Nyuni--Part 4

Story by Caracalsie on SoFurry

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#4 of Nyuni

Wrapping up "Nyuni." I apologize for neglecting this story for so long; I've learned my lesson and don't intend to upload an unfinished story ever again. From now on, anything I upload will be already finished and posted at quick intervals. There might be a huge break between uploads, but that's how things are more me anyways. I don't have much free time and I devote the majority of it to "clean" artwork and stories.

Nyuni--Part 4

Nyuni stared. There was another cheetah in her enclosure. A male cheetah.

"Hello!" he chirped, pushing half a rabbit carcass towards her paws as an offering. "You're awake. I'm Ikizu. What's your name?"

Surprised, Nyuni looked from the rabbit to the intruder that had suddenly appeared in her home. This was a lot to process. Had the keepers brought him, like they had brought her? If so, when? And why was he so... she couldn't put her claw on it. The tone of his voice, the goofy cheerful look on his face... he did not appear more than a few months younger than her, but his mannerisms were those of a cub. Or a dog, she thought, remembering Flig and his pack.

"Nyuni," she finally replied, "I'm Nyuni. Er... you wouldn't be able to tell me what you're doing here, would you?"

The young cheetah regarded her question with confusion for a second. "Well... the new masters moved me here."

"The masters... you mean the keepers?"

"If the keepers are the masters," he replied. There was an aura of vacant good cheer about him. Nyuni could see this line of questioning was going nowhere.

"Alright, where were you before here? Did you have a territory? Did they capture you?"

Ikizu shrugged. "I lived with a lady. She called me Spots, but I remember my name from... before then was Ikizu. The lady kept dogs. They called her The Master. There were always puppies, but the puppies moved away after a few months. Hey, do you think the puppies are in places like this now, except in places with other puppies instead of another Spots like you?"

"Cheetah, not 'Spots.' We're both cheetahs."

Ikizu brightened a little. "Cheetahs," he said, rolling the word over in his mouth. Then his ears drooped. "I miss the master lady and the indoors," he said glumly. "Even the dogs."

"Hey, it's okay," Nyuni said soothingly. She moved to his side. "I came from somewhere else too. Trust me, this place isn't bad." An image of Duke entered her mind. Nyuni suppressed a sigh. She looked down at Ikizu, insecure and lonely in his new home, and thought of how she had Duke for company when she first came to the zoo. Duke was her lover and a friend, but watching how loving he was with Zuri at the party made her jealous and uneasy.

It wasn't that he slept with other people; she did that too, and enjoyed it. It was that she wasn't sure if she meant more to him than the others or not. Did he spend more time with her just because her enclosure was the most convenient and, unlike Zuri, she didn't have a mate? If that were true, maybe she should withdraw before her feelings could get hurt. She didn't think she could ever be with Duke casually and not fall hopelessly in love. But maybe she could be for Ikizu what Duke was for her. "Come on," she said, "I'll show you around your new place."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Ikizu wasn't so bad, Nyuni decided later that afternoon. In fact, he was sort of cute in a playful, puppyish way. Nothing like Duke, whom she was still sore for, but he seemed to be a keen learner. He was already picking up on her social cues and acting a little more like a respectable-albeit adolescent-cheetah. Sometime after lunch she settled down on her sunning rock to take a bath. She were still some lingering scents from last night in her fur, and she had skipped her morning bath. Like any proper cat, she typically took several baths a day. Even Ikizu, raised with dogs, was naturally fastidious. He joined her.

After a few minutes, she noticed he had stopped grooming himself and was trying to inch away. "What's the matter?" she asked. He squirmed awkwardly, tail whisking side to side. "Sometimes... uh... when I lick myself..." He squirmed some more, and Nyuni soon saw what he meant. Beneath his tail, his glistening pink penis was exposed to the air.

