
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Hell - M/M, NC/Rough/Explicit/CBT/Bondage/Caressing - March 05, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

Most males would find castration to be their worst nightmare... I say, leave them intact - And in Pain.

For those leery of reading due to the tags, just give it a chance, you might be surprised. -Chaos B.

* * * * * * * * * *

The wolf awoke to find himself shackled to a large piece of wood. Worse, he was naked, a warm breeze sliding between his legs. The last thing he remembered was walking his bicycle through the cross-walk. A car horn... A sharp pain. Was he in a hospital? Was he lying in the street? No, he was manacled to a thick chunk of lumber and his butt was shoved out slightly behind him. And why was there a clipboard hanging on a nail on a separate post? A noise caught his attention... From out of the gloom came a huge black figure. A horse's head with red eyes and black mane sat atop big shoulders that a weightlifter would envy. Silver rings gleamed from the black nipples on the equally strong chest. Lower, a muscular belly ran down to... Ho-Lee! 'Hung like an Elephant' might do justice to the monster that swayed with each clip of the unshod hooves. It was a big around as his leg - And probably just as long. A vibrant dark red, he couldn't take his eyes off if it, noting the veins that lay strewn along the shaft... The flared tip looking like a dark, thick mushroom.

He would be more than happy to beg to be allowed to touch that monster of meat just once... The creature stopped, black tail swishing over his so hot butt. Picking up the clipboard, he looked it over a couple times, then replaced it.

"Good Evening..." he looked at the clipboard again, "Henry. I am a Night-Stallion, and I am your torturer for today."

The wolf panted, as he was looked over by the strapping male. "You're Hot!" he gasped, unable to keep his muzzle shut. "And who's Henreeee!" Clawed fingers grabbed his nipples and Twisted them roughly, making the male arch and howl. One hand continued tweaking and tugging on his nips, while the other slid down, leaving a trail of fire along the wolf's belly until it came to his sheath. He moaned as the strong hand mashed his furry dick-holder, rolling it around, making his canine-cock pop out and swell... He screeched and tried to bend in half as his sheath was yanked down over his swollen knobs, the stallion just grinning.

"Don't want you to get knot-bound..."


"Did that hurt? Here let me make it better..." The big horse squatted down, licking obsidian lips. He opened his jaws, revealing not flat herbivore teeth... But long, conical fangs of a meat-eater. They came together with a *Clack*, that turned the chained lupine a couple of shades whiter.

"Nnnnnnnooo... It's - Quite alright."

The equine growled, "Oh but I insist..." Again the fang-lined trap opened up and slowly slid towards his crotch... The wolf screeched and tried to push his hips back - Except there was a hand on his ass. Clawed fingers dug into his furry mound, one of them slipping along the crack to tap on his anus. He could only watch the teeth come closer... And closer... Until they snapped shut on his cock! The male screamed, as the finger shoved past his ring of muscle, forcing it's way into his rectum. Oh Gods! He bit it off... He bit it offff... Huh? Oh, there was pain enough - The claws that dug into his butt, yanking the cheeks apart so the way too big finger could work it's way even deeper.

And for something that wasn't there anymore, it sure felt... Like a tongue was cradling his entire length. Worse, that finger in his ass was starting to scratch at his inner walls. Soft whispers of pain made his hips buck a little, the lines of fire inside his guts starting to itch... To turn to pleasure.

"Please..." he moaned, trying desperately to get the finger to go deeper... To touch his prostate bump. But it stayed just shy of the place, working in long, slow strokes that had him writhing, and gasping - Then fangs mashed his knot between them. He arched up, slamming his shoulders against the wood holding him prisoner as the pleasure/pain flooded his mind. A long, slow lick made his shaft throb... Then the length was caught between the sharp points and rolled around, the horse moving his head from side to side.

A plaintive wail came out of the wolf, as he Knew any moment he would hear the *Crunch* of teeth, ripping his cock from him. Yet, despite his fear - Or maybe because of it, he started leaking pre copiously into the hungry maw. Then fangs mashed his knot again and he screamed... Writhing as the finger in his back-passage kept caressing and teasing and scratching him, making the itch/burn all the worse.

"Please..." he arched as his dick was switched to the other side, caught and pricked by dozens of sharp teeth. Having it rolled around against them like a meat-grinder only seemed to fuel his passion. The hand that was working his bruised nipples over slid over his side, raking lines in his skin. Then it moved across his hip, and lower... To press itself against his balls, another claw scratching at his taint, working the backside of the cords that held his testicles. This time, when the fangs pressed into his knobs, he felt the beginnings of a familiar itch - Gods... He was going to cum?

