Robert and Trish - Ch 4

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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Robert and Trish - Ch 4

This story is a co-authorship project with Damaged. For the full story in PDF file, use the link below. Full chapters can be found on my profile and his profile.

Trish turned to him with a grin of her own. "Are you trying something, Big Boy?" Her tail gave a gentle swish from her lab coat and brushed his chin teasingly. "Because if you are, you don't have to try so hard."

Robert grinned. "Ma'am, I will have you know that anything I do always receives my full attention." He quickly tilted his head and kissed her tail, which flicked and bopped his nose lightly.

"Next time, don't be so subtle, then." She opened a door and gestured for him inside. "As for what operation we have today, you're getting a multi-dose. One for species change and one for sex change."

He looked surprised, heading where he was supposed to. "Sex change? That... that sounds interesting."

She gave him a sideways glance. "You're not nervous, are you? Most guys are either excited or completely horrified at the very thought." She opened the drawers and began taking out syringes. "Strip please."

He began taking off his clothes. "I guess I am pretty 'easy going' then. Besides, the undo serum will work, won't it?"

"Whatever changes we make, we have serums for going the other direction." She set a bottle of fluid on the counter that was pulsing a gentle pink. "If you don't like the changes when we're done, we'll just apply the male serum to have you change back."

He grinned as he removed his boxers. "See? Then what have I to worry about? I am in the most... capable of hands."

"You certainly are." She grabbed a food bar and tossed it to him. "You should know, though, that we'll still have to give you a full range of tests between changes."

He caught and started to munch on the bar, jumping up to sit on the table as he finished it. "Tests tests tests. If I didn't know better, I would think you enjoy doing tests," he said with a grin.

She grinned back. "Oh, I won't be the only one testing you this time." She turned with the syringe of clear fluid. "To be honest, this particular test was requested by someone."

He tried to avoid wincing at the injection. It was a lot of serum, but was not too uncomfortable. "Oh? Anyone I know?" he asked, trying to sound interested.

"You know them. But they asked to not be given away until it's time for that test." She pulled the needle out gently. "They were quite specific on wanting to help with one particular test."

His mind was racing with thoughts, but something caught at the front of his thoughts. "You said species too?" he asked.

"Yup," she said as she reached into the drawer that was still open and pulled out a green vial. "This particular variation is Fox. Again, by special request."

"Fox?" He didn't really need an answer. It gave him a hint. He just grinned. "So, how do you want me?" he asked, trying to wiggle his eyebrows but failing pretty badly.

"Just lie down on the bed. If you want to feel everything, I'll need to strap you to the bed. Or I can give you a mild sedative."

He thought about it as he lay back. "Strap me in. This should be a fun ride," he said with enthusiasm.

She took some straps that were cleverly hidden under the table and tied down first his wrists and then his ankles. "You should feel the species changes hit first. From our other tests, it doesn't hurt too much, just feels awkward. Then you'll get the sex change, and... Well, those probably don't need explaining." She filled the syringe first with the pink serum and then the green. The two blended, but didn't mix, creating a two-colored vortex in the syringe.

He tested the restraints before lying back with a deep breath. "OK, I think I'm as ready as I'll get."

"Good." She pressed the needle into his chest, about the same spot as before, and pressed the contents in. This time, the effect was almost instant as the serum and the tracer mixed. Heat quickly began to spread through his chest as it started to collect materials, taking from the food in his stomach and whatever fat was hanging on his body.

He let out a gasp as the warmth got warmer. Feeling hungry again, like last time, but ready for he felt the first tingling in his extremities.

The serum started in his bones. The chemicals began to attack his DNA, altering it to fit what he was turning into. As it did, his body began to push itself to fit the new blueprints in his blood. Some of his bones began to shrink, others pulled and lengthened. His organs changed proportions. His fur began to take on a slightly different consistency.

His whole body felt hot, but not painfully so. He could feel as things moved around: organs, bones, muscles, even his tail changing. It felt very different but it was his muzzle changing that finally alerted his brain "There is something odd here." The simple view he had enjoyed past a long brown-black muzzle was changing even as he felt his teeth move around within it.

Amidst all of this, the other changes started as well. The DNA was altered again, this time switching only a single chromosome. His cock started to tingle and receded into his body. New vaginal lips formed at the entrance of hir sheath, which was slowly laying flat on hir body.