"Well, that's normal enough," she said, trying to make him feel better. It was true; he was clearly in his late teens, and she would expect his sex drive to be easily roused to action. But Ikizu was clearly flustered. "I don't know why it happens," he blathered on, ears bright pink with embarrassment. "The master didn't like it all all... oh, she hated it! And she hated it when I'd have an accident too, only they weren't accidents, sometimes I just... I don't know... I just HAD to mark it. Otherwise how would anyone know they were my walls? That was when the master took me to this place that smelled like steel and cleaner and other cats and dogs. She put me in a room with another lady wearing a white coat and a strange necklace. She put one end of the necklace against my heart, and the master said she wanted me... I think the word was 'neutered,' but I don't know what that means and the lady in white asked if the master knew her permit for me was invalid in this state... and then a few days later I was taken here."

The words spilled out in a rush. Nyuni was confused by some of what he said, but one thing caught her ear. "Wait a minute, you can understand all the keepers' talk? What you call the masters?"

Ikizu looked perplexed. That wasn't the response he had expected. "Of course," he said. "I had to, or I wouldn't be able to follow the master's commands. The dogs helped me learn."

"That's amazing!" Nyuni exclaimed. "You'll have to teach me sometime. I only know a few of their words."

"Um, I'll just go now... my problem," Ikizu mumbled, a little overwhelmed and shy. Nyuni was reminded of the reason he had mentioned his ability. "Don't be embarrassed about that," she said, "I told you it was normal. Don't you know?"

"But the master didn't like to see it... she'd always swat me if she saw it out," he said meekly.

Nyuni did not like the sound of his master. "She doesn't sound at all like the keepers," she said. "The keepers let us mind our own business, except when they bring us good things. Maybe you're right to call them different things. But you don't have a master anymore. This is my territory." He looked befuddled by the idea that he no longer had a master. "I thought I was wet behind the ears when I first arrived," Nyuni sighed, reminded of Duke. He had been a marvelous instructor in the ways of pleasure, helping her explore her own body-and his. She wondered if he would come tonight, and wasn't sure if she wanted to see him yet.

"Come here," she said, patting her paw on the rock. Ikizu looked uncertain, but he obeyed. Nyuni had the feeling he would have obeyed even if it was the last thing he wanted to do; subservience (but apparently little else) had been drilled into him from an early age.

"Lie down," she ordered gently, and he did. Everything about his posture conveyed that he was uncomfortable being so close to her with his genitals exposed. "You know the difference between us, right?" she asked, gesturing to his groin. The inside of the male's ears turned nearly scarlet. "Of course!" Ikizu protested, "you don't need to patronize me!"

Now Nyuni blushed. She was an awful teacher. Though his attitude was deceiving, Ikizu wasn't a child. He was nearly a young adult like her. She shouldn't forget that. "Okay, okay, sorry. So you know what it's for?"

"For marking," he replied. Nyuni sighed. Perhaps she hadn't underestimated the level of his sexual education. "Yes," she agreed in response to his answer, "but I definitely don't have that, and I've marked my scent all over this place. It's got another more important purpose." She scooted closer, and she could smell the faint musk of his erection. It struck her that she had never mated another cheetah, though she had let jaguar, lion and wild dog on her back. Remembering the good parts of last night brought warm arousal. She quickly made a decision. Sometimes the best way to teach was to show, not tell.

"Relax," she told Ikizu, "You'll enjoy this."

"What are you doing?" he asked nervously. She groomed the fur on his lower belly, moving steadily towards his groin.

"Relax," she told him again, right before taking the head of his pink cock in her mouth. "But-" Ikizu began to protest. Nyuni bobbed her head lower. He was smaller than Duke, and she could take all of him easily. Ikizu promptly shut up. His paws flexed, leaving little white claw marks on the rock. "That-that's goo..." he started to say, but he ended 'good' in a loud groan. His hips bucked, taking Nyuni by surprise. She hadn't expected him to climax so quickly. Baring his teeth, Ikizu snarled involuntarily. His balls clenched, sending his seed in spurts into her waiting mouth. Nyuni downed it all, then reached out with a paw to fondle his round sac. Her touch coaxed another few watery spurts from the young male but she withdrew, letting him spill his cum on the rock. Ikizu panted heavily, trembling. "I've never felt anything like that before," he gasped. He was so overwhelmed and naïve that he felt no embarrassment anymore.

