To Claim the City Part#2

Story by ForbiddentoSay on SoFurry

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[I'm still new to place tags, so if you think I have missed something, please let me know ^.^]

Chapter 4

"So, how does this all work then?" Jake asked with a wide yawn, morning had come and when he woke up he was back to human again, Rachel laying on his chest still, awake already and looking at him. After they had that small nap they had mated again, but only quickly, since Jake could have changed back at anytime to human and Rachel had wanted more of his large member in her. They had done it and fallen asleep before he changed to human again, but they had been close.

Rachel smiled to her new mate. "Well, your mind has changed a bit, but only enough for you to cope with everything, a pack mind of a kind anyway. You saw how Nelson and Lea were?" Jake nodded. "Okay, they have been mates for, oh, thirteen years."

Jake cocked his head to one side. "But that would have made them mates at, like, eleven."

Rachel chuckled. "Not if you're forty."

"That would do it. So, how did you three meet?"

Rachel thought for a moment, crossing her arms across his chest and resting her chin on them. "A party two years ago, I was human then, they, Nelson, lured me back to their place and Lea turned me."

"Why not Nelson?" Jake asked.

"Males can't turn others, not anymore anyway." Jake looked puzzled at her and she smiled. "Think about it, if males could turn any woman they wanted and keep them as fuck toys, every woman by now would be lycan. You boys don't have control over that, so over the years, you lost the ability to turn others, so that we, thinking, females could pick and choose and keep things even."

"Go on... and I hate to ask, what do we eat? I've been in that bed for... fuck, how many days? And the only thing I have had to eat was your cunt."

Rachel nodded and got off of him, finding her clothes. "You're right, I'll get us something, and, no, we don't eat raw meat, you can eat what you did as human. The rules have changed for us to allow us to adapt as times change. You will find that we females are in charge of you males now, you're here for mating, sexual fulfillment and anything else we need."

Jake grunted. "Right."

Rachel smiled at him. "Roll over." She voice darker then a few seconds ago. Jake blinked, but rolled over once on the bed, bewildered. "Good boy, what did I tell you? You'll do as we say, or at least as I say, other females can tell you what to do, but you won't feel as compelled to do it."

"So, Nelson and Lea?"

"The same, but they have been together for a while, and the love between the two of them started when they were human. Lea got turned, she was drunk and is bi, so, ya. Anyway, Nelson allowed her to turn him, so it's a bit different between them, but he still does as she says." Rachel was dressed by then and opened and a dresser and tossed Jake some clothes. "There, I got you some new things."

"Uh, thank you." He said, and started to dress.

"Come downstairs when you are done, I'll get us breakfast."

Coming down the stairs, Jake looked around the house that Rachel lived in, he could smell bacon cooking already. "You, own this?"

"No, the pack owns it."

"The pack?"

"Ah, I guess you should know of that, rather important. Yes, the pack, headed by..."

"The Alphas?" He asked with a grin. "Come on, I was raised in the country, I had to deal with wolves, odd as that is to say now, I leaned a few things about them."

"Smart ass, but, yes, the Alpha's, and, believe it or not, Nelson and Lea are the..." She waited to see if he knew.


"Good, I figured you would know that, your mind should start to tell you these things by itself, and more of the pack anyway, but I was told as I am now telling you, and it helps. Anyway, the pack is done by old territories marked off from centuries ago, few things have changed, and once in a while we barter with other packs for new grounds."

"Hunting grounds?" Jake asked.

"Yes, helps to keep the blood lines fresh."

"Speaking of..." He started, as Rachel placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him, damn he was hungrier then he thought.

Rachel guessed what he was going to say and cut in. "Maybe, depends on if the Alpha's want us to have a litter, or if we can build enough respect to have one if we want to."

"Right... You didn't change last night like I did, and Nelson or Lea could have to stop me."

"No, they couldn't have, and neither could I, it wasn't a full moon. You could, only because that was your first changed and it's forced, to allow your body to adjust and everything, and you were at your strongest, which is why you tossed those two aside so easily. But, I wouldn't try it again."

