Ya Winz Some, Ya Lose Some

Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#22 of Stories



Two Rivals' Fighting Ways...


Two Rivals' Fighting Ways Turn Into A Loving Paradise.

Wolf had a serious look on his face, as he was chasing from behind Fox. "Looks like you're all out of ammo, McCloud. Too bad. I was starting to have fun."

"Sure, but I've always got my protection from your sucky aim" Fox replied smirking as per usual, hiding his fear as he tried to find refuge in the area that was space

"Time to end this, McCloud. Hope you can find a way to survive out here. Shame you couldn't prove yourself to be as good as your father," Wolf grinned as his lasers powered up for the final time and fired at the Arwing; the final blast sending Fox's ship careening toward a nearby planet. "Ha, I did it. Andross will be proud."

Scatterpaws: Just as Wolf was ready to turn his ship back around, an alarm went off within his ship. "Warning: System Malfunction. Warning: System Malfunction." Wolf cursed under his breath. "Damn," he grabbed the controls, trying to steer the ship, but the system error seemed to have affected the piloting system, as Wolf's ship was now falling to the planet surface as well.

Fox rubbed his head, trying open his eyes and move his body, which was completely sore.

Seconds later, Wolf's ship hit the ground as well. Coughing from the smoke that rose from the ship, Wolf climbed out of his ship. "Great, just great."

Fox sat up, arm bloody and torn clothes, he sighed and completely ignored the other while he tried to salvage anything in his ship that would help

Wolf turned to look and see Fox bleeding. He rolled his eyes and pulled some cloth from his pack before walking over to Fox. "Don't put any more thought into this, McCloud, but I can't let you die as long as I'm stranded here with you." Wolf then began to wrap the vulpine's wounds.

Fox wanted to say something, but didn't, he just sat there, looking away

Several moments later, Wolf had Fox's wounds covered and stood up. He looked around, scratching his head. "Wonder where I am," Wolf commented to himself. "This place can't be anywhere near Corneria."

"You know, McCloud. You're lucky you DID crash with me here. You'd never survive this kind of climate without me," Wolf commented with a smirk.

"We're on Winzor..." Fox said

"Winzor," Wolf repeated. "You mean that deserted planet?"

"No, the other Winzor"

"You know something," Wolf glared. "Now spill."

"I come here once in a while...I know my way around..."

"Yeah, that figures. Big Fox McCloud. Know everything about everything, don't you?" Wolf shook his head. "That doesn't matter anyway. As long as our ships are in this condition, neither of us is going anywhere."

"Would you please...just, shut up? For once in your god damned life of following me around like a love sick puppy because some idiot with a big head told you to?" Fox stood up slowly, but fell again.

"Alright, Fox, we're not going to get anything accomplished if we don't get along." Wolf then looked back at the bandaged wounds. "Try not to move it so much," Wolf commented with a soft voice. "You'll strain it."

"Did I not just ask you to shut up? Ugh" he looked down "I think my ankle is sprained..."

Wolf walked over and looked closer at Fox's ankle. "Yeah, it looks like you might have. I got a lot of medical training. I'm going to get some water. I'll be right back."

Wolf came back five minutes later with a canteen full of cool water, which he was now carrying. "Stretch out the leg as best you can, McCloud."

It may not be sure when, but Fox had apparently fallen asleep in the time Wolf was gone. Before that though, he had managed to tear off his clothes, his top completely and his bottoms to into ragged shorts. The obvious reason was that is clothes were blood soaked and keeping them on would useless. There he lay, on the ground, sleeping with most of his body showing, and looking oh so vulnerable

Wolf actually gulped looking over Fox's exposed body, but carefully and quietly began to clean and fix up the rest of Fox wounds. 'God, he's actually rather... innocent just lying there,' he thought to himself.

Fox shifted softly in his sleep, seemingly very tired, but an unpleasant frown filled his face "N.no...d..don't...don't hurt...me

"Fox, wake up," Wolf commented, giving him a gentle shove. "It's alright."

Fox shifted softly again and slowly opened his eyes "H...Huh?"

"How's that," Wolf said, smiling, proud of his work. "You know, don't go getting a swelled head over this, but you're kinda cute when you sleep."

"I'm..what?" Fox asked, raising a brow.

Wolf turns his back and drops to a solemn tone. "You heard me. Look, I may have a job to do by blasting you out of the sky, but that doesn't mean I don't look."

"...are you flirting with me?" Fox blinked.

"That depends," Wolf commented. "Is it working?"

"Sorry, being in pain must have turned off my ability to appreciate being flirted with," Fox smirked softly "But thank you"

Wolf sat down beside Fox and looked at him. "You know... I hope you won't let this get out anywhere, but I've never... been in love before." Wolf breathed heavily for a second. "And before you say it, I'm telling you this because I know about what happened between you and Krystal."

Fox paused "Can I ask why you're telling me this random fact?"

"Because, dummy, I see the way you're looking at me," Wolf smirked. "I'm not stupid."

Fox blushed gently, and looked away "Shut up."

