My Great Big Brother - Where Wolves Dare

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =) Also, no real yiffs here. In interest of having plenty of plot I condensed the yiffs cause I figure by this point you've seen enough and now just care about what happens. So here yah go. ^^

"All who are in Hell choose it, for without that self choice, there could be no Hell." C.S. Lewis "I can do anything through Him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13 Blackness. That was the first thing Kyle saw as he entered his new afterlife.  For a moment, he thought that maybe everyone had been wrong, and that death was simply an infinite void that one wandered through while harkening back to one's days on earth.  But then Kyle noticed he was underwater...or...some sort of liquid. It was thicker and more viscous than water, and it was cold, sticky, and burned his eyes whenever he tried to open them.  And so for several minutes he drifted, just letting the current carry him as he tried to remember how he got here.  His thoughts were interrupted briefly when he noticed he didn't feel the urge to breathe, nor could he even remember how.  He cracked a smile at this discovery, as it meant he could theoretically stay underwater for all eternity and never worry about drowning.  But those thoughts were also interrupted as he suddenly felt like he was being pulled upwards through the muck.  And then he broke through the surface and into the air, to discover he was in a place like none he'd ever seen, save for his dreams. The sky was black and filled with red stars, although what really caught his eye was a swirling red nebula that resembled a gargantuan maelstrom of pure blood.  All around him the horizon was filled with the silhouettes of towering gray and brown mountains, with a pitch black one periodically dotting the landscape as well.  Turning his head, he saw a vast, infinite ocean of black water behind him. There was nothing but the sea behind him though-no mountains, no land, just water.  Turning his head forward again, he saw that he was about one hundred yards from the shore, and so he started swimming for it.  The water was thick, making the task of getting to the beach all the more difficult.  As Kyle swam however, he wondered if he was swimming towards a new home, or certain doom.  As he got closer to the shore, Kyle realized he was not alone. There were other furs swimming with him, although they seemed oblivious to him and each other.  Kyle paused for a second and tried to count how many there were, but then the waters started to move and he realized that he was now riding a wave as the water started to rise up and hurl him forward towards the beach. He clenched his eyes shut as the black waters came crashing over his head, and then receded to leave him lying on the beach.  As Kyle stood up, he discovered he was wearing a tattered pair of ACU pants that had been cut off at the knees. The rest of his body was naked, although he didn't mind since the air had a warm, humid feel to it.  Walking inland a bit, Kyle noticed something coming towards him in the distance.  He squinted, trying to make out the approaching silhouette, when he noticed several more entities approaching.  His attention turned to the other furs, whom seemed to know what was coming and tried to jump back into the water, only to be thrown back to the shore by a crashing wave. Kyle looked back at the shadowy figures on the horizon.  They didn't appear to be furs...and yet they were bipedal.  Due to the lack of a sun, the whole beach was shrouded in a black curtain of fog, making everyone and everything appear as just a lonely shadow wandering through the mist.  A twinge of fear crept into Kyle's heart, as one of the figures had drawn close and was now only fifty feet away.  He looked at it carefully, trying to study its face to see just what this creature was. To his surprise, the creature paused as it noticed him, and then stared right back.  And that's when Kyle felt true, unadulterated terror, for this creature had not two...but thirteen beady white eyes. "Oh God, help me!" Kyle jumped as someone screamed out next to him. Glancing to the left, he saw a red fox pinned under another thirteen eyed demon who proceeded to claw the vulpine mercilessly. Bits of skin and organ tissue flew everywhere as the demon's powerful thirteen inch claws eviscerated the fox's corpse in mere seconds.  More screams came from the right, and Kyle realized that there were now dozens of demons on the beach hunting down him and his fellow furs.  Several of the demons chose to remain atop their prey, leaning down to feast on the raw guts and flesh of the freshly slain furs.  Other demons chose to stand up and find a new victim, usually going for whomever was closest.  Kyle knew he had to get off the beach, and so he charged forward past the line of demons.  They failed to notice him, as none of them assumed one of the cowardly fleshbags that littered the shoreline would have the balls to actually face them.  As Kyle ran further inland, he was quickly confronted by another set of shadowy figures, but this time they weren't demons.  He recognized their shape as that of a fellow fur, but when he got close he realized they were anything but friendly.  Their faces were shrunken and boney, their fur gone to reveal their tightly stretched gray flesh.  Their eyes were missing, leaving sinister black holes in their foreheads.  Their lips were pealed back so that their teeth were constantly exposed in a sick, twisted grin. Surprisingly though, they were all neatly dressed in charcoal black ACU pants, shirts, and helmets.  But most surprisingly, they carried guns.  Kyle saw two carrying what appeared to be M-4s, while a third carried a Mossberg-500 shotgun...or at least it resembled one, just as these zombified corpses resembled the soldiers Kyle had once served alongside.  The zombie armed with a shotgun immediately noticed Kyle and let out a deep growl as he raised his weapon to his shoulder.  Kyle jumped to the side just as the zombie fired, the lethal buckshot missing only by centimeters.  Not wasting a second, Kyle charged the zombie as he pumped his shotgun. Kyle closed the distance in only half a second, quickly grabbed the shotgun's barrel and twisted it out of the zombie's paws.  He then swung the butt across the zombie's face, breaking its fragile skull open and spraying black and dark red blood across the gray sand.  The other two zombies started to raise their assault rifles, but Kyle leveled his shotgun at his hip and let off a pair of shells into their chests.  Suddenly a fireball whizzed over Kyle's head, making him flinch as he turned around to see a thirteen eyed demon standing twenty feet away.  The demon revealed the source of its fireball magic as it spat into its left claw, only for the glob of spit to ignite like napalm.  Kyle whipped around and let off another pair of shells, the first carving up the demon's left arm into dangly bits of flesh, and the second exploding its chest open to spill out its heart, lungs and guts. With the immediate area clear of hostiles, Kyle took his chance to loot the other two zombies for their weapons.  He reloaded his shotgun and slung it over his back, and then grabbed the pair of assault rifles lying on the ground and slung one over each shoulder.  After that, he quickly ripped off an ammo bandolier from one of the corpses and wore it on over his bare back.  Lastly, he noticed that two of the zombie's each had a tomahawk strapped to their belts, and so he took both and hooked one to a belt loop on opposite sides of his trousers.  The tomahawks were quite unique, as the handles were made of solid bone, polished to a bright sheen. The blades on the other hand were made of solid wrought iron and sharpened to razor precision. They even had a spike opposite the blade end to help balance the weapon, as well as give the wielder the option of punching a two inch hole clean through his opponent. However, due to the large number of demons around Kyle decided it'd be better to fight them from a distance.  Wielding one of the zombie's M-4 knockoffs in each paw, he realized that the guns were quite heavy--they were mostly iron as well, save for the rear stock and pistol grip.  