Settlers (excerpt)

Story by Jinxtigr on SoFurry

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(from the novel at - Dene's first lesbian experience with a poisonous, infatuated reptilian Tompar woman, Siertes.)

Rai looked at Dene. "I believe I can find temporary lodging for myself and Boodins, who's in my care. I'm concerned your resources might not be equal to it."

Dene glanced sidelong at Rai. "I... maybe I have other resources."

"Be careful, 'aons, I think I know what you're implying." said Rai.

"Siertes is going to show up at nine. We're going out for coffee again."

"She may- no, she certainly will have plans for you beyond giving you a place to sleep."

Again, the sidelong glance. "I'm counting on it."

That had been around breakfast time.

The day had been amazing- wandering around, having coffee, lunch, catching a movie with Siertes, talking about all manner of things, from culture to street-savvy details- Siertes saw with the eye of a predator, but Denenke matched her in certain areas having to do with computers and communications. They wandered Verss like spectators at a circus, having settled early on that Dene would be sleeping at Siertes' place- and Dene, filled with ebullience, teased Siertes back quite boldly.

It was dusk, and they were returning to Siertes' lodgings, and Dene's bravado was leaking away as rapidly as the daylight.

"So, this is the place.. huh?" she said.

Siertes strode in boldly, with a certain sway to her walk, a fluidity that hinted at her state of mind. Her tail rippled with a disturbing agility beyond what Runge could manage. She seemed suddenly very alien to Dene as she turned, those huge reptilian eyes gleaming in the murky dusk light, a scent of coriander and strange spice pervading the room.

"This is where your fantasies become real."

"Uh-huh." said Dene. "Um... you mind turning on some lights?"

"Oh!" said Siertes, abruptly breaking the spell. "I am so sorry, puppy, I wasn't thinking! At this time of day I see without it. Is it dark to you?"

"I can't see anything but the lights in your eyes."

"They're for you, crazy wolfess- you can't do better than that- but we can go a little brighter. Unless you've got ideas for lighting me up even more?"

"I'm not sure that's safe!" joked Dene, but the joke didn't come off as she expected. Siertes ducked down and rummaged in something, possibly a suitcase, before dealing with the light situation. Then the reflections in her eyes showed again, even more brightly.

"That's what this is for! Oh, wait, you can't see it, that's right. Shut the door behind you for this one, trust me..."

Dene could feel the door behind her, and stifled an urge to rush out of it. Calling on whatever deity protected foolish nerdly wolf-puppies, she swung it behind her, never turning away from Siertes, and backed up until she heard it click. It went very dark, and she heard the Tompar lady walking assuredly up to her, reaching past, for the light switch, and then a click and there was light.

"Here's the solution!"

Siertes proudly held out some sort of bondage harness, strangely mundane in appearance but sturdy as hell. It was all straps and buckles and a little steel hoop, and Siertes offered it like she was giving the teacher a paper she knew had all the answers correct.

"Oh shit oh my God!" yelped Dene. She cowered against the door, her tail curling between her legs, in disbelief.

"What the hell?" said Siertes. "You should b... wait. Wait a minute. You think I'm going to put you in this and go to town?"

Dene's eyes were wide, and she stared sidelong at the alarming contraption, as if trying to reconcile herself with it.

"Oh, sweetie. Crazy silly wolfess. This thing is for me!"

Dene blinked. "Really?"

"Absolutely. It's horribly illegal. If I'm caught with it back home, it's my ass. Hell, if another Tompar sees me with it, it's my ass, unless they're another pervert."


"Or even if they are, most likely. Just to be safe, know what I mean?"

"What the hell is it, a strap-on dick holder?" said Dene, still completely off balance and no longer aroused at all. She stared at the metal hoop. It looked terribly strong, but the girth of it was beyond alarming- Dene wasn't sure if her wolf pussy could even take something that big as a knot, much less passing into her directly.

"No, no! Here, let me show you..."

