Sliver and Gold - Choice - ch 9

Story by poneyboy on SoFurry

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#9 of Silver and Gold

The sound of keys and the twisting of a lock woke me from my dreamless sleep, the moon and lamp light was now replaced with the blazing brightness of the morning sun as it stung and attacked my eyes. The sound of a small metal bell pricked my mind as my head snapped up, those where mum's keys!

"Mum! Dad!" I leaped out of their bed and ran out onto the landing to stand at the top of the stairs, to see my mother and father standing in front of the front door with big happy smiles but no such luck.

"Sorry pup" was all the figure said as he looked up at from the bottom of the stairs, my ears and tale fell as my world once more came crashing down around me with my head held low trying to fright back the tears. How could I be so fucking stupid!

I made my way back to the bed cursing myself for being so stupid with each step I took for thinking they had come back, I jumped onto their bed to only collapse as I began to sob openly.

How could I so Bloody stupid!

The bed shifted as a hand moved over to my shoulder as I lay with my back to the door, as soon as it brushed my guard hairs I flinched away from it.

"Pup please, I'm sorry"

"Luke please go away, I just want to be on my own!" the water just continues to cascade down my cheeks as moved away from him.

"No pup I'm not leaving you like this, this is my fault. I knew you were younger than Kris but not this young, I'm sorry"

"Yes but still I was nothing more than just a toy to him!"

"That's not true and you know it! When you beat him you really upset him and the rest of his pack, he didn't know what was going on, none of us did. But when we followed you home after you ran off that night he completely changed, he felt so sad and guilty, that's why he wanted to stay with you at the vets, he wanted to look after you"

"Then why did Will say what he did?"

"Kris was mad and upset when he said that"

"And that makes it ok does it?!"

"No it doesn't! Kris told them that things had changed and when you told them what had happened. They all felt the same, but Will........ You see Kris and Will use to go out but Kris ended it about 6 months ago because he didn't like what Will was turning into, but Will didn't take it very well and when he saw the way Kris was with you he got angry and jealous and so he just took it out on you"

"That's all very well and good but this isn't my world, I don't fit in! So please just leave me alone, that's all I want"

"No pup I'm staying for as long as it takes! And also you're breaking the law being here"

"You will have to leave because it's the full moon to night and I suspect that you will want to be near your family so they are safe. And anyway how can I be breaking the law if I don't exist" I could hear him take a breath as he was about to counter and continue press on me but he just held it was he just sat there on the side bed.

"Touché" he let out a long sigh as the bed shifted slightly "you're very a clever pup but please don't be stupid, he does love you I know it. Yes he mucked up but just talk to him please, I've never seen him like this and I'm worried about him, I'm worried about both of you, not as an alpha but as a father. So please just talk to him"

I said nothing, I was to scared of what I might say or do and didn't trust my voice to hold to speak, so I just lay there quivering and crying into the now wet bed sheets that lay below me. I half expected him to pick me up and carry me back not that I would have the strength to fight back but he just gently pulled the duvet around me as if tucking me in for the night.

"Our door is always open for you and you will always be welcome in our home. Please be careful and look after yourself, we all love you" he gently kissed the side of my head as he stood while I just lay there still as the tears continued to flow. I heard the footsteps leave the room to only grow distant as they travelled down the stairs to hear the door shut behind them.

"Thank you" was I could say to the empty room as I lay curled up with duvet gently wrapped around me, easing me into a dreamless sleep once more.

It was dark the next time my eyes opened save for the moon and lamp light once more making its way into the room, the large glowing orb shone in all its glory high in the sky giving everything its light touched a soft blue/white glow.

I had often stayed up during the full moon wondering if anything would happen, worrying about if I suddenly turn into a savage raving beast but during each full moon from the age of 13 I would stay or wake up and just sit a watch its journey across the black velvet sky wondering what I was or will be. Some of thing my mind came up with scared and worried me that I might end up hurting the ones I love while others just confused me further about myself but as I lay here now looking up to the sky once more knowing something that I was unsure of for all those years, that am a silver werewolf.