"You denying it, McCloud," Wolf smiled.

"I wasn't denying it; i was telling you shut up."

"And I'm telling you to shut up and kiss me," Wolf said, on the spot.

"And since when did Wolf O'Donnell start liking me?" Fox smirked, softly "I'm injured, and I deserve answers."

The only answer Fox got was Wolf leaning over and kissing Fox square on the lips.

Fox really really couldn't stop the defined long murred as the gently kissed back.

Wolf continued to hold the kiss as he undid the buttons on his own shirt stripping it off before wrapping his paws around Fox. He then rubbed his furry chest against the vulpine. "Mmm..."

"Wolf...what are you doing?"

"I'm making love to you, McCloud, can't you see that?" Wolf then kissed the fox again.

"My ankles sprained and I'm wounded, and that's what you think of?"

"Well, if you'd rather not have a lover," Wolf said, stepping away. He did step back, but he continued to look out of the corner of his eye.

"Nah I'm just thinking...Somewhere along the line...not exactly no...I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend...ya know, secretly..." Fox looked vulnerable, uncertain and above all, completely unable to resist.

"We're all alone on this planet," Wolf smirked again. "It can't get more secret than that."

"Who knows, there might be a couple of journalist sneaking up behinds waiting for you to jump me and tear what's left of my clothes off" Fox blushed gently

"Fox and Wolf, forbidden love in nowhere"

"Or maybe a certain lupine might want to do that himself," Wolf said, taking Fox's paw and kissing it. "Look, Fox, I'm going to be honest. I never enjoyed fighting you. It was always just something I had to do for work."

"Heh" Fox giggled softly "I thought the lover business could wait till my ankle got better" he reached up, and stroked wolf's cheek "Unless you intend on being gentle enough not to break me..."

Wolf looked at Fox and just smiled. "I won't hurt you, Fox. I never want to hurt you again." Wolf then sighed. "I just wish I'd had the courage to do this sooner."

"Nope, it takes crashing on a deserted planet for us work..." Fox snickered

"I suppose it does," Wolf snickered as well. "Just... don't go telling anyone alright?"

"And risk the entire galaxy hounding BOTH of us down?" Fox paused, and looked away "so...will you be my boyfriend then?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Fox," Wolf murred as he sat down beside the fox. "I would love to."

"Heh...then you can continue molesting me where no one can see us..."

"Don't mind if I do," Wolf smiled as he reached down taking the waistband of Fox's uniform pants. Using a claw, he ripped right down the front of them, also tearing into Fox's briefs.

Fox didn't complain, he just smiled softly, and murred softly

"Well well, look what I have here," Wolf smiled, carefully parting Fox's legs as to not hurt the sprain, then he shoved his muzzle into Fox's crotch. "Mmm," Wolf sniffed.

"What did you find?" Fox said giggling.

"I think I found some fox meat!" Wolf exclaimed.

"How does it smell?"

"Smell, well... like a gay fox."

Fox wondered how that actually smelt in the back of his head "So what you gonna do with the fox meat"

"Can I.... Can I eat it?" Wolf asked, teasingly.


Wolf murred as he licked the piece of meat that presented itself. "Ohhh."

Fox gasped quickly, a long murr streaming out

Wolf just continued to work the meat, loving the taste of the vulpine. "Mmrrff."

Fox leaned his head back and groaned in pleasure

It seemed that Wolf was actually beginning to get into the mood and began picking up the pace, lapping at the cock in his muzzle. "Ohhhh."

Fox sighed, shivering gently with pleasure "Oh god wolf..."

Wolf just continued licking at the cock, working faster and faster. "Oh, Fox," he muttered over the cock.

Fox petted Wolf's head gently and sweetly in appreciation.

Wolf worked even faster, wanting to taste the juices from the fox he was sucking on.

Fox couldn't take anymore, his cum exploded from his shaft as he howled

Wolf smiled as he began gulping the cum up with expert precision. "Ohhh."

Fox giggled.

When he backed away, Wolf looked up into Fox's eyes. His eyes actually twinkled a little.

Fox grinned softly "Someone's in lurve"

"Fox..." Wolf just chuckled. "Yes... I am."

Fox tried to shift close "If it makes you feel less embarrassed." he hugged Wolf, the best he could manage "I always have..."

"Well, you know what. I'm happy that you and I are here alone." Wolf sighed happily scooting close.

"Just the chance we needed huh?"

Wolf chuckled as he stripped down to his nude body to allow the other to look over him. "Well, guess there's no point in covering up my body."

"Guess not" Fox said, admiring the other' body, openly "You know there's lots of food that grows here, and enough recourses to make a little home and a shelter...we could live here quite comfortably while we wait for someone to 'rescue' us" Fox grinned "Think of it as...vacation time...But I'm going to call it our honeymoon, for dramatic effect"

"God, you're just adorable," Wolf smiled. "And you know... I don't really see a need for us to get dressed while we're here either." Wolf snickered taking Fox's paw.

