The Guardian Chapter Two

Story by SnowWolfe on SoFurry

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Sorry this one took me so long to write. I had the ideas but my life had been so crazy lately I never got a chance to just sit down and write. I hope to be able to get the rest out much quicker. As usual enjoy and criticism is always welcome. Again all characters are copyright of SnowWolfe.

The Guardian

Chapter Two

By SnowWolfe

Kayden pushed himself faster through the deep snow. While the cold had no effect on him it was killing the boy. Kayden kept him pressed close to his chest for warmth but the boy's shivers could be felt through his thick fur. The boy was freezing cold and the snow was steadily piling on him. The storm had come in full force. There was almost no light and the snow fell in sheets sideways. Kayden held the boy tighter; he wasn't going to lose him now.

Kayden was getting closer and he knew it. The lack of visibility made it harder to find the opening. His blue eyes searched the snow for the entrance and finally he saw it. Shelter so he could get the boy out of the cold. Running even faster now he made his way into the cave. Within a minute he was inside and shaking the snow from his body he already felt a little warmer. This cave was what he had been calling his home for several years now. There wasn't much but plenty for his survival. Not much could be made out in the almost complete darkness. There was a small fire pit in the middle of the cave. Next to it was a few furs that Kayden laid the boy on top of. Turning around quickly he grabbed a piece of flint and a knife and worked on lighting a fire. In minutes there was a roaring fire that flooded the room with heat and light.

Turning back to the boy he could see the extent of his injuries. There were cuts staining his cheeks with lines of blood and black bruises showing through his short brown fur. One cut barely missed below his eye. Kayden found himself staring at the face but couldn't figure out why. The boy's features were soft and innocent but strong, able to fight if needed. Kayden placed his paw onto his forehead feeling the soft fur clumped with blood. The boy was still cold. Kayden felt almost no heat on his paw and his mouth moved slowly, the breaths barely visible. He was alive, but barely and he needed help now.

This realization snapped Kayden out of his daze. He looked away from the face and checked out the rest of his injuries. There were several cuts into the jacket he wore, blood having stained all around them. The jacket was mostly ruined, torn to shreds and wasn't doing anything to keep the boy warm so Kayden removed it. He went slowly, being as gentle as possible to not hurt the boy. He wasn't wearing anything under the jacket and Kayden saw the injuries more clearly. Most of the cuts were to his stomach. They weren't very deep and the bleeding had already stopped. The largest was across his chest reaching from above his heart to the middle of his left side. This wound was the worst of them as it was still bleeding slightly. Kayden got up quickly and hurried to the back of the cave.

Piled around sporadically were several crates. Quickly moving to one of them he opened it and pulled out several thin strips of white cloth. Looking around he moved over to another crate and after riffling around pulled out a few herbs, some stones and a small skin of water. Hurrying back quickly he placed the skin of water by the fire and started crushing some of the herbs together in between the stones until they became a nice green paste. Grabbing the water skin and one of the pieces of cloth he quickly cleaned around the large chest wound. He got most of the blood out of the surrounding fur and now clearly saw the gash in the skin. Taking a little of the paste he applied it to the open cut.

The boy's body jerked slightly as he applied the paste and Kayden stopped wondering if the boy would wake up. When his body relaxed again on the furs Kayden went back to applying the herb. It was a strange little plant he found in the mountains during the summer. It helped stop the bleeding and would prevent the infection. Kayden used it sparingly except for severe injuries as the plant was hard to find. He figured he'd make an exception and use it to help the boy.

After applying a thin layer across the cut Kayden took another of the pieces of cloth and slowly wrapped it around the wound, tying it off tight when he was done. He looked around quickly for anymore wounds that needed immediate attention. There were a few more cuts along the arms and the hands but all of them had stopped bleeding already. There was a large bruise across his chest. Kayden couldn't be sure but it looked like it was only a bruise and not a broken rib. Kayden then set to work covering the rest of the wounds.

