My Great Big Brother - Epilogue

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =) Also, no real yiffs here. In interest of having plenty of plot I condensed the yiffs cause I figure by this point you've seen enough and now just care about what happens. So here yah go. ^^

The fox didn't waste another second and fired a single round right for Kyle's head...only for it to miss by two inches and shatter a Ford Escape's back window.  Kyle just grinned as the fox looked down at his gun in disbelief, wondering how he missed a target standing only ten feet away from him.  Then, as he looked back up, he saw Kyle charging forth and was promptly kicked in the chest and knocked flat on his back.  The fox's trigger finger clenched reflexively, and he accidently discharged another round into the ceiling......... The fox didn't waste another second and fired a single round right for Kyle's head...only for it to miss by two inches and shatter a Ford Escape's back window.  Kyle just grinned as the fox looked down at his gun in disbelief, wondering how he missed a target standing only ten feet away from him.  Then, as he looked back up, he saw Kyle charging forth...only for him to stop and look around confused, as if he had just awoken from a nightmare and wasn't sure if he was grounded in reality or still asleep.  "What the'd I get back here?" he said aloud before hearing another gunshot.  "Oh what, you again?" "Diablo! H-how do you do that?!" the fox asked in disbelief as he had missed yet another point blank shot. "Do what? Dodge bullets without trying?" Kyle asked nonchalantly as he looked over and noticed Katie had preemptively taken cover behind a car and was out of the line of fire. BLAM! A third miss? "Will you cut that out?" Kyle yelled as he stepped forward and grabbed the fox's wrist, twisting it inward to strain the nerve and force him to drop the gun.  "Here, this is how you shoot someone," he said while picking up the Glock. BLAM! BLAM! "Argh! Motherfucker you shot me!" the fox groaned as Kyle put a round into each of his kneecaps. "No shit asshole, that's what you call it when a pair of jacketed hollow points take out your knees and...son...of...a...bitch," he said while suddenly collapsing to the ground in front of the fox. "Kyle? Are you okay?" Katie asked as she poked her head from around the car.  "KYLE! OH GOD!" She quickly ran over to him, a wound in his stomach now visible as his blood left a large growing stain on his shirt.  Katie noticed the fox inching his way towards the gun Kyle dropped, so she quickly scooped it up and pointed it at him, making sure he was looking at her as she said, "You'd better pray my brother doesn't die from this, or I will blow your head off right here." The fox nodded nervously and slinked away as best he could, his knees still oozing blood and leaving a crimson trail on the parking deck's floor.  Katie turned her attention back to Kyle and pulled out her cell phone, quickly dialing 911 and requesting paramedics on the double. She cupped her brother's face with her paw, looking into his still open eyes for any sign of life, but as far as she could tell he was a goner. "Oh god, not again. Please for the love of God don't die again, not after all we just went through," she sobbed. Little did she know Kyle was alive. Only he was dead, like the first time on Hill #214.  Kyle's soul stood over his corpse...again, and he sighed while shaking his head in disbelief. "Holy shit, are you kidding me? Three fucking times? How is this even possible?" He noticed a shadow behind him, and a familiar feeling of cold fear ran through him. "Oh great...look who showed up for some payback." But when Kyle turned to face the shadow, he was delightfully surprised to see Tomas standing there. "Tomas? What in are you even here?" he asked. "Easy, I just swam through the same river you did.  I'm an angel now remember? I can pass between the lands of the living and dead without having to worry about my corpse reanimating," he explained. "I see. I dead again?" "Yes, but to answer your question, no. You just got grazed in the abdomen, you'll be up in about five minutes. "Say what? Then why is my soul outside my body again?" Kyle inquired. "I needed to talk to you, and I can't do that if you're alive." "So you killed me?" "Yes." "You sonuva bitch!" Kyle blurted. "Take it easy. Remember I saved your ass back there," Tomas said firmly. "No you didn't, you ran off and..." "...blew up that giant mountain.  You're welcome." "Wait...that was you?" Tomas grinned. "Yes. I gotta say, it was a lot easier this time around when I had a gun on me.  