They finished their meal in silence then, and Rachel looked to him. "You smell, bad."

"Wouldn't have had I not been laying in a room, chained to the wall, sweating from sex and had already been sweaty from the heat of the bar the other night. What day is it anyway?"

"Saturday and get your ass up there, you'll have to learn to keep clean more, you'll start to smell more then you are used to."

Jake sighed, and nodded and went upstairs and found the shower. Undressing, he was amazed at himself for how well he was taking this all, but figured that it was part of his new mind set and everything, and that the real him was screaming to run away. Getting the water nice and hot he climbed in, found the soap and started to scrub himself off.

Just after he got himself cleaned, the door opened and a nude Rachel slipped in with him, smiling, he looked at her and grinned, holding the soap out for her while she got her hair wet. "Fuck off, you wash me, I made breakfast." She said with a slightly stern voice, but still had a smile on her face.

Jake rolled his eyes and put soap in his hands, lathered and then started to slowly wash Rachel's feet, he tickled the bottoms a bit. She growled. "Tickle me there again and I'll make sure you can't make a litter." He stopped with a gulp, making sure to note that for later, Rachel didn't like her feet being tickled. Working his way up her smooth legs as the water fell over them, he got on his knees and rubbed her left leg up between he thighs a bit, foamy lather running down from them from the water. Rachel smiled as she worked his way up her right leg, leaving a trail of kisses as he did.

Rachel moved her legs apart a bit and handed him a razor and cream, he blinked. "Uh, you sure?" He said, not trusting his skills with a razor that close to something that sensitive.

"Be gentle and slow, and hurry, I have to pee." She said.

Jake nodded and put the cream into his hands and rubbed it over the two day growth of pubic hairs and started too slowly, yet hurriedly, shave them away. Just as he finished and used a hand to help rub away any cream left over, Rachel shoved his head to her and start to piss in his mouth. He didn't have a choice but to drink, but, it didn't taste bad to him, he didn't seem to mind it, and Rachel removed her hand as he started to lick at the piss as it came out. "You were too slow, but I don't think you'd care."

Jake shook his head as he swallowed the last of the piss. "Not at all, didn't think I would like it." He breathed, putting more soap into his hands and started to work on her buttocks, grabbing them hard and making sure he got every place he could. He cleaned her back and she turned to face him, and Jake soaped his hands again, cleaning off her belly and then her breast, caressing them as he did, and bent down to suckle her nipples a bit, nibbling on them as well, making Rachel moan softly as he played with her breasts for a bit.

Rachel tapped him on the head and he stopped, continuing to wash her off, arms and neck and stopped as he got to her face. "So, how do we clean your face off? Didn't think you'd want my hands all over you."

Rachel smiled and pulled him into a deep kiss, as they shared their tongues back and forth, and then she licked his cheek, and he took that as his answer. Jake licked her cheeks, neck, ears and face clean with his tongue and Rachel smiled at him, and down as is erect pecker. "This is a non slip shower by the way and if you noticed the bars are higher then they should be." She smiled and leaned back against the shower wall.

Wrapping his arms around her, Jake picked her up off the bottom of the tub and Rachel grabbed onto to one of the bars as Jake shoved himself into her. Rachel's eyes twinkled as Jake started to thrust himself in and out of her in a steady and fast rhythm, both moaning softly as the water ran down between them, steaming rising up in the room. Jake leaned forward and started to mouth at her breasts again, gently squeezing her nipples between his teeth.

"Oh, ya, good Jake, you're learning quickly, aren't you?" Rachel breathed between thrusts, making small bucks with her own hips, but still holding onto the bar for balance. Both of them howled in unison as they came together, juices leaking from Rachel's open womanhood, wasted down the drain, but she didn't seem to mind this time. After both of them had peaked and came down, Jake pulled out of her and the running water swiftly cleaned his member off.

Rachel sighed. "Shower sex is fun, but a waste in some ways."

Jake smiled and placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her. "Not necessary, you made me drink your piss, not that I am complaining now, but I have been almost five days without a piss of my own now that I think about."