It took Kayden a good deal of time but he managed to clean and cover all of the boy's wounds. He also took the time to cover his one injury except without the herbs. Looking to make sure he hadn't missed any wounds he realized the boy was in decent shape. His muscle held a very modest definition, showing the muscle of a small six pack. Kayden's eyes roamed up and down this boy, tracing the curves of his muscles and the strength in his body. From what Kayden saw he figured the boy had given the guards one hell of a fight and that was why he was beaten so badly. He placed his paw on top of the boy's head again, this time feeling the boy was considerably warmer and his breathing was deeper.

Kayden was relieved the boy would make it. Pulling one of the furs over the boy he stood up and walked to the back of the cave. Opening another one of the crates he pulled out a slab of dried and salted meat in his hand. Sitting back down near the fire he took small bites out of it. He stared out into the darkness of the storm, every so often looking back down at the boy.

Kayden's mind wondered to all sorts of thoughts. Who was this boy? Why had the guards taken him? Why were they coming so far into the mountains? They never came this far into the mountains. Would they follow us? No they couldn't, the storm covered our tracks, and besides why would they follow us?

But that thought stayed in his head. What if they followed us? He had that feeling, they'd be after us. His gaze fell upon the boy again. But why? Why was I there? Why did I feel I had to save the boy? Before he could stop himself his head was spinning with questions. He had completely forgot about the half eaten piece of meat in his hand and lost his appetite. Tossing it back into the open create he decided it was time to turn in for the night. No one was coming after them in this storm. Might as well get some sleep for tomorrow.

He lay down uneasily next to the boy pulling a fur over top of the boy's body. The fire would last maybe another hour or two and then it would get colder again. Kayden figured the boy needed the heat more than him. Kayden lay a foot away from him on his side. The boy seemed relax, maybe sensing he was safe. A restless sleep slowly took Kayden as he lay watching over the boy. The last thing he thought was how small the boy was compared to him.


Oh crap, was the only thing running through his mind. Seconds earlier Jace had woken up expecting to find himself in his bed and his younger brothers hovering over him like they did every morning. Instead he sat up to find himself in the middle of a large cave. Jace sat for half a minute in complete shock. He was completely alone. The air sat motionless like no one had been here for over an hour. About two feet to his right there was a nice fire providing heat to the whole cave. He was sitting on top of a pile of brown furs with one lying on top of him. The cave wasn't very large and there was very little in it. There were a few crates scattered about in the back of the cave. Someone was obviously living here but who?

"Hello" he called out nervously. Nothing, the only response was the wind outside. He turned around and saw thick sheets of snow falling sideways as the wind howled. The sky was almost completely black and he couldn't tell if it was day or night. He sat quietly watching the storm through the cave entrance. It must have been the storm he had to beat before getting home. He remembered watching the clouds moving in and thinking he had plenty of time before...

OH CRAP!! Before the guards had attacked him. His panic and adrenaline threw into overdrive. Being captured by the Guards was not good. If they took him there's no telling what they would do. He had no chance of getting home. But why me? Before he knew it he had jumped to his feet ready to fight even though there was no one around. His mind raced as he spun around on his feet, before realizing how much it hurt his legs. The pain hit quickly as his legs obviously couldn't take the immediate application of force. His legs gave out and he fell flat on his butt. Luckily he landed back on the furs and it didn't hurt much more.

He let out a muffled yelp as he landed. Looking down he realized most of his body was covered in bandages. He sat blinking at all the dressings. Thinking about it he realized his body did hurt a lot but not nearly as much as it should. Considering what he should be feeling from this damage he was getting off easy.

He looked around again trying to figure this out. It didn't look like any place the Guards would take him. And if they did where are they? And why would they dress the wounds they caused so nicely? As of now nothing made sense and his head began to spin. He tried to think back, remember what happened.

They had grabbed him and beat him up pretty bad, but there was something else. Something else happened to him afterwards. Think, Think, God what is it he thought huffing loudly out of frustration. He knew the answer was there but it was like a fog was covering it. Preventing him from seeing it clearly. He put his paws to his forehead and shook it. He was getting nowhere and he knew it. After several minutes he gave up huffing loudly again laying down onto the soft furs.

