Cabin Break: Part 16

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#16 of Cabin Break


A loud murmur of voices surrounded Sara as she sat on a chrome barstool lo...

A loud murmur of voices surrounded Sara as she sat on a chrome barstool looking around a highly strung night club. She was attracting a lot of attention in her black cocktail dress as it hugged her every curve and perfectly displayed her ample bosom and toned legs. Males tried to approach her, but with a simple headshake even the most confident of her would be suitors backed off with their tails between their legs.

She turned back to the bar and watched the various coloured lights reflect and illuminate the various glass and mirrored surfaces as they phased on and off. She looked at herself in the mirror across from her and gave a wry smile, she had taken immense pride in her appearance for this evening and soon everyone would see why. She tossed her long black hair which she had tied back into an elaborate and elegant pony tail, the motion catching the eyes of more lust hungry males and a few females. She closed her eyes and took a long, slow drink from her martini glass, her excitement and anticipation growing with every moment.

A large but familiar pair of paws gripped her waist as a deep loving voice growled softly in her ear. "Ready for that special service now Mom?" Sara leaned back against her son and gently stroked her fingers down his muzzle bringing him close and kissing him over her shoulder. She slipped off of the bar stool and her black heels clicked lightly on the tiled floor as she braced herself against the bar, parting her legs and gazing back over her shoulder.

"Do it now and no regrets Sam." She whispered with a distinct purr in her voice. Sam grinned as he pushed the skirt of his mother's dress up and over her backside exposing a tiny black thong. The thin piece of material didn't last long in Sam's large paws and was torn from his mother's body in mere seconds of its exposure.

Gasps of shock surrounded them as the various groups in the bar noticed what was going on. Sara glanced around at several tables and gave them dark lust filled glances; there was no care in her eyes. Regardless of any objections this was happening and no one would stop it. There was the briefest sound of a zip being pulled open before the sensation of Sam's long and thick member brushing over her slit made her loose control.

Sara shivered and gasped as the large wolf who held her in his paws firmly groped her breasts; his actions making the small amount of dress that was covering them slip to her waist. They bucked and rubbed against each other in a heated fever, one growling the other moaning and gasping; then suddenly with a powerful thrust, he was inside her. Sara pushed back hard against him, her insides already slick with the anticipation of this moment allowing him to force himself deep inside her with little effort.

Seconds blurred into minutes and beyond as Sara took the mating of her life. Publicly exposed and vulnerable, she felt no shame at what she was doing or what was still to come.

She heard the clicks of cameras, and excitement of some, disgust and outrage by others. Sara gripped the edge of the bar firmly, her claws scratching deep into the glass a she felt her son's groin slap firmly against her backside and the tip of his member slam against her natural barrier again and again. She cast her gaze around the room and saw some younger couple's heat raising and starting off themselves, while some older couples simply walked out in horror; even some of the bar staff who had been initially shocked were turning on each other in sheer lust. Sara felt herself approaching her orgasm as one spurned suitor returned and angrily shouted at her. "Why him and not me, are you that fucking picky?"

Sara sneered at the Labrador who had approached her and growled out in lust at him. "Because he's my Son!" The Labrador staggered back in stunned silence as Sara began to call out "I love my Son! I LOVE MY SON! I LOVE MY SON BEING INSIDE ME!" She howled passionately as Sam pulled her close and made several hard deep thrusts before releasing himself inside her and she likewise felt her body shudder as her orgasm over took her.

* * *

"Everything ok Mom?" Sam called out to his mother.

Sara groaned softly to herself as she shook her head and let go of her daydream. "Just fine Sweetie. How was your shower?" She felt a slight pang of disappointment; in her fantasy she had reached climax but in fact she was hanging on the edge and the sensation was now levelling out in her. She didn't let it bother her; she knew the real thing was far better anyway.

"Good, I wish you'd joined me though." Sam barked back to her from the main room.

Sara giggled to herself and got off the bed looking herself over. "I told you it would spoil the surprise Hun, that's why I took my shower first." She smiled as she admired her attire for the occasion before she slipped on a long black bathrobe. "You all dry now?"

"Just about, that hot fan at the back of the room is a big help. I'd say we should get a better one at home, but it's not like we'll be living there for too much longer."

Sara smiled at her surroundings, pleased that she would soon be in her perfect home. "I know, it shouldn't be more than a few months back home before we move up here. Mike's already setting up our living arrangements here and I'll be making calls about selling up back home and moving tomorrow afternoon." She quickly brushed her hair and tidied herself as best she could to tease Sam upon leaving their bedroom. As she looked herself over in the mirror, she brushed her hair carefully down her shoulders so it looked like it blended with her bathrobe.

A dull bump made Sara aware that Sam had finished drying himself and was now sitting on the sofa, as she had asked him to after they had finished talking about the site and the legends surrounding its grounds. "Ready when you are Mom." He called out.

