The Seeker, Chapter 38, Part 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This chapter is basically going to be divided into three separate parts; otherwise it would be much too long. One will be Pet's adventure in recovering a key, another Mistress Vulva's, and the last Ba'al's own contribution. If you've read my other 'The Seeker' related stories you'll probably recognize some of the other characters.

The Seeker, Chapter 38

Part 1: "Pet's Vatican Adventure", or "The End of Civilization as We Know It".

By William W. Kelso

No one paid much attention to the Monsignor and blind monk as they made their way through the streets to Vatican City. They easily passed through several checkpoints as they carefully made their way through the crowds of surprisingly quiet people, and could sense the atmosphere of fear and unease that saturated the air.

"Wow, I said, after we passed through another checkpoint manned by Vatican Security, Police, and even soldiers, is it always this...paranoid?"

"It's the darkness, St. Francis replied, it's mainly in the Fareast and Middle East, but has been breaking out at random all over the world. Everyone is scared, the Pope is going to be giving a special benediction this evening, and the faithful are gathering. According to what I've been hearing some Rabbis, Islamic Mullahs & Imams; and representatives from other major religions have been invited to add their own prayers to the mass, something that has never happened before. It is truly amazing, a miracle."

Don't blame them, I thought, I was scared too. Not that I planned on attending the mass though, no way. That would be kind of like Richard Pryor turning up at a KKK meeting to do a comedy routine, ain't gonna happen. And not just because of the darkness, it seemed like everyone in the crowds had a crucifix or other religious symbol, and my skin was itching like crazy. But the blind monk disguise was perfect, everyone respectfully making way for us. I couldn't help but snigger a little though; I thought St. Francis looked like Father Guido Sarducci. I tried to keep from cringing when well meaning 'God Bless You's', and 'God watch over you's' were directed our way, and if not for the mandate from Heaven giving me 'diplomatic immunity' I would have had no choice but to assume my true form and try to escape. The air reeked of piousness and true belief, and to me it was like walking through a caustic fog. Then we rounded a corner and I got my first good look at the Vatican as we entered St. Peters Square.

I paused, and said, "Wow, it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be!"

"Careful, St. Francis said, you're supposed to be blind, remember!"

"Oh, yeah, right!" I hissed, and started tapping with my cane again; trying to ignore the impressive sights, but not doing a very good job I'm afraid. I thought about saying 'Alms for the Poor', but figured that would be pushing it just a little bit. I could have sworn all the statues of the Popes and Saints that were all over the place were staring directly at me though, and any second would point, and scream 'UNCLEAN, DEMON!'. In Hell statues are quite often alive, either being humans frozen as living stone forever, or Gargoyle's taking a nap, so you have to be careful around them. Gargoyle's can be real grouches if you wake them up. I shivered, this place was anathema for something like me, and I didn't care for it at all, awe inspiring scenery or not. I was not wanted here, and I didn't WANT to be here.

As we walked across the broad square I heard a rumbling sound, and looked up as dark clouds begin to roll in. Hope it doesn't rain, I thought, with my luck it would be Holy Water. When St. Francis gave my sleeve a yank I looked back down and tapped my cane.

"The shrine I'm taking you to is in St. Peter's Basilica, St Francis said, as is the tomb of the Pope we need to retrieve the key from. We'll be fine until we reach the shrine, but need to be more careful as we enter the grotto. But there should be plenty of people about, so that will help. Then once we have the key we will leave the same way we came."

"Whose tomb is it in, anyway?" I asked quietly.

"Pope Innocent VII, he replied, how the key got there I have no idea. It was either entrusted to his care at some point, or secreted there later. He's not very well known, so the hiding place was probably chosen for his anonymity."

As we neared the entrance to St. Peter's I hesitated, I felt like a little kid about to enter a dark and spooky old house or the girls restroom, but St. Francis took me firmly by the arm and 'helped' me up the stairs and through the door, one of the guards in funny clothes and armor holding the door open for us. As we entered I felt a tingle, but it might have been my imagination as I was scared as; well, Hell. Normally I would have started to dissipate the second I set foot on consecrated ground, and I couldn't think of more consecrated ground then this. I mean, it was ground zero for a demon. Once we got inside; and there was no screaming or alarms going off, I couldn't help but be impressed. I've seen larger structures in Hell, but they tended to be more stark and functional; not to mention gloomy and depressing, and without all the frills and decorations. Let's face it, demonkind aren't long on interior decorating, and we have NO fashion sense. Throw together Dracula's castle, a morgue, the Marque de Sade's play room, a graveyard, and an insane asylum and you'll have a pretty good idea of our idea of 'chic'. And it was so bright! I preferred darker and gloomier environs myself, preferably lit by lava flows and with Hellbats hanging from the ceiling. But it WAS impressive. I did my best not to stare, but it was hard. I doubt it was a sight a demon saw very often, and I knew I'd get asked lots of questions by curious demonkind once I got back home. I'd have to visit a gift shop on the way out and take back some souvenirs; otherwise they probably wouldn't believe me. I figured one of those Pope bobble-head dolls would be perfect; it would look great on My Mistress's desk.

