Robert and Trish - Applying for a Job - Ch 2

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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Author's Note: This is the second chapter of a story co-authored between me and Damaged. If you want to read the full version, there is a link below. That one will be updated regularly, though we will probably still upload individual chapters.

"Hello, Robert. I'm Trish. I'll be your supervisor while you're here for testing."

He turned to the voice near the door and almost jumped out of his skin.

His eyes followed those legs, lovely paws leading up to the most exquisite musculature, past the joints to those thighs, the shape of which almost caused his tongue to loll out, finally tucking under that oh-so-tight fabric. His eyes couldn't stop though, not yet as they slid up her crotch, almost outlined under the tight, tight skirt. Past that firm belly and up to the first cupped swelling of her breasts.

Men of his species have not typically been 'breast' men... He was an exception, the weight of that first pair, just big enough to wrap your muzzle around were not eclipsed by the larger pair swelling above them, oh no, it was more a compliment, like the one scoop of chocolate ice cream over the sundae your were having, it just made it better. Good paw-fulls, that's how they looked, and he could almost imagine his paws reaching out to cup them. Slowly, with agonizing regret, he dragged my eyes up further, and was not sorry I did.

Piercing eyes that were simply unforgettable looked out of a face that was surely modeled after some goddess. He noticed her jaw was moving... she was saying something?

"Uh, hi." he said, almost gasping for breath, trying to keep his eyes above her neck, succeeding only because of those eyes.

He was betrayed though, by his own body and with a sinking feeling, he felt blood moving, as it does, to places that were at that time a little more visible than they would normally be. He quickly jumped onto the table, trying desperately to hide his animalistic response to her.

She clearly saw his expression and let out a very audible laugh. "Oh, aren't you cute getting all embarrassed." she stepped past him, her hips swaying with each and every step. Her tight shirt mostly held her breasts together, but there was still a noticeable bounce every time. "Just to warn you, you shouldn't get embarrassed by anything that goes on in here. I'm going to be seeing you a lot more ways that how you are right now."

Her words didn't help one bit. He tried to smile warmly back but it was more of just a silly grin.

That sway...

He could feel himself all but ready and despite her assurances felt even more heat rise to his muzzle and ears.

Just trying to focus on her words, he nodded mutely at her attempts to reassure, all the time noticing the way she moved, the way her own body reacted to that movement and with an inaudible groan he tried to huddle over his very erect shaft, feeling his heart beating hard in his ears with embarrassment.

She dropped the clipboard on the table and pulled out an audio recorder. "I have only a few medical questions I need to ask so we can figure out what we want to do and then we'll begin, OK? Try to relax."

She said something, a question? He just nodded again, feeling like a fool but making an effort to concentrate as she began asking questions.

She turned and gasped lightly when she saw him in the awkward position. She gave a light chuckle. His attempts to hide himself weren't working. "Am I making you uncomfortable, Robert?" she asked. Despite the strange situation, her face continued to beam and she asked the question as if it were completely casual. "I can close up my jacket if it would make you feel better."

"Uh, you're fine... I mean you're all good... I... oh bollocks it. I am sorry about this," he smiled with a silly grin. Finally getting on top of his hormones he asked, "So what is up for today?" even managing not to blush at all.

She giggled. "Well, actually, the preliminary test for males is a penis lengthening. It's relatively quick, easy on the system, and easy to monitor for anomalies." Her hand unceremoniously took a gentle of hold of his and pulled his arm up to reveal his still hard rod.

His mind worked furiously. "Penis lengthening?" he thought. Her sudden touch was warm but professional and he could barely react before she was looking at his proud rod contemplatively.

"You seem around... nine inches or so. Let's see if we can't push thirteen."

"Thirteen? Wait, what?" he asked in both shock and excitement.

She stepped back. "I assure you, the process is reversible if it's successful. If this makes you uncomfortable, we do have other options, but they aren't as simple and will take longer." Her lips twisted into a coy smile. "Unless you mean that you wanted to go larger."

His eyes bulged. "Wait wait... Bigger than thirteen inches? Can I... I mean can a girl even take that let alone any more?"

"You'd be surprised what we can do here. If we can make a penis that large, we can make a pussy to take it."

He sighed, thoughts spinning through his head. "Alright. I guess... I guess let's do it."

"Excellent. First, a few questions." She asked him a small sample of questions regarding his weight and his most recent meal. He answered them.

After that, she reached into a cabinet and pulled out a food bar wrapped in plastic. She measured out a piece and handed it to him. "Eat this please. It will provide the extra mass we need for the growth." He looked at it before biting. It didn't taste good, but it wasn't bad either.