"You've never had an orgasm?" Nyuni asked, disbelief on her face. Ikizu shook his head. "No, that-orgasm-has happened before. If the master was out, I sometimes kept licking myself-I couldn't help it-and that would happen. But it's never felt so good before. Is that what the male part is for? You don't ever get to feel that?"

Nyuni laughed. "No, of course I get to feel that. I don't have these," she said, fondling his balls again, "and I don't make this." She dipped a claw in his semen. "You said your master always had lots of puppies around the house. Did you ever the adult dogs mating?"

"I snuck a peek once or twice. I never got to see the whole thing. The master didn't like me interfering," Ikizu replied.

"Ah," Nyuni said. Poor guy really is clueless, she thought. "If a girl is in season, and you put this," she held up her claw, "inside of her, she may have kittens. Or puppies, or whatever."

"Are you going to have kittens?" Ikizu asked, eyeing her with quizzical consternation.

"Oh, no," Nyuni answered. "Not if we just do that. And I'm not quite in season yet. But that doesn't mean I'm not interested in having fun." She crouched, whisking her tail to the side. The young male stared at her exposed pussy, small, pink and lightly furred with downy white hair. He wasn't sure what she was going to do next, or if he should be doing something, but that inviting slit beneath her tail inexplicably drew his attention. The scent was inviting, tangy, arousing.

"Mount me," Nyuni encouraged, looking over her shoulder with an amused smile. He didn't need to hear more. This action, at least, came instinctively. When he crouched, his sheath brushed against the base of her tail, sending a jolt of pleasure through his groin. Ikizu was still half hard, but most of his length had slid back into the warmth of his now-bulging sheath. He thrust experimentally, dry humping the female cheetah's rump. More of his cock spilled from his sheath. "A little lower," Nyuni instructed patiently. After his performance during fellatio, she didn't expect him to be a good or even adequate lover. But that didn't mean he couldn't learn, with a little bit of practice.

Ikizu continued to hump at her rear, his instincts taking over. Nyuni could feel him poking at either side of her pussy, and she shifted herself to help him enter properly. He moaned aloud as his shaft sunk into her slit for the first time. Nyuni also gave a soft moan of surprise. Ikizu did not give her the feeling of exquisite tension that Duke's girth did, but he filled her like he was made for her, his erect barbs-more like pointed nubs than sharp hooks-tantalizing the sensitive nerves of her inner walls.

Once he was in, Ikizu's natural impulses drove him to thrust rapidly. He was inexpert and uncoordinated, making up for what he lacked in finesse with wild abandon. Nyuni gritted her teeth as he jabbed at an uncomfortable angle. She arched her back, tilting her hips higher so he could plunge deeply. Ikizu pounded away at his desperate pace for another few seconds before the stimulation overwhelmed him. With a yowl, he thrust one final time. His cock jerked, reaching a new degree of stiffness. He clenched his teeth, vague instincts driving him to bite down on something. Climax came with a rush of insensate pleasure. Everything around him melted away in an overload of ecstasy. His pulse beat in rhythm with his ejaculation until steadily, his heartbeat began to outrace his pumping testicles.

Panting, Ikizu slumped over her back. He flopped onto his side, erect penis still twitching occasionally. His groinfur was wet with his own semen and some of her juices. Nyuni felt her nerves buzzing with unspent lust. She was frustratingly aroused, itching to do more. Fortunately, Ikizu was far from loosing interest.

Nyuni purred as she suddenly sensed a warm tongue beneath her slit, grooming her fur. She stretched with pleasure, raising her tail. Drawn by her scent, Ikizu felt his sheath stirring. He licked higher, tasting more of her than him outside her tight folds. His male brain was keen at detecting certain scents, and the faint trace of one pheromone in particular was driving him wild. Nyuni had said she wasn't in season-not yet. But Ikizu's body, if not his rational mind, knew that she had entered the fertile phase of her cycle. She would be in heat soon.