Dene cringed back again as Siertes' hands moved, but it wasn't in Dene's direction. Siertes was tying the thing onto her head. It fit very well, but there was a trace of awkwardness that said the Tompar lady didn't get to put on this gear often. Fastening the last strap, Siertes smirked through the metal hoop, and winked. She cinched the straps a little tighter on herself, and said, 'mmmf'.

Dene studied her curiously. "You like that sort of thing? Is it comfortable?"

Siertes shook her head, her eyes amused.

"Then... you like it not being comfortable?"

Siertes shook her head. The tip of her tongue peeked out, tasting the air. Dene smelled the hint of a funny chemical smell.

"You want to not be able to talk? ...oh, take it off and explain! I'm totally confused."

Siertes complied, beginning to chuckle even before the thing was quite off. "You don't know a lot about us, do you, crazy wolfess? For all your fixation on dear Rado Cerdas? Rumor has it she has one, but of course it can only be rumor..."

"Apparently not! So what is it for, then? It doesn't look at all comfortable."

"It's not. I'm gonna hurt thanks to it. It's pretty unnatural."

"Then..." Dene realized she was about to say 'don't use it' when she was hesitant even to encourage Siertes that much.

"Then what?"

"Fine. Then don't use it! But give me a minute, okay? I'm not feeling so good."

"Silly wolfess. I'm damned well going to use it. Don't you know what it is?"

"Isn't it obvious that I don't?" snapped Dene.

"Poor sweet wolfess. Listen carefully. This is a muzzle. In it, I cannot bite, at all. In normal Tompar fucking... I would."

"Like, if it was going really badly?"

"No no no. No, dear. I would bite if it was going really well..."

Dene stared. "Wouldn't that sort of put a damper on things?"

"Wow. Um... you really don't know about us, do you? You've got a thing for Rado Cerdas, what did you figure sh... sorry, for all you knew, HE would do to you?"

Dene bristled, embarrassed. "Fuck me. Real cold and hard. Knot me- is it true he'd have a huge knot? I mean, if she was a he?"

"Poor wolfpuppy. You're settling for me, aren't you? You wish I was a guy."

"I... I..."

"Don't worry- I'm not settling for you at all. You're very special. But I'm glad you're disappointed, rather than getting your wish."

"What? Why would you say that?" protested Dene.

"Because I'm betting your wolfpussy is much too lovely to be broken."

"You really are a lesbian, aren't you? Is it okay if... if I'm not as interested in yours?"

"I'm real toppy, that's fine... but Dene my sweet, you're so naive yet you teased me all day. You know I'm not a guy. What are you interested in, then?"

Dene didn't speak.

"Puppy?" said Siertes, with unaccustomed gentleness. "Explain. Or else, no entertainments. That's either a threat or a promise depending on what the hell you're thinking..."

Dene heaved a big sigh. "It's just... I guess it's becoming obvious, really. Siertes, I'm a virgin."

"That can be fixed!" said Siertes heartily.

"Oh yeah? You know, I want it to be. I can't stand that being the truth about me any longer. And here I am..."

"Such enthusiasm. Lovely wolfess, why is it that you didn't just get some guy to give you a good dicking, then? It might have cut out some of this crazy-wolfess business if you'd dealt with that before."

"Oh, I was always working, and I honestly don't know how to ask..."

"'Come give me a good dicking' might possibly work." suggested Siertes.

Dene gave her a sour look. "You're being awfully merry and bright for somebody whose big sweetheart is all interested in the other gender. Are you wishing you were a guy right about now?"

"If I was a guy Runge, you'd already be getting a good dicking." said Siertes. "But I'm glad I'm not a guy Tompar, for two reasons."


"One, if I was a guy Tompar and you got with me, you'd almost certainly get injured real bad. You Runge aren't built to handle our males. Forget knot, think football. We're very strong, very tough. Don't go with a guy Tompar, pretty wolfess. The whole dick swells up."

Dene gulped, and wriggled. "Dare I ask the other answer?"

"Guy Tompar tend to be dick-oriented and not versatile. I, on the other hand, can more or less lick your ovaries."