We finally reached a small side chapel to some Saint I'd never heard of, but St. Francis said was a friend of his. Guy was known for healing the blind and infirm or something. We pretended to pray; or at least I did, and St. Francis said,

"See that stairwell over there, the one with the fancy entrance? That's where we need to go, but it's locked, and I don't have a key!"

I took a quick look, and he was right. There was a gate of heavy iron or steel bars, and one of those plush rope things with a "CLOSED" sign hanging on it. Well, rats, I thought. The bars wouldn't keep me out though.

"If we can get over there without anyone noticing the bars will be no trouble, I hissed quietly, but we don't want anyone to see how we get in."

"YOU have a key?" St. Francis asked in surprise.

"Nope, don't need one, I replied, I have my own ways of opening doors, or iron gates."

We waited a little longer, hoping the number of people would thin out a little, but no such luck. After about an hour had passed, St. Francis finally said,

"Look, I think I know how to do this. There's no guard on the grotto entrance, and most of the people in here look like they're on their way to do something important. We just walk right up to the entrance like we're supposed to be there, and just go in."

"You know, I said, that just might work. People seldom notice you if it looks like you belong somewhere, or know what you're doing. I mean, look at Jimmy Carter, people actually thought he was the President for four years."

"Do WE really know what WE'RE doing?" St. Francis said quietly, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Well, I said, I sure as Hell don't, but that's pretty normal for me. You just lead the way, and I'll follow."

We walked over to the stairwell, ducked under the velvet rope, and I slipped a claw through the bars and cut the locking bolt, and we were in. Bingo, simple as that, took about 30 seconds. Normally I'd just rip the gate off its hinges, or melt a hole in it, but figured that might attract some unwanted attention. Frankly I could hardly believe it; usually things don't work out that easily for me. I have shit for luck. Usually by now something would have blown up and/or caught on fire, or something would have shown up and started chewing on me, but I guess even demons get a break every now and then. After waiting for a couple of minutes to see if any hue and cry was raised St. Francis started down the stairs and I followed close behind. No WAY did I want to be alone in this place, something might get me!

We entered a fairly dimly lit series of tunnels and rooms containing all sorts of fancy tombs, sarcophaguses, and ossuaries. Now this is my kind of place, I thought! Lots of dead bodies lying around, it was pretty dark, and smelled moldy. Add a few flaming torches, some rats, and it would it would be half way decent.

"This is great, I hissed, reminds me of a place I go to back home sometimes."

"What kind of place?" St. Francis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a place called the 'The Crypt Club', I said, the tables and seats are all old sarcophaguses and coffins, and the former occupants are the wait staff. They have great flaming luggies. It's kind of an undead hangout, but My Mistress likes it. Sometimes My Mistress does a pole dance, brings down the house every time."

"Sorry I asked." St. Francis said, and I sniggered.

St. Francis stopped to consult a map; the place was a labyrinth, looked up, and said, "This way, it's in an area not normally open to the public."

We came to some more bars across the tunnels, and I opened them the same way, my claw slicing through the steel bolts like butter. The area we were in now had much less lighting, and was dustier too. I didn't have any trouble though, I could see just fine, even wearing dark glasses. Finally we came to a small room off to one side containing a few old marble or granite sarcophaguses, and St. Francis said,

"Good, it's this one. Now, how to get it open?"

I looked at the rather plain sarcophagus; for a Pope anyway, and handing him my cane, I said, "Hold this." Then I bent over, gripped the sides of the lid, and lifted it up, then set it down carefully. Didn't want to break anything, I guess it weighed a few hundred pounds, but no biggee.

"Nice, St. Francis said, I think I know why they sent you along now, you're handy to have around when it comes to breaking and entering."

"Er, thanks, I think." I replied.

We both looked into the sarcophagus, and frankly I was disappointed. I'd been expecting some perfectly preserved body in fancy robes with lots of gold and jewels, but instead there was a small iron box. St. Francis opened it and a brown skull and a few bones were about all that were in it. He felt around in the other rubbish in the box, and after awhile his shoulders sagged; and I thought, ohhh crap, it's not there! But then he stood up with a big smile, and held up a chunk of gold with strange markings on it.

"Don't DO that, I hissed, you scared the Hell out of me!"

He offered me the key, but I said, "No, you hold onto it for now. I have a tendency to loose things." Which was fairly easy as in my true form I don't have any pockets; no clothes, and pouches and stuff tend to catch on fire.

As we headed back the way we'd come I looked around nervously, jumping at every little noise, until St. Francis finally asked,

"What's your problem, we have the key, now all we have to do is go back the way we came and deliver it to your boss."

"I know, I hissed, it's just that it was too easy, things don't work that way for me. I'm worried all the old Popes are going to hop out of their coffins and start chasing me around or something, just like in the movies. Stealing a treasure is NEVER this easy! It's the rules!"

"Well, St. Francis said, it's not much of a treasure, and we have permission anyway, from Heaven AND Hell, so there's always a first time. We're safe as long as we're in the Vatican, it's after we leave that I'm worried about."

