Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 1(Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#1 of Lost in the evergreen forest

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.

sampson belongs to me

and arca belongs to alaster

the events are purely ficticious... (well no shit...)


Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 1

Sampson sighed and looked at his map again... the sun shined through the leaves of the trees, giving him plenty of light "all the trees in this bloody forest look the same. where the hell did the others go?" The German shepherd looked about some more, trying to find his way back to the camp site that lay in an opening near a stream. As he looked back at the map he heard a solid thud in front of him. "guys? is that you? stop trying to be funny. it's not working... I'm not scared."

he looked up from the map and tried to hold back a scream "oh... my g..god..." he shook his head... on the floor laid one of the members of the expedition... but she wouldn't be doing much ever again... she had been ripped to shreds, her blood seeped from what seamed like everywhere. suddenly a body dropped from the trees landing with the same thump... then more fell, landing in a pile. something backed into Sampson, he turned around, letting out a loud scream, before realising he was staring straight at the leader of the expedition.

"Sampson! we've got to get out of here! it's a monster!" he couldn't say much more as a large paw grabbed his head and crushed it as it jumped backwards, landing on the pile of bodies, a sickening squelching sounded out and echoed through the forest

"f...f..FUCK!" Sampson turned and ran for his life, passing tree after tree after tree after tree... he didn't look back. after a few trees the leaders body slammed with force into the ground in front of Sampson, huge fang marks in what was left of his neck.... a huge thud followed behind him....

Sampson turned around slowly... feeling a little more brave now "who's there?" when nothing answered he asked again "who's there?!" his eyes widened as he realised a log was now blocking his way back... "n...no worries... I don't want to go that way anyway..." another log sailed through the air and blocked the way forward. His heart started pounding as he realised he didn't have an escape route, his eyes caught giant claw marks on the logs.

"w...who's there?" he whimpered softly "p..please let me go..."

a loud snarl came from behind him....as well as the sound of sticks snapping. the German shepherd turned around slowly, a wet patch appearing on the front of his jeans, he turned around again and ran towards the log, trying desperately to get over it.

a large white blur tackled him and pinned him down on his stomach snarling into his ear

"p...please... don't kill me... I didn't do anything... honestly!" Sampson pleaded with the creature. a set of very large sharp fangs closed around the back of his neck and picked him up by his scruff. "w...wait! what are you doing?!" Sampson was in hysterics now. he didn't want to be here at all, it was a stupid exploration. nothing was going to be found in the first place... and yet they insisted on sending us here! we'll die here! then a thought crossed Sampson's mind... they're dead... all of them... dead... I'm the last one...

the creature carried him off deeper into the forest...stopping at a cave at the bottom of a cliff before dropping him on the ground and snarling..... "IN...NOW!"

Sampson slowly looked at the cave "in there? i...i'd just like to tell you that i taste horrible... and... and... PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!" the cracking of knuckles told the German shepherd that the creature wasn't interested in his plea's..... the dog's ears flattened against his head "are you going to beat me? can you tell me why first? i mean... i haven't done anything... I don't think..."

the creature clamped a fist around Sampson's muzzle... "IN NOW OR BE TOO SORE TO TALK!" Sampson whimpered and walked quickly into the cave, the creature entered soon after "you know what did wrong?"

Sampson shook his head rapidly "no! i have no idea! what did i do wrong?!"

"you come in forest...you catch attention...now you never go......" the creature walked into view, he was a very large artic fox with glaring blue irises.... and blood streaks flowing down his muzzle.... "you try leave you be in pain"

Sampson stared at the fox in disbelief "i got your attention and that's why i can't leave?! that's stupid! let me go... or i'll... i'll..."

the fox exposed his fangs in a amused grin "and you'll do what?"

"i'll... i'll hurt you! i know how to! i'm not afraid of you!" the german shepherd slowly backed away from the large fox

the fox dashed forwards and picked Sampson up by the throat.... "you have no choice boy! without me you'll die in this forest.... the choice is yours....so the next time you threaten me with petty threats just remember food is not given to bad pets"

Sampson cried out in horror as he was picked up "p..pet?! i'm no one's pet!"

the fox growled threateningly before smirking "maybe I am hungry then."

"w...wait! i can be a good pet!" Sampson started barking out of desperation

"good..." the fox started tongue bathing Sampson's dirty fur before shreading his shirt and licking his chest

Sampson blushed "t...thank you sir..."

the fox licked at his face then went to tear off his urine soaked trousers

Sampson shook his head pleadingly "s..sir! that's private!"

the fox looked curiously at the dog's jeans "What these for?"

