Legecia Chat

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry


Voice recording for 02-07-12977 ARCC time. This is Altair Ezeri, making some voice notes for the hell of it. I didn't have a real topic, but since I'm here... Something that my loving mate like to know is about our home world, Legecia. It's undergone some changes recently, mostly due to my sister Sirius.

See, shi previously held the power of the first Guardian W'Nactr, the Devourer. That changed very recently, though, as shi used a special energy clone to make them their own body while keeping them linked to hir telepathically, then giving them the name Kastra. That makes Kastra the Devourer the first W'Nactr to join any of the Terra Delta teams without being one of us. Personally, I welcome Kastra as a part of Team Starlight, and hope they pick a gender soon. I know Siri gave them a herm Lugia body as a default, and I have yet to see them leave that gender... but I can't say for sure.

Anyway, thanks to that, there's now a few W'Nactr towns as a result, and Kastra has agreed to help tame the feral nature of hir people. Legecian space, although rather unexplored, holds a couple of worlds where they can settle once their numbers grow high enough again. That does make me wonder what happened to all of those that were destroyed.

Bah, too far off subject. Legecia... Legecia is an Earth-like planet the size of Jupiter. At least, I think. It's been a while since I've seen Jupiter. Regardless, it's much bigger than Earth, and has fourteen moons surrounding it. Each moon is named after an element from our world, and while I found out the hard way that this thing can't turn Legecian speech into Latin characters, I'll try to sound them out. "Lieh" means soil, "Sorak" means sky, "Naerehk" means lightning, "Kameru" means water, "Jakirao" means cold, "Alurtar" means nature or flora, "Vaehna" means spirit, "Naisu" means love, "Nactar" means evil, "Ruk" meand darkness, and "Ra" means light. Granted, these are only regarding the elements, and not the concepts of what they represent. "Kameru" is the element, but "aquosus" is the term for actual water. There's also to others, "Omega" for no element, and "Almeiga" for all elements. Omega is last moon, while Almeiga... that's for later.

There's a reason I told you all of those. Every city on the planet has an element as part of their name. There are only five major cities on the entire planet, but there are some other places of deep interest to some. Also, every major city is a capitol city, acting as regional hubs for all outlying cities around them. There's also a lot of untamed land beyond the cities, packed with feral beasts of nearly every species known on Earth, as well as it's vast array of "fantasy" species. Let me just mention here, though, that the architecture and visible technology level will appear like Earth's Middle Ages, but they have technology beyond much of what humans can understand.

The first major city is the most important, and that's "Legecian Leadtown Omegareh", the world capitol. A sprawling metropolis of buildings, housing more than ten million inhabitants of it's own. The Council of Legecia, where all of the major decisions are made, isn't some grand building in the middle of the city, though. It's actually underground, and the entrance is in some dreary little shack in town. I've been there, but let me say that if anyone tried to hunt it down on their own, it'd be a year before they found it. Aside from the council, there's many shops and schools of all sorts. The most important are the Legecian Mage's Academy, Almek's School of Vocation, and Nelik's Guild of Adventurers. While they're not the only schools, they serve as the highest schools in all of the planet.

Something else that's in Omegareh is a teleporter pad leading to Starport One, the primary starbase of Legecia. I normally keep the LRS Raikel there when not in use, as I don't like keeping more than the Riptide on hand at the ARCC base. Besides, I never know when I want to enjoy some time in space. Ah... I need to take my love into Legecian space some time... Err, where was I? Right, Starport One houses many starships in it's docks. Very few are used for more than patrol as of late, though.

There's really not a lot else of note in Omegarah, so let's move on to "Starlight City Lensorak". It's named Starlight City because it's high in the mountains of Remile, home of the goddess of knowledge, Remile. She's a rather large anthro wolf who loves meeting with scholars in the scientific and magical communities. She has no temple, nor does she enjoy worship. Instead, she prefers to walk among mortals. In fact, she calls Lensorak her "true temple".