"Yeah, I guess." I replied, sniffing the air for a hint of anything out of place, but so far, so good.

We had just exited the stairwell; and I had turned around to shut the gate, when a blast of power hit me from behind and blew me through the iron bars and back down the stairs. "OWWW, UMFFFF, OW-OWW!!" 'THUD!' I KNEW it, I thought, as further blasts collapsed the stairwell and floor onto my head. "DAMN IT!" I shrieked as I bit my tongue. "OWOOOOO!"

St. Francis spun around and stared at the figure who had blasted the demon, and yelled,

"Michael!! What in the Name of God are you doing!?!"

The figure; dressed in the robes of a cardinal, set the point of his sword on the floor, and said,

"Isn't it obvious, St. Francis, I'm preventing an atrocity and the defilement of one of the Holiest sites in Christendom! The mere presence of that foul creature is a blasphemy of biblical proportions! Now, give me the key!"

St. Francis put a hand on the pocket the key was in, and replied, "The only blasphemy is your attack on an official envoy with a Mandate from Heaven to enter the Holy See, and perform a task sanctioned by the High Council! Your unprovoked attack is unforgivable!"

"The High Council? Michael sneered, those fools have been blinded by the Dark One; they have lost their way! Give the key to a creature of HELL?? No, that must not happen!"

"It is the only possible way to defeat the dark of chaos, St. Francis said, the only hope of Heaven, Hell, and the mortal world! You risk everything through this well meaning, but foolish, act! Now let me pass! If the demon cannot deliver the key, then I must do so, even though I may not be able to return."

In the meantime people had been running around everywhere, some towards the sounds of explosions and collapsing masonry, but most away. But now the area was fairly clear of all but a few Vatican Guards and police who had begun to arrive, and they stared at the two figures, uncertain as to what was going on.

This, I thought, sucks!! I was buried under who knows how many tons of marble, concrete, and plaster, and some moldy dead guy was lying on top of me. I was pretty much unhurt, but I was shaken up and more then a little shocked. How in the HELL had another demonkind gotten inside the Vatican?? I knew a power blast when I felt one. I tried to move again, but in this form there was no way. I was just too small, and didn't have any leverage. The dead guy stank too. I gave a resigned hiss, and thought, I am SO going to get in trouble, but had no choice. So I resumed my true form.

St. Francis staggered; as did everyone else in the immediate vicinity, as the floor began to shake and cracks ran across it. 'Earthquake!' Someone yelled, but he didn't think so, neither did Michael.

The archangel strode towards St. Francis, the shaking not bothering him much, and said, "Give me the KEY, NOW!"

"I think not." St. Francis said, and shot Michael in the chest with the cane, the blast throwing the archangel back on his rear. Then he shot him again, and Michael slid across the floor until he crashed in to a pillar. Then St. Francis fell down as the floor behind him erupted, and an ear-shattering roar filled the air.

As I expanded and grew I stood up, and taking on an even larger form I shrugged off the pile of wreckage and debris that had buried me, and roared in anger. "EEEUUURRRRRAAAARRRGGHHH!" I was PISSED! AND my tongue hurt, I HATE it when I do that! Whomever; or whatever, had shot me in the butt was in for an ass-kicking, the old school Ba'al kind! I brushed a few more pieces of junk off of me, flapped my wings a few times, and looked around snarling and hissing loudly, flames flickering across my body.

St. Francis shakily got to his feet, and turning he looked at a large billowing cloud of dust and powdered concrete, and at first couldn't see much other then a dim hulking shape and a loud rumbling hissing sound. As the smoke cleared he crossed himself, and muttered "Saints Preserve Us!" Then he fell back down on his butt as a huge reptilian head came snaking down out of the dust and eyes filled with the flames of Hell regarded him emotionlessly, and he almost fainted as the huge fanged mouth; flaming drool dripping from sharp fangs, opened, and a great rumbling/hissing voice asked,

"Yuh OK, St. Fwancis?"

"P-Pet??" St. Francis stammered, he'd seen the demon in his dragon form before, but never this big or...intimidating before. "I-I'm fine."

"Gud, I hissed, now telth me, whod; or wud, do I haf tuh kill?"

"W-What...?" St. Francis stammered.

"Sworry, I said, bid muh tong, yew evuh do dat? I hate it wen dat happens, it huds like Hell und mades me talk funny! Now, whose does I haf ta kill?"

"Oh, It's the Archangel Michael, St. Francis said, he wants the key!"

"Oh GWAIT, I hissed, wud IS dat guy's probwum!? Where iss he, yuh didn't give him duh key, did yas?? Ssssss?"

"Oh no, St. Francis said, when he me asked for it I, um, blasted him with your cane, twice."

I threw my head back and gave a bellow of amusement, "I wish I'd seen dat!! I growled; now where IS he, anyway?"

I licked my long forked tongue over my fangs; making St. Francis cringe, and thought, good, almost healed!

"I am HERE, FOUL BEAST!", came a loud voice.

