Quinn's Farm: Chapter 10 - Timmy's Story, Part 1

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#32 of 1998-2019 Stories

Cast:Jim - Rat (Jack's Brother)

Cast :

Jim - Rat (Jack's Brother)

Timmy - Mouse

Javo - Large Black Rat

Author's Note : This story contains gay adult sexual acts. It contains anal, masturbation and condom play. This story also contains references to slavery and contains harsh punishments of slaves being brought into line. If you are not of age or do not like the above references then please stop reading now.


Timmy sighed happily as he hugged a pillow around his body; the mouse was sleeping soundly on a soft bed, his cock erect as he made soft squeaking noises. Timmy's room was catered for comfort, even though the room had cheap furniture within it, he had his own table, chair and bed. At the corner the shower cubicle stood, sink and toilet though it looked clean and unused.

To the side of the bed on the small table, the clock began to ring as Timmy slowly began to stir and stretched his tail curling about before it too went straight before relaxing in its usual limp fashion. Slowly Timmy got up and stretched again with a yawn as he sauntered over to where the sink was and began to scramble for his own tooth brush and squirted toothpaste onto it. He looked at himself in the mirror and moved a pink hand up to adjust his black collar that had shifted about since last night and brought the gold name tag to the front and smiled as he carefully brush away, foam forming around his muzzle.

Timmy bent down and spat out the soap sods before rinsing his mouth with water and spat that out, then placed his tooth brush back into its holder and walked over to where the curtains were and opened them to see the sun hadn't come up yet. He turned his head around to look at the clock and noting the time; he headed to where the door was and left the room.

As he closed the door behind him, Timmy began to move as quickly as he knew how to, the mouse made no noise as he walked past his master's bedroom and started down the stairs, his pink hand ran over the smooth polished wooden banister as he let go once he had made it to the bottom. Timmy headed towards the kitchen where he switched on the light and looked to where there was a white board on the room and began to read the words with his finger on what he had to do this morning.

Timmy concentrated by making toast, which he placed in the toaster and began to put a plate onto the tray as he moved over to where the coffee machine was and turned it on. Timmy knew that the others in the place would wake up soon but he only had to concentrate on one, the others made their own breakfasts, though Timmy wanted to get it done quickly before anyone else got up as at that moment he was standing there naked with only the collar for clothing.

As the toast popped up, he caught it in his hands and dropped it on the plate before he blew on them with a slight pain in his face. Timmy still wasn't used to handling hot food and his non worked hands weren't able to withstand much. As he buttered and put jam on the toast, he heard the coffee being poured into the glass jug and he slowly grabbed a mug and poured some into it as he carefully made his way back to the tray and placed it down. He stepped back away from it as he checked his fur for any crumbs and brushed them off as he washed his hands in the sink with warm water and dried them.

Timmy sniffed and could tell that there was cheese somewhere but he shook his head and brought his mind back to his duty as he looked up from a sudden noise elsewhere and knew that the others were starting to stir and he walked quickly up to the tray, picked it up and made his way back upstairs. As he arrived at the door to his master, he heard someone else in another room began to make his way towards the door and quickly, balancing the tray with one hand he opened the door and slipped in, closing it just as the first rat began to walk down the corridor wearing a dressing gown and pink fluffy bunny slippers.

The mouse looked about the dark room and sniffed the familiar scent of Jim, a scent that Timmy had got to know very well since he had arrived in his new home. Quietly he placed the tray on the side cabinet next to Jim and walked over to the other side of the bed and he pulled the sheets away and climbed into the bed carefully before he slowly and gently wrapped his arms, snuggling into the rat that slowly woke up and smiled.

"Well..." Jim's soft voice spoke as his nose twitched. "Aww, you brought your master some breakfast." Timmy nodded his head as he replied. "It is the most important meal of the day, master. The lesson that you taught me when I arrived, I remember." Jim smiled and slowly he pushed himself up from his lying down position and fluffed up his pillows as Timmy leant in and gave Jim a kiss on the lips which the rat returned gently, before they deep kissed and Timmy slowly slid down the bed as he went under the covers.

Jim smiled as he picked up the plate of toast and began to eat it in the bed as he felt Timmy slowly settle in between his spread out legs. He half chewed and gasped as he felt the mouse's hands slide up alongside his inner thigh before the fingertips brushed over his heavy balls. Jim leant back against the head board of the bed and chewed his jam toast as he felt the fingers slide over his sheath which throbbed slightly. Slowly Timmy slipped his lips over the placid sheath and Jim sighed as he felt his bladder begin to empty as Timmy felt the thick rat piss enter his muzzle and began to swallow quickly.