What the hell? Is everything down here made from this stuff?Kyle wondered to himself as he swung the rifle barrels to hip level and prepared to take on the impending onslaught.  Ahead of him stood a crowd of nearly eighty demons, with another hundred or so zombies armed with rifles and shotguns interspersed throughout.  The demons gave their familiar high pitched shrieks as they led the charge towards the beach, spitting into their claws and hurling fireballs as they went.  "Are you guys seriously gonna charge a Marine packing two full-auto rifles?!?" Kyle shouted questioningly at them.  Not waiting for a response, Kyle opened fire. The muzzle flashes seemed to brighten the whole area as he swept the stream of bullets back and forth across the crowd.  Nearly a dozen demons fell where they stood as the lethal flood of bullets cut through them, sending a black mist of blood and organ tissue into the air.     Click click! The rifles ran dry, forcing Kyle to drop one and let it hang from its shoulder strap while he reloaded the other.  Reloading took a few seconds for each rifle, not to mention that he had to reload while moving in a brisk backpedal to dodge the hail of fireballs that rained forth.  "Come on you ugly freaks!" CHATATATATATATATATAT More bullets, more carnage.  Limbs flew, teeth shattered, bones cracked, blood rained, flesh ripped, and black tears of despair poured out as Kyle initiated another barrage of gunfire into the crowd of demons and zombified souls that charged him with the intent of sating their enduring bloodlust.          Click click! Damn it, empty again! Kyle thought as he unslung his rifles and tossed them aside before switching back to his shotgun.  It took only five seconds for him to empty the tubular magazine into the crowd, a feat that left four demons and seven zombies without faces, hands, stomachs, and/or legs.  Quickly he slapped another eight shells into the M-500, shrugging off the pain of two fireballs landing on his right arm and a bullet passing through the meat of his left leg. "Argh! Fuck! I'm gonna gut every last one you and drown you in your own blood!" BLAM! Click-cock. BLAM! Click-cock. Twice more Kyle's Mossberg thundered out, disemboweling a fox-like zombie and beheading a demon.  Kyle twisted to the right as he saw movement in the corner of his eye just in time to notice a demon swinging his massive claws for his head.  Kyle help up the shotgun to protect his face, hoping that the demon's claws weren't sharp enough to cut through the weapon.  Fortunately, the demon's claws only succeeded in knocking the weapon out of Kyle's paws, but now he was weaponless.  Not one to miss a step, Kyle quickly drew his tomahawks and swung both forward into the demon. The left tomahawk struck the demon in the chest, breaking several ribs and spilling out a bloody mist that dusted Kyle's face and torso. The right tomahawk on the other hand struck true and split the demon's face open all the way down from the forehead to his throat.  Noticing two more demons approaching from the left, Kyle yanked his tomahawks out of the demon's corpse and gave it a sharp kick to the chest, knocking it back into a crowd of zombies who had drawn tomahawks of their own and were closing in for the kill.     Pure rage burned in Kyle's eyes as he hacked and sliced his way through the crowd, always managing to stay one step ahead of the demon hoard as he cut them all down.  Each time one landed a lucky hit with a fireball or claw, Kyle would simply growl with fury and decapitate them with extreme prejudice.  The ground became difficult to walk on, as blood now coated the gray colored sands, making it hard to stay balanced.  Several demons ended up tripping as they tried to rush Kyle, giving him the chance to kick them in the face or stomp their throats in.  He grinned every time, enjoying the sickening pleasure of watching a demon choke to death on his own blood and spit.  Finally, they were all dead.  In the distance a few more demons lingered, choosing to go for the easy prey that washed up on the beach rather than the crazed wolf who had just slaughtered nearly two-hundred hellspawn. Kyle sank to his knees and surveyed the carnage around him, the effects of the battle finally settling in as he contemplated on what just happened.  Wh-where am I? This is just like in my dreams but, this feels real.  But it can't be right? I mean, if this is real...and this is truly in the fuck did I get here? He looked at the sky. Some people might call it an awe inspiring wonder as pitch black space hung overhead, dotted with dozens of bright red stars that seemed to reflect the pools of blood that surrounded Kyle.  All across the horizon he saw mountains, while in the surrounding area he saw a few large stone structures sitting alone atop a vast, gray wasteland of sand and blackened trees with no foliage.  He turned his gaze back to the sky, towards the swirling red nebula that acted as a sun of sorts. The whole world seemed to be in a constant twilight, with a grayish-red hue that coming from the nebula that bathed everything in its depressing light.  It was so unreal, and yet every cut, every scratch, every bruise...those felt real.  And in his heart, Kyle knew he was not asleep. Think, what was I doing last? Sleeping...or...trying to.  And I was dreaming, about Katie! That's right.  And I almost rescued her one time, but I woke up.  And that's when I decided to take all those pills and...oh god.  That's right.  But now it seems so clear.  I wasn't trying to rescue her; I was trying to rescue myself from my own pain.     Kyle continued looking up at the sky, wondering if his sister could somehow hear him.  I really fucked...messed, things up this time, didn't I sis? I'm sorry, I just wasn't strong enough to save you, and I wasn't strong enough to go on without you either.  "How do you even know he's here, this place could take an eternity to search and you'd only have covered half of it." "What the hell?" Kyle wondered aloud as a strange, masculine voice seemed to echo in the back of his mind. "I can feel him here," said another voice, this one feminine and...rather familiar. "He's my brother, I know he's close." "That That can't be Katie," Kyle said as he stood up and turned about, looking in every direction to try and find where it was coming from.  "Oh my word...look at all of them.  Who could have done this?" asked the male voice again. "I told you he was close.  Only my brother could have done something like this," the female voice said matter of factly.  "See Tomas, I told you it was alright to bring her along," said a third voice, this one also female but with a deeper, more mature sound to it.  Kyle franticly looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of these voices. It felt as if they were coming from within his very mind.  He began to worry if he was going insane, and that his own brain would bring him to his knees before the demons did.     "Hey, I think I see someone," the male voice said.  Kyle looked up and noticed something in the distance.  A trio of figures was slowly approaching him, but they weren't demonic.  They seemed to give off a yellow-red light, and were draped in loose white clothing rather than the typical charcoal colored uniforms he'd seen the zombies wear.  Each of the figures resembled wolves, with pure white fur.  Two of them were about the same height, but the one in front was shorter than her compatriots, standing only at about five foot seven, maybe eight, inches tall.  "That's him! That's Kyle!" said the younger female voice. No, it can't be.  I'm seeing ghosts,Kyle thought as he realized that shorter figure resembled Katie.  This is a trick...this world is trying to torment me through ghosts. "C'mon, let's get him outta here!"the shorter figure said as she suddenly took off and started running for Kyle. No! This isn't real! Get away from me! Kyle turned about and started sprinting away from the beach, thus heading further inland along the dusty plains.  He refused to look back at what he was sure to be a ghost of his departed sister. He knew it couldn't be real. It couldn't. After all, Katie was too perfect, too pure to have ended up in some place like this.  Still, seeing her face reminded him of what he was fighting for.  There has to be a way out, and by God I'm gonna find it.  Don't worry sis, your brother isn't far behind you.