I reared back up and snarled as a figure materialized out of the still billowing dust cloud. And as I watched he began to grow, wings bursting through his cassock, and as it fell away I could see his shining armor, and the sword he carried. He was terrible to behold in his beauty. "Ah Cwap!" I hissed.

"Michael, I roared, let St. Francis pass, it is ME you want! You know this is more about the hate you have for me, then it is about the key!"

"Your foul reek defiles this place, Michael bellowed, you are an abomination!"

"Hey, I roared, no need to get personal, and I do NOT reek! I'm a very clean abomination!"

About that time some of the Vatican Guards and police; who had been attracted by all the ruckus and roaring; the ones who'd stuck around anyway, opened fire, on me naturally. They had a choice, the large demonic dragon, or the angel. So of course they picked little old me for target practice. Typical, they always shoot at the dragon! It didn't hurt, but it was annoying, and while I was distracted for a second Michael attacked.

The blast from his sword made me reel, but in this form it had much less effect, detonating on my scales with an impressive explosion, but little else. Then he lunged forward with a thrust from that nasty sharp pointy sword of his, but I wasn't there, having taken to the air. I flew up to a balcony and perched there, scaring the Hell out of some choirboys, and darting my head back-then forward, I hosed him down with my fire flux, the raging inferno sweeping over him. The floor he was standing on turned to powdered lime and ash, but he was virtually untouched, though I did burn the rest of his cassock off of him. With a battle cry he took flight, and so did I. It did have the affect of clearing out the few remaining spectators and Guards though, who took off like the Devil himself was after them. Only St. Francis stood his ground. Soon we had the whole place to ourselves.

St. Francis watched in horror as the two great creatures battled, torn between which one he should try to help, if at all. He knew the demon was on a sanctioned mission, but still, he was fighting one of Heavens premier archangels and champions! Maybe Michael did know something he didn't. Maybe he HAD been deceived! He raised the cane, aiming at one, then the other, but finally lowered it again. Damn it to HELL!

One good thing about St. Peter's is it was big inside, and there was enough room for Michael and me to maneuver in the air. I flew past a huge chandelier, hooked it with one claw, and as he followed I swung it at him and he flew right into it, and fell to the floor with a loud most un-angel like curse in a tangle of glass and brass. I hosed him with my fire flux again, but again with no effect other then to start more fires. He got to his feet and shot a power blast at me, but I dodged and it blew a large fancy statue into small numerous pieces.

"Stand and fight, unclean beast!" Michael bellowed.

Nuh-uh, no way! I thought, and flapping over to another balcony I perched and gave him the finger. No way I was letting him get anywhere near me with that sword, despite my natural armor it would carve me up like a razor blade. I took flight again, and grabbing another large statue I dive bombed him, and direct hit! 'Splat!' Hah, take THAT! Then as Michael was sorting himself out from the remains of the chandelier and statue, I looked around and saw St. Francis, and bellowed,

"St. Francis, get the key to My Mistress or Great Lord Ba'al, I'll hold Michael here!"

I watched a Michael took wing again, and he was holding something in his arms. I tried to see what it was, but he flew behind a pillar, and as he came around the other side he suddenly threw something at me, and I roared in agony as a hot burning liquid splashed over my face, temporarily blinding me. SON-OF-A-B....! Holy Water! With a shriek of pain I blindly took flight, and crashed through a window, and from the fact it was pouring down rain knew I was outside. And thank somebody for the rain, it washed the burning liquid off my face and I could see again, just in time to see Michael come flying through the same window with his sword ready. With a shriek of rage I flapped for altitude, the steaming rain pouring off my scales as I left a trail of steam.

The rain hindered my flight, but had the same effect on Michael, and my scales shed water better then his feathers did, so I gained on him. As we approached a tall building there was a crack of thunder, and a lightening bolt hit a nearby flagpole on top of a small dome. I altered my path a little, and as I came to the flagpole I grabbed it with my front feet, and swinging around I caught Michael by surprise, my hind feet brutally smashing into him with a horrible crunching sound, and he screamed and tumbled down the dome and off the roof. I swung around again, let go of the now bent pole, and tried to see where he'd gone, but no sign of him on the ground below, just some people pointing at me and yelling at one another. With a hiss I climbed and began to circle the area. Where was he?? I couldn't scent him because of the rain and the ozone smell.

St. Francis sat down in a pew and looked at the huge altar, and folding his hands began to pray despite the fires taking hold around him. Please Father, he prayed, tell me what to do!

Suddenly I caught sight of something...above me! I managed to wheel, turning over just as Michael finished his dive, and met him with my claws and fangs. He slammed in to me, and I wrapped my wings around him as we grappled, and we plummeted like a rock. He cut a large tear in one of my wings, but I managed to avoid his thrusts for the most part, and as we crashed through the roof of St. Peter's we hit the floor in an explosion of shattered floor tiles and wooden pews, breaking apart and rolling free of one another. Getting to my feet I hosed him with fire flux, and he backed away shielding his face, then fired a power blast that exploded harmlessly on my chest.