Sara giggled to herself; the way he called her made it seem like part of a school yard game, she didn't mind though. Sam while bright, quite often had a very naive and innocent side that reminded her of what it was like to be his age again. She was just glad he was also growing up quickly and becoming the male she needed in her life.

Sam watched his mother attentively as she stepped out of their bedroom and slowly prowled towards him. His gaze locked to her form and he carefully observed her movements. She took small steps so not to expose herself, which led Sam to conclude she had something special in mind for him, the clicking of high heels on the wood flooring gave away some of the surprise but still didn't prepare him for what she had in mind.

"I wanted to save this for the night we got home, but I figured that tonight was something a little more special." She came to a stand still in front of Sam as he sat on the couch, his towel still wrapped around his waist.

Sam smiled up at her and spoke softly. "Every day and night has been special with you Mom."

Sara gave him a shy stare and batted her eyelashes at him. "I know Baby I feel the same way, but I thought a fresh start might do us both some good." She let her words settle for a moment before she let her robe slide off her body.

A wide smile painted itself across Sara's muzzle as she watched Sam's reaction. Sam went wide eyed as he took in the view his mother presented him with. She stood with her paws rubbing her backside and hips in an all dark pink outfit. A lace corset and panties, with stockings, garter belt, lace gloves, and matching high heels made up the play wear she had chosen. Sara licked her lips as she saw the immediate effect she was having on her son, the tent being pitched under his towel was clear for her to see.

Kneeling in front of her son she tenderly brushed her claws through the fur on his legs, up his shins and over his thighs, sliding under his towel up to his crotch. Sara purred softly to him "Last time we were like this we got interrupted didn't we."

Sam nodded. "We don't have to worry about that now, do we?" He smiled as a shiver ran from his balls to the top of his spine as his mother's claws lightly brushed over his already erect member and testicles.

Sara shook her head. "It's just us now Baby and we need some good mother and son time." She gently pulled the towel across his lap, the soft fibres of the material brushing over his sensitive tip made him jerk slightly in excitement. Sara smiled teasingly at her son as his member was finally exposed. "Mmmmm, hello there." She purred huskily as she leaned in slowly then licked the length of his shaft and brushed her lace covered breasts over his thighs.

Sam brushed a paw gently through his mother's long soft black hair then gently rubbed the tip of her ear. Sara moaned softly at her son's touch as she took her time licking his member and playfully massaging his testicles. She pulled back after a few long minutes and breathed hotly over his shaft before gently stroking it up and down, trailing her claws over his flesh. Their gazed returned to each others in a long passionate stare as Sara moved a little further forward and pulled her son into a tender and loving kiss.

Everything felt perfect; the cabin was silent apart from the quietly crackling fire and the sounds of the two lovers deepening breathing. Anything could have happened in the world around them, but neither of them cared. All they were concerned with was each other, the proof of that came when they broke their slow passionate kiss and said in unison - I love you.

Sara lowered her body slowly and as she did, engulfed her son's engorged member in her mouth; coiling her tongue around his thick shaft and pressing it against the roof of her mouth, making him growl contentedly as he carefully cupped his mother's head in his paws and massaged her ears. Sara murred loudly at the sensation as she began sucking her son's cock firmly and deeply in her maw.

Feeling daring, Sara did her best to open her throat as much as possible and slowly took more of her son in her mouth than she had tried to in the past few weeks. Sam drew a raspy breath at the sensation while his mother attempted to push the tip of his cock deeper into her throat. She let out a soft growl which reverberated along her son's member and made him tense up; Sara knew she would have her first taste of his seed in several days soon.

As gently as he could, Sam began bucking into his mother's mouth; her warm, moist tunnel sucking hard on him as he placed his paws at the back of her head and gently bobbed her head back and forth in time with his thrusts. It had only been a few minutes since they had started the extra motions but Sara felt her throat relax a little further and with an extra effort in opening her jaws she finally felt his tip and an extra inch or two of his shaft fill her throat. Her eyes rolled back at the feeling and she gurgled helplessly yet not panicked by the situation. The growls and gurgles she made pushed Sam over the edge and he felt an all too familiar tightness in his groin.

A heavy splash of cum slapped the back of her throat and Sara knew it was time to pull back. Carefully she let him slide from her mouth as a second thick rope of his cum hit her pallet and trailed out of her mouth, its tail end accompanied by a third and final spurt landed liberally on her right breast and trickled into her cleavage.

Their eyes locked in predatory lust for each other but both knew such fierce actions would ruin the moment. Sam caught a far off glance in his mother's eyes; he guessed she was imagining how much bigger he might get in the future and the more wonderful experiences they might have together because of it. He let his mind dwell on the thought for a moment, picturing himself making love to her on the grounds in front of the cabin while the sun rose on the horizon, his shaft slipping deeper and deeper into her no matter how he took her; oral, anal or vaginal.

He was brought back to a sharp reality when he felt his mother's paw grip and rhythmically squeeze his member as she slowly stroked up and down, and rolled her paw back and forth. "My turn Baby." Sara growled seductively and with her free paw dipped a finger into the small pool of his seed that had nestled in her cleavage then licked it slowly and hungrily.