She then pulled open a drawer and withdrew two syringes and two vials of fluid, one of which was glowing green.

He looked at the needles and liquids, trying not to cringe. The one fluid looked normal, but he'd only seen glowing injections in sci-fi films "Where do you want me to take those?" he asked, knowing roughly from some nursing school friends that different needles had to go in different places.

She began filling the first syringe with the clear fluid. "This is a tracer fluid that we inject straight into the area we want to change. In this case, your penis." She cleared the needle and came over to him. "I know it sounds bad, but you won't feel more than a pinch and some pressure."

Grinning, he said, "Ok then." realizing that the injection would necessitate the feline handling him. He leaned back, half bracing for the needle, half anticipating her touch.

One of her hands gently grasped the head of his penis. But she didn't really act like it was anything special. She simply slid the small needle into his base and emptied its contents into his rod. She gave the spot a small swab with cotton to stop the bleeding when she pulled the needle out. "Go ahead and lie down on the table."

He sighed in disappointment at her very professional manner. At least it overrode the minor pain of the injection. "Alright." He twisted and lay back, trying to get comfortable and utterly failing.

She returned after only a few seconds. This syringe was filled with a small amount of the green fluid. "This is the actual altering serum. I'll insert it into the area around your heart, and from there, the process should begin in a few minutes. Just relax. You'll probably enjoy the ride." She carefully inserted the needle, pumped the chemicals into his veins, and pulled it out, placing another cotton swab over the hole.

The prick this time hurt a little more, obviously because she had to go deeper with the needle, but boy did she understate the effects of the thing. The whole room seemed to change shades a few times, the light itself changing color. He blinked and blinked but it never seemed to fade.

A heat spread through his chest, flowing outwards. It felt odd. Normally injections felt cold...

The serum took to his veins and quickly spread through him. As it passed through his stomach, it began absorbing the matter from the bar he'd eaten. A strain of it closer to his lower region made contact with the tracer she'd injected straight into his penis. The liquid began the slow process of migrating towards his penis.

"How are you feeling?" she asked from the side of the table.

"I feel... odd," he said lamely. But it was the only way he could describe it. As the heat wrapped around his chest, he suddenly felt hungry. He groaned. "So... hungry..." He pulled himself into a fetal position as the heat began to move lower in his body.

She put her hands on his legs and pushed him flat. "Oh, no. Don't scrunch. You'll slow the process." He only barely managed to obey her.

After a minute or so, the serum began to flow into his penis. The two injections combined and the special chemicals went to work. New cells were made and folded in as new tissue in the reproductive organ. Fresh skin was stretched over the new addition. And most importantly, nerves grew into the newborn tissue. As his penis began to grow, it started to become increasingly sensitive.

The heat flowing into his penis caught his attention and he glanced down at his penis, now swelling in proportions he had thought were only reserved for porn stars.

He began to mutter. "Shouldn't this be pleasu..." The big word caught in his throat. A wave of pleasure hit him that grew and grew, forcing him to dig his claws into the plastic around the edge of the table to keep from writhing.

He just managed to hear her say, "Eleven inches increasing about .3 per second." Something was pressed against his neck. "This should help with the discomfort." A quick shot pierced his neck, but he barely felt it. His gaze was too intent on his massive cock that was still growing.

He couldn't see it, but the serum had also dipped into his testicles, expanding them for the new neurological connections through his penis and to account for a greater semen load.

About then, the food the chemicals were using ran out. The process began to slow as the serum started to eat itself away.

Robert watched as the growth slowed until he couldn't see any changes. "That's... That's..." He was lost for anything to say after it and just kept stammering the word a few times. Eventually, he managed to finish, "Amazing!"

Trish smiled at the reaction. "Looks like your just about done. Give it a minute to make sure its burned out completely and we'll start the post-tests. You still feeling ok? Any lightheadedness or dizziness? Awareness ok?"

He managed to pull his awareness away with a jerk, endorphins pumping hard now to compensate what his brain thought was pain. "My awareness? I uh" He chuckled, "I guess I feel pretty good, although I am seeing beautiful people everywhere." Under normal circumstances, my head would have exploded with the force of the blush saying such a thing would have caused, but the natural high he was on wouldn't let me feel bad.

She smiled at the comment, but her hand made a little note on her clipboard. 'What the hell did I say that for?' he thought as the drugs started to wear off.

"I'm going to do some reflex tests. Just relax." She started flicking different parts of his body with her finger, watching and sometimes feeling how his muscles twitched at the impact. She was done in a few minutes.

"Alright, only one left. I need to get a blood sample and a semen sample."