Rachel kissed him back and looked into his eyes. "Ah, you're thinking, I wouldn't have remember that." She dropped down to her knees and, while his penis might have been softening a bit, took into her mouth and Jake let out a heavy sigh and started to piss into her mouth.

He could feel Rachel drinking it all up as he said. "Shit, best piss of my life, hope you like it." He said, and, having not have gone for five days, pissed into her mouth for a straight minute and some. "Who would have known a bladder could hold that much?" He laughed as he Rachel stood again once the stream had ended and licked her lips.

"Nice, I'll get you piss in my mouth more often I think." Rachel said shutting the water off.

"The feeling is mutual." Jake replied as he opened the shower door and got out, finding two big towels and they towelled each other down, gently and lovingly.

"We have some places to go, once you are dressed." Rachel replied and ran a hand down his cheek. "Shave to, and I don't mind a bit of hair down there, but perhaps next time you, I, could smooth that over as well?"

Jake smiled and nodded. "I'll make sure that is happens. Where are we going?"

Rachel winked. "You'll see." And walked out of the bathroom, naked, to get changed.

Jake watched her go and smiled to himself, not believe that this was happening.

Chapter 5

Jake stopped Rachel's car at the red and asked. "Where are we going again?"

"You will see, Jake, have some patients. Have I have ever misled you before?" Rachel laughed.

Jake rolled his eyes and went on the green, following the directions that Rachel was giving him, until she said to pull into a driveway. Parking, Jake got out as Rachel did and she led him to the door and hit the door bell.

Before anyone came to the door, Rachel opened it and walked in, and Jake followed as Rachel locked it. Jake blinked and looked around the place, it was similar to how Rachel's place was set up and Jake could smell some thing familiar.

"Ah, good, you two survived the night together, I thought you would. Please, come in." Lea said, as she walked into, in nothing but a house coat, no slippers, and Jake didn't think anything else, just a house coat, and Nelson came down the stairs behind her, similarly dressed.

"He was better behaved the second time, did as he was told." Rachel said, smiling.

Lea nodded. "Good, come in, sit, coffee?" She offered.

"Please." Rachel said.

"And thank you." Jake finished.

As Lea and Nelson went to the kitchen, Jake gaped as Rachel undressed, right there at the door and took a rode from a close chair and put it around her nude body. She looked to him and sighed. "You don't feel awkward in those clothes? Come on, they watched us fuck last night, and Lea saw you naked on the bed, besides, nudity doesn't matter to animals."

Jake opened his mouth and realized that his clothes did feel odd on him and took them off without another word and took another robe and put it on and followed the two Betas into the kitchen. They all sat and Nelson poured the coffee before sitting, Jake took a deep drink, black, strong, perfect, and sighed, best coffee ever.

Nelson grinned. "Bet that's been a while, how have you been feeling, Jake? Any signs of being sick?"

"None that I can feel anyway, a couple of small cuts here and there, but I think that was her." He nodded to Rachel with a grin, and she only smiled at him.

"How's your sense of smell?"

He took a sniff of the air deeply. "You had Frosted Flakes for breakfast and one of you have cream the other milk... Nelson, you have the milk."

Lea and Nelson looked at each other and smiled. Lea looked to Rachel. "Lasting ability? Size?"

Jake looked to them and then looked to Rachel as she answered. "Growing, and grown from human by an inch or so."

"Satisfied?" Lea continued and Jake turned bright red.

"Perfectly, he seems to know how to use it anyway." Rachel replied back with a smile over her coffee cup to Jake, who was only staring at her and then he smiled back.

Nelson chuckled. "Good man, at least you didn't come into this world as a virgin." Jake nearly choked on his coffee and Nelson laughed. "No shit! You were?! Oh, fuck man, I feel sorry for you now getting into this life like that."

"Getting into it?! It wasn't like I had a fucking choice!" Jake snarled and set his coffee down, glaring at the Beta.

