The Damned Series-Chapter 1

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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#1 of The Damned

The Damned Series Chapter 2

When the other Flamedramon walked in, Tayu couldn't help but let out a gasp: he'd thought all of his kind had died that night... Paws tied behind his back, forced on his knees and held there by two lizardmen, Tayu stared on with his pure blue eyes as the Silver mon walked in front of him. Tayu grunted as the guards bowed, forcing his upper body in a courtsy. Of course, he couldn't suppress the growing growl as he saw the bane of his struggles sit down in a large armchair, covered in red silken robe. From the attack on his village, and countless other innocent Digimon had been enslaved or killed by this.."Lord" Zamuitt. So much time and effort spent trying to find him..

"So...Tayu, is it?" Almost a whisper, the Flamedramon's voice was unbelievably soft 'how ironic...he kills without mercy but...' Tayu responded with a simple glare, tugging at his paws: if only he could move them... Of course, the loyal guard smacks him, drawing a yelp and a snarl, before Zamuitt growls. "l...lord? Have I..." That's all he can get out before landing in a heap outside the door, his brethren following. Tayu blinked multiple times, giving a little jump as the heavy oak doors shut behind him: he'd never even seen the Flamedramon move! "Now that the annoying pest is gone.." He steps silently over, grabbing the teen under the chin, lifting him eye-level effortlessly. Tayu gasps once again at the strength, and stature of his counterpart: easily 6 feet, packed with dense muscles, and eyes of pure gold, decorated by a long scar from his right eye, down to the chest. "you...let go!" "why?" Came the simple response. "b...Because you killed my family! my village! and countless others!" "And?" "...." His back suddenly impacting against the floor drew a grunt, finding the older mon standing over him, annoying smirk on his muzzle. "would you like a chance to fight me evenly? i know..." He grabs Tayu's muzzle, once again muzzle-to-muzzle, the teen's eyes locked into the loyalty's bright golden ones. "you've been waiting your entire life for a chance..." A knife snaps out of nowhere, and slashes Tayu's bonds off in a flash, leaving him dazed... 'did he really just..?' The weight was off of him Tayu jumped up, a slow snarl growing...the memories returning: his empty village, entireity of it burning in a firey blaze, each flicker of the flames taunting him... The smaller Flamedramon lunged, letting out a roar and a right hook, left, a knee to the stomach, and a raoundhouse to the chest, sending its receiver flying into the intricate bookshelf in the corner. Panting, claws digging into his palms, Tayu could only stare dumly as Zamuitt rose up without a scratch on his scales. When he blinked, he stared into a firm pair of pecs before a heavy fist was shoved into his stomach, doubling him over. "so weak. I'd have thought hatred would've made you stronger...but..." A grab and Tayu was struggling to breathe. "a..gak...m." "that's too bad...but... " His eyes grew wide as the disgusting excuse for a Flamedramon groped him! grasping at his slit through the loincloth, giving it a squeeze. "you will make a good slave..." Tayu struggled doubly hard, clawing at the offending arm before Zamuitt's knee drove into his soft stomach. Everything went black...

A drip...another drip...annoying sounds... boik......boik... With a loud groan, Tayu woke up, trying to plug his ears and realizing his paws were bound to the wall behind him with iron "loops" coming from it. "UGh...huh..where.." The young Flamedramon looks around, to find hismelf in a rather dark and stale room, probably a cell from Zamuitt's prison, a cot (if it could be called that, even) to one side, a wooden bowl of unknown purpose, and of course, the steel bars which made the prison cell door. Being who he was, Tayu tried and gave little grunts and growls as he tried to escape his predicament for hours. Of course, soon he was left there to hang weakly by his wrists, footpaws and tail dangling under him. 'I've gotta get out of' Tayu flicked his ears when he heard the approaching footsteps, fangs bared in a full snarl when the startled Renamon gave a jump, almost dropping the tray he was holding. Dexterously opening the cell door with a small silver key, the male walked inside, gaze firmly downward, and whispered in a half-afraid voice. "I...I've been ordered to d..deliver your meal." The low growl that emanated from Tay's throat didn't dimish any bit, if not increase when the Renamon held a hunk of soup-soaked bread in front of his muzzle. "if you'll p...please eat..." The teen snapped, snarling louder. "NO! you think I'll just eat your filthy, disugsting, poisoned food like that? you've got it very wrong foxboi!" With a cringe, the Renamon gave a whimper and held the bread up again, closer to the flamedramon's muzzle now. "p..please.. if you don't I'll be punished by Lord Za..." "Lord, huh? He doesn't even deserve to be called a pile of steaming shitmaggots!" The venom in Tayu's voice did startle the fox, but he stood there nevertheless, read dripping slowly. The Standoff continued for a good half hour, before Pive left, sighing deeply, head and tail drooping low, his only farewell the cling of gate's closing. Letting his facial muscles relax, Tayu fell back into sleep, ignoring his grumbling stomach...

A loud clang forced Tayu's eyes open...

Thankee Readers

I do apologize for the lack of chapters and/or continuation/and/or deterioration of ma Sk33ls (for the hundredths time -_-)

But I do thank you for reading my stories.

Am Kept quite busy with this retardedly pointless Wheeleed Vehicle Mechanic School -,.-

Whole thing redundant...I can pass all the mods and i've never even driven a vehicle before in my life! -,.-

someone rescueeee meeeeeeeee X.x