Sam grinned and stood in front of her, brushing his member along her muzzle and cheek. She looked up at him and smiled as she saw him beckon her to stand. As she raised herself to her full height, she found it amusing that she was now only slightly taller than him in her heels; he had grown so much in such a short time, she knew she would have to take him shopping for new clothes soon.

A swift move from Sam and Sara found herself being carried to one of the large comfy chairs across the room. Sam sat her down gently and with a growing skill teased the soft silk and lace panties she was wearing down her legs and then tossed them carelessly over his shoulder onto the couch. They gazed playfully at each other as Sara coyly bit her bottom lip and Sam made a playful biting motion at her before running his tongue along the tips of his teeth; Sara's tail flicked excitedly from side to side as he came closer and lowered himself to the floor and leaned into her prone form, then raised and opened her legs, easing them on to arm rests of the large chair.

His hot breath almost seemed to burn her senses as he breathed harshly over her slit for almost a minute; Sara was about to call out to him not wanting to wait any longer when his tongue flicked out and firmly caught her clit. She howled in ecstasy and her paws launched forward; grasping her son's head and pulling him closer, not wanting him to stop.

Sam's tongue lashed against his mother's slit repeatedly; his motions clipped and more often than not writhed and twirled on her clit. Sara couldn't help herself as she bucked her crotch back against his muzzle as he has done to her; her lust filled moans and howls filling the cabin. Sam let her ride his open maw for several minutes and let his tongue wander freely across her mound as her distinct sexual musk filled his senses.

Reaching around her legs, Sam gripped the top of his mother's thighs and squeezed firmly; the sudden extra tightness made Sara tense up and throw her head back with a lusty growl which was followed by a breathless gasp as she felt Sam's tongue slip deep inside her.

Sam couldn't believe how much he had missed the taste of his mother's sexual juices and lapped hungrily at her innards. His grip tightened further and Sara groaned deeply, begging for a release as she moved her legs onto Sam's shoulders and locked them behind him, keeping him in place as he licked her clean only for more of her juices to flow for him.

Sara raked her claws along Sam's shoulders, gripping clumps of his fur for short moments as she did as his tongue flicked, coiled, and lapped at her slit. Her moans grew deeper and longer and her chest heaved with her heavy breathing. She pulled a paw free from his back and firmly caressed her breasts, growling softly at the feeling of her own claws grazing her tender flesh. Sam grinned to himself as he got ready to try something different.

With a loud and surprised yip Sara found herself almost upside down; resting on her shoulders with Sam's arms wrapped tight around her waist to hold her up while her legs kicked a little over his shoulders. Sara gave Sam a sultry grin and gently patted her tail off of his chest before locking her legs firmly over his shoulders. "Show me what'cha got Merlin." She purred huskily and lightly bit her bottom lip again in anticipation.

Sam grinned and blew a kiss toward his mother beneath him, a gesture which she echoed quickly before gripping the arm rests of the large chair. Sam suppressed a chuckle as he knew she was about to need them. While keeping her firmly in his grasp he slipped a paw to her slit and gently rubbed her clit with the soft pad on his finger; he then began to firmly lick and suck at her sensitive folds, making her howl and gasp for more.

Sara could feel her climax coming; she just needed an extra push. After only a minute or two, Sam gave it to her. He changed his point of interest but continued to rub his finger over his mother's clit; his tongue lashed out instead at her tail hole. With all the excitement and fevered lapping Sam had been doing, he found his mother's anus already well lubricated. He pressed his muzzle firmly against her rump and forcefully wriggled his tongue over her tight ring; Sara had to admit, in the few short weeks they had been lovers, Sam had certainly learned a lot and how to put it to good use. Some seconds later Sara felt her tail hole submit to her son's firm but gentle ministrations; she murred deeply to herself and called out his name in lust fuelled passion as she felt his tongue tentatively probe her back passage. Sara felt her body begin to tense and shudder. "Oh shit baby, I'm cumming!" She gasped as her inner muscles began to spasm and sprayed a large amount of her own cum over herself and her son; her claws digging into the arm rests of the now lightly sodden chair.

Sam relaxed his attention and let his mother ride out her orgasm. He moved slowly when her convulsions began to dissipate, lowering her to a more level position. He still felt her legs twitching on his shoulders when he eased her off of him and helped her get more comfortable. Sara panted heavily and curled up in the corner of the large chair and gave Sam the most contented look he had ever seen. "You're not done are you?" He asked with hope in his voice, not wanting the evening to be over yet.

Her paw quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the chair with her; she wrapped him up in her arms and kissed him passionately for a long moment before pulling back and staring into his eyes with a glint of desire in her own. "Not likely Merlin." She purred in a silky soft voice. Sam smiled and firmly caressed her body; his paws paying particular attention to her thighs, backside and chest. "Just give me a moment I need a little time to calm down."

