leaving his men to do the work, and so, he was the first to have a good look at the room aside from the Paramedics. He strode to the bed and flipped the sheets back with one finger, revealing the silver surface of a DVD disc lying on the bed. He picked it up with a finger and looked at it closely, then slipped it into his pocket. He looked over the bed again. A small area of it was still wet from the cum leaking from the girl's slit. He took a small glass container from another pocket and collected what he could. He also picked up a bit of hair, no, fur, that was caught on some rough wood of the headboard.

His mind tried to put together all the evidence. The deserted house, the smell, the rape, the fur and a DVD? He could not make sense of it but he knew it would fall into place.... it always did. There was something familiar about the whole thing, like he was simply replaying something from the past, like he was following a trail that had long been dormant.

He looked around the room a final time, and did not see anything more of interest to himself, so he left the house. His men were waiting outside and turned to fall into step behind him as he passed. "There is something strange about this..." he said. "Let the police go over the house now. I'm going to Mercy and see If I can learn anything from the victim and the boy."

"Yes, Sir," one said, and stopped at the end of the sidewalk, hand to the side of his head, talking into a small communicator. The leader continued on down the street. At the corner, a large black van was parked, the doors open, light from inside spilling onto the street. He and his companion climbed in and the engine started. A young man turned from the computer station on one wall. "Sir?" He queried.

"Any new updates, John?" As he shook his head in return. John nodded. "Yes, Sir... We have a report from a civilian in Black Diamond that just came in. He said that last week there were several times a black car arrived and departed from an abandoned house. He didn't think anything of it until he heard about the rape on the news and thought he should report it."

"Very well. Black Diamond is on our way back to the city, so we'll take a visit to the house on the way to Mercy."

The driver pulled away from the curb and accelerated out of town and onto the main road headed north to Black Diamond. Again, all the pieces of the puzzle began to try and fit themselves together. It was as if he had nearly all the pieces to a construction set, but no instructions on how to put them together into a cohesive whole.

Minutes later, the van drove into town. On the way, John had received the location of the house, and the driver headed straight there. They parked on the road in front of the building, and the doors were opened. The two men in black again climbed out. The leader paused and turned to his companion. "Andrew, I believe the man that reported the incident lives down the road, go question him and return to the van."

Andrew nodded. "Yes Sir!. And turned to jog off into the dark. The remaining man turned now to the house at hand. It was a two story building, that looked to possibly have been a farmhouse before the town encroached on it. The foundation of a barn was in the distance, and the only two buildings standing were the garage and house. He strode up, eyes alert for any changes, but nothing happened. It was truly abandoned. He thought about using the front door, but decided instead to enter through the garage. If a crime had been committed, the criminal would hardly use the front door when he could park his car in the garage and enter there.

The garage chosen as his point of entrance, his boots crunched up the gravel driveway and into the darkness of the open door. A flashlight was quickly produced, and a brilliant white beam stabbed out, sending the shadows fleeing. There were several marks on the cement floor where a vehicle had been driven in and out, and then also boot prints from where the car had been to the back door. It appeared that the informant's information had been correct; someone had pulled into this garage recently, and been in the house.

He turned now to the back door and was about to turn the handle when he noticed that a fine layer of dust had fallen on the metal, and outlined several strange looking fingerprint-like marks. He looked closely, then noticed that the door was not closed completely. A small bump of his elbow made it groan open. On the door frame, caught in the latch, was another tuft of fur, the same color as the stuff found in the other house.

He collected it as well, and then entered the home, finding himself in the kitchen. The basement door was off to one side and the door to the rest of the house across the room. He decided to check the basement last, and headed for the rest of the home. The entire downstairs noted nothing special, but on the stairs going up, there were small marks like claw scratches. He went up slowly, and then searched each room. In the bathroom, on the floor of the shower, he found dried streaks of blood, and in the waste basket a rag also covered in blood.

"See who this belongs to," he muttered. Some of the dried blood was put into another glass container and slipped into his pocket. He returned to the basement and opened the door. As soon as he did, he was hit by a wall of the same musk he had smelled earlier. And thinking back, it was also in the bathroom. He beamed his flashlight ahead and descended.

