
Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#19 of Stories

On a typical day, eight o'clock in the evening was when Tiifu Halberd came home from hi...

On a typical day, eight o'clock in the evening was when Tiifu Halberd came home from his job. Tiifu was a 35 year old male hyena of an average build that stood about five feet eleven inches, had brown hair, blue eyes, and the typical spots you'd expect to see on a spotted hyena. Tiifu worked as a computer programmer for a company called Electro Magnetic Gaming, or EMG for short. His job was pretty simple. He worked on doing the coding for the game sprites to allow the characters within the games to move.

His son, Mtanga, was a boy of fourteen with the same hair color and spots, but green eyes instead of blue, standing at about five feet eight inches. Mtanga, true to his name's meaning, was always a wanderer looking out for adventure, and would usually only make it to the house just minutes before his father would, as it was usually planned, though often, his lack of being able to find anything new to do in a town he's spent most of his life in, was beginning to bore him.

Tiifu entered the house with a rather disgusted look on his face. He'd spent most of the day on a single set of coding only to have the entire day's worth of the data he compiled get lost during a blackout at the office just as he was ready to save it all. He turned to see his son, Mtanga, on the couch watching television. Leaving him for the time being, Tiifu decided to head to his room and change into some, more comfortable, house clothes. As he rummaged through his dresser to find a shirt, he had managed to find one of the original ads that led to him getting the job at EMG in the first place.

The ad was brightly colored and had several video game characters all over the front of it. In rainbow colors were the company name and, under it, a picture of a computer.

Tiifu shoved the ad aside to grab a white shirt, which pushed the ad out of the dresser and onto the floor. After Tiifu had changed, he bent down to pick up the ad, only to see that it had landed on its' opposite side. The ad now showed what looked to be a hypnotist with someone sitting in the chair beside him in a trance. There was a small paragraph on hypnosis underneath it, and a link with it. Remembering how down his son looked when he walked in, Tiifu left his room with the paper in hand and walked back out to the family room.

Still right where he'd been before, Mtanga was watching some kind of anime cartoon. The only thing that seemed different was the fact that at least now Mtanga seemed calm, and not so much uptight. Tiifu chuckled as he walked to his computer and sat down, booting it up. It started with a whir and a few beeps then he logged on to the internet. He typed in the address on the ad and clicked enter. Immediately, the page turned black with several paragraphs in white print.

His first glance at it led Tiifu to believe it was talking about the myths and truths of hypnosis. He was right... or at least half right. As he glanced through the page, reading it, he found that the document actually also gave instructions on how to hypnotize someone. Tiifu shook his head as he read. He didn't really believe hypnotism was possible in real life. He'd seen hypnotism on TV, but it always appeared, to him, as nothing more than an act. Still, Tiifu was rather curious, and decided to read the instruction anyway. It seemed that all one truly needed to hypnotize someone was a peaceful place to do so and a shiny metal object, such as a coin or pendant, that was on a string.

When he finally heard Mtanga turn off the television, Tiifu, in turn, closed out the page he was on and turned off the computer.

For the first time since Tiifu had gotten home, Mtanga spoke. "Hey dad, how was work?"

"Oh, the usual," Tiifu said, chuckling a little. "Get a load of work done only to have a blackout cause me to lose everything. You?"

"Went and played some basketball after school, then went on a hike down the riverbed trail. Same stuff I usually do." Mtanga replied. He looked past his father to see the monitor light blinking. "What were you looking at?"

"Oh, an old paper I found from back when I first got my job." Tiifu told him. "I was just looking to see if the company's website had changed at all." Tiifu chuckled again as he snuck by his son and headed to the hallway once more, stopping only once to see Mtanga sit in the chair he'd gotten up from, sigh, and turn the computer back on. It was then that Tiifu had gotten an idea. He had no real idea if it would even work, but, given that Mtanga just seemed so bored, Tiifu decided to see what would come of it. Tiifu quickly raced to his room and looked to his bedside table, where he happened to have a silver pendant with his name engraved on it; a gift from a co-worker that he'd gotten months ago.

Several minutes later, Tiifu called out to get his son's attention. "Hey, kiddo, could you come in here a second?"

The sounds of Mtanga getting up and coming down the hall were almost immediate. Tiifu already had the pendant swaying back and forth at what would be Tiifu's eye level so that it would be the first thing he would see when he walked in. Mtanga pushed the door open, which creaked a bit, as he entered the room. "Yeah, dad? What did you... what are you doing?"