Sam nodded and cuddled close to his mother. "Is there anything you want me to do Mom?" He asked softly.

Sara thought for a moment then smiled softly at her son and gently stroked his cheek. "I want you to call me by my name when we're making love." She paused to let her request sink in. Sam was about to say something when he was cut off. "I need to hear you call my name, I need you to call out for me as your mate. I'm more than just your mother now Sam; let me hear it, and feel it, as well as be it."

Sam nodded and pulled away from her, leaving her feeling a little at loss without a verbal response. Sam stood in front of his mother for a long moment as he composed himself, readying himself for something special. Sara watched him for a moment and saw an almost stoic look cross his face. In that instant she was convinced it could have been his father standing before her, but when he spoke; she heard words that were all too familiar.

Sam offered his mother, his paws. Without hesitation she took hold of his paws and stood up slowly, their eyes meeting and holding on each other. "Sara, I would be honoured if you would come into my life, to be with me forever. Sara Prydein, would you be my life mate."

Without a second thought Sara threw herself into her son's arms; kissing him wildly and deeply for a long moment. Sam was taken aback but held his mother tight in his arms and returning every bit of affection with as much vigour as she was. Suddenly she stopped and cupped Sam's face in her paws. Her eyes were wide and almost ready to flood with tears but a bewildered happy smile crossed her muzzle. "Did anyone ever say those words to you Sam?"

Sam shook his head gently. "They just came to me. It felt like the right thing to say, and it's how I feel too."

Sara pulled Sam close and held him as tight as she could. "Your father said almost the exact same words to me the day he asked me to marry him."

"Dad said that?" Sam said with deep shock in his voice.

Sara nodded as she pulled back. "And I'll tell you the same thing I told him. I'd never fall for another male who couldn't speak such words from the heart and mean it." She paused only to kiss Sam tenderly on the muzzle. "I never met anyone who could speak from the heart like that, except from your Dad and now you. Now I know we were supposed to be together."

Sam smiled lovingly and kissed his mother slowly and tenderly as one of his paws gently stroked her hair and the other rubbed her back, which earned him a soft murr of delight from his mother.

"You said almost the same words though?" Sam said unsure of what she meant.

Sara gently scratched the back of his neck. "Just one word was different Sam. My maiden name was Aldan; then I took your father's name, Prydein."

Sam was more than a little stunned. "Do you think..." Was all he managed before his mother silenced him with a finger over his muzzle. She simply smiled and took Sam's paw and led him back to the couch where she sat him down before kneeling down and straddling over him.

"Samuel Prydein, I will forever be your life mate, from this day forth I will be your council and lover. I will never take advantage of you and I will always be there for you no matter what awaits us in the future. Will you take me, Sara Prydein, your mother, as your life mate, my son?" Sara finished her short speech, her soft words still ringing around Sam's head when he answered without hesitation.

"Yes!" He howled, bearing his soul to his mother as he embraced her, feeling closer to her now than he had ever done in the last few weeks, or their whole lives. They shared their moment of bonding wrapped up in each others arms, tenderly kissing and caressing each other as they whispered loving words in each others ears. Several minutes passed and they sat back from each other staring into each others eyes. Sara decided to break the silence and make the bond truly permanent. "Shall we consummate this agreement?" She whispered softly. Sam nodded and guided his mother's hips to his waiting member.

"Sara..." Sam growled softly; his mother's attention fully focused on him. "Be mine." Were the last words he said and with that Sara lowered herself onto his shaft with one word whispered lovingly into his ear.


As Sara finished lowering herself on her son's shaft; she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gently stroked the back of his neck. Sam took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around his mother's waist, then tenderly trailed his claws up and down her back; Sara shivered at the sensation and let a soft moan pass her lips.

There was no sense of urgency between them as they spent long minutes exploring each others bodies with feather light touches and tender caresses. Sara was the first to make the next move; she began rhythmically tensing and releasing her buttocks and thighs which created the gentlest motions in her hips; they both growled softly and nuzzled each other lovingly as their love making began.

Sam enjoyed the subtle movements his mother made, her muscle motions causing her insides to slowly ripple around his shaft. He slowly grazed his claws down his mother's flanks to her hips and rested his paws for a long moment. After some time had passed he began to add his own motions to hers; he gently rocked her hips a little further back and forth, amplifying both of their sensations. When he had built up a pleasant motion, he began a very slow bucking of his own; Sara closed her eyes and let her head slowly roll back as a contented sigh mixed with her whisper soft moans.

Licking her lips lightly Sara leaned in once more and teasingly kissed her son's muzzle then pulled back just enough to make him chase a second kiss; a lovers challenge which he accepted. They feigned kisses between each other with teasing smiles and loving eyes as they played their lovers game.