"Sept when it gets cold...this place has been known to get a bit cold...you can be my blanket" fox giggled

"I have blankets in my ship," Wolf said. "And just because my ship doesn't work doesn't mean it won't keep us warm."

"But I'd love to be your blanket," he smiled.

"I bet you'd make a good blanket..." Fox said, keeping close

"I bet you'd be right," Wolf commented, standing, wrapping his paws under Fox's body and lifting him gently. "Come on, cutie. We should get you warmed up."

"Oh, we should crash land more often" Fox murred in Wolf's arms

As Wolf walked along, he nuzzled Fox's cheek. "I agree," he smiled.

"You know something," Wolf smiled. "I should tell you... I'm a virgin."

"You're shitting right?"

Wolf's face immediately turned solemn. "No, Fox. I'm not."

"That blowjob didn't FEEL like virgin"

"I... I know how to suck my own cock," Wolf sighed. "Had to learn how to. No one else would do it for me."

"Heh, well, now you got me to suck it all night long..." Fox murred

"Yeah, but... I'd still like to lose my virginity to a special Fox." Wolf smiled as they reached the Wolfen.

"Oh you will"

"Is that a promise, Fox," Wolf cooed as he carefully lifted Fox into the ship.

"Oh hell yea it is"

Once Wolf got Fox inside the ship, he climbed in himself. "I want you to take me... but I want you well first."

Wolf gently smiled as he took a blanket and covered Fox, reclining the seat. "Get some sleep, Fox. We'll talk more in the morning."

Fox pouted cutely "You're not going to cuddle with me? I've always kinda wished you lay next to me while I sleep, hold...ya know, romantic shit" fox blushed

"Well, I guess you can always sleep with me in my bed in back," he smiled.

Fox nuzzled the other, adorably "Please?"

Wolf picked Fox up once more, and carried him to the large bed in back of his ship, laying him down before getting in the bed himself, pulling the sheets over both of them.

Fox nuzzled the other gently "I love you..." he whispered sweetly

"I love you too Fox. God, do I," he said, nuzzling the fox softly.

"Huh" Fox mumbled softly "Why the hell didn't I think of this before..." he mumbled some more, before falling asleep in Wolf's arms.

Wolf smiled, closing his eyes as well. "Good night, my love."


The next morning rose hours later. Wolf woke first, looking over at Fox in the bed with a satisfied smile. "Such a cute Fox."

Fox wiggled around in the bed, muttering something in discomfort.

Wolf gave a soft gentle shove. "Fox, wake up."

Fox's eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Are you alright," Wolf asked.

Fox nodded "Yeah, I think I was just sleeping on my sore arm."

Fox nodded softly "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock," he commented.

"In the morning?" Fox asked with a groan?

"No, in the night," he laughed. "Of course it's in the morning."

"Then I'm going back to bed" Fox growled "The least I can have on my vacation/honeymoon is the ability to sleep in..."

"Well, if you want to." Wolf stood up and got out of the bed.

Fox grabbed Wolfs arm "I also wanted to sleep in while cuddling my new boyfriend...just for a little bit...I don't have to sleep.., I just don't want to move anywhere yet"

Wolf sat back in the bed, scooting close to Fox. "God, you are cute."

"Didn't you already say that?" Fox asked, with one eye opened.

"Tired of hearing it?"

"No...Just wondering how many times I'm gonna hear Wolf O'Donnell praise me..."

"Shut up and kiss me, McCloud," he snickered.

"You said that too" Fox snapped back "And if you want me, just have me."

"My lips officially belong to you now."

Wolf then just smiled before leaning in and kissing Fox on the muzzle.

Fox kissed back the best he could, gently lacing his tongue round Wolf's lips, before smiling and pulling away "So...how long you felt this way about me?"

"Well, actually it wasn't too long ago. I used to think you were just an arrogant jerk, but the way you and your team work together... well, I've always found that kind of thing kind of intriguing."

Fox grinned and tried to sit up under the covers, flinching slightly "And the need to lose virginity with me came when?"

"When I saw what your cock looked like," Wolf grinned.

Fox giggled and wrapped his arms around Wolf, again flinching while looking up "I hope no one finds us for a while..."

"I hope no one ever finds us," Wolf commented back, kissing softly.

Fox chuckled "But unfortunately, someone will, my team isn't gonna just lye around...let's just pray they have a hard time getting finding us, and getting here"

"Agreed," Wolf said, holding Fox still.

Fox rested his muzzle in Wolf's strong chest "We should probably focus on getting more comfortable and setting up around here"

"For today's goal"

"Aww, but I wanted to cuddle you all day," Wolf jokingly pouted.

"So did I" Fox giggled "But hey, if we put our backs into it, we could have one of those island paradise efforts you see in the movies where they use normal stuff to live like average people...just, instead of an island with sand, we have a planet" Fox smiled

"Are we supposed to just live on this planet all alone?" Wolf asked.

"For now we can try I guess, it doesn't look like we have much choice right now..."

"I guess not. It's going to take weeks to get our ships running."