As the roof suddenly collapsed and the battling demon and angel crashed to the floor St. Francis jumped to his feet and backed away to a safer spot, then stood still, indecision raging in his mind. As he watched Pet took flight again, dodging another power blast from Michael's sword; and a beautiful stained glass window erupted into shards of flying glass. Suddenly he knew what he had to do; with no doubt, and turned to leave. He hated to leave his unusual friend locked in combat with one of Heaven's champions, but if the demon was willing to sacrifice himself to buy him time then he knew he had use that time. He had only taken a few steps when suddenly a figure landed in front of him, and Michael said,

"Give me the key, St. Francis!"

"NO!" St. Francis replied, and raised the cane, but before he could fire the archangel slammed his sword into him, with the flat of the blade fortunately, and he was thrown against the wall, and the world went dark.

Where the Hell is he?? I thought; trying to see through the smoke and dust our battle had stirred up. Wooden pews and other objects were burning fiercely now; the fire spreading, and it was getting harder to see. The smoke didn't bother my eyes or anything, but it did obscure my vision. I dove lower to get under the smoke, and saw a large figure bending over a smaller one lying on the floor, and as I watched it stood and held up something, and I shrieked in rage.

"ST. FRANCIS!!" I roared, and folding my wings I dove at Michael, and he just had time to turn and face me before I slammed into him and we went over in a ball of screaming, roaring demonic and angelic fury. We careened across the floor, knocking over shrines and other objects, crashing right through several pillars as we battled. My claws scratched across his armor in sprays of brilliant sparks, and he hammered at my body with blows that would pulverize stone, but in close hand-to-hand combat I had an advantage due to my natural armament, and I tore and savaged his flesh where my claws made contact, and dug my fangs into his shoulder, but he showed no sign of giving up. Finally he landed a blow to the side of my head that stunned me, and we broke apart. With a hiss I scrambled to my feet, and looked around for him. Where was he!? And why did my shoulder hurt so badly? I turned my head and looked, oh; it hurts because his sword is stuck in it! I tried to pull it out, and gave a wail of pain when I tugged on it, and let go, it was really jammed in there. Then I heard the flap of wings, and spinning I looked around, but the smoke was even thicker now, and I couldn't see him! I tried to take flight, but screeched in agony as the sword moved in the wound, and collapsed back to the ground with a roar of pain. A second later I felt a heavy weight land on my back, and powerful arms snaked under my neck and head, and pulled back brutally.

St. Francis staggered to his feet, one arm dangling uselessly. He started to stumble towards the exit again, but paused, and looked around. Where were they?? Then he checked his pocket, and realized in horror that he no longer had the key! Leaning over he picked up the cane, and turned back towards the sounds of combat, making his way through flaming debris, and as he did the smoke and flames made way for him.

I roared and bellowed in frustration as I tried to throw Michael off, but he had me in a strong grip around my throat, his hands locked together as he bent my head back. I bucked and heaved, the sword cutting deeper into my wound, shrieking and snarling in pain and rage, tearing at him with my claws, beating my wings against him, jaws snapping, but he held on. He couldn't strangle me, but he could break my neck. It might not kill me, but would render me helpless for awhile. I raised my body temperature to where it was almost incandescent, but still he held on! I felt a vertebrae give and pop, and wailed in pain, and then he suddenly wrenched my head back and to one side with a sickening crunch, and I collapsed helplessly, the floor shuddering as we crashed into it.

St. Francis strained to see what was happening, but could only catch glimpses of the titanic struggle, and had to duck once when a scaly tail came whipping out of the smoke and almost took his head off. But finally he heard a loud roar, the ground shook, and then it was quiet. As the smoke eddied and curled he saw the huge demon lying on his side, still and unmoving, with the form of Michael towering over him. Leaning over, the archangel put a foot against the fallen demon, and then stood up and lifted his sword into the air in victory, inhuman blood dripping from it.

I lay helplessly, still awake but unable to do anything, as Michael bent over and yanked the sword from my shoulder, and gave a shrill hiss of agony as it slid out followed by a gout of my molten blood. By Dis, that hurt! Michael held the sword over his head, and then looked down at me.

"Now we put an end this, vile creature!" Michael said, and taking the sword in both hands he rested the edge on my neck, and then raised it.

I closed my eyes, and thought, 'Mistress, I did my best, please forgive me, I love you.' and waited to die, for good this time, there was no afterlife for something like me.

Michael was unprepared; and taken totally by surprise, when a small figure staggered out of the smoke, stuck a cane in his face, said "FUCK YOU, MICHAEL!" and shot him, point blank.

After I head a loud 'boom', and my head wasn't whacked off, I opened one eye and looked around in surprise. I was still alive! I tried to move, but my neck was broken and I hadn't had time to heal yet. I watched as a small figure knelt next to me, and smiled when St. Francis said,

"Are you hurt badly, Pet?" He asked as he gently stroked my snout.

"Where's the asshole?" I hissed painfully.

"I think he's unconscious, St. Francis said, I shot him in the face with your cane."

