Madarao's Love Quest chapter: four Reunion

Story by Draco Fury on SoFurry

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Chapter: four Reunion

As I walked into the bathroom, I felt two paws running through my fur. I turned around to see Hakubi eagerly awaiting me to join him in the shower, smiling at me and pulling me lightly towards him.

"Come on Madarao, we've gotta get you cleaned up!" He said as he led me to the shower. When we reached the curtain, he pulled it back and stepped into the shower before me. "It's okay Madarao, the water's nice and hot, just the way you like it!" He said with a reassuring tone when he saw the worried look on my face.

"How did you know I like hot showers?" I asked.

"Yoshi told me!"

"Cool, I could always count on Yoshi." I said as I stepped into the shower. The hot water felt so relaxing. Hakubi and I looked pretty funny with our fur sodden.

'Oh god he looks so fucken cute with his fur wet!'

Just as I was thinking this, he reached out and ran his paws along my body.

"Madarao, you're so burly!" He said.

Apparently just touching my body was making him horny as his cock was already peeking out of its sheath.

"Hehe, thanks honey, I try." Without thinking, I pulled him against me and kissed him deeply. Hakubi tensed up a bit, and didn't relax until I let him go. As I pulled back a little from him, looking deep into his eyes, I saw in them what he was thinking, and when I was pretty sure I knew what it was, I asked, "Hakubi, would you like me to fuck you again!"

Without answering he turned around and swished his tail out of the way giving me complete access to his once virgin hole.

"Damn Hakubi you sure are quick to submit to the ones you want!" I said, chuckling.

He looked back and smiled saying, "You and Kouya are the only ones I want but I didn't think Kouya was gay until I saw him with you, seeing as he always hung around Tokine like she was a deer that could satisfy his hunger."

"He only just came to terms with his homosexuality." I replied as I placed my paws on his hips and positioned myself at his entrance. I felt his body tense as my phallus brushed against his hole. "Hakubi It should be a lot easier and a lot less painful for you this time around." With those words said he eased up a little, and I plunged myself into him fast.

Just as I thought he relaxed much faster this time around. I bent over him and kissed the back of his neck, as a sign that I wouldn't dare willing hurt him. Hakubi looked back at me and kissed me while I slowly began pumping my phallus in and out of him. He and I moaned in unison at the sheer pleasure of what we were doing.

I closed my eyes, letting my true self take control, and at the same time decided to truly feel my way around Hakubi's body for the first time. He was so perfect a nice plump ass well-muscled back, legs and chest. While I was reveling in all this, I realized that it was well past noon. "Hay Hakubi I know you don't want to stop but its lunch time and Tokine and the others must be wondering where we are."

"Okay Madarao we can stop now but you owe me!" Hakubi said sadly.

"Okay just tell me when you want it."

With that said we went to Kouya's room woke him up got him in the shower and headed on over to Tokine's house only to find a few living souls were hanging around.

"Where have guys you been? I've been worried sick about you!" Tokine yelled.

"Tokine, it's okay. It's entirely my fault; I challenged Kouya to a fight last night that lasted well into the morning." I said, taking the blame for our absence.

"That would explain the racket I heard last night." Masamori said from the table.

"C'mon, let's eat!" Hakubi blurted out. So we all took our seats around the table. I took a seat first, and then Kouya and Hakubi sat on either side of me.

"Madarao, what would you like?" Masamori asked me.

"Uhh, do we still have fresh deer meat?" I asked.

"Yeah we do I went hunting this morning knowing that might be what you wanted for lunch." Masamori replied as he passed down a large pile of deer meat.

"And how about you guys?" He asked Kouya and Hakubi. They looked at each other and then looked at me then they said simultaneously, "Do you even have to ask!"

Masamori laughed which he rarely did now days since Yoshimori went missing three months ago, and passed them the rest of the deer meat.

As I was eating my food, I asked Masamori if he had any info on his missing brother whom answered sadly that he didn't.

'I hope he's okay.' I thought positively not wanting to think about all possible catastrophes that could befall my secret mate.

"Well, I'm stuffed! I'm gonna head back to Kouya's place for some training." I said.

"Okay, Madarao, I'll see you later today with another update on Yoshi's possible whereabouts." Masamori said.