Fox nodded "And getting rescued is also an off chance, we were alone when we fought, neither of our teams know where we are, and Winzor isn't exactly a known planet" Fox grinned softly "Sounds like a bundle of fun doesn't it?"

"Oh yeah," Wolf chuckled.

Fox sighed "Gonna be a bit hard, but we can handle"

"Fox McCloud can handle anything."

"Don't patronize me, my ankle and arm still need at least a quarter of a day's rest to work properly again" Fox mumbled "I hate feeling useless"

"You're not useless."

"I am when my body is injured" Fox mumbled, and he weakly, and rather adorably, nuzzled Wolf.

Wolf just closed his mouth and snuggled next to you. "I guess I'll have to take care of you then."

"I'd love to see that happening" Fox said with a soft giggle "But thanks

Wolf reached over and groped Fox, smiling softly as he ran his paw down his leg. "Anything I can do to help you, Fox?"

"You could run your paws through my chest and make me murr...to make me feel a bit better" Fox said sweetly

Wolf simply nodded and did just that, allowing his paw to move upward and into Fox's chestfur.

"You could run your paws through my chest and make me murr...to make me feel a bit better" Fox said sweetly

Wolf simply nodded and did just that, allowing his paw to move upward and into Fox's chestfur.

Fox murred so softly it almost wasn't audible "Dang... who knew you could be this loving..."

"I'm not always just a tough guy, you know," Wolf smirked.

"I kinda figured since all this happened" Fox murred "So...this is how it's going to be for a while huh?"

"I guess so," Wolf commented. "Is that a problem?"

"Nah, we can handle it easy" Fox said with a soft smile "Deserted on a planet with Wolf O'Donnell" Fox chuckled and laid back down again

"You shouldn't move so much, McCloud," Wolf joked."You might sprain yourself more."

"Shut up" fox muttered jokingly and rested his head on the pillow

"Wolf just smiled and lay on the pillow as well.

"I thought you were going to start setting our tattered lives up"

"I thought YOU wanted us to cuddle for a bit,"

"Well then, guess we're cuddling huh?"

"I guess so," Wolf smiled, carefully kissing Fox.

Fox grinned "You're a hopeless romantic deep down aren't you?

"Maybe I am, but it hasn't helped me yet," he said. "Remember, I told you I was a virgin."

"It worked on me..."

"You could be acting that way simply based on the fact there's no one else to hit on and you're desperate." Wolf said, trying to come up with something.

"So you doubt me eh? Fine" Fox turned round away from wolf

"Well why not do something to take away the doubt," Wolf smiled, turning Fox to face him again.

Foxed leaned over and instead of kissing Wolf, he nuzzled his way into wolf's neck, lapping and kissing it gently

Wolf simply murred under his breath. "Fox, can I ask you something serious for a moment?"


"Remember how you asked me earlier, when i fell in love with you,"

Fox nodded

"Well... you obviously had to have had some curious feelings about me too. When did that start?"

"I'm not completely sure..." Fox said, thinking about it for a little bit "I guess...I admired you a little Wolf"

"You what?" Wolf did a double take. "Admired me?"

"Just...I donno how to explain it, without making no sense"

Wolf sat up and crossed his arms. "Try me."

"I just thought...well, you never gave up, in a way" Fox looked away "Donno if that even makes sense...and hey, you aren't' bad looking either..."

"Never gave up," he looked confused. "Fox, you're right, you're not making sense."

Fox smirked "Well let's just put it this way. Each time I saw you, I hated you less"

"Oh really?" Wolf looked at Fox quietly for a moment, and then just laughed.

Fox grinned "See, told you it wouldn't make sense"

"No no, Fox, I think that's cute," Wolf said, though he laughed again.

Great, now I can sleep peacefully at night

"What's that supposed to mean," Wolf asked.

"Wolf thinks I'm cute" Fox grinned "The stuff of miracles"

"What's wrong with thinking you're cute," Wolf asked.

"Nothing, Nothing" Fox grinned and petted the other along the back

"Well okay then," Wolf laid down on the bed and turned away snickering again.

Fox lay there for a while, before he spooned up against Wolf

"Fox," Wolf sighed. "I... I love you."

"Love you too" Fox whispered back after a short pause

Wolf whimpered a little as he nuzzled into Fox's fur.

"You ok?"

"I... just feel a little strange, Fox. I mean, I never actually expected I'd get the chance to spend my life with you."

"Gonna cry now?"

Wolf sniffles a bit. "Wolf O'Donnell does not cry."

Fox held onto Wolf "Hey...if you wanna...I wont' laugh..."

Wolf seemed to have already started crying, burying his face in the pillow.

Fox caringly rubbed his paws along wolf's chest, petting and caressing the other

"Fox..." Wolf sniffed back a tear.

"What is it baby?"

Wolf's face went straight as he gave a light shove, though his temper seemed to have changed. "That's for making me wait six years before letting me know you loved me."

"Oh shut up" Fox chuckled and hugged Wolf tighter

Wolf tried hard to stay stern but couldn't and let out a moan. "Damn you, McCloud." He looked at Fox and just smiled.

