Late Night Visit (Part 1)

Story by Falyn on SoFurry

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It was a cold Tuesday evening, Lissy needed a a gallon of milk and some bread, and shi was not looking forward to the coming nasty weather. Shi doesn't usually get cold, being a Foxtaur and all, but this winter was especially bitter and she even felt a coat was necessary. Hir tail provided enough warmth if shi chose to wrap it around hirself, but that would look slightly silly and impede hir walking abilities. So, shi opted for the Suede and wool jacket that hung next to hir condo door, grabbed hir purse and headed out. It was only two blocks to the little corner store, but it felt like miles with the wind chill and snow covered sidewalks. Shi got to the store, opened the door and went inside.

"Hey, Tim! How's it going tonight? Busy as ever?"

" Hello Lissy, its going fine. Not too busy tonight, though. Just the usual customers." the Shire Stallion replied. Lissy always found him quite attractive and wanted to get to know him better, but never had the nerve to ask.

" Sounds like fun. Im just grabbing a couple things for the house. I can't stand to be out in this weather. It chills you right to the bones!" Shi replied while wrapping her arms around her torso and shivering, play acting being cold.

" Agreed! Surprisingly enough, I even get cold! Im a big guy, but JEEZ, this weather is brutal. You better have a woodstove or something for yourself. I don't wanna see you turn into a foxicle!" he replied in a whimsicle manner.

Shi chuckled to hirself and walked to the fridge, grabbed a gallon of milk and then to the isle with breads, canned goods, cereals and some healthbars. Shi grabbed a loaf of Honey Wheat and walked to the counter where the large stallion was standing, looking down at a magazine. Shi hesitated slightly, then got a Milkyway Bar, giving into hir temptations. Of course, shi would like to give into hir temptations with this handsome horse in front of hir, but shi knew that was silly. They were friends and that was all.

" Is that all Lissy? You want to by lotto? Do you need cigarettes?" He asked hir pleasently.

"No, thats it. I have smokes for the week and im unlucky, remember? Friday the 13th birthday, born on the full moon. I don't think i would even win 3 dolllars with one of those." shi replied.

"You never know, hun." he said. He smiles down at her, showing those beautiful white teeth and those intoxicating hazel eyes. Shi never felt so attracted to another fur in a long time. Shi came into this store almost every other day just to see him stand there, looking good with those rippling muscles, the Dun color of his fur. Shi noticed this horse never wore pants, and took even closer notice to his...well, shi noticed.

He rang everything up for hir and places the milk and bread in seperate bags. Shi stuffed the candybar into hir purse and paid him.

"Have a good night Lissy. Stay warm and be careful on your walk home." He said

"I will Tim and thak you. Its only 2 blocks away and on the same side of the street. Have a good night yourself. Hope you get busy so the next couple hours go by quickly." shi said

"Oh they should. Im glad i only work till 11 tonight. I want to be warm and this place holds heat like a freezer. Goodnight!

Shi walked out the door and down the street, floating on a cloud. Shi has never seen such a beautiful Shire Horse before until him. And how bad shi wanted to be with him, to feel him and touch him, have him take control and tell hir what to do. With those thoughts in mind, shi trotted home quickly, unlocked hir front door and went inside. Shi hung up hir jacket and placed the bags on the counter. Shi put the milk and bread away and got out a glass and a bottle of Svedka. Shi reached into her fridge, got out O.J. and poured herself a screwdriver.

"Ahhhh, what a relaxing night to daydream of that hunk down the street." shi said to herself aloud.

Shi swtiched on the T.V in her large, taur sized living room and watched some pornagraphy. Shi lied back and began to stroke hirself slowly, imagining its the horse of her dreams doing this, softly and slowly, bringing her to orgasm and lapping all her cum up. Shi moaned out at her softpaws stroked her enlarged cock and murr'd deeply at her stroked became quicker and faster. Shi threw her head back and thrusted into hir paws, coming to climax quickly and spurting hir load all over her belly and chest. Shi sighed heavily and let go of her member, twitching slightly and smiling to hirself.

After a an hour or so of sipping hir drink and watching more TV, shi decided it was time for a shower. Shi got up and walked to hir extra large bathroom, (shi wasn't wealthy, but shi needed something shi could properly bathe in and move in, seeing as though she was 7" and weighed over 300lbs. Not fat, just pure muscle and taur size.) started the bath and checked herself in the mirror. Staring back at her was a young foxtaur vixen, necklength straight brown hair with body, dark brown eyes and a large chest. Not too large, but 34C large. Shi took her brush and ran it through hir hair, then grabbed hir tail and stroked the fur slowly, making sure not to pull the knots. Shi turned around and put some bubbles in the water and watched the surface become covered it white foam and smelling of lilacs and jasmine. Shi inhaled deeply and sighed, thinking this night couldnt be anymore perfect, until shi heard a knock on hir front door. Yipping in surprise, shi put a robe on for warmth, stopped the water ( tub was full anyway) and walked to the front door. Shi pressed her ear against it and heard nothing. Shi never had a peep hole installed in hir door, and now shi thinks shei should've. Shi took a deep breath and opened the door...and hir jaw dropped to the floor.

"Hey Lissy, i know this is sudden but can i come in?"

Shi could hardly answer. Standing in front of hir was the stallion from the store. He was wearing a deep green sports coat and tight white t-shirt underneath. His mane was combed to one side and hung slightly in front of his eyes in a messy but sexy way. No pants, no shoes, nothing.

" I..I..uh...Y-yes, please come in. Is everything ok Tim? shi replied hastily and let him in.