And wings. The last time I was naked and had only a knife." "This time? broke outta there too.  Well, thanks. I mean it, thanks.  I really owe you one," Kyle said. "Save it, you're no longer my assignment." "I'm not? So what, is this your way of saying goodbye?" Tomas cricked his neck and shook his head. "No, not goodbye. We'll meet again. But as for now, you're on your own.  Death isn't too happy with you, and your little escape from the underworld has reset the game with Katie too. You don't have to worry about him coming for each of you till you're both in your eighties." "Well, that's always good to know," Kyle smiled. "I'm glad you're happy since the rest of my news isn't so cheery," Tomas warned.  "You've been given a privilege few men ever see, and that's to return from the dead.  You've got quite a debt to pay for that." "What kind of debt?" Kyle asked warily. "The same kind I'm paying. I'm a guardian now, tasked with protecting the souls of the dead. You, you're a Marine. You're tasked with protecting the souls of the living," Tomas said while cracking an amused smirk.  "I'm glad you find that fact interesting, but I honestly don't understand what the hell you're talking about," Kyle stated bluntly.  "You're not supposed to be alive, and yet you are.  As a result, you're going to save the lives of hundreds...nay...thousands of innocent lives.  But likewise, you are going to kill to protect them, and hundreds more will fall by your sword," Tomas elaborated. "Sounds fun." "I'm serious Kyle, this isn't a joke. There's a storm coming, one that no one dreamed ever to be possible.  The world will burn, the dead will walk, and millions will die all because a few politicians got greedy," Tomas said coldly. "And that's different from any normal day, how?" "Because, when this war breaks out, the entire world will get involved. Europe and Russia will fight over oil, the Koreas will fight their civil war again, and China will become a ravenous beast driven mad by hunger, and its people will look to the east to sate their appetite," Tomas explained. "This war will last years, nearly as much as the last great one from the forties.  And because you are cursed with the inability to suffer harm, you won't be going home anytime soon.  Your country will be on the brink of ruin, and if you want to have any chance of seeing Katie again, you will have to prevent it from going over that brink." "Wait, you're saying I'm gonna singlehandedly stop world war three? What can I do, I'm just a lowly corporal with a rifle," Kyle asked in disbelief. "Do we ever really do something singlehandedly?" Tomas smirked. "You won't be alone. There will be three others to help you: a dragon from the Caribbean who fights to protect his newfound mate, a fox caught in the middle of a war that threatens to engulf everyone he's ever loved, and lastly a fellow wolf who's lost his way.  He, my friend, is your true reason for living now." "Uh huh, and Katie isn't?" Kyle asked plainly. "You can lie to yourself she is if that makes you feel better. But if you want to keep her safe, you'll need this wolf's help, and to do that you'll need to help him. No matter how crazy, no matter how dangerous or non sequential it may seem, you must help him. For in the end, you both share the same goal."   "Right. So help this random guy I never met before, stop world war three, save Katie. Got it." "You're taking this rather lightly..." "Tomas, I've died three times. I will go insane if I take things seriously anymore," Kyle responded. "Hm hm, I see. Well, my job is done.  Till next time..." "Wait...Tomas I just have one more question," Kyle quickly asked. "How come I'm back here? I mean...shouldn't I have woken up on my floor and Katie woken up in a morgue or something?" "Normally, yes. But you two swam upriver, and in case you didn't notice, that river represents a one week stretch of time. By swimming backwards two days, you reassumed control of your bodies shortly before the event that triggered our little adventures together," Tomas explained happily. "Anything else?" "Yeah, am I gonna get shot again?" "Yes. A lot." "Crap..." "But on the bright side, you'll get to go home again and be with Katie. And knowing you, it'll be doing things I'm better off not seeing," Tomas chuckled. "So, if that's all your questions for now, I need to go help a dragon in Florida who may have gotten his lover pregnant. Till next time Kyle, God be with you." And just like that he was gone. 