"Oh yea, living with you on a deserted planet is going to be fun"

"Yes... fun," he smiled and licked the back of Fox's neck. "Now, how about you use that big brain of yours to come up with some good ideas for what to do with our planet."

"OUR planet?"

"Well, you don't see anyone else here do you?" Wolf remarked.

Fox chuckled "That's true yes...ideas. I donno, we can't just lay in bed all day...at least I think we can't."

"Sure we can," Wolf laughed. "It's not like we have to entertain anyone."

"Also true, but we have to get out sometime...unfortunately

"Says who?" Wolf cracks.

"Says things like hunger"

"I can give you all the juice you like and you'll never even have to leave the bed," Wolf smiled smugly.

"Naughty minded wolfie"

"You don't like the idea," Wolf said.

"Oh no I do, just, I don't think I'm going to live very long with that" Fox grinned

"Care to test that theory," Wolf said, showing his stiff cock.

"You always gonna be horny? Or is that just a Wolf thing"

"It's a Wolf O'Donnell thing," he said. "Get used to it."

"I hope I can" Fox murred again wolf's lips

"Suck the cock, McCloud, now."

Fox dig his way under the covers, and find Wolf's crotch, with a cock standing straight up. He chuckled softly, and gives it a soft licking

Wolf murred and began scritching the back of Fox's ears.

Fox murred at the attention, taking a hold of Wolf's sides and rubbing them gently while and took the tip in his maw

"Oh god, Fox you're better at this than I could have ever imagined." Wolf cooed.

Fox slipped his tongue over the slid gently, lapping it softly in love and affection while he dragged his paw lower

"Fox, this is wonderful," Wolf rubbed Fox's ears even more. "Whatever youre doing, keep it up."

Fox let more of his maw slip over wolf's length, taking it in slowly and letting whatever got in enjoy the new sensation of a warm cavern.

"Fox, my love," Wolf smiled. "I'm sorry for making you go through all this crap just for you to find out I loved you." He smiled softly, stroking the vulpine's ears.

Fox just smirked and sunk lower on the length, letting it brush his throat before slipping slowly off it again

Wolf just moaned underneath the Fox's moves. Closing his eyes, he allowed the fox to have complete control.

Fox's paws dragged up, and caressed the wolf's frame gently and sweetly. His tongue spiraled and toyed with the member inside his maw

"You know, for an injured Fox, you sure know your way around a cock," Wolf laughed.

Fox kissed the tip "My leg is injured, not my lips" Fox smiled and dove on Wolf's member again, lapping the flesh and tasting it

Wolf moaned as he pressed the vulpine's head into his crotch. "That feels so... so good."

Fox's nose pressed against Wolf's pubes, a delightful arousing scent of male filling his nostrils and spurring him on, speeding his pace just a little more

"You like my wolf musk, don't you Foxie," Wolf said in an almost dominant tone.

Fox nodded, lapping the tip, wishing the pre would slip from it

Wolf thrust forward into Fox's muzzle allowing the smallest amount of pre to drip onto his lover's tongue. "Good Fox."

Fox lapped it up quickly, massing the rest of the cock with his tongue, suckling it with care and speed

"F...Fox... f...f...fuuuuck," Wolf could no longer hold back, and thrust forward into Fox's muzzle once more, allowing his seed to pour from his cock in thick bursts.

Fox almost chocked on the load, the seed dribbling down his chin as he gulped it down

Wolf pulled back and looked at Fox with a coy smile. "Too much for the Foxie?"

Fox licked the stray strands of white off his chin "Just a bit...."

"Well that's okay," Wolf smirked. "You look cute with a little mess on you."

Fox crawled more into wolf's lap, and hugged him tightly

He smiled, nuzzling into the other as he kissed Fox on the cheek.

Fox hmmed softly "...maybe...we could take the first day off, just to 'familiarize' ourselves with our new 'surroundings'

"That sounds like a good idea love," Wolf commented. "But what about your injuries?"

"That's why we're taking the day off, so I can rest and you can enjoy the company"

Wolf commented sarcastically. "Oh goody, I get to take care of an injured Fox." Before he could respond though, Wolf dashed out of the room, coming back with a warm towel for Fox.

"Seems like wolf doesn't mind taking care of his new injured foxy"

"Someone has to do it," Wolf smiled, gently putting the towel over Fox's injured body

"And you seem more than happy to" Fox grinned, and stroked Wolf's cheeks "Thanks"

Wolf let out a soft murr. "God I love when you do that."

"Really?" Fox continued to softly stroke Wolf's cheek, rubbing it with a thumb

Wolf just blushed a little, feeling happy as he climbed back into the bed. "You know, I may just have to make sure you stay injured so youre this cute forever."

"Oh don't be silly Wolf, I'll always be this cute" Fox snickered and petted the wolf between his ears

Wolf closed his eyes as he let Fox take over, leaning into the petting.

Fox leaned closer and hugged the lupine weakly *...I love you*

"I love you too, beautiful," Wolf said before kissing his lover.