He stepped inside and looked around, noticing hir nice furniture and spacious living room.

" You have a nice place here Lissy, it really suits you."

"Thanks T-Tim. Is there anything i can h-help you with. I was just getting in the bath when you knocked. You sure everything alright?"

His ears pricked up as he heard the word "bath" come from hir lips. He looked over at hir and finally noticed shi was just in a robe. He stepped closer, making hir take a couple steps back and leaned down, smiling his handsome smile, and said

" Were you really? A bath? And yes, everything is just fine. I wanted to come over and ask you out on a date, but this is so much better. You look so....tempting."

" W-what? Tempting? You think your going to just come in here and take what you want? I dont know you that well, yet." shi replied sternly.

"No, you don't, but tonight.." he reached hir for and ripped the robe off, dropped it to the floor and pulled her close," will know me better then you've ever known another male."

"You can't do this!! Im not your pet or slave, and this is my house! I invited you and and i think its time for you to leave!" shi yelped

"Now Lissy, ask yourself this one question before you get too upset. I have seen the way you stare at me in the store, and i know what your thinking because i can see your hard-on everytime. Do you think im that blind? You want me and we both know it. I want you to, more then anything. Now ask yourself, since you have me in here, all to you really want me to leave?" he said in a silky smooth voice.

Shi stood there, covering hir ample breasts with hir hands and thought about it. At first, hir mind was screaming yes because of the intrusion and disturbance to hir quiet evening. Then again, he was so incredibly handsome and...and...everything. Everything about this horse was extremely hot. Hir loins screamed for his touch and hir body ached to be rocked by his big horse length. Shi gave up the fight within hirself and said

"No, i dont. I guess i have wanted you for awhile and was too shy to admit it." shi looked down at hir feet as a slow flush crossed hir cheeks. He lifted her chin up, leaning his head down and looked directly into her eyes with a steady but affectionate gaze and said

"Well, my little vixen, tonight your mine." And as his reply came out of his mouth, shi noticed movement from the side and felt a leather collar being bound around hir neck. Shi reacted with immediate alarm and surprise, then, when he kissed hir lips and slipped his tongue in her muzzle, shi moaned and relaxed into his experianced lips. He pulled hir body closer to his, making sure hir breasts were pressed against his chest as he lifted hir front forepaws off the ground to drag hir into the bathroom. He put hir down and sat down on the counter near the sink and gazed at hir body. He smiled, feeling his cock grow larger and thicker the more he stared at hir. Shi just stood there, with the black leather collar and D-ring hanging from hir neck and hir tail tucked to the side, blushing and waiting for him.

"Tonight, my little fox, you are my pet, if you havent figured that out yet. And you cant say your not turned on cause its obvious that you are.." his head nodded toward hir growing arousel. Shi blushed and nodded in agreement.

"So, right now i would like you to continue your bath. Scrub yourself really well for me and i will reward you with this.." He wrapped his right hand around his massive member and stroked it slowly, letting it ooze pre-cum on his fur and on the tile floor. Shi drooled and nodded hir head, becoming completely obedient at the sight of him stroking himself. Shi stood up and placed hir forepaws and back legs in the warm water. Shi sat down and then lied down, covering hir lower half in bubbles and trembling as the warmth surrounds hir body.

"Good girl, Lissy. That's my good little fox." He coo'd from the counter. His cock was growing bigger and thicker by the minute and shi wondered how in the hell would that fit inside hir tight little slit.

"Um..M-master? What would you like me to do?

"Rub those beautiful breasts for me, and then wash your slit and sheath. I want you clean for later." he replied.

Shi did as she was told. Shi took the stick with loufa on it and scrubbed hir body. Shi gathered a good amount of bubbled in hir hands and slowly began to rub hir breasts. Shi gazed at him with desire and awe as shi worked hir nipples between hir index and thumb, sighing and mewling softly and they became erect in hir hands. He continued to stroke and rub his cock slowly, oozing more pre and tail twitching with anticipation. Shi continued washing hirself, making sure hir pink slit was clean and hir tailhole also.

"That's enough little vixen, come out of there and let me dry you." He demanded.

Shi did. Shi stepped out of the bath, dripping water and some bubbles. He stopped stroking himself and walked over to hir body, murring deeply and pressing his cock against hir shoulder and side. He grabbed a towel and started to dry hir off, taking his time with every curve and line. He worked his way from hir breasts, which he lovingly touched and licked, to hir stomach,down the sides of hir body to hir hindlegs. He stopped when he reached hir tail and brought the towel over the 8ft length of it. As he reached back to the base, he saw hir tailhole and couldnt help himself. He slipped his tongue out and gave it a long and luxurious lick, eliciting a yip and moan of surprise and delight from hir. He licked his way down from hir tailhole to hir slit, and slowly gave that a loving lick. Shi moaned out and trembled as his tongue licked hir lips, hir clit and around the hole. Shi wiggled hir hips, wanting him to go further and he smacked hir ass sharply.

"Do that again, and i'll smack you much harder then that." he said in a harsh tone.

"Y-yes master." shi whimpered.

He continued his licking, feeling his balls tingle and his massive member throb in excitement. He wanted hir and badly. But he wanted to control himself and let this last, but knowing his excitement was growing, he wasn't sure how long he could last without thrusting himself inside hir and taking what he wants. As shi whimpered and moaned his name, he knew it was going to be a difficult night of control and will power, but he was up for it. It was well worth it. This late night visit was the best idea he has had in a long time.