Chapter one- A simple Life

Story by Kinsoya on SoFurry


#2 of Zenathar

a simple life

"Zen?" A voise come passed the darkness of sleep."Oh come on! you promised!" it again shot pass it. soon Zenathar open his eyes,"About time you sleepy head". "Chrisa? why are you here? Its 4:30 in the morning" he asked her as he open his eyes finding her crawed over him in a stradleing stance and narrowed her eyes. "you promised a date with me two day mister now get up" she growed at zenathar."i know but that is in six hours why so early? i ant sleep i got mabey five left now."he exclamed. "i wanted something a bit early form you"she wisperd into his ear licking the tip of it."No Chrisa Im not doing that this early with you" he said and rolled over. soon after this she left and he awoke two a note."Dear Zen after this morning i can no longer be with you as i feel you are not going anywere fast so i have to go fairwell".He droped the paper heading two his desser pulling out some gothic cothing and got dressed as he then moved for town. Once in town he stoped at the 'one stop joint' and orderd a plate of grub."Here you are zenathar" Novra said. she was a black wolf with green hair highlights. "Thanks Novra"."Say weres the bitch?"she said looking around for the white wolf who untill today come in with him."Shes gone left me like the last few" he said two her." sorry well im gona take a stab and say im yours now and il not take no and you know that Zenathar"she said. "ya and you know i dont take demands eather Novra...."he said two her"now you do you cute wolfy of a man"she joked moveing two get his plate. after this zenathar whent home and went two sleep.

it was another day as zenathar awoke and found a collar apon his neck that had a lcok on it. it was clear novra was forreal about this and she wanted more then what he could offer her, he had two move fast two get out of this problem that has poped up. he moved two a window and open it slowly two not make a noise and moved climing out."like hell shes gona get that" he said two him self. once down he moved heading down the road and makes a left two go two town. meanwile novra headed up two find him missing and moved two her other pets telling them she wanted him back alive or els you pay with your lifes. At this they all leave and move out two find him and they had armed them selfs with swords and leather armor two lok deadly two get him. meanwile as they did this he was in town at a locksmith and gets it removed as one of novras goones show up and growl and charge him as she just moved coutering his movements and tosses him back boltn out the door two get away finding more waiting on him joining the chase. that would lead intwo allys and streets untill zenathar was cornnerd at a shut gate. (two be cont)