Madarao's Love Quest

Story by Draco Fury on SoFurry

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A little something from my profile with some changes to the chapter.

Nonting from the Kekkaishi universe belongs to me if it did Gen Shishio would never have died and Madarao and Kouya would have ended up together as mates.

Warning this story has M/M sexual interactions please don't read if you are under age or you don't like these kinds of stories.

Chapter one: Who is my mate?

It was another beautiful night at the Karasumori site. A light breeze gently blew over my body. I was taking a much needed break from protecting the site beneath The Sakura Tree. As I lied in the cool shade I found myself recollecting over past adventures with Koya, Hakubi, Tokine, Gen, Masamori, Tokimori and of course my master Yoshimori. As my mind began to roam to one specific event I would be unable to forget even if I wanted to. I slowly fell into a serene slumber, a smile creeping across my face.

(Dream World)

There he sat, across from me the fire he built shimmering in his large black eyes. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration as I sadly thought.

'_Why does he have to be so cute? I promised my secret love I would never fall in love with anybody else .' _

Yoshimori got up from where he had taken a seat on a boulder and approached me.

'Why?' I thought. Why does he have to be so fucken cute?' I couldn't take it, of all the worries and quandaries in my life, why did I have to be sexually attracted to my fourteen year old master?

"Madarao is something troubling you?" He asked as he sat on the ground beside me.

"Huh? Oh, Yoshi, it's nothing, really." I said trying my hardest to cover up my anxiety.

"Really that's not what I gather by the look on your face Madarao. You were deep in thought, what were you thinking about?"

"Ummm, well, I was just thinking about Koya and his reason for joining us in the fight against the Kokuboro." I replied, hoping he didn't have any more questions.

"Please Madarao; clarify what you mean."

' Crap! Okay, I can do this, I mean it's not like I was downright lying I did wonder why my childhood friend went from wanting to kill me and all the humans to wanting to help.'

"Well, Koya comes out of nowhere wanting revenge but then turns around and asks if he can help us with our problem in any way." I said.

Yoshimori took his hand off of my shoulder and moved closer to me, then placed his hand on my collar and removed it from around my neck without realizing it.

"Yoshi what are you doing?" I asked as he knocked me to the ground and started to run his hands up and down my body.

It was only then that he realized what he was doing and walked away from me.

"Yoshi, Please tell me what's wrong!" I said concerned.

"I'd rather not say." he said quietly as my true form and power came back with the force of a small bomb.

I approached him slowly. When Yoshimori heard me coming, he slowly turned around, still staring at the ground, as if he were scared that I would lose control and kill him for what he did.

So I stood up on my hind legs and wrapped my forepaws around his shoulders and said, "Yoshi I don't care if you touched me below the belt, I love you and you don't have to worry about me killing you I would never willing hurt the ones I love."

_'OH CRAP! Did I just say what I think I did?'_I thought.

He looked me in the eye and asked, "What did you say Madarao?"

I did, so I couldn't turn back now. "I love you." I repeated, whispering in his ear giving him a quick lick to the cheek and broke our embrace. He just stood there looking at me, not moving a muscle.

' Great,' I thought, 'wrong move, my life is forever ruined now!'

Yoshimori lunged at me, and I thought he was going to kill me, and I would have let him. I deserved whatever he was going to do to me. But to my total disbelief, he wrapped his arms tightly around my neck and kissed me!

When he stopped, he looked into my eyes and said, "I love you too, Madarao!"

'I can't believe this is happening! He said he loves me!'


"Yes, my love?"

"You do know this sort of behavior is forbidden by human law?"

"Madarao, I have been alive for fourteen years. I think I know what is against the law and what isn't. And believe me, when I say I don't care about what the law says on bestiality; besides you're an ayakashi not a real dog!" Yoshimori said as an evil grin crept across his face.

His eyes locked with mine as his hands slid down along my back to rest just above my ass as I undid his kekkaishi uniform with my teeth. I licked his nose and slipped my right paw down his boxer shorts.

"Someone must be enthusiastic to see me!" I said as I rubbed my paw against his already rock hard phallus. Yoshimori moaned in joy and removed his hands from my ass to slide his boxer shorts down his legs and kick them off.