He went over what he knew. He had been taken by the Guards on his way home but it didn't look like he was with them now. He had been beaten severally but someone had treated him. If it wasn't the Guards then who? He was in a cave with no idea where he was or where home was. Even if he knew where he was there would be no way through that storm, he'd freeze to death. On the bright side the fire and furs were nice. He smiled at the change in thought. The fire was warm and it seemed like for now he was safe.

That is until whoever else lives here came back. If they weren't friendly, well then he was in trouble. While he had no problem fighting most of the boys his age around town he was no match for someone like the guards. He looked around again, less out of nervousness and now more for curiosity sake. He was still alone and nothing changed. The walls were smooth and had a light grey color which sparkled lightly from the fire. The snow was still coming down hard with no chance of letting up. He hadn't noticed it but to his left there was a small water skin and a piece of dried and salted meat.

He looked curiously at the food not realizing until his stomach growled how hungry and thirsty he really was. As his stomach continued to howl he looked around the cave again trying to figure out if he should trust the food. Picking up the water skin he opened it and smelt the liquid. There wasn't any odor so he figured it was plain old water. Taking a small sip cautiously it seemed like regular water so he drank nearly half of it.

Closing the skin and putting it down he looked at the meat. Picking it up, he smelt it as well. The meat smelled fresh and still good. He couldn't smell anything wrong with it so he took a small bite. Again he was surprised and glad he didn't taste anything wrong with it. In no time he finished off the meat and began drinking some more water. He froze in complete shock just before finishing.

A large cold breeze carrying snow rushed over his back, but that wasn't what scared him. The breeze merely got his attention. What scared him was he also heard the slow breathing of someone standing just at the entrance to the cave.


Everything ran through his mind at once. Who was standing behind me?

Was it the Guards?

Was it someone worse than the Guards?

What were they going to do to me?

Should I turn around?






He already dropped the water skin. The last bit dropping to the floor. Before he had even made up his mind he found himself slowly turning around to see. His heart was beating faster than ever. His eyes were wide open even though he begged them to close. He didn't want to know. Didn't want to see but it was like he had no choice. He held his breath as he was about to find out who was standing just behind him.

Standing just feet from him stood a large white wolf. He was nearly seven feet tall, his head almost reaching the ceiling of the cave. The wolf had stunning white fur that nearly blended into the snow falling behind him. Jace felt frozen as he stared at this wolf. He wore nothing but a thin blue loincloth. The lack of clothing displayed his powerful muscles clearly through his white fur. He was built better than any Guard he had ever seen. His white fur flowing in the cold breeze.

He was carrying a large pile wood in his arms. He stood completely still, breathing slowly as he looked at Jace. Neither of them moved. Jace was to panicked to move or even barely breath. His heart was pounding in his ears as he looked at this wolf that could easily kill him.

But then why hadn't he? The wolf obviously saw the fear in Jace's eyes as he couldn't even try to hide it. The wolf turned slowly to his right and walked to the other side of the fire slowly. Jace followed him as he knelt down and dropped the wood near the fire. Jace couldn't take his eyes off the wolf. He was looking for something, anything on his face that would tell him what he was going to do. But he couldn't see anything. The wolf kept a straight emotionless face as he returned Jace's gaze.

Jace's eyes flicked down for a second as the blue crescent moon necklace he wore caught the light of the fire. There was something about that necklace. Something he couldn't figure out. He recognized it but couldn't remember from where. He looked back to his face and this time looked deeper into his eyes. He sat there staring into the icy blue eyes. He didn't know why but he knew them. He knew them from somewhere but where.

And then it hit him as he remembered everything. He remembered the guards waking him up. He remembered barely being awake but seeing those eyes looking down at him from a large tree. Then there was a fight or something. And then being carried away, gently and safe. Jace's eyes widened as the memories all came back. This wolf had saved him from the Guards. His body jerked back a little as he looked over the wolf again, remembering now in great detail this was the wolf that had saved him.

