Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 3 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#3 of Lost in the evergreen forest

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.

sampson belongs to me

and arca belongs to alaster


Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 3

Arca yawned as the sudden urge for a morning piss awoke him....and with that he stood picking up the still tied Sampson with him as he walked outside to piss, the german shepherd whined softly as the cold morning breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees, he gradually opened his eyes and looked at the fox before looking down at his crotch and blushing.

Sampson blushed as he watched the fox pull his sheath back to piss into the bushes, he stopped staring and looked away "s...sorry..."

the fox laughed "for?"

"don't you like a bit of privacy whilst doing your 'business'?"

"...i've had twelve years of privacy ....." the fox replied darkly

Sampson tilted his head slightly "well, yes... but still... don't you feel dirty?"

"dirty?" the fox chuckled "just bathed two moons past."

the dog was speechless "you don't mind me watching you relieve yourself?"

"not really...."

"c...can I watch you?" Sampson inquired shyly

the fox smiled "if you wish to do so, I won't stop you."

"t..thanks..." the gobsmacked dog looked back down to your tip and watched intently "i've never seen anyone else do it before... certainly no one as big as you..." the fox smiled and resumed his piss, looking back at the german shepherd who had slowly reached around him and held his hand under his stream

when the fox had finished he shook his length twice and grabbed the dog's paw and wrapped it around his sheath, just to show the dog how big he was. the dog's jaw dropped "it feels even bigger than it looks... and it looks huge..."

Arca chuckled.... "you got go?"

"well.. yes... i do... but i can wait... i'm tied to you..."

"so?...." the fox smirked and laughed loudly

"you mean... it's alright for me to... piss in you? are you sure? i mean... if we're stuck like this for any longer it'll just slosh about inside of you..."

"not like it'll kill me.... go ahead."

the german shepherd blushed and sighed as he relaxed his bladder slightly, a driblet of urine dribbled from his length and into the fox's rectum, the german shepherd felt the fox's sheath swell and his penis fill out. Sampson murred softly as his urine flowed into the fox's rear, mixing with his semen from the night before

the fox teasingly wagged his butt, rewarded with a gentle moan from the dog and the stroking of his sheath, but the fox growled softly so the dog took his hand away, "you don't want me to?" he replaced his hand immediately as the fox started whining

the dog's flow of urine slowly tapered off until it stopped completely, he smiled gently as the fox humped his paw, he kissed him on the nose and whispered into his ear "thank you." the fox turned red under his fur "so... when will we be separated?"

the fox thought for a moment "can do now... but might hurt..."

"how much will it hurt?"

the fox smiled "you... not at all..."

"but what about you?"

the fox shrugged "so?"

"So?!" the dog snapped "you'll get hurt!"

the fox whimpered gently

"s...sorry... i... i..." the dog hung his head sadly as he watched the fox flatten his ears against his head

Arca whined "you care..."


"why?" the fox asked curiously

"why?" the dog blushed softly "i don't know... why wouldn't I care?"

"i kill friends... and make stay here..."

"yeah... but..."

the fox tilted his ears, waiting for the dog to finish

"have you considered that maybe I want to stay?"

the fox shook his head

"w...well maybe i do... look in my bag... there's a knife... if i didn't want to stay here i would've used it..."

the fox stared at Sampson "it not work....skin to hard....i tried before"

"I didn't know that... if i wanted to escape i would've tried wouldn't i?"

the fox nodded and lifted the dog up and carried him back to bed

"so... what'll we do? will we live here forever? or will we move on one day?"

"if friend wants..."

the dog patted the fox "only if you're happy."

"people make funs me...."

the dog's ears drooped "yeah..."

"Sampson has home back there?"

Sampson's ears drooped more "maybe... as far as they know I'm dead..."

"if i help get out forest.... will return?" Arca asked almost pleadingly

"no... if i get out of this forest i won't return..." Sampson paused for a moment "good thing I've decided to stay here with you, forever, in our forest..."

"but what of families?"

Sampson shook his head and placed his hand on Arcas chest "I've got all the family i want, right here."

"pull knot out now?"

the dog shook his head rapidly "n...no! It'll hurt you! Please don't make me..."

"but I want to hold you..." the fox whined sadly

Sampson screwed his eyes closed and whimpered, he really didn't want to hurt him, but the fox's sad whines were tearing him to pieces "... how do i pull out?"

the smile on the fox's face told Sampson that he had made the right decision "you just push your paws on my tailside while pulling your crotch... besides piss can be a decent lube...."

"o...okay... i'm going to count to three... and then I'll do it..." he sighed softly "one." he placed his hands on the foxes rear and continued counting "t...two... and three!" he pulled himself away from the fox whilst pushing with his hands

a loud pop was heard as the two creatures where separated, the german shepherd fell backwards and landed on the bed whilst Arca raced out of the cave and back to the bush.... "wait!" Sampson shouted, distress filled his tone "where are you going?"

the fox walked back in moments later with a relieved look on his face "sorry, no want pee on bed..."

"oh... i thought... never mind..." Sampson's worried expression turned into a smile as he spread his arms wide "you want to hold me? Now is your chance."

the fox strutted over to him to hold him tight to his chest and abs....licking affectionately over the dog's head.

Sampson smiled as he rubbed his head against Arca's chest, happily accepting all the affection he could give

Arca stopped licking and looked at Sampson as he put two and two together

Sampson tilted his head slightly as he looked up at him

"you....want to be more then friend?" Arca tilted his head

"y...yes Arca... i want to be so much more than friends..."

Arca smiled and began a mindless nuzzlement and licking of the dog's face, ears and neck

"Arca... can i ask you something?"


"d..do you know of any ways to help... make someone wider...?"

"wider?" Arca tilted his head again "you mean fat?"

the german shepherd pointed to his own tailhole and blushed "wider... so they could take bigger things..." he ran a hand down Arca's sheath

Arca simply nodded

Sampson's heart raced "how? i want to know! i want to take you! i don't care what the cost is!"

"use hands to stretch....use tongue if know how do right...do little bit with that person till you can take it all..."

"one more question..."

the fox's ears perked up

"will you be my mate?"

Arca opened his mouth, but couldn't form a solid reply

Sampson's ears perked up "should i take that as a yes?"

Arca turned red under his yellowed fur

"i will take that as a yes." the dog wrapped his arms around the Arctic fox and smiled, tears of joy dripped from his muzzle and were rubbed into the fox's fur as the dog nuzzled him.