RP Log - WoW Shaman training

Story by Sabin on SoFurry

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A quick rp between myself and a great friend of mine. I know that the perspective switches between first and third person for each post, and I only did a quick grammer and spelling check, so bear with them. I quite enjoyed this log, and there is not enough troll porn out there.

Anyways, do not read if you are under of local age, blah blah blah, contains all keywords, blah blah blah


Damori: So... out in the Red hills of Mulgore a lone shaman stays. He is an Elder Grimtotem, long forgoten by the conflict that gripped the Tauren. He and his followers stay there tending to the needs of his ancestors. His followers loyal to him and the souls of those departed. There is a single large tent with a fire pit roaring at its center, the followers are fit but clad in little more then the totem of the elder and a loin cloth the are all fine speciemens of their own races. Within the tent the Grimtotem sits, his hooves crossed and his eyes closed in a slight meditative trance. The tent is full of the heady musk of pure male strength.

Sabin: The troll, a pale blue lithe shammie, little older than an inititive into the earthen ring, makes his way up the hill, climbing up to the tent. Traveling to meet a teacher in the ways of the elements, he is clothed in a simple shirt and leggings, making his way barefoot to the tent, the smell permiating already around it Leaving my travel bag outside, I enter the tent, into the musky humid area, looking around at the different members of the current circle. Sitting down near the top of the circle, near the Grimtotem, I sit down and announce myself to teh circle "My name is Riokusa, I have came a long way to find a great teacher in the ways of shamanism, and are willing to not only travel a long way, but do what ever is needed"

Damori: Around milled an orc and tauren, each seems content and happy in there simply work around the tent. The Grimtotem does not move only speaks, "Your name means nothing troll, we are but specks of dust upon this land. Our time is mere moments. If you seek power, i suggest you seek else where." the Grimtotem takes a bowl and places it before him. "If you seek a purpose, then you have perhaps come to the right place." The grimtotem whistles and an orc rises from his work and brings a satchel to the elder tauren, who begins to mix herbs and roots together and grind them together in the bowl. "What is your purpose troll?"

Sabin: "I... er," The carefully practice speech he had gone over all the way here going not the way he had expected, "A speck of dust is only the base of the tallest mountain. My purpose, is to seek knowledge and understanding, to find myself and what I truely am in this world"

Damori: "That, that we may be able to help you with Troll." The grimtotem, takes a small knife from his scatchel and draws it across his palm, a small trickle of blood sliding into the bowl and mixes it in with the herbs there, even as the others around seem to clear from the tent, as though they know what is to come.

Sabin: Keeping my eyes on the tauren, I watch as the blood swirls around the herbs, mind racing to try and come up with what could possibly be done in such a ritual, I look up and raise an eyebrow "What would you ask from me? What would I need to do?"

Damori: "I ask only that you listen to me, a simple enough request. The drought I am preparing will alter your state, shaman are accustomed to such altered states. You shall see what you are truely meant for and it will burn its purpose into your mind and soul. If you are strong enough to endure it, you will find your place here." Placing the blade against the trolls skin and scraping it quickly down, the Grimtotem collects the potent troll sweat the covers the young male, adding it to the mix.

Sabin: Ears perking up a bit at the possibility of actaully getting what I want, I follow the grimtotem's motions. I try and stay still as he scrapes the sweat off of my skin, but nod slowly at the last comment. "Aye, we ha had a bad issue wit' da mojo," Motions to the mixture, "And da use'n o blood" I shift uncomfortably in my spot. "If I may ask, what should I be call'n you atleast, If I be to trust you while jour'nen with da ancestors?" "I do be will'n to do anyt'ing to find mah way though, d'at be da truth, mon"

Damori: "I know that is what you want little one." the Grimtotem finally rising from his spot. Despite his age, his form was massive in every way. "What does one refer to his better as?" the tauren muses has he ladels a spponfull of steamming water into the bowl and continues to grind. "Yes we server here. But each here is what they are because they have accepted there place." He puts abother spoonful of boiling water into the bowl, now appearing as a thick sludge. Smelling the bowl the tuaren turns to look at the troll his white eyes striking as he stared into the trolls own soul.