Jace opened his mouth to try and say something but no words came out. What would he even say?

"Are you alright", the wolf spoke gently. His voice was soft and rich and held so much power. He also seemed genuinely concerned by Jace's reaction. His faced softened and he could see the wolf looked actually concerned.

"Uh... ya I... you... you had attacked the Guards and saved me from them" Jace said nervously, not sure how he should be talking to the large wolf.


"Why? Why did you help me? Who are you?

"My name is Kayden" he said gently his expression still showing very little.

"Why did you help me?" Jace asked again, his expression losing its fear and replacing it with confusion and curiosity. However Kayden did answer. They both looked intently into the others eyes. Jace was trying to find a clue to the answer but Kayden was impossible to read. All he showed was what he wanted others to see.

They sat for what felt like several minutes just looking at each other.

"OK then, where am I?" Jace asked giving up for now on last question. He looked out the entrance as if that contained the answer but all there was, was snow. Looking back to Kayden he wondered if this question would be answered or ignored like the last.

"We're up on the north side of the mountains half way above the tree line near the peak. It's about a day's walk to the valley east of us."

Jace thought about this. The guards couldn't have had him for too long before Kayden had rescued him. From how hungry he was he couldn't have been taken for more than a day so he had to be close to home. Judging from what he said that valley was probably the same one his village was in.

"Where are you from?" Kayden asked.

"Um, a small village on the edge of the valley." To this Kayden nodded his head.

"Once the storm clears up I'll take you back to your village"

Jace was again caught looking surprised. Why was this random wolf helping him so much? Should I even trust him? Who is this wolf?

"What's your name" he said standing up and walking slowly around the fire. Jace followed his movements the whole way as he came to kneeling to the left of him.

"Jace" he answered weakly. His heart rate had already jumped again at the wolf being so close. He could see every line of his muscles as they moved with his motions. The thin loincloth swayed gently as he moved. The necklace he wore shone brilliantly in the fire and took on almost a blue glow. His icy blue eyes felt like they were looking straight into him. He felt so exposed to them and yet so comforted. His body was relaxing as he gazed into the eyes until he had realized he was exposed. The bandages covered parts of his chest but it left much exposed. In fact the only thing he was wearing was his pants and he became incredibly uncomfortable with this. He wasn't normally self-conscious about his body. In fact he felt pretty proud of it but he already felt so exposed to this wolf. He didn't feel comfortable with anything else of himself showing.

The realization he had been missing his jacket caused his face to turn head and him to look away from Kayden. Kayden looked confused for a second before he realized what it was. "Your jacket was torn to shreds and covered in blood. It wasn't helping you at all".

Jace blushed again realizing how easily this wolf did read him. He had begun to relax. He started to feel safer around this wolf. He hadn't hurt or threatened him yet and he genuinely seemed to be trying to help him. He was already off to a good start saving him from the Guards. "I'll be keeping guard at the cave entrance. It's almost night and you should rest. If you need anything just ask" Kayden said as he stood up. Jace looked up at his face, the strain in his neck reminding him how much larger this wolf was than him.

Kayden walked quietly over to the entrance and stood his right arm to the wall watching out the entrance. Jace followed his movements and watched him for a little while. He was right though, he was tired and really felt like sleeping again. Jace looked around the cave again and then at the fire. It still felt nice and was warming the furs gently. He laid back and rest on his right side looking into the fire. He tilted his head up to look at Kayden again.

His stood motionless his tail not even moving as he looked out into the storm. Jace looked back into the fire and let out a slight yawn. His eyes started to feel heavy and he let his thoughts wonder. Could he trust this wolf? So far it seemed as if he could. Would mom and dad be worried about him? He was supposed to be back over a day ago before the storm hit. He hoped they did worry. They always seemed to. They were good parents like that, even if it was annoying sometimes.

Sleep was coming fast. The last thing that echoed through his mind was the one unanswered question he had asked. Why had he helped me? Sleep finally took him as he wondered over and over again why all of this had happened.