The basement was especially dark, and when he tried the light switch, found it inoperable. "Blast..." he whispered, and began to walk the perimeter. His first clue he found hanging on the wall. A pair of chains with more dried blood in the cuffs and on the floor under his boots. He grunted and continued. On the next wall, he discovered the same thing, chains and blood. This was beginning to turn into something from a horror movie, and even his stomach churned a bit. He found in the far corner, and pile of rags and cloth, all soaked in blood. In the middle of the floor, on a mattress, he found more fur. With disgust, he finally finished his walkthrough, and headed back upstairs and outside.

He did not realize until he stepped into the open air, just how thick the musk had been in the basement. He shook his head and took several deep breaths, then headed for the van. Andrew was waiting for him and informed him that the lead had given him all the information. He nodded. "Alright. Andrew, I want you to give a call to the cleanup team and have them scour the house. There's stuff in there that needs to be analyzed."

His man nodded and turned away from the van. He got in, closed the doors, and they were on their way to Mercy in Seattle.

The morning sunlight found him striding through the hall of Mercy hospital to the Out-patient rooms, where Anne was being held until the rape test results came back. Her parents, as well as Gareth and his parents, were with her. He paused outside the door to speak with his detective. After a moment, he stepped inside. "Hello. My name is Robert Trenton. I'm the Investigative Captain of the CDC's criminal division. I need to speak with Gareth and Anne."

Their parents looked at each other and then nodded. Anne's mother gave her a light kiss on the forehead, and her father on the hand, then they all left, leaving Gareth and Anne alone with Robert. Robert gave a small smile and sat down next to Anne's bed. "Now young lady. I need to ask you a few questions, please don't be frightened. I'm a professional and everything you say will only be used when absolutely necessary."

Anne gave a nod and squeezed Gareth's hand. "Alright, Captain. Go ahead."

He nodded. "Very well. Anne, I'll start by saying that I know why you both were going to the house, and I'm not going to judge you. All I'm interested in is catching the rapist. I want you to start by telling me everything you can remember from the time you got to the house."

She nodded and bit her lip for a moment, trying to remember. She finally spoke. "I remember getting there early, since I wanted to be all ready for Gareth to arrive". She blushed deeply, but at a reassuring look from Gareth, continued. "I got all ready, dusted the room a bit, made the bed with some sheets that I had brought, and laid down."

She paused and then shrugged. "I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember was this great big thing standing over me with it's hand over my mouth. Only it didn't seem to be a hand, but more like a paw... it was furry. I begged him to let me go but he wouldn't, and then this other one appeared and had a camera. After that, it's really kinda hazy... I think I went into shock or something when he penetrated, and I must have gone unconscious because I don't remember anything else besides waking up in the ambulance."

Robert nodded. "You're sure you remember nothing else?"

"They did call each other by name... but I can't remember what they were. I'm so sorry..." Anne sniffled and a tear ran down her cheek. Gareth bent over her and kissed her on the cheek. She gave him a half smile.

Robert looked at the boy. "Do you have anything to add to the report you made last night?"

Gareth shook his head. "No Sir, I havn't remembered anything else. Everything I know is in the report. I wish I could say more, but after they left, all I wanted was to get inside to Anne and help her."

Robert nodded. "I understand young man, thank you both for your time and now I must be going. If we find anything, we'll let you and your families know immediately."

With that he got up and left the room, closing the door behind him and letting them sit in silence. Gareth leaned over and Anne hugged him tightly. "Hold me..." was all she said, and he did.

Robert was already on the phone as he walked out of the hospital. "Andrew, John, come in from your posts now. I'm beginning to think this is all connected. I'm headed to talk to the parents of those other kids that disappeared recently. I'll be heading first to... um Darya's, and then Alix's." There was a pause, before he continued, "Yes, put together a crime map and start working to figure out ANYTHING these kids may have had in common. I want answers when I get back this evening."

He received an acknowledgement and, with a determined look set on his face, climbed into the van for the trip to the first two girls houses.