"Now, whaddya say we have some fun tonight, eh?" I asked playfully.


With that said I pushed him back on the ground and straddle myself across his stomach. I rubbed my paws across his naked chest. Bending over I began to leave a trail of love bites, starting around his neck.

"Madarao I want you to draw blood." Yoshimori groaned.

As I worked my way across his chest I left a small river of blood as my mate wanted. As I moved my body along his, I was able to feel the heat radiating from his phallus as I approach it.

"I have to know what you taste like, Yoshi!" I said before grabbing his phallus and wrapped my mouth around it. As I lightly sucked his phallus Yoshimori let out another long groan.

When I noticed him thrusting into my mouth, I smiled, and strengthened my pace. He was now exuding his treasured human liquids into my mouth and I let out a low moan, as I tasted him for the first time. By this time he was whipping his head from side to side, moaning louder and louder. He then began to tremble as he stuttered,

"Ma...Mada...Madarao I...I...I'm gonna cum!" That was all he needed to say. Abruptly, I stopped sucking his phallus and sat up. He was still moving, but when he realized that I had stopped sucking him, he gradually calmed down, and propped himself up on his elbows to look at me.

"Why the hell did you stop?" He asked, frustrated.

"I've got a bigger surprise for you." I said, gesturing to my own throbbing phallus.

"Madarao, you're huge!"

"This is one of the blessings bestowed upon all male ayakashi by the Karasumori site." I said grinning at him slyly.

As he lied flat on his back once again, closing his eyes I took my position on top of him and forced the entire length of my phallus into his virgin hole with one swift thrust wanting to get the hard part over with knowing that my size would hurt him.

"Gnaahhhh!" he groaned as he cringed in pain from my entry. I paused, waiting to see if he was alright, and when he opened those big, beautiful black orbs of his he gave me a single nod, I slowly began sliding back out, and pushing back in. He moaned once more, this time in ecstasy not pain.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my head down to lick me along my jaw line, my neck and along my ears. He felt so hot, so close to me, and I could feel his own phallus burning between us, rubbing against my stomach aching for release. I increased my thrusting and he joined the rhythm with me.

"Ohhhh Madarao! He moaned, "You feel so good inside me!"

We were both panting heavily as I kissed him again. Then I felt myself swell up within him, and he let out a louder moan than ever before.

"Madarao, you're getting bigger!" He cried out in pleasure

At that point I lost control as my ayakashi instincts took over as I mated my master. I moved faster and faster while moving deeper and deeper into him, causing him to softly moan my name. But my mind was clouded, I needed to release!

Then I felt something incredible. Yoshimori shouted as he spilled his cum all over our front sides. The sensation on my own phallus became too much for me to bear, and with a single powerful thrust hitting his sweet spot in the prosses I too reached my climax planting my seed deep within my mate in long, powerful spurts while my body shuddered with the energy flowing through me. I continued thrusting into my mate as I rode out my orgasim.

"Thank you my guardian angel, you were incredible!" Yoshimori moaned in a drunken stupor.

I just smiled at the angelic reference knowing full well that I was no guardian angel.

When I had regained my strength, I rolled myself off him and lied down beside him. He snuggled up close and rested his head upon my chest.

"Now I see what your little surprise was." He said, teasingly. I just laughed quietly and stared at the star filled sky as he wrapped his arms around me. "We made quite a mess of ourselves, you know."

"I don't care I have white fur so cum won't show on me and human skin is easy to clean." I replied.



"You'll probably think this is corny but I think your my soulmate." Yoshimori said.

My only responce to what he said was to curl my body around him as tightly as possible tail swaying from side to side.

(Real World)

I finally woke up from my nap. Although that was the first time we had ever had sex, it certainly, wouldn't be the last time we would join together as one. Throughout the rest of Yoshimori's journey to the Shadow Organization, for extensive training with his older brother Masamori, who in the recent months started to truly care about his little brother, and protect him from harm like an older brother should, We would fall behind from the group and have some fun. "Oh, how I miss you Yoshi! I wish I could have joined you! We could have lived the rest of our lives together!" I cried aloud, letting the tears fall. Reaching the edge of the site, I looked in the direction of the Sumimura household. "I need some action, some excursions, anything besides this constant guard duty!" I said to myself heading home.