"they are to protect my modesty.... i don't want anybody to see my genitals..."

the fox didn't seem to understand "you show me?"

"s..sorry sir... i don't want anyone seeing them..."

"you want eat?" the fox growled

"yes sir..."

the fox nodded and walked to the mouth of the cave "i go catch"

the dog looked longingly at the mouth of the cave... at freedom... but what if the fox caught him... the fox would not be happy...

the fox was gone for about twenty minutes. He returned with a deer body that actually had a fist imprint in its side.... "you make fire?"

"do you have anything i can make a fire with?" Sampson enquired

the fox shook his head no

"oh... no... wait a minute... i think i have some flint and a piece of steel in my bag..." Sampson pointed at the bag he had dropped at the cave entrance "i'm just going to go there and check my bag... i won't run... i just want to check my bag..."

the fox thought for a moment before nodding "but if you run, i will hunt..." he pointed at the deer and growled "that be you. no running."

the dog nodded and backed towards the bag slowly "he knelt down next to it and unzipped it, before rummaging about in it, he pulled out some blankets and some extra clothes

the fox growled as the dog pulled a knife out of his bag "YOU NO USE!" it screamed "YOU HURT PEOPLE!"

the dog dropped the knife, eyes wide "no! i don't! i never have! i never will!"

the fox slowly nodded "continue... but no try anything..."

Sampson pulled out a piece of flint and a piece of steel and striked one against the other, watching the sparks happily "ah! that should do the trick!" he watched with intrigue as the fox used his claws to rip the deer in pieces and to rip the hide off of it.... he placed some meat aside for Sampson to have your as he started to chew on his, he looked up for a second "you know how cook?"

"yes... but can i just eat it? i'm hungry... it doesn't need to be cooked..."

the fox tilted his head "thought may want cooked.....you can eat if want....your food"

Sampson wrapped his arms round the fox "thank you..."

the fox nuzzles Sampsons neck...."is fine...you want sleep or what do want?"

"no... i'll eat first... you can go to sleep first... i'll join you when i'm done..."

the fox eyed Sampson thoughtfully.....then went to lie down on the bed which was composed of a large pile of softened furs

Sampson looked at him as he ate some of the meat... he stared at him for a while... then blushed when he realised what he was staring at. He turned around and ate his meat in silence. He heard the fox whimper, Sampson turned around and watched him, he seemed to be trying to scrub his face in his sleep.....

Sampson finished eating and laid down next to the fox, resting against his chest. he chuckled gently as he stroked the fox's chest fur "what are you doing?"

Sampson looked up at the fox as he started whining, almost in agony. feeling afraid Sampson wrapped his arms around the fox and whimpered

the fox jolted and opened his eyes slowly

"are you okay?" the german shepherd looked at the fox unhappily

the fox looked back and forth uneasily.."is fine why not be?"

"you looked like you were having a nightmare..."

the fox's ears laid back and he said nothing

"please tell me... don't you want to get it off your chest?"

"...was long time ago...i was plain like you....was warrior...but dragon attacked town...i recruited tried to fight..killed dragon but its blood covered me..made body hurt ...made changes and grew bigger....was chased away, called monster.....was left alone"

Sampson was intrigued, almost enthralled "how long ago?"

"12 years...so tired being alone went and made friend" he looked at Sampson in a funny way...

"b..but why did you kill my friends? if you kept them alive you could have lots of friends...."

"they call me monster....."

"they saw you?"

the fox nodded softly

"oh... can I ask you something?"

the fox flicked his ear to show he was listening

"what's your name?"

"name is Arca." the fox replied bluntly

"mine's Sampson... Arca's a nice name..."

Arca nuzzled Sampson's neck giving him a few licks

the dog blushed gently at the show of affection

"I see now?"

Sampson immediately knew what Arca was getting at "only if you show yours..."

Arca slowly untied his loincloth showing off his huge sheath and his golfball sized balls

Sampson stared in awe at the fox's equipment. he slowly extended a hand to touch the fox's private parts

Arca grunted and whined as Sampson touched his genitals... no one had touched him there in a very long time....

"...wow... you're so big... a deal is a deal..." Sampson undid his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down, he looked between his own sheath and Arca's and blushed "you're so much bigger than me..."

Arca leaned down to nuzzle at Sampson's sheath.... he looked up for permission to continue

"y..you don't need my permission... you're my master... if you want me... take me..."

"is friend not master..." the fox licked Sampson softly

Sampson blushed "okay... friend..."

the fox burst into tears as he nuzzled Sampson... perhaps he wasn't such a monster after all.