The Halo: Chapter Two

Story by Lithe on SoFurry

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#3 of Dark Star

Chapter Two: White Hot

When he woke the next morning, Jim was on his back with Vera's head resting on his chest. Her ears were held loosely to the side as she slept. One of her arms was reaching over his torso in an almost protective manner. He smiled and yawned as the cool air in the dwelling woke him. How ever long the night was, he felt rested and much better than he was yesterday. The fire had burned out at some point in the night leaving behind tiny bits of charred wood and ash. The light from outside was just enough to brighten the inside of the cave so he could see everything. He looked toward the pile of clothing on the floor by the fire pit. When they were first removed the previous night, he'd wanted nothing more than to have them back on. Now, getting dressed seemed like it was one of the worst things he could have done. The feeling of a tongue against his chest directed his attention to the vixen. She had woken from her sleep and felt the need to let it be known. She smiled at him from her spot against his chest. He returned the smile and placed a hand on the top of her head to give her ears a little scratch. The white vixen closed her eyes and licked his chest again.

Good morning, Master. Did you sleep well?

He reached low and took hold of her backside bringing a giggle to the girl's lips. With a gentle pull, he slid her further up along his body until their noses touched. He gave it a quick lick before grinning.

I did. How about you, Vera?

Thanks to my master, I slept very well!

He gave her a pat on the back before rubbing his muzzle against hers. The smile on Vera's face only broadened in response.

Have I been a good girl, master?

The fennec looked at her for a moment before nodding slowly. He grinned as her ears fell to the sides and her smile turned into a sheepish grin. Jim could already feel her start to grow excited. The frequency of her breathing had increased a little from just a few minutes ago. Her eyes were wide open and alert. Jim could swear the vixen was already trembling in anticipation. He gently rolled onto her and pinned her arms to the bed in one motion. Vera stared up at him with a mixed look of surprise and uncertainty. He only smiled and lowered his head to let his breath tickle her neck like the night before. She squirmed beneath him, but he kept her from breaking free of his grasp. His tongue slid slowly along her collarbone, tickling her all the way from there, past the thin collar she wore to the bottom of her muzzle as she tilted her head back. Jim moved back to the center of her neck before giving it a tender bite. Vera's eyes widened and her back arched from the sensation as a moan escaped past her fangs. The tremble that followed almost let her slip from Jim's grasp. He felt her writhing beneath him as he stared into her eyes once again. Her blush added a slight tint to the fur covering her cheeks. With another smile, he continued past her collarbone to her chest.

He continued to hold her arms down as he let his tongue dance over the peaks of each breast. The tips stiffened from the attention as she arched her back. Another moan followed by a small fit of struggling to break free hinted that he had found a sensitive spot. Jim grinned as he continued to lick each breast slowly until all Vera could do was tremble whimper submissively. He let her arms free as he licked the center of her chest. Both of her hands went to his large ears as his hands moved to cover the areas he had just stopped licking. They spent a while like this, each one taking time to explore what they could get into their hands. He moved lower, stopping at the spot between her legs. He could smell her excitement very clearly from here. The heat radiating off of her body was intense compared to the cold air that surrounded them just beyond the blankets. He looked up at her for a moment to see her panting. She knew what was next and he was only too happy to go on. A single lick sent a wave of pleasure through the vixen that got out any way it could. She grasped the covers of the bed tightly as Jim's tongue continued to work at her folds. Vera's heart pounded in her chest. The surges of energy were powerful enough to make her feel as though she were going to split open at any moment. There was a sensation, some kind of tension, building within her. In a matter of only a few more moments, it would likely be beyond her control. The fennec continued his work until she clamped down on his tongue in her release, but this was only the first of many to come. He turned over on his back letting Vera take over for now.

What he had done to her felt amazing! Her body shook like she was freezing, but she knew that wasn't the case. Her first real climax was far more enjoyable than she thought it would be. She followed his actions from before, sitting on his stomach before placing her hands on his shoulders. She hesitated when their eyes met. Jim offered her a grin she couldn't help but return. She leaned in letting their lips meet in an embrace that sent another shiver down her spine. She pulled back for air before long, her burning lungs struggled to keep up with her body's demand for oxygen. Vera soon discovered she didn't know what she should do next. The first thing that came to her mind was to copy his actions from before. She hoped they would have a similar effect. She ran her tongue along the curve of Jim's neck ending at the center of his muzzle. Her tail swayed behind her as she ran her hands and tongue over his chest. She stopped to run her tongue over his nipples much like he had done to her. She smiled when he drew a sharp breath through clenched teeth. She was getting better at this. She moved down to look at the object that had poked her the night before and her eyes widened. It was difficult to tell how large it had been the night before. Now, fully erect and right before her, the sight was thrilling. She licked the tip once slowly to see what would happen before running her tongue along its length. Vera closed her eyes before taking as much of the length as she could in her mouth. She turned her head as she gently sucked on his member. For a while, she continued to work at toying with him, pulling away for a breath every once in a while. She stopped after a moment and looked at Jim. It was time.

She moved up to sit on his stomach again before licking his chest. He ran his hands along her sides making her shiver slightly. She took his length and guided it into her slowly, wincing as it went in. She brought her hips down to his and sat still to adjust to the size. With a slight quiver to her voice, she looked him in the eye.

Please be gentle, master...

He returned the look with a nod and she continued further. She slowly lifted her hips off of his and continued until his shaft was nearly completely out before slowly sitting back down. She repeated this a few times, building up the rhythm until the feeling got to her. She quivered as she tightened up around him and started panting. Taking this as his cue to step back in, Jim pulled her down and rolled onto her. Vera's arms fell to the side as she stared at him. She looked a little tired already and they hadn't gotten far into things. With a tender kiss, he started the rhythm up again making sure he wasn't being too rough with her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed the pace faster and faster. She trembled with a cry letting her head fall back as he moved faster and faster. She felt herself coming closer and closer to releasing again. He surged onward, faster and faster until she screamed out in pleasure. She felt herself lock down firmly on his member, attempting to hold it in place. He managed to push in a few more times before collapsing onto her. The vixen gently moved the fennec's head to let it rest against her breast as they both panted for air. Vera was exhausted and short of breath, but that didn't keep her from speaking quietly.

Have I pleased my master?

He nodded into her chest before looking up at her with an exhausted, but bright smile.

I don't care what I have to do, I'm taking you home with me.

Her ears stood tall at the top of her head and her eyes widened.

You will be my master? Forever?

The fennec could only smile at her.


A single, joy filled tear ran down her cheek before she hugged him tightly.

My master is very kind.