Sara pulled back a little further and rested her paws on Sam's shoulders, massaging them softly. Sam let out a pleasant growl as she worked the day's tension out of him; he softly nuzzled and licked her arm in gratitude as his paws almost unnoticeably slid down his mother's thighs, then back out along her calves. Grinning lovingly at her son, she lowered herself firmly against Sam's groin, grinding her mound firmly against him. Sam murred deeply at his mother's sudden change of pace and in turn rocked his hips in time with her grinding motions. The two wolves let out soft howls of delight as their pace slowly increased.

Sam leaned in close and tenderly kissed his mother's breasts, he even lapped at her matted fur where his trails of cum had previously landed before nuzzling, licking, and gently biting at her erect nipples through the lace cups of her corset. Sara giggled softly and pulled her paws to her breasts; moaning softly at she firmly rubbed them together and licked what remained of her son's seed from her heavy cleavage. She eased her bucking and grinding for a moment; Sam's eyes snapped to his mother's curious as to what she was going to do. With a gentle tug the cups supporting her breasts snapped down against her ribs with a dull thump, her breasts bounced free of their supports which caused Sam to smile wildly. "That was different." He said with a little surprise.

Sara lightly ran her claws over the corset before gently cupping her breasts once more and teasingly rubbed them over Sam's muzzle. "A present from Cara." Sara said with a smile as Sam lovingly nuzzled and licked at her breasts.

"And a brilliant one too." Sam added. Sara giggled out loud and shyly bit her bottom lip as she recalled the night Cara had given her the extra toys and outfits to further her relationship with Sam. She then murred in agreement and wrapped her arms around her son's neck and pressed her bosom to his face. Sam felt childish as he nuzzled, licked and gently ran his teeth over his mother's soft but firm mounds of flesh; he could tell from her giggles and moans that she was more than enjoying the attention he was bestowing on her busty chest.

Sara squeaked in surprise as she felt Sam's paws grasp her high heels and firmly start rocking her back and forth. Her squeak turned into a squeal of delight as he took control of their pace; in return Sara began rolling her hips in various patterns as a belly dancer would. Sam's thrusts became deeper and more powerful, ploughing her depths with unmatched desire, his only wish in his actions - to make his mother happier than she had ever been. A gentle bite to the tip of his ear informed him that he was on the right track.

As they moved in unison with each other occasionally changing their pace or mildly altering their positions, neither wanting to move totally away from the closeness of the posture they had adopted. Sara growled huskily as she pushed Sam's shoulders firmly back against the couch; she began slowly raising and lowering her body as she was rocked continually on her son's shaft. Sam closed his eyes and carefully moved his paws back to his mother's hips and began pulling her deeper and deeper onto his firm maleness. He let out a low deep growl as he began to feel his knot swell with each thrust into her slick warm tunnel.

Sara tossed her hair and moaned passionately; the feeling of his knot growing spurred her on further. She pulled back resisting Sam's pushes, just to ride his tip for a brief moment before plunging her sex back down over his thick cock; feeling more of his widening flesh each time she repeated her actions. "Knot me Sam." His mother begged. "I want to feel you tie with me again." Her words were soft but raspy and full of love.

Sam slowed his motions as his mother rode him with exceptional skill; he relaxed his breathing as his knot continued to swell, biding his time and enjoying the feeling of his mother's warm, slick sex squeezing the top portion of his shaft. Sara felt alive like never before; her body was beginning to tingle all over as their love making intensified, every controlled push she made sent jolts of pleasure coursing through her body that blurred her senses. She struggled to hold on to the gentleness and love they were both sharing, in favour of letting go of any measure of care and ruthlessly ravishing her son.

Feeling her hips being forced to stop in her son's firm grasp, Sara suddenly knew the course she was about to take was going to be decided by Sam. Their eyes locked with each others as Sam whispered "Come to me Sara." His paws then torturously slid his mother back down his shaft, stopping briefly at the top of his knot to steal a tender loving kiss, then slowly pushing his knot into his mother's waiting slit.

Sara moaned loudly as his knot slowly stretched her opening; she pulled him close and kissed him passionately when they finally locked together. The lovers murred as they tenderly embraced once more, feeling every subtle movement the other made. Sara pulled back a little, her black velvet like hair spilling generously over her shoulders and framing her beautiful white furred face. Her eyes began to sparkle a brilliant crystal blue as the moon rose in the distance, its pure white light illuminating her fur, giving her a soft pale blue glow.

Sam smiled up at her and gently stroked his paws down her breasts and stomach, his claws catching and gently teasing her garter belt down. "Hello Angel." Sam murred, as a vague memory of a waking dream stirred in his mind once more. Sara blushed and shyly looked away as she slowly arched her back and reached upwards to stretch her arms.

A moment later Sara relaxed a little and gently rocked her hips again as she rested her paws on her thighs. "So where do we go from here Handsome?" The smile Sam gave her in return confirmed her suspicion that he knew how to continue their gentle love making.

Carefully supporting his mother, Sam rolled her slowly on to her back making sure not to trap her legs as he did. He pulled the extra cushion from behind him and slipped it behind his mother's head to make her more comfortable. Sara eased back into her new position and sighed contentedly. "Not feeling like a bad boy tonight are you?" She teased.