"Thanks Masamori." I said as I got up and headed on back.

As soon as I was back at Koya's I started my training using trees as enemy targets. Four hours later I went back inside and fell asleep, exhausted from all that had happened in the past few months. After what seemed like only a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. Jumping to my feet, I walked to the door.

"Oh, I'm sorry Madarao; I didn't mean to disturb you." Masamori said, noticing my ruffled fur.

"No, that's okay."

"Okay, well, I came here to tell you that there is a visitor here who has requested to see you saying he knows where your mate is, whatever that means." He said.

"Really, he knows where Yoshi is, ah shit I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said.

"You mated my little brother?" Masamori asked surprised.

"Yeah I did you're not mad are you?" I replied.

"No I'm not mad just surprised that my little brother would fall in love with an ayakashi when it is his duty as the 22nd heir to kill your kind." Masamori said.

"Hay Masamori, I begrudge that remark just because I'm an ayakashi doesn't mean I'm like other ayakashi." I said pissed as hell.

"Your visitor would like to see you now." Masamori said changing the subject.

"Okay then, take me to him." I said still a little pissed.

Masamori and I made some small talk about me and Yoshimori along the way, just general things, like how many times we had done it and if I truly loved him and not just using him for sex. That kind of stuff, when we reached where my enigmatic visitor was, a crowd had already gathered around him, concealing him from my view.

I caught a familiar scent in the air, one that I had not smelled for over five hundred years. I knew exactly who it was, but didn't believe it could be true. As the crowd parted to let me through, the scent became stronger, and I knew then that it really was him.

"Tokimori what are you doing here!" I shouted as I ran the final steps towards him, jumping onto him like a loyal dog that hadn't seen his master for a long time.

"Hi Madarao, I have come back to tell you that Yoshi is fine because I heard rumors that his family thinks that he has been kidnaped, he was training with me the three months he has been missing." He said, hugging me tightly.

Tears filled my eyes from the excitement of seeing my old master after such a long time, as I thought I would never see him again. Releasing him, I stepped back, wiping the tears from my eyes and trying to regain my composure.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" I said. "I honestly thought we'd never see one another again."

"Madarao, when I made that promise saying I'll see you again someday, I meant it!" He exclaimed.

"You already know Kouya and Hakubi but these are some of my friends, Tokine Yukimura, Gen Shishio, Yoshimori's brothers Masamori and Toshimori Sumimura and Kyoichi Hiba."

"It's nice to meet you all." Tokimori said. "Madarao, how about you and I sit down and talk all about what's been happening in our lives since we last seen each other over five hundred years ago." He suggested.

"Sure, I'd like that." I replied happily.

"Hey you guys, why don't you both stay in my cave tonight, and I can stay with Hakubi!" Kouya interjected.

"Uhh, okay Koya, but I don't want us to be a burden on you." I said.

"No, you're not a burden, besides Hakubi wouldn't mind me staying with him, isn't that right buddy?" He said, winking at Hakubi.

"Are you kidding Kouya! Of course I don't mind!" Hakubi shouted, jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Alright, thanks a lot Kouya." I said and together, Tokimori and I walked back to Kouya's cave. I couldn't believe this was happening He was really here. Along the way, we began our conversation,

"So Tokimori, where have you been?" I asked. He chuckles and answered,

"I've been waiting at the Karasumori site for a powerful kekkaishi; I found one a while ago named Sumiko Sumimura which led me to decide to train her son Yoshimori."

"Wow, sounds great, but how did you manage to get away from there to come see me?"

"Well, they don't know that I left for my own desires, they think I went on official business for the Shadow Organization." He said, smiling. "They think I went to personally check that you, Hakubi and Koya didn't destroy everything here."

"What do they really think we would do that just because we're not wearing those stupid collars?" I asked.

"Some of them do." He said, taking his arm and placing it on my shoulder. We walked the rest of the way like that until we reached Koya's cave, at which point he released me as I pushed the boulder out of the way, letting him go in ahead of me. I followed close behind him after replacing the boulder.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.

"Sure, I'd like some tea." He said.

I returned from the kitchen with tea cup in my mouth, and sat myself on the couch beside him placing his drrink on the auburn desk in front of us. "So tell me what you have been up to Madarao."