Meanwhile, back on the beach, the two taller figures caught up with their companion as she stood atop a short sand dune and watched Kyle sprint into the distance.  "Where's he going? Why's he running away from us Remy?" "I don't know Katie," the taller female answered. "Tomas, you have any ideas?" "He must be delusional.  I know in the brief time when I was here I saw ghosts and demons from my past. He probably can't tell the difference between what's real and what's his own mind," the tall male figure answered while observing Kyle through the scope on his assault rifle. "Hey, don't shoot him!" Remy barked as she knocked the weapon to the side. "I'm not, geez. Will the bullets in this thing even hurt him? I thought they were only capable of hurting demons," Tomas said while begrudgingly strapping his rifle on his back.  "Let's not find out, okay?" Remy said while shaking her head. "Well, we've found him, can I just go get him so you can get Katie out of here? This is no place for her, and I don't want to risk losing her here as well," Tomas said. "No, I'm not leaving without Kyle," Katie rebutted. "I follow you two out of Heaven just to watch my brother die down here." "And I didn't come all the way here to rescue him, only to get his sister killed and myself put in purgatory!" Tomas snapped back. "Relax Tomas," Remy said, "You just focus on keeping Kyle alive and I'll worry about Katie. I am her angel you know." "Right, right. Plus, Katie you said you can sense when he's close right?" Tomas asked. Katie nodded. "Alright then, Katie lead the way. We need to get to him before he reaches the city; else we're going to have a huge fight on our hands." Katie nodded and took off running after Kyle, while also slightly envying her compatriots whom she'd forgotten had wings, and thus had the ability to fly.  Please Kyle, it's my turn to help you now.  But I can't very well do that unless you let me...

 Kyle's heart pounded as he realized where he was.  These caves, he'd seen them before.  In that first dream he'd had while sleeping next to Katie he'd traversed these very caverns and been slaughtered like an animal.  Only this time things went a little different.  The giant goat-legged minotaur didn't expect him to be packing a shotgun, and now Kyle stood over the behemoth's corpse with a sinister grin.  The remains of several other demons were spattered across the walls, a testament to Kyle's newfound proficiency with his dual tomahawks.  After a quick search of a nearby wolf zombie's corpse, Kyle reloaded his shotgun and continued down the catacombs while spitting onto the floor in disdain for his fallen opponents.  What he didn't notice though, was that his saliva started to sizzle on the ground before slowly igniting into a yellow flame. 

"I'd say he's been through here," Tomas said matter of factly as he looked over the plethora of demon corpses that littered the cave floors. "No duh, Tomas, how many other trapped souls down here can rip a demon army to shreds with only a pair of hatchets and sheer grit," Remy replied while keeping her eyes on the ceiling so as to not have to look at the dozens of severed limbs and spilled guts.  "Yeah, but how long can he hold out? Most people would've turned by now," he said while checking a cavern that held a few skeletons and loose pieces of tiger steak, but nothing else.  "Turned?" Katie asked. "What do you mean?" "You can't escape your fate once you're here Katie," Remy began to explain. "For most people, upon arrival they're attacked and devoured by the demons that live here.  Fresh souls are their food source, you see.  However, some people are kept alive to be used in their factories and security forces.  For those people, they're kept locked up until the unholy energy of this place turns you into one of them." Katie's eyes went wide as Remy continued. "Kyle's pretty strong from the looks of things.  Provided they don't kill him, he'll turn into one of those thirteen eyed monstrosities. If they do bring him down, he'll become one of their zombie security forces.  That's why it's imperative we find him soon."

Huh, that's weird, Kyle thought while looking at his paws.  His fur was missing, leaving just his gray, scaly flesh.  I must've gotten burned by one of their fireballs, that's why my paws look so fucked up.  However, when a clump of fur fell off his wrist he knew something was definitely wrong.  What the hell? What's happening to me? Kyle's attention was suddenly drawn to a pair of zombies patrolling the caverns up ahead.  Not wanting to waste ammo, Kyle simply sneaked up on them and slammed a tomahawk into each of their skulls.  After looting them for ammo, Kyle noticed a large opening up ahead. Ahh, finally a way out of these things. Stepping out of the caves, Kyle found himself standing in a large open plateau at the foot of a mountain range.  At the center of the plateau was a towering metropolis, with black and silver skyscrapers dominating the sky.  Smoke billowed forth from a row of factories on the southern edge facing Kyle, making him wonder what on earth they would need factories for.  The answer came quickly as he looked down at the assault rifle in his paws.  Of course, they'd need factories to make their weapons and...bullets.  Kyle ejected the clip from the rifle and looked at the bullets inside of it.  The casings were black, made from wrought iron it looked like, while the actual bullet was pure white and polished to a bright sheen.  Looking closer, Kyle realized that the bullets were made from solid bone.  My god, these freaks use us for everything from food to ammo! "Screeee!" Kyle looked up to see dozens of demons rushing towards him, some of them climbing down from the sides of the mountains while others sprinted towards him from across the plateau.  Zombies and even a few of those large minotaurs soon appeared on the horizon as well, making Kyle groaned as he readied himself for another grueling battle. 