Jake suddenly felt a sharp sting on his left cheek and whipped his head around to see Rachel glaring at him, hand at the ready again. "You watch your tone around the Betas, Jake. In a straight fight, you will loose to Nelson every time, and Lea. You are the first mate that I have turned that actually survived to live this far, I don't want to loose you now, Jake." Her hand went to his hand and she smiled. "I love you, despite how we... met, I do love you." Rachel's smile was warm and he nodded his understanding.

Lea cleared her throat with a grin as she stood. "No worries this time, Jake, you're new, and young to us, so there's no harm no fowl. Now, care to join us on the deck? Fresh air is always nice to clear the air."

The four of them went outside together and Lea and Rachel each took a reclining chair that was close to each other so that they could talk. There was a clear pool in the back, and Jake saw that none of the neighbouring houses could see into the back yard. Jake was about to take a seat for himself, when he caught Lea's eyes looking at him, she had a friendly, a way too friendly smile on her face. Jake blinked and glanced to Rachel, who was looking at Nelson, what was this about?

Jake watched in astonishment, and a good deal of anger, as Nelson leaned down to Rachel and kissed her on the lips, and on her neck. Nelson smiled at Rachel and his head disappeared under her house coat and soon Rachel moaned softly.

Jake looked to Lea again who was looking expectantly at him, and he shrugged, oh, what the hell. He went to kiss her, but she put a finger to his lips and waved it back and forth and looked down at herself. The Omega smiled and Jake nodded to her command and put his own head under her house coat. Her pussy was shaven clean as well, and Jake started to lick, and tease with his mouth and a tongue, and bringing up a hand to finger her at the same time. He heard Lea moan a bit, before her and Rachel started to talk casually together, but Jake could not make out what they were saying to each other.

The two males continued to lick the two females' pussies for almost an hour while the two women talked casually, only pausing now and then to moan. Jake had made Lea come three times, but he had heard Rachel's moans more often, and as Lea put her hand under Jake's chin to pull him up to stop, he saw that Rachel was panting a bit. A slight growl came from Jake's lips, but that stopped and Lea put their lips together in a deep kiss as she tasted herself on him. "Oh stop you, you are acting like a pup. It's customary to swing once in a while, especially with superiors, besides, Nelson has had a lot more experience at this then you. You'll learn." She smiled and moved off of the chair and looked to him and nodded to the empty seat.

Understanding, Jake sat down as Nelson did and Rachel was quick to flip Nelson's house coat over and expose his large pecker, that she started to suck on. Nelson was clean shaven as well, and Jake turned back to Lea as he felt her between his legs.

She sighed. "You didn't shave." She looked to him and then to Rachel.

Rachel pulled Nelson out of her mouth for a second, but still jerked him with her hand. "Sorry, Lea, I forgot about that."

Lea shrugged with a nod. "Fine, come on, Jake, I'm not sucking you all hairy." She stood and grabbed his hand and led him back into the house. Jake looked back to Rachel and Nelson, who was looking back at him with a grin.

Lea led him upstairs and into the bath room, and Jake noticed that the house was very close to what Rachel's was, and Lea caught his look. "The pack provides for everyone that needs it, since we move from city to city, we get a house in each place as we move. Rachel has one since she didn't have a lot when she was turned, having ran away from home, so the pack puts in money to help her. Strip and sit." She said at the end.

Jake took the robe off of his shoulders and sat on the toilet with the lid down, Lea blinked in slight surprise. "Huh, you were kind of hairy in the first place?"

"Ya, I guess, I'll shave it all off if you want." He replied.

"Please, you'll find that a lot of the females around here don't like hair very much just smooth skin. For us, hair is for our wolf forms, not human. But, for now..." She reached into a cabinet and took out a can of shaving cream and a fresh razor, Jake put his hand out to take them, thinking he'd do it himself. She shook her head. "I don't mind." Lea said as she took her own gown off completely, using the excuse that she didn't want to get anything on it and set it aside. Jake took in her body, smooth curves, nice breasts, and a perfect ass. Yet, as sexy as she was, his mind still moved back to Rachel's body.

Lea put some of the cream into her hands and spread it around his member and his balls with one hand, lifting his hardened member with the other. It was done so casually as well, this all seemed so weird to Jake, and yet so right. Jake felt the cool steel touch his skin and the pull of it as Lea shaved him clean, expertly doing so to boot, she was not shy to this kind of thing.

