Concept Ideas for a story

Story by Moonfir on SoFurry

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I've been planning on writing a series of stories based partly on my dreams, but I would like to know what other furs think of the idea.

It's in the planning stage, so if you have any suggestions, questions, or critique please tell me so that I know just where to improve.

Here is a quick description of the plot, characters, and the kind of themes and fetishes it might include.

General Plot

Young adult secret agents from Earth(Terra) work for the GTL to protect Terra's Celestial Barrier from outside threats, like warlocks and more space-age terrors. Some agents learn aura-based elemental magic, while others work with high-tech and medieval weapons.

They also have to juggle their secret agent lives with their main lives.


Moonfir: An optimistic, easy-going kinda guy, with a darker side he wishes he could forget.

Toby: An athletic prodigy. He likes being the kind of guy his friends can rely on. He is on a quest to find out who he truly wants to be, instead of letting others decide for him.

Avila: The leader of the GTL. She is an energetic old lady, always ready for the fight. Her wisdom of magic and celestial law is outstanding. She was born in the lost city of Atlantis.


No-yiff, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Fat, Femboy

Dreamscape[prose poetry]

Dream Escape A deep blue sky, and a field of wildflowers as far as the eye can see. The horizon ponders to itself in the twilight. Stars are putting on a show: twinkling, dazzling, flying across the sky like there was no tomorrow, which could...