"Yep, I said, that ought to spoil his day for a few hours. Did you get the key back?"

"Um, no, not yet, St. Francis said, is there anything I can do for you?" St. Francis tried to smile at the huge beast, but the sight of its unnaturally twisted head and neck, and the fact it wasn't moving at all, worried him. He could tell its neck was broken, and just how tough were demons, anyway?

"Just get the key; I hissed weakly, I need to heal myself. That creep really did a number on my scaly ass."

As St. Francis disappeared into the smoke I decided it was time to make use of my newer powers. I could heal 'naturally', but it would take awhile, and we didn't have the time. So I closed my eyes and reached deep inside and let my elemental powers take over. I could feel the incredible heat rising in my body as it began to glow; anything within a few feet bursting into flames, and moaned in agony as my neck began to heal as my body literally became molten fluid. I kept my draconic form, but it no longer had any recognizable features such as scales, the skin being slick and smooth, the eyes hollow flame filled pools. Oh yeah, I thought as the pain faded, that's a LOT better!

St. Francis walked carefully through the smoke and flames, coughing, as he looked for the archangel. Where WAS he, he should be around here somewhere?!

I had just staggered to my feet, and barely had time to respond with a large figure suddenly loomed out of the smoke; and raised an arm as the sword came whistling down, and it cut half way through my limb. With a screech of pain and rage I grabbed Michael around the neck with my free hand, and lifted him off the floor. His sword was stuck in my other arm, but it was starting to glow. I let myself grow in size, and tightened my grip around his neck while he clawed uselessly at my arm. His hair was singed and one eye was swollen and closed, and I thought, good shot St. Francis. I looked as his sword glowed white hot, and then melted and was absorbed into my body, the wound closing, and he gasped,

"No, that's not possible! That sword cannot be destroyed! What ARE you?!"

"Me? I hissed, just the vile creature that is about to; as you put it, put an end to this!"

I started squeezing even harder, and his face began to turn blue as his eyes bulged, his hands clawing desperately at my arm. Hmm, I thought, I guess angels do have to breathe, I'd always wondered about that. With a hissing snarl I began to squeeze tighter, his desperate struggles growing weaker. Suddenly I was aware of a faint voice, and looking down saw St. Francis leaning against a wrecked pew.

"Pet, please, I beg of you, don't! St. Francis pleaded, please, spare him!"

I looked at Michael, and snaking my head down closer I snarled in his face, then looked at St. Francis again, then back at Michael, and finally loosened my grip, gave him a hard shake, and hissed,

"You're lucky! I'll let you live, for him."

"That remains too be seen." Another voice suddenly said, and a beam of light cut through the smoke and a figure appeared inside of it as it faded.

Oh, this is just fucking great, I thought, another one!

"Gabriel!" St. Francis said. "Gabriel, thank God, help me!" Michael choked.

I hissed angrily and shook Michael again, hard, and hissed, "NO MORE "G" WORD's!"

Gabriel sat down on an undestroyed pew; I was surprised there were any, and despite speaking softly his words echoed in the devastated basilica. "Michael, you have finally gone too far. You have acted against the word of the High Council and so against HIS word, you have abandoned your post in a time of great peril leaving the Host of Heaven without its most powerful general, you have attacked one under the Mandate of Heaven, not once, but twice, and your actions have threatened not only Heaven, but Hell and the mortal world as well. In HIS name you are cast out of Heaven, and are now one of those you reviled. Let it be done."

St. Francis collapsed in a faint as he heard Gabriel's edict, he could think of no more horrible punishment.

"NOOOOOOO!!" Michael wailed, "PLEASE, NOT THAT!!"

"It is done." Gabriel said.

Wow, I thought, and loosened my grip on Michael a little more. He was starting to convulse, and as I watched his feathers began to fall out, and he made horrible mewling and squealing sounds as his wings grew thinner, membranes forming, claws pushing out, his skin darkening as scales and fur washed over them. He had his eyes closed and was drooling and slobbering all over my arm, grunting and snarling as his face pushed out into a muzzle, a growing tail flailing behind him. Gross, I thought.

"Um, Gabriel? I asked, what do I do with him, er, it, now?"

Gabriel replied sadly, "He is yours now, unclean in the eyes of the Lord, we wash our hands of him, you may do what you want, even give him any form you want. He serves a new Master now."

I cringed a little at the "L" word, and then looked at the thing writhing in my grip. Mine, huh? To do with as I want? Hmmm, that was interesting. Then suddenly I had a thought, and smiled evilly, the flames in my eyes glowing even brighter. Oh boy! He is SO not going to like this!

Gabriel got up and approached the fallen man, taking his eyes off the horror he had been duty bound to inflict on an old friend, but Michael had done this to himself. He had committed unforgiveable crimes against Heaven, not the least one of pride, and so would now join the other fallen ones. He knelt next to the small man, and touching him healed his shattered arm and other lesser injuries, and said,

"St. Francis? How fare you?"

"Gabriel, St. Francis asked, is it true, about Michael?"