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

Siertes regarded the horrified Dene with a wicked glint of amusement in her eye. "You have no idea how much that could please you. I'll ruin you for Runge men. Won't be sorry, either."

"But... it just... Siertes! You've got to be making that up!"


Siertes winked, and began sticking her tongue out... and out... and out, until Dene's horror began to be overcome by plain astonishment. The Tompar lady's tongue was like a glistening snake of its own, with its forked tip, and became surprisingly thick at the base.

Dene realized she was breathing heavily, and her heart was pounding. "And what do you propose to do with that?"

"Ayyy urrr oaaaeeeeee."

"Besides speak unintelligibly." said Dene.

Siertes replied by wriggling her forked tonguetip, then squirming the entire tongue. Dene's eyes got wider.

"What's that... chemical smell?"

That got a reaction. Siertes' tongue vanished into her mouth, and she stepped back. "Sorry. I'd better get into that damn contraption..."

"But what is it? It smells so odd." Dene stepped forward, sniffing.

"Get back!"

Dene jumped back with a little yelp. "Siertes! Make up your mind, do you want to seduce me or don't you?"

"That's exactly why you've got to stand back." said Siertes. "I didn't realize I'd got that aroused. I'm glad you mentioned it- the smell, I mean."

"But what is it?"

"It's love bite, sweetie..."

"You need to keep explaining all of this," said Dene, "and not stop until I have all the information. Especially because I might let you do what you want. You're saying I'm smelling poison?"

"Yes." said Siertes.

"But you guys don't kill each other when you fuck. I assume not. But you do bite each other, and you have this muzzle thing to make sure you won't bite me... and you're having me stand back. You bite instinctively?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes."

"Love bites, huh? You guys don't mind? It's normal for you? How is it that you don't kill each other off, then?"

"There's only tiny amounts of venom involved. If you're making love, you CAN'T deliver a serious strike. We're vulnerable at that time. Do me a favor and don't tell anybody that little detail, okay?"

"Aha... I see a possible problem. You say tiny amounts of venom are involved. I smell that already..."

"I can't. You Runge have the noses for it. You and Resten, some of them are even better at scents."

"Yeah, well, I do. It's in your mouth. Your tongue's in your mouth too. It might surprise you, but I've had a fantasy kind of like that..."

"Really?" said Siertes. "Tompar tongue? Thank goodness I got to you before you played with somebody that didn't have the muzzle. I'm serious- it's almost impossible not to lovebite if you've got your tongue deeply in someone and their belly's right there..."

"Eeg." said Dene, wriggled, and looked abashed. "Damn. I so should not be finding that erotic. No, that's a new one on me- what I mean is, I'd fantasize about Rado Cerdas warming me up with his tail. I mean, her tail."

"Really? That is possible. Tongue's better. I'm biased, I'll enjoy it a lot better. A lot a lot. Mph... keep well back, darling, I am so fucking horny for you right now..."

"Hold it. What I'm saying is, those traces of venom will be on your tongue. I smell them. You're talking about sliding your tongue actually into me..."

"And licking everything I can reach, which includes a lot." said Siertes, her tail squirming and thrashing.

Dene squirmed as well. "No fair... my point is, won't the venom still harm me? Does it have to be in the bloodstream? This makes me nervous as hell."

"You're going to like this." said Siertes smugly.

"Oh, great. It's sex and drugs all at once, is it?"

"Well, I thought you were going to like this. Yes, that's about the size of it. That's the secret. That's what brings doomed Runge to Tompar..."

"Doomed? That's it, you're using your tail."

"No, no!" said Siertes. "It'll get you high, it won't hurt you. It'll get rid of the nervousness very quickly. You'll probably end up having to sleep it off. I'll take care of you..."

"I don't know, Siertes..."

"You drink, don't you?"

"Some," lied Dene. "It's like that?"

"It's hard to explain. The important part is that I have to wear the muzzle thing. I can't afford to lovebite you, but if I avoid that, you'll be fine in the morning."

Dene thought, hard.

"And," added Siertes, "very thoroughly not a virgin."

"You're still not a guy." pointed out Dene.