But there was no mistaking the feeling that ran up his spine, that made his toes curl and his hands clench. It was coming... It was coming... It was - Gone? The finger was yanked from his butt, the hand caressing his balls vanished. The muzzle that was soo close to bringing sweet relief was not there anymore. All he could do was twist and whine and howl in frustration... There was not even a hint of a breeze to push him over the edge he so desperately wanted.

His eyes snapped open and he glared at the creature who just stood, watching him. He shook, he jerked and yanked on his chains, trying to somehow make contact with Something... But not even his tail was allowed any farther than the back of his legs. All too soon, the feeling faded, leaving an aching emptiness.

"Why...?" he sobbed, dropping to the limit of his shackles, hanging there, no longer caring if he lived or died... Yet, as soon as his cock got soft enough to start slipping back into it's holder, the horse again knelt on front of him. Again the big hands caressed his body, squeezing his cock out to be taken into the fang-lined muzzle and worked over until it once again stood full and hard and dripped pre.

The damnably blessed finger slid into his rump a little easier this time, continuing to tickle and tease and ignite the wolf to jerk his hips and arch and moan his need. And again the itch burned along his balls, slid across his cock... And again he was left hanging in the verge of orgasm. Screams, pleadings, threats - All left the bastard unmoved. Until his dick stared back inside it's furry holder...

The wolf fought the feelings... He tried everything he could not to want the bites, the finger in his ass. He tried squirming, pretending he wasn't going to cum... All to no avail.

* * * *

The wolf had given up any hope of ever cumming - He would be held on the edge until his nuts exploded... And still he moaned whenever the horse touched him. Sobbed as the demon pulled away. He didn't even bother begging as fingers traced the taut veins that stood out on his scrotum like little blue ropes... It was just one more empty promise.

"I think you are ready..."

Wha? He screamed as his nuts were mashed, the sack twisted in an iron grip.

"Please..." the male wheezed, yelping as his abused balls were tugged taut, a tongue obscenely caressing them... Then like a bear-trap, jaws slammed shut on the round organs, teeth digging into both skin and testes. His teeth clacked together, waiting for the final bite that would castrate him... At least his nuts wouldn't hurt so - Aaaaaah! A claw-tip flicked across the underside of his doggy-dick... And he came! Seed blasted out this throbbing meat, making him arch and try to scream as those wicked fangs gnawed on his nut-sack. Fingers encircled his knot and claws scratched the round base as they squeezed his sensitive 'balls' into a rough palm. And again he orgasmed harder than he could ever remember doing so before. A second hand gripped his pulsating member - Jacking out more semen like it was a grease-gun. His nuts were stretched out to their fullest, his cock was held tightly and the hand just kept making him blow spurt after spurt until he could barely plead...

Gods it felt soo good to be able to let go after so long... A claw slid along the underside of his red, raw penis, stopping just at the tip. 'No! Please N...' It scratched the inch of skin just below the pointed end, teased and rubbed it... The male did his best to scream, writhing as he tried to move away from the extremely tortuous feelings - Pain and pleasure entwined as his balls did their best to give what wasn't there, and he finally lay in the chains, unable to even whimper... Until a bucket of cold water was dumped over his head.

"Wakey, Wakey, Henry... We are not done yet."

The wolf made his eyes focus on the huge slab of horse-cock that slapped his face, leaving trails of warm, sticky pre. His jaw was pushed open, the head pressing his tongue down as it was shoved into his mouth. He could close his jaw - Just. He could move his tongue around - A little. And despite all the abuse the bastard had done to him... He wanted this. He Wanted the huge member shoved down his throat, pumping a quart of dick-milk into his stomach. He waned to feel it throb and pulse. He wanted to taste every last drop of the monster's seed. He tried to move his head, to get still more of the shaft into his mouth... But he couldn't, so he tried to get the horse to hump his face... All the bastard did was rub his ears.

So he sucked on the head, biting at it, barely scraping the leathery skin with his teeth. A gob of pre splattered against the back of his throat and he swallowed... Another skimmed along his tongue and he moaned at the rich flavor. Several more thick wads spat from the flared tip, each lovingly gulped down, warming the wolf's belly.

'Gods, he's going to cum in my mouth... He's going to... No!' A whimper of sheer torture was wrenched from his muzzle as the fat meat was pulled away, his tongue flicking after it, wanting one last lick.