But that knowledge has come at a price, a price I did not know of or expect to have to pay so heavily for. If only I could turn back the hands of time, pull back the grains of sand that make up this eternally moving dunes that made up our life's, I would gladly give up the knowledge I have learnt to see them again if only for a second to know they are safe and happy. In some way I now they felt the same about me.

What am I going to do?

Would I become the packs bitch for speaking out of turn, would I be hunted by Kris and the rest of his pack to bring me back or would I be free to leave the area to do as I wished, where would I go and do? Those and many more questions whirled and spun around my mind but never finding an answer to settle my worries and unease, but did I want to leave?

The questions just built and grew with each new one more would come as it thought deeper and deeper and finding nothing to quell and sooth my mind to stop it from its endless torment, until the scent of my loving partens pushed through my mind helping to ease the stress of my internal torture, helping my mind to settle from its chaotic state.

I drifted in and out of sleep each time seeing the moon in a different position as it moved over the glittering night sky, to only dip below the horizon as night gave way to dawn. The sky grew light giving way to bird song and the hum of human life as the end of my human life drew to a close as my new life in the world of were's began, but am I ready to take the first step?

It was 3:47 pm when my eyes finely opened and stayed open. I had made up my mind as to what I should do, I knew I could not stay here forever and I was worried about Kris, I had been almost three days since I had seen him and Luke did sound very concerned for both of us, and in some way I did over react. This is just so new and odd to me.

I carefully unravelled myself from the duvet, and left the bed room feeling a little stiff from not moving much in the past couple of days but the leg and the hip felt much better. I ever so carefully and slowly made my way down the stairs not wanting to do the same thing I did last time, I noticed a bowl of water at the bottom of the stairs with a small note.


Whatever you decide do please be careful, there will always be a place for you in our home and family if you decide to stay. And please know that if you ever need some help no matter how big or small we will always help you!

Be careful!


It warmed my heart and lifted my spirits a little knowing that they would want to help me after only knowing me for less than two weeks, do I really need to leave or do I already have what I need right here?

I could smell fresh air coming from the back door as I had been looking for a way out to find that it had been left a jar by who I could only assume it was Luke when he left. Making sure the coast was clear I stepped into the outside world with my mind set on where to go, Kris.

I tried to retrace my steps from the night before last but it was nothing but a blur, the best I could do was follow my own scent trail. It was faint and crisscrossed with others, some animal, a few with a similar scent as Luke and Kris, but most of the scents that drowned and watered down my own where human, I kept away from as many as could, seeing that that a big black wolf with a large scar would probably not go down well.

So I moved quickly and quietly going around large groups of people, mainly sticking to the shadows and over grown areas which were few and far between but eventually I picked up Luke's scent as came to a large house, I am here.

I sat sitting under one of the many trees hidden in the thick shade not knowing what to do or expected, what happens if there not in, what if Kris doesn't want to see me, then what? I looked up to the large house that stood before me feeling very small and vulnerable but seeing no movement or sign of life coming from within. I let out a long breath and took in another calming and preparing myself for what might happen next.

Stepping out from my hiding place while scanning the area to make sure it was safe to proceed with my movements, I slowly walked up to the front door. Where I gently tapped on the white oak door and waited for the sign I am hoping for but also dreading. Movement could be heard immediately after my tapping finished, the door was quickly replaced by Jane who gave me warm but worries look as my ears lowered and my head hung low.

"May I speak to Kris?" My voice was weak and low.

"Of course you can, he's in his room" she sounded relieved but still concerned.

"Thank you"

"Please don't be too hard on him, he's so very sorry" I nodded gently as stepped through the door way where I was greeted by Ryan.

"Do you hate Kris?" he was so quiet and his eyes showed the confusion and pain of which I have caused.