
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Rodeo - M/M, Oral - March 07, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

Some people go to the rodeo to watch the bulls buck - I go to watch them Bounce ;)

The bull adjusted himself in the chute. His butt itched, but it wasn't the kind of itch that could be scratched from the Outside... He needed Cock! The last half-dozen bastards couldn't even hold on long enough to earn a blow-job... Four whole bucks - Barely enough to get him worked up. Heh... If he was in a Good mood, they got their ass bitten. If he was in a Bad mood - Hook 'em under the arms, and run them out of the ring, slamming his snout between their legs...

"Go back to the Kiddy Rides, ya worthless *muffled*!"

He watched Number 7 get ready... Ooooo. A buff wolf, dark and big where it counted. Rocket grinned... "You gonna ride my ass hard, Doggy?"

The lupine straddled his hips, rubbing a fat, sweaty sack across his back, before sliding the 'cup' on.

"Depends... You gonna give them a good show?"

The bull snorted - Always! He took the bit between his back teeth, feeling the male grip the rope wrapped around his chest. He closed his eyes, trying to keep the grin off his face as he felt the firm butt sliding on his back. 'You just hang on, and I will suck your balls dry...'

"You ready?" Tipper - Dependable, solid as the mountains. A bear in a tutu... A throwback to when bulls were feral, and the 'Clown' was the only thing between horn and rider. He nodded, thinking of how that hot ass would feel with his nose shoved in it - Too bad the bruin was Straight.

Then the gate was open and he jumped out, twisting his head one way and his body another. Kick out, hunch up, whirl around... The wolf hung on grimly to the rope, letting the big male move, grunting when the 'flycatcher' smacked his butt. He rolled his naked ass over the bony spine, feeling a ripple in the back-muscles.

"Somebody needs it bad, do they?" he hissed, watching an ear-flick... And then hanging on as the bull did a double-back, almost vaulting him off the hairy body. He just caught a glimpse of the timer - He would make the 'Official' time, at least...

Again, the whip of a tail thwacked his butt, making the wolf yelp, and tighten his grip as he rode yet another pretzel-like contortion out. A buzzer sounded the half-mark, meaning the rider could let go... If all he wanted was a measly trophy. The male leaned over and *Smacked* his opponent's rump.

"I didn't come here so you could Kiss me..." he said, and instantly regretted his words as the bull Grinned - Then slammed his rear legs into the hard dirt, jarring every bone in the canine body. Even tired, 1800 pounds of muscle and bone stomped and shook and twisted itself in an effort to dislodge the 'flea' that clung to his back, feeling every little shift of the cheeks against his back. And sometimes - Even though he would Never admit it, he would move a shoulder, or hip ever so slightly, pushing back against the firm rump he wanted to sink his teeth into. The bull could 'Graze' on a lover's butt for hours...

The second horn sounded, and Rocket spat out the bit, panting heavily.

"You ok up there?" got a groan, and both arms hugging his neck. As the crowd cheered, he bowed one fore-leg, holding it just long enough. Then turned and did it again. Finally he ambled over to the sideboards, where hands got the wolf off him and onto a stretcher.

"You'd better not have broken anything - Your balls are Mine as soon as you can walk again."

The wolf groaned and gently slapped the male's nose, before being carted out. He would get scanned for breaks, shot up for the pain, and of course made to stand on the platform to accept his prize - If the damn bull didn't ruin the Photo-op by shoving the wolf's legs apart from behind and wrapping that prehensile tongue around his balls. Bastards tended to get impatient after a good ride.

Good news was nothing had broken. Bad news was woofie was going to stay in the hospital overnight. Which meant a pent-up bull was going to have to get some elsewhere...

* * * *

Judd sighed. It wasn't his real name - But there was no way he was going to put 'Joey' on an entry form. He had a trophy - It wasn't much of one but quite a few others only had bruised butts to go home with. And he had slid his bare butt all over Rocket's back! Not for very long... Who cared! It was Rocket, The Ball-Buster - He still had the poster showing the huge bull's balls slapping his belly as he did a reverse corkscrew that tossed 'Lucky Jimmie' right into the stands. Served the bastard right... 'I can ride any bull into the ground - And plow his ass after.' was the famous quote at the bottom of that poster.

The feline sighed again. He knew Rocket had taken it easy on him. Oh the pain was real enough, but the big male hadn't really done any of the Hard maneuvers that would have had him eating dirt a few seconds after the gate opened. He should have been prepared for that twist right after the first horn... The slam of the back hooves that flung him over the bull's head, flopping him over the strong horns, hot breath panting across his butt as he lay there, afraid to move. And all Rocket did was trot over to the Medical station, plop him into capable hands, and walk off.