Wolf awoke the next day still cuddled beside his injured lover. He quietly snuck out of the bed and snuck over to the cooking area he had managed to prepare yesterday and began putting something together for Fox.

Fox's eyes blinked open slowly and drowsily. He leaned up and stretched, and looked down at his foot, trying to move it. An eye closed in pain as he winced. He looked around "Wolf?" he called weakly

Wolf turned to look back at Fox with a soft smile. "Yes, my love?"

"Oh...there you are"

"Yep, just making my lovable Fox some breakfast before I go out to do some scouting," he said.

"Aww, making me breakfast? I feel so loved" Fox grinned softly, leaning on his arms

"You don't honestly think I'd make you cook for me with an injured leg, do you, Fox?"

"No, not really" fox said softly, falling back down to the bed and resting his body "...I hate being injured"

"I don't..." he said."... Because it makes me feel useful," he added so Fox didn't get the wrong idea.

A couple minutes later, Wolf brought Fox's food to him, setting it gently on his blanket on his lap so he wouldn't get burned. "Eat up you, you need your strength."

"What are you, my dad?"

"I doubt I could ever be your father, McCloud. I just want you nice and full." Wolf snickered.

"Can you fill me with love?"

"The loving will come soon enough, Fox," Wolf told him, "but for now, I need to go scout for some things. Will you be okay for an hour or so without me?"

"Yea, I'm not totally helpless" Fox smiled "And I was only asking for a little kiss*

"That I can do," Wolf said as he gave Fox a soft tender kiss on the muzzle.

Fox murred cutely "Can I have another, sir?"

Wolf kissed Fox a second time, this time a bit more passionately.

Fox took a gentle hold of the other for a moment, basking in the other's affection

Wolf slid his tongue into Fox's muzzle ever so slightly.

Fox stared lovingly into the other's eyes, letting go slowly "Hurry back m'kay? I'm vulnerable and twitterpated"

"I promise," Wolf replied as he gently let go and walked off into a clearing.

A little more than about ten minutes later, something else was heard overhead, and it looked like Falco's sky cruiser. From in the air, Falco looked at his radar. "It can't be..... Fox," hit his communications panel. "Fox, is that you?"

Fox blinked, looking at the image "Falco?"

"Fox, what happened to you? You've been gone two days?" Falco asked.

'Has it really been two days?' Fox wondered 'Oh...you know, stranded on a planet"

"How did you get stranded," Falco asked. In the background, his ship was heard landing, though he immediately sees the wrecked Arwing, and to his displeasure, the wrecked Wolfen. "You're here with Wolf?"


"Well... where is he?" Falco asked, looking around.

"Finish him off, did you?"

"Can't do that, he's got my clothes"

"He what?" Falco shook his head. "Can you repeat that?"

"He. Has. Got. My. Clothes...and I don't think he's giving them back anytime soon"

"Why does he have your clothes, and for that matter why did you let him take them in the first place," Falco asked, crossing his arms.

"Cause you can't have sex with your clothes on"

Falco nearly fell over. "What did you just say?!"

"What? You didn't know that?" Fox smirked softly, having fun

"No no, that's not what I meant," Falco said. "You're having SEX with WOLF?!"

"Well not right now since my leg is still injured and he's busy getting scouting, but when he gets back I'm sure his horn drive is gonna kick in again,"

"Fox, he's your enemy. Have you lost your mind? He works for Andross. He... he..." Falco shook his head.

"If he was, he would have killed me instead of tending to my foot, kissing me and kept me warm all night"

Falco looked totally confused. "What in the heck are you talking about? One second youre fighting and now you're in love?"

"When in the history of FOREVER have we actually...you know, fought because WE wanted to."

Falco opened his beak to say something, but shut it again. He had to admit, in honesty, he only really helped Fox fight against Wolf when he was asked to do so. "I guess you have a point."

"So yea...he's secretly been in love with me for a while, and now we're fucking"

"Fox, this is just.... This isn't normal. Wolf is insane."

"Yea, in bed"

Falco walked up from behind Fox. "This is Wolf we're talking about though, Fox!"

"Yea, so?"

Falco walked toward the bed that Fox was in. "I just.... God, this is ridiculous. What do you think the others will think?"

"What part of you thinks I care?" Fox retorted

"Alright Fox, fine. If you wanna stay here and, probably get ripped to shreds, that's your choice. But I'm not staying here."

Fox shrugged "it's only gonna take me and Wolf a little while to fix up our crafts. In the mean time, I'm enjoying vacation with my boyfriend"

"Fine, Fox, but don't expect me to keep this quiet from the others."

Wolf came back into view about a moment alter, looking at Fox, but seeing Falco there as well. "What the...?!"

"Wolf, Help me up won't you?"

Wolf nodded and walked over to Fox, to help him get to his feet. "Easy, love."

Fox stood slowly, then looked at Falco "...Do you REALLY think I care Falco? That you tell the team, the general, or anyone else for that matter. Do you think it's going to make me shrivel up and die that people know I like someone and he happens to like me back?"