"Now now Sexy... The contents of my balls are Not for your mouth. But since you asked so nicely..." The stallion pulled on the board that held the wolf's arms spread, sliding it and the male downward, onto his knees... Then spreading his own dark legs, the demon shoved his sack into the moaning canine-muzzle.

The wolf fought against his manacles for a second time - He would have given Anything to be able to hold those huge balls in his hands. They were in a gigantic black leather pouch, each nut filling his mouth as he sucked it in. The sweaty smoky flavor made him drool and he worked the round organ around with lips and tongue until it was shin with spit. Then the other one was polished, licked and loved on with as much skill as the male could muster.

"That's it... Make them nice and fat for your ass."

It wasn't until the male had pulled away from his muzzle, yanked the board and his body back up, and had clopped around behind him that the words sank in. WHAT? Hells No! There was No way That would fit in his - Aaaaaaaaaaaah!

It almost didn't. The fat head dribbled pre between his cheeks, lubing his hole up as it spread them wide apart. Claws dug into his hips as the way too big monster flexed and bent, pushing against his defiant anal-ring. It would Kill Him! It would rip him in Half! It would... Force it's way past, just like the clawed finger had... But this 'digit' forged a much wider path as inch by inch it slid into his guts.

The wolf screamed, he arched up onto his toes, he tried with all his might to get away from the waves of agony that were ripping at him... That was until the tip came to his prostate. It didn't mash it. It didn't press against it - It ran roughshod over the mound, and kept going, stabs of pleasure mingling with the pain now. And not until the melon-sized balls slapped the back of his legs, did it relent... Why it didn't come jutting out his mouth the wolf would never know - It was damn well Deep enough inside him!

A slow stab made him moan. Another, longer thrust made him moan louder, and push back against the log of skin inside his guts. The big hooves pressed into the stone, as the thick legs pistoned that huge horse-cock into the wailing male. It was held inside, the big balls mashed against his thighs... Then slowly allowed to slide out, allowing the wolf's fingers to unclench. His toes to uncurl... All the way out until just the flared tip held him open. He would whine and squirm, and wriggle... Wanting the burn, the pleasure/pain. But not until he begged for it would the cock again be slammed into his ass, mashing his cheeks, the sheath pushed back so an extra inch of throbbing meat went in, veins throbbing all along the surface. Worse, the clawed fingers raked his nipples, dug into his knobs, making the male scream and shudder and howl...

Several eternities later, the male had no breath left to beg with as the strong hips slammed against his ass again and again, the melon-sized balls swelled against his legs, the log of cock was throbbing and he bit his lip, praying that the creature would... Demon-cum blasted into his guts, hot and sticky, filling his bowels, his belly - Each tiny sperm found a bit of skin and bit into it, latching on as it wriggled around, leaving a burning itch that made the male howl and shove his ass back against the Night-Stallion, desperately trying to get one more inch inside him. The clawed hands raked his cheeks, the round balls slapping his thighs, pumping still more hot, burning creatures up the wolf's back-passage.

And not until the fat nuts had emptied themselves did the Night-Stallion slowly slide it's still hard cock from his rear, making him whimper and moan. The flared mushroom-like head slid in and out of him a couple of times before finally popping free, dribbling sticky liquid across his abused ass. The wolf lay in the stocks, the only thing holding him the chains on his wrists. His penis was a mangled lump of raw meat, his balls hadn't fared much better... He had claw marks over most of his body, bruised welts that stood out against his fur.

He watched in disbelief as the demon clopped around in front of him, and lifting the clipboard, started checking off things on several sheets of paper! Wha...? He must have made a sound, because his tormentor lifted his head and grinned nastily... "Welcome to Hell, Henry."

"For the last time," the wolf wheezed, "My name is Not Henry... It's Tomas - Tomas Mayrew, with an 'R'."

The creature stopped a moment, then grabbed the clipboard again... "You're not Henry Mayhew?"

The male shook his head slightly.

"Hells..." The demon stomped off to a nearby utility cart, grabbing a radio. "Boss, this is 1279, Shift 3 - We gotta problem. This isn't the right soul... Someone screwed up the paperwork - Again." He turned the volume down so the tirade that returned didn't melt the radio.

"Will do Chief." He waited a moment to let the metal cool down. "Dispatch, I need a re-route for one - Tomas Mayrew, with an 'R'." He sighed as muzak played for a full minute. "Yes... Right. Heaven... OK, will expedite. I also need to know about a Henry Mayhew - Yeah, I'll hold..." he tapped his unshod hoof on the stone floor - Sometimes the tunes weren't half bad.