He shook his head. "Nothing crazy tonight Mom, just us."

Sara smiled lovingly at her son and tenderly cupped his face with her paws and gently stroking his cheeks with her thumbs. "My beautiful cub, how you've grown and matured still surprises me."

With a gracious smile Sam leaned in close and lightly licked his mothers nose; a loving giggle escaped her as he pulled back and gently massaged her breasts. "I'm not a hundred percent mature yet Mom." He chuckled.

Sara lazily wrapped her legs around his waist and gently pulled him closer once more. "Don't ever be one-hundred percent mature Baby, you'd be no fun then." They both shared a pleasant laugh at her statement then enjoyed another long lover's kiss.

With a gentle thrust Sam re-started their love making once more; his shaft moved deeply inside his mother, his knot pushing in a little deeper and then feeling a little resistance which made him stop when he pulled back. Sara gasped and moaned softly at her son's motions, rolling her head back on to the cushions and arm rest of the sofa as she gentle ran her claws up and down the fur on his arms. Sam tenderly licked at his mother's cleavage, lapping at the soft curves of her breasts and teasingly flicking the tip of his tongue over her nipples.

A teasing bite at her nipple made Sara arch her back again and press her breast to her son's mouth; he carefully cupped her breast and lovingly began to suck on her nipple. Sara murred with delight at the suckling sensation. "Oh I've missed this so much Baby." Sara whined softly. A deep throaty growl that reverberated from his mouth through her breast was his answer of agreement that turned her passionate whine into a passionate growl of her own.

Sara tightened her legs around his waist and rocked his hips in return for what he had done with her earlier. Sam took the hint; he began slowly building up a faster rhythem to his thrusts and eased each deep push a little further. "Please Sam, do everything to me, I'm yours!" She howled lovingly.

Sam looked up to her exposed neck and carefully lurched forward. A moment later Sara felt Sam's jaws gently clamp around her neck. She knew it was a symbolic mark of her submission to him, but every motion and gesture they had made that evening had spoken greater volumes; he was not forcing or demanding submission from her at all; this was a binding to each other, a deep and powerful bond shared only by those who plunged themselves in to the deepest depths of their love and found no end to it. A long moment later Sam released his jaws from her neck, only to find shortly afterwards that his mother was repeating the gesture to him. She licked kissed and sucked at his neck letting soft moans and whines escape her mouth as she did. They both knew in their hearts that they were now truly inseparable.

The pace of their love making continued to increase at a slow and steady pace; Sara could hardly believe her son was lasting so long and mating her so thoroughly. She cried out his name again and arched fully off the sofa, clinging to her son as if her life depended on it. Sam growled his approval and began both rolling and thrusting his hips, plunging his shaft deep into his mother's hot slippery tunnel; Sara moaned lovingly and gently bit and tugged at her son's ear. Sam squeezed his mother lovingly in his arms his motions speeding up more and more until they became a heavy grinding motion that made their senses of touch burn with desire.

Sara's toes curled inside her high heels as every thrust Sam made pushed her further on to the point of ecstasy she begged to reach with the one she loved in her arms. Firmly but gently she began raking her claws up and down his back, a sensation she knew he enjoyed all too well from when she played with him when he was a cub. Sam shivered in response to his mother's clawing at his back, a cold but delightful tingle passing through his body as they continued to please each other.

Sam began making deep passionate thrusts, not like the near mindless lust fuelled sex they had in the past; but strong, controlled motions that were driving his mother wild with desire. Sara could barely stop herself; she felt her body bucking back out of her control but still in time with her son's motions; she loved the way he made her feel and in spite of how it should have been indisputably wrong, their incestuous relationship couldn't have been more right.

Sara felt Sam's member tense up; he was close and she was once again hovering on the edge of a deeply powerful and satisfying climax. She felt one of Sam's paws come back to her chest and firmly caress her breasts as he ground himself as deep into her as he could. Sara cast her head back and let loose a wild howl of release as her body began to convulse; the inner muscles of her warm slit beginning to spasm with unbelievable strength. Sam's groaned at the intense feeling of his mother's insides rippling, squeezing, and trembling around his shaft; his groan quickly turned into a deep and powerful howl of his own as he felt his release surging through him.

A warm feeling passed through them both as Sam released himself inside his mother. Sara's legs stretched out, her toes curling so hard that her claws began to shred the inside of her shoes as she trembled with shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. Sam felt every muscle in his body tighten as he released a second wave of his thick seed into his mother's womb, then another, and another. When he was done his muscles reluctantly eased and he felt a heavy wave of tiredness wash over him. Sara felt her body relax slowly and she fell limp on the sofa, her son collapsing on top of her in exhaustion.

They lay in silence for several minutes doing nothing more than breathing; their chests raising and falling against each other. Sara was the first to move; She brought her paw to the back of her son's neck and lightly scratched his neck shoulder and behind his ear. Sam growled softly and slowly raised himself off of his mother's prone form.