"Nice ride, Kid... And nice ass too."

Gods! When they undid the straps, his 'protection' went flying, his dick slapping his belly. Worse, he had to go up to the podium with that same hard-on, and get this damn trophy... Three guesses which bull was standing behind him, nuzzling his rump all the while, too. He chuckled... He was lucky - Several of the riders got a tongue shoved up their butt-cracks, and the resulting 'money-shots', with orgasm-stretched faces made for some funny photos. Well - Enough feeling sorry for himself. Time to head down the tunnel and get himself ready for the next Rodeo...

"Hey Kid..." stopped the cheetah in his tracks. There was just enough light to see a bull's head and shoulders. And not just Any bull - A black as night bull, with a steel nose-ring that had a rocket riding the upper lip.

Judd put down his trophy and carefully stepped towards the big male - In case this was some sort of hazing trick. "Sir..?"

"You did pretty good out there. In a few years you might even be riding Me like a Pro - They may even let you wear... Spurs." Look at him turn all kind of red. Spurs were only given to the Best of the Best riders, and those bulls had their horns Sharpened.

"Look Kid, I need a favor."

"Anything!" the feline breathed, believing he was dreaming...

"Drop your pants." Fingers fumbled the belt open, the zipper was down before the metal button came out of it's hole, and off they slid. Mmmmmm - The boy still smelled of sweat and rut and male.

As the bull ambled closer, the cheetah swallowed a dustball. "Should... Should I be on my knees - Or... All-fours?" He knew he couldn't take half of the fat ramrod the bull swung, but Hell - Just having Rocket cum on him was a lifetime's worth of bragging rights.

"Nah Kid... Just turn around."

Judd turned and put his hands on the wooden wall, eyes closed. He was ready for most anything... Except the cool metal brushing his butt, followed by lips and teeth - Ow! Chewing on his ass like it was a patch of grass... Then a big muscular tongue forced it's way between his cheeks, stabbing his puckered hole, flicking up and down, leaving a trail of saliva and heat and making the feline shudder all over. Then the big head shoved his legs apart and that damn tongue wound around his nut-sack, yanking them into the hot muzzle, blunt teeth snapping shut on the cords.

Aaaaaaa! The bastard chewed on his balls, that fat tongue slapping them back and forth while suction kept them taut. The barbed cock jumped out of it's holder and spurted pre even before it was fully erect. After several more nips on his rear, the bull turned him... And swallowed his cock to the sheath. His flailing hand grabbed the first thing they could find - The blunted horns, as that wicked tongue wrapped around every inch of his erection... And *Squeezed*! Lips pushed his furry dick-holder back, while teeth ravaged the base of his penis. The cheetah screeched as he blew a massive wad into the hot, sucking muzzle, flopping boneless across the big head.

But of course once was not enough... The male had a schism that slammed his head into the wall as another hard orgasm made his tight nuts churn out more cream for the bull to swallow. Again and again, the lad was made to give up his seed, dancing when the tongue would caress his cock-tip... Or cork-screw around his length, tugging every last drop from his abused kitty-dick. Finally, the cock-hungry bovine let him slip out, pushing his shirt up to nuzzle his nipples. All Judd could do was moan and fall over - If there was such a thing as a sprained dick, he had one. Then his butt got chewed on some more...

"Thanks Kid... I needed that. Hey, this yours?"

The cheetah, nodded, barely able to focus. Then his eyes went wide as a big cloven hoof smashed his trophy to bits. "Nah... That was a piece of junk. You wait here a moment..."

The bull trotted off, leaving the feline half-sitting, staring at the ruin that was his - Well, it was a cheap piece of junk. After a few minutes, the bull returned with something hooked on a horn. "Here... This is more your style."

It was twice as big, and made of metal... Judd touched it - Then grabbed both of Rocket's hind legs and shoved his head in, kissing the big, black ball-sack he had adored ever since he was old enough to straddle a calf and feel his first buck.

"Mmmmmm... Keep that up and I will have to make you a regular."

Judd slid his raspy tongue over the firm skin several times before he slowly got up, pulling his clothes back on. He had just been given head by Rocket - And got to kiss his balls!

"See ya around, Sexy-Butt."

* * * *

'Judd' never did manage to stay on a bull for any length of time - Maybe it was the nuzzling he got when he managed to get up. And several times he found himself with his pants around his ankles, a bull sucking his balls dry. And he still has the trophy of a big black bull with a steel nose-ring, with the engraving - 'To Judd: You can slide that hot ass across my back anytime.'

And of course it had a Rocket stamped into the metal plate.

The End