This unconscious knowledge goaded him on. He mounted again, the stamina of a horny teenager now working to his benefit. Nyuni felt his firm sheath stroke her outer folds, nuzzling the little nub of pleasure nested within. Most of Ikizu's length was still within his sheath, but the pointed tip was exposed. When it slipped between her slick, shapely lips he groaned and thrust inside. He's getting better, thought Nyuni. He's young, but so am I; he could be a good lover someday soon. But could I love him?

At the moment, she didn't care. She could feel his shaft growing inside her, a new sensation. It lengthened as he shifted his hips back and forth, expanding to tug at her walls. The tactile proof of his emergent arousal pushed her almost to the very edge.

Instinct kicked in for Ikizu, driven partly by increasing odor of Nyuni's heat. His barbs teased tantalizingly as he plunged and twisted, and some feral impulse drove him to grip her nape gently. Nyuni felt his teeth on her skin with a spark of surprise-and lust. Ikizu thrust deeper, his pace picking up. This time he did not crest immediately, having spent his seed twice already. He pounded away at the female cheetah, vague unformed fantasies crystallizing in his head. He took a deep breath of her fertile scent and thought...

...gonna fill you... make kittens... going to breed to you like a bitch, whining while the dog pounds her and there's no master to chase me away, it's my turn now, my turn...

He groaned, tightening his clutch around her slender waist. His balls churned, virile and youthful, replacing the seed he had lost the first time he mounted Nyuni, and when she had swallowed his essence down. The reel of fantasies continued. They were not thoughts that entered his rational mind, but remained in the base part of his brain which controlled the instinct that made him grab Nyuni by the nape even though he had no experience.

...going to fill you with my seed, claim you, mark you, make you mine, you'll carry my... oOah!

He was close, and his train of thought accelerated. As his barbs scraped her nerves and Nyuni's arousal grew, her scent became overwhelming. She was definitely in season. She may not feel the impetuous of heat for another day, but she was fertile. The feral part of his brain-the part that had been buried beneath his tamed nature-chanted breed her, breed her, breed her...

At last, Ikizu's spine twitched in involuntary arousal. His ballsac tightened, full again, ready to release his seed. With a yowling snarl, he thrust hard, nearly penetrating the entrance to her womb. At the feel of his cock stiffening inside her, Nyuni clenched down and came around him. His shaft seemed to throb as he released his essence, but it was really her own walls, pulsing in rhythmic waves. Ikizu's yowl abruptly cut off as he reached the peak of his climax, eyes shut and mouth open in a grimace of unbearable bliss. No sound came from between those exposed teeth.

His sensory world narrowed down to the pumping of his balls, the tightness of Nyuni's grasp around him, and the ecstasy pounding in his shaft. Semen began to seep out around his length, drenching the fur of his sheath. Ikizu continued to thrust, slow and deep now. He persisted until the world started to come back to him and he discovered he was panting. Nyuni was panting beneath him. He could still feel the occasional spasm of her pussy as it tried to milk out the last of his seed.

They collapsed into a pile of pleasured exhaustion together, and Ikizu almost immediately passed out into a catnap. Nyuni smiled, thoroughly satisfied, knowing that he would be ready to go again several times as soon as he woke up.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

As the last employees filed out of the zoo that evening, a sandy-gray shadow slunk down to the drainage grill in her enclosure. She quietly pried it open and slipped through.

She exited into Nyuni's enclosure. It was a wide enclosure, and both cheetahs were on the opposite end. Neither heard the quiet predator slip stealthily through the foliage concealing the opening between Nyuni's home and Duke.

The black jaguar was on his way towards the same opening when his mysterious visitor emerged. His eyes gleamed with curiosity as they took in her identity.

"Kunal," he said, acknowledging the quiet feline. The pale lioness nodded. Kunal was a transfer from another zoo. Despite her grayed coat, she was the youngest adult member of Mfalme's harem. Duke knew her previous King had been her father, but that she had been sexually active before she came to live at this zoo. She never partook of the activities when he visited Mfalme's pride or during any of the carnivores' parties. He wondered why. She was in a safe place now. He knew Mfalme was respectful. Kunal was a gorgeous lioness, with beautiful pastel eyes and a slender, sinuous body. She could be the center of attention of she wanted.