"Yes old friend, by his actions he condemned himself. Come, let us go, you do not wish to see what will happen here. Your duty is done; it is time to go home."

"What of Pet, the key?" St. Francis asked.

"He is victorious, and will take the key to where it is needed, Gabriel replied, now come, we must leave this place."

St. Francis looked around the ravaged basilica, the walls, floors, and ceiling pitted and holed, rubble everywhere, fires raging out of control, and muttered "God forgive us."

"He already has." Gabriel smiled, taking the Saints arm.

I watched; and waved goodbye, as Gabriel and St. Francis disappeared in a flash of bright light, St. Francis returning my wave, and then turned my gaze back to the new demon struggling weakly in my grasp.

"You, I hissed softly, belong to ME!" And I had already decided what I was going to do with, and to, the new demonkind. I actually felt a little sorry for him, but not enough to keep me from dong what I was going to do. He'd risked everything, Heaven, Hell, and the Earth in his blind arrogance and hatred. He'll make a good demonkind, I thought. But first, a few changes.

So far he looked pretty much like your usual stereotypical demon, part goat, part lizard, part bat, all nasty. But as I decided his fate he began to change again. He moaned as his wings began to expand and grow, and writhed as his body began to swell, fur giving away solely to scales; bright red scales that flowed across his body as his neck lengthened and his muzzle pushed out into a reptilian snout, horns sprouting from his head, and he hissed in pain as his tail thickened and pushed out longer. And as he grew in size I let myself return to my 'normal' form; but stayed larger then he, my own scales and other features returning as my body returned to a more solid form. Soon the new fire drake I was holding was only a little smaller then I was, and it looked at me with eyes still partially human, and they widened in horror, turning into a reptiles as I made the last change, and I watched the fires of Hell ignite in their depths.

The new fire drake gave a wailing hiss, and said, "NOOOOOOO!! Sssssss, PLEASSEE- HISSSSS!"

"OH YESSSSS!! HISSSSS!" I replied, and let the new dragoness go. I backed away and looked at her lovely form, so sleek and scaly, the powerful scent of her heat filling my nostrils, and felt my lust kindling. She was beautiful!

The female drake that had once been Michael looked at herself in horror, turning her head on its long neck to look at her large bat wings and long scaly body. Then she looked back at me, and knew.

"NOOO, Please, not that!! Y-You can't!" She wailed as she backed away from me.

With a deep rumbling snarl I started to circle around behind her, but she turned to face me, and snarled back, tail whipping.

"What have you DONE to me?!" She screeched, fangs bared.

"I have been merciful! I hissed, I have given you a powerful form so you will be better able to protect yourself in your new home! And male fire drakes will be less likely to ravage a female in heat! They will be more prone to protect you, and since all will know who you once were you will need that protection, the protection of your mates. Now submit; I will be the first to mount you!"

"NEVER!" She shrieked in rage, and lunged at me, claws raking across my scales, jaws snapping at my neck.

With a hiss of approval I danced back out range. Good, I thought, she will need to be strong in order to survive. Male drakes like a feisty female. But she was clumsy, not yet used to her new body, and I darted inside of her lunge and snapped my jaws around her neck and bit down hard, and she bucked and shrieked as I climbed on top of her, and hooking a leg under her tail and a hind leg I pushed them out of the way and positioned myself. But not yet, I would not take her like this. I curled my tail around hers, and began to gently stroke its length, rubbing against the base of her tail and belly bands. She shuddered, bucking desperately, and wailed,


I held her firmly, pinned and helpless, and kept caressing and stimulating her, her musk filling my nostrils, growing stronger and spicier as she responded to my caresses, and I could smell her sex growing softer, wetter, as she grew ready for me, her own body betraying her as it gave in to new needs and desires. But still I waited, I would not take her until she was completely ready...and willing, not until she submitted and gave herself to me. I caressed her gently, rubbing my claws up and down her neck, my tail stroking hers, and suddenly she trembled, and crouching, hissed,

"N-Nooo, Sssss, I...I...ohhh...p-please, I...I...ohhh please..."

With a roar of lust I let her neck go, and threw my head back as I mounted her, and her own roar of pain and pleasure was as loud as mine. She was tight, but slick and wet, and as I lunged deeper into her I bellowed in ecstasy, and she bucked and squealed under me as she submitted to my dominance and lost her virginity for the first time as both a demonkind and a female. And once she had submitted and given herself to me she was mine, but I was gentle that first time, at least as gentle as a creature such as myself can be. I took my pleasure, but was not vindictive, as I serviced her. I figured she had already suffered enough, having been cast out of heaven. And she responded to my attentions, shrieking in pleasure as I pushed deeper into her, perhaps she needed the intense pleasure to help ease that loss.

"Yesss, I hissed, accept what you are now; give in to your needs! I will give you more pleasure then you ever thought possible! You are so beautiful!"