"That's definitely gunfire," Tomas said as he led the way down the caves. "Katie, I assume that's your brother, right?" "He's the only one who could've made it this far," she said cheerily.  "Well then let's not waste anymore time," he replied as the trio of wolves sprinted towards the cave exit, although having taken a different route than Kyle they found themselves standing on a rocky mountainside path overlooking the plateau.  Below them was quite a sight, as Kyle had just emptied his assault rifle and had disposed of it by jamming the barrel into a demon's eye socket.  Quickly he switched to his shotgun and started pumping out shells into the demon hoard, cutting an even dozen of them in half with lethal buckshot.  However, he soon ran out of shells and was once again left with just his two tomahawks.  This wasn't much of an issue though, as Kyle had killed all of the zombies with his rifle earlier so he wouldn't need to worry about getting shot anymore.  Still, in the back of his mind he knew that taking down those minotaurs wouldn't be easy without a shotgun.  Never missing a beat, Kyle charged the nearest demon, juked to the left to avoid a swing of his claws, and then slammed his right tomahawk into the back of the demon's skull, taking its head clean off its shoulders.  Another demon leaped at Kyle from his right, tackling him and knocking him to the ground.  Up on the ridge, Tomas watched as the demon pinned Kyle beneath him and prepared to claw his face off. Quickly he took aim with his rifle, but just as he was about to shoot he saw Kyle stab his claws straight into the demon's chest and then pull out its still beating black heart.  "Holy shit!" Tomas cried.  "This is bad, he's already turning into one of them." "No! Quick, we've got to get down there and help him!" Katie cried as she turned towards Tomas. "Come on, give me a gun or something!" "Sit down," Tomas replied firmly, "you'll give away our position.  There aren't that many of them left.  After he's cleared them out we'll see if it's not too late.  But if he's got his claws now then it won't be long before he'll be under their control, which means he'll try to kill us." Katie simply looked on in silent horror as she watched Kyle stand back up and resume his killing spree. Come on big brother, I didn't come this far just to lose you. Kyle looked at his claws with avid interest, realizing that they weren't much different from the claws of the very demons he was slaughtering. It didn't take him long to realize he was turning into one of them, but despair was strangely absent from his heart.  Instead, he simply thought, Huh, so the bastards think they can win? I'll make every last one of them pay for thinking they can keep me locked up here.  Looking behind him, he saw another trio of demons approaching him, although they appeared a little hesitant, as if they seemed to know attacking this wolf was pure suicide.  Kyle just grinned wickedly and hurled one of his tomahawks at them, striking the center demon square in the face and knocking him to the ground. Quickly the other two turned and ran, scampering back up the mountainside and away from Kyle's reach.  Shortly after they found a safe perch, they turned back towards him and began hurling fireballs down at Kyle. "Get down here and fight you cowards!" Kyle shouted back up at them.  Hastily he retrieved his tomahawk while dodging their fireballs, when an idea came to his mind. Huh, if they can do that why not me? Kyle stuffed his left tomahawk into his belt and then spat into his left claw. Sure enough, his saliva ignited like theirs, although he produced only a fraction of the amount they did. "Ow ouch ow! Fuck! Bad idea," he said while shaking the fire out.  Just then he heard a pair of gunshots, followed by the two demons crying out and falling back down into the plateau.  Kyle eagerly looked around, hoping to see just who else happened to be packing heat and fighting the demons as well.  However, his attention was soon turned to a pair of the large minotaur demons that had entered the battlefield and now stood poised to strike. "Oooohhhh, fuck." Kyle just stood and stared at them. These looked slightly different from the ones in his dream. While their legs were still thick, muscled, covered in brown fur and had hooves like a goat, their torsos were quite dissimilar. Kyle cracked a smile and raised his right tomahawk, his vision suddenly changing with a red tint as his eyes grew bloodshot from his burning rage.  Without warning he charged the first minotaur, snarling and roaring with feral rage as bloody foam dripped from his wounded maw.  The behemoth swung a claw at Kyle, who promptly ducked under it and hacked his tomahawk's spike into the beast's soft underbelly. He rapidly followed up by pulling the spike out and drove his left claw into the hole, taking a fistful of raw guts and tore them out.  He ducked and leapt back as the minotaur swung at him again. However, the massive demon missed, and soon the effects of Kyle's attack beset him and the minotaur sank to his knees, his bowels and liver hanging in a stringy, contorted mess before him.  Black, greenish blood poured from his wound, and the smell was thick with ammonia and chlorine.  Kyle smiled at the irony of this, as ammonia and chlorine was the chemical formula for mustard gas.  Historians weren't kidding when that called it a hellish weapon, he thought to himself before walking up to the wounded beast and driving the spike of his hatchet clear through the minotaur's left eye socket.  Suddenly Kyle was hit in the chest, he wasn't sure by what, all he saw was a green flash of light and the next thing he knew he was on his side huffing for air and feeling like every nerve ending on his body was on fire.  He struggled to sit up, knowing full well that the other minotaur must have been the one to attack him.  Turning his head, he saw the towering beast swing its right claw, a green ball of plasma forming as he did so.  The plasma flew in a low arc straight for Kyle, who gritted his teeth and forced himself to roll to the side in the nick of time to avoid a second hit.  Wearily he stood up, shaking off the pain as he noticed more clumps of fur falling from his arms, leaving only his torso and head with any semblances of his lupine origin. The minotaur began to approach, closing the distance to a mere thirty feet.  His eyes glowed red through the gloomy haze of Hell's landscape, the light reflecting off his horns and gray, scaly flesh.  The red pentagram tattooed on his forehead began to glow as well, turning from a light orange to bright red as the juggernaut prepared to hurl yet another bolt of plasma.  But Kyle recovered faster than he anticipated, and before the demon could finish charging his dark magic, the young wolf began to charge him. Kyle ducked and skidded across the ashen ground as the minotaur swung his right claw at his face, missing by inches as Kyle stood crouched right below the demon.  Then, as he rose up Kyle swung his tomahawk with all the force his right arm could muster, bringing it up to strike directly below the minotaur's chin.  The blade punched through the soft flesh and into the minotaur's very maw, splitting its tongue down the middle and cracking several teeth.  The demon cried in pain, opening its maw to shout across the barren wastes of Hell to reveal to every demon it had just been bested by a mortal's soul.  However, Kyle wasn't done, far from it. With the demon's maw hanging wide open Kyle's next task was much easier, as he pulled the tomahawk straight away from the minotaur's face and with a sickening CRRRRAACK he ripped the demon's lower jaw clean off his head.  As the jawbone gave way Kyle suddenly fell on his back, rolling to the side seconds later as the massive beast collapsed before him.  Quickly Kyle got up and retrieved the bloody jawbone, pieces of flesh and tendon still loosely hanging on as he held it by the front and walked over to the minotaur as it tried to rise to its knees. It looked up to see Kyle standing over it...and then saw nothing but blackness as Kyle drove the two points of the bone through each of the demon's eye balls, not stopping till he felt the bone puncture its brain and thus fully put the snarling beast to rest.  Kyle heaved a sigh of relief as he felt fatigue come over him.  Carefully lying on his back, he noticed his vision still had a strange red haze to it. At first he'd thought this was due to his adrenalin surge bursting the capillaries near his eyes, but now he realized it signaled something far more sinister. His body quaked like a tree in a typhoon, and his mind seemed to echo with the sounds of screams and shrieks of the tortured souls that haunted this barren land.  He looked about, eyes widening as the black blood from the various demons that lay spilt in vast puddles across the gray dust started to evaporate. Small clouds of steam rose off the ground as some the blood dissipated into the air, slowly forming into an apparition whose face resembled that of a tiger before drifting away with a soft agonized cry. More specters rose from the blood, their haunting voices sending chills up Kyle's spine as he realized his fate should he die a second time.  He tried to stand, but as he did Kyle suddenly felt as if something was controlling his legs. "Rise mortal. You're ready to become one of our most elite warriors," a gravelly voice said, its source appearing to be the very confines of Kyle's mind. "What the? Who the fuck said that?" "I said rise! You will submit to your masters!" the voice angrily commanded. Suddenly Kyle felt as if his legs were on fire, and he quickly rose as commanded. "UURRKK! What the fuck!" he shouted through gritted teeth. "Get out of my head, GET OUT!" he moaned while gripping his scalp and tearing out another clump of fur. "You're one of us now mortal, nothing can change that. Now, for your last test: find a fresh soul and feast upon it, let it know the true meaning of pain." Kyle weakly stumbled forward, his body and mind no longer his own as he suddenly felt an emptiness in the pit of his stomach, and a craving for raw flesh in his mouth. 