"Hey Lover." Sara panted softly.

Sam gazed lovingly into her eyes and tenderly kissed her before answering his mother. "Hi there beautiful." He growled seductively.

Sara slid her paws to his chest and lightly scratched through the fur on his chest, feeling his heart beat thundering through her fingers. "That was amazing Sweetheart." She purred softly. "You can do that to me forever if you want to."

Sam smiled and gently pulled one of her paws to his muzzle and kissed if tenderly. "As often as I can Mom."

Sara tenderly stroked his muzzle before returning his kiss then resting back on the couch and rubbing her stomach. "If we keep this up I'm definitely going to get pregnant."

Sam nuzzled his mother affectionately. "Would that really be a bad thing?" He growled softly.

"Not knowing what we know now Hun." She purred contentedly. "If what Mike say's is true, then we won't have to worry about it until we finally take over this place."

"Do you believe him?"

Sara smiled lovingly at her son and kissed him slowly and deeply before she answered. "Yes I do."

Sam grinned and pulled his mother back into his gentle embrace. "Me too."

Several minutes passed as they held each other enjoying the simple closeness of their embrace as they remained tied together by Sam's knot. Sara looked down curiously and teasingly tickled her son's abs; he squirmed a little and twitched inside her, making her shiver in excitement. "You've normally started to calm down by now Honey. Are you ok?"

Sam growled softly and kissed her neck and shoulder. "I'm ok, I'm just trying to stay hard a little longer."

Sara murred deeply at his words, impressed with the effort he was putting into their love making. "Ready for the next round then?"

"Something like that." He said playfully.

Sara playfully raised an eyebrow at him. "Meaning?" She trailed off letting him fill in the blank for her.

"You said you wanted everything right?" Sara nodded, remembering her wild demands during their passionate sex. "Well I've got a little extra for you." Sara grinned as she caught on to what he meant; her expression quickly changed to a soft sultry outward breath as Sam began to gently pull himself free of her.

A moment later there was a soft slurping popping sound an Sam was free along with a wash of both his mother's and his own fluids. He chuckled softly "We're going to have to clean up tomorrow."

Sara sighed softly and glanced hungrily at her son. "We'll worry about it in the morning. Now finish what you started." She purred huskily.

Sam smiled and pressed the tip of his shaft to his mother's tail hole. Sara bit her lip and pulled her legs back to rest the flats of her high heels against her son's hips, while being careful not to press the heels into his stomach or tops of his thighs. "No rush, ok Hun." Sam nodded and gently pushed forward; the earlier rimming he had given her as well as the liberal amount of their sexual fluids covering his shaft and her anus made the perfect lubricant.

Slowly but surely Sam pushed the tip of his member into his mother's back passage, extracting a soft gasp from her as the ridge of his tip slipped into her. They paused for a moment as Sara got used to the feeling of having her tail hole stretched again; she gave a light nod when she was ready for him to continue.

Carefully, Sam pushed in a little deeper as he watched his mother begin to tease and caress her breasts. Sara was all too keen to let her son have his way with her one more time that evening; she was sure by the time they were done, they'd have little energy left for anything other than sleep, she didn't let it spoil the moment though. With a gentle squeeze she tightened her tail hole around her son's intruding member, making him growl with delight.

Before Sam had reached the top of his knot, he began gently thrusting in and out of his mother's anus, loosening her a little more so he could take her fully. He gently gripped her thighs and used them to get a little more purchase from his motions. Sara panted softly as he moved in and out of her gently; careful not to hurt her. "Are you sure you don't want to take me from behind for this Baby?" She purred.

Sam shook his head. "I want to see you Mom and every look of pleasure that crosses your muzzle." Sara grinned and purred deeply at the thought that he was more interested in seeing her and acknowledging her feelings than simply using her body as a madly passionate lover might just to satisfy their own ends.

The incestuous lovers found a new rhythm as they moved against each other. Sam made several long slow thrusts followed by three quicker ones where his knot gently bumped his mother's tail hole. Sara squeezed her tail hole lightly around his shaft and occasionally clamped down on him with such force he had to stop and groan deeply through the immensely pleasurable sensation. They both rolled their hips in search of touching new areas to heighten their sensations further as Sam probed her back passage.

Sara grabbed Sam's paws and held them to her breasts, making him firmly massage her heavy bust as she wrapped her legs back around his waist to keep him close. Sam leaned down and gently tugged at her corset with his teeth; Sara gazed back at him to see flickers of fire light dancing across his fur and lighting up his eyes. She was hard pressed to imagine their situation being any more erotic.

"I'm going to take you now Mom." Sam panted softly. Sara nodded and moaned quietly in response. Sliding his paws to her sides, Sam took a firm but gentle hold of his mother as she gripped his wrists in anticipation. Sam made several shallow thrusts before beginning to push with gentle force into his mother's tail hole with the entirety of his engorged shaft. Sara clenched her teeth firmly as her muscles gradually yielded to the pressure her exerted on her then breathed a sigh of relief as his knot finished breeching her tight pucker.