"Still here - Right. Section 1227? Ok - I will update the paperwork and get it back ASAP. Thanks... For nothin!" he growled as he shut the radio off. The demon snagged a bottle and walked back to the wolf, scratching one ear.

"Uhhhh... There's been a mix-up." He undid the manacles, letting the male fall to his back-bent knees. The monster sprinkled Life-Water over the bedraggled body, healing all the nasty wounds, giving Tomas a drink as well. "You got the Golden Ticket Kid... You're going upsta - Hey!"

Fingers gripped his fat horse-cock, tugging it down so the wolf could kiss the tip. "Do I Have to leave?"

The demon groaned as a soft tongue flicked over his sensitive head, teeth nibbling at the flared ridge on top. "You... You don't technically have to... Unf!" Fingers caressed his low-hanging balls. "You... You need to sign a waiver." He somehow got the amorous male's hands off his anatomy and clopped back to the cart. As he pulled the papers out, he sighed... Third one this month! The Night-Stallion halfway expected to see Rod Sterling walk out from behind a rock - Except, He was already upstairs...

Returning, he put the forms on the clipboard. "You, (Name) do swear that you are here of your own free will... Blah, Blah, Blah. You reserve the right to revoke... Blah, Blah, Blah. Sign here, initial the other 5 pages, please."

The wolf eagerly penned his name (Blood was not only messy, but smeared way too easily), and initialed where the little boxes indicated. As he returned the pen he said shyly, "When you... When you bite my ass - Can you Really sink your teeth in? I mean I'm dead, Right? You can't do any lasting damage..."

The demon nodded. "That doesn't mean you won't Feel it - Why?"

The wolf hugged the Night-Stallion, caressing the ringed nipples. "Why? Because that means you can shove that big cock clear down my throat. Mash my nose into the thatch of black fur between your legs and cum until my belly swells like a beach-ball... Ooooo - If You shove your cock down my throat, and another one is in my ass, will they push against each other inside me? Will I gush demon-cum from both ends at the same time? And afterwards, will you shove me on my knees and force me to clean your magnificent meat-poles off with my tongue?"

The demon Groaned, envisioning over-time, and more paperwork... "Look - You just stay here and I will see what can do. I gotta..."

The wolf knelt down to rub his butt over one big black hoof. "Torture some condemned soul until they beg to worship your big beautiful body?" He kissed the still huge ball-sack. "Before... Before I came here, the most perverted thing I had ever done was to leave the desk light on while I jerked-off. I had a few impure thoughts about the guy next to me in gym class. I may have touched another penis - Once. By accident. And you have just given me the most wonderfully terrifying night... Night?"

The demon nodded and the wolf continued. "Night of my miserable existence... This isn't Hell - This is *Mmmmmpf*!"

The Night-Stallion shivered and pulled the male back up, digging his clawed fingers roughly into the furry ass, smothering the wolf's muzzle with a rough kiss (No 'H' Words Allowed!) - And all the soul did was wriggle that cute butt in his grip and nestle against the Big body, making the monster shake his head... Why was it always the Quiet ones?

"Stay here..." he growled, pushing the wolf firmly away.

Ears down, head down, tail tucked around one leg, Tomas nodded. "Yes Sir..."

The demon stomped off to his cart, filing the mass of papers into separate folders. Then, he looked back at the male who was pushing a pebble around with one foot. You do your job. You fill out the papers. You go home. But sometimes... He looked up, but didn't even mouth 'Why me?' You might Think it, But you Never said it - Because sometimes, the Big Man answered you.

Like now... The Night-Stallion could swear he heard faint laughter on the breeze. He yanked the paper out that Tomas had signed and ran a line through 'Tortured Soul', then checked the box marked, 'Resident', initialing both changes. He shrugged... Sometimes they fall through the cracks. Besides - No overtime, which would make the boss happy. That done, he clopped back over to the male.

"Look... I get off in a bit - How about we... Unf!" A ball of fur slammed into him and the demon stood there a moment - Tears? His big hands caressed the wolf's back, and he leaned over, kissing the male between the ears. He was Not going to look up - All the Night-Stallion needed was to see an angel smiling down at him... He would Never live it down!

"I am a Demon. I do things rough and nasty." The furry head came up, and amber eyes looked into his... Teeth tugged on one of his nipple-rings, making the monster groan.

"I most certainly Hope so... Sir."

This time the hands were more gentle, and swatted the male's rump. "I will be back as soon as I can."