Sabin: Looking up from my sitting position, I squirm in my spot a bit, "Yes, sir, I just hope to serve the spirits as everyone does then" I lean back a bit, shaken a bit from the look in the tauren's eyes, frozen in my spot by the gaze. I shiver at the feeling, feeling more than naked infront of my new teacher

Damori: "Drink Then." The Grimtotem thrust the bowl of thick liquid forward.

Sabin: Taking the bowl cautiously, I sniff at it experimentally, twitching a bit before looking up at the Grimtotem, double checking with him before raising the bowl to my lips

Damori: Staring down with unblinking eyes, the Grimtotem can feel the trolls fear. He smiled confidently, knowning that soon, the young shaman would have no other thoughts then that of his new master.

Sabin: Placing the bowl between my tusks, I lean back and start to let the dark sludge slip down my throat, trying not to gag as it slides down into my stomach, tears welling up in the corner of my eyes, thinking of taking one step closer to what I want, to be closer to the spirits, unaware of only taking a step closer to the grim totem

Damori: The effects are almost immediate, the pain is usually quite intense, but nothing that a troll should not be able to handle. The tauren grips the troll by his shoulders and guides him to lay down, closer to the fire. The bowl tumbled to the floor, shattering against the hard ground. The pain passed quickly, leaving the troll open to the suggestions of those around him. the Taruen kneels beside the troll gently masagin his body to kneed the pain away. "What do you truely seek troll?" the tauren statrts in quietly. "what is your heart's deepest secert desire?"

Sabin: Crying out in pain, I move over to the fire under the heavy hands of the tauren. I slide down to the floor, my mind opening up clear as my eyes stray to the fire, staring deeply into it. My mouth opens slowly in a dumbfounded ways as my mind and body loose connection except for touch. my ears pick up the words, and the touch of the old tauren moving of my body. "I wish to be closer to the spirits," I mumble out, "To understand the world and my purpose."

Damori: "you are closer to the spirit, little one." The grimtotem slips his knife along the straps that hold the trolls clothing to his lithe form. Rubbing the cut clothing away, the Tauren conitnues his ministrations all along the length of his body. "In service of ancestors, there is nothing greater. To server me, is to server them. There this nothing greater then server them."

Sabin: My mind fumbles over with the ideas flowing into my ears, taking them in as my foggy mind thinks over it at more of my earthly protection is stripped away like my mind's had been. "I want to serve... the spirits... I need to serve... you?"

Damori: "Yes little one. Serving the ancestors is the greatest honor, and serving me is serving them." With a fuild motion he pulls the troll from his position of lying down to standing. strong caulous hands keeping the young troll steady. He presses his own, now naked, body against the troll's, "have you ever found pleasure with another male, little one?"

Sabin: My body unable to stand on it's own, I have to lean into the tauren's grasp, leaning into his naked body "My father... shared pleasure with me, but I have not been able to enjoy another since I left home. I have been promised to a woman back in the village"

Damori: "I know what the troll think of there females. They are worse then nothing. The needs of male troll is all that matters. Did you enjoy the attention of your father?"

Sabin: "Yeessss...... but I am not suppose to think of that anymore, only of my bride" "I enjoyed the time with my father so much.... Its hard to forget"

Damori: "then don't... you dishonor him by forgetting the pleasure he gave you. That is the most pure form of service, to bring such pleasure to those around you it is enough to honor the ancestors." The tauren now altered his touch, his thick caulous digits rubbing down closer to the privates of his new troll thrall. "Nothing matters to you but your service. You said so yourself. Your place is here is service to me. For to service me is to service the ancestors."

Sabin: My eyes hang half lidded as the touch along my body continues closer to my groin. my lips twitch a bit as the barrier in my mind that was built up starts to crumble, the memories of serving my father comming back freely. "Nothing matters, but to serve... Must honour the ancestors, must serve you and ancestors..."

Damori: "Excellent little one." the large hand wrapping around the grown phaullus. Stroking it gently careful, not to break the trance. "How did you service your father? what did you do to please him?"