Jim looked at the slightly moving bulge under the bed sheets and smiled, half chewing and speaking at the same time. "Damn, Timmy... I'm glad you can do that without letting a drop go as this is definitely going to be worth it during the winter..." The rat paused and smiled. "In fact when it does come winter, you're going to sleep in here. You can do that whenever I need to go without me getting cold."

Timmy felt that the piss had subsided but he kept his lips around the shaft as he felt the cock begin to slink out from the sheath as it rolled into his mouth and the mouse began to lick around the wet cock head and shaft, which made Jim moan around his toast as he placed the plate down to the side and threw away the sheets. "Okay, that's enough. I want your rear."

Timmy nodded as he slid up and as Jim adjusted the pillow he laid down alongside the mouse as he began to press his cock just underneath the tail as he slinked his arms underneath Timmy's and lifted his greasy paw up and began to run his fingers over the lips of the mouse, whom Timmy began to lick back and suckle on the butter and jammy fingers, cleaning them.

Timmy opened his muzzle and gave a soft squeak as he felt Jim's slick cock with his saliva sink into his rear and clenched until he felt the soreness go away and he murred around one of Jim's fingers sucking it now, licking the paw pad underneath as he felt the other rat hand sliding down to fondle his own swelling sheath and balls gently.

Jim leant in to nibble on one of Timmy's ears then he whispered softly. "I'm so glad that my brother knew about you and that I found you that day. You're perfect and I know how the other rats love you, even though you're a mouse." Timmy felt his ears blush as Jim continued to fondle the mouse's paws as he kept still, enjoying the tight hot embrace the mouse had on his cock with its sock gripped walls. Timmy moved his tail over Jim's hips and began to wrap it around the rats as Jim licked at the place he had just nibbled on. "And that's so adorable as well." Jim slipped his finger from the mouse's mouth and spoke softly. "Do you like it here?"

Timmy nodded as he clenched his rear around the rat's cock and spoke back. "Yes, it's everything I dreamt about on the farm." Jim kissed the mouse's ear as he listened quietly. "Every time I watched as others were led away by their masters I would sometimes look over the wall and wonder if my time would come." Jim gave Timmy a playful bite on the ear as he softly whispered. "And so it has."

Jim felt the warm moist mouse cock slip into his fingers as he gently began to roll his hips back and forwards slowly as Timmy gasped slightly, his cock leaking clear pre into the warm fingers as he felt some drip onto the sheet. His mouth still had that taste of rat in his mouth, the rich taste of his master's bodily fluids which he felt inside of his stomach that gurgled softly.

Sounds came from outside of the room as more rats were waking up, but Timmy sighed happily in the dark room, the curtains blocking out the daylight as he felt the rat slowly pull in and out, leaving his rear wet from the pre as his own cock jerked about in the rat's paw. Slowly Timmy turned his head around so that his upper body twisted a bit and Jim gasped, feeling the tight inner walls rub around his cock and then he felt the warm mouse lips against his own and they kissed, the mouse tasting more toast but then the alluring rat taste which made Timmy murr happily.

Gently they kissed until Jim and Timmy managed to move their heads to a position where they could deep kiss, the mouse now humping into that wet slick rat paw, his cock making squelching noises as he pushed backwards in time to when the rat thrusted forwards as he felt the tip of the rat cock poke against his prostate and more pre shot out from his cock and landed a few inches on the bed sheets.

Jim gasped as he felt his cock swell and began to spurt his rat semen deep within the mouse as Timmy gave a soft squeak and felt his own cock begin to spurt his thick rat seed all over the sheets and Jim's paw. As they both shuddered, the bed shook slightly before both came to a stop and panted heavily. Jim's hand continued to stroke the used mouse cock with his sloppy mouse semen covered hand as he licked the mouse on the nose. "Mmm, this is always a good way to wake up. You've had your breakfast yet?"

Timmy shook his head as Jim smiled and lifted up his hand towards Timmy's face and Timmy began to lick the rat hand clean from his own spunk and suckled on each finger in turn, licking them all around as he slowly felt each finger pop out of his mouth in turn. "No I haven't." Timmy spoke back as Jim smiled. "Well, looks like the others are going to get to see just how big your nice cock is when erect cock then." Jim slowly pulled out as he smiled. "Come on, it's time that you saw them anyways, they won't bite, well not unless you want to and I give permission that is, which mostly means I'll probably will."

Timmy felt his rear tingle as Jim pulled out and slowly he nodded and got out of the bed as he turned around and saw Jim drink all of his coffee in one go and picked up the tray. Timmy nodded his head as he took hold of it and waited until Jim had walked past him and followed him out of the room.

As they arrived into the kitchen there was only one other rat in the room who was sipping a mug of coffee. He turned around to nod a hello to Jim as he walked in and smiled to the mouse that was walking in behind Jim with both of his paws occupied with the tray and his erect cock wobbling with each step, leaking some cum from the tip.