"You'll have had experiences far beyond what most Runge females could hope to dream of. Tame Tompar aren't found on every street corner."

"Oh, you're tame now?" said Dene.

"You're my crazy wolfess. I wouldn't hurt you for anything. I want to give you more pleasure than you could possibly imagine... if you say yes."

Dene's heart pounded. She thought more. Siertes had not tended to lie- and it was strange to see her beg, if begging it was.

As if reading Dene's thoughts, Siertes said, "Please, let me please you. I swear I'll take care of you. Nothing will harm you."

Fuck it- what was the saying? Anything once, twice if you liked it, three times to make sure?

"Put that muzzle thing on, right now," said Dene unsteadily, "and take me. Before I chicken out."

The gleam in Siertes' eyes doubled- as did the telltale scent of love-bite that would not be delivered- and she fumbled with the straps in her hunger and haste.

"Um... anything you need to tell me before we start?" stammered Dene.

Siertes paused, then continued to put on the muzzle. Rapidly, she did up the straps, cinched them tight, squinted and yanked them tighter still.

"Does that hurt?"

Siertes shrugged, shook her head, and stepped up next to Dene, her reptilian hands trembling... and stroked down Dene's side, caressingly.

"Oh!" said Dene. "Let me lose the shirt. The door's closed? That could be more rewarding for you."

She wriggled out of her shirt, and dropped it to the floor, and Dene couldn't help thinking: I didn't see where that went, I hope it didn't land in a puddle of something. The young lady Runge looked around, trying to get a sense of how clean Siertes kept this temporary home- but was brought back to the immediate by the sensation of reptilian fingers stroking her side again, this time with nails parting her fur.

Dene gasped- and the sight of it seemed to please the Tompar, for the next thing Dene felt was the cool dry hand cupping her breast, as if to say- this heaved so fetchingly, pray continue.

This was something Dene could not help doing, for she'd never had anyone holding her tit in such a way- or at all, really. Siertes' hand cupped her furry breast so lovingly- a bit beyond lovingly, in fact, the fingers began to grope and gently squeeze and knead. Siertes was fondling her breast in an increasingly wanton fashion, pressing closer to her, and Dene began to pant, her tail wagging, her eyes wide and yearning.

Eyes that became wider still as Siertes leaned in and seemingly pecked at her exposed shoulder and neck. It was such a quick little motion, and such a light brisk little thump, that at first Dene didn't get it- and then she realized.

Her Tompar lover had instinctively bitten her- or would have, if there hadn't been a muzzle. Dene smelled the funny chemical smell, and thought- ye gods, this is real. She's not a guy- but a guy would hurt me- and this is a real Tompar, who's going to make love to me. Right now.

Dene heaved another breath, her tit rising and subsiding against Siertes' hand, and realized that her nipples were starting to stand up like mad, perking boldly against the cool lizard hand. I must be so feverishly hot to her, thought Dene. I wonder if that's what excites her so?

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Dene saw something that briefly panicked her. Last chance to flee, apparently- before succumbing to the embraces of the venom- because Siertes' tongue had snaked out, and the hand was no longer covering the perky nipple, it was squeezing Dene's tit so the nipple was poking out to be licked.

For that brief instant, Dene battled herself, and even she did not know whether she'd won or lost when she reacted. As the odd scent wafted, as Siertes' tongue curled so agilely around Dene's erect nipple, tweaking it as if the tongue were a gentle finger... Dene ducked her head, and licked at Sierte's tongue, and got a taste. It was such an odd taste, as if it was too alien to properly sense- the flavor resonated with notes outside Dene's experience, and though it was very subtle, it lingered stubbornly, singing in Dene's head.

Siertes jerked back for a moment, startled at the unexpected move.

Dene saw Siertes' sharp glance, but she was too distracted to register it, thinking to herself, stupid, stupid! What made you do that? What will it feel like coming on? You couldn't just let her at you, no, you had to go licking at her to see what the venom tinges tasted like...