Tiifu stayed silent at first, just letting the pendant sway back and forth a few times. He wanted to make sure that his son was indeed watching the object, and, it appeared, he was. "Close the door, and come sit down on my bed," Tiifu said calmly.

Much to Tiifu's surprise, Mtanga followed the order, closing the door gently and taking a seat beside his father. Tiifu stood so he was in front of his son again, the pendant still swaying. "You're starting to drift off. You are going to feel your muscles loosen up. Let them. Your arms, your chest, your eyes. Just release all tension in your body and breathe calmly. You will only have the strength to sit up, and nothing more."

Mtanga muttered something quietly for a moment before he grew silent. As Mtanga sat there, Tiifu saw his body go limp, but watched as it still sat upward. Tiifu saw that Mtanga's eyeballs were twitching under his eyelids, but he figured that was natural and continued what he was doing. "Now, Mtanga, listen to what I tell you. You will only be able to do the things I ask of you and speak when I ask you to do so. Nothing else. Nod if you understand."

The hyena raised his head momentarily, nodded then lowered his head again.

"I've noticed that as of the last couple weeks, you haven't been acting like your usual self, Mtanga. Tell me why," Tiifu instructed.

Again, Mtanga raised his head, and, in a calm voice, he answered. "I'm just tired of the same routine over and over. For a while it was okay, but I've grown bored of seeing the same forest, following the same pathways, and looking at the same bugs."

"Why haven't you ever mentioned this before," Tiifu asked.

"There wouldn't be any point. Your job would keep you here, so it's not like we can move somewhere new." Mtanga answered.

There was a silence after that, which filled the room for several moments. Tiifu stood there and looked at his son; staring at him in his hypnotized state. Suddenly, Tiifu felt something wash over him; an odd feeling, as he stared at the younger hyena. Tiifu's eyes widened as he noticed that the shorts his son was wearing were tented. This caused a gasp to escape the older male. His son was usually rather discrete about his sexual urges, but he surmised that with the boy in his current state, perhaps he wasn't doing it intentionally. Though a second gasp arose from Tiifu as he realized his son was not the only one sporting a boner. Looking down, he suddenly realized he was getting an erection as well. Was it possible that he actually found his son attractive? Or perhaps it was the fact that he had his son in such a vulnerable state? Either way, Tiifu was at a momentary loss for words until he looked back at his son again, who had not moved. "Mtanga."

"Yes," the boy replied.

"Do you feel... relaxed right now?" Tiifu took a step closer. "Be honest with me."

"Yes, I do," Mtanga answered back.

"Relaxed enough, maybe, to do something for your father? It's something I think you might enjoy." Tiifu sat down on the bed again. "And it will definitely be something different. Something you don't usually do."

"Sure," Mtanga replied.

"Son, take off your shirt for me," the boy's father instructed. "But do it slowly. I want you to show off for your dad, alright?"

Mtanga didn't utter a word of argument. He simply stood, facing his father, and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

As he did, his father did the same, trying to ignore the straining erection in his pants. Tiifu watched as the boy's shirt slid off his body, revealing his son's soft, chest fur. Tiifu had to bite his lip to keep from moaning.

Tiifu instructed his son once more. "Good, now take off your pants. Again, do it slowly."

Mtanga's paws went to the waist of the pants as he unfastened the button and unzipped the zipper.

As his son undressed, Tiifu followed, almost fully relieving the pressure against his now raging hard-on inside his briefs. He looked his son over and shivered a bit. "Now, son, I'm going to touch you. I'm going to remove your briefs. Just stand there for me for a moment, understand?"

His son nodded.

Tiifu then reached to the waistband of his son's briefs, pulling them down, which made his son's eight inch member flop out, erect and stiff. Tiifu shivered again at the mere sight, but didn't touch his son yet. He wanted to be 'set free' as well. "Mtanga, I want you to open your eyes. I want you to reach down and remove my briefs. When you're done, I want you to take a nice sniff of my crotch."

Tiifu waited. If there was any chance he thought this might backfire, now was it. He half expected his son to come out of it and refuse or run off, but he got another simple nod before he felt his son do just as he'd been asked. Tiifu let out a large sigh of contentment as his cock, nearly eleven inches in length, poked out, fully erect.

Mtanga got down on his knees and pressed his face into his dad's crotch, sniffing it a few times. The older male's musk filled the boy's nostrils, and, to Tiifu's surprise, a moan seemed to have escaped his son's lips.