"Well, not much other than having to kill the occasional ayakashi.

"Oh Madarao, I missed you so much!" He said, running his hand through my fur. "I missed everything about you! The way you played around with me, the feel of your fur against my body and of course, I missed your sense of fun and humor!" He exclaimed, as he continued to run his hand along my body.

"And I love you too honey. I replied.

I just had to come back to see you one last time." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean that I accept the fact that I lost you to Yoshimori, I couldn't expect you to wait for me forever."

"Oh, I see." I replied simply.

"Yes, well I guess what I'm getting at is... I want you one last time! As he was saying this, he slowly advanced on me, crawling over me. Through his clothing, I could clearly make out the outline of his erect self, straining in its cramped quarters. He bent down meeting my lips with his own in a long, breathless kiss. Breaking away to get some air, I sat myself up, pushing him back instead.

"What do you say we take these off, eh?" I said as I removed his clothing with my teeth.

He smiled as he helped me remove his clothes. He neatly sat them down on the table beside us along with the beanie which I seldom took off since Yoshimori gave it to me.

"Well, if I didn't know you, I'd say you were more than excited to see me!" He said, looking down at my already rock hard phallus.

"Well, you're right!" I said.

"Madarao, it's been so long since I've had fun with you, would you mind if...?" He asked, when I cut him off,

Tokimori you know you don't need to ask!"

Yeah I do I'm not your mate anymore Yoshi is." Tokimori said.

"Yeah, but Yoshi and I agreed on an open relationship." I said as I kissed him on the nose, I then took hold of his swollen manhood and brought my mouth down upon it, taking his head in. He moaned at the first touch of my tongue. I wanted to make this good for him. I started slowly, massaging him with my tongue as I took more of him into my mouth.

"Madarao, you're even better than I remember!" He moaned, clenching the back of my head, as he tried to control his body.

I decided to my take time, sucking him as hard as I could. When he realized what I was trying to do he threw his head back moaning as he flared shooting a massive load of his cum into my mouth.

His climax lasted for just under a minute, and when he had finished, I leaned over and kissed him sharing his cum with him. When I released his lips, he immediately relaxed and rolled onto the floor, landing with a soft splat completely exhausted.

I chuckled softly at the sight of him trying to get himself back up onto the couch, but couldn't so I knelt down and maneuvered myself under his body and lifted him up and moved him back to the couch.

"Thanks Madarao, I guess I was drained in more ways than one!" He said with a smile. We embraced and kissed once more, as he pushed me onto my back. "Now it's my turn to pleasure you!" He said as he grabbed my throbbing phallus.

"Is it just me, or have you gotten even bigger since we last did it?" Tokimori asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

He knelt over me, carefully aimed my cock at his ass, and slid his way along my length. I moaned as I made my entrance. He kept the pace constant, not pausing for anything, until his buttocks was seated between my legs.

"Yeah, you've grown a bit Madarao!" He said, smiling down at me. I began sliding myself in and out slowly at first, but gradually increased the pace as I began to thrust my hips up into him. He placed his hands on my back. His touch made me lose control, as I began bucking my hips more violently into him.

"Oh Madarao, you're getting bigger!" He said as I began to swell, reaching the point of no return. "Fuck me harder Madarao!" Tokimori yelled.

I did just that, I was thrusting into him with all my might. Our panting began to get louder, with a grunt escaping our mouths every once in a while.

"Tokimori!" I shouted loudly as I flared within my old mate pumping him with loads of my precious cum. He moaned in delight as he felt its warmth fill him. I clenched my teeth and eyes tightly and held onto him as if my life depended on it.

I could feel my warm, sticky cum gushing out around my shaft, overflowing Tokimori, forming a pool beneath us. When my climax had subsided, I slumped back onto the couch, with Tokimori lying on top of me, both of us were breathing heavily. We didn't move nor did we say a word.

We lied there basking in our afterglow, still joined as one, when out of nowhere I heard a female voice say, "How could you do this to me Madarao I love you?" I looked up and saw Tokine and Kouya. I could tell Tokine was straining herself to keep from breaking down. I looked at Kouya, he looked at me, and it was then that I knew that it was time to face the music.