Four weeks later. "Wow Kyle, you were right. This is fun," Katie said as she and Kyle sat on the roof of their house and looked up at the stars lining the midnight sky.  Both were way up later than they should be, it was nearly 3 A.M., but neither of them felt tired, and it wasn't safe to yiff, so they made the best of their time and sat next to each other holding paws while picking out constellations in the sky.  Being the middle of summer, the nights were exceptionally warm, and also quite humid.  Fortunately, a light breeze blew this night and the air felt quite comfortable. Kyle smiled and gently squeezed his sister's paw in reply.  Things had been considerably quiet the last few days, except for the Friday afternoon where John caught Kyle and Katie coming up from the basement covered in sweat and reeking of lubricant from the condoms they'd been using.  That hadn't gone over too well.  But, other than that, Kyle couldn't complain. He'd gotten released from the hospital a day after getting shot in the parking garage, and now he was fully recovered. Even better, he still had about five weeks of mandatory sick left, which meant five more weeks to spend with Katie.  "Kyle, what's going to happen when you go back to the military?" Katie asked. "Well, I'll probably get stationed at a base here at home for at least a year since my deployment got cut short by my tour in Afghanistan," he replied. "So you won't have to go overseas?" "Hopefully. I might get stationed at a base in Europe or Asia, but we're not at war near there so it should be alright," he assured her. "Plus, I'll have internet and phone from those places, so it'll be easy to keep in touch.  And when you get old enough for me to marry you, we'll make things right and maybe by then I can negotiate a permanent job at home doing training or recruiting or something." "I'll be glad when that happens," she said, "I'll always be nervous something bad is gonna happen to you until you get home." "Sis, I told you I'll be fine. I already explained what Tomas said, he told me we're not gonna die till we're in our eighties, hopefully yiffing like rabbits till our hearts quit on us," he laughed. "Eewww, I don't want to picture us doing it when we're that old!" Katie giggled as well.  She straightened up. "Tell me, all those predictions Tomas made. Did he tell you when they'd come true?" "No, but I wouldn't imagine it'd be for at least a couple of years.  Maybe more. I mean I'm only seventeen, there's no way fate would let a kid my age stop world war three," Kyle said confidently. "But what about that conflict going over in Russia, with NATO and other European countries trying to force Russia to lower the price of oil.  And war is flaring up in the Koreas too, we've already had to send more men over there. Didn't Tomas predict that would happen too?" Katie asked nervously. "Katie, I know you're afraid but you gotta listen to me. Yes, he did predict those, but only because he knew they'd happen soon and thus prove he's credible.  But like I said, I'm only seventeen, I'm not gonna stop world war three when I'm not even legally an adult yet." Katie nodded, but her fears were far from relieved. She sighed and looked longingly at the sky, as if she could somehow see the dark days ahead portrayed in the luminescent glow of the stars.  She smiled as she felt her brother lift her up and sit her in front of him so he could wrap his arms and legs around her from behind.  He gently nibbled at her neck, giving her a light nuzzle while cupping her breasts in his paws, eliciting a murr of enjoyment from her maw. "Love you," he whispered. "I love you, too, big brother," she replied sleepily. Kyle leaned back and pulled her on top of him, her warm body mixed with the cool night's breeze acted as the perfect lullaby for the two of them, and quietly they drifted off to sleep in one another's arms. 

"Oh my god..." John said the next morning as he stared in disbelief.  "Eliza! Get in here!" "What is it John, it's seven in the morning for god's sake," his wife moaned as she dragged herself out of bed and into the kitchen.  He pointed to the TV.  Normally Fox and Friends would be playing at this hour, but instead a news alert had just come on and the anchor was reading the teleprompter in a mad panic. "What's going on dear?" she asked. "Shh shh, just look!" he replied, his temper getting the better of him as his nerves cringed in fear. "We've managed to re-establish contact with our Los Angeles office, and we now go live to Michelle Davis from the streets of L.A.," the anchor reported as the screen changed to show a raccoon reporter crouched behind a car with her cameraman. "Shit, that was close," she gasped as an explosion rocked the background before her cameraman reached out and told her she was on the air. "Michelle, what's going on over there?" the anchor asked. "Absolute chaos Doug, that's all I can think to describe it. Earlier this morning air raid sirens sounded, and now dozens of fighter jets are engaged in combat over the city. We've seen several get blown to bits above us, only for the wreckage to fall below and decimate whatever it landed on," she hurriedly shouted back into the camera. Another explosion shook the camera and the feed was lost again.  "Uhh, sorry for the interruption ladies and gentlemen, but it appears our satellite link just got cut again...hold on I'm getting something...we now go to the Pentagon where the Joint Chiefs of Staff have prepared a brief statement." The screen changed again to reveal a four star general standing at a podium in the Pentagon's press room. "Ahem, as you well know, the western coast of the United States has come under attack as of 3:45 A.M. Pacific Time.  We've identified the belligerents as the Chinese PLA Air Force.  At this time we do not know if they're actions were sanctioned by Beijing, or if these forces have gone rogue.  We are preparing a full conventional response to the attack, and we expect to have the skies clear of enemy aircraft in a few hours. As of this moment though, the country has gone to DEFCON 1, and all active and reserve military personnel will be required to report for duty immediately.  "As for civilians caught in the combat zones, we advise everyone to stay at home, take shelter in your basement or an interior room with no windows in your house, and wait for further instructions. We're mobilizing the National Guard and reserve emergency services to help with evacuations, but until they're ready we need everyone to just sit tight and stay off of the roads. That is all," the general finished before stepping down from the podium. "Oh dear god, this isn't happening," John moaned.  Eliza simply stood and continued watching the TV.  More images of fires raging across L.A. mixed with looped footage of dueling fighter jets played while the anchors provided the same repetitive commentary as they waited for an update.  "John...what's going on...why are they doing this?" she asked. "God only knows, but it's finally happening.  The Chinese have gotten tired of us holding them back and now they're coming for us." "They don't think they can really win though, right? I mean...won't we nuke them or something?" John shook his head. "We won't use nukes on our own soil, and we won't use nukes on them unless we want to the whole planet to glow in the dark." Meanwhile, Kyle and Katie still lay asleep on the roof, blissfully unaware of what was going on.  However, the thumping of passing helicopter blades quickly roused them, and Kyle slowly opened his eyes to see a formation of CH-47 Chinook helicopters and C-130 Hercules cargo planes flying overhead as they made their way west. "What the...are they having war games at Johnson Air Force Base this week or something?" Kyle moaned as he and Katie both sat up and rubbed their eyes. "There's so many of them," Katie said.  "Where could they be going?" Kyle shrugged, but then felt his cell phone vibrating. "Hello?" he answered. "Blackmon, where the hell are you?!" came Lt. Sheppard's angry voice from the other end. "I'm still at home, sir. I'm on sick leave for another five..." "Yeah, well that just got cut short. You're to report to Johnson AFB in the next twelve hours for an immediate flight to Fort Benning," Sheppard barked. "What?! Who says?" "The fucking Chinese Army! We got Pearl Harbored at Los Angeles, and just moments ago the Chinese officially declared war on us." A shaft of cold fear tore through Kyle that instant. "'s this even possible? How'd we not see this coming?" "I don't know Blackmon, all I know is we're under attack, and the president has ordered all available personnel to man their stations.  That means you," Sheppard instructed. "But I'm still recovering, I've barely even had a vacation," Kyle protested. "Cry me a river kid, people are dying out there.  Be at Johnson's AFB by seven PM tonight or you'll be officially AWOL. Understood?" "Yes sir," Kyle sighed. "I know it's bullshit Kyle, trust me I think it's a dick move having to pull guys on sick leave back into the fray. But who knows, if the doctors at Johnson's don't think you're fit to fight, you can go back home.  So keep your fingers crossed and just maybe you won't have to come down here and see me," Sheppard chuckled. "Heh, hopefully," Kyle replied. Deep down though, he knew what the doctors would say.  "I'll see you see soon, sir. Stay alive." Kyle cursed under his breath as he hung up. "Kyle...what was that? What's going?" Katie asked nervously. "Guess which one of Tomas's predictions just came true?" he asked coldly. "Oh...oh no, war with China?" He nodded. "But, you're still sick, you can't fight!" "That's up to some prick doctor on the government's payroll to decide," he replied. "All I know is I've got to get out of here and up to Johnson's to report for duty." Katie started to cry, her arms finding their way around her brother as she pulled him into a tight embrace and sobbed into his chest.  "Y-you can't go! I don't want you to die!" Kyle just gritted his teeth and hugged her back, unable to come up with a response. Deep down he didn't really fear death, not after all he'd been through recently. No. He was afraid for Katie's sake, and what would happen if he didn't fight.  Sighing to himself, he noticed a taunt feeling in his boxers, and he realized his routine case of morning wood wasn't aware that World War III was just starting.  A grin slowly crept its way across his face, and he gently cupped a paw under Katie's chin, guiding her to look up at him. "You know, it'll only take me about two hours to get there, and I don't have to show up till seven PM," he said. "So?" she sobbed back. He replied by kissing her firmly, not bothering to be his usual gentle self. Instead, he let his paws find their way to her butt and force her body to grind against him as his tongue slipped into her maw with surprising dexterity.  Katie moaned back, her fears slowly slipping from her mind as she broke their kiss and looked up at him questioningly. "But...everyone's still home...they'll hear us." "So?" he grinned with a mischievous glare. "So...maybe we should lock the door first," she replied slyly as they headed back through the window into the house and rushed down the hall back to Kyle's room.  It took them only seconds to strip down, their naked bodies embracing again as they rolled onto the bed, their tongues dancing between their muzzles as their lips locked in another fiery kiss.  Katie gasped as she felt Kyle's throbbing wolfhood penetrate her, hilting itself within her tight love canal.  Kyle growled dominantly and bit the side of her neck again, making her squeal in mixed submission and delight. "Gods, you haven't taken me like this since that day in the park," she cried as she wrapped her legs around him and dug her claws in his back. "Muurr, that's cause I haven't been at war since then," he replied lustily. "Huh? What's war got to do with anything?" she asked, rather confused at his reasoning. "They say war turns you into an animal, but who's to say that's a bad thing?" he grinned before nibbling her neck again, grinning in delight as she yelped a little louder than she'd meant to.