"Hello Duke," Kunal said in her soft voice. "I want to speak to you about yesterday."

"Yesterday...? Kunal, I was going to visit Nyuni." Normally, Duke would welcome a visit from one of Mfalme's lionesses. Tonight, however, he was impatient to see Nyuni. After they had separated at last night's party he had not seen her at all. She left without him. At first, he just assumed she was tired. But then he spent the whole day thinking about it. What if she preferred other friends now? Or worse, other lovers? Most of the carnivores were mated but he knew the serval brothers were free and closer in appearance to her own species. He had really wanted to give her the chance to get to know their neighbors, but he should have spent more time with her. Every time he thought about checking up on Nyuni, he had let another female distract him. Not tonight. But Kunal gave no impression of leaving. She sat calmly in front of the entrance to Nyuni's cage.

"I'm glad to see you, but it's not a good time, Kunal. I have to see Nyuni," he repeated. The lioness gazed at him with her eyes, which suddenly seemed more austere than beautiful.

"Not until we talk Duke. I saw you with Lawry yesterday."

"You saw me with-what!?" The fur prickled on his back. This was bad news, but it was true-he had mated with Mfalme's teenage daughter last night, despite the risk of being found out. He thought they had gotten away with it.

"Before you panic," Kunal murmured calmly, "I haven't told my king or queen. Mfalme and Zuri know nothing. But there's something I want from you to ensure they stay in the dark. You wouldn't want them to find out, would you?"

Duke grimaced. "Are you blackmailing me? If it's a favor you want, fine. But I want to see Nyuni before the night's over, so can we talk about this later?"

"I don't think so," Kunal replied. Her tail lashed with anticipation. "I intend to collect this evening. I want to fuck you."

"You want wha-? Kunal, you know I'm usually all to delighted to spend time with Mfalme's girls. I'm sorry if I accidentally spurned you yesterday, but I'm more than willing to make up for it... only, now's not a good time. Tomorrow perhaps?"

The gray lioness narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to roar. Duke hastened to silence her. "Alright, tonight. I'll fuck you tonight."

Kunal's eyes remained narrowed. "You weren't listening. I don't want you to fuck me. I want to fuck you. Get on your back, now. Belly up."

Duke glanced in the direction of Nyuni's cage. He was liking this less and yes, but he acquiesced, lying down on his side. Normally he'd welcome this sort of play-he was not insecure about his masculinity, and he could take it as well as give-but tonight he had something else on his mind and he was starting to resent the lioness. Kunal stalked over to him. "All the way," she ordered, reaching for his sheath. Her pawtoes closed around his soft package, massaging firmly. He felt himself starting to get hard despite himself, and decided just to go with it. The faster Kunal was finished, the sooner he could be on his way.

Swiftly, she slid his sheath down, exposing the dark red head of his barbed cock. She mounted him, her pussy already wet and ready. Before he could say anything, Kunal quieted him with one smooth thrust. Duke suddenly found the first half of his shaft enveloped by her warm folds. Her tight slit caressed his length, coaxing the rest of his cock from his sheath.

He groaned aloud, but Kunal stopped. She shifted her hips, savoring the sensation of his pointed shaft filling her tunnel. It was a pleasure she too rarely allowed herself... a pleasure she could only take when she was completely in charge, for she had learned to associate any other way with pain.

Kunal spread her legs, sinking lower onto the jaguar's shaft. Her thighs flexed and all her muscles tensed, squeezing his pointed organ tightly. Duke growled, a spurt of precum leaking from the head of his cock. A moment later Kunal started moving her hips up and down over his taunt sheath, stuffing herself with his thick organ. Her tail draped over his round balls and anus, the soft fur tickling him gently every time she moved.

Kunal closed her eyes, losing herself in pleasure. Duke could tell she was still holding herself back, and he conspired to get her off quickly. He thrust gently in counterpoint to her own gyrations, increasing his input gradually. The lioness moaned as his pawtoes found her slit, but she hissed when one toe grazed her clit, causing her pussy to clench his shaft involuntarily. A paw on his chest pushed him down. "You do what I say," she growled, her claws pricking his skin.