Siertes read this in her face, realizing the lovely wolfess was freaking out, and didn't hesitate- she quit fondling Dene's breast and licking her nipple, and surprised Dene with a plain ordinary hug- or somewhat ordinary, anyhow, because normalcy didn't tend to include an excited Tompar fiercely hugging you and instinctively pecking love-bites at your shoulder blades.

Before Dene knew what was happening, Siertes was leading her by the hand into the bedroom, and standing her in front of the bed, facing away from it.

Dene made as if to sit on it, but Siertes cupped her bottom with a strong hand, firmly exerting an upward pressure- then the hand whisked away, and both hands made the palms-outward, fingers extending gesture that could only mean one word, 'stay', and Dene stood, inches from the waiting bed, as the reptilian fingers began to undo her pants, tracing down her furry belly to where they could unfasten snaps and explore further...

Dene trembled as her lover undid her pants- even more than fondling her tit, this was a first. Nobody'd ever gone for her pussy, it had been private to her, and now...

And now, Siertes was sinking slowly to her knees, her face nearer and nearer to Dene's groin as the last snap was unsnapped.

The Tompar lady slowly, slowly unpeeled Dene's pants, easing them down over the restrained swelling of her hips. Dene's heart lurched as she felt the kiss of cool air against her vulva, all coverings shed, her lover inches away from her most sheltered places.

Places that would go from sheltered to... poisoned?

Dene tried to get a sense of her state of mind, though it was so hard to concentrate with all the excitement and horniness. The chemical was somehow still singing in her head, a faint mental shimmer that didn't seem to do much. Dene blinked. Had time passed? She couldn't figure out whether she'd been thinking for a moment or a while.

Siertes was still lowering her pants, and Dene helped by stepping out of them, kicking them aside. Dene realized she was standing with her paws well apart. When had she done that? It seemed right somehow, it let her vagina catch the breeze, something that seemed to please Siertes mightily.

Siertes studied Dene's lupine vagina, rapt, entranced with its beauty. Such lovely contours, the glow of flushed rosy flesh beginning to be slick with love's juices. It seemed so proud and happy.

Dene moaned as Sierte's deft tongue stroked her vulva- first, outside edges, and then as Dene's pussy swelled and pouted, the serpentine tongue darted between, flickering a series of little touches and strokes.

Dene realized she had her hands on Sierte's head. When had that happened? Her legs were shaking, and she was getting dizzy, even though Siertes had barely touched her there... at least, she'd worked all around Dene's edges and all the little folds were now... singing?

Siertes' tongue slipped back into her mouth, and then out again, and there was another, stronger waft of chemical scent... and this time, a slick length of tongue stroked directly across the opening of Dene's pussy, between her labia, gliding slickly across her flesh.

Dene moaned, but it was almost a howl, her legs shaking even worse.

Siertes watched her lupine lover closely, and the tongue stretched out again, for another long, sensuous lick across the surface of Dene's vagina, and a little exploring around the contours of her vulva. Siertes' tail lashed, unheeded.

Siertes caressed down Dene's belly, gauging her moment- and then, as if in slow motion, pushed.

Dene's world had become a floating timeless thing, and in even slower motion, she felt herself topple so gradually back, falling onto the bed in a strange soundless freeze-frame, her paws going up, her legs falling wide open, and she watched what ensued in wonder.

For, to her, Siertes was a looming presence moving both slow and fast, a face rising up between her legs, darting forward to peck at her quivering furry belly with a series of dainty thumps.

She has bitten me again, thought Dene in her daze. If it was real I'd be a goner. She's got the muzzle on, so all that is affecting me is her t...

As that thought clicked into place, the Tompar face dropped to between Dene's splayed legs, and Dene felt a long, tapering slippery coolness thrusting deeply into her lupine vagina.


The next thing Dene knew, she was howling and shuddering, her head back so she was staring at an upside-down pillow, and she couldn't lift her head or her arms and legs. Her nipples stood out achingly stiff, and her full attention was taken up with a whirlwind of tongue inside her.