"Mom! Dad! Kyle and Katie are doing it again!" Shelly shouted as she came rushing down the stairs into the kitchen.  She looked a little confused as both her parents glanced over at her, said nothing, and then went back to watching the TV. "Umm, HELLOOOOOO? They're having sex, RIGHT NOW in his room.  And they're not even trying to be subtle, they actually woke me up!" "Shelly, hush," Eliza said.  "What's wrong with you two?" she asked. "Can you honestly not hear them going at?" Eliza and John both looked up at the ceiling, the sounds of creaking bedsprings mixed with Katie's muffled shouting, "Oh...oh...ah...ah yes! Oh gods, don't stop! That's it, more! More! Eeee! YES! HARDER! HARDER! AAAAIIIIII!" John twisted his lip in mild disgust and grabbed the TV remote. "I don't hear anything Shelly," he said while turning up the TV's volume till it drowned out the yiffy activities above him.  At this point, Shelly noticed just what was playing on the TV, and slowly she understood her parent's decision.  Kyle was going to war again, and he could very well die. She took a seat at the kitchen table, disbelief filling her mind as she realized, for once in her life, she was okay with Kyle and Katie being together.  I don't know which is the bigger sign of the apocalypse, she mused to herself, the fact that we're at war with China, or that I no longer care that my sister is yiffing that asshole upstairs.

Kyle sighed heavily to himself as he sat in the back of a C-5 transport jet.  It was packed full of soldiers just like him, some young, some old.  Most were in the Army, but there were a few Marines and Navy crew members scattered about.  He looked down at the picture in his paws, and forced himself to smile. He'd taken a picture of Katie as she slept on his bed after their morning yiff session. Her body lay stomach down on the mattress, and his sheets covered her midsection so only her legs below the knees stuck out from the back.  It did look pretty sexy all the same, but what Kyle most enjoyed was the fact that she had a warm, content smile on her face as she lay there sleeping.  In the end, that was really what was most important to him; that she be happy.  "Whoa, nice dude," said the fox sitting next to him. "Is she even legal?" Kyle turned to face the vulpine. The fox was a kid, just like Kyle. He couldn't have been more than nineteen.  Kyle cracked a smile and said, "If she isn't, she's worth breaking the law for." "Hah, good one.  Yeah, my girl was up in South Carolina when I got the call so she'll have to wait till I get home," he said.  "Still, this won't last too long I figure." "How's that?" Kyle asked. "Because, the Chinks don't have the naval power to keep the seas open long enough to land troops on our soil," he replied confidently. "They don't need to," Kyle said. "They can land forces in Mexico and push up through the border with impunity. The Mexicans won't stop them out of fear of retaliation." The fox went silent. He hadn't considered that. "Well, I mean it's not like they have a chance though right?" "At what?" "Winning. We outnumber them here on our turf, so if we just hit them hard enough we can push them back right?" Kyle nodded, "Theoretically.  But I've got a feeling there's more than meets the eye here. The Chinese wouldn't just waste troops on a suicide strike unless they had a cohesive plan in place." It would be two days later when he found out that plan involved paying off the state government of California to hand over the entire state to Chinese authority.  A multitude of other factors such as propaganda, economic relief and brute force would be used to sway the population into accepting their new leaders.  Like a row of dominos, more states would fall under Chinese control as the U.S. military suffered blow after blow in embarrassing defeats at the hands of not only the Chinese, but their own former soldiers who had agreed to switch sides for better pay.  The months passed by, and Kyle wondered if Tomas had been wrong about him stopping the war.  So far the U.S. had only managed to lose ground in the war, and Kyle had been kept in reserve since he technically was still supposed to be on sick leave.  Little did he know that he'd discover just what Tomas had meant in a small town on the Denver-Utah border as a hoard of Chinese forces threatened to push their way east into America's heartland.  THE END (Official Unofficial Outro Song)

The story continues in the series "Red Winter - Freedom Under Fire." Kyle doesn't make an appearance right away however, as the story follows a new protagonist whose path crosses Kyle's.  So yeah, go read that if you want to find out what happens next.