Sabin: Gasping aloud as the hand encircles my slowly growing length, pleasure coursing through my body and mind as memories and images of treating my father when I was younger. My body presses in back to the elder body, enjoying the feeling more and more. "He use to stick his length in my mouth, sucking, but my tusks starts to hurt him when I got too excited. He then showed me how real men enjoyed eachother, and he took me from both ends, as long as I was careful while sucking on his cock, but he really liked going at my back"

Damori: Chuckling darkly, the tauren could feel his large cock starting to harden as the troll spilled his secerts about the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father. The troll was so fragile that a good push would shatter him forever, breaking him to the Grimtotems will.

Damori: slowly he began to rub himself against the trolls rump, his musk filling the tent. He knew that once seeded, the troll would need little else. Whispering into his ear, "You liked having your bottom fucked, didn't you little one? You like being the female, don't you? In fact, you want it right now, you can feel the need to be bred like your common females. You know that they are useless to us, you seek only to service me as you serviced your father. Service to us pleases the ancestors."

Sabin: My body quivers as more ideas float from the tauren's voice to my thoughts, feeling my hard legnth pressing in behind me, my body reflexing back into it, my length twitching as hard and stiff, my mouth hanging open more in a stupor. "Need to be bred... Serve Sir, Serve ancestor. No need females, useless..."

Damori: Pulling a vial fro his satchel, the Grimtotem pours a slick oil alonge his own length of cock. With a few quick strokes he works the oil into the large peice of meat. He leans over the troll, forcing the him to his knees, spreading his legs, he positions himself against the little trolls hole. "Do you see the images that dance before you troll. Know that everything you are matters not. Only anything that you remember as service to the ancestors is all that should matter. As you feel us join, you shall start your service." Pressing forward slightly his felt his cock rub against the trolls hole. He presses just enough to slip the slick tip into the troll. "Nothing but service matters. Not thought, no memory, no action.." the grimtotem grunts out as the tight semi-virgin hole grips around his slicked cock.

Sabin: My tight hole wraps slowly around the tip of the tauren's hole from over a year of no action. Images flick before my eyes, as I kneel forwards, the fire infront of me burning away the images of my wife, of my friends, of anything but serving, as everything oozes out of my mind, my body pressing back against the length, pre dripping down onto the ground below me/ No memories... No thoughts... Only serve, join service..." I start to emit a mantra as the hot length continues pushing in

Damori: "Slowly at first, with long deep gentle thrusts, the Tauren began the mantra to wipe the slate of his slave clean. So many he had taken over the years, but none so completely, so quickly as this young troll. He timed his thrusts to puntuate the mantran slowly increasing the speed to its inevitable cresedo. "Who do you serve troll?" the Grimtotem bellows as his thrusts pound against the troll.

Sabin: Moaning out as the thrusts continue to press forwards, my mantra repeating over and over, pausing a moment at the question. before continuing, "No Memories, No thoughts... only serve, join serve.... Serve Ancestors... Serve teacher.... No Memories, No thoughts..."

Damori: "I am your Master!" the tauren hissed. He could feel the old balls starting to churn, to build the load that would fill his new toy.

Sabin: Groaning out loud, my mind shifts as a new life rule shifts into my mind, my eyes rolling back into my head as I keep pressing back against the tauren's large length, squeezing the length tight in pleasure, serving as commanded "Serve... Master!" I cry out as my balls pull up tight against my body, squeezing tight as a large wet pile of seed pool under us

Damori: It felt to the troll as hours had passed, or longer. He seemed to loose track of where he was his Grimtotem master begun. Finally, the Grimtotem gripped the hips of his new slave and let loose his seed deep into the troll's guts. It was a torrent so large that as the young troll slid off his spent cock he craddled his belly, as though he was with child. The Grimtotem strode to the flaps of the tent, his body glistening with sweat, opening them and looking to his other slaves. "Take him. Prep him for his duties, I wish him to be my personal servant."

Damori: Quickly an orc and another tuaren shuffle into the room. picking up the troll the carry him, seed leaking from his hole. The Grimtotem knew that he was defintatly doing good work here, to keep such ambitous young minds from trying to tamper with the forces of nature. Chucklying darkly, he wandered back into his tent and returned to his meditations as he tortured the ancestors of his clan's blood enemies the booldhooves, and bent them to his will.