The Hot sleepover Chap 1

Story by Hoffman5617 on SoFurry

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#1 of Storys

It was a hot summer day, Michael, a Fox, and Tony, a Raccoon, were coming home from an eventful hike. The two were both 13 and were close friends. They were going to have a sleepover after the hike, they had been planning it or a while now. It was 89 or 90 degrees out at 5pm, and both were exhausted. When they got home to Michael's house, they found a note.

"What does it say?" Tony whispered

" 'Mike, we've gone out for a bit, and won't be back 'till 11. We left money for pizza, and a list of phone numbers if anything happens. Love mom,' " Mike said

"Wow! No adults for the night! Awesome!" Tony yelled

"I know! What should we do?" Mike yelled back

"We should play XBOX® live and be jerks!"

"Yes! Yes! That sounds great!"

And so, Mike and Tony were on XBOX® for 2 hours until they realized it was getting really, really hot.

"Holy crap it's hot," Tony said

"I know, I know, just stop complaining about it," Mike replied

"I know what we could do! Let's strip to our underwear, it should be cooler that way,"

Mike didn't really want to strip to his underwear, he couldn't remember if he was wearing boxers or briefs, and he didn't want tony to see him in his tight white briefs. He had no time to check, but he realized Tony had already taken his clothes off. Mike looked at Tony, and saw he was trying to hide his Red lined briefs.

"HA! You're wearing briefs? What are you, 7? Plus I can see you're..." Mike got cut off.

"I know, I know, just shut up! Okay?" Tony yelled "why don't you take off your clothes and let's see what YOU'RE wearing? Hmmmm?"

"Well, I *cough* um, really, don't want, w-want too," Mike said nervously

"So? Your scared because you're wearing briefs too? I knew it," Tony said

"No I'm not!!!" He yelled

Mike began to take off his shirt, then he got ready to pull down his pants, when he did, he took away more than he was supposed to.

"Ya see? I'm not wearing briefs!" Mike yelled

"Um, you're not wearing anything," Tony chuckled

Mike looked down and saw he pulled down his underwear, which were briefs. He quickly tried to cover his small, under developed , sheath and balls. He face was stoplight red. When he looked up, he saw Tony's Underwear growing. He was getting a erection.