Javo a large black rat smiled as he turned his head to Jim and chuckled. "Okay, now I know what you've spent your money on, can't say I disapprove." Jim smiled as he sat down into the table as he picked up the paper and looked into it as Timmy placed the stuff into the sink. Javo looked at the mess around the underside of the tail and turned his head around to face Jim. "So, is he just yours or can the rest of the clan use him?"

Jim half turned a page as he smiled. The rat naked himself as he slowly looked at Javo with a sly grin. "Hmm, well if you and the others ask nicely I suppose I could make him available to the rest of the clan." Javo's tail twirled around him as he replied back. "Please may we use your mouse?" Javo leant over until the ridge of his nose was starting to pull down the newspaper as Jim laughed and shoo'ed away the black rat snout with his hand. "Sure, that's why I got him; maybe eventually he can join our clan."

Timmy stood there blushing bright red as he looked to one and the other as he saw Javo smile and with a lift of his hand, he waved the mouse over as he slowly got up from his seat and untied his dressing gown which flopped open to the sides to show off the naked rat. Slowly Javo shrugged his shoulders to the side and felt the dressing gown fall onto the back of the chair as Timmy made his way to him and nodded his head. "Hello." He said softly.

Javo gave Timmy a soft pat on the head as he looked to where Jim was. "So is he into everything then?" Javo saw Jim nod his head as he looked about. "Where are the others?" Javo shrugged. "Most had to leave right away. They said they'll be back later, they only took some cheese and was like watching them run away from a rat hating cat or something."

Javo paused and he leant in which Jim looked annoyed but as he listened to what Javo had to say, he smiled and nodded his head. "Mmm, we could do that, yes." Timmy blinked as he looked confused as the two rats got up and slowly began to clear away the table as Javo turned around to look down at Timmy before he picked him up and placed him across the table. "Hmm, I've not done this in here for a while..." Jim said as he slowly knelt down and kissed the upside down Timmy on the mouth. Javo chuckled. "Well, time we did, though we may get complaints from the others when they return though. What with them missing out on all the fun?"

Timmy blushed as he felt Jim get back up onto his feet and then slowly he turned around, lifted up his tail and the mouse sniffed the rear end of the rat before he began to lick away at the musky ring of muscle. At the other end, Javo lifted up the mouse's legs as he looked down and saw his own erect cock throbbing against the well lubed up rear of the mouse and slowly he pushed his cock head into the wet sloppy innards.

Javo shuddered as his cock slid in nicely until he felt his entire shaft deep within the wet warm folds of the mouse, which rubbed and stroked tightly around his cock head and shaft. At the other side, Jim sighed happily as he spoke out. "Well, he hasn't had breakfast but don't think he mind this at all." Timmy gave a soft squeak to acknowledge that he didn't mind as his cock jerked a bit, spraying pre over his tummy fur and then he murred as he felt the warm hand of Javo's wrap around it.

Jim panted as he felt his body heat up a bit, his legs bent while he leant over and grasped the side board with his fingers and slowly he lifted up his head as he felt the warm moist tongue lap over his anal ring gently, swirling around it as Timmy kissed it and suckled. Javo began to slowly push his cock back into the mouse after he pulled it out with a wet plop and the head popped back in again, which made Javo shudder, his tail curling around the mouse's that was hanging over the tail.

With a deep breath, Jim held his breath as he tensed up, the mouse's paws moved around the waist of the rat and slowly he began to wrap them around the rat's cock and began to fondle it fully erect again as it dribbled pre onto the kitchen floor. His tongue felt the slight quiver of the anal ring trying to open but it clenched shut again as Jim muttered. "Fuck..."

Javo panted as he replied back. "Mmm, yeah... This is so hot..." He felt his hand slippery now from the pre and old mouse semen that made the mouse's cock slapped wetly as he stroked it, the rat's nose flared as he gasped. "Jim this mouse hasn't been to the loo yet..." Javo's cock was longer than Jim as it began to poke against the mess and he felt his own toes curling up. Slowly Javo moaned and then realised the Timmy's feet where near to him and he leant down to lick at one of the slightly dirty toes and placed one into his mouth and began to lick and suckle on it.

Timmy curled his toe inside of Javo's mouth as the ones outside began to brush over the facial fur of the rat, his feet claws scratching the side of the rat's cheek, leaving a cut which began to spread but Javo just moaned around the toe as his tongue licked all around it. Jim continued to pant as he tensed up again, his hips now locked as his cock continued to leak pre onto the kitchen floor as Timmy's hands were wet again with rat pre. Slowly Timmy felt the anal ring again quiver against his tongue and opened as he got a full whiff of a far, the mouse breathing in heavily as his cock jerked again, and spraying pre onto his chest.