"That's enough, son," the father instructed, watching his boy stand again. "Now, I'm going to get on my knees, son, and I'm going to suck your cock. Do whatever helps to make you feel good as I do this, understand?"

Mtanga nodded, and, if Tiifu didn't know any better, Tiifu could swear his son smiled as he got to his knees, taking in a sniff of the teen's musk. He smiled a bit himself before licking the very tip of his son's penis, which quivered a bit as he did. Tiifu opened his muzzle wide then closed it around the cock, sucking it and licking it several times.

It was at that point that Tiifu could sense movement from his son, who had put his paws to the back of his father's head and was holding him there as he began humping the muzzle in front of him.

Mtanga cooed a little from the humping as his father continued to cover his cock his wet tongue and warm breath.

He left no spot dry as he worked his tongue softly over the piece of teen cock meat. As he began bobbing his head along the cock, he felt his son putting a tad more pressure to the back of his head, holding him as though preventing escape, which only served to make Tiifu work faster.

From above, it seemed that Mtanga indeed was enjoying himself, as every few seconds he moaned, and each moan caused him to shoot a few more drops of precum in his father's awaiting muzzle. Mtanga's humping slowly began to increase a few moments later; a sure sign that he was nearing climax.

Tiifu worked faster, seeing this, and began to increase his own pace. His tongue slid up and down along the cock as his warm breath aided to push the teenager further. Several seconds of this had passed before he finally heard his son give out a long, though soft, moan. Accompanying that moan, Tiifu found himself receiving large spurts of his son's seed, which shot in rapid succession down Tiifu's throat.

After a while, the seed stopped shooting and Tiifu was free to pull away, wiping his muzzle clean before standing. "How did that feel, son?"

Mtanga was still gasping for air, but managed to answer. "Felt... good... dad."

"I know something that will feel even better," Tiifu said. "It's my turn to cum, son. Turn around, lift your tail, and bend over. I am going to fuck you."

Mtanga didn't move at first. Rather, he just stood there for a few seconds, smiling again before doing as instructed.

Tiifu must have been too horny to care by this point, because he didn't even notice the facial expression before his son turned the other direction. Placing his cock at his son's tailhole entrance, he, very carefully, thrust forward into his son. This caused both of the two of them to moan. "Oh, Mtanga, do you like this as much as I do?"

Mtanga gave out another moan as his father thrust into him, which Tiifu took to mean he did.

Tiifu slowly began to pull out before thrusting in again; an action which was met with another set of moans. Tiifu began to caress his son's sides as he fucked the boy, pulling out then shoving back in over and over. Each time, the warmth of his son's ass would cause a bit of friction and the speed would cause his ballsac to slap against Mtanga's ass. "I love you," Tiifu uttered softly into his son's ear.

"I love you too, dad," Mtanga replied.

Tiifu began picking up the pace now, feeling his cock getting warmer due to the friction and beginning to feel the tickle that told him he'd not last much longer. Thrust after thrust, moan after moan, Tiifu worked his length in and out of his son until he finally couldn't hold it any longer. Letting out a loud moan as he wrapped his paws around his son in front of him, Tiifu's cock emptied itself into Mtanga's ass, shooting burst after burst of his white creamy sperm. Although still standing, Tiifu then rested his head on his son's shoulder. "Oh son, that was the best sex of my entire life."

"Best sex of my life too, dad. Though, for the record, you didn't have to try to hypnotize me to have sex with me. I've always wanted to have with you," Mtanga said, though he now sounded far more alert.

Tiifu's eyes shot open and he lifted his head. "You mean to tell me this entire time, you were..."

"Never hypnotized. You know, if you're really going to try doing something like that. First off, I'd advise you not to try and spring it on someone," Mtanga laughed. "And second, you should know that even if you had gotten me under hypnosis, you can't make me do something I wouldn't physically do in a normal mental state anyway."

"Son, I was trying to help..." Tiifu said, though his son cut him off.

"I know, dad, and, believe me, you did. I'd have never had the courage to do what we did tonight if it weren't for you trying to trick me." Mtanga smiled as he clenched his ass muscles down on his father's cock. "And by the way, that cock of yours is wonderful."

Tiifu licked the back of his son's neck. "Yours was rather tasty, if I do say so myself. I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime, I mean without me trying to trick you."

Mtanga cooed softly as he pulled loose from his father and turned to face him. "I wouldn't mind either, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, son. I really do."

The two hyenas, both content, then leaned in to kiss.