From the ridgeline, Katie, Tomas, and Remy watched intently as Kyle defeated the two minotaurs.  They hadn't expected him to pull that off so quickly despite being struck by one of their plasma bolts. "Ugh, I remember what those feel," Tomas said as he recalled his unpleasant battle in the subway station.  "Alright, it looks all clear now, let's move in and get him before he evolves any more." "Hold on," Remy said as she studied Kyle more closely. "Uh oh, he's showing signs of coming under their control." "Whose control?" Katie asked nervously. "The demons, you know...Lucifer and all that.  The barons of Hell are strict task masters, and with your brother's defiant spirit it wouldn't surprise me if they got a little rough with him. Look, there are no demons around but he's clearly in pain from something," Remy gestured towards Kyle just as he felt the first taste of demonic tyranny burn him.  "Then...we're too late," Tomas said dejectedly. "No! He's my brother and we're not leaving here without him!" Katie protested. "Katie, he's not one of us anymore. Just look at him, he's barely even a wolf." "But he's still a wolf at heart, they haven't changed that yet," Katie argued.  "Leave me if you want, but I'm going to get him out of here if it's the last thing I do." "Katie, wait!" Tomas said as she suddenly rose up and slid down the side of the rocks to the plateau where Kyle stood. "Urrgh, fuck!" "Tomas! Language," Remy chided as both of the angel wolves took the easier route of spreading their wings to glide down to Katie. "Alright, so how do we save him?" Katie asked as she heard them land behind her. "Well, we have to give him one of the soulsphere's Remy brought. That'll reverse the process and heal him. But it's no good now, if the demons are controlling him they'll just make him kill whoever's bringing it," Tomas explained. "Then don't let him see you," Katie said confidently. "And just how am I supposed to do...hey wait don't go near him!" But Katie didn't listen.  Instead she confidently strode up behind Kyle, not caring that most of his fur was missing. Only his torso fur remained, and even that was looking on the thin side. Everywhere else was simply gray, scaly flesh. His fingers had become longer and pointed with razor edges at the tips, and his feet sprouted claws of their own to aid him in climbing Hell's rocky surface.  And yet, despite his appearance, Katie felt unafraid.  Slowly she walked up behind him, waiting till she was a mere six feet before saying, "Hello Kyle." Kyle swiftly whirled about, his subconscious immediately recognizing the sweet, gentle voice of his mate.  His eyes glowed red, and yet they maintained their benevolent appearance as he took a moment to realize it really was his sister standing before him. Katie?! This...this isn't real. It's real mortal, she's real. No, no, this is some kind of trick to just torture me. No trick mortal, you've suffered enough. You think so? Cause if you have any more pussy ass demons you'd like to send my way... Enough! She is real mortal, and she is your final test.  Kill her, then devour her to replenish your strength. What!?! No way, no FUCKING way! She's my sister for God's sake. Is she? I recall you didn't have any qualms about eating her in the past. Shut up! Get out of my head! Silence! Urrrkkkghh! God damn it, okay...okay...I'll do it...just stop...just for the love of God make the pain stop!  Kyle looked at Katie and snarled, hoping his display of aggression would frighten her away. He tried to shout at her, but all that came out were growls of anger.  Speech was no longer an attribute he harbored.  All he could do was look into her eyes and see the concern she felt for him.  That was painful. Kyle looked down and saw his right arm coming up, tomahawk in hand as he prepared to do the unthinkable.  It all seemed to happen in slow motion as she silently stood there, just smiling at him.  No, what am I doing, I can't kill her... Do it. FINISH HER! Kyle's arm raised up, the tomahawk in position to crack his sister's skull wide open.  He cringed as he pictured her beautiful face split down the middle, her snow white fur soiled with her own blood and grey matter.  His eyes shut as he desperately tried to stop, but it felt impossible. He knew he was just a puppet now; a mere plaything for the demons.  The muscles in his arms seemed to tense up, and he felt them pulling his hand down towards his sister.  Kyle forced himself to open his eyes and look at her one last time, knowing full well he wouldn't get another chance.  A tear of blood ran down his cheek as he held back sobs of desperate frustration as he watched himself kill the one he loved most in the universe.  Ggrrghh! C'mon, stop! I can't do this, I won't! Quiet mortal, finish your task. No! You're our puppet now, and we're the one's pulling your strings. Hrrrk! Yeah...well I can pull my own God damned strings, and I'm gonna FUCKING STRANGLE YOU WITH THEM YOU SONUVA BITCH! With that, Kyle suddenly jerked his body to the right, and for a moment he regained control. Katie shouted in terror as Kyle's arm swung at her, the tomahawk missing her by inches as Kyle's left paw gripped his right arm and wrestled it to his side. Quickly his pried open his right paws's fingers and dropped the tomahawk just as a wave of burning pain surged through him.  However, this pain was different, and it actually felt...good.  His whole body felt gritty and impure, but as his nerves screamed that he was on fire the dirty feelings seemed to drift away.  It reminded him of putting alcohol on an open wound and feeling the burn as it cleansed the injury of all manors of disease and parasite.  " feeling okay now?" He grunted, still not quite able to articulate how he was feeling.  Lethargically he rolled onto his side and stared up at the three wolves standing over him, two of whom he didn't recognize. "Argh, w-who the heck are you guys?" he managed to cough out along with some blood. "And...Katie? Oh my god, is that really you?" Katie responded by kneeling down and wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug, tears of joy forming in her eyes as she was finally reunited with her brother.  "Oh gods, Kyle I thought I'd lost you there for a second. Don't ever scare me like that again!" Kyle eagerly hugged back, although his grip was much weaker than Katie's as he was still feeling weak from Remy having hit him with a soulsphere, thus healing him but also exhausting him temporarily as his body was brought back from its demonic demise.  "Katie, I...h-how did you get here? And, why? I mean...oh screw it, I've never been happier to see you in my life!" "Me too, Kyle, me too," she said while smiling down at him. "How are you feeling?" "A lot better now that you're here......and...I'm gonna go with paralyzed," Kyle replied while also hoping that his corny remark wouldn't kill the mood. "The paralysis will wear off in a moment," Remy said as she kneeled down across from Katie. "Huh...who...what are you? You have wings..." "Never seen an angel before?" Remy asked with a playful grin. "What do you think? Now what'd you do to me?" Kyle asked, a little annoyed. "My, you're nowhere near as polite as your sister described," Remy teased. "Sorry, but what am I supposed to say when I can't feel my own legs?" "Hmm, good point.  Well, in case you hadn't noticed you were transforming into one of them.  I used a soulsphere on you to reverse the effects of you coming into contact with demon blood and spells." "Spells? You mean like that green crap that big bastard hit me with?" Kyle said, squinting slightly as his mind tried to comprehend what was being said to him. "Yes, exactly. Unlike their normal fireballs, those green ones from minotaurs are capable of draining your very life force and thus leave you helpless to resist.  