The bushy tail wagged as the lupine nodded. "Sir..." Tomas walked over to the stocks, touching it. "Do you have... One of these?"

The demon laughed... "Oh, I have much more than That in My dungeon..." 'And there goes my Weekend.' The amber eyes glowed... "Now, you stay here while I go to the Office. I will be back later... Unless some other demon comes by to torture your hot little ass..."

"Promise?" The wolf grinned and sat on a rock, thinking of all the ways a couple of demons could ravish him.

The Night-Stallion climbed into the cart and set a course for the office. He was Supposed to be torturing a couple of other souls, but he wasn't in the mood - First Shift could take care of it. Besides, he had someone else's mess to clean up... Sometimes he wondered if the Big Man didn't invent paperwork just to torment Them! No... Even HE wasn't That cruel.

* * * *

The demon sighed, as he lifted the back of the cart up by it's handles, carrying his daily work-load in, dropping it on the floor next to a desk. Files of folders full of papers - All needing to be stamped, copied, collated, stapled... And filed. He sometimes wondered if there was another universe, filled with the paperwork that didn't fit in this one... The clerk took his logbook, riffled through it. Stamped each page until he got to the last one. The imp turned to a book several feet thick and started shuffling through pages, reading a line, going to another page... Finally he grunted and slammed it shut.

"Good Work 1279. Approved." He said simply, and stamped That page, before tossing the logbook on top of a laundry tub that was marked 'Out'. The black equine snorted and lifted the container, walking it over to a lift, quietly giving thanks for Modernization, where all he had to do was touch a series of buttons - Back in the Olden Days, you climbed staircases.

As he stuffed yet another pile of papers into yet another folder, he bumped hips with a minotaur, just as naked, just as well-hung.

"Hey John... How's it hanging?"

The stallion snorted. "Another mistyped name... Worked out though. The Boss will be happy - No overtime." He whinnied as the bull slapped his firm butt.

"The Boss, Hells... I am happy. This calls for a celebration - What you doing after work?"

John snorted. "You mean If I get the paperwork done? Showing a wolf around my 'Play-Room'. You want to come help?"

The bull grunted. "I swear those junior clerks are getting sloppier every day... Hmmmph! It's been a while since you had Me in your dungeon."

The Night-Stallion laughed and continued filing the folders. "Jealous? Yeah... Haven't really felt like doing much after -" he tossed his dark head at the cabinet which was several miles tall, one of the many set in rows as far as the eye could see.

The demon ran a clawed hand over the bull's firm rump, getting a shiver wherever the tips dug into the skin. "You bring the beer, I will bring the Hot meat."

The minotaur groaned, his cock slapping his chest. "Tease..." He watched the black horse glide off to another section of the cabinets, and sighed. Demons didn't exactly have stable relationships, So you took what you could find. And when you found someone who would cuddle your ass after fucking it (Or spanking it) raw... Suddenly something occurred to him, and he bit his lip in thought - The horse didn't say Demon-Wolf, just 'wolf'... Shit! Who did he owe a blow-job to that might know something?

* * * *

The wolf jumped up as he heard a familiar hoof-clop. "Sir! You've... come... oh."

Instead of a big black horse, it was a big, brown bull. With two wickedly curved horns. A Steel nose ring riding his upper lip. A pair of smaller steel rings in the brown nipples. A buff stomach that made him want to caress it... And even though the penis came to a pointed tip instead of a flared one, it was still as big as the Night-Stallion's. And below that... As impossible as it seemed, the bull's balls were bigger and longer, the ovals barely contained within the huge leathery sack.

"John is still finishing up... My name is Mark." The minotaur clopped up to the drooling male, lifting his chin. "And I hear you like to be fucked - Roughly."

Tomas *shivered* as a clawed finger parted his cheeks, pressing against his anal-ring, the others gripping his furry rump. The wolf lifted his hands to run them over the strong jaw.

"From both ends... Sir." He moaned as the big muzzle took his mouth in a rough, hungry kiss. The finger forced his hole open, sliding inside as the thick bull-cock throbbed, trapped between them.

The minotaur groaned softly as laughter made his ears twitch... He was sorely tempted to look upwards, but instead concentrated on the pair of amber orbs that shone with lust and a desire for him. Another whisper made him pull his finger out of the wolf's hot ass, lifting the male up and carrying him over to the cart - Screw the paperwork, the three of them were going to John's place to get 'Better Acquainted'.

He did have to agree... One male's Hell was another male's Heaven.

The End