Duke's eyes darkened. He had formed no strong opinion of Kunal before but now he decided he disliked her, regardless of whatever she may have gone through at her previous zoo. He enjoyed a female having her way with him-but only with his consent. Blackmail or not, there was only so long he would tolerate this. He wanted to go see Nyuni.

Kunal continued to grind against him, her claws sinking deeper through the fur on his chest. "If you fucking cum in me, you're dead," she said.

"You're not in heat," Duke protested. "You're not even a jaguaress. You won't let me move. What am I supposed to do?"

The walls of her tight pussy spasmed around his length again. Kunal moaned, throwing her head back. Then she growled, coming back to herself again. "Don't cum in me."

Duke wrinkled his whiskers back in annoyance, bordering anger. Despite his personal feelings, the sensations around his cock were leading him steadily towards greater arousal. He could tell Kunal was nearing her peak. The moisture of her pussy slathered his groin. He would have to clean that up before he went to Nyuni.

Finally, Kunal snarled, bucked her hips, and tightened so firmly around his length he felt a warm squirt of precum leave his tip. He thrust up into the lioness, not caring what she told him, not caring that she was bigger than him and probably could make good on her threat. He wanted release, and he wanted some modicum of revenge.

As Kunal was caught in the grip of climax, Duke twisted in one powerful surge, knocking the heavier lioness off her feet. Before she could realize what had happened, he flipped her on her stomach, grabbed her by the skin of her neck, and thrust his cock back into her hole.

The threat of blackmail briefly crossed his mind, but he dismissed it. Mfalme and Zuri would be furious if they found out he had fucked their daughter, but he knew Lawry would defend him. Her protests would stall the King's fury long enough for reason to filter through, and then he was sure to get away with what he had done. Lawry usually got what she wanted from her parents. The teen lioness had asked for him to do it, with fair grounds. Once that was made clear, Duke was sure Mfalme and Zuri would eventually forgive him.

Kunal snarled and struggled under Duke as his thick shaft penetrated her. Her weight advantage did not count for much in the position she found herself, and the jaguar was strong for his size. "Don't try it," Duke growled through gritted teeth, tugging firmly at her nape. His hips kept up a strong, almost brutal rhythm as he fucked her. The lioness instinctively began to submit at the feel of teeth digging into skin at the base of her skull. "You're going to lie there and let me finish," he said. "I had plans before you showed up tonight, but I figure I have time to do that. I don't appreciate you trying to blackmail me. If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have done it. The girl wanted it. Asked for it. So tell on us, if you like. I think we'll get away with it."

Kunal's narrowed eyes widened briefly, and she opened her mouth to spit back a reply. Duke shoved her muzzle into the grass, muffling whatever it was she meant to say. He buried his cock in her one final time, grunting as his heavy ballsac tensed beneath his tail.

He came in her. His shaft jerked again and again, his balls pumping, filling her. There was a delicious sort of satisfaction to it that Duke had never felt; he had never mated with a female under these circumstances. Even when he thought for certain his balls were drained, that he must stop soon, he kept going. Kunal's passage gripped him like a velvet vise, her body clenching violently to force him out. Duke groaned with pure physical ecstasy as a tremor ran through her walls and nearly did push him out. His ejaculations felt dry now, but he kept thrusting.

Eventually Duke's jaw relaxed, releasing the lioness. With a snarl, Kunal rolled on her back and delivered a nasty swat to his shoulder. Duke danced nimbly away, anticipating her reaction. To his amazement, watery semen was still oozing from his cock in a drooling little stream. His groin buzzed with a pleasurable afterglow.

Kunal watched him warily, ready to strike if he tried to mount her again. She seemed to have forgotten that she was the initial aggressor in their sexual encounter. "I don't want to see you in my home again," Duke growled. "Tell Mfalme if you want; he'll come down on his daughter's side in the end." His confidence caused Kunal to hesitate. Should she tell Mfalme and Zuri? If Duke was right, she might only be causing trouble for herself. Lawry would be furious, and Mfalme disliked drama in the pride. Sensing no opportunity to regain the upper hand, Kunal flattened her ears and skulked out of the enclosure.