From the looks of your body when we found you I'd say you were about ten minutes from becoming a fully fledged demon." "I believe that, there were voices in my head, I couldn't get rid of them. They...they told me to kill you Katie," Kyle said apologetically to his sister. "I-I couldn't stop, it was like they were in my body controlling me." "Mmhmm, that's why you need to not touch their blood when you kill them.  You can't kill anything down here, you just break it down to its very spiritual essence. Ever notice all the faces in the pools of blood down here?" Remy asked. "Where is here...exactly?" Kyle wondered out loud. "Can't say, this place is infinite in its size.  It's its own expanding universe.  However, I can say that there are many ways out of it," Remy explained. "I suppose 'through' is one of them," Kyle joked. "In a way," Remy said while cocking her head in amusement.  "But no, we just need to get you over to that huge mountain over there. It seems they found a way to fix that molten sulfur problem from when Tomas and I were here last," she said with a chuckle. "Wait.....what? And who's Tomas?" Kyle said, rubbing his head in confusion as he slowly stood up, the feeling coming back into his legs now. "That'd be me," said the tall gray and white furred wolf standing behind Remy. "Ah, well thanks for coming to save my sorry butt," Kyle replied while offering his paw for a handshake. "My name's..." "Kyle, I know.  You're the whole reason I had to come back here in the first place," Tomas said while trying to look as stoic as possible. "You know my name?! And...come back here? What do you mean?" "He means," interjected Remy, "That he was the guy stuck in Hell and it was me who had to help bust him out. Besides, he's got it easy; when I had to save him they didn't give me a gun." "It's not my fault you have an itchier trigger finger than me dear," Tomas teased. "Quiet you," she said pressing her index finger to his lips while looking back at Katie and Kyle. "Now, about getting you two out of here..." "We're getting out?" Kyle asked, still a little dazed from the soulsphere. "Yes, and you and your sister have two options. We can try the way Tomas and I used, which is to go to that large mountain east of the city. It leads up to that massive swirling cloud in the sky," Remy said while pointing at the red maelstrom above them, "That storm is actually a gateway out of here. If we leave through there, we can get you back to Heaven. However..." "Is there a reason we wouldn't want to go that way?" Kyle interrupted. "Yes, we have a pretty big chance of getting killed and thus eternally trapped here," Remy explained. "However, Tomas and I can also take you back to that black ocean where you landed. With our help you can get out far enough to swim back into the land of the living. You'd wake up where your physical body was last kept...provided it's still intact." "No issues there," Kyle said after briefly reflecting on how he got here. "But...what about Katie? She got shot, how can she come back from that?" "Leave that to me," Remy said with a coy smile, "But I assure you, she will be just as alive as you will." Kyle looked over to Katie, pausing a moment as he got lost staring at her body. Damn, she's as hot as ever! they still have sex in Heaven? I mean it's Heaven, they have to right? Although...technically we don't need our genitals after we're dead so...maybe not.  But if there's no sex there, why am I still craving it...oh...right.  I'm not there yet.  Still, better safe than sorry. "Katie, I think we should..." "Go to the ocean?" Katie interrupted with a giddy grin.  "Wha'? How'd you know I was gonna say that?" "Uhh, I've known you long enough to tell when you're staring at my chest and using that as the basis for your reasoning," she casually replied. ".......I'm not gonna ask how you even know that...but remind me to not think about what I got you for your birthday around you in case you're telepathic, too." Katie just chuckled and wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug, giving him a peck on the lips...or at least intending to until Kyle returned the favor by placing one paw behind her head, the other on her butt,  and kissing her like a true male. He also totally forgot that Remy and Tomas were standing right there. "Uhh, I thought they were brother and sister," Tomas asked as he watched the two siblings express their pent up feelings for one another. "Hm hm hm, it's complicated dear, don't worry about it," Remy chuckled in reply. "I never thought I'd be glad I'm an only child," he said while politely looking to the side as Kyle finally finished up, leaving Katie blushing as she realized what she'd done in front of her and Kyle's guardian angels.  "Okay you two, ready to go?" Remy asked. Kyle and Katie both nodded, but before the group turned to leave, Kyle made sure to pick up both of his tomahawks.  He wasn't sure if he'd need them, but better safe than sorry.  "So, what's the plan?" he asked. "Simple, we head back through those caves and back to the beach. You killed almost everything between us and the water, so it shouldn't take long to get there," Tomas said, only to pause as he heard a series of distance shrieks and growls approaching from behind them. "On the other hand, since we haven't killed everything in the city we might want to hurry it up before that massive demon army overtakes and disembowels us. Soooo, RUN!" Tomas took off, leading the way back into the caves with the others following close behind him.  Remy looked over her shoulder, her eyes catching a glimpse of at least a thousand zombies mixed with hundreds of thirteen eyed demons.  At least two dozen minotaurs walked among the crowd, herding the mass of creatures forward and beating the ones that lagged behind.  She knew getting caught by this crowd would be certain death, and she felt fear for the first time in her second trip to the underworld.  Remy quickly caught up with the others, who had been delayed briefly while Tomas and Kyle dealt with a demon patrol.  Once the path was clear again the group continued making its way through the caves, which was fairly simple as they only need follow the dozens of corpses left by Kyle during his rampage. Tomas was certainly grateful for this, as the trail of bodies kept them from getting lost in the labyrinth of catacombs that ran through Hell's various mountain ranges. "Come on Remy, not much farther now!" Tomas shouted back to her as he and Kyle stepped through the cave entrance that led back to the beach.  The group paused atop a large dune of ash to observe the landscape before them. Just as when Kyle washed ashore, there were hundreds more souls washing upon the beach, only to be attacked and devoured moments later. A few among them managed to fight back as Kyle had, but in the end they would not be so lucky as Kyle. Remy spoke up as they watched the blood bath unfold before them "Tomas, I think I see a quiet stretch of beach to the west." "Good, I didn't bring enough ammo to fight a whole hoard of these things," he replied while looking off to where Remy was pointing. "Ah, that's a capital location. Let's get moving before that changes." Kyle heaved a sigh of relief as they stepped onto the beach. Finally, he was getting out of here, and the best part was that his sister was coming with him. No longer would he have to bear the guilt of her death due to his negligence, or suffer through another day without her comforting smile to help ease his troubled mind.  