She spoke as she shaved him. "Adjusting well?"

"I guess so, as much as can be expected to be pulled into all of this." He replied.

"But you're not complaining?" She looked up at him.

He smiled. "Between being with Rachel and the sex, how can I?"

She chuckled with a nod. "True enough, but, it's not all about the sex, Jake, remember that. You can't just come into this life, willingly or not, and expect the pack to do everything for you. You will need to provide as well, but we'll help you get a job and such, everything goes into one huge account for this area and what you need comes from that. If you want anything, you'll have to save up on your own."

"Fair enough, I'll do what I can to pull my weight." He nodded and very little was said after that, as Lea's expert shaving was done and she wiped any excess cream off with a soft towel. "Thank you, though you didn't have to."

"Oh, I know, but I don't mind." Lea led him by the hand back downstairs again and back into the backyard, where Rachel was still sucking off Nelson, her head bobbing up and down once in a while, while she used her right hand to jerk him as well. Jake sat back down and Lea was right behind him, barely giving him enough time to sit before she started to suck him off. Jake moaned and leaned his head back a bit at Lea's ministrations.

Lea cupped his balls in her one hand and started to massage them carefully, while taking his entire eight inch dick into her mouth for a second and came back up, licking as she did. Smiling, Lea took the tip of him into her mouth and flicked her tongue around it, while her right hand jerked his shaft up and down, making a popping sound as her hand hit her lips every times. Lea smiled up at Jake as she pulled him out of her and started to give him a hand job, rubbing his shaft with her soft hands while smiling up at him, and he smiled down at her.

After a while, Jake moaned again and placed a gentle hand on Lea's cheek, getting a snarl from Nelson as he did and he pulled his hand back, apparently, he wasn't aloud to do that. Lea chuckled against Jake's cock as she felt it quiver in her mouth and she pulled it back out and opened her mouth wide as Jake moaned while he came. Lea caught the first stream in her mouth and swallowed it, getting the second in the face and she caught the third in her mouth and then closed around Jake's cock again. She pinched at the base and pulled forward, squeezing as much out of him as she could into her mouth.

Jake panted a bit as Lea finished him off and used a finger to wipe clean her face and lick up the rest of his come. Smiling, he felt Lea rise and she turned and sat on his lap, leaning back against him, he looked to and she whispered. "Hold me, don't worry, as I said, we swing, Nelson won't bite your head off for it." His arms wrapped around her waist as Jake pulled her closer. Together, they watched as Nelson, who of course had a greater lasting time, finally moaned in great pleasure.

Rachel didn't take Nelson out her mouth, she kept him in and let him come in her mouth, doing the same as Lea to get as much as she could out of him. Nelson smiled as Rachel opened her mouth for him and blew a bubble before closing and swallowing, and opened again for Nelson. Jake had a rumble in his throat that Lea was quick to put down. "She knows what he likes, Jake, calm down, she's only playing. You have to understand, whenever you two fuck for just fun, she will find what you like and you will know what she likes. What you two have probably done so far was only fuck for fun, Rachel hasn't had anyone as a mate before, and so has only been able to suck off Nelson and once the Alpha. It's nothing to be worried over, Jake, when you two screwed the last couple of times, it was probably only Rachel trying to relieve a great deal of sexual tension from not getting any for the last... year or so." Lea turned to whisper to him again and smiled to him, Jake thought on it then nodded, he could understand that.

Rachel, like Lea to Jake, sat on Nelson's lap comfortably, and then the rest of the morning, afternoon and day, turned into a lot of conversation between the four of them. Mostly it was for Jake's benefit to get him comfortable and knowledge able with how the pack ran and such, an a lot of just shooting the breeze. One thing caught in Jake's mind; he and Rachel would have to go before the Alphas within the next month at least. But, that wasn't in the forefront of his mind for now, so Jake let that slide and continued to get information from the other three wolves.

Jake smiled to himself, thinking he could easily get used to all of this.