Finally I hilted, and began servicing her with powerful thrusts in a fast steady rhythm, and she threw her head back and groaned in pleasure as I licked her snout. We mated in the midst of the spreading flames and dense smoke, beings such as us just ignoring the heat, our only concern one another. And it was not rape, I had courted and subdued her, and she had submitted to my dominance and accepted me as her mate in the manner of our kind. And it was wonderful, the feel of her slick vaginal muscles clenching and stroking my cock as I moved inside her, our belly bands slapping together with loud rasping smacks, the devastated basilica filled with the loud hisses and roars of demonic lust and pleasure, and those sounds became even louder as I extended my nether tongue. Then as I neared my release I bit her neck again, speeding up my thrusts as I climaxed, and as my hot molten cum poured deeply into her body she gave a shriek as her first orgasm exploded deep inside her quivering sex, flames licking across our entwined bodies, and windows shattered as she accepted who, and what, she was now. She had no choice.

As her shrieks and roars died away to hissing sobs I gently licked her neck, and said, "It will not be so bad, our Mistress will care for you and make sure none molest you without her permission, as will Great Lord Ba'al."

She turned her head and licked me back, eyes filled with anguish and acceptance, and hissed, "P-please. Sssss...I...I...?"

With a final grunt of pleasure I dismounted, reluctantly, and said, "Not now, but later. We must leave this place; it is not for such as we."

Mother Superior Sister Mary Francis had been delighted when the Order gave her permission to accompany some other senior Nuns on a trip to the Vatican; it was the dream of a lifetime. They had even been invited to attend a special Mass the Holy Father himself was giving, such an honor! She and her Sisters had been on a tour when the very ground had shook, and horrible roars and demonic bellows had suddenly filled the air, then had come the sound of gunfire, screams, and then more bestial sounds. As others screamed and fled she had finally gathered her courage, and she and some of her stronger Sisters had ventured towards the sounds of conflict. Opening a door carefully she 'ssshed' her Sisters; and sticking her head through looked around.

Sister Mary was appalled; the great chapel was in ruins, fires burning everywhere, the shrines to Saints shattered and thrown down! The chamber was filled with thick roiling smoke and reeked of sulfur and brimstone, and just as she turned to leave the smoke cleared for a minute as it eddied and flowed, and she was shocked to see two great beasts copulating in the middle of the chamber; from the way they moved and their bellows of pleasure that was all they could be doing. And they could only be one thing, demons! Creatures of the Fallen Angel! As she stood and stared her fellow Sisters wandered in behind her one by one, and as her shock turned to horrified outrage, and looking at her fellow Nuns she bellowed,

"Forwards Sisters, Onward Christian Soldiers!!" And grabbing their crucifixes and rosaries in one hand, their trusty rulers in another, the twelve Nuns charged, fearing no evil as their Savior went before them.

"OW, OW, LEMME ALONE!" I bellowed as Nuns swatted me with rulers and hurled psalms at me making my skin tingle and burn, "I GOT PERMISSION TO BE HERE!! OW, @#&%@! KNOCK IT OFF! I roared, IT'S NOT MY FAULT! SSSSSSS, DON'T YOU DARE HIT ME THERE! OWW, OWW, OWWWW!"

"SATAN, GET THEE BEHIND ME!!" Sister Mary screamed as she assaulted the great beasts and rained her righteous fury upon them, "BEGONE FROM THIS HOLY PLACE, VILE BEASTS!" Her battle cries echoed by her Sisters.

"WHAT DO WE DO!?" The female drake bellowed as she danced on her hind legs, dodging the ferocious Nuns.

"Only one thing we CAN do, I bellowed back, we get the HELL out of here!" I dodged a swipe, bent over and grabbed the Key, then took flight, a final blow landing on my tail. "OWWWW!"

The reporter turned as people screamed, and gasped as two huge winged shapes suddenly burst through the smoldering dome of St. Peters basilica, and with a groan the huge dome collapsed into the roaring flames. 'Are you getting this!?' He screamed at the photographer. 'Oh yeah!' the photographer replied, zooming in on the two scaly monsters as they circled the inferno raging below, roaring loudly enough to rattle the windows in nearby buildings, a rainbow arching over them. 'Those are fucking dragons!' the reporter said in awe. Indeed they are, the photographer thought, I am SO winning a Pulitzer for this! The lighting was perfect!

As we circled the remains of St. Peter's with mighty flaps of our wings, riding the updrafts from the flames, I looked down at the devastation, and thought, I am SO in trouble! Why does shit like this always happen to me?? I felt really bad about wrecking the joint.

The female drake kept close behind me as we circled, and suddenly two military jets came streaking by with sonic booms. Time to get the Hell out of Dodge! I thought, and called in my mind,

'Mistress, we are ready to come home!"

As I looked around I saw a pentagram open in a nearby park, and with a roar I turned and dived toward it, the female fire drake following, and it closed with a loud 'clap' as soon as we dove through leaving a smoking circle on the ground, the heat seeking missiles following us impacting harmlessly.

The Church was forced to admit that demons did in fact exist, and declared the Battle for St. Peter's a great victory, the twelve Nuns who beat off the demonic invaders going down in history as those who saved the Catholic Faith. And in another miracle, despite the destruction of the Basilica, no one was seriously injured.

The End