Falco looked back at him. "Fox, I don't care that you have someone to love. That's not what bugs me, but why does it have to be Wolf?"

"And just what's wrong with me? If I was going to hurt hm don't you think I would have already?"

"That leg seems to prove you already have," Falco snarled.

Fox stared at Falco like he was a stranger "Then why is it bandaged up?" he snarled "Why have we been fighting Wolf Falco, huh? Because he worked for Andross, and we worked for the general. Nothing else, we fought, because people told us to" Fox winced a bit in very slight pain of standing "You wanna know why Wolf worked for Andross? Because he didn't have any other friggen choice"

"What exactly do you mean 'he had no choice'" Falco asked, fuming.

"Fox... don't...

Wolf shook his head.

Fox paused, looking at wolf, pursing his lips, and turning to face Falco once again "What do you do when you have no parents, no money and no life Falco?"

"Look, Fox, if this is the life you choose, I have no right to take that from you, but it still feels awkward," Falco commented. "Anyway, I should leave. I don't want to interrupt you two."

Fox shrugged "Do what you want Falco. Unless you got something nice to say, it doesn't concern me" Fox winced again

Falco looked at Wolf. "Can I talk to Fox alone again just for another minute?"

Wolf nodded and turned away and walked off.

Falco sat down beside Fox, being careful not to hit his leg. "Fox..."


"I'm sorry..." Falco sighed. "I'm just... a little jealous."

"Eh?" Fox blinked

"I'm jealous. Wolf gets to have you now.... I can't help feeling that way considering the crush I had on you."


Fox didn't know what else to say.

"Fox...." Falco said nothing else. He gave Fox a quick peck on the cheek before standing and walking off slowly. "See you back in Corneria... whenever that may be."

Fox just sat there "...Wolf?"

Wolf walked back into the area. "Yes, love?"

Fox paused, and then looked up "I need a hug."

Wolf climbed into the bed and hugged the vulpine softly. "Everything alright?" He didn't get a chance to get his answer as Fox's comm. radio went off again.

"Yeah...just...ya know, Falco is my friend and all..."

"I know," he said, turning on his radio. "Yes Falco?"

"Fox, Wolf... you guys be safe okay?"

Fox nodded

"And Wolf..."


"If ya hurt him.... I'll hunt ya down," Falco said seriously, but the wink he gave showed he was just teasing.

Fox sighed "Showoff"

Wolf and Falco spoke simultaneously. "Who me?"

"Need private time, now"

"Alright alright. See you back in Corneria, you two." Falco then shut off the radio on his end.

Fox sighed, yet again "...now, about that private time"

"Yeeeees?" Wolf raised a brow.

"I didn't mean sex, when I meant private time"

"I know, Fox," he smiled.

"I more wanted to" Fox blushed a bit, stroking the other's arm "Just talk about...ya know. Us. Everything happened real fast...and now since we've got all time in the world since I can't move my foot, we should at least slow down a little...."

"God, you're so lovable..." Wolf kissed Fox on the forehead.


Wolf awoke to the sun shining through the window of their new home. He sat up but didn't get out of the bed. He looked to be thinking about something.

Fox wasn't in the room; he was outside already, sitting on a grassy patch, watching that system's sun, which was blue.

When Wolf realized Fox wasn't planning to come back inside, he got up, putting on little more than a robe, and walked outside. "You're up early."

Fox looked back with a smile, then forward again, staring into the distance "Got thinking."

"You too huh," Wolf smirked. He looked over toward his Wolfen. "Ya know... wouldn't it be nice if we had our own private planet to live on?"

"Um, we kinda do hon, or where have you been these past few weeks."

"It's not private if we get found al the time by the rest of our teams. I had an idea... What if we destroyed the tracking systems in our vehicles? That way incidents like the one with Falco the other day can't ever happen again."

Fox looked at Wolf, a glint of something unreadable in his eyes "...like, live here forever?"

"Great idea, right," Wolf said with a big proud grin.

Fox looked at the blue sun, that didn't blind as much as the normal bright yellow and orange one. He smirked "You know O'Donnell, your technically asking me to marry you."

"Let's just say that was my angle... what would you say?" Wolf asked curiously.

"Get on your knees, gives me a corny mushy romantic speech and I'm yours' Fox grinned foolishly.

Wolf crossed his arm and looked at Fox. "I don't fall to my knees for anyone," he smiled, getting on his knee. "Anyone... except you."

Fox smiled lovingly at the other, waiting.

"Fox, look... I'm not really all that good at this mushy stuff, but I really do want to spend my life with you. Who could have guessed that my biggest rival in Corneria would be the best lover I ever had..." he said. "I need you... Fox, will you be mine?"

"Let me hear it, another set of 4 words, what people normally say after presenting a lil ring" Fox grinned evilly, shifting closer and stroking Wolf's cheek.

"Well... I don't have a ring," Wolf went straight faced, but did frown a little, fearing he'd be rejected without one.

"I'm just asking you to say 'will you marry me' hon."