The city itself is built into ten mountains, and houses two million permanent residents, with another five million students in it's vast dormitories. That's because the town is made up of almost nothing but schools and libraries. ... I'd rather not talk too much about it because I haven't gotten to visit there too long myself. Remile and I got into an argument about my Omnivices and how they work, and I ended up getting run out of town. She's apologized and I'm allowed back, but... Eh, I'll go back when I'm ready.

The third and last major public city is "Coin Capital Genlieh", the city of merchants. It's very close to my home, but I'll get to that in a moment. The streets and buildings are literally lined with gold trims and lines. The city is about fifty percent shops, ten percent taverns, ten percent hotels, and the rest housing for the two million residents. It's rather young, too, as it's only a thousand years old. No real landmarks per say, but the main place I go is the Golden Strip, where a majority of people shop in a massive bazaar. I really should buy some clothing there sometime... Anyway, the reason I mention it is because of the variety of species and cultures that come together there. I always enjoy going though and meeting everyone I can... sometimes pulling a few aside for reasons of my own.

However, that town does have a sore spot, which is the slums in the northern outskirts. They're people who don't want to leave their home city, as they don't have anywhere else to go. I've offered them a place in Naisura Valley to start their own city, but most are too afraid for some reason. Still, I've been working to gain their trust, having my father's followers run free clinics and food kitchens for them. Who knows what the future holds.

Speaking of my father, the next major city isn't open to the public, and anyone caught trying to enter is often left in a much different state than they approached in. That's because it's "Prism City Almeiga", the home of the Prism Dragons. There's only one entrance to the city, and it's not open to the public unless a Prism Dragon or Zelta Drake invite you in. That's rare in itself, though. Almeiga is completely underground, and rather big for it's five-hundred thousand inhabitants.

I myself don't live in the city, as Sirius and I have our own personal home near the entrance, just opposite of an ARCC portal. That said, there's one major landmark in the town that I must mention, and that's the House of White. Aptly named, too, as it's home to a being who drains others of certain... juices... and stores them for examination and experimentation. That being is my brother, Nelik Ezeri, who took to his new love in life rather quickly.

Otherwise, the city is simply home to every Prism Dragon on the planet... so far...

The final city I want to mention is brand new, and still being built. That's "W'Nactr Capital Ruknacter". Now you sort of see where their name comes from... Anyway, this city is the new capital of the W'Nactr who live on Legecia, and Kastra plans on making sure there are many schools to teach and help their kind to grow into a fully civilized society. Personally, I plan on going there sometime so help oversee development. I want to meet Kastra in a place where she's more relaxed, too.

There's some other places on Legecia, too. Naisura's Temple is one. It's my father's temple. He's the Legecian god of pleasure and fertility, and does his job well... I'll keep this PG, though.

Moving on, there's the Temple of K'stark, the new goddess of war. No idea what happened to Eletok, but I know K'stark is rather... deceiving. She's a naga-style anthro serpent of a species I've never seen. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a mixed breed of velociraptor and cobra. Anyway, she's not vicious like Eletok was. She's cunning, and very methodical in her ways. Her temple was recently rebuilt to be more like a training ground for troops. She does receive worship from her followers, but I do love her ultimate rule, "War is meaningless when there is no reason behind it." She's very... diplomatic in that sense.

Gah... what else is there... Many of the gods have vanished, leaving others to take over. I think my father and Resh'kir, the goddess of light, are the only ones left of the old gods. The temple of Resh'kir is in the middle of a lake, deep in the southern part of the west hemisphere. Pretty much the direct opposite of my father's. It looks like it's made from plants that have grown into the temple's shape, but there's actually a stone core beneath all of the brush. It's in a place where light reflects perfectly into it at all times, whether from the sun or a moon. Resh'kir is a very sweet white lion goddess, herm in body. I've heard shi has a crush on my father, but I'm not entirely sure that would work. Hell, it could. I don't know...

Hmm... I wonder if I could get Kastra to fill one of the empty slots of the gods... Perhaps I'll have to ask Sirius, or maybe see if my mate would want to convince them. Hell, perhaps even Veg- No, maybe not. I'd worry about hir taking control of a position of power like that.

Geez, there I go rambling. I think I'll cut it off for now. Maybe next time I'll talk about more of how Legecia works. Altair, signing out.

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Origin of the Plushie Form

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