Duke waited till she was out of sight and scent before dunking himself in his pool. He crawled out, shook his fur vigorously, and began to groom. He looked at the sky briefly. The sun was fully set. A soft breeze carried from Nyuni's enclosure. He could smell her... and someone else. A male cheetah!

He paused in his licking, holding his mouth open in a cat-like grimace to take in every detail the wind could carry. The scent of sex was in the air. A female entering heat. Semen. Arousal. Would Nyuni want him to visit? It smelled like she was having a fine time without him. One thing he knew for sure: his new cheetah neighbor certainly wouldn't appreciate another male cutting in while Nyuni was fertile.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Nyuni sat at the southern end of her enclosure, gazing at the herding animals beyond the fence with a far-off expression on her face. It was near midnight. A glittering spread of stars decorated the black-blue sky.

She had left Ikizu sleeping again after letting him breed her all morning and all afternoon. It had been much more satisfying than she had anticipated. She felt a pleasant soreness in her pussy from the repeated abrasions of his barbs. A deep warmth throbbed in her groin, paired with a faint, nagging insatiability. Her heat coming early, Nyuni thought. Ikizu was satisfying-he may have even impregnated her-but she did not love him. He was endearing and likable, but ultimately lacking. Going into heat reminded her of when she was new to the zoo. She had gone into heat for the first time then, and met Duke. Nyuni gave a sigh.

"Stargazing?" a familiar voice asked. Nyuni's ear's perked. "Duke!" Then she remembered that Ikizu was asleep and said more quietly, "Duke!" She did not want to wake her new cheetah companion. "What are you doing here?"

The jaguar sat down next to her. "Been waiting since last night for a chance to visit." He glanced over his shoulder, towards the rock pile in the center of the enclosure. "It that a second...?"

"Yeah, the keepers brought him this morning. Apparently he was in the holding cage next to mine all weekend, though I didn't notice him because I was out."

They lapsed into silence. Nyuni was thinking about the carnivores' party and how, watching Duke so lovingly mate the lioness Queen Zuri, she had begun to wonder if she had overestimated their relationship. Duke was thinking about the new cheetah, sure he would not be able to compete with one of her own species for Nyuni's affection. He spoke first.

"So... he alright?"

"Yeah," Nyuni replied. "He's nice." Together they fell silent again. It was so awkward. Why couldn't they just talk like before? How ridiculous this was! Nyuni thought. At once, she summoned the courage within herself to speak her heart to the jaguar.

"Duke, I love you. You're not my kind, and you were my first, but I love you anyways. Not like a friend or mere lover, but as lover-mate. And before this weekend, I sort of assumed you felt the same. But I never actually asked you... do you feel that way about me, Duke? I understand if you don't. I'm not a jaguaress. I'm not even your age, like Zuri. I have so much less experience than you."

Duke was taken by surprise. He did not know what had spurred her words, but he felt sudden relief. She did love him. "Of course I do, Nyuni. I love you even more than I loved Reina, and we were together for so long. What made you think I don't?"

Nyuni smiled. "You and Zuri this weekend. I never want to keep you for myself, or keep myself only for you-except in heart, perhaps-because we're cats. It's against our nature to be monogamous. When I saw you with Zuri, and saw how familiar and loving you were with each other... it reminded me of us. Suddenly I wasn't sure if you treated every woman like that, that's all." She chuckled nervously, her eyes seeking reassurance.

Duke wrapped his forelegs around her in a giant hug, pulling her down with him to the grass. His warm, hard muscles were a welcome pressure against her slim boniness. "Zuri's an old friend, but just a friend. I try to be a good lover when I can, that's all," he said. He thought about Kunal and felt slightly guilty. She had been damaged when she was younger. That didn't give her the right to behave how she behaved, but he shouldn't have taken such pleasure in doling out her comeuppance. "You're something special," Duke added. "Don't ever doubt that. I like spending time with you, Nyuni. Even just lying on the grass. If you were a jaguaress, I'd have you for my mate in an instant. But since you're not, and you have a mate..."