Taking a moment to enjoy the warm tightness and full feeling; Sam rested against his mother, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her softly. Sara gently stroked his arms again and softly kissed the tip of his nose. "You're getting really good at this Baby." She purred and firmly squeezed her tail hole around the base of his shaft making him shudder with excitement.

"Well if I'm going to make you in life and in the bedroom, I need to learn quick don't I?" He joked.

Sara playfully batted his muzzle and kissed his forehead. "What would I do with out you?" She purred softly.

Sam began gently grinding his groin against his mother's backside making her gasp and murr lovingly to him. His tip pressed against sensitive areas Sara had never been sure she had before. As he changed his angle he drew most of his length along the muscles surrounding his mother's vagina, which made her buck and twitch uncontrollably; the stimulation so soon after a strong orgasm brought her close to release again.

"Oh Baby, that feels amazing! Do it again!" Sara whined, her voice starting to sound a little hoarse. Sam chuckled softly and moved a little slower, dragging out the sensation for his mother and enjoying the firm squeezes she unwillingly forced around his member.

"Damn it, I'm not going to last like this!" She squealed in rapture. Sam winced a little; he knew the moves that were driving his mother over the edge were also making her involuntarily milk his shaft in such a way that he knew he wouldn't last long either. With several deep and fast thrusts Sam brought their light session of anal sex to a close. With a deep growl he released himself inside his mother's tail hole as she lost control of her muscles once more and felt more convulsions flood through her. Her own ejaculation sprayed Sam's stomach and groin once more with her own cum and what remained of his.

Sara collapsed on the sofa again barely able to move, she just lay back murring softly as she felt Sam's shaft begin to slowly recede and slide gently from her tail hole. Sam slipped behind his mother once he had slid free of her back passage and cuddled close to her, softly nuzzling and kissing her until she turned to face him and held him close.

Sara smiled and whispered in his ear. "If you keep this up Sam, I'm going to have to keep a journal on how many times I keep having the best sex in my life." They laughed quietly and embraced each other lovingly enjoying the long over due, but well deserved after glow.

* * *

It had only been an hour and a half after finishing their passionate love making when the lovers found themselves curled up in bed in each others arms. They had taken a shower together to help clean themselves before the mess in their fur got too difficult to manage. Their exhaustion had kept their attentions on simply getting clean.

Once they were finished they threw their clothes and towels in the laundry basket and fell into bed, cuddling and kissing each other with a tenderness that completed their evening's earlier activities.

"I swear Sam, you're becoming addicted to taking me in the butt." Sara joked.

Sam shrugged. "Well with such a beautiful butt I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it right?"

Sara giggled and rubbed her son's chest. "True, and it was me that got you to try it too. So, I guess I'll just let you take me as you want."

Sam chuckled and hugged his mother close. "How about Cara? Do you think she'll let me play around with her like that too?"

A wide smirk crossed Sara's muzzle. "Well if you play fair With Cara, I'm sure she'll play fair with you Honey." Sam raised and eyebrow but the question was quickly forgotten when his mother kissed him tenderly and pulled him back down into the warmth of the bed.

After a long moment passed Sara rolled on top of Sam and gently stroked the fur on his chest. She watched him for a short while, letting her mind wonder and a soft purr rose in her throat.

"What is it Mom?"

Sara thought for a moment then batted her eyelashes at her prone son. "Remember our first kiss in the cabin?"

Sam nodded slowly. "How could I forget; the morning I thought you were being too nice and were going to kill me for touching and licking you."

Sara purred softly and lightly dragged her claws over his nipples. "Aren't you glad I didn't?" Sam just smiled and gently stroked his claws over her tummy. "Well I just thought; who was your first kiss?" Sara asked curiously.

Sam was a little stunned at the question, he hadn't seen it coming from any point of view he might have had in their conversation. "Well I..." He stammered.

Sara giggled at his discomfort. "Come on Honey, I know it wasn't me. Wasn't it that girl you saw for a few months when you started High School?" The Border Collie, what was her name?"

"That was Roslyn, and no she wasn't my first kiss." Sam said with a little embarrassment.

Sara looked surprised. "Really? Well who was?"

Sam turned his head away for a moment as his ears flattened against his head. "Promise you won't get mad?"

Sara sighed and gently patted his chest. "I think we're both mature enough and accepting of what we have now, not to split hairs over who our first kisses were with."

"Alright." Sam muttered as he turned back to face his mother. "It was Tanya."

Sara's eyes went wide with shock, not fully sure she had heard him correctly. "Tanya?"

Sam nodded "I never said anything before because I didn't want her to get into trouble, and well...." He trailed off.

Sara watched him curiously and picked up where his tone dropped off. "Well what? It's ok Sam you can tell me."

Sam eased his mother off of him and pulled the covers back around them before wrapping his arms around her once more. "It was a pretty bad time. For all of us..."

To be continued...