Instead, everything would be back to normal. He'd be able to take morning runs with her again, cuddle with her at night, and of course mate like the horny seventeen year old he was. Although at the moment, yiff was the last thing on his mind. "Alright you two, into the water you go," Tomas instructed as he walked into the water till he was knee deep in the surf. Suddenly, without warning Tomas felt something strike him, and he was flung nearly fifty feet inland onto the ashen beach. Remy shouted in terror before she too felt something knock her down and her body soon lay next to Tomas's. "Remy!" Katie cried in shock as she tried to run over to the fallen angle wolf, only to run into something hard like a wall. She fell down, shaking her head to clear it as she reached her paw out to feel the air in front of her. There was a wall of some sort...or rather a force field, trapping her on the beach. Kyle was by her side a second later and helped up. "You okay sis?" "Yeah I'm fine, but Kyle there's some sort of invisible wall here," Katie said reaching out a second time to place her paw against it. "Oh no," Kyle said as he noticed a familiar gray mist creeping across the ground past his ankles. Turning about, he wasn't the least bit surprised to see Death's shadowy figure creeping forth from the murky ocean. Katie turned to ask Kyle what was going on, but her eyes quickly trained on Death, and she let out a terrified yipe.  Instinctively she wrapped her arms around Kyle, hoping, praying, that he'd be able to keep her safe from ghostly black figure approaching them. "And just where do you think you're going?" Death asked in his usual gravelly voice.  "What did you do to my friends Death?" was all Kyle replied. "Oh, that? Surely you know I can't have any pesky angels keeping me from my work," he said with a sinister chuckle. Kyle couldn't see his face through the shroud of his hood, but he knew Death had to be grinning. "But if it makes you feel any better, they're perfectly alright. I'm not allowed to harm non-mortal entities." "You already took both me and my sister once, what are you doing here?" Kyle asked sternly, his arms holding Katie tightly as she hid her face in his chest. "My job. Do you think I can just allow mortals to escape back into the land of the living? It would be chaos and remove any meaning from life itself." "I understand that, but my sister didn't deserve to die," Kyle retorted. "Agreed. Which is why I'm willing to make a compromise. If you stay here, I'll let her pass back into the land of the living. That was how it was meant to play out before you cheated your way back to life on that rock in Afghanistan," Death explained cordially. Kyle thought for a moment and looked down at Katie, who in turn looked back up at him and whimpered, "I-I don't want to go without you though..." "You heard her. Now, please, get out of our way before we have to repeat that little incident from last time," Kyle said. "Not this time human, you don't have any boots," Death laughed. "But I tell you what, I'll lower the force field and let you head back into Hell. If you both want out, you might as well try for that portal in the sky." "That's suicide," Kyle countered, "You know there's millions of demons out there." "Billions actually. Hell has been around for a long time mortal," Death said with callous delight. "But rather your soul gets devoured by the spawn of Lucifer on that mountain or on this beach after I slice you in half makes no difference to me. But know this, your little friend...Remy is it? ...saw whole army of demons making their way towards you with the singular goal of trying to bring you down. So, make your choice mortal; where do you want to die?" Kyle paused to think while looking down at Katie, his heart racing as he tried to figure out how he was going to get her out of here. He looked over and noticed Tomas and Remy were starting to stand up. Tomas looked over first, his eyes popping out in shock as he immediately realized what was going on. Remy noticed a second later and quickly shouted to Katie. "Come on, get out of there! We'll have to try for the mountain." "That's no good," Tomas said while looking over his shoulder, "We've got company!" Sure enough, the lead demons were starting to pour out of the caves, their keen eyes immediately spotting the wolves in the distance. Tomas knew it would be a matter of minutes before the demons reached them, and then it would be all over. "Kyle, come on we have to go!" Remy shouted. Kyle just shook his head and looked at her. "It's not gonna work. Just...just leave Remy. You and Tomas did what you could, but it's up to me now. Get out of here before you both get trapped down here." Remy was about to say something when she felt Tomas grab her arm and start to spread his wings. "He's right, there's nothing we can do here. That doesn't mean we can't buy him some time." With that, Tomas leapt into the air, his wings pounding fiercely as he struggled to gain altitude as fast as he could. Remy bit her lip and took one last look at Katie and Kyle before forcing a smile and saying, "Good luck you two, I pray we'll meet again someday." Kyle nodded in return as Remy spread her wings and quickly followed Tomas, wondering how on earth he planned to halt a thousands strong demon army with only a rifle, a knife, and sheer force of will. "Well mortal?" Death asked, "Will you let your sister cross without you? Or do you plan on letting me get a second revenge by killing you twice?" "You had your revenge when you took my sister from me," Kyle growled fiercely while drawing both his tomahawks from his waistband. "And now, I'm gonna tear you limb from limb for that." Kyle gently nudged Katie behind him, raising both his hatchets as Death drew his scythe and laughed heartily. "Fine by me mortal, I'll give you the honor of having your head hung on my mantle." Kyle just snarled in reply and charged forward, his feet kicking up small clouds of ash that slowly seemed to eerily mix with the gray smoke that now covered the ground.  Death raised his scythe and swung, although his timing was off and Kyle had time to dive on his stomach and duck under the blade. However, Death quickly brought the scythe around again and tried to stab Kyle as he lay prone on the ground. Kyle rolled to the side in the nick of time as the scythe's blade buried itself in the ash. "Damn!" Death swore as he struggled to lift the scythe back out of the ground. Not missing a beat, Kyle lifted his right tomahawk and brought it down on the scythe's handle, snapping it a foot from the blade and causing Death to stumble back as the handle suddenly gave way in his grip.  He quickly got back up, emptily glaring at Kyle who stood there with a smug grin on his muzzle. "Still not too late to quit you know," Kyle chided. "You can't win mortal, your pathetic little hatchets can't truly hurt me," Death replied as he flicked his wrists back, making a pair of hand held sickle blades fall from his sleeves and into his waiting hands.  "Well mortal, how's it feel to know your pelt will be my new rug?" Kyle just gritted his teeth and raised his tomahawks defensively as Death went on the offensive and began slicing at Kyle with his sickle blades.  Katie just stood and watched in fear, gasping each time Kyle blocked one of Death's blows with his hatchet handle. Kyle swung back too, managing to nick Death once or twice in the arms, but as he'd said, the hand axes did nothing.  The minutes passed slowly as both figures danced about the battlefield, dodging, hacking, slashing, blocking, swinging, swaying, and finally stabbing. Death managed to score a hit, his blade bouncing off Kyle's left hatchet and slicing as piece of flesh off his shoulder. Kyle flinched and accidently dropped his right hatchet to grip his now profusely bleeding shoulder, only to have Death swing again and slice off his left index and middle fingers down to the second knuckle.  Kyle screamed in agony while dropping his second tomahawk. At that moment he realized he was utterly helpless, and it didn't come as a surprise when Death landed a kick to his chest. Kyle's head hit the ground first, dazing him for a moment before he felt a blinding pain in his left paw. Looking up, he saw Death kneeling over him, and to his left one of Death's sickles lay impaled through the palm of his hand, pinning him to the ground.  "Nowhere to run this time mortal, and no shoes either," Death jeered. Kyle closed his eyes as he saw Death raise the second sickle, mere seconds from brining it across his throat and thus damning his ghost to wander the halls of the damned for all eternity. He felt the blade lightly touch his neck as Death gave him a brief taste of what he was about to feel, and then brought the sickle up ready to strike when... "GET OFF MY BROTHER!" Kyle's eyes flew open as he heard a rather unfamiliar cry, only to see Katie now wielding both of his hatchets and a look of pure rage in her eyes. For a second, Kyle wasn't sure who to be more afraid of.  Death looked over his shoulder, confused as to who could possibly be attacking him when he felt both hatchets sink into his skull. "GAH! You little bitch!" he cursed as both blades dug into his bony cranium, something that would easily have killed a mortal. But to him, it was just a minor irritation. He quickly stood up and pulled the hatchets from his head, tossing them aside and raising his sickle as Katie now nervously backed away. "Come here you little slut, you're gonna wish a thousand times you'd never done that." "Kyle! Help!" she cried as she felt her back press against the force field and Kyle reached his right paw over and gripped the sickle handle, desperately wriggling it to try and free his paw so he could stand up.  He could barely move the pain was so excruciating, but he knew if he didn't hurry, his sister was as good as dead. Urrrhhh! Fuck! Come on god damn it,! "KYLE!" Shit! Come on God, I need a paw here...LITERALLY! Kyle mentally prayed as he felt the blade start to move and slip out past his bone.  "Almost got it!" SHINK! "AAARRGHH! FUCK!" Kyle screamed as he felt the blade finally come free of his paw. The pain hit him like a wave, knocking him back to the ground and drowning his senses for a moment before it finally subsided and only left a throbbing sensation in his paw.  However, just as Kyle stood up he saw Death had now pinned Katie to the ground, left hand grasping her by the throat, while his right hand raised the sickle and prepared to bring it down upon her. "KATIE! NO!" Kyle cried as he realized he was too late. Meanwhile, outside the force field the hoard of demons had arrived and now gathered about, clawing at the invisible wall and wondering what was keeping them from a fresh meal. Their white, beady eyes stared in at the proceedings, many of them recognizing Death himself and cheering him on as he prepared to slaughter some fresh meat for them. "Looks like they're hungry," Death said while forcing Katie to look to the side, "Let's not keep them waiting then." Death prepared to bring down the sickle, but halfway through his swing he paused as he felt the ground shake beneath him.  He looked up and in the distance he saw a familiar mountain in distance, the one positioned directly beneath the swirling red storm that filled the center of Hell's sky.  It seemed to quake, and then a second later exploded! If Death actually had eyes, they would've popped out of his skull as his invisible maw hung open in shock as a massive hoard of rocks, stones, and chunks of burning sulfur flew into the air and then began to rain down across Hell's landscape. Many of the demons looked up and screeched, unsure of just what they were seeing when a massive chunk of flaming sulfur crashed upon the force field, shattering and sending dozens of smaller chunks into the crowd gathered below.  Hundreds of demons fell where they stood as the sulfur burnt a clean hole straight through them, while others lost entire limbs when a hot liquid blob of sulfur would fall from the sky atop of them.  The demon crowd quickly dissipated, the survivors now focusing on finding shelter from this hailstorm that they could only assume came from God Himself.  They'd have never guessed the true source. "What in the...what's going on?" Death asked nervously as he tried to decipher just what was happening. Suddenly he felt a paw rest on his shoulder and he turned in time to see Kyle, sickle in paw, standing behind him. "Here's my boot MOTHERFUCKER!" A split second later Kyle brought down the sickle on Death's wrist, shattering the bone and severing his weapon hand from his arm. Death screamed in pain and shock, his body actually feeling agony for the first time in his battle with the two wolves. Instinctively his other hand reached up and grabbed his now aching stump, but before he knew what hit him Kyle had grabbed his other wrist and quickly hacked off the other hand before giving Death a hard shove, knocking him onto his side and off of Katie.  "OH! WHAT NOW MOTHERFUCKER!" Kyle screamed in triumph.  "Urgh! You little runt, when my hands heal I'm gonna tear your guts out," Death growled back. "Uh, I think NOT!" Kyle said while picking up both sickles and tossing them into the ocean. "There, ha! I learned last time it'll take you at least ten minutes to heal up and get yourself back together, which leaves me nine minutes to troll your fucking face off!" "Kyle, come on let's go," Katie urged as she stood up and started to head into the water. "Hold on sis, I'm gonna make this asshole pay for every fucking time he's screwed me over in the last month. Seriously! WHAT IS THIS SHIT? WHERE THE HELL ARE WE? It's like I'm living in some demented sixth grader's drawing he scribbled on the back of a math test he knew he was gonna bomb, so he made better use of his time doodling pictures of him feeding his teacher to his abusive father's Rottweiler!" Kyle shouted, his voice reminiscent of an enraged Brooklyn cab driver. "And another thing, what's with all the cryptic metaphors and mind games? You appear in my dreams as myself...what the fuck's that supposed to mean? I didn't end up killing my sister, some spic with a lousy grasp of the English and a black market Glock did that. And why, WHY, every god damned fucking time I try to sleep, do you always show up with some sort dream portending to me ending up here? IF YOU'RE  GONNA SEND ME HERE, JUST FUCKING DO IT ALREADY! Jesus Christ in hand basket, if this were some kind of video game I'd have fucking rage quit by now! Either kill me, or go fuck yourself, but don't screw with my head like some sort perverted stalker who can't deal with the fact he got his ass handed to him by a seventeen year old! "So, listen to me you fucking sonuva bitch," Kyle growled while lifting Death up by his cloak's collar, "If you bring your bony, gutless ass near me or my sister ONE more god damned time, I'm gonna screw your head off, fuck you in the eye sockets, and shit down your neck so hard you'll thank God Himself you don't have any guts inside you that would've felt that." With that, Kyle hurled Death across the ground and onto a stone resting on the beach. He cringed as he swore he heard a couple of Death's ribs snap from the impact.  "Ahh, man I feel so much better now. Alright Katie we can go now," Kyle said as he turned to face his sister...who was now staring at him with her paws covering her ears and her eyes widely staring at him in fear. "Katie? What's the matter?" " really angry there for a minute," she said while lowering her paws, her movements still a little hesitant as she wasn't sure if Kyle would suddenly turn on her next. "That was scary, profane, and...utterly disturbing. But ironically, it also reminded me of why I fell in love with you in the first place." "What? How?" Kyle asked while scratching behind his head. "I didn't think talking like a New York Jets fan was very attractive." "Ordinarily no, but doing it to protect me, well...there's a certain indescribable quality to it," she said with a slight smile.  "Where'd you learn to talk like that anyway?" "Xbox." "Uh-huh. I probably could've guessed that," Katie chuckled as the two of them finally waded into the water and started swimming back to the land of the living. Neither was sure of what they'd find when they returned, or what would happen in their lives.  But one thing was for sure, they'd be by each other's side every step of the way. 

Well, that about sums up the story. Epilogue chapter will come in a few weeks to tie up the loose ends and fill in any plot holes you may have. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading. ^^