"It doesn't count without a ring," Wolf's frown deepened.

"Nonsense" Fox shifted closer again, hugging the bigger wolf "Since we're on our own planet, we got to make the rules. First rule: Gay marriage is fully embraced and does not require a ring."

"Rule number two: The maximum number of occupants on Winzor is two." Wolf snickered. "Will you marry me?"

Grinning more affectionately, he vulpine leaned forward and took Wolf's paw in a gentle hold "Course I will."

"I love you, Fox."

"I love you too babe." Fox leaned forward, and gently kissed his beloved wolf.

Wolf leaned in and kissed Fox deeply, murring.

Slowly Fox's arms wrapped around Wolf's body, caressing the fur and muscle alike and leaning as close as possible to his 'fiancé'.

Wolf just closed his eyes and held Fox there, not wanting to let go.

Murring softly and leaning up just a bit, Fox let go, staring into Wolf's loving predator eyes, and nuzzled his chest soon after.

"Fox, if we're going to be here alone... we should probably fix it so no one can find us.

Fox nodded gently "Yea"

Wolf went back inside their home, coming out a minute later with one of his blasters, which he pointed right at his Wolfen.

Fox stayed silent and unmoving, just watching

Wolf then pulled the trigger, and the blast fired at his ship. There was a quick surge as the energy beam absorbed into the electronics of the ship, which then faded.

Fox gestured to his own.

Wolf turned the blaster to Fox's Arwing. "You want to, or should I?"

"Go ahead."

Wolf pulled the trigger once more, the blast hitting the Arwing before it absorbed into the machinery of the ship. Another energy surge caused a flash before it died down.

"Well...that's it then. The chances of us being found now are 0.0000000000000000000000001%" Fox had to take a break between saying all the naughts.

Wolf fires at both ships once more. "There. Now it's Zero percent PERIOD." He laughed.

Fox smirked at Wolf "So" he stood up, and hugged the bigger dominant male from behind "How's about we have our honeymoon?"

Wolf points to somewhere in the sky off to the distance. "There's the moon... honey."

"Romantic and mushy, maybe not" Fox grinned and stroked along Wolf's abs, slowly tracing his paws over the grey furred muscles "Silly, perhaps" he leaned up to lick the nape "Sexy, defiantly."

"Either stop kissing my ass, or I'm pulling my robe off and shoving your muzzle back there," Wolf joked.

Fox leaned lower and actually kissed Wolf's ass "Like dat?"

Wolf smirked and pushed back against Fox's muzzle.

Fox licked ever so gently, past the robe.

Wolf couldn't help but let out a whimper. "Ahhh, Fox..."

"C'mon, lie down, let's have some fun" Fox grinned as he spoke.

Wolf did as he was asked, sliding the robe off completely so he was nude underneath; not that anyone would see him anyway.

Fox almost pulled the other canine down onto the grass, and gave him a swift gentle kiss.

Wolf couldn't help himself at this point. He rolled Fox over and pinned him to the grass, sitting on his chest, and put his boner right in front of Fox's muzzle. "Ah, morning wood..."

"Ah, breakfast" fox smirked right up at his aggressive lover.

"Go on, Fox, you know you want it," Wolf said, brushing his cock against his lover's muzzle.

Fox grinned gently, kissing the tip gently, and then lapping it, taking his own time in tasting.

"Ahh, such a good obedient Foxie," Wolf said, humping a little.

The humped pushed the cock deeper in his maw, and Fox didn't mind bit as he pushed his maw over the length, letting each hump push it deeper.

"Yes, that's it my Fox, take my meat that you so desperately desire, love it..." Wolf said, continuously humping deeper.

Fox placed his paws on Wolf's hips, and gently suck, closing his eyes and enjoying the familiar feel.

Wolf began to pre just a little bit as he increased speed.

Fox lapped it all down, murring gently and softly.

"Such a goooood," as he drew out the word, he humped deeper and faster, "Foxie."

Fox smiled gently, and sped up his pace, loving the sweet taste and bit and licked gently over the shaft.

"Does my Fox want some Wolf juice?"

Fox nodded obediently, paws sliding over the other's rump.

Wolf worked his cock in and out of his awaiting lover's muzzle; each thrust pushing him closer and closer to orgasm.

Fox sucked hard down on the man pipe, milking it hard.

"Fox... I can't hold out much longer with you sucking like that," he grunted.

Fox rolled his tongue around the member, showing that's just what he wanted, a paw pressing just under Wolf's tail as his bushy tail flicked under him.

Wolf finally caved, letting out a loud moan before firing his seed into Fox's muzzle. He held Fox still as he shot the wolf seed down his lover's throat. "Ahhhh soooo goooood."

Fox did his best to gulp it down, but some dribbled down his muzzle slowly, giving him a sort of 'spent' look.

"Hey Fox," Wolf said, panting. "Do you really think you and I can handle living on our own planet all alone?"

"Been doing it for a while" Fox smirked "Just glad your with me, otherwise I probably wouldn't have made it...that's all I need really...you."