Hir attention was suddenly drawn away from hir changing face as a slight cramp announced the changes. Shi gasped loudly as hir maleness inverted and pushed itself into hir.

Then the matter of hir cock was quickly transferred up to her chest and deposited as gradually forming breasts. The heat made her cry out at the feeling of her breasts growing outwards. It was then that she realized even her voice had changed, raising an octave or two during the procedure.

Her cock, eaten and altered, took its place as the new womb while the testacles became her ovaries. The other, more minor changes happened more gradually. Some of her muscle was eaten away to make her appear more feminine. Her hips widened and her stomach flattened.

By now, the serum was nearing its exhaustive point, so the changes began to slow, but the continued as her face finished altering into that of a fox.

With most of the changes past, she was left feeling just warm and tingly. Still feeling the minor changes complete, she turned her head to Trish. "Wow."

Satisfied that the worst had passed, Trish began giving her body a closer look and nodded with a smile. "Not bad. You make a very nice vixen." She reached back and picked up a mirror and held it out, revealing a very feminine fox face.

She looked at the reflection and smiled. "How is the rest?" she asked.

Trish put a hand on her stomach, feeling around. "It seems most of the structural changes are done." Her hands released the bonds on the vixen's wrists. "Get up and check for yourself. You may feel some lightheadedness, so go easy."

Using her arms to brace herself, she sat up straight. "Yeah, see you mean about that," she said as her sense of balance told her she was flopping around all over the place. Waiting until it passed, she put her feet under her and stood, then had to tilt back a little. "Balance is a little different," she said with a grin.

Trish reach out and hand to help support her. "You'll get used to that. Just stay with the table for the time being."

Keeping one paw on the table, she started to make a circuit. Her first step was surprising. She felt movement on her chest and looked down, bringing her other paw up instinctively. "Will they always move around like that?" she asked Trish as she took another few steps to repeat the procedure.

"They're not very firm. If you stay a female, a bra will help with that." She stayed close, but let her walk on her own. "Besides that, how does everything feel? Anything strange?"

"There's a lot more, uh... movement in my hips. Do they look ok?" she asked. She turned her head slightly so she could see the feline's reaction.

Trish smiled. "I'm not much of a lesbian, but yeah. I'd say they look pretty nice. Would you like a full mirror to look at yourself?"

Robert smiled. "That would be great."

Trish stepped away and picked up the phone on the counter. "Hey, Sam. Could you bring over the full mirror? Thanks." She hung it up. "Now, if you could sit back down, I need to take a blood sample."

Finishing the lap around the table, Robert sat back on it and let Trish do her thing. She stuck the needle into her arm and removed a small amount of blood.

As she was pulling it out, the door opened and Samantha walked in holding a rather large mirror. As her eyes fell on Robert, she stopped and gasped.

She turned at the sound and saw Samantha about to drop the mirror. Moving quickly, she all but jumped over to grab at the large piece of glass, at the last moment noticing two things. The first was that Sam still had a good hold on the mirror, the second was her sense of balance really wasn't up for this yet. She fell flat on her stomach, looking up at the encumbered vixen. "Uh... Hi, Samantha," I managed with a blushing grin.

"H... hi, Robert," she stammered. A blush came to her cheeks. "You, uh... You look good." She nervously turned her eyes away and held the mirror out.

Getting to her feet slowly, Robert took hold of the mirror. It was then her tone, her blush and a few other things about her attitude toward me made sense. "Thanks," I said, blushing myself now as I took the mirror.

When she took it away, Samantha's body became visible. It wasn't clear before, but she now wasn't wearing any clothing. But what was more startling was that between her legs stood a large hard cock.

Robert involuntarily licked her muzzle as her eyes were drawn to that groin. "Uh, Samantha..." She shook herself. "Like what you see then?" she asked, pushing all the feelings of shock to the side for the moment.

Sam gave a weak nod. With a deep breath, her nervousness seemed to fade slightly. "Robert, would you let me help with the testing?"

Trish spoke up from the side. "We need to test out the new additions. Make sure they work like they're supposed to."

She smiled, a little nervous about it but feeling better about the thought of the vixen in front of her by the moment. "That would be appreciated. Thanks, Samantha." She set the mirror to the side, noting as she did that she did indeed look fine.