"What makes you think I have a mate?" Nyuni interrupted.

Duke nodded in the direction of the rocks where Ikizu was sleeping. "I can smell him on you. You guys were at it all day, weren't you?"

"Oh, Ikizu's not like you think!" Nyuni laughed. "He's younger than I am. He was some sort of-I think the word is "pet"-before he came here. He's just learning how to act like a real cheetah. I don't feel anything for him like I feel for you, but..." She grinned mischievously. "He's a horny teenager. I've never been with one of those before."

"Hmm, a bit like you were when you first arrived here?" Duke asked teasingly, a paw sliding down her back. "If I remember right, you begged me to fuck you. Over and over and over again."

Nyuni wriggled her rump comfortably against the jaguar, worming herself into a spooning position with him on the top. The two of them felt right again. The first few inches of Duke's cock had slipped out of his sheath. The red organ slid through the fur above her tail. "Can you blame me?" Nyuni replied. "How could I resist once I'd had you inside me? Mmm," she sighed, sensually grinding her groin against his sheath. The twinkle in her eyes told him how much she loved teasing him to full hardness. "Your huge, thick, enormous, satisfying..."

"Oh, be quiet," Duke grinned gruffly. "I don't need my ego stroked. You're just teasing me now."

"Yep," she smiled simply. She rolled around so she was facing him and placed a paw on his sheath, pulling it down around his length. "Need something else stroked instead?"

"Very funny," Duke said wryly, but he was aroused enough to come at any moment. It was as if every female he had mated that weekend had increased his thirst for the cheetah's soft, tight pussy instead of slaking it. He got up and mounted her even as she lay on her side, too impatient to let her crouch for him first. It took a few thrusts to get the angle right in this position, but when his cockhead found her lips he sunk his length in all at once.

Nyuni shuddered at the familiar fullness of the jaguar's shaft. His barbs tugged at her with each delicious thrust and his balls bumped against her rear. Lying on her side, she could reach down with one paw and cup those balls, fondling them through their sac. Duke grunted, pounding harder. He could smell both her arousal and the beginning of her heat. Both scents clouded his mind. He lost himself to lust.

As tight as Kunal was, Nyuni was tighter. She was smaller, a beautiful slender thing between his legs. And the way she writhed! He loved how Nyuni thrust back against him, begging for it with every movement of her body. Her paw was exploring the base of his sheath now, one claw grazing gently down the length of his taint.

Though neither wanted to wake the other cheetah sleeping some distance away, Duke could not restrain a snarl as he neared his climax. His cock stiffened and his barbs flared. Nyuni stifled a moan in his big paw. She could him twitching within her, soaking her walls with his seed. His ballsac pressed against her wet pussy as his tail thumped, jerking once for each rope of semen he spewed against her sealed cervix. She felt about to burst with the effort of holding her cries of pleasure stuffed inside.

Duke thrust with one final involuntary shudder before the peak of the moment passed and he was left panting over Nyuni. A substantial puddle of his own leavings had pooled beneath their coupling. As he pulled out, a gossamer string of semen trailed from her pussy to the tip of his penis. Nyuni rolled on her back, then back into a crouch. She spied the mess they had made and ducker her head down to take his length in her mouth. Duke was certain her warm tongue would have him ready to go again in no time. His redness had not even retreated to his sheath.

When he was fully stiff again, Nyuni stood up, licking her whiskers. She held her tail high and curved, brushing invitingly against his neck. Duke decided then that he didn't care what species she was-she was his mate. He mounted her again, taking her nape between his teeth. If he asked her aloud right then and there to be his mate, he knew she would say yes. But for the moment, Duke thought with a mental grin, his mouth was a little too full. Nyuni pushed back against him, and he felt matching heat flame in his own loins. Words could come later. For now, they had their privacy-who knew how long that would last?-and the night, and that was all they needed.