Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 4 (caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#4 of Lost in the evergreen forest

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote.

sampson belongs to me

and arca belongs to alaster


Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 4

the fox looked down at the dog in his arms "no mean make cry sorry...."

Sampson shook his head and cried happily into his mate's fur before looking up at him and grinning "you smell!"

"I is not dirty!!" Arca exclaimed indignantly

"you are... i could smell you a mile away..."

Arca crossed his arms "so smell good, I know!"

"is there a river nearby?"

Arca nodded "in back of cave... is very cold"

"that's okay... i'm not the one who needs to wash..."

Arca pouted .."i is not in need of bath"

"yes you are!"

brushes Sampsons groin with his tail the bounds off playfully in a challenging way

"wait Arca!" the german shepherd ran after the fox

"Arca?" Sampson whimpered when he couldn't find his mate

a branch fell from a tree....as Sampson looked up the fox was there claws holding on the trunk... "you no make me take bath now" the fox chuckled

"will you take a bath for me?" Sampson tried to put on the puppy eyes look

"will join me?"

"of course! please come down for your bath!"

the fox let go of the tree trunk and dropped down the twenty feet landing of his feet and trots over to his mate.

the german shepherd smiled and took the fox by the hand "lead me to the water please?"

the dog yipped as he was picked up bridal style and carried in a sprint, past the cave into the brush where a small stream was "w..wait! don't jump in!" he cried

the fox looked down at the dog in his arms, only to be met by the dog's gaze as he looked up and blushed

"you want?" the fox asked quietly

the dog tilted his head "I want what?"

"nothing... I just..."

"just don't want me to jump?" the fox smirked

"yeah, please don't jump in!"


the dog yipped as Arca raised him overhead and tossed him in

Sampson shivered as he landed in the water "ffffffuuucck! it's cold!" he whimpered as Arca burst out laughing "shut up you! get in here!"

Arca dived in, making a huge splash

Sampson blinked before grinning

"what's so funny." Arca asked, head tilted to one side

Sampson swam underwater and between Arca's legs before laying against the bank of the river and smiling

"you want to help wash?"

Sampson shook his head "you get started, i'll help you in a minute..." he watched Arca with fascination as he began to wash his frontside. He blushed as he realised his sheath was swelling and he was showing pink, he started stroking his tailhole with his finger

Arca continued to wash as Sampson poked the finger into his anus.

The fox sniffed the air and turns around, his eyes widened as he saw what Sampson was doing to himself

the dog blushed "oh... I... um..."

Arca smiled "you want some help?"

"w..would you?"

the fox smirked and waved the dog over to him

Sampson eagerly swam over, his length sticking out of his sheath, he blushed as the fox groped him "what was that you asked for?"

"can you help me clean myself Arca?"

the fox lifted Sampson by his scruff and pushed and prodded at his tailhole, Sampson let out a moan as the fox leaned down and licked his tailhole, the dog rewarded the fox with lustful moans

the fox, pushed one finger into the dog, then another, "oh Arca..." the dog moaned "soon i'll be ready for you... take me this evening! I beg you!"

the fox simply growled in reply, the setting sun casting a sheen over his now majestic white fur. He then started scissoring his fingers

"please... i need you... all of it..." he moaned as his mate opened and closed his fingers

Arca pulled his hand out and pushed his mate onto the bank and kneels over top of him....

Sampson looked up at him happily, going to lick his muzzle "thank you Arca... thank you."

Arca growled in reply pushing his member into his tail gently growling holding himself back as his thighs and legs trembled, watching the german shepherd raise his rump towards him, listening to the dog moan gently to himself

the fox stopped at eight inches to let the dog adjust

the german shepherd winced, already spread quite a bit "i... i'm not sure i can take your knot..."

Arca started growling....his dom nature getting the better of him

Sampson whimpered gently "s...sorry..."

the fox started to pull back before thrusting forward harder then harder the dog could tell he was holding back

"thank you Arca!" the german shepherd tried to look happy as his tailhole was spread further

the fox continued to thrust into the dog's tail another tremble is felt going through his legs

"tie with me!" the dog cried "cum in me! Please..."

Arca whines and still holds back

"please! Fuck me like an animal In heat!"

Arca whined and refused

"you've got a monster of a cock! use it!" Sampson practically screamed

the fox suddenly started growling darkly, but his legs still held back to a point.

"hmm... I honestly expected more from you..." Sampson shook his head in pretend disappointment "you're big! You're strong! You're not supposed to be a whiny. Little. Runt! Im beginning to believe your a bitch in a males hide!"

something inside the fox snapped and he bit down on Sampson's scruff and started slamming his cock deep into the dog's ass

"oh! that's the way!" he closed his eyes as his tailhole, literally burned with pain

the fox thrusted even harder into the dog, his thrusts actually pushing the poor dog up the bank....he then slammed his knot into the dog's slightly less tight tailhole which quickly expanded as he howled into his scruff and filled the german shepherd

with seed

the dog buried his face in the bank and cried as he was filled, whimpering gently "thank you... thank you..."

Arca carried the dog to the water to wash the bloody cum from hi butt fur, bringing whimpers from the dog as the cold water lapped against him "it hurts!"

the fox leaned in close and growled into the dog's ear "you're mine pup... forever..."