Siertes only broke off her deep busy work to thump Dene's belly with another muzzled lovebite, more and more frenetically, up near Dene's sternum or against her mons or to the inside of her leg- and then that muscular, tapered tongue would plunge again, and resume doing its impossible, mind-mangling things.

It was beyond imagining. Siertes' tongue knotted and writhed- it explored and penetrated with strength, and yet a kind of feverish tenderness, so that when it went to impossible, incomprehensible places, it did not hurt... much.

It wasn't so much the way it convulsed and stroked the inside of Dene's pussy- or writhed through and licked inside Dene's invaded womb, her cervix pinching the muscle's yielding thickness. That was a feeling to shock- not delivering pleasure directly, not in the manner of those muscular writhings within Dene's vaginal folds and depths, but adding a level of fascination and horror, delivering strokes and lickings and touchings in places Dene could not quite believe.

It was the hunger with which the maddened Tompar pressed further- the tips of that forked tongue stiffening and trying their best to insert themselves into places that felt narrow and bare, that did not quiver and lubricate and crave the touches, that waited stolidly to release Dene's zygotes for the seed of male wolves that had never come.

The Tompar hadn't lied- she was doing her damndest to lick Dene's ovaries, though this was utterly impossible, and Dene shrieked breathlessly while her orgasm was taken and extended in this way, improvised on through these shocking, dissonant notes of tactile insult.

And then, it was as if Siertes realized she was pursuing an unrealistic and twisted fantasy, and the tongue-tips ceased their pursuit of dark slender passages, and the deeply thrust tongue proceeded to knot, writhe, and paint the inside of Dene's womb with a frenzy of licking, still wedged through her dainty cervical opening. The mad energy of this caused the base of Siertes' tongue, much bulkier and thrust through Dene's supple, clenching pussy depths, to swell and surge.

Dene's shrieks became hoarse, between the hammer and anvil of the obscenely arousing surging within her vagina, and the alien, bizarre licking deeper still where nothing belonged but sticky liquid... and she had time within the timeless expanses of her altered, fainting mind for one thought.

'it must be coating my entire insides with'

Dene's consciousness exploded in a flare of white light, as her perceptions flashed into the infinite, where one heartbeat was an eternity of ecstacy- and the shrieks ceased.

Siertes' body shook as she jolted into orgasm, without touching herself, entirely from the intensity of her devotions- and then she noticed her lovely wolfess wasn't screaming and shaking any longer, and she went rigid with alarm.

With a slurp, her tongue slipped out and disappeared back into her mouth, and she looked in terror at what she had wrought- seeing the flare of infrared, the fevered heat of Dene's pussy and nipples, the pitiful contour of the underside of Dene's jaw, a glimpse of bared wolfess tooth from a snarl of passion. But she didn't see any motion, and her soul crumbled within her.

Siertes pressed her head to Dene's breast, futilely trying to hear for a heartbeat, but Tompar hearing was pitifully crude, and it told her nothing. She stared frantically around the room, picking out grains of dust on the walls and bits of texture where the paint had dried funny, and that brought her back to her senses. Sight. Fuck listening for a heartbeat- look for one.

A vein in Dene's throat throbbed, dreamily. It paused, as if deciding what to do- and then throbbed again, the tiniest motion under the thick grey fur.

Siertes couldn't move right away- she just stared at this pulse, so terrifyingly slow. She'd taken things so far, so very far.

The vein throbbed again, a bit faster. Dene's ribcage raised the tiniest amount. It sank. A hair near her mouth looked like it might have moved- a breath had happened.

Siertes realized something had dripped on her forearm, where she crouched- not from Dene, but from herself. It was a tear.

Carefully, gently, she slid over to lie beside the stricken Runge woman, slipping an arm under her, gathering the limp, feverish lupine against her in a desperate but delicate embrace- and with that, Siertes gave in to the shakes, gritting her teeth inside the unyielding muzzle, cursing herself for a fool and swearing, privately, that she would make it up to the mad darling fluffball somehow, somehow.

Eventually, both slept, Dene's breathing and heartbeat growing stronger as she slept, and the sensation of that bringing a measure of peace to Siertes' harsh dreams.