Javo slipped the toe from his mouth and slowly began to lick and nibble on each toe in turn, rubbing his chin against the sharp claws of the mouse's foot as he licked at them with his tongue. Timmy continued to feel the fat rat cock pulling out fully from his rear as it sloppily entered again, his cock now brown stained as the whiff began to fill the room. Jim smiled as he continued to clench the work top. "You know .. Oh gods, that's so good Timmy. Err, we're going to have to air this room as if the others get back they're going to be really fucked off."

Timmy felt embarrassed as his ears wiggled slightly as pre from Jim's cock dribbled onto them. Javo gasped loudly as he nodded his head. "Yeah they're going to be really fucked off that they weren't involved.. How about we make it up by having a clan session soon...?"

Jim nodded his head as he felt pressure from within him as Timmy stuck his tongue into the anal and felt the rat turd just on the other side and slid his tongue back out again. His hands continued to stroke at the throbbing rat cock slowly, not wanting to make his master climax yet. Javo slowed down as he pushed in and stayed there, his cock now deeply buried in the messy mouse rear as he moved his nose to sniff at the sole of the mouse foot and began to nibble and lick at it, which made Timmy shudder in pleasure.

Jim gasped as he felt his anal ring begin to spread open as Timmy opened his mouth as he pressed his mouse lips around it and slowly he felt the heat from the rat turd, moist and heavy as gravity slowly made it sink slowly into his mouth. Timmy murred as he felt the shit hit his tongue and slowly he wrapped his tongue around it and began to pull it in and bite, chewing quickly as he felt the tingling mess mushing up in his mouth before he swallowed.

Jim closed his eyes as he finally replied back to Javo with a sigh. "Aye we can arrange that when we can work out when we're all free." The rat talking casually as though he was sitting at the breakfast table and not leaning against the edge with a mouse mouth wrapped around a partially turd he was shitting into. Javo replied back as he paused in his licking of the mouse sole with the same casual voice. "We have to check the calendar, don't think our mouse here minds being taken by the whole clan in one night? If he doesn't want to, can he say so and we take the silence as a yes?"

Timmy couldn't say anything as he licked around his lips as when he swallowed he felt more of the rat's turd press into them and then he opened his mouth again as he felt the rest of it slid down into his muzzle as Jim gasped as Timmy chewed and swallowed it before he stuck his entire tongue into the messy tail hole that was still spread open and forced his tongue into the messy hole as far as he could. Jim gasped and suddenly he felt his cock for the second time today jerk as thick ropes of rat cum began to spray onto the side cabinet door, his anal ring muscle clamping down hard around the mouse's tongue and trapping it as the mouse suckled on the hole with his lips pressed hard up against.

Timmy suddenly gasped as his tongue was forcefully pulled out of the rat's anus which made Jim jump and stood up away from Timmy as the mouse shuddered and clenched around Javo's cock before his own jerked in the rat's hand and sprayed his belly and chest with thick mouse cum which flew into the air as some splattered onto the table itself. Javo who hadn't moved his cock, bit into the sole of the mouse foot as his cock throbbed and spurted his rat seed deep within the mouse, adding to Jim's early as he suddenly gasped and squeaked loudly. Eventually all three panted as Javo slowly pulled out and gripped the edge of the table while muttering. "Fuck me that was hot..."

Timmy panted on the table, his tail slowly unravelling from Javo's as it flopped down and gave a soft squeak. Jim smiled as he walked around the table and nodded for Javo who slowly walked around as he looked down at Timmy and using a hand, he lifted up the mouse's head and stuck his dirty shit, rat cum covered cock into the mouse's mouth. Timmy murred heavily as he shuddered feeling Jim's tongue up against his messy hole, licking up the rat cum and shit as he murred softly. Timmy's feet curled again as his body jumped up and his cock sprayed another thick load over his body as Javo swore. "Fuck me, he's like a tap..."

Jim pulled away, his face had a ring of brown around his muzzle as he replied back. "That be his diet, you have to remember he can't eat anything we eat sometimes. He has to stick to his diet." Javo nodded his head as he felt the moist tongue lick over every inch of his shaft and head before he slowly pulled it out and found it had been cleaned completely.

Slowly Jim helped Timmy off the table and used a towel to wipe the chest and belly with a grin. "Well, looks like you fit in here well enough." Jim kissed Timmy on the lips as the mouse licked the rat's muzzle clean and nodded with a smile. All three of them sniffed the room as Javo shook his head. "I best go out and get some air freshener." Javo picked up his dressing gown and then walked off with his pink bunny slippers on his feet.


Authors note : Quinn's Farm will be back in chapter 11, New slaves delivered